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Lunar mare basalts provide insights into the compositional diversity of the Moon's interior. Basalt fragments from the lunar regolith can potentially sample lava flows from regions of the Moon not previously visited, thus, increasing our understanding of lunar geological evolution. As part of a study of basaltic diversity at the Apollo 12 landing site, detailed petrological and geochemical data are provided here for 13 basaltic chips. In addition to bulk chemistry, we have analyzed the major, minor, and trace element chemistry of mineral phases which highlight differences between basalt groups. Where samples contain olivine, the equilibrium parent melt magnesium number (Mg#; atomic Mg/[Mg + Fe]) can be calculated to estimate parent melt composition. Ilmenite and plagioclase chemistry can also determine differences between basalt groups. We conclude that samples of approximately 1–2 mm in size can be categorized provided that appropriate mineral phases (olivine, plagioclase, and ilmenite) are present. Where samples are fine‐grained (grain size <0.3 mm), a “paired samples t‐test” can provide a statistical comparison between a particular sample and known lunar basalts. Of the fragments analyzed here, three are found to belong to each of the previously identified olivine and ilmenite basalt suites, four to the pigeonite basalt suite, one is an olivine cumulate, and two could not be categorized because of their coarse grain sizes and lack of appropriate mineral phases. Our approach introduces methods that can be used to investigate small sample sizes (i.e., fines) from future sample return missions to investigate lava flow diversity and petrological significance.  相似文献   

New data from a petrological and geochemical examination of 12 coarse basaltic fines from the Apollo 12 soil sample 12023,155 provide evidence of additional geochemical diversity at the landing site. In addition to the bulk chemical composition, major, minor, and trace element analyses of mineral phases are employed to ascertain how these samples relate to the Apollo 12 lithological basalt groups, thereby overcoming the problems of representativeness of small samples. All of the samples studied are low‐Ti basalts (0.9–5.7 wt% TiO2), and many fall into the established olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite classification of Apollo 12 basaltic suites. There are five exceptions: sample 12023,155_1A is mineralogically and compositionally distinct from other Apollo 12 basalt types, with low pigeonite REE concentrations and low Ni (41–55 ppm) and Mn (2400–2556 ppm) concentrations in olivine. Sample 12023,155_11A is also unique, with Fe‐rich mineral compositions and low bulk Mg# (=100 × atomic Mg/[Mg+Fe]) of 21.6. Sample 12023,155_7A has different plagioclase chemistry and crystallization trends as well as a wider range of olivine Mg# (34–55) compared with other Apollo 12 basalts, and shows greater similarities to Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts. Two other samples (12023,155_4A, and _5A) are similar to the Apollo 12 feldspathic basalt 12038, providing additional evidence that feldspathic basalts represent a lava flow proximal to the Apollo 12 site rather than material introduced by impacts. We suggest that at least one parent magma, and possibly as many as four separate parent magmas, are required in addition to the previously identified olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite basaltic suites to account for the observed chemical diversity of basalts found in this study.  相似文献   

Abstract— A fragment of basalt picked from the drive tube collected at Van Serg crater at the Apollo 17 landing site has a bulk chemistry more primitive than that of other high-titanium mare basalt groups collected at the site. The sample has a fine-grained olivine phyric, subophitic texture that is distinct from that of other high-titanium basalt samples. The grain size and texture suggest that the sample has a composition close to that of a magma. The crystallization sequence, with appearance of oxide minerals later than in other groups, and other petrographic features such as more-calcic plagioclase and early pigeonite rather than augite, are consistent with this sample representing a distinct variant of Apollo 17 high-titanium basalts. It is not related through closed-system igneous processes to any of the other mare basalt groups identified among Apollo 17 samples. Its characters emphasize the complexity of contemporaneous magma processes on the Moon and the heterogeneity of that part of the mantle that was melted.  相似文献   

Boulder 1 at Station 2 is one of three boulders sampled by Apollo 17 at the base of the South Massif, which rises 2.3 km above the floor of a linear valley interpreted as a graben formed by deformation related to the southern Serenitatis impact. The boulders probably rolled from the upper part of the massif after emplacement of the light mantle. Orbital gravity data and photogeologic reinterpretation suggest that the Apollo 17 area is located approximately on the third ring of the southern Serenitatis basin, approximately 1.25 times larger than the analogous but fresher Orientale basin structure. The massif exposures are interpreted to represent the upper part of thick ejecta deposited by the southern Serenitatis impact near the rim of the transient cavity. Basin ring structure and the radial grabens that give the massifs definition were imposed on this ejecta at a slightly later stage in the basin-forming process. There is no clear-cut compositional, textural, or photogeologic evidence that Imbrium ejecta was collected at the Apollo 17 site.  相似文献   

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) U‐Pb ages of Ca‐phosphates from four texturally distinct breccia samples (72255, 76055, 76015, 76215) collected at the Apollo 17 landing site were obtained in an attempt to identify whether they represent a single or several impact event(s). The determined ages, combined with inferences from petrologic relationships, may indicate two or possibly three different impact events at 3920 ± 3 Ma, 3922 ± 5 Ma, and 3930 ± 5 Ma (all errors 2σ). Searching for possible sources of the breccias by calculating the continuous ejecta radii of impact basins and large craters as well as their expected ejecta thicknesses, we conclude that Nectaris, Crisium, Serenitatis, and Imbrium are likely candidates. If the previous interpretation that the micropoikilitic breccias collected at the North Massif represent Serenitatis ejecta is correct, then the average 207Pb/206Pb age of 3930 ± 5 Ma (2σ) dates the formation of the Serenitatis basin. The occurrence of zircon in the breccias sampled at the South Massif, which contain Ca‐phosphates yielding an age of 3922 ± 5 Ma (2σ), may indicate that the breccia originated from within the Procellarum KREEP terrane (PKT) and the Imbrium basin appears to be the only basin that could have sourced them. However, this interpretation implies that all basins suggested to fall stratigraphically between Serenitatis and Imbrium formed within a short (<11 Ma) time interval, highlighting serious contradictions between global stratigraphic constraints, sample interpretation, and chronological data. Alternatively, the slightly older age of the two micropoikilitic breccias may be a result of incomplete resetting of the U‐Pb system preserved in some phosphate grains. Based on the currently available data set this possibility cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Abstract— New data are reported from five previously unanalyzed Apollo 12 mare basalts that are incorporated into an evaluation of previous petrogenetic models and classification schemes for these basalts. This paper proposes a classification for Apollo 12 mare basalts on the basis of whole-rock Mg# [molar 100*(Mg/(Mg+Fe))] and Rb/Sr ratio (analyzed by isotope dilution), whereby the ilmenite, olivine, and pigeonite basalt groups are readily distinguished from each other. Scrutiny of the Apollo 12 feldspathic “suite” demonstrates that two of the three basalts previously assigned to this group (12031, 12038, 12072) can be reclassified: 12031 is a plagioclase-rich pigeonite basalt (Nyquist et al, 1979); and 12072 is an olivine basalt Only basalt 12038 stands out as a unique sample (Nyquist et al., 1981) to the Apollo 12 she, but whether this represents a single sample from another flow at the Apollo 12 site or is exotic to this site is equivocal. The question of whether the olivine and pigeonite basalt suites are co-magmatic is addressed by incompatible trace-element chemistry: the trends defined by these two suites when Co/Sm and Sm/Eu ratios are plotted against Rb/Sr ratio demonstrate that these two basaltic types cannot be co-magmatic. Crystal fractionation/accumulation paths have been calculated and show that neither the pigeonite, olivine, or ilmenite basalts are related by this process. Each suite requires a distinct and separate source region. This study also examines sample heterogeneity and the degree to which whole-rock analyses are representative, which is critical when petrogenetic interpretation is undertaken. Sample heterogeneity has been investigated petrographically (inhomogeneous mineral distribution) with consideration of duplicate analyses, and whether a specific sample (using average data) plots consistently upon a fractionation trend when a number of different compositional parameters are considered. Using these criteria, four basalts have been identified where reported analyses are not representative of the whole-rock composition: 12005, an ilmenite basalt; 12006 and 12036, olivine basalts; and 12031 previously classified as a feldspathic basalt, but reclassified as part of the pigeonite suite (Nyquist et al., 1979).  相似文献   

The descent imager/spectral radiometer (DISR) onboard the Huygens probe investigated the radiation balance inside Titan's atmosphere and took hundreds of images and spectra of the ground during the descent. The scattering of the aerosols in the atmosphere and the absorption by methane strongly influence the irradiation reaching the surface and the signals received by the various instruments. The physical properties of the surface can only be assessed after the influence of the atmosphere has been taken into account and properly removed. In the broadband visible images (660 to 1000 nm) the contrast of surface features is strongly reduced by the aerosol scattering. Calculations show that for an image taken from an altitude of 14.5 km, the corrected contrast is about three times higher than in the raw image.Spectral information of the surface by the imaging spectrometers in the visible and near infrared range can only be retrieved in the methane absorption windows. Intensity ratios from the methane windows can be used to make false color maps. The elevated bright ‘land’ terrain is redder than the flat dark ‘lake bed’ terrain.The reflectance spectra of the land and lake bed area in the IR are derived, as well as the reflectance phase function in the limited range from 20° to 50° phase angle. An absorption feature at 1.55 μm which may be attributed tentatively to water ice is found in the lake bed, but not in the land area. Otherwise the surface exhibits a featureless blue slope in the near-IR region (0.9-). Brightness profiles perpendicular to the coast line show that the bottoms of the channels of the large scale flow pattern become darker the further they are away from the land area. This could be interpreted as sedimentation of the bright land material transported by the rivers into the lake bed area. The river beds in the deeply incised valleys need not to be covered by dark material. Their roughly 10% brightness decrease could be caused by the illumination as illustrated by a model calculation. The size distribution of cobbles seen in the images after landing is in agreement with a single major flooding of the area with a flow speed of about .  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrogenesis of Apollo 12 mare basalts has been examined with emphasis on trace-element ratios and abundances. Vitrophyric basalts were used as parental compositions for the modelling, and proportions of fractionating phases were determined using the MAGFOX program of Longhi (1991). Crystal fractionation processes within crustal and sub-crustal magma chambers are evaluated as a function of pressure. Knowledge of the fractionating phases allows trace-element variations to be considered as either source related or as a product of post-magma-generation processes. For the ilmenite and olivine basalts, trace-element variations are inherited from the source, but the pigeonite basalt data have been interpreted with open-system evolution processes through crustal assimilation. Three groups of basalts have been examined: (1) Pigeonite basalts — produced by the assimilation of lunar crustal material by a parental melt (up to 3% assimilation and 10% crystal fractionation, with an “r” value of 0.3). (2) Ilmenite basalts — produced by variable degrees of partial melting (4–8%) of a source of olivine, pigeonite, augite, and plagioclase, brought together by overturn of the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) cumulate pile. After generation, which did not exhaust any of the minerals in the source, these melts experienced closed-system crystal fractionation/accumulation. (3) Olivine basalts — produced by variable degrees of partial melting (5–10%) of a source of olivine, pigeonite, and augite. After generation, again without exhausting any of the minerals in the source, these melts evolved through crystal accumulation. The evolved liquid counterparts of these cumulates have not been sampled. The source compositions for the ilmenite and olivine basalts were calculated by assuming that the vitrophyric compositions were primary and the magmas were produced by non-modal batch melting. Although the magnitude is unclear, evaluation of these source regions indicates that both be composed of early- and late-stage Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) cumulates, requiring an overturn of the cumulate pile.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of an Apollo 12 fines sample (12001,19) was measured under vacuum conditions over a temperature range of 200 K to 400 K for a density of 1640 kg/m3. It was found to vary from approximately 1.2 × 10–3 W/m – K to about 2.6 × 10–3 W/m – K respectively. A least-squares curve fitted to the data according to the relationk =A +BT 3 was found to represent the data satisfactorily.  相似文献   

S.W. Hobbs  C.F. Pain 《Icarus》2011,214(1):258-264
The study of hillslopes is a primary element of geomorphology and has successfully been used in many terrestrial arenas. In this study we take advantage of High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery as well as Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) derived DEMs of the Pathfinder landing site to study regional hillslopes at resolutions many times greater than previously available and compare them with Mars Pathfinder lander images. This site was thought to be modified by massive flooding 1.8-3.5 byr ago and although evidence of flood activity was not obvious at the finer scale of this study, possible lee deposits and terracing were seen in some of the features. Evidence of post flood processes of ice related creep, aeolian and dry mass wasting were observed at the site and have likely obscured flood related morphology present in these features. Regional slopes were found to vary with aspect and suggest processes intensities operating at different orientations, possibly related to the prevailing wind direction, as well as the origin of the ancient flood event.  相似文献   

A number of conductivity models have been investigated for compatibility with the Apollo 12 magnetometer data. Except at the highest frequencies, a simple core-crust model is compatible with the observed dayside transfer function, which is expressed as the ratio of the lunar surface field spectrum to the interplanetary magnetic field spectrum. All conductivity profiles exhibit a peak near 1500 km, when the models are constrained to conform to the observed flat response at the higher frequencies. However, at frequencies above 0.01 Hz the long wavelength limitation of the theoretical model is no longer valid. A combination of dayside and nightside models and data indicate that a conductivity profile with a peak (0.003 mho/m) near 1500 km radius and a core conductivity of about 0.01 mho/m at 1000 km is compatible with the observations, as is a monotonic conductivity profile with 0.0005 mho/m at 1600 km and a core conductivity of 0.01 mho/m at 1000 km radius.A plausible explanation for the difference between the north-south and east-west transfer functions is that it is due to a time varying compression of the remanent (dc) field at the Apollo 12 site by fluctuations in the solar wind plasma. Providing that the spectrum of these compressive fluctuations is not strongly frequency dependent, the result of removing this effect will be to decrease slightly the estimated conductivity.Bellcomm, Inc., 955 L'Enfant Plaza North, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20024, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Abstract High-Ti basalts from the Apollo collections span a range in age from 3.87 Ga to 3.55 Ga. The oldest of these are the common Apollo 11 Group B2 basalts which yield evidence of some of the earliest melting of the lunar mantle beneath Mare Tranquillitatis. Rare Group D high-Ti basalts from Mare Tranquillitatis have been studied in an attempt to confirm a postulated link with Group B2 basalts (Jerde et al., 1994). The initial Sr isotopic ratio of a known Group D basalt (0.69916 ± 3 at 3.85 Ga) lies at the lower end of the tight range for Group B2 basalts (87Sr/86Sr = 0.69920 to 0.69921). One known Group D basalt and a second postulated Group D basalt yield indistinguishable initial ?Nd (1.2 ± 0.6 and 1.2 ± 0.3) and again lie at the lower end of the range for the Group B2 basalts from Apollo 11 (+2.0 ± 0.4 to +3.9 ± 0.6, at 3.85 Ga). A third sample has isotopic (87Sr/86Sr = 0.69932 ± 2; ?Nd = 2.5 ± 0.4; at 3.59 Ga; as per Snyder et al., 1994b) and elemental characteristics similar to the Group A high-Ti basalts returned from the Apollo 11 landing site. Ages of 40Ar-39Ar have been determined for one known Group D basalt and a second postulated Group D basalt using step-heating with a continuous-wave laser. Suspected Group D basalt, 10002, 1006, yielded disturbed age spectra on two separate runs, which was probably due to 39Ar recoil effects. Using the “reduced plateau age” method of Turner et al. (1978), the ages derived from this sample were 3898 ± 19 and 3894 ± 19 Ma. Three separate runs of known Group D basalt 10002, 116 yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 3798 ± 9 Ma, 3781 ± 8 Ma, and 3805 ± 7 Ma (all errors 2σ). Furthermore, this sample has apparently suffered significant 40Ar loss either due to solar heating or due to meteorite impact. The loss of a significant proportion of 40Ar at such a time means that the plateau ages underestimate the “true” crystallization age of the sample. Modelling of this Ar loss yields older, “true” ages of 3837 ± 18, 3826 ± 16, and 3836 ± 14 Ma. These ages overlap the ages of Group B2 high-Ti basalts (weighted average age = 3850 ± 20 Ma; range in ages = 3.80 to 3.90 Ga). The combined evidence indicates that the Group D and B2 high-Ti basalts could be coeval and may be genetically related, possibly through increasing degrees of melting of a similar source region in the upper mantle of the Moon that formed >4.2 Ga ago. The Group D basalts were melted from the source first and contained 3–5×more trapped KREEP-like liquid than the later (by possibly only a few million years) Group B2 basalts. Furthermore, the relatively LREE- and Rb-enriched nature of these early magmas may lend credence to the idea that the decay of heat-producing elements enriched in the KREEP-like trapped liquid of upper mantle cumulates, such as K, U, and Th, could have initiated widespread lunar volcanism.  相似文献   

Aaron Zent 《Icarus》2008,196(2):385-408
A time-resolved energy balance model in the latitude range targeted by Phoenix, and extending back in time over the past 10 Ma, has been developed and used to predict the time-varying temperature field in ground ice over scales ranging from minutes to millions of years. The temperature history is compared to the population doubling times of terrestrial psychrophiles as a function of temperature, and the lifetime of analog microbe spores against de-activation by galactic cosmic rays (GCR), in order to assess the habitability of ground ice and surrounding materials that may be sampled by Phoenix. Metrics are derived to quantify “habitability” and compare different model configurations, including total and maximum continuous time, per year, that ground ice temperatures exceed various thresholds, maximum and average dormancy periods, and maximum and average consecutive growing seasons. The key unknowns in assessing the position, and hence the temperature, of the ground ice table at high northern latitude is the fate of the perennial north polar cap at high obliquity. If enough H2O ice can persist at polar latitudes to buffer at least the high-latitude atmosphere at all orbital configurations, ground ice is found to be relatively shallow over much of the past 10 Ma, and regularly achieves temperatures in excess of those required for the growth of terrestrial psychrophiles. The dry overburden expected at the landing site can easily be sampled by Phoenix, and includes the “sweet spot” that is characterized by the optimal habitability metrics over the past 10 Ma. If the atmosphere is buffered only by low-latitude ice deposits at obliquities greater than about 30°, the frequency and duration of habitable ice is considerably diminished, and the intervening dormancy periods, during which cosmic ray damage accumulates, are correspondingly longer. In all cases, the maximum dormancy period that must be survived by putative martian psychrophiles is at least an order of magnitude greater than the amount of time required to reduce terrestrial psychrophile spore viability by 10−6 (∼7×104 years). Depending on the fate of high-obliquity polar ice, the maximum dormancy period can exceed 4×106 years, a factor of 60 longer than terrestrial psychrophile spore lifetimes. Habitability of martian ground ice is therefore dependent on putative martian psychrophiles developing robustness against GCR deactivation at least an order of magnitude greater than their terrestrial counterparts. Simulations of ground ice throughout the 65° N-72° N latitude range accessible to Phoenix suggest that higher-latitude ground ice has better habitability metrics, although the discrepancy is less than an order of magnitude for all metrics and across the entire latitude range.  相似文献   

Condensation in Titan’s atmosphere at the Huygens landing site   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. Lavvas  C.A. Griffith  R.V. Yelle 《Icarus》2011,215(2):732-750

The morphologies of Tycho secondary craters and their ejecta deposits were studied using full-Moon, Lunar-Orbiter, and Apollo panoramic photographs. These data were compared with similar data for the secondary craters and light mantle of the Apollo 17 landing site. The results indicate that (1) the central crater cluster and the light mantle can be attributed to Tycho, (2) the dominant mechanism for emplacement of the light mantle was impact by secondary craters that threw material across the valley floor, and (3) level sheets of material may be emplaced locally by secondary impact. Analysis of returned samples confirms that secondary impacts rework mostly local material.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the noble gas isotopic abundances of five dimict breccias and one cataclastic anorthosite that were collected at the Apollo 16 landing site. Orbital and surface photographs indicate that rays from South Ray crater, an almost 1 km wide young crater in the Cayley plains, extend several kilometers from their source into the area that was sampled by the Apollo 16 mission. Previous studies have shown that South Ray crater formed 2 Ma ago and that a large number of rocks might originate from this cratering event. On the basis of cosmic-ray produced nuclei, we find that the six rocks investigated in this work yield the same lunar surface exposure age. Using literature data, we recalculate the exposure ages of additional 16 rocks with suspected South Ray crater origin and obtain an average exposure age of 2.01 ± 0.10 Ma. In particular, all nine dimict breccias (a type of rock essentially restricted to the Apollo 16 area consisting of anorthosite and breccia phases) dated until now yield an average ejection age of 2.06 ± 0.17 Ma. We conclude that they must originate from the Cayley formation or from bedrock underlying the Cayley plain. We determined the gas retention ages for the dimict breccias based on the 40K-40Ar and U,Th-136Xe dating methods: rock 64425 yields a 40K-40Ar age of 3.96 Ga and rock 61016 a U,Th-136Xe age of 3.97 Ga. These results, together with 39Ar-40Ar ages obtained by other workers for rocks 64535 (3.98 Ga) and 64536 (3.97 Ga), show that the dimict breccias formed 3.97 Ga ago.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the visible/near-infrared reflectance spectra of the radiometric calibration targets on the Mars Pathfinder (MPF) lander obtained by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) camera reveal the effects of aeolian dust deposition at the MPF site throughout the mission. Sky brightness models in combination with two-layer radiative transfer models were used with these data to track changes in dust opacity on the radiometric calibration targets (RCTs) to constrain the dust deposition rate and the spectral properties of the deposited dust. Two-layer models were run assuming both linear and nonlinear dust accumulation rates, and suggest that RCT dust optical depth at the end of the 83-sol mission was 0.08 to 0.16, or on the order of 5- to 10-μm thickness for plausible values for dust porosity and grain size. These values correspond to dust fall rates of about 20-45 μm per Earth year, consistent with previous studies of dust deposition on Mars. The single scattering albedos of the dust derived from the models fall between those previously determined for atmospheric dust and bright soils. Comparisons of relative reflectance spectra calibrated using observed RCT radiances from late in the mission versus using radiances from modeled (dust-free) RCTs also reveal distinct spectral differences consistent with dust on the RCTs. Temporal variations in RCT dust opacity are not clearly linked to known passages of vortices at the MPF site, but overall suggest that deposition of dust onto the targets by local dust devils may be favored over erosion. Analyses of temporal changes in visible/near-infrared spectra will provide valuable information for future missions by constraining how dust deposition affects landed spacecraft operability (e.g., solar power availability), instrument calibration, and interpretations of surface mineralogy and composition.  相似文献   

We present the results from the first sonar to be deployed outside of Earth, and the first active acoustic instrument on Titan, onboard the Huygens probe, and the implications of its data for the geomorphology and characteristics of the Huygens landing site. Signals were recorded from 90 m downwards until impact, with a maximum sensor footprint diameter at the ground of 39.2 m. Probe impact speed was measured to be 4.67 m s−1. Derivation of terrain topography in a transect beneath the probe may indicate a ridge-trough terrain with an amplitude of about 1 m and a wavelength of about 10 m, although a flat surface is also consistent with the results. Modelling of the returned signal indicates that the surface acoustic properties at the landing site must be specular in nature, which may have two possible (not incompatible) causes—the surface may consist of sorted interlocking grains, smooth on the centimetre scale, which would imply either fluvial sorting or the infill of small particles interstitial to the larger particles (similar to a terrestrial playa). Alternatively, specularity may indicate the presence of methane as an interstitial liquid or as very small pools. Due to mission constraints, tens of metres around the landing site were not well-imaged by Huygens' cameras except for the narrow azimuth observed after impact (the camera did not look straight down, and was not in imaging mode during the last few hundred metres of descent). Thus the data presented are among the few direct observations of the landing site surroundings.  相似文献   

Electron magnetic resonance spectra of specimens of two crystalline rocks (12021-55 and 12075-19) and of four specimens of fines < 1 mm (12001-16, 12030-16, 12033-50 and 12070-125) have been obtained as a function of spectrometer frequency (9 and 35 GHz), temperature (78 to 300K), heat treatments (to 960°C), and mineral phases (plagioclase, olivine, pyroxferroite, glass, and basaltic fragments). Three paramagnetic ions, Fe3+, Ti3+ and Mn2+, are identified on the basis of spectral characteristics in plagioclase fractions, with concentrations 1019 ions g–1. Spectral components of at least two phases with exchange coupling of unpaired spins are resolved in whole rock samples of the crystalline rock specimens. These disappear upon heat treatment in air at 250°C and are presumably the result of an oxidation of the phases. It is suggested that these are non-stochiometric iron-rich oxide phases which approach stochiometry with heating in air. Some of the spectral properties of the characteristic resonance in fines are shown to be inconsistent with the hypothesis that the resonance is due to spherical iron particles. Another intense spectral component observed in samples of 12033-50 (H ~ 3000 Oe,g ~ 4 at 9 GHz andH ~ 3000 Oe,g ~ 2.2 at 35 GHz) is also observed in basaltic appearing fragments selected from 12001-16. It is estimated that the source of this component has concentrations in 12001-16, 12030-16, and 12075-125 that are < 2% the concentration in 12033-50. A similarity of this component to one observed in a crystalline rock sample from 12021-55 heat-treated in air and then left in air for 27 days and to one observed in a sample of fines heat treated at low pressure (< 10–3 mm Hg) to 800°C is the basis for suggesting that it is also due to a ferromagnetic oxide phase. The spectrum of a ferromagnetic metal platlet from 12001-16, in which the resonance and antiresonance were well resolved, was used to calculate the saturation magnetization and gave a value in reasonable agreement with that of iron as expected.Deceased.American University in Cairo, Cairo, EgyptResearch sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and supported by NASA Contract MSC-T-76458.  相似文献   

We combine thermal simulations of ground ice stability near small rocks with extrapolations of the abundance of rocks at the Phoenix landing site based on HiRISE rock counts to estimate the degree of ice table depth variability within the 3.8 m2 workspace that can be excavated during the mission. Detailed predictions of this kind are important both to test current ground-ice theory and to optimize soil investigations after landing. We find that Phoenix will very likely have access to at least one rock in the diameter range 5 cm to 1 m. Our simulations, which assume the ice to be in diffusive equilibrium with atmospheric water vapor, indicate that all rocks in this size range are associated with an annulus of deep ice-free soil. Ice table depth variability of 1-5 cm is very likely at the landing site due to the presence of small rocks. Further, there are scenarios in which Phoenix might exploit the presence of individual large rocks and/or the arrangement of small rocks to sample soils at depths >10 cm below the average depth predicted from orbit (∼4 cm). Scale analysis to constrain uncertainties in simulation results indicates that estimates of maximum depths may be somewhat conservative and that ice table depressions associated with individual rocks could be deeper and laterally more extended than indicated by formal predictions by mm to cm.  相似文献   

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