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1 RelativisicallyBroadenedFeKαLinesTheFeKαlineat~ 6.4keV ,whichisobservedinmanyActiveGalacticNuclei (AGN)aswellasingalacticblackholecandidates,ismainlyproducedbyfluorescence ,i.e.,ahardphoton produced ,e .g .,byComptonizationinanaccretiondiskcorona isabsorbedbytheK shellofanironatomintherelativelycoldmaterialinthethinaccretiondisk .NotethatinthecontextoftheX rayemissionfromSeyfertgalaxies ,“cold”meanstemperatureswheretheionizationstateofironisFexorless,i.e.,onlyoutershellelectrons…  相似文献   

The present paper is a direct continuation of papers by Duboshin, 1973; Kondurar, 1974 and Vidyakin, 1972 in which the existence of one kind of Lagrange (triangle) and Euler (rectilinear) solutions of the general problem of the translatory-rotary motion of three absolutely rigid bodies was proved.In the present paper the following problem is solved: Whether there exist exact special solutions in the general problem of the translatory-rotary motion of three rigid bodies, which have three mutually perpendicular symmetry planes, analogous to the Lagrange solutions in the problem of three point bodies.In this paper it is proved that such solutions exist if the bodies possess a definite structure and orientation. In particular, the conditions for the existence of Lagrange solutions of the problem of three rigid bodies have been found.We showed that bodies possessing three mutually perpendicular symmetry planes (both in form and in the distribution of the masses) are situated in a rotating system of coordinates in such a way that one symmetry plane passes through the centres of mass of the bodies and the other symmetry planes are oriented in a definite manner. The orientation of the bodies depends on their structures. In particular, if rigid bodies possess a geometric-dynamic symmetry in respect to an axis and the plane perpendicular to this axis, then, according to the terminology of G. N. Duboshin (Duboshin, 1961) the solutions of the three floats, three spokes, three shafts types and the cases of the combinations of the bodies: float, spoke and shaft are admitted.In the general case the centres of mass of the bodies form the apexes of an unequilateral triangle.

海尔-波普彗星刘麟仲在20世纪即将结束之时,继百武彗星之后,一个肉眼可见的更亮彗星海尔─波普彗星出现了。这颗彗星是由美国天文学家海尔和天文爱好者波普于1995年7月23日分别发现,故命名它为海尔─波普彗星。一特殊的轨道海尔─波普彗星有着特殊的轨道,它...  相似文献   

本文叙述南天区5GHzVLBI普查的第二轮观测中所发现的视超光速候选源,0208-512和2243-123,这些结果尚待进一步的观测加以证实.  相似文献   

庞征 《天文爱好者》2011,(12):86-89
2011年11月9日零点16分,北京时间凌晨4点16分,中国首颗火星探测器“萤火一号”搭载俄罗斯“火卫-- -土壤”探测器,在位于哈萨克斯坦境内的拜科努尔发射场发射升空。仅仅7个小时后,北京时间9号中午11点左右,俄联邦航天署发布消息。“火卫-- -土壤”探测器及其所搭载的中国“萤火一号”火星探测器在飞行过程中出现意外,它们未能按计划实现变轨,结果导致此次火星卫星探测失败。  相似文献   

We made the first CO(I—0) mapping to SNR G21.8-0.6 and SNR G32.8-0.1, both associated with OH 1720 MHz maser.Based on the morphological correspondence and velocity and position agreement between the radio remnant and the CO clouds,we tentatively identify the clouds that are respectively interacting with the two SNRs.  相似文献   

上世纪九十年代末在漠河观测日全食的景象在时隔11年之后仍然历历在目,正是那次终身难忘的观测促使我下决心再次观测2008年发生在我国西北的一次日全食奇观。  相似文献   

“太阳-恒星物理学”目前是一个正在蓬勃发展的新的分支学科.它把太阳研究的大量成果推广到成千上万颗恒星,发现许多恒星都有类似太阳的活动周期以及黑子、耀斑等活动现象,此外恒星也有与太阳色球和日冕相对应的大气层次,并发射出与太阳风相似的粒子流。这门新学科的创立为恒星物理学开辟了广阔的新领域,它也促成太阳物理学的进一步发展。  相似文献   

最近这些年来,世界石油价格的持续震荡上涨,越来越多的国家和组织把目光转向了月球。月球上不仅有丰富的太阳能,还蕴藏了极其丰富的能源和矿产资源。例如月球上有硅、铁、铝、钛和钙等多种资源,可以用来直接生产建材建造房屋。另外,月球的两极可能存有上亿吨的水冰,它们不仅可以满足人在月球上生存的需要,水如果分解成氧和氢,还可以成为重要燃料。当然,在月壤的稀有元素中,最让人们感兴趣的还是氦-3。  相似文献   

New methanol maser lines at 72 → 63A-(86.6GHz) and 72 → 63A (86.9GHz) together with two candidate methanol maser lines at 72 → 81A-(80.99GHz) and 72 → 81A (111.29GHz) have been detected in W3(OH). We use a pumping mechanism,i.e.,methanol masers without population inversion,to explain the formation of weak methanol masers of 72 → 81A and 72 → 81A-. We explain well why the line-shape of the transition 72 → 81A is not typical. A similar argument can be applied to the Λ-type level system 72A-,63A-and 81A-,as well as to the 72 → 81A-80.99GHz masers.  相似文献   

超宽带(UWB)技术是短距离无线通信领域中具有革命性意义的新兴技术。结合目前应用较为广泛的多频带OFDM(orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing)技术,对基于OFDM的超宽带无线通信系统的设计原理和系统结构进行了分析,对多频带OFDM-UWB信号的产生方法系统地进行了阐述,并给出了信号的仿真结果。本文的分析可为OFDM-UWB信号在实际通信系统中的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

“假如美国也长时间闹雪灾,夏威夷火山爆发,假如日本、欧洲没人搜索或者忽略这个目标,假如彗星呆在银河里不出来,或者在北极附近转悠,假如彗星突然爆发亮于15等甚至13等,假如我们这里连续晴天,假如月亮不大,假如我的设备不出问题,假如彗星特征明显,假如网络通畅,假如我们及时看图,假如我们仔细看图,假如……,太多的假如了,这些1/2乘到一起,足够10次方了,看来千分之一的机会说得还不够。……”  相似文献   

本文研究了在非相对论情况下磁单极子-带电粒子的Fokker-Planck方程,计算了此方程中的速度一阶二阶平均量。我们发现,和带电粒子间的相互作用很类似,磁单极-带电粒子的碰撞积分是对数式发散的,这表明远程碰撞仍然起主要作用,近距碰撞可略而不计。此外在热力学平衡分布下,给出了磁单极子-带电粒子作用的三个弛豫时间——慢化、偏转和能量交换时间——的解析表达式,并同早已熟知的荷电粒子间的弛豫时间作了比较,发现前者一般比后者大一因子:(光速/热速)~2。因此通常条件下磁单极和荷电粒子间的作用是微弱的。但在某些天体物理条件下磁单极对荷电粒子群的影响是不可忽略的,从而可期磁流体力学方程应作相应的修改,最后我们列出了含磁单极的等离子体中的封闭的MHD方程组。  相似文献   

用澳大利亚悉尼大学的Fleurs综合孔径射电望远镜,在1415MHz上对两个南天射电星系PKS1331-09和PKS1417-20进行了观测,得到了分辨率约为40弧秒的射电亮度分布图,并求得了它们的几何参数和物理参数.前者是一个延伸达1.9 Mpc的巨射电星系,具有与CygA十分相似的双源结构.我们猜测用更高分辨率观测该源时,可期望在它的子源外边沿发现热斑结构;后者是一通常的晕核结构源.  相似文献   

New methanol maser lines at 72 → 63A^-(86.6 GHz) and 72 → 63A^+(86.9 GHz) together with two candidate methanol maser lines at 72 → 81A-(80.99GHz) and 72→81A^+(111.29GHz) have been detected in W3(OH). We use a pumping mechanism, i.e., methanol masers without population inversion, to explain the formation of weak methanol masers of 72 → 81A^+ and 72→ 81A^-. We explain well why the line-shape of the transition 72 → 81A^+ is not typical. A similar argument can be applied to the A-type level system 72A^-, 63A^- and 81A^-, as well as to the 72 → 81A^- 80.99 GHz masers.  相似文献   

王红池 《天文学进展》2000,18(3):216-228
赫比格-哈罗天体(HH天体)包含了有关原恒星吸积和抛射过程的许多重要信息,HH天体高分辨观测研究取得了一系列新进展:分辨出激波峰面、马赫盘和辐射冷却区;分辨出喷流节点的结构,发现它们大多是内工作面,而不是由Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性所产生的斜激波;发现喷流宽度随到激发源距离的减小仅缓慢减小,对喷流的准直和加速模型提供了限制条件;HH天体在小尺度上尚有复杂的激发结构。对这些进展进行了评  相似文献   

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