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F.J. Ciesla 《Icarus》2010,208(1):455-467
Refractory objects such as Calcium, Aluminum-rich Inclusions, Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates, and crystalline silicates, are found in primitive bodies throughout our Solar System. It is believed that these objects formed in the hot, inner solar nebula and were redistributed during the mass and angular momentum transport that took place during its early evolution. The ages of these objects thus offer possible clues about the timing and duration of this transport. Here we study how the dynamics of these refractory objects in the evolving solar nebula affected the age distribution of the grains that were available to be incorporated into planetesimals throughout the Solar System. It is found that while the high temperatures and conditions needed to form these refractory objects may have persisted for millions of years, it is those objects that formed in the first 105 years that dominate (make up over 90%) those that survive throughout most of the nebula. This is due to two effects: (1) the largest numbers of refractory grains are formed at this time period, as the disk is rapidly drained of mass during subsequent evolution and (2) the initially rapid spreading of the disk due to angular momentum transport helps preserve this early generation of grains as opposed to later generations. This implies that most refractory objects found in meteorites and comets formed in the first 105 years after the nebula formed. As these objects contained live 26Al, this constrains the time when short-lived radionuclides were introduced to the Solar System to no later than 105 years after the nebula formed. Further, this implies that the t=0 as defined by meteoritic materials represents at most, the instant when the solar nebula finished accreting significant amounts of materials from its parent molecular cloud.  相似文献   

Abstract— We analyzed the Steinbach IVA stony‐iron meteorite using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), laser ablation inductively‐coupled‐plasma mass spectroscopy (LA‐ICP‐MS), and modeling techniques. Different and sometimes adjacent low‐Ca pyroxene grains have distinct compositions and evidently crystallized at different stages in a chemically evolving system prior to the solidification of metal and troilite. Early crystallizing pyroxene shows evidence for disequilibrium and formation under conditions of rapid cooling, producing clinobronzite and type 1 pyroxene rich in troilite and other inclusions. Subsequently, type 2 pyroxene crystallized over an extensive fractionation interval. Steinbach probably formed as a cumulate produced by extensive crystal fractionation (?60–70% fractional crystallization) from a high‐temperature (?1450–1490 °C) silicate‐metallic magma. The inferred composition of the precursor magma is best modeled as having formed by ≥30–50% silicate partial melting of a chondritic protolith. If this protolith was similar to an LL chondrite (as implied by O‐isotopic data), then olivine must have separated from the partial melt, and a substantial amount (?53–56%) of FeO must have been reduced in the silicate magma. A model of simultaneous endogenic heating and collisional disruption appears best able to explain the data for Steinbach and other IVA meteorites. Impact disruption occurred while the parent body was substantially molten, causing liquids to separate from solids and oxygen‐bearing gas to vent to space, leading to a molten metal‐rich body that was smaller than the original parent body and that solidified from the outside in. This model can simultaneously explain the characteristics of both stony‐iron and iron IVA meteorites, including the apparent correlation between metal composition and metallographic cooling rate observed for metal.  相似文献   

In this short paper we show that making turbulence two‐rather than three‐dimensional may increase the effective turbulent viscosity by about 40 %. Dimensionless hydrodynamical viscosity parameters up to αmax = 0.25 Mt2 may be obtained in this approach, which are in better agreement with the observational data on non‐stationary accretion than the values obtained in numerical simulations. However, the α ‐parameter values known from observations are still several times higher (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The 3:1 Kirkwood gap asteroids are a mineralogically diverse set of asteroids located in a region that delivers meteoroids into Earth-crossing orbits. Mineralogical characterizations of asteroids in/near the 3:1 Kirkwood Gap can be used as a tool to “map” conditions and processes in the early Solar System. The chronological studies of the meteorite types provide a “clock” for the relative timing of those events and processes. By identifying the source asteroids of particular meteorite types, the “map” and “clock” can be combined to provide a much more sophisticated understanding of the history and evolution of the late solar nebula and the early Solar System.A mineralogical assessment of seven 3:1 Kirkwood Gap asteroids has been carried out using near-infrared spectral data obtained over the years 2006–2009 combined with visible spectral data (when available) to cover the spectral interval of 0.4–2.5 μm. We explore the diversity, uniqueness, and possible links between the asteroids (198) Ampella, (329) Svea, (495) Eulalia, (556) Phyllis, (623) Chimaera, (908) Buda, and (1772) Gagarin, which are located adjacent to the 3:1 resonance, and the meteorite types in the terrestrial collections.  相似文献   

Chromium isotopic data of physically separated components (chondrules, CAIs, variably magnetic size fractions) of the carbonaceous chondrites Allende and Murchison and bulk rock data of Allende, Ivuna, and Orgueil are reported to evaluate the origin of isotopic heterogeneity in these meteorites. Allende components show ε53Cr and ε54Cr from ?0.23 ± 0.07 to 0.37 ± 0.05 and from ?0.43 ± 0.08 to 3.7 ± 0.1, respectively. In components of Murchison, ε53Cr and ε54Cr vary from ?0.06 ± 0.08 to 0.5 ± 0.1 and from 0.7 ± 0.2 to 1.7 ± 0.1, respectively. The non‐systematic variations of ε53Cr and 55Mn/52Cr in the components of Allende and Murchison were likely caused by small‐scale, alteration‐related redistribution of Mn >20 Ma after formation of the solar system. Chondrule fractions show the lowest 55Mn/52Cr and ε54Cr values of all components, consistent with evaporation of Mn and ε54Cr‐rich carrier phases from chondrule precursors. Components other than the chondrules show higher Mn/Cr and ε54Cr, suggestive of chemical and isotopic complementarity between chondrules and matrix‐rich fractions. Bulk rock compositions calculated based on weighted compositions of components agree with measured Cr isotope data of bulk rocks, in spite of the Cr isotopic heterogeneity reported by the present and previous studies. This indicates that on a sampling scale comprising several hundred milligrams, these meteorites sampled isotopically and chemically homogeneous nebular reservoirs. The linear correlation of 55Mn/52Cr with ε53Cr in bulk rocks likely was caused by variable fractionation of Mn/Cr, subsequent mixing of phases in nebular domains, and radiogenic ingrowth of 53Cr.  相似文献   

Abstract Solar noble gases He, Ne, Ar and Kr implanted in the H3–6 meteorite regolith breccia Acfer 111 agree in their elemental composition with that in present-day solar wind and, except for a 25% deficit of 4He, also with adopted solar abundances. The presence of such unfractionated solar gases makes Acfer 111 unique (until now). Closed system stepped etching releases noble gases that can be explained as mixtures of two distinct types of He, Ne, and Kr of isotopic compositions as they have been derived previously from meteorites and lunar samples that contain heavily fractionated solar gases. Since the same putative end members, ascribed to the solar wind (SW) and supra-thermal solar energetic particles (SEP), are also present in Acfer 111, we argue that these end members represent two truly independent components. We discount the possibility that one isotopic composition derived from the other by diffusion of the gases within, or upon their release from, their host phases. The isotopic signatures of noble gases in Acfer 111 agree with those in a lunar ilmenite of young antiquity ?100 Ma) but are in disagreement with the noble gases in lunar ilmenite 79035 of 1–2 Ga antiquity. Systematic changes are discussed of the nuclide abundance ratios as etching proceeds; they are ascribed to differences in trapping efficiency and in penetration depth of the different noble gas ion species upon their implantation.  相似文献   

Abstract— We describe results of 32 N‐body planetary accretion simulations that investigate the dependence of terrestrial‐planet formation on nebula surface density profile σ and evolution of the eccentricities of Jupiter and Saturn ej,s. Two surface density profiles are examined: a decaying profile with σ ∝ 1/a, where a is orbital semi‐major axis, and a peaked profile in which σ increases for a < 2 AU and decreases for a > 2 AU. The peaked profiles are generated by models of coagulation in an initially hot nebula. Models with initial ej,s = 0.05 (the current value) and 0.1 are considered. Simulations using the decaying profile with ej,s = 0.1 produce systems most like the observed planets in terms of mass‐weighted mean a and the absence of a planet in the asteroid belt. Simulations with doubled σ produce planets roughly twice as massive as the nominal case. Most initial embryos are removed in each simulation via ejection from the solar system or collision with the Sun. The asteroid belt is almost entirely cleared on a timescale of 10–100 Ma that depends sensitively on ej,s. Most initial mass with a < 2 AU survives, with the degree of mass loss increasing with a. Mass loss from the terrestrial region occurs on a timescale that is long compared to the mass loss time for the asteroid belt. Substantial radial mixing of material occurs in all simulations, but is greater in simulations with initital ej,s = 0.05. The degree of mixing is equivalent to a feeding zone of half width 1.5 and 0.9 AU for an Earth mass planet at 1 AU for the cases ej,s = 0.05 and 0.1, respectively. In simulations with ej,s = 0.05, roughly one‐third and 5–10% of the mass contained in final terrestrial planets originated in the region a > 2.5 AU for the decaying and peaked profiles, respectively. In the case ej,s = 0.1, the median mass accreted from a > 2.5 AU is zero for both profiles.  相似文献   

We have constructed a model of the solar nebula that allows for the temperature and pressure distributions at various stages of its evolution to be calculated. The mass flux from the accretion envelope to the disk and from the disk to the Sun, the turbulent viscosity parameter α, the opacity of the disk material, and the initial angular momentum of the protosun are the input model parameters that are varied. We also take into account the changes in the luminosity and radius of the young Sun. The input model parameters are based mostly on data obtained from observations of young solar-type stars with disks. To correct the input parameters, we use the mass and chemical composition of Jupiter, as well as models of its internal structure and formation that allow constraints to be imposed on the temperature and surface density of the protoplanetary disk in Jupiter’s formation zone. Given the derived constraints on the input parameters, we have calculated models of the solar nebula at successive stages of its evolution: the formation inside the accretion envelope, the evolution around the young Sun going through the T Tauri stage, and the formation and compaction of a thin dust layer (subdisk) in the disk midplane. We have found the following evolutionary trend: an increase in the temperature of the disk at the stage of its formation, cooling at the T Tauri stage, and the subsequent internal heating of the dust subdisk by turbulence dissipation that causes a temperature rise in the formation zone of the terrestrial planets at the high subdisk density and the opacity in this zone. We have obtained the probable ranges of temperatures in the disk midplane, i.e., the temperatures of the protoplanetary material in the formation region of the terrestrial planets at the initial stage of their formation.  相似文献   

G.P. Horedt 《Icarus》1980,43(2):215-221
Accretional energy can be retained with sufficient efficiency in the outer layers of the Moon due to the considerable amount of debris falling back into large craters.Heating of meteorite parent bodies occurs mainly after their accretion, by destructive collisions. The heating was generally not sufficient to differentiate the parent bodies completely so that iron meteorites would originate from the mantle, rather than from the core of a meteorite parent body. Assuming that the Earth and Moon accreted from material of similar chemical composition, we suggest that only from the outer lunar shell is there a loss of gases and volatiles due to accretional melting. The Earth melted completely and degassing was efficient for the whole mass of the Earth leading to its ≈20% higher uncompressed mean density in comparison to the Moon. Because of its lower gravitational field, gases and volatiles escaped much more easily from the lunar atmosphere than from the terrestrial one, leading to the observed depletion in volatiles of the outer parts of the Moon.  相似文献   

Tuite is a high‐pressure γ‐form of Ca3(PO4)2. An occurrence of tuite partly transformed from merrillite and chlorapatite was observed in the chondritic area adjacent to the shock veins in the Suizhou meteorite. Tuite grains are found in contact with both merrillite and chlorapatite, indicating two different transformation pathways. Tuite isochemically transformed from merrillite contains much higher contents of Na2O and MgO than those transformed from chlorapatite. Tuite transformed from merrillite does not contain Cl, but tuite transformed from chlorapatite contains 1.90–3.91 wt% of Cl, hence indicating an incomplete phase transformation from chlorapatite to tuite. P‐T conditions of above 12 GPa and 1100 °C are probably required for the transformation from merrillite and chlorapatite to tuite. A temperature gradient from the hot vein at 2000 °C to the surrounding chondritic area at 1000 °C corresponds to the partial phase transitions in the Suizhou phosphates. Fast cooling of the thin shock veins plays a key role in the preservation of phosphates that suffered partial high‐pressure phase transformation.  相似文献   

Calculation of the ionization state and consequent magnetic Reynolds number for the solar nebula shows that the presence of26Al will result in strong coupling of the gas to magnetic fields. In the absence of26Al,40K will still result in substantial ionization, but the degree of magnetic coupling is much more model dependent.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 7, 1978.also Department of Astronomy.  相似文献   

Abstract— Recent results of isotopic dating studies (182Hf‐182W, 26Al‐26Mg) and the increasing number of observed igneous and metamorphosed fragments in (primitive) chondrites provide strong evidence that accretion of differentiated planetesimals predates that of primitive chondrite parent bodies. The primitive chondrites Adrar 003 and Acfer 094 contain some unusual fragments that seem to have undergone recrystallization. Magnesium isotope analyses reveal no detectable radiogenic 26Mg in any of the studied fragments. The possibility that evidence for 26Al was destroyed by parent body metamorphism after formation is not likely because several other constituents of these chondrites do not show any metamorphic features. Since final accretion of a planetesimal must have occurred after formation of its youngest components, formation of these parent bodies must thus have been relatively late (i.e., after most 26Al had decayed). Al‐Mg isotope data for some igneous‐textured clasts (granitoids and andesitic fragments) within the two chondrite regolith breccias Adzhi‐Bogdo and Study Butte reveal also no evidence for radiogenic 26Mg. As calculated from the upper limits, the formation of these igneous clasts, the incorporation into the parent body regolith, and the lithification must have occurred at least 3.8 Myr (andesite in Study Butte) and 4.7 Myr (granitoids in Adzhi‐Bogdo) after calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAI) formation. The absence of 26Mg excess in the igneous inclusions does not exclude 26Al from being a heat source for planetary melting. In large, early formed planetesimals, cooling below the closure temperature of the Al‐Mg system may be too late for any evidence for live 26Al (in the form of 26Mg excess) to be preserved. Thus, growing evidence exists that chondritic meteorites represent the products of a complex, multi‐stage history of accretion, parent body modification, disruption and re‐accretion.  相似文献   

The Lyα forest absorption lines in the spectra of quasars are interpreted as caused by the crossings of the light beam with the walls of a bubble structure (expanding with the Hubble flow only). Then, the typical separation between the absorption lines is proportional to the mean size of the bubbles. The variable factor is the expansion rate H[z]. The Friedmann regression analysis of the observed line separations determines the density parameter ω0 and the normalized cosmological term λ0 = λc2/3H20 of the appropriate cosmological model: ω0 = 0.014 ± 0.002, λ0 = 1.080 ± 0.006. Depending on the Hubble parameter this method reveals the values of the present mean matter density pm,0 = 2.6 h2 · 10−28 kg m−3 and of the cosmological constant Λ = 3.77 h2 · 10−52 m−2 (with h = H0/(100 km/s·Mpc)). According to our analysis all models with Λ = 0 must be excluded. The curvature of space is positive. The curvature radius R0 is 3.3 times the Hubble radius (c/H0). The age t0 is 2.8 times the Hubble age (H0−1).  相似文献   

The basic geochemical model of the structure of the Moon proposed by Anderson, in which the Moon is formed by differentiation of the calcium, aluminium, titanium-rich inclusions in the Allende meteorite, is accepted, and the conditions for formation of this Moon within the solar nebula models of Cameron and Pine are discussed. The basic material condenses while iron remains in the gaseous phase, which places the formation of the Moon slightly inside the orbit of Mercury. Some condensed metallic iron is likely to enter the Moon in this position, and since the Moon is assembled at a very high temperature, it is likely to have been fully molten, so that the iron can remove the iridium from the silicate material and carry it down to form a small core. Interactions between the Moon and Mercury lead to the present rather eccentric Mercury orbit and to a much more eccentric orbit for the Moon, reaching past the orbit of the Earth, establishing conditions which are necessary for capture of the Moon by the Earth. In this orbit the Moon, no longer fully molten, will sweep up additional material containing iron oxide. This history accounts in principle for the two major ways in which the bulk composition of the Moon differs from that of the Allende inclusions.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Abstract— We determined the cosmic-ray exposure age of 20 diogenites from measured cosmogenic noble gas isotopes and calculated production rates of 3He, 21Ne and 38Ar. The production rates were calculated on the basis of the measured chemical composition and the cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio of each sample. The shielding conditions of each sample were also checked on the basis of the measured 10Be and 26AI concentrations. The exposure ages range from 6 to 50 Ma but do not form a continuous distribution: ten ages cluster at 21–25 Ma and four at 35–42 Ma. The two diogenite clusters coincide with the 22 Ma and 38 Ma peaks in the exposure age distribution of eucrites and howardites. After the selection from literature data of 32 eucrites and 11 howardites with reliable ages, we find a total of 23 howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) group meteorites at 20–25 Ma and 10 at 35–42 Ma. The shape of the two peaks is consistent with single impact events, and random number statistics show that they are statistically significant at the 99% level. Altogether, this provides strong evidence for two major impact events 22 Ma and 39 Ma ago. Although these two events can explain more than half of all HED exposure ages, it takes at least five impact events to explain all ages <50 Ma. An impact frequency of one per 10 Ma corresponds to projectiles of at least 2–4 km in diameter for Vesta and of 60–300 m for the 100× smaller Vesta-derived “vestoids.” Based on the HED exposure-age distribution, the size distribution of the main-belt asteroids and the difference in size between Vesta and the kilometer size vestoids, we favor Vesta as the major source of HED meteorites, although some of the meteorites may have been ejected from the vestoids rather than directly from Vesta.  相似文献   

The distribution of mass in the planetary system and solar nebula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model solar nebula is constructed by adding the solar complement of light elements to each planet, using recent models of planetary compositions. Uncertainties in this approach are estimated. The computed surface density varies approximately asr –3/2. Mercury, Mars and the asteroid belt are anomalously low in mass, but processes exist which would preferentially remove matter from these regions. Planetary masses and compositions are generally consistent with a monotonic density distribution in the primordial solar nebula.  相似文献   

The formation of the solar nebula and the distribution of mass in its planetary system is studied. The underlying idea is that the protosun, fragmented out from an interstellar cloud as a result of cluster formation, gathered the planetary material and, hence, spin angular momentum by gravitational accretion during its orbital motion around the centre of the Galaxy. The study gives the initial angular momentum of the solar nebula nearly equal to the present value of the solar system.  相似文献   

Of the formation processes in the solar system, the process of growth and sedimentation of dust grains in the primordial solar nebula is investigated for a region near the Earth's orbit. The growth equation for dust grains, which are sinking as well as being in thermal motion, is solved numerically in the wide mass range between 10?12 and 106 g. Any turbulent motions in the nebula are assumed to have already decayed when the sedimentation begins. The numerical simulation shows that the growth and sedimentation proceed faster than was found by Kusaka et al. (1970) but in accordance with the estimate of Safronov (1969) owing to a cooperative interaction of the growth and the sedimentation; that is, at about 3 × 103 years after the beginning of the growth and sedimentation a dust layer, composed of centimeter-sized grains, is formed at the equator of the solar nebula. Furthermore, the mass density of dust grains floating in the outer layers of the nebula is found to be of the order of 10?5 after 105 years compared with that before the sedimentation. From these results, it can be estimated that at about 5 × 103 years after the beginning of sedimentation the dust layer breaks up owing to the onset of gravitational instability.  相似文献   

Using the new data from Hipparcos and the TD-1 UV data, we fix the positions of three objects, HD 104237, HD 100546 and ε Cha in the HR diagram and discuss their theoretical evolutionary status.  相似文献   

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