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Brian  Kensley 《Marine Ecology》1984,5(1):29-44
Abstract. The species composition and numbers of specimens of isopod crustaceans from the rubble of a Belizean reef crest were obtained. Four sets of 30 samples were taken from three rubble zones (rubble with algal turf, rubble between Thalassia plants, and pure rubble), in four different collecting periods. Twenty-four species of isopods were identified, sexed and counted. By means of a Likelihood Ratio Chi-square Contingency Table Analysis the presence of 13 species was shown to be positively correlated with habitat, 15 species with season, and nine species with habitat and season combined. From the spread of total numbers and of ovigerous females it is proposed that the isopods may be grouped into three patterns: a) those present and breeding in the reef crest rubble throughout the year, i. e. stress-tolerant species; b) those showing a breeding peak in summer and a population decrease in winter-spring, i. e. opportunist species; and c) those showing a breeding peak in the fall, and a second peak in spring, and a decrease or complete avoidance of the habitat, especially by ovigerous females, in the summer. The diversity of the Belizean reef crest isopod fauna is compared with the published report of the isopod fauna of a coral reef in Madagascar. Several similarities in composition are noted. The multiplicity of microhabitats is invoked as a possible explanation for the relatively high diversity of anthuridean isopods in coral reefs.  相似文献   

Abstract. Trichodesmium abundance and photosynthetic rates were determined across a transect of the Atlantic Barrier Reef at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize in May 1993 and May-June 1994. A fore reef station receiving oceanic water had a Trichodesmium abundance characteristic of the open Caribbean Sea (≤ 102 colonies m-3 and 104--105 trichomes m-3). Several species were present; however, in all cases a sharp decrease in abundance occurred across the reef to the coastal lagoon. At this latter site, virtually no Trichodesmium was present, although a substantial bloom of the diatom Proboscia alata occurred in 1994.
Maximum photosynthetic rates and the initial light-limited slope a were significantly lower in offshore stations than in reef top populations. The increased photosynthetic rates and light-harvesting ability in reef-top populations, as well as the lack of significant photoinhibition, indicated that the Trichodesmium abundance decrease was probably not due to a decline in photosynthetic capacity. Grazing and physical removal rather than a physiological decline were likely mechanisms operating to reduce Trichodesmium abundance in these regions. These data suggest that the Belizean barrier reef is a sink for Trichodesmium transported in from offshore regions.  相似文献   

Sponges are important components of coral reef fauna, although little is known of their temporal dynamics. Sponges dominate the lagoon system at Palmyra Atoll in the Central Pacific, which may not be its natural state. Here we examined the temporal variability and recruitment rates of these sponge assemblages to determine if they are stable and examined the evidence that a recent transition has occurred from a coral‐ to sponge‐dominated system. We found 24 sponge species in permanent quadrats in the lagoon between 2009 and 2011, and 11 species on our recruitment panels. The sponge assemblage composition and abundance did not vary significantly between years and appear stable. Many sponge recruits were found in both years that the panels were examined although higher rates were recorded in the second year of the study. While it seems very possible that a change to a sponge‐dominated lagoon is associated with declining environmental quality at Palmyra as a result of modifications over 70 years ago, without pre‐modification data on reef assemblage composition this remains speculative. Our observations of short‐term temporal stability in the sponge assemblages at Palmyra highlight the potential for sponge‐dominated reef states to be maintained in degraded reef environments that are seemingly unsuitable for coral survival.  相似文献   

于2018年8月对海南东、南海域展开断面调查研究,共获取了18个浮游动物样品,分析了浮游动物的种群分布和群落结构变化,旨在了解不同区域珊瑚礁生态系统的结构与功能。结果表明:海南东、南沿岸共鉴定浮游动物43属62种,浮游幼体23类,分为河口类群、暖水沿岸类群和暖水广布类群共三个生态类群,浮游动物种群组成以桡足类占优势,优势种以亚强次真哲水蚤(Subeucalanus subcrassus)、肥胖箭虫(Sagittaenflata)、异体住囊虫(Oikopleuradioica)、长尾类幼体(Macruralarva)、鱼卵(Fisheggs)、双生水母(Diphyeschamissonis)等种类组成。浮游动物个体丰度、物种丰富度和多样性指数等参数均存在区域性差异,整体呈现为三亚琼海文昌,湿重生物量则为琼海三亚文昌。总体而言,三亚珊瑚礁生态系统的健康状况整体优于文昌和琼海地区,浮游动物种类丰富度与多样性整体呈较高水平。  相似文献   

Caribbean coral reefs are under strong natural and human pressures and many have undergone phase shifts as a result of local and global change. However few studies have quantified the extent of these phase shifts and the potential impacts that they have on coral reef communities. A temporal comparative analysis of several coral reefscape and landscape metrics was conducted for data from Mahahual, Quintana Roo, Mexico, between the years 2000 and 2006, when a phase shift occurred. Landscape metrics were calculated from coral reef and coastal cover maps obtained by multispectral satellite image classification using IKONOS satellite imagery. These metrics showed that the coastal landscape and reefscape of Mahahual lost 85 ha of vegetation cover and 43 ha of coral cover over 6 years, respectively. Coastal landscape transformation was induced by the construction of a cruise ship pier and multiple associated tourist developments along the coast, such as hotels and restaurants, meanwhile alteration of the reefscape may be associated with potential stressors such as coastal development, bleaching events and hurricanes.  相似文献   

Very few coral reefs are located close enough to large cities to study the influence of large urban populations on reef assemblages. An exception is the Thousand Islands reef complex to the north of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and one of the largest conurbations in the world. Here we present data from a detailed survey where sponge assemblages were assessed at 30 patch reefs associated with islands in three coastal zones along an in-to-offshore gradient. Sponge assemblages are described at three taxonomic levels of detail (species, genus and family level). We recorded a total of 118 sponge species, 64 genera and 36 families, Aaptos suberitoides (Brønsted, 1934), Clathria (Thalysias) reinwardti (Vosmaer, 1880), Petrosia (Petrosia) nigricans (Lindgren, 1897) and Xestospongia testudinaria (Lamarck, 1813) were the most common species overall. There was a pronounced difference in composition among zones with the most distinct difference between the inshore zone and the other two zones. The inshore environment was characterised by very high turbidity and low live coral cover; the dominant substrate consisted of algal turf and sand. Environmental conditions improved and sponge diversity increased further offshore, although most areas appeared to have been affected by some form of disturbance. Ordinations were also largely congruent, at species, generic and family levels of taxonomic resolution. This indicates that variation in composition at higher taxonomic levels is a good indicator of variation at lower taxonomic levels, at least when there is a pronounced environmental gradient.  相似文献   

为探究人工鱼礁投放对威海小石岛附近海域渔获物种类组成、渔获量变化、渔获物结构特征的影响,作者于2012~2013年对威海小石岛人工鱼礁区及对照区的渔获物和环境因子进行了调查,并采用聚类分析、单因子相似性分析及相似性百分比分析对渔获物结构特征进行分析,采用典范对应分析(CCA)对礁区主要物种与环境因子的相关性进行分析。结果显示,南、北礁区地笼网调查到渔获物种类数量高于对照区,分别为24、31和18种。南、北礁区鱼类和甲壳类生物资源量高于对照区。南、北礁区全年资源量占优势的种类为日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)和大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii),对照区为海刺猬(Glyptocidaris crenularis)和大泷六线鱼。聚类分析和单因子相似性分析表明,渔获物组成结构在季节间差异显著(P0.05),在春季和夏季,人工鱼礁区渔获物组成结构和对照区差异显著(P0.05)。典范对应分析表明,水温、叶绿素a和溶解氧是影响礁区主要渔获物种类分布的主要环境因子。投放人工鱼礁改善了威海小石岛礁区水域的渔获物群落结构,并增加主要鱼类、甲壳类经济物种的渔获量。  相似文献   

There is at present a ‘coral reef crisis’; one of the more drastic consequences of this is a phase shift, in which reef‐building corals are replaced by non‐reef building benthos such as macroalgae and soft corals. Previous studies have principally focused on the shift to macroalgae. Our goal was to investigate whether the dominance of the zoanthid Epizoanthus gabrieli on some reefs of Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil, represented a non‐algal phase shift. In 2003, we identified a high cover of this species on two reefs (52% and 70%), but only in 2007 was it possible to confirm a reduction in coral cover. This dominance has persisted for over 9 years, characterizing a true phase shift. This loss of coral cover may be a result of anthropogenic disturbances within the bay; however, given the large number of human impacts, further studies are needed to identify specific causes of this shift. Although there are some reports of phase shift involving species pertaining to the Class Anthozoa, this is the first report of this phenomenon involving the order Zoanthidea.  相似文献   

渤海大型底栖动物种类组成与群落结构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用2008年8月在渤海23个站位采集的样品对大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量、群落结构及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究。共鉴定出大型底栖动物300种,主要类群包括环节动物多毛类、节肢动物甲壳类、软体动物、棘皮动物等。研究海域大型底栖动物的平均丰度为1 094.7ind/m2,平均生物量为11.78g/m2,其中丰度最高区位于辽东湾,最低区位于渤海湾;生物量最高区位于渤海中部,最低区出现在渤海海峡湾口处。依据丰度和生物量进行了CLUSTER聚类和MDS标序图分析,结果可将研究站位划分为6个站组,均与沉积物底质类型密切相关。所研究海域底质类型包括黏土质粉砂、砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂质砂、砂-粉砂-黏土5种。通过BIOENV分析,发现影响大型底栖动物群落结构和分布的主要环境因子有水深、黏土粉砂含量、脱镁叶绿酸含量、叶绿素含量等。与20世纪90年代历史数据的对比发现,本次研究大型底栖动物的物种数目明显减少,平均丰度也减少,特别是优势物种表现出了小型化趋势,传统的大型种类,如心形海胆、双壳类等,被小个体的多毛类和甲壳类所取代。本研究表明渤海近年来受人类活动影响,出现了不同程度的污染,导致大型底栖动物群落结构发生了变化。  相似文献   

根据2018年1月(冬季)、4月(春季)、7月(夏季)和11月(秋季)在宁德晴川湾海域浮游动物调查的4个航次数据,分析该海域水母群落结构和季节变化特征,讨论了水母对宁德晴川湾核电站安全生产潜在的风险。结果表明:宁德晴川湾海域水母类种类组成、丰度分布和优势种演替均存在季节变化,春、夏、秋、冬该海域水母种数分别为7种、16种、9种和3种,丰度均值分别为(45.48±8.24)个/m3、(50.26±12.13)个/m3、(3.68±1.91)个/m3和(0.18±0.07)个/m3,首要优势种分别为印度感棒水母(Laodicea indica)、球型侧腕水母(Pleurobrachia globosa)、双生水母(Diphyes chamissonis)和耳状囊水母(Euphysa aurata),优势种类组成季节演替明显。春季和夏季水母的丰度与浮游动物的总丰度呈极显著相关,在夏季其数量与浮游动物中的桡足类数量呈显著相关(p<0.05,R=0.363),秋季和冬季水母群落的丰度主要受盐度的影响。秋...  相似文献   

The Kermadec Islands Marine Reserve (KIMR), which is located at 30°S, is New Zealand's largest marine reserve at 748 000 ha, and its biota is composed of a mix of warm temperate, subtropical, and tropical species. A depth‐stratified ecological survey was conducted of the abundance and percentage cover of macrobenthic species and of the water column at two sites (Meyer Island and West Chanter Island), 2km apart. Significant differences in benthic community structure and in water column turbidity and chlorophyll concentrations were observed between the two sites despite their proximity and physical similarity. Compared with other “snapshot” surveys of benthic community structure at sites within the KIMR there was a high degree of similarity among the species observed, but often a low degree of similarity in species abundance or percentage cover as a function of depth. We suggest that despite its isolation and the degree of difficulty of working at this location, a full‐scale ecological survey of the coastal marine biota of the KIMR is warranted to better understand New Zealand's subtropical marine biota and its affinities with other marine biotas of the South Pacific.  相似文献   

赵珍  王宝杰  刘梅  蒋克勇  王雷 《海洋科学》2021,45(11):54-61
采用在模拟池塘中投放过硫酸氢钾复合物(KMPS)进行对比实验的方法,探究KMPS对养殖底质硝化作用的影响。通过对氨氮和亚硝态氮含量的检测,探究对不同时期氮素转化的影响,低频率高剂量投放组中的氨氮和亚硝态氮含量显著降低,而高频率低剂量组中氨氮和亚硝态氮的含量显著上升。高频率低剂量KMPS的投放使氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)丰度降低,而低频率高剂量KMPS的投放不会造成丰度降低,而且还表现出部分时期AOB丰度的上升。进一步对群落结构进行分析发现KMPS的投放使AOA群落中Nitrosopumilu属相对丰度降低,Nitrososphaera属的相对丰度上升,这种相对丰度的变化与KMPS的投放方式无关;但AOB群落受到KMPS投放方式的影响,低频率高剂量的KMPS投放下AOB群落优势属相对丰度显著提高。以上结果均说明低频率高剂量KMPS的投放起到了促进底质硝化作用的效果。同时,可为KMPS用于对虾养殖池塘底质改良开辟一个新的途径。  相似文献   

European intertidal salt marshes are important nursery sites for juvenile fish and crustaceans. Due to the increasing threat of habitat loss, the seasonal changes of salt marsh fish communities need to be understood in order to appreciate the ecological and economic importance of the saltmarsh habitat. This study was the first in Great Britain to investigate the seasonal changes of salt marsh fish communities and the variation in community structure between closely located marsh habitats. Between February 2007 and March 2008, five marshes on three estuaries of the Essex coastline were sampled using flume nets to block off intertidal creeks at high tide. Fourteen fish species were caught. The community overall was dominated by three species that made up 91.6% of the total catch: the common goby Pomatoschistus microps (46.2% of the total catch), juvenile herring Clupea harengus (24.3%), and juvenile and larval sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (21.2%). Cluster analysis demonstrated clear seasonal patterns, with some community structures unique to specific marshes or estuaries. The marsh fish community shifts from a highly diverse community during spring, to a community dominated by D. labrax and P. microps in autumn, and low diversity during winter months. Gravimetric stomach content analysis of fish community identified three main trophic guilds; macroinvertivores, planktivores and omnivores. The macroinvertivore feeding guild contained D. labrax and P. microps, the two most frequently occurring species. This investigation demonstrates the importance of British salt marshes as nursery habitats for commercial fish species.  相似文献   

Denitrification and anammox processes are major nitrogen removal processes in coastal ecosystems. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics and driving factors of the diversity and community structure of involved functional bacteria have not been well illustrated in coastal environments, especially in human-dominated ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the distributions of denitrifiers and anammox bacteria in the eutrophic Bohai Sea and the northern Yellow Sea of China in May and November of 2012 by constructing clone libraries employing nosZ and 16S rRNA gene biomarkers. The diversity of nosZ-denitrifier was much higher at the coastal sites compared with the central sites, but not significant among basins or seasons. Alphaproteobacteria were predominant and prevalent in the sediments, whereas Betaproteobacteria primarily occurred at the site near the Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary. Anammox bacteria Candidatus Scalindua was predominant in the sediments, and besides, Candidatus Brocadia and Candidatus Kuenenia were also detected at the site near the Huanghe River estuary that received strong riverine and anthropogenic impacts. Salinity was the most important in structuring communities of nosZ-denitrifier and anammox bacteria. Additionally, anthropogenic perturbations (e.g. nitrogen overloading and consequent high primary productivity, and heavy metal discharges) contributed significantly to shaping community structures of denitrifier and anammox bacteria, suggesting that anthropogenic activities would influence and even change the ecological function of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

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