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In situ U‐Pb measurements on zircons of the Ries impact crater are presented for three samples from the quarry at Polsingen. The U‐Pb data of most zircons plot along a discordia line, leading to an upper intercept of Carboniferous age (331 ± 32 Ma [2σ]). Four zircons define a concordia age of 313.2 ± 4.4 Ma (2σ). This age most probably represents the age of a granite from the basement target rocks. From granular textured zircon grains (including baddeleyite and anatase/Fe‐rich phases, first identified in the Ries crater), most probably recrystallized after impact (13 analyses, 4 grains), a concordia age of 14.89 ± 0.34 Ma (2σ) and an error weighted mean 206Pb*/238U age of Ma 14.63 ± 0.43 (2σ) is derived. Including the youngest concordant ages of five porous textured zircon grains (24 spot analyses), a concordia age of 14.75 ± 0.22 Ma (2σ) and a mean 206Pb*/238U age of 14.71 ± 0.26 Ma (2σ) can be calculated. These results are consistent with previously published 40Ar/39Ar ages of impact glasses and feldspar. Our results demonstrate that even for relatively young impact craters, reliable U‐Pb ages can be obtained using in situ zircon dating by SIMS. Frequently the texture of impact shocked zircon grains is explained by decomposition at high temperatures and recrystallization to a granular texture. This is most probably the case for the observed granular zircon grains having baddeleyite/anatase/Fe‐rich phases. We also observe non‐baddeleyite/anatase/Fe‐rich phase bearing zircons. For these domains, reset to crater age is more frequently for high U,Th contents. We tentatively explain the higher susceptibility to impact resetting of high U,Th domains by enhanced Pb loss and mobilization due to higher diffusivity within former metamict domains that were impact metamorphosed more easily into porous as well as granular textures during decomposition and recrystallization, possibly supported by Pb loss during postimpact cooling and/or hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

Abstract— 40Ar‐39Ar analyses of a total of 26 samples from eight shock‐darkened impact melt breccias of H‐chondrite affinity (Gao‐Guenie, LAP 02240, LAP 03922, LAP 031125, LAP 031173, LAP 031308, NWA 2058, and Ourique) are reported. These appear to record impacts ranging in time from 303 ± 56 Ma (Gao‐Guenie) to 4360 ± 120 Ma (Ourique) ago. Three record impacts 300–400 Ma ago, while two others record impacts 3900–4000 Ma ago. Combining these with other impact ages from H chondrites in the literature, it appears that H chondrites record impacts in the first 100 Ma of solar system history, during the era of the “lunar cataclysm” and shortly thereafter (3500–4000 Ma ago), one or more impacts ?300 Ma ago, and perhaps an impact ?500 Ma ago (near the time of the L chondrite parent body disruption). Records of impacts on the H chondrite parent body are rare or absent between the era of planetary accretion and the “lunar cataclysm” (4400‐4050 Ma), during the long stretch between heavy bombardment and recent breakup events (3500‐1000 Ma), or at the time of final breakup into meteorite‐sized bodies (<50 Ma).  相似文献   

Abstract— The Zagami shergottite experienced a complex, petrogenetic formation history (McCoy et al. 1992, 1999). Like several shergottites, Zagami contains excess 40Ar relative to its formation age. To understand the origin of this excess 40Ar, we made 39Ar‐40Ar analyses on plagioclase and pyroxene minerals from two phases representing different stages in the magma evolution. Surprisingly, all these separates show similar concentrations of excess 40Ar, ?1 × 10?6 cm3/g. We present arguments against this excess 40Ar having been introduced from the Martian atmosphere as impact glass. We also present evidence against excess 40Ar being a partially degassed residue from a basalt that actually formed ?4 Gyr ago. We utilize our experimental data on Ar diffusion in Zagami and evidence that it was shock‐heated to only ?70 °C, and we assume this heating occurred during an ejection from Mars ?3 Myr ago. With these constraints, thermal considerations necessitates either that its ejected mass was impossibly large, or that its shock‐heating temperature was an order of magnitude higher than that measured. We suggest that this excess 40Ar was inherited from the Zagami magma, and that it was introduced into the magma either by degassing of a larger volume of material or by early assimilation of old, K‐rich crustal material. Similar concentrations of excess 40Ar in the analyzed separates imply that this magma maintained a relatively constant 40Ar concentration throughout its crystallization. This likely occurred through volatile degassing as the magma rose toward the surface and lithostatic pressure was released. These concepts have implications for excess 40Ar in other shergottites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report new 39Ar‐40Ar measurements on 15 plagioclase, pyroxene, and/or whole rock samples of 8 Martian shergottites. All age spectra suggest ages older than the meteorite formation ages, as defined by Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isochrons. Employing isochron plots, only Los Angeles plagioclase and possibly Northwest Africa (NWA) 3171 plagioclase give ages in agreement with their formation ages. Isochrons for all shergottite samples reveal the presence of trapped Martian 40Ar (40Arxs), which exists in variable amounts in different lattice locations. Some 40Arxs is uniformly distributed throughout the lattice, resulting in a positive isochron intercept, and other 40Arxs occurs in association with K‐bearing minerals and increases the isochron slope. These samples demonstrate situations where linear Ar isochrons give false ages that are too old. After subtracting 40Ar*that would accumulate by 40K decay since meteorite formation and small amounts of terrestrial 40Ar, all young age samples give similar 40Arxs concentrations of ?1–2 × 10?6cm3/g, but a variation in K content by a factor of ?80. Previously reported NASA Johnson Space Center data for Zagami, Shergotty, Yamato (Y‐) 000097, Y‐793605, and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201 shergottites show similar concentrations of 40Arxs to the new meteorite data reported here. Similar 40Arxs in different minerals and meteorites cannot be explained as arising from Martian atmosphere carried in strongly shocked phases such as melt veins. We invoke the explanation given by Bogard and Park (2008) for Zagami, that this 40Arxs in shergottites was acquired from the magma. Similarity in 40Arxs among shergottites may reveal common magma sources and/or similar magma generation and emplacement processes.  相似文献   

Ar‐Ar isochron ages of EL chondrites suggest closure of the K‐Ar system at 4.49 ± 0.01 Ga for EL5 and 6 chondrites, and 4.45 ± 0.01 Ga for EL3 MAC 88136. The high‐temperature release regimes contain a mixture of radiogenic 40Ar* and trapped primordial argon (solar or Q‐type) with 40Ar/36ArTR ~ 0 , which does not affect the 40Ar budget. The low‐temperature extractions show evidence of an excess 40Ar component. The 40Ar/36Ar is 180–270; it is defined by intercept values of isochron regression. Excess 40Ar is only detectable in petrologic types >4/5. These lost most of their primordial 36Ar from low‐temperature phases during metamorphism and retrapped excess 40Ar. The origin of this excess 40Ar component is probably related to metamorphic Ar mobilization, homogenization of primordial and in situ radiogenic Ar, and trapping of Ar by distinct low‐temperature phases. Ar‐Ar ages of EH chondrites are more variable and show clear evidence of a major impact‐induced partial resetting at about 2.2 Ga ago or alternatively, prolonged metamorphic decomposition of major K carrier phases. EH impact melt LAP 02225 displayed the highest Ar‐Ar isochron age of 4.53 ± 0.01 Ga. This age sets a limit of about 25–45 Ma for the age bias between the K‐Ar and U‐Pb decay systems.  相似文献   

New petrography and 40Ar‐39Ar ages have been obtained for 1–3 mm sized rock fragments from Apollo 16 Station 13 soil 63503 (North Ray crater ejecta) and chips from three rocks collected by Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 missions. Selection of these samples was aimed at the old 40Ar‐39Ar ages to understand the early history of the lunar magnetic field and impact flux. Fifteen samples were studied including crustal material, polymict feldspathic fragmental breccias, and impact melts. The impact ages obtained range between approximately 3.3 and 4.3 billion years (Ga). Polymict fragmental breccia 63503,1 exhibits the lowest signs of recrystallization observed and a probable old relic age of 4.547 ± 0.027. The plateau age of 4.293 ± 0.044 Ga obtained for impact melt rock 63503,13 represents the oldest known age for such a lithology. Possibly, this age represents the minimum age for the South Pole‐Aitken (SPA) Basin. In agreement with literature data, these results show that impact ages >3.9 Ga are found in lunar rocks, especially within soil 63503. Impact exhumation of deep‐seated warm crustal material onto the lunar surface is considered to explain the common 4.2 Ga ages obtained for weakly shocked samples from soil 63503 and Apollo 17. This would directly imply that one or more basin‐forming events occurred at that time. Some rock fragments showing none to limited petrologic features indicate thermal annealing. These rocks may have lost Ar while resident within the hot‐ejecta of a large basin. Concurrent with previous studies, these results lead us to advocate for a complex impact flux in the inner solar system during the initial approximately 1.3 Ga.  相似文献   

Abstract– 40Ar/39Ar dating of recrystallized K‐feldspar melt particles separated from partially molten biotite granite in impact melt rocks from the approximately 24 km Nördlinger Ries crater (southern Germany) yielded a plateau age of 14.37 ± 0.30 (0.32) Ma (2σ). This new age for the Nördlinger Ries is the first age obtained from (1) monomineralic melt (2) separated from an impact‐metamorphosed target rock clast within (3) Ries melt rocks and therewith extends the extensive isotopic age data set for this long time studied impact structure. The new age goes very well with the 40Ar/39Ar step‐heating and laser probe dating results achieved from mixed‐glass samples (suevite glass and tektites) and is slightly younger than the previously obtained fission track and K/Ar and ages of about 15 Ma, as well as the K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar age data obtained in the early 1990s. Taking all the 40Ar/39Ar age data obtained from Ries impact melt lithologies into account (data from the literature and this study), we suggest an age of 14.59 ± 0.20 Ma (2σ) as best value for the Ries impact event.  相似文献   

Abstract– We present 40Ar‐39Ar dating results of handpicked mineral separates and whole‐rock samples of Nakhla, Lafayette, and Chassigny. Our data on Nakhla and Lafayette and recently reported ages for some nakhlites and Chassigny ( Misawa et al. 2006 ; Park et al. 2009 ) point to formation ages of approximately 1.4 Ga rather than 1.3 Ga that is consistent with previous suggestions of close‐in‐time formation of nakhlites and Chassigny. In Lafayette mesostasis, we detected a secondary degassing event at approximately 1.1 Ga, which is not related to iddingsite formation. It may have been caused by a medium‐grade thermal event resetting the mesostasis age but not influencing the K‐Ar system of magmatic inclusions and the original igneous texture of this rock. Cosmic‐ray exposure ages for these meteorites and for Governador Valadares were calculated from bulk rock concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar. Individual results are similar to literature data. The considerable scatter of T3, T21, and T38 ages is due to systematic uncertainties related to bulk rock and target element chemistry, production rates, and shielding effects. This hampers efforts to better constrain the hypothesis of a single ejection event for all nakhlites and Chassigny from a confined Martian surface terrain ( Eugster 2003 ; Garrison and Bogard 2005 ). Cosmic‐ray exposure ages from stepwise release age spectra using 38Ar and neutron induced 37Ar from Ca in irradiated samples can eliminate errors induced by bulk chemistry on production rates, although not from shielding conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied 42 impact‐melt clasts from lunar feldspathic regolith breccias MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 88105, Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069, Dar al Gani (DaG) 262, and DaG 400 for texture, chemical composition, and/or chronology. Although the textures are similar to the impactmelt clasts identified in mafic Apollo and Luna samples, the meteorite clasts are chemically distinct from them, having lower Fe, Ti, K, and P, thus representing previously unsampled impacts. The 40Ar‐39Ar ages on 31 of the impact melts, the first ages on impact‐melt samples from outside the region of the Apollo and Luna sampling sites, range from ~4 to ~2.5 Ga. We interpret these samples to have been created in at least six, and possibly nine or more, different impact events. One inferred impact event may be consistent with the Apollo impact‐melt rock age cluster at 3.9 Ga, but the meteorite impact‐melt clasts with this age are different in chemistry from the Apollo samples, suggesting that the mechanism responsible for the 3.9 Ga peak in lunar impact‐melt clast ages is a lunar‐wide phenomenon. No meteorite impact melts have ages more than 1s? older than 4.0 Ga. This observation is consistent with, but does not require, a lunar cataclysm.  相似文献   

Moldavites are tektites genetically related to the Ries impact structure, located in Central Europe, but the source materials and the processes related to the chemical fractionation of moldavites are not fully constrained. To further understand moldavite genesis, the Cu and Zn abundances and isotope compositions were measured in a suite of tektites from four different substrewn fields (South Bohemia, Moravia, Cheb Basin, Lusatia) and chemically diverse sediments from the surroundings of the Ries impact structure. Moldavites are slightly depleted in Zn (~10–20%) and distinctly depleted in Cu (>90%) relative to supposed sedimentary precursors. Moreover, the moldavites show a wide range in δ66Zn values between 1.7 and 3.7‰ (relative to JMC 3‐0749 Lyon) and δ65Cu values between 1.6 and 12.5‰ (relative to NIST SRM 976) and are thus enriched in heavy isotopes relative to their possible parent sedimentary sources (δ66Zn = ?0.07 to +0.64‰; δ65Cu = ?0.4 to +0.7‰). In particular, the Cheb Basin moldavites show some of the highest δ65Cu values (up to 12.5‰) ever observed in natural samples. The relative magnitude of isotope fractionation for Cu and Zn seen here is opposite to oxygen‐poor environments such as the Moon where Zn is significantly more isotopically fractionated than Cu. One possibility is that monovalent Cu diffuses faster than divalent Zn in the reduced melt and diffusion will not affect the extent of Zn isotope fractionation. These observations imply that the capability of forming a redox environment may aid in volatilizing some elements, accompanied by isotope fractionation, during the impact process. The greater extent of elemental depletion, coupled with isotope fractionation of more refractory Cu relative to Zn, may also hinge on the presence of carbonyl species of transition metals and electromagnetic charge, which could exist in the impact‐induced high‐velocity jet of vapor and melts.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments on whole‐rock lunar samples commonly provide evidence of varying degrees of radiogenic 40Ar (40Ar*) loss. However, these experiments provide limited information about whether or not 40Ar* is preferentially lost from specific glasses, minerals, or polyphase domains. Ultraviolet laser ablation microprobe (UVLAMP) 40Ar/39Ar dating and electron probe microanalysis of mineral clasts and polyphase melt assemblages in Apollo 17 poikilitic impact melt rock 77135 show evidence of geochemical controls on 40Ar/39Ar dates. Potassium‐rich glass and K‐feldspar in the mesostasis are the dominant sources for Ar released during low‐temperature steps of published 40Ar/39Ar release spectra for this rock, while pyroxene oikocrysts with enclosed plagioclase chadacrysts contribute Ar predominantly to intermediate‐ to high‐temperature steps. Additionally, UVLAMP analysis of a mm‐scale plagioclase clast demonstrates the potential to use stranded 40Ar* diffusive loss profiles to constrain the thermal evolution of lunar impact melt deposits and indicates that the melt component of 77135 cooled quickly. While some submillimeter clasts of plagioclase are distinctly older than the melt, other small clasts yield dates younger than the oldest melt components in 77135, plausibly due to subgrain fast diffusion pathways and/or 40Ar* loss during brief episodes of reheating at high temperatures. Our data suggest that integrated petrologic and microanalytical geochronologic studies are necessary complements to bulk sample geochronologic studies in order to fully evaluate competing models for the impactor flux during the first billion years of the Moon's evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report a high‐resolution 40Ar‐39Ar study of mineral separates and whole‐rock samples of olivine‐phyric (Dhofar 019, Sayh al Uhaymir [SaU] 005) and basaltic (Shergotty, Zagami) shergottites. Excess argon is present in all samples. The highest (40Ar/36Ar)trapped ratios are found for argon in pyroxene melt inclusions (?1500), maskelynite (?1200), impact glass (?1800) of Shergotty and impact glass of SaU 005 (?1200). A high (40Ar/36Ar)trapped component‐usually uniquely ascribed to Martian atmosphere‐can also originate from the Martian interior, indicating a heterogeneous Martian mantle composition. As additional explanation of variable high (40Ar/36Ar)trapped ratios in shocked shergottites, we suggest argon implantation from a “transient atmosphere” during impact induced degassing. The best 40Ar‐39Ar age estimate for Dhofar 019 is 642 ± 72 Ma (maskelynite). SaU 005 samples are between 700–900 Ma old. Relatively high 40Ar‐39Ar ages of melt inclusions within Dhofar 019 (1086 ± 252 Ma) and SaU 005 olivine (885 ± 66 Ma) could date entrapment of a magmatic liquid during early olivine crystallization, or reflect unrecognized excess 40Ar components. The youngest 40Ar‐39Ar age of Shergotty separates (maskelynite) is ?370 Ma, that of Zagami is ?200 Ma. The 40Ar‐39Ar chronology of Dhofar 019 and SaU 005 indicate >1 Ga ages. Apparent ages uncorrected for trapped (e.g., Martian atmosphere, mantle) argon components approach 4.5 Ga, but are not caused by inherited 40Ar, because excess 40Ar is supported by 36Artrapped. Young ages obtained by 40Ar‐39Ar and other chronometers argue for primary rather than secondary events. The cosmic ray exposure ages calculated from cosmogenic argon are 15.7 ± 0.7 Ma (Dhofar 019), 1.0–1.6 Ma (SaU 005), 2.1–2.5 Ma (Shergotty) and 2.2–3.0 Ma (Zagami).  相似文献   

Abstract— A new 40Ar/39Ar data set is presented for tektites from the Central European strewn field (moldavites). This is the only strewn field that is entirely situated in a continental environment and still characterized by scattered ages (14–15.3 Myr). The main objectives of the study were to define more precisely the moldavite formation age and provide a good calibration for a glass standard proposed for fission‐track dating. The laser total fusion ages obtained on chips from 7 individual specimens from the Southern Bohemian and Moravian subfields are restricted to a narrow interval of time, with an average of 14.34 ± 0.08 Myr relative to the 27.95 ± 0.09 Myr of the Fish Canyon Tuff biotite. This result gives a more precise age not only for the tektite field but also for its producing impact. If the genetic link between the moldavites and the Nördlinger Ries impact crater is maintained, then this new age has to be considered a reliable estimate for the Ries crater also. This new value places the formation of Central European tektites within the Lower Serravallian period in the latest geologic timescales. Evidence of their impact products, such as glass spherules or shocked minerals, can, therefore, be sought in sedimentary marine formations in a more precisely defined age interval.  相似文献   

Lithium abundances and isotope compositions are presented for a suite of sediments from the surroundings of the Ries Impact structure, paralleled by new Li data for central European tektites (moldavites) from several substrewn fields (South Bohemia, Moravia, Cheb Basin, Lusatia), including a specimen from the newly discovered substrewn field in Poland. The data set was supplemented by three clay fractions isolated from sedimentary samples. Moldavites measured in this study show a very narrow range in δ7Li values (?0.6 to 0.3‰ relative to L‐SVEC) and Li contents (23.9–48.1 ppm). This contrasts with sediments from the Ries area which show remarkable range in Li isotope compositions (from ?6.9 to 13.4‰) and Li contents (0.6–256 ppm). The OSM sediments which, based on chemical similarity, formed the major part of moldavites, show a range in δ7Li values from ?2.0 to 7.9‰ and Li contents from 5.8 to 78.9 ppm. Therefore, the formation of moldavites was apparently accompanied by large‐scale mixing, paralleled by chemical and isotope homogenization of their parent matter. The proposed Li mixing model indicates that sands, clayey sediments, and low volumes of carbonates are the major components for tektite formation whereas residual paleokarst sediments could have been a minor but important component for a subset of moldavites. Striking homogenization of Li in tektites, combined with limited Li loss during impacts, may suggest that moderately volatile elements are not scavenged and isotopically fractionated during large‐scale collisions, which is consistent with recent models. In general, whether homogenization of bodies with distinct Li isotope systematics takes place, or collision of bodies with similar Li systematics operates cannot be resolved at present stage but Li isotope homogeneity of solar system planets and asteroidal bodies tentatively implies the latter.  相似文献   

Abstract— 20–25 mg whole rock samples of the nakhlites Lafayette and Nakhla have been analyzed via the 40Ar‐39Ar technique, in part to verify their formation ages, but primarily, in an attempt to determine the timing of aqueous alteration in these martian meteorites. As in previous studies, plateaus in apparent age are observed at about 1300 Ma (1322 ± 10 for Lafayette, 1332 ± 10 and 1323 ± 11 for Nakhla), presumably corresponding to crystallization ages. The plateaus are not entirely flat, perhaps reflecting the effects of recoil during creation of 39Ar in the nuclear irradiation. The first 5–20% of the K‐derived Ar released from all three samples give apparent ages <1300 Ma. Coupled with the fact that chronometric isotopic studies of nakhlites typically show some disturbance, we believe the low temperature pattern represents more recent (than 1300 Ma) formation of martian aqueous alteration products such as iddingsite. No low temperature plateaus are observed. This is consistent with petrographic evidence for multiple formation events, although the lack of low temperature plateaus is far from conclusive. On the other hand, if there was a single time of alteration, we believe that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to determine it using the K‐Ar system.  相似文献   

A recrystallized band of pale feldspathic impact melt in a gneissic impact breccia from the approximately 10 km Paasselkä impact structure in southeast Finland was dated via 40Ar/39Ar step‐heating. The newly obtained plateau age of 228.7 ± 1.8 (2.2) Ma (2σ) (MSWD = 0.32; p = 0.93) is equal to the previously published pseudoplateau age of 228.7 ± 3.0 (3.4) (2σ) for the impact event. According to the current international chronostratigraphic chart and using the most recent published suggestions for the K decay constants, a Carnian (Late Triassic) age for the Paasselkä impact structure of 231.0 ± 1.8 (2.2) Ma (2σ) is calculated and considered the most precise and accurate age for this impact structure. The new plateau age for Paasselkä confirms the previous dating result but is, based on its internal statistics, much more compelling.  相似文献   

Abstract– 40Ar/39Ar dating of recrystallized feldspar glass particles separated from clast‐rich impact melt rocks from the approximately 10 km Paasselkä impact structure (SE Finland) yielded a Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian‐Karnian) pseudo‐plateau age of 228.7 ± 3.0 (3.4) Ma (2σ). This new age makes Paasselkä the first known Triassic impact structure dated by isotopic methods on the Baltic Shield. The new Paasselkä impact age is, within uncertainty, coeval with isotopic ages recently obtained for the Lake Saint Martin impact structure in Canada, indicating a new Middle to Late Triassic impact crater population on Earth. The comparatively small crater size, however, suggests no relationship between the Paasselkä impact and a postulated extinction event at the Middle/Late Triassic boundary.  相似文献   

Field investigations in the eroded central uplift of the ≤30 km Keurusselkä impact structure, Finland, revealed a thin, dark melt vein that intersects the autochthonous shatter cone‐bearing target rocks near the homestead of Kirkkoranta, close to the center of the impact structure. The petrographic analysis of quartz in this melt breccia and the wall rock granite indicate weak shock metamorphic overprint not exceeding ~8–10 GPa. The mode of occurrence and composition of the melt breccia suggest its formation as some kind of pseudotachylitic breccia. 40Ar/39Ar dating of dark and clast‐poor whole‐rock chips yielded five concordant Late Mesoproterozoic miniplateau ages and one plateau age of 1151 ± 10 Ma [± 11 Ma] (2σ; MSWD = 0.11; = 0.98), considered here as the statistically most robust age for the rock. The new 40Ar/39Ar age is incompatible with ~1.88 Ga Svecofennian tectonism and magmatism in south‐central Finland and probably reflects the Keurusselkä impact, followed by impact‐induced hydrothermal chloritization of the crater basement. In keeping with the crosscutting relationships in the outcrop and the possible influence of postimpact alteration, the Late Mesoproterozoic 40Ar/39Ar age of ~1150 Ma should be treated as a minimum age for the impact. The new 40Ar/39Ar results are consistent with paleomagnetic results that suggested a similar age for Keurusselkä, which is shown to be one of the oldest impact structures currently known in Europe and worldwide.  相似文献   

The Puchezh‐Katunki impact structure, 40–80 km in diameter, located ~400 km northeast of Moscow (Russia), has a poorly constrained age between ~164 and 203 Ma (most commonly quoted as 167 ± 3 Ma). Due to its relatively large size, the Puchezh‐Katunki structure has been a prime candidate for discussions on the link between hypervelocity impacts and extinction events. Here, we present new 40Ar/39Ar data from step‐heating analysis of five impact melt rock samples that allow us to significantly improve the age range for the formation of the Puchezh‐Katunki impact structure to 192–196 Ma. Our results also show that there is not necessarily a simple relationship between the observed petrographic features of an impact melt rock sample and the obtained 40Ar/39Ar age spectra and inverse isochrons. Furthermore, a new palynological investigation of the postimpact crater lake sediments supports an age significantly older than quoted in the literature, i.e., in the interval late Sinemurian to early Pliensbachian, in accordance with the new radioisotopic age estimate presented here. The new age range of the structure is currently the most reliable age estimate of the Puchezh‐Katunki impact event.  相似文献   

The hornblende‐ and biotite‐bearing R chondrite LAP 04840 is a rare kind of meteorite possibly containing outer solar system water stored during metamorphism or postshock annealing deep within an asteroid. Because little is known regarding its age and origin, we determined 40Ar/39Ar ages on hornblende‐rich separates of the meteorite, and obtained plateau ages of 4340(±40) to 4380(±30) Ma. These well‐defined plateau ages, coupled with evidence for postshock annealing, indicate this meteorite records an ancient shock event and subsequent annealing. The age of 4340–4380 Ma (or 4.34–4.38 Ga) for this and other previously dated R chondrites is much older than most impact events recorded by ordinary chondrites and points to an ancient event or events that predated the late heavy bombardment that is recorded in so many meteorites and lunar samples.  相似文献   

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