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In an electoral upset in 1995 Dunedin elected its first woman and first Sikh mayor. This paper argues that the symbolic discourse of the mayoral election confronted the Dunedin electorate with the question of ‘fairness’ or equity in the city. Turner's victory signalled the symbolic rejection by a plurality of voters of the ruling neo-liberal political economy of Dunedin. In the same election the incumbent council, in a political reproduction of the ruling order, was returned. The paper explores this contradiction. It concludes that Dunedin's struggle for a new ruling political alliance necessary to combat a stagnant city economy has just begun.  相似文献   

Igal Charney 《Area》2007,39(2):195-205
After 2000 a handful of very tall buildings were approved in central London, a circumstance that challenged well-established planning practices in that part of the city. Their promotion by Ken Livingstone, the mayor, but opposition to them by conservation groups, seemed to signal a fierce campaign ahead; in fact, it was all over in an instant. This article examines how this debate was framed to dismiss the arguments and concerns of those who oppose tall buildings. To make tall buildings acceptable, London's mayor drew on the merits associated with iconic architecture and high-profile architects. Under Livingstone's incumbency tall buildings were affirmed by the expertise and clout of global architects who provided legitimacy for mayoral ambitions to reach for the sky. Stressing the significance of high-quality design and iconic architecture helped to wear down deep-rooted antagonism and to channel the debate to improving the aesthetic qualities of London, a goal that enjoys wide consensus.  相似文献   

汤茂林  孙俊 《地理科学》2021,41(12):2196-2202
基于对欧美人文地理学(导论)教材出版的新情况,对相关问题作些尝试性的探讨,以期为编写出优秀且符合时代要求的人文地理学(导论)教材提供一些参考。欧美同类教材的趋向:① 在原有多样化的基础上重构;② 概念主导的教材在增长;③ 概念主导教材的作者在增多。这些新动向给我们的启示:① 针对多样化的需要,编出多样化的导论教材;② 加强教材的学术性和思想性;③ 教材写作要突出基本概念,培养地理学思维。  相似文献   

Many theoretical and practical works aim at describing the spatial structure of Europe, where spatial relations have undergone continuous change. The article gives an overview of models describing the spatial structure of Europe. The models' diversity is highlighted, without any claim to the completeness of the list of models discussed. The authors describe the economic spatial structure of Europe through bidimensional regression analysis based on a gravity model. With the help of the gravity model, they generate a spatial image of the economic spatial structure of Europe. With the images, the appropriateness of the models based on different methodological backgrounds can be justified through comparison with the authors' results. The authors aim to contribute to understanding the European economic spatial structure through a new methodological approach, rather than to create and show a new model that overwrites existing ones.  相似文献   

The restitution of private property has been a widespread and controversial part of the post-socialist transformation in Central and Eastern Europe, raising issues about social justice and the responsibilities of national governments for the actions of their predecessors. This paper reviews the implementation of the restitution process in the countries of the region and assesses the impact on the social and economic landscape. The policy has been most extensive in Germany and most controversial in Poland, and the impacts in these two countries are considered in detail. The results show that everywhere restitution has resulted in winners and losers, with some claimants having long-lost property returned, but too often at the cost of residents losing their homes. However, an important benefit, notably in Germany's New Bundesländer, has been the introduction of much-needed new investment into the urban fabric of towns and cities, although the landscape impacts elsewhere have been less significant. Nevertheless, throughout Central and Eastern Europe restitution policies have helped governments to come to terms with a difficult aspect of the past and move forward.  相似文献   

John Pickles 《Area》2005,37(4):355-364
This paper begins with Jacques Derrida's 'Europe' on an-Other heading and Claudio Minca's (2003 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 21 160–8) suggestion that critical human geographers need to become more attentive to their own geographical predispositions and positionalities. The paper focuses on some lessons from postcolonial writing and asks to what extent we have been successful in decolonizing (and reshaping) geographies of Europe in the ways in which we respond to transformations at the borders of Europe. The paper concludes with a discussion of efforts to 'provincialize' and decolonize Euro-geographies, and the kinds of 'new cartographies' of Europe we might write and teach.  相似文献   

俄罗斯能源外交中的地缘政治布局   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
俄罗斯是横跨欧亚大陆的国家。俄罗斯成为独立国家以来,政府通过不断调整能源外交战略以谋取地缘经济和政治利益。近年来随着国际油价的不断攀升,能源问题牵动着当代政治与经济全局。俄罗斯在强化国家掌控能源资源的基础上,进一步加快了以能源为武器的全方位能源外交攻势,以提升其在国际能源市场的地位。在此背景下,俄罗斯正在构筑起“以欧洲为重点、独联体为关键、亚太为新取向、博弈全球”的能源外交地缘格局,为俄罗斯谋求成为“能源超级大国”扩大影响力。  相似文献   

作为一个发展成熟的全球性产业,乐器制造业也正经历着快速的发展和演变。鉴于作为乐器之王的钢琴在乐器中的地位,本文以钢琴为例,研究全球乐器产业的转移及价值活动分布。研究认为,钢琴制造业了5次全球转移,即西欧内部的转移、由欧洲向美国的转移、由美国向西欧和日本的转移、由日本向东亚的转移和由韩国向东亚的转移,形成了当前的全球价值分布格局,即全球钢琴制造业价值量分布整体上呈现阶梯状分布的格局,以欧美为第一阶梯,日本和韩国为第二阶梯,中国为第三阶梯。在研发、核心产品设计及品牌等的核心竞争力上表现更是如此。基于上述研究,论文最后对我国的乐器制造业发展提出了一些思考。  相似文献   

Blockage of regional seismic waves by the Teisseyre-Tornquist zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the Group of Scientific Experts Technical Test (GSETT, second experiment, 22 April-2 June 1991), several hundred seismic events were located in Europe. Associating these events with the detecting stations-altogether 28 European stations including seven arrays participated in the GSETT-2 experiment-clearly shows that the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ) influences the propagation of regional seismic phases. Large explosions in the Bay of Gdańsk, for example, were observed by the well-established Scandinavian arrays'NORSAR (Δ 830km) and ARCESS (Δ 1650km), but not by the Polish station KSP (Δ 470km) nor by the new highly sensitive GERESS array (Δ 750km), both situated south-west of the TTZ. For events in central Europe with comparable magnitudes, we observe a similar increase of the detection threshold at stations located north-east of the TTZ in Scandinavia. to explain these observations, the wave propagation of Pn and Pg perpendicular to the TTZ was modelled for a profile from the Estonian/Russian border region to GERESS with Gaussian-beam seismograms. Published crustal and uppermost mantle models for Poland and for Europe were used as a starting point for developing a model of the TTZ. the observations cannot be explained only by a graben-like crustal structure with a jump in Moho depth from 30km to 50km. to defocus the seismic energy, the TTZ as a structural anomaly between eastern and western Europe must reach down into the upper mantle to a depth of at least about 200 km. the proposed model has such a deep-reaching root of the TTZ.  相似文献   

综合发达国家高新技术产业发展环境体系建设及其成功的经验,可以看出,尽管各国的高新技术产业发展道路不同,但就其环境体系模式而言,不外乎3种。其一是美国模式,即主要通过市场机制去完成技术创新,政府主要通过宏观调控手段,为企业营造良好的发展环境;其二是日本模式,即政府直接介入技术创新活动,并制定专门的科技发展政策,通过技术引进、消化吸收,并适时调整政策,进行创造性的技术开发,以提高企业的创新能力;其三是以英、法、德国为代表的欧洲模式,其科技发展政策介于美国和日本之间,政府主要通过制定科技发展计划,加强对科技发展和技术创新的协调和管理。最后,在分析河南省高新技术产业现状的基础上,提出了对该省的一些启示。  相似文献   

美国在全球范围内军力重新部署,既是新霸权发展的需要,又是一个时机不断成熟的过程。部署构想:在欧洲另结新欢;在亚洲远离“危险”区,寻求新的驻军点。一旦部署全面实施,将可能会触发新一轮军备竞赛,使多极化进程更加曲折,给世界和平带来严峻的挑战等诸多方面的负面影响。  相似文献   

董新宁  方德贤 《极地研究》2006,17(2):136-141
Using the monthly 1°×1°sea-ice concentration data of Hadley center and the monthly NCEP geopotential height data from January 1953 to February 2003,temporal and spatial changing characters of sea-ice are examined.The results show almost all of the sea-ice of eight regions was decreasing,especially all s easons in Europe.But in Asia part,those display some increasing trends in spri ng and winter.Abrupt times of sea-ice in Europe were at end of 1970's and in Asia the times in summer/fall(spring/winter)were at end of 1980's.  相似文献   

Summary. Stable natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in the Jersey Volcanics and in a single rhyolite dyke was probably acquired during the Cambrian before folding of the volcanics in the Cadomian Orogeny. After dip correction, the volcanics yield a palaeomagnetic pole at 323° E, 52° N ( dp = 33°, dm = 35°). In Jersey dolerite dykes three groups of stable NRM directions are recognized, with palaeomagnetic poles at 248° E, 26° N ( dp = 10°, dm = 20°), 339° E, 1° S ( dp = 9°, dm = 12°), and 336° E, 31° S ( dp = 5°, dm = 9°). Comparison with the European apparent polar wander path implies that stable NRM in these groups was acquired respectively during Late Precambrian or early Cambrian, Siluro-Devonian and middle Carboniferous time. The stable NRM of the Jersey lamprophyre dykes yields a palaeomagnetic pole at 322° E, 16° N ( dp = 31°, dm = 38°) and is probably of Silurian or Devonian age.
These palaeomagnetic poles and other new data determined by the author for the Armorican Massif can be fitted to a common apparent polar wander path for Europe, and this implies that the basement of Lower Palaeozoic Europe extended from the Baltic Shield at least as far south as the Armorican Massif. The Hercynian Orogeny in these parts of Europe was therefore probably intracratonic. This polar wander path implies that in early Cambrian time the pole did not move significantly relative to Europe, but that this was followed by a large middle to late Cambrian polar shift which corresponded to rapid drift of Europe across the South Pole.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the controversial issue of regional development incentives. Although extensive research has been conducted, a review of the literature gives an inconclusive answer to whether economic incentives are effective. Why do researchers arrive at different conclusions, even after analysing the same programmes? Among the problems that we find, for example, is the fact that for some researchers 'effective' means the significant location of new firms in targeted areas, while for others the creation of jobs regardless of whether new firms are arriving in a significant fashion. Furthermore, as we elaborate, the selection of an econometric model will have a significant impact on expected results. Different models, with different limitations, will lead researchers to evaluate the same incentive programme but arrive at different conclusions regarding its effectiveness. The contribution of the paper is to inform policymakers about the potential opportunities and pitfalls when designing incentive strategies. This is particularly relevant, given that both the US and Europe have been promoting incentives as a tool for regional economic development.  相似文献   

Axial lines are defined as the longest visibility lines for representing individual linear spaces in urban environments. The least set of axial lines that cover the free space of an urban environment or the space between buildings constitute what is often called an axial map. This is a fundamental tool in space syntax, a theory developed by Bill Hillier and his colleagues for characterizing the underlying urban morphologies. For a long time, generating axial lines with the help of some graphic software has been a tedious manual process that is criticized for being time consuming, subjective, or even arbitrary. In this article, we redefine axial lines as the least set of individual straight line segments mutually intersected along natural streets that are generated from street center lines using the Gestalt principle of good continuity. Based on this new definition, we develop an automatic solution for generating the newly defined axial lines from street center lines. We apply this solution to six typical street networks (three from North America and three from Europe) and generate a new set of axial lines for analyzing the urban morphologies. Through a comparison study between the new axial lines and the conventional or old axial lines and between the new axial lines and natural streets, we demonstrate with empirical evidence that the newly defined axial lines are a better alternative for capturing the underlying urban structure.  相似文献   

欧美地缘经济理论发展脉络及其内涵特征探析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
20世纪90年代初欧美地缘经济学一经诞生,就备受关注、讨论及推崇,但在其性质及内涵的认识上则出现了诸多分歧,已影响到学科理论及实践的进一步发展。从地缘经济理论发生学角度,对欧美地缘经济学的实践背景、理论缘起、发展流派等进行回顾与梳理,以辨析其性质及内涵特征。主要研究结论如下:(1)欧美地缘经济学具有深刻而丰富的理论渊源,世界范围内地缘经济合作实践二度兴起,成为理论内涵的重要来源及宏观背景。多个相关或相近学科的研究成果,为其提供了理论准备,地缘政治学则是其直接理论来源;(2)随着地缘经济学理论的地域扩散,形成了以美国、意大利和俄罗斯为中心的多个各具特色的理论学派。不同学科及其分支理论、观点与流派之间相互借鉴、交叉与融合,使其变得极为庞博复杂;(3)地缘经济学已形成有别于地缘政治学的理论内涵及特征,不过总体上处于学科理论的初创阶段,其研究边界尚不清晰、核心理论有待建立、学科体系有待完善。  相似文献   

Peatlands offer the potential for high resolution records of water balance over Holocene timescales, yet this potential is under-exploited in many areas of the world. Within Europe, peatlands are mostly confined to areas north of 55° N, but several areas of southern and eastern Europe contain small peatlands which may be suitable for palaeoclimatic reconstruction. In this paper we test the potential of peatlands in the Carpathian region for deriving quantified estimates of water table changes using testate amoebae analysis. A training set for palaeohydrological reconstruction from testate amoebae assemblages was obtained by collecting surface samples from 13 peatlands, including 9 from Hungary and 4 from Transylvania (Romania). Using a simple measure of mean annual water tables estimated from staining of PVC tape, we found that some peatlands were heavily influenced by runoff and groundwater, and were therefore not suitable as modern analogues of ombrotrophic climatically sensitive sites. The relationship between the testate amoebae assemblages in the modern samples and the environmental variables was explored using CCA. The CCA biplot showed that the most important variables are depth to water table and moisture content, confirming that hydrology is a key control on taxon distribution. pH was a secondary gradient. A transfer function for % moisture and depth to water table was established and applied to fossil assemblages from a sequence from Fenyves-tető, Transylvania, Romania. The reconstructed water table shows a number of variations which have parallels with other palaeoclimatic records from Europe and the North Atlantic prominent phases of higher water tables are associated with the periods 8000–8300 cal BP, 3000–2500 cal BP and after 600 cal BP. We suggest that these were periods of particular intensification of westerly airflow which affected eastern Europe as well as western and central Europe.  相似文献   

国际土壤侵蚀研究工作的最新动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆兆熊 《地理研究》1987,6(1):86-91
近年来,欧美土壤侵蚀研究动向主要可归纳为三点:1)重视土壤侵蚀过程研究:2)强调土壤侵蚀研究需要多学科协同进行;3)要求利用现代科学技术先进手段进行研究。五十年代末至六十年代初期,美国农业部的土壤保持局利用过去30年的田间观测数据编成了流行很广的土壤流失通用方程(USLE)。  相似文献   

北极东北航道通航策略及经济性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
北极航道是沟通东亚、北美和欧洲的最便捷航道,相对于经苏伊士运河或巴拿马运河的传统商业航线具有缩短航程、节省运输时间、减少油耗和废气排放等优势。通过对东北航道地理环境的分析(特别是冰情的分析),从而确定一条合理的适航航线。在此基础上对通航船舶进行经济性分析,制定最优的通航策略。东北航道的通航将改善中国的对外贸易平衡,对于中欧经贸往来乃至世界经济发展具有重要战略意义。  相似文献   

The Roma are the largest and, some scholars would argue, the most marginalized group in Europe, an observation evident in an examination of school texts for Polish children. Using the concept of the “geographies of silence,” we discuss the nature of text and graphical silences and the reasons behind the paucity of text, photo, and map coverage. We conclude by presenting photos that could be used in future texts to better inform Polish youth about a much-neglected part of their culture.  相似文献   

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