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The hydrogen isotopic composition of planetary reservoirs can provide key constraints on the origin and history of water on planets. The sources of water and the hydrological evolution of Mars may be inferred from the hydrogen isotopic compositions of mineral phases in Martian meteorites, which are currently the only samples of Mars available for Earth‐based laboratory investigations. Previous studies have shown that δD values in minerals in the Martian meteorites span a large range of ?250 to +6000‰. The highest hydrogen isotope ratios likely represent a Martian atmospheric component: either interaction with a reservoir in equilibrium with the Martian atmosphere (such as crustal water), or direct incorporation of the Martian atmosphere due to shock processes. The lowest δD values may represent those of the Martian mantle, but it has also been suggested that these values may represent terrestrial contamination in Martian meteorites. Here we report the hydrogen isotopic compositions and water contents of a variety of phases (merrillites, maskelynites, olivines, and an olivine‐hosted melt inclusion) in Tissint, the latest Martian meteorite fall that was minimally exposed to the terrestrial environment. We compared traditional sample preparation techniques with anhydrous sample preparation methods, to evaluate their effects on hydrogen isotopes, and find that for severely shocked meteorites like Tissint, the traditional sample preparation techniques increase water content and alter the D/H ratios toward more terrestrial‐like values. In the anhydrously prepared Tissint sample, we see a large range of δD values, most likely resulting from a combination of processes including magmatic degassing, secondary alteration by crustal fluids, shock‐related fractionation, and implantation of Martian atmosphere. Based on these data, our best estimate of the δD value for the Martian depleted mantle is ?116 ± 94‰, which is the lowest value measured in a phase in the anhydrously prepared section of Tissint. This value is similar to that of the terrestrial upper mantle, suggesting that water on Mars and Earth was derived from similar sources. The water contents of phases in Tissint are highly variable, and have been affected by secondary processes. Considering the H2O abundances reported here in the driest phases (most likely representing primary igneous compositions) and appropriate partition coefficients, we estimate the H2O content of the Tissint parent magma to be ≤0.2 wt%.  相似文献   

Abstract— Radiometric age dating of Martian rocks and surfaces at known locations for which crater densities can be determined is highly desirable in order to fully understand Martian history. Performing K‐Ar age dating of igneous rocks on Mars by robots, however, presents technical challenges. Some of these challenges can be defined by examining Ar‐Ar data acquired on Martian meteorites, and others can be evaluated through numerical modeling of simulated K‐Ar isochrons like those that would be acquired robotically on Martian rocks. Excess 40Ar is present in all shergottites. Thus for Martian rocks, the slopes of K‐Ar isochrons must be determined to reasonable precision in order to calculate reliable ages. Model simulations of possible isochrons give an indication of some requirements in order to define a precise rock age: Issues addressed here are: how many K‐Ar analyses should be made of rocks thought to have the same age; what range of K concentrations should these analyzed samples have; and what analytical uncertainty in K‐Ar measurements is desirable. Meteorite data also are used to determine the D/a2 diffusion parameters for Ar in plagioclase and pyroxene separates of several shergottites and nakhlites. These data indicate the required temperatures and times for heating similar Martian rocks in order to extract Ar. Quantitatively extracting radiogenic 40Ar could be difficult, and degassing cosmogenic Ar from mafic phases even more so. Considering all these factors, robotic K‐Ar dating of Martian rocks may be achievable, but will be challenging.  相似文献   

Veins containing carbonates, hydrous silicates, and sulfates that occur within and between grains of augite and olivine in the Nakhla meteorite are good evidence for the former presence of liquid water in the Martian crust. Aqueous solutions gained access to grain interiors via narrow fractures, and those fractures within olivine whose walls were oriented close to (001) were preferentially widened by etching along [001]. This orientation selective dissolution may have been due to the presence within olivine of shock‐formed [001](100) and [001]{110} screw dislocations. The duration of etching is likely to have been brief, possibly less than a year, and the solutions responsible were sufficiently cool and reducing that laihunite did not form and Fe liberated from the olivine was not immediately oxidized. The pores within olivine were mineralized in sequence by siderite, nanocrystalline smectite, a Fe‐Mg phyllosilicate, and then gypsum, whereas only the smectite occurs within augite. The nanocrystalline smectite was deposited as submicrometer thick layers on etched vein walls, and solution compositions varied substantially between and sometimes during precipitation of each layer. Together with microcrystalline gypsum the Fe‐Mg phyllosilicate crystallized as water briefly returned to some of the veins following desiccation fracturing of the smectite. These results show that etching of olivine enhanced the porosity and permeability of the nakhlite parent rock and that dissolution and secondary mineralization took place within the same near‐static aqueous system.  相似文献   

Melting of Martian mantle, formation, and evolution of primary magma from the depleted mantle were previously modeled from experimental petrology and geochemical studies of Martian meteorites. Based on in situ major and trace element study of a range of olivine‐hosted melt inclusions in various stages of crystallization of Tissint, a depleted olivine–phyric shergottite, we further constrain different stages of depletion and enrichment in the depleted mantle source of the shergottite suite. Two types of melt inclusions were petrographically recognized. Type I melt inclusions occur in the megacrystic olivine core (Fo76‐70), while type II melt inclusions are hosted by the outer mantle of the olivine (Fo66‐55). REE‐plot indicates type I melt inclusions, which are unique because they represent the most depleted trace element data from the parent magmas of all the depleted shergottites, are an order of magnitude depleted compared to the type II melt inclusions. The absolute REE content of type II displays parallel trend but somewhat lower value than the Tissint whole‐rock. Model calculations indicate two‐stage mantle melting events followed by enrichment through mixing with a hypothetical residual melt from solidifying magma ocean. This resulted in ~10 times enrichment of incompatible trace elements from parent magma stage to the remaining melt after 45% crystallization, simulating the whole‐rock of Tissint. We rule out any assimilation due to crustal recycling into the upper mantle, as proposed by a recent study. Rather, we propose the presence of Al, Ca, Na, P, and REE‐rich layer at the shallower upper mantle above the depleted mantle source region during the geologic evolution of Mars.  相似文献   

The recent witnessed fall of the meteorite Tissint represents the delivery of a pristine new sample from the surface of Mars. This meteorite provides an unprecedented opportunity to study a variety of aspects about the planet's evolution. Using the Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic systems, we determined that Tissint, a depleted shergottite, has a crystallization age of 574 ± 20 Ma, an initial ε143Nd = +42.2 ± 0.5, and an initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.700760 ± 11. These initial Nd and Sr isotopic compositions suggest that Tissint originated from a mantle source on Mars that is distinct from the source reservoirs of the other Martian meteorites. The known crystallization ages, geochemical characteristics, ejection ages, and ejection dynamics of Tissint and other similarly grouped Martian meteorites suggest that they are likely derived from a source crater up to approximately 90 km in diameter with an age of approximately 1 Ma that is located on terrain that is approximately 600 million years old.  相似文献   

V.G. Istomin  K.V. Grechnev 《Icarus》1976,28(2):155-158
In the descent of the automatic interplanetary station Mars 6, after parachute deployment, an analysis was carried out by means of a mass spectrometer, the analyzer of which was pumped out by a getter-ion pump. Unfortunately, mass spectra were not obtained. But during vehicle descent on a parachute tether, the pump discharge current was registered. The dynamics of the pump current at the end of descent operations imply that an inert gas is a basic component of the Martian atmosphere, along with CO2. Laboratory post-experiment calibrations of other getter-ion pumps, performed with various mixtures of CO2 and argon, result in a probable value of the argon content in the Martian atmosphere of 35 ± 10% by volume.  相似文献   

The Tissint meteorite is a geochemically depleted, olivine‐phyric shergottite. Olivine megacrysts contain 300–600 μm cores with uniform Mg# (~80 ± 1) followed by concentric zones of Fe‐enrichment toward the rims. We applied a number of tests to distinguish the relationship of these megacrysts to the host rock. Major and trace element compositions of the Mg‐rich core in olivine are in equilibrium with the bulk rock, within uncertainty, and rare earth element abundances of melt inclusions in Mg‐rich olivines reported in the literature are similar to those of the bulk rock. Moreover, the P Kα intensity maps of two large olivine grains show no resorption between the uniform core and the rim. Taken together, these lines of evidence suggest the olivine megacrysts are phenocrysts. Among depleted olivine‐phyric shergottites, Tissint is the first one that acts mostly as a closed system with olivine megacrysts being the phenocrysts. The texture and mineral chemistry of Tissint indicate a crystallization sequence of: olivine (Mg# 80 ± 1) → olivine (Mg# 76) + chromite → olivine (Mg# 74) + Ti‐chromite → olivine (Mg# 74–63) + pyroxene (Mg# 76–65) + Cr‐ulvöspinel → olivine (Mg# 63–35) + pyroxene (Mg# 65–60) + plagioclase, followed by late‐stage ilmenite and phosphate. The crystallization of the Tissint meteorite likely occurred in two stages: uniform olivine cores likely crystallized under equilibrium conditions; and a fractional crystallization sequence that formed the rest of the rock. The two‐stage crystallization without crystal settling is simulated using MELTS and the Tissint bulk composition, and can broadly reproduce the crystallization sequence and mineral chemistry measured in the Tissint samples. The transition between equilibrium and fractional crystallization is associated with a dramatic increase in cooling rate and might have been driven by an acceleration in the ascent rate or by encounter with a steep thermal gradient in the Martian crust.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to use igneous surface lithologies to constrain Martian mantle characteristics, secondary processes that lead to compositional modification of primary mantle melts must be considered. Crystal fractionation of a mantle‐derived magma at the base of the crust followed by separation and ascent of residual liquids to the surface is common in continental hotspot regions on Earth. The possibility that this process also takes place on Mars was investigated by experimentally determining whether a surface rock, specifically the hawaiite Backstay analyzed by the MER Spirit could produce a known cumulate lithology with a deep origin (namely the assemblages of the Chassigny meteorite) if trapped at the base of the Martian crust. Both the major cumulus and melt inclusion mineral assemblages of the Chassigny meteorite were produced experimentally by a liquid of Backstay composition within the pressure range 9.3 to 6.8 kbar with bulk water contents between 1.5 and 2.6 wt%. Experiments at 4.3 and 2.8 kbar did not produce the requisite assemblages. This agreement suggests that just as on Earth, Martian mantle‐derived melts may rise to the surface or remain trapped at the base of the crust, fractionate, and lose their residual liquids. Efficient removal of these residual liquids at depth would yield a deep low‐silica cumulate layer for higher magmatic water content; at lower magmatic water content this cumulate layer would be basaltic with shergottitic affinity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Spectroscopic measurement and analysis of Martian meteorites provide important information about the mineralogy of Mars, as well as necessary ground-truths for deconvolving remote sensing spectra of the Martian surface rocks. The spectroscopic properties of particulate ALH 84001 from 0.3 to 25 μm correctly identify low-Ca pyroxene as the dominant mineralogy. Absorption bands due to electronic transitions of ferrous iron are observed at 0.94 and 1.97 μm that are typical for low-Ca pyroxene. A strong, broad water band is observed near 3 μm that is characteristic of the water band typically associated with pyroxenes. Weaker features near 4.8, 5.2 and 6.2 μm are characteristic of particulate low-Ca pyroxene and can be distinguished readily from the features due to high-Ca pyroxene and other silicate minerals. The reflectance minimum occurs near 8.6 μm for the ALH 84001 powder, which is more consistent with high-Ca pyroxene and augite than low-Ca pyroxene. The dominant mid-infrared (IR) spectral features for the ALH 84001 powder are observed near 9 and 19.5 μm; however, there are multiple features in this region. These mid-IR features are generally characteristic of low-Ca pyroxene but cannot be explained by low-Ca pyroxene alone. Spectral features from 2.5–5 μm are typically associated with water, organics and carbonates and have been studied in spectra of the ALH 84001, split 92 powder and ALH 84001, splits 92 and 271 chip surfaces. Weak features have been identified near 3.5 and 4 μm that are assigned to organic material and carbonates. Another feature is observed at 4.27 μm in many surface spots and in the powder but has not yet been uniquely identified. Spectroscopic identification of minor organic and carbonate components in this probable piece of Mars suggests that detection of small amounts of organics and carbonates in the Martian surface regolith would also be possible using visible-infrared hyperspectral analyses. Laboratory spectroscopic analysis of Martian meteorites provides a unique opportunity to identify the spectral features of minerals and other components while they are embedded in their natural medium.  相似文献   

The Tissint meteorite fell on July 18, 2011 in Morocco and was quickly recovered, allowing the investigation of a new unaltered sample from Mars. We report new high‐field strength and highly siderophile element (HSE) data, Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐W‐Os isotope analyses, and data for cosmogenic nuclides in order to examine the history of the Tissint meteorite, from its source composition and crystallization to its irradiation history. We present high‐field strength element compositions that are typical for depleted Martian basalts (0.174 ppm Nb, 17.4 ppm Zr, 0.7352 ppm Hf, and 0.0444 ppm W), and, together with an extended literature data set for shergottites, help to reevaluate Mars’ tectonic evolution in comparison to that of the early Earth. HSE contents (0.07 ppb Re, 0.92 ppb Os, 2.55 ppb Ir, and 7.87 ppb Pt) vary significantly in comparison to literature data, reflecting significant sample inhomogeneity. Isotope data for Os and W (187Os/188Os = 0.1289 ± 15 and an ε182W = +1.41 ± 0.46) are both indistinguishable from literature data. An internal Lu‐Hf isochron for Tissint defines a crystallization age of 665 ± 74 Ma. Considering only Sm‐Nd and Lu‐Hf chronometry, we obtain, using our and literature values, a best estimate for the age of Tissint of 582 ± 18 Ma (MSWD = 3.2). Cosmogenic radionuclides analyzed in the Tissint meteorite are typical for a recent fall. Tissint's pre‐atmospheric radius was estimated to be 22 ± 2 cm, resulting in an estimated total mass of 130 ± 40 kg. Our cosmic‐ray exposure age of 0.9 ± 0.2 Ma is consistent with earlier estimations and exposure ages for other shergottites in general.  相似文献   

Abstract— Martian meteorites (MMs) have been launched from an estimated 5–9 sites on Mars within the last 20 Myr. Some 80–89% of these launch sites sampled igneous rock formations from only the last 29% of Martian time. We hypothesize that this imbalance arises not merely from poor statistics, but because the launch processes are dominated by two main phenomena: first, much of the older Martian surface is inefficient in launching rocks during impacts, and second, the volumetrically enormous reservoir of original cumulate crust enhances launch probability for 4.5 Gyr old rocks. There are four lines of evidence for the first point, not all of equal strength. First, impact theory implies that MM launch is favored by surface exposures of near‐surface coherent rock (≤102 m deep), whereas Noachian surfaces generally should have ≥102 m of loose or weakly cemented regolith with high ice content, reducing efficiency of rock launch. Second, similarly, both Mars Exploration Rovers found sedimentary strata, 1–2 orders of magnitude weaker than Martian igneous rocks, favoring low launch efficiency among some fluvial‐derived Hesperian and Noachian rocks. Even if launched, such rocks may be unrecognized as meteorites on Earth. Third, statistics of MM formation age versus cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age weakly suggest that older surfaces may need larger, deeper craters to launch rocks. Fourth, in direct confirmation, one of us (N. G. B.) has found that older surfaces need larger craters to produce secondary impact crater fields (cf. Barlow and Block 2004). In a survey of 200 craters, the smallest Noachian, Hesperian, and Amazonian craters with prominent fields of secondaries have diameters of ?45 km, ?19 km, and ?10 km, respectively. Because 40% of Mars is Noachian, and 74% is either Noachian or Hesperian, the subsurface geologic characteristics of the older areas probably affect statistics of recognized MMs and production rates of secondary crater populations, and the MM and secondary crater statistics may give us clues to those properties.  相似文献   

Clay minerals, although ubiquitous on the ancient terrains of Mars, have not been observed in Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001, which is an orthopyroxenite sample of the early Martian crust with a secondary carbonate assemblage. We used a low‐temperature (20 °C) one‐dimensional (1‐D) transport thermochemical model to investigate the possible aqueous alteration processes that produced the carbonate assemblage of ALH 84001 while avoiding the coprecipitation of clay minerals. We found that the carbonate in ALH 84001 could have been produced in a process, whereby a low‐temperature (~20 °C) fluid, initially equilibrated with the early Martian atmosphere, moved through surficial clay mineral and silica‐rich layers, percolated through the parent rock of the meteorite, and precipitated carbonates (thereby decreasing the partial pressure of CO2) as it evaporated. This finding requires that before encountering the unweathered orthopyroxenite host of ALH 84001, the fluid permeated rock that became weathered during the process. We were able to predict the composition of the clay minerals formed during weathering, which included the dioctahedral smectite nontronite, kaolinite, and chlorite, all of which have been previously detected on Mars. We also calculated host rock replacement in local equilibrium conditions by the hydrated silicate talc, which is typically considered to be a higher temperature hydrothermal phase on Earth, but may have been a common constituent in the formation of Martian soils through pervasive aqueous alteration. Finally, goethite and magnetite were also found to precipitate in the secondary alteration assemblage, the latter associated with the generation of H2. Apparently, despite the limited water–rock interaction that must have led to the formation of the carbonates ~ 3.9 Ga ago, in the vicinity of the ALH 84001 source rocks, clay formation would have been widespread.  相似文献   

Abstract— We analyzed noble gases from 18 samples of weathering products (“iddingsite”) from the Lafayette meteorite. Potassium‐argon ages of 12 samples range from near zero to 670 ± 91 Ma. These ages confirm the martian origin of the iddingsite, but it is not clear whether any or all of the ages represent iddingsite formation as opposed to later alteration or incorporation of martian atmospheric 40Ar. In any case, because iddingsite formation requires liquid water, this data requires the presence of liquid water near the surface of Mars at least as recently as 1300 Ma ago, and probably as recently as 650 Ma ago. Krypton and Xe analysis of a single 34 μg sample indicates the presence of fractionated martian atmosphere within the iddingsite. This also confirms the martian origin of the iddingsite. The mechanism of incorporation could either be through interaction with liquid water during iddingsite formation or a result of shock implantation of adsorbed atmospheric gas. Our strongest conclusion is that the iddingsite in Lafayette formed on Mars, in agreement with the microstratigraphic arguments of Gooding et al. (1991) and Treiman et al. (1993). A preterrestrial origin of the iddingsite is required both by the many non‐zero K‐Ar ages and by the presence of Xe that is isotopically distinct from any terrestrial Xe. The Xe is accompanied by Kr, but the Kr and Xe have been fractionated if they are derived from the present martian atmosphere. This is presumably the result of either incorporation via interaction with liquid water (Drake et al., 1994; Bogard and Garrison, 1998) or by adsorption from the martian atmosphere, perhaps accompanied by shock (see also Gilmour et al., 1998, 1999). Although the iddingsite is enriched in Kr and Xe compared to whole‐rock analyses, it is not clear whether iddingsite is the dominant carrier of the atmospheric‐derived gas (Drake et al., 1994) or merely a minor carrier (Gilmour et al., 1999). Our 40Ar‐39Ar experiment was disappointing, in that it mostly served to confirm that the iddingsite, which contains fine‐grained clays, is susceptible to recoil loss of 39Ar during irradiation. Only one sample of five gave a clear signal of radiogenic or extraterrestrial 40Ar, and that was only by 3°. Potassium‐argon ages of the second set of samples were more successful, ranging from near 0 to 670 ± 91 Ma. It is not clear whether any or all of the ages represent iddingsite formation, as opposed to later alteration. The fact that a Rb‐Sr experiment (Shih et al., 1998) gave an apparent age for iddingsite of 679 ± 66 Ma (2a) suggests that perhaps formation of iddingsite occurred (or began) ~650 Ma ago and that some samples either formed, or were thermally altered, later. The ages could be even younger than 650 Ma, if the samples have incorporated martian atmospheric 40Ar. This means that liquid water was certainly present on Mars in the last 1300 Ma (the formation age of Lafayette), and probably within the last 650 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— Olivine from Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 occurs as clusters within orthopyroxene adjacent to fractures containing disrupted carbonate globules and feldspathic shock glass. The inclusions are irregular in shape and range in size from ~40 μm to submicrometer. Some of the inclusions are elongate and boudinage-like. The olivine grains are in sharp contact with the enclosing orthopyroxene and often contain small inclusions of chromite. The olivine exhibits a very limited range of composition from Fo65 to Fo66 (n = 25). The δ18O values of the olivine and orthopyroxene analyzed by ion microprobe range from +4.3 to +5.3‰ and are indistinguishable from each other within analytical uncertainty. The mineral chemistries, O-isotopic data, and textural relationships indicate that the olivine inclusions were produced at a temperature >800 °C. It is unlikely that the olivines formed during the same event that gave rise to the carbonates in ALH 84001, which have more elevated and variable δ18O values, and were probably formed from fluids that were not in isotopic equilibrium with the orthopyroxene or olivine. The reactions most likely instrumental in the formation of olivine could be either the dehydration of hydrous silicates that formed during carbonate precipitation or the reduction of orthopyroxene and spinel. If the olivine was formed by either reaction during a postcarbonate heating event, the implications are profound with regards to the interpretations of McKay et al. (1996). Due to the low diffusion rates in carbonates, this rapid, high-temperature event would have resulted in the preservation of the fine-scale carbonate zoning, while partially devolatilizing select carbonate compositions on a submicrometer scale (Brearley, 1998a). This may have resulted in the formation of the minute magnetite grains that McKay et al. (1996) attributed to biogenic activity.  相似文献   

A scanning and transmission electron microscope study of aluminosilicate glasses within melt inclusions from the Martian meteorite Nakhla shows that they have been replaced by berthierine, an aluminum‐iron serpentine mineral. This alteration reaction was mediated by liquid water that gained access to the glasses along fractures within enclosing augite and olivine grains. Water/rock ratios were low, and the aqueous solutions were circumneutral and reducing. They introduced magnesium and iron that were sourced from the dissolution of olivine, and exported alkalis. Berthierine was identified using X‐ray microanalysis and electron diffraction. It is restricted in its occurrence to parts of the melt inclusions that were formerly glass, thus showing that under the ambient physico‐chemical conditions, the mobility of aluminum and silicon were low. This discovery of serpentine adds to the suite of postmagmatic hydrous silicates in Nakhla that include saponite and opal‐A. Such a variety of secondary silicates indicates that during aqueous alteration compositionally distinct microenvironments developed on sub‐millimeter length scales. The scarcity of berthierine in Nakhla is consistent with results from orbital remote sensing of the Martian crust showing very low abundances of aluminum‐rich phyllosilicates.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the results of geomorphological analysis of some photographs taken by the Mars 4 and 5 probes. The area studied (700 × 900 km, centered at 32°S, 35°W) covers part of Mare Erythraeum. The main landforms of the area are craters which are sorted into four morphological classes. Fluvial, eolian, and tectonic processes as well as downslope displacement of material are identified with different degrees of certainty.The valleys, which are probably of fluvial origin, exhibit a characteristic hierarchical pattern. The main valley in the area, provisionally named Uzboi, extends from Holden crater to Hale crater. The relations between the present surface elevations and the probable fluvial origin appear to indicate tectonic uplift of some parts of the area in the past. The tectonic movements have broken a hypothetical large valley into a number of fragments, one of which is Ladon valley and another of which is Uzboi valley, although another possible explanation of the observed pattern also exists. An attempt is made to divide the geologic history of the area into stages. The probable fluvial processes seem to have started before the end of the intensive impact cratetring stage. They appear to have continued, though not so intensely, almost to the recent stage. A geomorphological map of the area shownin Fig. 3.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrography and mineral and bulk chemistries of silicate inclusions in Sombrerete, an ungrouped iron that is one of the most phosphate‐rich meteorites known, was studied using optical, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) techniques. Inclusions contain variable proportions of alkalic siliceous glass (?69 vol% of inclusions on average), aluminous orthopyroxene (?9%, Wo1–4Fs25–35, up to ?3 wt% Al), plagioclase (?8%, mainly An70–92), Cl‐apatite (?7%), chromite (?4%), yagiite (?1%), phosphate‐rich segregations (?1%), ilmenite, and merrillite. Ytterbium and Sm anomalies are sometimes present in various phases (positive anomalies for phosphates, negative for glass and orthopyroxene), which possibly reflect phosphate‐melt‐gas partitioning under transient, reducing conditions at high temperatures. Phosphate‐rich segregations and different alkalic glasses (K‐rich and Na‐rich) formed by two types of liquid immiscibility. Yagiite, a K‐Mg silicate previously found in the Colomera (IIE) iron, appears to have formed as a late‐stage crystallization product, possibly aided by Na‐K liquid unmixing. Trace‐element phase compositions reflect fractional crystallization of a single liquid composition that originated by low‐degree (?4–8%) equilibrium partial melting of a chondritic precursor. Compositional differences between inclusions appear to have originated as a result of a “filter‐press differentiation” process, in which liquidus crystals of Cl‐apatite and orthopyroxene were less able than silicate melt to flow through the metallic host between inclusions. This process enabled a phosphoran basaltic andesite precursor liquid to differentiate within the metallic host, yielding a dacite composition for some inclusions. Solidification was relatively rapid, but not so fast as to prevent flow and immiscibility phenomena. Sombrerete originated near a cooling surface in the parent body during rapid, probably impact‐induced, mixing of metallic and silicate liquids. We suggest that Sombrerete formed when a planetesimal undergoing endogenic differentiation was collisionally disrupted, possibly in a breakup and reassembly event. Simultaneous endogenic heating and impact processes may have widely affected silicate‐bearing irons and other solar system matter.  相似文献   

NWA 2737, a Martian meteorite from the Chassignite subclass, contains minute amounts (0.010 ± 0.005 vol%) of metal‐saturated Fe‐Ni sulfides. These latter bear evidence of the strong shock effects documented by abundant Fe nanoparticles and planar defects in Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737 olivine. A Ni‐poor troilite (Fe/S = 1.0 ± 0.01), sometimes Cr‐bearing (up to 1 wt%), coexists with micrometer‐sized taenite/tetrataenite‐type native Ni‐Fe alloys (Ni/Fe = 1) and Fe‐Os‐Ir‐(Ru) alloys a few hundreds of nanometers across. The troilite has exsolved flame‐like pentlandite (Fe/Fe + Ni = 0.5–0.6). Chalcopyrite is almost lacking, and no pyrite has been found. As a hot desert find, NWA 2737 shows astonishingly fresh sulfides. The composition of troilite coexisting with Ni‐Fe alloys is completely at odds with Chassigny and Nahkla sulfides (pyrite + metal‐deficient monoclinic‐type pyrrhotite). It indicates strongly reducing crystallization conditions (close to IW), several log units below the fO2 conditions inferred from chromites compositions and accepted for Chassignites (FMQ‐1 log unit). It is proposed that reduction in sulfides into base and precious metal alloys is operated via sulfur degassing, which is supported by the highly resorbed and denticulated shape of sulfide blebs and their spongy textures. Shock‐related S degassing may be responsible for considerable damages in magmatic sulfide structures and sulfide assemblages, with concomitant loss of magnetic properties as documented in some other Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

The nakhlite meteorites are clinopyroxenites that are derived from a ~1300 million year old sill or lava flow on Mars. Most members of the group contain veins of iddingsite whose main component is a fine‐grained and hydrous Fe‐ and Mg‐rich silicate. Siderite is present in the majority of veins, where it straddles or cross‐cuts the Fe‐Mg silicate. This carbonate also contains patches of ferric (oxy)hydroxide. Despite 40 years of investigation, the mineralogy and origins of the Fe‐Mg silicate is poorly understood, as is the paragenesis of the iddingsite veins. Nanometer‐scale analysis of Fe‐Mg silicate in the Nakhla meteorite by electron and X‐ray imaging and spectroscopy reveals that its principal constituents are nanoparticles of opal‐A. This hydrous and amorphous phase precipitated from acidic solutions that had become supersaturated with respect to silica by dissolution of olivine. Each opal‐A nanoparticle is enclosed within a ferrihydrite shell that formed by oxidation of iron that had also been liberated from the olivine. Siderite crystallized subsequently and from solutions that were alkaline and reducing, and replaced both the nanoparticles and olivine. The fluids that formed both the opal‐A/ferrihydrite and the siderite were sourced from one or more reservoirs in contact with the Martian atmosphere. The last event recorded by the veins was alteration of the carbonate to a ferric (oxy)hydroxide that probably took place on Mars, although a terrestrial origin remains possible. These results support findings from orbiter‐ and rover‐based spectroscopy that opaline silica was a common product of aqueous alteration of the Martian crust.  相似文献   

High‐resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) imaging by desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) coupled with Orbitrap MS using methanol (MeOH) spray was performed on a fragment of the Murchison (CM2) meteorite in this study. Homologues of CnH2n–1N2+ (= 7–9) and CnH2nNO+ (= 9–14) were detected on the sample surface by the imaging. A high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/HRMS analysis of MeOH extracts from the sample surface after DESI/HRMS imaging indicated that the CnH2n–1N2+ homologues corresponds to alkylimidazole, and that a few isomers of the CnH2nNO+ homologues present in the sample. The alkylimidazoles and CnH2nNO+ homologues displayed different spatial distributions on the surface of the Murchison fragment, indicating chromatographic separation effects during aqueous alteration. Moreover, the distribution pattern of compounds is also different among homologues. This is probably also resulting from the separation of isomers by similar chromatographic effects, or different synthetic pathways. Alkylimidazoles and the CnH2nNO+ homologues are mainly distributed in the matrix region of the Murchison by mineralogical observations, which is consistent with previous reports. Altered minerals (e.g., Fe‐oxide, Fe‐sulfide, and carbonates) occurred in this region. However, no clear relationship was found between these minerals and the organic compounds detected by DESI/HRMS imaging. Although this result might be due to scale differences between the spatial resolution of DESI/HRMS imaging and the grain size in the matrix of the Murchison, our results would indicate that alkylimidazoles and the CnH2nNO+ homologues in the Murchison fragment were mainly synthesized by different processes from hydrothermal alteration on the parent body.  相似文献   

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