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Climate Variability and Urbanization in Athens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary  The effects of urbanization on the Athens National Observatory (NOA) long records are investigated, in the present study, examining the mean monthly maximum and minimum air temperature for the period 1925–1996, for NOA and the corresponding time series for Aliartos (ALI), a rural station located 70 km NW of Athens. The existing small urbanization effect in NOA before the second world war period increased after the war and up to about 1990, when the effect became stationary. The urbanization effect in NOA referred mainly to maximum temperature and to the warmer seasons of the year. It is attributed to the extensive building of Athens after the war around NOA site and up to the sea which increases the temperature of the sea breeze. The effect is also attributed to the rapid increase of the population and the number of motor vehicles mainly after 1970. Moreover the decreasing trend of precipitation during the period 1970–1990 may have contributed to the increase of maximum air temperature. The urbanization effect on maximum temperatures of NOA amounts about 2 °C in spring, summer and less in fall, while no urbanization effect is clear in winter. Received March 25, 1998 Revised October 7, 1998  相似文献   

采用分位数映射(Quantile Mapping, QM)和delta分位数映射(Quantile Delta Mapping, QDM)两种误差订正方法对区域气候模式RegCM4在中国区域内模拟的逐日气温和降水数据进行订正。模式数据是5种不同全球气候模式驱动下的区域模式气候变化模拟结果。计算订正前后的极端气候指数进行对比分析,包括日最高气温极大值(TXx)、日最低气温极小值(TNn)、连续干旱日数(CDD)和最大日降水量(RX1day)。结果表明,5组模拟结果和其集合平均(ensR)都显示气温指数的模拟效果高于降水指数,其中对TXx模拟最好,对CDD的模拟最差;经过订正后,针对不同模式的两种订正结果都能够有效地减小模式与观测的偏差并提高了空间相关系数,且两种方法的订正效果无明显差别。对RCP4.5情景下未来变化的分析中,QM在一定程度上改变了模式模拟的未来变化幅度和空间分布特征,QDM则能够有效地保留所有极端指数的气候变化信号。从全国平均来看,除CDD外,所有指数未来都呈现增加趋势,且QDM订正结果与订正前模式模拟的变化趋势更为接近。建议在气候变化模拟的误差订正中采用QDM方法。  相似文献   

中国应对气候变化谈判的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过中国和欧盟内部可以增加排放的中等发达国家在人均能源消费、人均CO2排放和人均GDP以及人文发展指标的对比,可以看出中国远低于欧盟5个中等发达国家的水平。因此,中国提出在达到中等发达国家水平之后承担减排义务是有根据的,中国要求获得与自身经济社会发展相适应的温室气体排放空间,以满足国民基本生存和发展的需要是合理的。中国在达到中等发达国家之前,可以考虑承诺在一定时期内保持CO2排放强度不增加。  相似文献   

Water managers always have had to cope with climate variability. All water management practices are, to some extent, a response to natural hydrologic variability. Climate change poses a different kind of problem. Adaptation to climate change in water resource management will involve using the kinds of practices and activities currently being used. However, it remains unclear whether or not practices and activities designed with historical climate variability will be able to cope with future variability caused by atmospheric warming. This paper examines the question of adaptation to climate change in the context of Canadian water resources management, emphasizing issues in the context of the Great Lakes, an important binational water resource.  相似文献   

An Anatomy of Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability   总被引:29,自引:7,他引:29  
Adaptation to climate variability and change is important both for impact assessment (to estimate adaptations which are likely to occur) and for policy development (to advise on or prescribe adaptations). This paper proposes an "anatomy of adaptation" to systematically specify and differentiate adaptations, based upon three questions: (i) adapt to what? (ii) who or what adapts? and (iii) how does adaptation occur? Climatic stimuli include changes in long-term mean conditions and variability about means, both current and future, and including extremes. Adaptation depends fundamentally on the characteristics of the system of interest, including its sensitivities and vulnerabilities. The nature of adaptation processes and forms can be distinguished by numerous attributes including timing, purposefulness, and effect. The paper notes the contribution of conceptual and numerical models and empirical studies to the understanding of adaptation, and outlines approaches to the normative evaluation of adaptation measures and strategies.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments have been carried out with a two-dimensional sector averaged global climate model in order to assess the potential impact of solar variability on the Earth's surface temperature from 1700 to 1992. This was done by investigating the model response to the variations in solar radiation caused by the changes in the Earth's orbital elements, as well as by the changes intrinsic to the Sun. In the absence of a full physical theory able to explain the origin of the observed total solar irradiance variations, three different total solar irradiance reconstructions have been used. A total solar irradiance change due to the photospheric effects incorporated in the Willson and Hudson (1988) parameterization, and the newly reconstructed solar total irradiance variations from the solar models of Hoyt and Schatten (1993) and Lean et al. (1995). Our results indicate that while the influence of the orbital forcing on the annual and global mean surface temperature is negligible at the century time scale, the monthly mean response to this forcing can be quite different from one month to another. The modelled global warming due to the three investigated total solar irradiance reconstructions is insufficient to reproduce the observed 20th century warming. Nevertheless, our simulated surface temperature response to the changes in the Sun's radiant energy output suggests that the Gleissberg cycle (88 years) solar forcing should not be neglected in explaining the century-scale climate variations. Finally, spectral analysis seems to point out that the 10- to 12-year oscillations found in the recorded Northern Hemisphere temperature variations from 1700 to 1992 could be unrelated to the solar forcing. Such a result could indicate that the eleven-year period which is frequently found in climate data might be related to oscillations in the atmosphere or oceans, internal to the climate system.  相似文献   

自然气候变异与人为气候变化对径流影响研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 在回顾IPCC于1990-2007年4次关于气候变化对径流影响的评估报告进展的基础上,将第一次与第二次评估报告归纳为第一代--以气候均值变化对径流影响及其适应为主要特征;第三次与第四次评估报告为第二代--突出人为气候变化与自然气候变异对径流影响及其适应问题,分析了常规的气候变化对水文水资源影响评估方法的发展过程及存在的问题。研究结果反映了年代际时间尺度的自然气候变异的影响,而未能考虑与极端事件发生频次和强度变化密切相联的日、季和年际尺度的气候变异的影响,从而低估了气候变暖对洪水、干旱以及农业灌溉需水的负面作用。在介绍国内外研究的基础上,为第五次IPCC评估报告提出了加强交叉学科综合研究的建议。  相似文献   

在回顾IPCC于1990-2007年4次关于气候变化对径流影响的评估报告进展的基础上,将第一次与第二次评估报告归纳为第一代--以气候均值变化对径流影响及其适应为主要特征;第三次与第四次评估报告为第二代--突出人为气候变化与自然气候变异对径流影响及其适应问题,分析了常规的气候变化对水文水资源影响评估方法的发展过程及存在的问题。研究结果反映了年代际时间尺度的自然气候变异的影响,而未能考虑与极端事件发生频次和强度变化密切相联的日、季和年际尺度的气候变异的影响,从而低估了气候变暖对洪水、干旱以及农业灌溉需水的负面作用。在介绍国内外研究的基础上,为第五次IPCC评估报告提出了加强交叉学科综合研究的建议。  相似文献   

Temperature and precipitation are two main variables in climate changes.Spatial-temporal resolutions of temperature and precipitation,and recent studies on climate variability in China are summarized and discussed in this review.Recent 100-year datasets are used to reveal quasi-20-year and quasi-70-year oscillations in eastern China,as well as precipitation pattern shift in China.An oscillation with the timescale of 70-80 years is introduced in eastern China.derived from 500-year and 1000-year proxy and observation records.Finally,it is noted that more research achievements on climate change in China depend upon developing or reconstructing long term series,studying in regularity and mechanism,as well as upon prediction and service etc.  相似文献   

南亚夏季风的变化决定着印度半岛的旱涝状况,气候系统模式则是研究南亚夏季风变化规律的重要工具。本文基于观测和JRA55再分析资料,系统评估了FGOALS-g3模式模拟的南亚夏季风气候态和年际变率,并重点关注FGOALS-g3与FGOALS-g2以及是否考虑海气相互作用的模拟差异。结果表明,由于局地海温模拟的变化,相比于FGOALS-g2,FGOALS-g3模拟的南亚夏季风在气候态热带印度洋信风和El Ni?o期间沃克环流下沉支上有明显改进。同时,由于对流层系统性冷偏差持续存在并且中心位于副热带300 hPa附近,造成气候态上经向温度梯度减弱,使季风环流减弱,导致FGOALS-g3中陆地季风槽的水汽辐散偏差和降水干偏差仍然存在;在年际变率上,FGOALS-g3模拟的El Ni?o期间赤道西太平洋海温冷异常偏弱,印度洋偶极子偏强,导致印度半岛下沉运动减弱,FGOALS-g3中ENSO—印度降水负相关关系也依然偏弱。研究表明,耦合过程导致的气候态海温偏差通过改变环流和水汽输送,有效补偿了大气模式中印度半岛中部和中南半岛的降水湿偏差;在年际变率上,耦合模式由于考虑了海温—降水—云短波辐射的负反馈过程,能够减小大气模式模拟偏差的强度,但印太暖池区海温模拟偏差导致沃克环流下沉支偏西,使得印度半岛的降水响应出现更大的湿偏差。  相似文献   

 Temperature and precipitation are two main variables in climate changes. Spatial-temporal resolutions of temperature and precipitation, and recent studies on climate variability in China are summarized and discussed in this review. Recent 100-year datasets are used to reveal quasi-20-year and quasi-70-year oscillations in eastern China, as well as precipitation pattern shift in China. An oscillation with the timescale of 70-80 years is introduced in eastern China, derived from 500-year and 1000-year proxy and observation records. Finally, it is noted that more research achievements on climate change in China depend upon developing or reconstructing long-term series, studying in regularity and mechanism, as well as upon prediction and service etc.  相似文献   

气候变化减缓技术:国际现状与发展趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了当前国际主要气候变化减缓技术,并以国际能源署(IEA)、世界自然基金会(WWF)、全球能源技术战略计划(GTSP)、世界资源研究所(WRI)和欧盟(EU)、美国等国际组织、机构与国家发布或拟议中的有关气候变化减缓技术的报告为框架,对全球的气候变化减缓技术部署进行了概述。在此基础上,分析了主要的气候变化减缓技术对减缓气候变化的预期贡献。最后,对减排技术的效果、安全性、对环境的影响以及公众的认可程度等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

气候预测中的集合方法初探   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
袁重光  赵彦  李旭  曾庆存 《大气科学》2000,24(2):207-214
介绍了气候预测中的集合方法。该文作者曾在1996年论证了在西太平洋暖池区海温异常与东亚夏季风的共同作用下存在一个可预测的气候异常区,部分地改变了气候不可预测的论断。如何从与大量不可预测结果混杂在一起的结果中提炼出可预测部分是集合方法的重要目的之一。文中也讨论了由于大气运动固有的动力学特性,其集合预测与经典的数学考虑有所区别,天气与气候预测有不同的特点,其集合方法、目的也应有所不同,由此对集合方法提出了一些新的建议。文中同时介绍了首次在气候预测中发现的多平衡态现象,建议了如何判定多平衡的出现,以及如何利用多平衡态来改善对不同区域的预测。  相似文献   

为了热烈庆祝中国科学院大气物理研究所成立80周年(1928~2008年),作者谨就五年来中国科学院大气物理研究所的科学家们完成的关于我国气候变异和气候预测方面的研究工作若干新成果作一些非常概要性的介绍,个中也包含一点所外科学家的工作。不周和不当之处只有请读者海涵和批评指正了。本文介绍的主要进展有三个方面:关于我国气候年际变异的研究、ENSO预测研究和数值气候预测研究。  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach to computing probabilistic assessments of future climate, using a climate model. It clarifies the nature of probability in this context, and illustrates the kinds of judgements that must be made in order for such a prediction to be consistent with the probability calculus. The climate model is seen as a tool for making probabilistic statements about climate itself, necessarily involving an assessment of the model’s imperfections. A climate event, such as a 2^C increase in global mean temperature, is identified with a region of ‘climate-space’, and the ensemble of model evaluations is used within a numerical integration designed to estimate the probability assigned to that region.  相似文献   

The Maritime Continent(MC) consists of multiple islands with varying sizes and topography, and surrounding seas. It is characterized by rainfall(convection) variability on multiple spatial and temporal scales. Various largescale atmospheric, oceanic, and coupled climate systems, such as the El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO), Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD), Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO), and cold surge, exert significant influences on the spatiotemporal complexity of the MC climate and climate variability. As a major tropical heat source located within the warmest oceanic area(the western Pacific warm pool), the MC has been identified as a region of great importance for climate variation on the global scale. However, prediction of climate variability over the MC and its surrounding areas and the relationships to large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns are big challenges, even for state-of-the-art climate models. In this paper, we provide a thorough review on current understanding of the spatiotemporal complexity and prediction of climate variability over this important region, and its influence on global climate variation.  相似文献   

研究了近100多年冬季北半球海平面气压场的气候基本态、气候变率的特征及时间演变规律。指出北半球冬季海平面气压基本态的标准差的高值区在北太平洋的阿留申低压区、冰岛低压区的西北部及西伯利亚高压区。基本态的第一特征向量表现为弱西伯利亚高压、强北大西洋高压的强纬向环流的特征;第二特征向量表现为弱阿留申低压及强北太平洋高压。研究还指出,阿留申低压区及冰岛低压区在基本态改变的同时,标准差也有长期变化,而且主要表现为近百年中变率线性增大。此外,北半球冬季气温及我国冬季气温的长期变化都与北半球冬季海平面的基本态变化有关。  相似文献   

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