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Hiroshi Takeda 《Icarus》1979,40(3):455-470
A Howardite parent body is a Vesta-like hypothetical asteroid composed of diogenites, eucrites, and howardites (polymict breccias of various diogenites and eucrites). Combined single-crystal X-ray diffraction and microprobe studies of their pyroxenes indicate that their exsolution and inversion textures vary systematically with respect to their crystallization trend deduced from their Mg and Ca concentrations. Mg-Rich, early crystallized (presumably deep-seated) members revealed slowly cooled textures, except Mg-Rich pyroxene fragments in eucritic polymict breccias. Present study of such pyroxenes in Yamato-74450 and -75015 found in Antarctica confirmed that they were originally cores of the very rapidly cooled Pasamonte-like pigeonites. Based on these data, we reconstructed a layered-crust model from bottom to top as: (A) Mg-rich diogenite layer with orthopyroxenes with or without exsolution lamellae of augite with common (100) plane; (B) Fe-rich diogenite layer with inverted low-Ca pigeonites and orthopyroxenes; (C) cumulate eucrite layer with low-Ca inverted pigeonites with blebby augite inclusions with (100) in common generally, and plagioclase (Binda is the most Mg-rich member of this layer); (D) Moore County-like layer with partially inverted pigeonites with (001) augite lamellae and plagioclase; (E) common eucrite layer with the Juvinas-like pigeonites with fine (001) augite lamellae and plagiocalse; (F) surface eucrite layer with the Pasamonte-like pigeonites which are chemically zoned.  相似文献   

Ordinary chondrite meteorites contain silicates, Fe,Ni‐metal grains, and troilite (FeS). Conjoined metal‐troilite grains would be the first phase to melt during radiogenic heating in the parent body, if temperatures reached over approximately 910–960 °C (the Fe,Ni‐FeS eutectic). On the basis of two‐pyroxene thermometry of 13 ordinary chondrites, we argue that peak temperatures in some type 6 chondrites exceeded the Fe,Ni‐FeS eutectic and thus conjoined metal‐troilite grains would have begun to melt. Melting reactions consume energy, so thermal models were constructed to investigate the effect of melting on the thermal history of the H, L, and LL parent asteroids. We constrained the models by finding the proportions of conjoined metal‐troilite grains in ordinary chondrites using high‐resolution X‐ray computed tomography. The models show that metal‐troilite melting causes thermal buffering and inhibits the onset of silicate melting. Compared with models that ignore the effect of melting, our models predict longer cooling histories for the asteroids and accretion times that are earlier by 61, 124, or 113 kyr for the H, L, and LL asteroids, respectively. Because the Ni/Fe ratio of the metal and the bulk troilite/metal ratio is higher in L and LL chondrites than H chondrites, thermal buffering has the greatest effect in models for the L and LL chondrite parent bodies, and least effect for the H chondrite parent. Metal‐troilite melting is also relevant to models of primitive achondrite parent bodies, particularly those that underwent only low degrees of silicate partial melting. Thermal models can predict proportions of petrologic types formed within an asteroid, but are systematically different from the statistics of meteorite collections. A sampling bias is interpreted to explain these differences.  相似文献   

Frans J.M. Rietmeijer 《Icarus》2011,211(2):948-959
Chondrite aggregate interplanetary dust particle IDP L2011K7, collected in the Earth’s lower stratosphere, is an agglomerate of diopside, Mg,Fe-olivine, rare Fe-sulfide and abundant amorphous Mg,Fe-silicates. The overwhelming majority of amorphous silicates have a serpentine-dehydroxylate [(Mg,Fe)3Si2O7] composition; a few have a smectite-dehydroxylate [(Mg,Fe)6Si8O22] composition. The cation ratios of the amorphous silicates are notably identical to those of serpentine and smectite phyllosilicates. This paper follows the chronological changes in the amorphous silicates that include (1) formation of nanometer scale crystalline silicates (Mg,Fe-olivine and pyroxene), (2) partial hydration and formation of antigorite-serpentine proto-phyllosilicates, (3) partial dehydration of these proto-phyllosilicates, and finally oxidation and Fe-oxide formation by flash heating during atmospheric entry. Environmental conditions capable of driving these changes in the diffuse interstellar medium or solar nebula, in a comet nucleus, or in circumsolar orbit as a cometary meteoroid were marginal at best. These changes could only proceed because of the unique amorphous silicate compositions. While this study cannot make a firm statement about an interstellar or solar nebula origin for its amorphous silicates that are irradiation-induced olivine, this study does find that amorphous silicates with serpentine and (rare) smectite compositions are an important fraction of the amorphous silicates in comets in addition to amorphous olivine and pyroxene. It is noted that an ice and water-free, millimeter-scale, structurally coherent crumb would be an ample ‘microenvironment’ to evolve micrometer-scale dust. After all IDP L2011K7 only measures 22 × 17 μm.  相似文献   

Abstract— Geothermometry based on the compositions of clinopyroxenes in type 6 and 7 LL chondrites gives coherent results, but the estimated temperatures from coexisting orthopyroxenes are consistently lower than for clinopyroxenes. Orthopyroxene thermometry is suspect because of compositional effects of polymorphic inversions and/or unknown kinetic factors. Lack of clinopyroxene equilibration precludes accurate estimation of peak metamorphic temperatures for type 4 and 5 chondrites. There is no apparent correlation between Al content (a pressure-dependent variable) and equilibration temperature in chondritic pyroxenes. This finding, which is at variance with a previously published conclusion that temperature and pressure are correlated in metamorphosed chondrites, may have important implications for asteroid thermal models.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present a petrographic and petrologic analysis of 21 olivine‐pigeonite ureilites, along with new experimental results on melt compositions predicted to be in equilibrium with ureilite compositions. We conclude that these ureilites are the residues of a partial melting/smelting event. Textural evidence preserved in olivine and pigeonite record the extent of primary smelting. In pigeonite cores, we observe fine trains of iron metal inclusions that formed by the reduction of olivine to pigeonite and metal during primary smelting. Olivine cores lack metal inclusions but the outer grain boundaries are variably reduced by a late‐stage reduction event. The modal proportion of pigeonite and percentage of olivine affected by late stage reduction are inversely related and provide an estimation of the degree of primary smelting during ureilite petrogenesis. In our sample suite, this correlation holds for 16 of the 21 samples examined. Olivine‐pigeonite‐liquid phase equilibrium constraints are used to obtain temperature estimates for the ureilite samples examined. Inferred smelting temperatures range from ~1150°C to just over 1300°C and span the range of estimates published for ureilites containing two or more pyroxenes. Temperature is also positively correlated with modal percent pigeonite. Smelting temperature is inversely correlated with smelting depth—the hottest olivine‐pigeonite ureilites coming from the shallowest depth in the ureilite parent body. The highest temperature samples also have oxygen isotopic signatures that fall toward the refractory inclusion‐rich end of the carbonaceous chondrite‐anhydrous mineral (CCAM) slope 1 mixing line. These temperature‐depth variations in the ureilite parent body could have been created by a heterogeneous distribution of heat producing elements, which would indicate that isotopic heterogeneities existed in the material from which the ureilite parent body was assembled.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal processing on planetesimals in the early solar system produced new mineral phases, including those generated by the transformation of anhydrous silicates into their hydrated counterparts. Carbonaceous chondrites represent tangible remnants of such alteration products. Lithium isotopes are known to be responsive to aqueous alteration, yet previously recognized variability within whole rock samples from the same meteorite appears to complicate the use of these isotopes as indicators of processing by water. We demonstrate a new way to use lithium isotopes that reflects aqueous alteration in carbonaceous chondrites. Temperature appears to exert a control on the production of acetic acid‐soluble phases, such as carbonates and poorly crystalline Fe‐oxyhydroxides. Temperature and degree of water‐rock interaction determines the amount of lithium isotope fractionation expressed as the difference between whole rock and acetic acid‐leachable fractions. Using these features, the type 1 chondrite Orgueil (δ7Li(whole rock) = 4.3‰; Δ7Li(acetic‐whole) = 1.2‰) can be distinguished from the type 2 chondrites Murchison (δ7Li(whole rock) = 3.8; Δ7Li(acetic‐whole) = 8.8‰) and carbonate‐poor Tagish Lake (δ7Li(whole rock) = 4.3; Δ7Li(acetic‐whole) = 9.4‰). This initial study suggests that lithium isotopes have the potential to reveal the role of liquid water in the early solar system.  相似文献   

Dynamic environment near heterogeneous asteroids is worth studying since many small bodies have varied internal structures. In this paper, we investigated the effect of temporary resonance with the heterogeneous Itokawa. Zero-power curves divide the space into four regions. The test particle experiences orbital energy-enhancing in the Region I and Region III, but receding in the Region II and Region IV. Moreover, there are differences in zero-power curves between the heterogeneous and homogeneous cases. The absolute values of gravity power in the gravitational field of heterogeneous Itokawa are more significant than those of the homogeneous one. It means the particle suffers from stronger energy change near the heterogeneous body. Numerical simulations conducted in Region II and Region III verify the difference. Thus, vicinal ejecta is easier to run away from a heterogeneous Itokawa, which may lead to a more frequent exchange of materials on the surface. These results give a better understanding of dust’s motion near a heterogeneous body. Moreover, the performance of temporary resonance near a heterogeneous body might serve as a guiding principle for probe orbiting an asteroid with a varied internal structure.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of comet 81P/Wild 2 particles, collected in aerogel by the Stardust mission, has been determined using synchrotron Fe‐K X‐ray absorption spectroscopy with in situ transmission XRD and X‐ray fluorescence, plus complementary microRaman analyses. Our investigation focuses on the terminal grains of eight Stardust tracks: C2112,4,170,0,0; C2045,2,176,0,0; C2045,3,177,0,0; C2045,4,178,0,0; C2065,4,187,0,0; C2098,4,188,0,0; C2119,4,189,0,0; and C2119,5,190,0,0. Three terminal grains have been identified as near pure magnetite Fe3O4. The presence of magnetite shows affinities between the Wild 2 mineral assemblage and carbonaceous chondrites, and probably resulted from hydrothermal alteration of the coexisting FeNi and ferromagnesian silicates in the cometary parent body. In order to further explore this hypothesis, powdered material from a CR2 meteorite (NWA 10256) was shot into the aerogel at 6.1 km s?1, using a light‐gas gun, and keystones were then prepared in the same way as the Stardust keystones. Using similar analysis techniques to the eight Stardust tracks, a CR2 magnetite terminal grain establishes the likelihood of preserving magnetite during capture in silica aerogel.  相似文献   

A new model of the sublimation of volatile ices from a cometary nucleus has been developed which includes the effects of diurnal heating and cooling, rotation period and pole orientation, and thermal properties of the ice and subsurface layers. The model also includes the contribution from coma opacity, scattering, and thermal emission, where the properties of the coma are derived from the integrated rate of volatile production by the nucleus. The model is applied to the specific case of the 1986 apparition of Halley's comet. It is found that the generation of a cometary dust coma actually increases the total energy reaching the Halley nucleus. This results because of the significantly greater geometrical cross section of the coma as compared with the bare nucleus, and because the coma provides an essentially isotropic source of multiply scattered sunlight and thermal emission over the entire nucleus surface. For Halley, the calculated coma opacity is approximately 0.2 at 1 AU from the Sun, and 1.2 at perihelion (0.587 AU). At 1 AU this has little effect on dayside temperatures (maximum ≈200°K) but raises nightside temperatures (minimum ≈150°K) by about 40°K. At perihelion the higher opacity results in a nearly isothermal nucleus with only small diurnal and latitudinal temperature variations. The general surface temperature is 205°K with a maximum of 209°K at local noon on the equator. Some possible consequences of the results with respect to the generation of nongravitational forces, observed volatile production rates for comets, and cometary lifetimes against sublimation are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of solar radiation on the near-term rotation rate of Asteroid Itokawa via the YORP effect is predicted using the detailed shape model, rotation pole, mass estimate, and optical properties derived from the Hayabusa mission to Itokawa. Based on these estimates Itokawa is decelerating at a rate which will halve its rotation rate in only 50-90 thousand years, a large deceleration that should be detectable in a future appartion. The implications of such a large deceleration for Itokawa's past history are discussed and related to possible seismic shaking.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 869 is the largest sample of chondritic regolith breccia, making it an ideal source for research on accretionary processes and primordial chemical mixing. One such process can be seen in detail through the first identification of a eucrite impactor clast in an L chondrite breccia. The ~7 mm diameter clast has oxygen isotope compositions (Δ17O = ?0.240, ?0.258‰) and pigeonite and augite compositions typical for eucrites, but with high areal abundance of silica (9.5%) and ilmenite (1.5%). The rim around the clast is a mixture of breccia and igneous phases, the latter due to either impactor‐triggered melting or later metamorphism. The rim has an oxygen isotope composition falling on a mixing line between known eucrite and L chondrite compositions (Δ17O = 0.326‰) and, coincidentally, on the Mars fractionation line. Pyroxene grains from the melt component in the rim have compositions that fall on a mixing line between the average eucrite pyroxene composition and equilibrated L chondrite composition. The margins of chondritic olivine crystal clasts in the rim are enriched in Fe as a result of diffusion from the Fe‐rich melt and suggest cooling on the scale of hours. The textures and chemical mixing observed provide evidence for an unconsolidated L chondrite target material, differing from the current state of NWA 869 material. The heterogeneity of oxygen isotope and chemical signatures at this small length scale serve as a cautionary note when extrapolating from small volumes of materials to deduce planetesimal source characteristics.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large hand sample and numerous polished thin sections, made from the hand sample, of the Kapoeta howardite and its many diverse lithic clasts were studied in detail by optical microscopy and electron microprobe techniques in an attempt to understand the surface processes that operated on the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) parent body (most likely the asteroid 4 Vesta). Four unique, unusually large clasts, designated A (mafic breccia), B (granoblastic eucrite), D (howardite) and H (melt-coated breccia), were selected for detailed study (modal analysis, mineral microprobe analysis, and noble gas measurements). Petrographic studies reveal that Kapoeta consists of a fine-grained matrix made mostly of minute pyroxene and plagioclase fragments, into which are embedded numerous different lithic and mineral clasts of highly variable sizes. The lithic clasts include pyroxene-plagioclase (eucrite), orthopyroxenite (diogenite), howardite, impact-melt, metal-sulfide-rich, and carbonaceous chondrite clasts. The howardite clasts include examples of lithic clasts that constitute breccias-within-breccias, suggesting that at least two regolith generations are represented in the Kapoeta sample we studied. The clast assemblage suggests that repeated shock lithification was an important process during regolith evolution. Noble gas analyses of clast samples fall into two populations: (a) solar-gas-rich clasts H (rim only) and D and (b) clasts A and B, which are essentially free of solar gases. The concentrations of solar noble gases in the two matrix samples differ by a factor of ~40. It appears that clast D is a true regolith breccia within the Kapoeta howardite (breccia-within-breccia), while clast H is a regolith breccia that has been significantly impact reworked. Our data indicate that the Kapoeta howardite is an extraordinarily heterogeneous rock in modal mineral and lithic clast abundances, grain size distributions, solar-wind noble gas concentrations and cosmic-ray exposure ages. These results illustrate the repetitive nature of impact comminution and lithification in the regolith of the HED parent body.  相似文献   

The NEAR mission to 433 Eros provided detailed data on the geology, mineralogy, and chemistry of this S-class asteroid [McCoy, T.J., Robinson, M.S., Nittler, L.R., Burbine, T.H., 2002. Chem. Erde 62, 89-121; Cheng, A.F., 1997. Space Sci. Rev. 82, 3-29] with a key science goal of understanding the relationship between asteroids and meteorites [Cheng, A.F., 1997. Space Sci. Rev. 82, 3-29; Gaffey, M.J., Burbine, T.H., Piatek, J.L., Reed, K.L., Chaky, D.A., Bell, J.F., Brown, R.H., 1993a. Icarus 106, 573-602]. Previously reported major element data revealed a bulk surface similar to that of ordinary chondrites, with the notable exception of sulfur, which was highly depleted [Trombka, J.I., and 23 colleagues, 2000. Science 289, 2101-2105; Nittler, L.R., and 14 colleagues, 2001. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 36, 1673-1695]. The origin of this sulfur deficiency, and hence the fundamental nature of the asteroid's surface, has remained controversial. We report a new analysis of NEAR X-ray spectrometer data, indicating that Eros has Cr/Fe, Mn/Fe, and Ni/Fe ratios similar to ordinary chondrite meteorites of type LL or L. Chondritic levels of Cr, Mn, and Ni argue strongly against a partial melting explanation for the sulfur depletion. Instead, our results provide definitive evidence that Eros is a primitive body with composition and mineralogy similar to ordinary chondrites, but with a surface heavily modified by interactions with the solar wind and micrometeorites, processes collectively termed space weathering.  相似文献   

The near-Earth Asteroid 25143 Itokawa, the target of the Japanese space mission Hayabusa, was observed in June, 2004 with the Torino photopolarimeter attached at the 2.15 m telescope of the El Leoncito Observatory (Argentina). The degree of linear polarization in five colors was measured over a wide range of phase angles, between 40° and 80°. The data obtained are sufficient to derive an estimate of the asteroid's albedo of 0.24±0.01, which is in good agreement with the S-type taxonomic classification of this object. The phase-polarization curve has been sampled in UBVRI colors, covering a wide range of phase angles that cannot be reached by Earth-based observations of Main Belt asteroids.  相似文献   

On the sub-kilometer S-type asteroid, 25143 Itokawa, some boulders on rough terrains seem to be exposed without any powdery material covering. Based on surface morphological features, there are two major types of boulders: one has rounded edges and corners (rounded boulders), while the other has angular edges and corners (angular boulders). The surface features of the rounded boulders suggest that they have hardness heterogeneity and that some may be breccias. The angular boulders appear to be more resistant to impact disruption than the rounded ones, which may be due to a difference in lithology. The major constituents of Itokawa may be LL chondrite-like brecciated lithology (rounded boulders) along with a remarkable number of boulders suggesting that lithology is atypical among LL chondrites (angular boulders). Some of both types of boulders contain intersecting and stepped planar foliations. Comparison with meteorite ALH76009 suggests that the planar foliations may be marks where rocks were torn apart. As lithified breccias cannot be formed on present-day sub-kilometer-sized Itokawa, it is reasonable that boulders with various lithologies on Itokawa were formed on its large ancestor(s). The rubble-pile structure of Itokawa suggested by its low density (∼1.9 g/cm3) indicates that boulders on Itokawa are reassembled fragments formed by catastrophic disruption of large ancestor(s).  相似文献   

Abstract— If Vesta is the parent body of the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites, then geo-chemical and petrologic constraints for the meteorites may be used in conjunction with astronomical constraints for the size and mass of Vesta to (1) determine the size of a possible metal core in Vesta and (2) model the igneous differentiation and internal structure of Vesta. The density of Vesta and petrologic models for HED meteorites together suggest that the amount of metal in the parent body is <25 mass%, with a best estimate of ~5%, assuming no porosity. For a porosity of up to 5% in the silicate fraction of the asteroid, the permissible metal content is <30%. These results suggest that any metal core in the HED parent body and Vesta is not unusually large. A variety of geochemical and other data for HED meteorites are consistent with the idea that they originated in a magma ocean. It appears that diogenites formed by crystal accumulation in a magma ocean cumulate pile and that most noncumulate eucrites (excepting such eucrites as Bouvante and Statinem) formed by subsequent crystallization of the residual melts. Modelling results suggest that the HED parent body is enriched in rare earth elements by a factor of ~2.5–3.5 relative to CI-chondrites and that it has approximately chondritic Mg/Si and Al/Sc ratios. Stokes settling calculations for a Vesta-wide, nonturbulent magma ocean suggest that early-crystallizing magnesian olivine, orthopyroxene, and pigeonite would have settled relatively quickly, permitting fractional crystallization to occur, but that later-crystallizing phases would have settled (or floated) an order of magnitude more slowly, allowing, instead, a closer approach to equilibrium crystallization for the more evolved (eucritic) melts. This would have inhibited the formation of a plagioclase-flotation crust on Vesta. Plausible models for the interior of Vesta, which are consistent with the data for HED meteorites and Vesta, include a metal core (<130 km radius), an olivine-rich mantle (~65–220 km thick), a lower crustal unit (~12–43 km thick) composed of pyroxenite, from which diogenites were derived, and an upper crustal unit (~23–42 km thick), from which eucrites originated. The present shape of Vesta (with ~60 km difference in the maximum and minimum radius) suggests that all of the crustal materials, and possibly some of the underlying olivine from the mantle, could have been locally excavated or exposed by impact cratering.  相似文献   

Abstract— Previous studies have shown that the Kapoeta howardite, as well as several other meteorites, contains excess concentrations of cosmogenic Ne in the darkened, solar-irradiated phase compared to the light, non-irradiated phase. The two explanations offered for the nuclear production of these Ne excesses in the parent body regolith are either from galactic cosmic-ray proton (GCR) irradiation or from a greatly enhanced flux of energetic solar “cosmic-ray” protons (SCR), as compared to the recent solar flux. Combining new isotopic data we obtained on acid-etched, separated feldspar from Kapoeta light and dark phases with literature data, we show that the cosmogenic 21Ne/22Ne ratio of light phase feldspar (0.80) is consistent with only GCR irradiation in space for ~3 Ma. However, the 21Ne/22Ne ratio (0.68) derived for irradiation of dark phase feldspar in the Kapoeta regolith indicates that cosmogenic Ne was produced in roughly equal proportions from galactic and solar protons. Considering a simple model of an immature Kapoeta parent body regolith, the duration of this early galactic exposure was only ~3–6 Ma, which would be an upper limit to the solar exposure time of individual grains. Concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne in pyroxene separates and of cosmogenic 126Xe in both feldspar and pyroxene are consistent with this interpretation. The near-surface irradiation time of individual grains in the Kapoeta regolith probably varied considerably due to regolith mixing to an average GCR irradiation depth of ~10 cm. Because of the very different depth scales for production of solar ~Fe tracks, SCR Ne, and GCR Ne, the actual regolith exposure times for average grains probably differed correspondingly. However, both the SCR 21Ne and solar track ages appear to be longer because of enhanced production by early solar activity. The SCR/GCR production ratio of 21Ne inferred from the Kapoeta data is larger by a at least a factor of 10 and possibly as much as a factor of ~50 compared to recent solar particle fluxes. Thus, this study indicates that our early Sun was much more active and emitted a substantially higher flux of energetic (>10 MeV/nucleon) protons.  相似文献   

Abstract— Diogenites are recognized as a major constituent of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorite group. Recently, several papers (Mittlefehldt, 1994; Fowler et al, 1994, 1995) have identified trace-element systematics in diogenites that appeared to mimic simple magmatic processes that involved large degrees of crystallization (up to 95% orthopyroxene) of basalt with extremely high normative hypersthene. Such a crystallization scenario linking all the diogenites is highly unlikely. The purpose of this study is to explore other possible models relating the diogenites. Computational major-element melting models of a variety of different potential bulk compositions for the eucrite parent body (EPB) mantle indicate that these compositions show a similar sequence in residuum mineral assemblage with increasing degrees of partial melting. Numerous bulk compositions would produce melts with Mg# appropriate for diogenitic parent magmas at low to moderate degrees of partial melting (15% to 30%). These calculations also show that melts with similar Mg# and variable incompatible element concentrations may be produced during small to moderate degrees of EPB mantle melting. The trace-element characteristic of the orthopyroxene in diogenites does not support a model for large amounts of fractional crystallization of a single “hypersthene normative” basaltic magma following either small-scale or large-scale EPB mantle melting. Small degrees of fractional crystallization of a series of distinct basaltic magmas are much more likely. Only two melting models that we considered hold any promise for producing different batches of “diogenitic magmas.” The first model involves the fractional melting of a homogeneous source that produces parental magmas to diogenites with an extensive range of incompatible elements and limited variations in Mg#. There are several requirements for this model to work. The first requirement of this model is that the Dorthopyroxene/melt must change during melting or crystallization to compress the range of incompatible elements in the calculated diogenitic magmas. The second prerequisite is that either some of the calculated diogenitic magmas are parental to eucrites or the Mg# in diogenitic magmas are influenced by slight changes in oxygen fugacity during partial melting. The second model involves batch melting of a source that reflects accretional heterogeneities capable of generating diogenitic magmas with the calculated Mg# and incompatible element contents. Both of these models require small to moderate degrees of partial melting that may limit the efficiency of core separation.  相似文献   

Planetary bodies a few hundred kilometers in radii are the precursors to larger planets but it is unclear whether these bodies themselves formed very rapidly or accreted slowly over several millions of years. Ordinary H chondrite meteorites provide an opportunity to investigate the accretion time scale of a small planetary body given that variable degrees of thermal metamorphism present in H chondrites provide a proxy for their stratigraphic depth and, therefore, relative accretion times. We exploit this feature to search for nucleosynthetic isotope variability of 54Cr, which is a sensitive tracer of spatial and temporal variations in the protoplanetary disk's solids, between 17 H chondrites covering all petrologic types to obtain clues about the parent body accretionary rate. We find no systematic variability in the mass‐biased corrected abundances of 53Cr or 54Cr outside of the analytical uncertainties, suggesting very rapid accretion of the H chondrite parent body consistent with turbulent accretion. By utilizing the μ54Cr–planetary mass relationship observed between inner solar system planetary bodies, we calculate that the H chondrite accretion occurred at 1.1 ± 0.4 or 1.8 ± 0.2 Myr after the formation of calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), assuming either the initial 26Al/27Al abundance of inner solar system solids determined from angrite meteorites or CAIs from CV chondrites, respectively. Notably, these ages are in agreement with age estimates based on the parent bodies’ thermal evolution when correcting these calculations to the same initial 26Al/27Al abundance, reinforcing the idea of a secular evolution in the isotopic composition of inner disk solids.  相似文献   

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