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利用高分辨率二维地震反射剖面及钻井资料,对南海北部双峰南陆坡区的构造层序及沉积充填特征进行了研究。根据地震不整合界面、构造发育特征及地层组合情况,将研究区地层从下至上划分为下、中、上三个构造层序。研究分析表明,构造活动、海盆扩张、相对海平面变化、火山活动及物源供给等因素在不同阶段因时而异地共同控制着各构造层序的沉积充填过程及演化。下构造层(Tg-T6)形成于一系列的半地堑结构断陷盆地,在湖泊相的沉积环境下,沉积体系受同沉积断裂控制明显,发育了冲积扇-扇三角洲-半深湖相沉积;中构造层(T6-T4)形成于西北次海盆扩张沉降构造背景,在陆坡缓慢沉降和火山喷发的双重影响下,造就了陆坡区特殊的几何形态结构,影响着沉积体系的发育,陆坡区中上部为浅海陆架边缘三角洲沉积,在陆坡区则以斜坡扇等相关沉积为主;上构造层(T4-T0)形成于相对海平面总体上升、西北次海盆由缓慢进入相对快速的沉降阶段,沉积作用受控于物质供应充分程度和深水作用,发育了以深水水道和滑塌体为沉积特征的深水沉积体系。  相似文献   

The Miocene epoch marks the most crucial period during the Cenozoic cooling trend, characterized by the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum(MMCO) and a series of short–lived cooling events(Miocene isotope events).To understand the paleoenvironmental evolution along the shallow water shelf in the South China Sea during the Miocene, the benthic foraminiferal assemblage and total organic carbon content(TOC) were analyzed at Hole LF14 located in the Lufeng Sag, northern South China Sea. Three benthic foraminiferal assemblages(e.g., the Uvigerina spp. assemblage, the Cibicides spp. assemblage, and the Cibicidoides spp. assemblage), corresponding to different watermass conditions, were recognized based on Q–mode factor analysis. Early studies suggested that Hole LF14 was deposited under semienclosed bay, middle to outer shelf or even upper bathyal environment during ~18.7–4.53 Ma. The dominant Uvigerina spp. assemblage was characterized by low diversity and shallow infaunal to infaunal species, indicating a warm, low–oxygenation and eutrophic conditions since the Early Miocene to MMCO(~18.7–14.24 Ma). An abrupt sea level drop and significant faunal changes were recorded during 14.24–13.41 Ma, suggesting development of the East Antarctic Ice Sheets, which resulted in a drop of sea level and change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages along the shallow water shelf. Beyond the Uvigerina spp.assemblage, the Cibicides spp. assemblage became important during the middle–late Middle Miocene(14.24–11.54 Ma). This assemblage was dominated by epifaunal species with relative high diversity, suggesting high–energy, high–oxygenation and oligotrophic conditions with episodic supply of organic food. The dominant Cibicidoides spp. assemblage with high diversity, indicates a mesotrophic conditions with relative high–oxygen content during the Late Miocene to Pliocene(11.54–4.53 Ma). The appearance and continuous occurrence of Ammonia spp. and Pseudorotalia spp. since 10.02 Ma, may reflect the influence of the Kuroshio Current.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地华光凹陷构造特征及沉积充填   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南海北部大陆边缘发育多个新生代含油气盆地。近年来,在南海北部珠江口盆地南部深水区陆续发现大中型气藏,证实了该区油气地质条件优越。琼东南盆地南部深水区与珠江口盆地深水区具有相似的构造沉积演化史,油气地质条件相似,具有形成大中型油气藏的地质条件,因此十分有必要开展该区的构造特征及沉积充填研究。基于近年来新采集的高精度地震资料,对华光凹陷构造特征进行详细分析,认为区内发育4种伸展构造样式,分别是地堑、半地堑、多米诺式半地堑和地垒;经历两个构造演化阶段,形成"下断上拗"的双层结构特征,相应发育两个期次的正断层。下构造层古近系受裂陷作用控制,断层发育,地层分布受断裂控制明显,上构造层新近系-第四系构造活动微弱,断层不发育,地层变形小且沉积厚度趋于稳定。华光凹陷古近系为河湖相-海陆过渡相沉积,其中下渐新统崖城组煤系地层是琼东南盆地勘探证实的主要烃源岩层系,上渐新统陵水组是主要储层发育时期,新近系-第四系为浅海-半深海-深海相沉积,其中中新统储层发育,上中新统及以上海相泥岩是良好的盖层。因此,华光凹陷具有良好的生储盖组合。  相似文献   

渤海海域渤中凹陷西南部构造复杂,其沉积充填演化规律不明确。综合运用岩芯、测井以及三维地震资料,对该区断陷湖盆古新世—始新世的构造活动、沉积体系以及盆地充填演化规律进行了系统研究。研究表明,渤中凹陷西南部古近纪孔店-沙河街组发育孔店组末期、沙三段末期、沙一二段末期等3期构造活动,多次隆升剥蚀形成3个关键层序界面,控制整个湖盆古近纪孔店-沙河街组的层序结构和古地貌形态。古新世—始新世主要发育近源扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、湖泊以及湖底扇等4种沉积体系类型,其分布受古物源、古地貌、断裂活动等因素制约。在古新世孔店组沉积裂陷早期,湖盆范围小,物源供给充足,陡坡带和缓坡带均以发育扇三角洲沉积为主,湖盆中心发育湖底扇沉积,晚期湖盆逐渐萎缩;始新世早期的沙三段沉积时期,断陷活动加强,随着盆地范围的扩张,物源供应减弱,湖盆洼陷区主要发育湖底扇沉积。始新世晚期沙一二段裂后沉降期,辫状河三角洲进积特征明显,分布范围广,局部地貌高位置发育湖相碳酸盐岩沉积。不同时期构造差异活动与物源供给共同制约着该区古近纪孔店-沙河街组的沉积充填演化过程,也导致了与渤海海域其他构造区沉积充填的差异性。  相似文献   

南海北部琼东南盆地众多凹陷存在有海陆过渡相沉积,选取浅水区井孔资料相对较多的小型断陷即崖南凹陷作为研究对象,在等时地层格架内,对该凹陷海陆过渡期崖城组地震相进行深入解剖;并综合利用经典沉积模式以及凹陷周缘浅水地区井孔资料来建立地震相与沉积相之间的关系,赋予地震相以地质意义,进而预测了凹陷无钻井资料地区各种沉积相的展布,...  相似文献   

随着全球油气勘探难度的不断增大,优质砂岩储集层的研究和刻画逐渐成为当今全球油气,尤其是深水油气地质研究中的热点和难点。南海南部北康-曾母盆地内已证实发育大量优质砂岩储层,且其中蕴藏着巨大的油气资源。北康-曾母盆地早中新世时期(约23~16 Ma)属于大陆漂移阶段,盆地整体以大幅度热沉降为主,发育大规模的三角洲-深水扇沉积体系,其内部砂岩具有丰度高、种类多、分布广且多期次发育的特征,但受控于盆地特殊的地质背景,砂岩的物性受沉积环境和构造作用等因素的综合控制。同时,复杂的国际形势导致资料有限且采集难度大,使得盆地相较于南海北部陆缘盆地而言砂体预测难度更大。基于地震波形分析建立的优质砂岩及其组合的地震响应特征,选取骨干地震剖面,识别并厘定了北康-曾母盆地早中新世层序格架内典型砂层组,在平面上圈定与刻画了砂岩的发育分布范围,最终建立了北康-曾母盆地早中新世层序内从三角洲到深水扇的砂质沉积体系发育模式。  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中的长链烯酮由海洋单细胞钙化藻类颗石藻生产,是一种被广泛应用于古气候研究领域中的分子标记物。长链烯酮碳同位素是重建地质历史时期海水、大气CO2浓度的可靠方法之一。在此方法中,需要利用颗石大小对颗石藻生理参数b值进行修正,因此需要厘清哪类颗石藻对烯酮的贡献是一个重要的科学问题。目前认为新生代海洋沉积物中主要的长链烯酮生产者为Noelaerhabdaceae科的颗石藻,包含Emiliania huxleyi,Gephyrocapsa spp.,Reticulofenestra spp.,Cyclicargolithus spp.,但对它们具体的贡献程度仍然未知。因此,本文以南海国际大洋发现计划IODP U1501站早中新世海洋沉积物为研究材料,对比了沉积物中颗石与烯酮的绝对含量,发现Cyclicargolithus属的颗石丰度与烯酮含量具有显著的相关性(r=0.44,p<0.01),而Reticulofenestra spp.的相关性较弱(r=0.09,p=0.5)。研究认为早中新世长链烯酮的主要生产者为Cyclicargolithus属,Reticu...  相似文献   

作为研究水-岩界面物质能量交换的天然实验室,南海北缘陆坡区具有复杂的地形地貌(如凸起海山、平坦阶地、下凹峡谷等),并发育不同类型的深水沉积体系(包括重力流滑移滑塌、浊流和底流沉积等)。基于高分辨率海底地形、地震反射资料,海水温盐深(CTD)观测资料,以及已发表的海洋沉积学及物理海洋数值模拟结果,本文针对南海北缘代表型陆坡区开展中—深层环流格局下海山-阶地-峡谷沉积效应分析。发现了尖峰陆坡区侵蚀型-海山型(环槽-丘状漂积体)和席状/无沉积型底流阶地的沉积组合,以及一统陆坡区海山相关底流沉积(环槽-丘状漂积体)-席状/无沉积型底流阶地-黏附型漂积体-陡坡滑塌/峡谷体系的沉积组合;揭示了这些典型深水沉积组合与南海中—深层环流动力格局的耦合关系。该成果对于深入了解深水沉积过程对中-深层动力格局的响应及其对于大陆边缘形态的塑造具有较好的启示意义。  相似文献   

渤中凹陷是整个渤海湾盆地的沉积和沉降中心,古近纪时期被石臼坨凸起、沙垒田凸起、渤南低凸起、渤东低凸起所环绕。凸起与凹陷之间因控盆断裂发育程度及活动速率的差异,形成复杂的构造带与沉积体系。在地震精细解释基础上,计算主要边界断裂在不同时期的活动速率,并与相应时期平面沉积体系的展布特征相对比。结果表明,渤中地区古近纪的控盆断裂活动速率峰值出现在沙三段和东三段沉积时期,凹陷处于强烈断陷期,且因平面上不同位置断裂活动强度的差异,凹陷在空间上并非呈简单的"平底锅"形态。盆缘碎屑沉积体系类型明显受控于断裂内侧的基底沉降速率,并随活动速率的大小变化而发生退积或进积。与环渤海湾陆上油田所处各凹陷古近纪的构造沉积演化相比,在东三段沉积期发生的最强烈断陷和在东二上-东一段沉积期发生断坳转换以后,成为整个渤海湾盆地远源三角洲的进积中心,是渤中凹陷古近纪构造沉积演化方面最突出的特征。  相似文献   

采用新引进的海洋深水浅层剖面仪,从珠江口外陆架进入白云凹陷-东沙岛西南海区中陆坡区,进行了浅地层探测,获得了高分辨率反射记录.分析发现,白云凹陷上陆坡段沉积连续性较好,海底反射强度侧向变化平缓,显示了比较均一的沉积底质和微弱的海底水动力条件;在白云凹陷-东沙岛西南海区中陆坡区,海底滑坡严重,局部存在强烈的、平行陆坡的海底洋流冲蚀,海底地形崎岖不平,反射强度侧向变化大,表明海底底质不均匀,海底水动力强.浅地层记录还显示中陆坡海底山丘有海底气体泄露现象,结合常规反射地震识别的海底泥底辟特征,确定海底山丘为泥火山.气体泄露和海底反射振幅的变化代表了海底浅层聚有丰富的气体以及嗜甲烷生物链活动的钙化,因而推断该区不仅是油气的聚集区,也是水合物的聚集带.  相似文献   

The continental slope in the northern South China Sea(SCS) is rich in mesoscale eddies which play an important role in transport and retention of nutrients and biota. In this study, we investigate the statistical properties of eddy distributions and propagation in a period of 24 years between 1993 and 2016 by using the altimeter data. A total of 147 eddies are found in the continental slope region(CSR), including 70 cyclonic eddies(CEs) and 77 anticyclonic eddies(ACEs). For those eddies that appear in the CSR, the surrounding areas of Dongsha Islands(DS) and southwest of Taiwan(SWT) are considered as the primary sources, where eddies generated contribute more than 60% of the total. According to the spatial distribution of eddy relative vorticity, eddies are weakening as propagating westward. Although both CEs and ACEs roughly propagate along the slope isobaths, there are discrepancies between CEs and ACEs. The ACEs move slightly faster in the zonal direction, while the CEs tend to cross the isobaths with large bottom depth change. The ACEs generally move further into the basin areas after leaving the CSR while CEs remain around the CSR. The eddy propagation on the continental slope is likely to be associated with mean flow at a certain degree because the eddy trajectories have notable seasonal signals that are consistent with the seasonal cycle of geostrophic current. The results indicate that the eddy translation speed is statistically consistent with geostrophic velocity in both magnitude and direction.  相似文献   


With the continuous expansion of energy demand, the deep-water continental slope in the northern South China Sea has become one of the significant offshore oil and gas exploration regions. The frequent occurrence of marine geological hazards in this region, especially submarine landslides, can cause serious damage to engineering facilities. However, there have been few studies on the stability of the northern continental slope of the South China Sea; these studies mainly focused on a specific submarine slope or small-range evaluation, resulting in a lack of large-scale and quantitative understanding. Hence, considering the variation in the physical and mechanical properties of marine soils with depth, formulas for calculating the safety factor of submarine slopes by an infinite sliding model are established, and the factors affecting slope stability such as soil properties, slope gradient and horizontal seismic action are systematically investigated. Using GIS techniques, the terrain slope gradients and a historical seismic database of the northern South China Sea are obtained. Combined with soil mechanical parameters, a regional stability evaluation of the northern continental slope is carried out. Furthermore, the distribution of risk zones is given. On the whole, under strong seismic action, large-scale submarine slope instability occurs and must be highly considered when assessing risk. This achievement is of great significance to engineering sites, route selection and engineering risk assessment.  相似文献   

Numerous elongated mounds and channels were found at the top of the middle Miocene strata using 2D/3D seismic data in the Liwan Sag of Zhujiang River Mouth Basin(ZRMB) and the Beijiao Sag of Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB). They occur at intervals and are rarely revealed by drilling wells in the deepwater areas. Origins of the mounds and channels are controversial and poorly understood. Based on an integrated analysis of the seismic attribute, palaeotectonics and palaeogeography, and drilling well enco...  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡深水区的浅层天然气藏是一种伴随天然气水合物的新型油气藏, 具有埋藏浅、规模大的特点, 其埋藏深度一般小于300m。浅层天然气藏由深部裂解气沿断裂上升被天然气水合物封盖而形成, 识别似海底反射(BSR)是寻找浅层天然气藏有效方法。浅层天然气藏的气源主要有热解气、生物气和混合气, 陆坡张性断裂是气体运移的主要通道, 水合物下部的砂层是浅层天然气藏的主要储集层, 水合物层则是封盖层。从南海发现的天然气水合物分布特征看, 浅层天然气藏在陆坡深水区广泛分布且气藏厚度大, 潜在资源量非常可观, 是一种新型的开采成本相对低廉的油气藏。  相似文献   

High-resolution and high-density 2-D multichannel seismic data, combined with high-precision multibeam bathymetric map, are utilized to investigate the characteristics and distribution of submarine landslides in the middle of the northern continental slope, South China Sea. In the region, a series of 19 downslope-extending submarine canyons are developed. The canyons are kilometers apart, and separated by inter-canyon sedimentary ridges. Numerous submarine landslides, bounded by headscarps and basal glide surfaces, are identified on the seismic profiles by their distorted to chaotic reflections. Listric faults and rotational blocks in head areas and compressional folds and inverse faults at the toes of the landslides are possibly developed. Three types of submarine landslides, i.e., creeps, slumps, and landslide complexes, are recognized. These landslides are mostly distributed in the head areas and on the flanks of the canyons. As the most widespread landslides in the region, creeps are usually composed of multiple laterally-coalesced creep bodies, in which the boundaries of singular component creep bodies are difficult to delineate. In addition, a total of 77 landslides are defined, including 61 singular slumps and 16 landslide complexes that consist of two or more component landslides. Statistics show that most landslides are of a small dimension (0.53–18.09 km² in area) and a short runout distance (less than 3.5 km). Regional and local slope gradients and rheological behavior of the displaced materials might play important roles in the generation and distribution of the submarine landslides. A conceptual model for the co-evolution of the canyons and the associated landslides in the study area is presented. In the model it is assumed that the canyons are initiated from gullies created by landslides on steeper sites of the continental slope. The nascent canyons would then experience successive retrogressive landsliding events to extend upslope; at the same time canyon downcutting or incision would steepen the canyon walls to induce more landslides.  相似文献   

In nature, a slope stability is determined by the ratio of a sliding resistance to a slide force. The slide force of a marine deep-water continental slope is mainly affected by sediment mechanics properties, a topography, and a marine seismic. However, the sliding resistance is mainly affected by sedimentary patterns and a sedimentary stress history. Both of these are different from case to case, and their impact can be addressed when the data are organized in a geographic information system(GIS). The study area on the continental slope in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin in South China Sea provides an excellent opportunity to apply GIS spatial analysis technology for the evaluation of the slope stability. In this area, a continental slope topography and a three-dimension(3-D) topography mapping show a sea-floor morphology and the distribution of a slope steepness in good detail, and the sediment analysis of seabed samples and an indoor appraisal reveals the variability of a sediment density near the sea-floor surface. On the basis of the results of nine geotechnical studies of submarine study areas, it has worked out that an equivalent cyclic shear stress ratio is roughly between 0.158 and 0.933, which is mainly depending on the initial water content of sediment. A regional density, slope and level of anticipated seismic shaking information are combined in a GIS framework to yield a map that illustrates a continental slope stability zoning under the influencing factors in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea. The continental slope stability evaluation can contribute to north resources development in the South China Sea, the marine functional zoning, the marine engineering construction and adjust measures to local conditions, at the same time also can provide references for other deep-water slope stability analysis.  相似文献   

根据2016年3月和9月南海东北部陆坡区浮游动物垂直分层采样, 比较浮游动物种类组成、丰度和生物量的垂直分布和季节变化, 探讨影响其差异的原因。文中共鉴定浮游动物225种, 其中3月和9月分别出现150种和169种; 桡足类种数达132种, 其次是毛颚类和管水母类, 各18种; 浮游动物种数在50~100m水层最高, 一般随水深增加而减少。浮游动物丰度和生物量主要集中在0~100m, 二者在100m以深水层随深度增加而降低, 而水柱生物量在100~1000m占总水柱生物量的60%以上。浮游动物优势种季节和垂直变化明显, 3月近海种如普通波水蚤(Undinula vulgaris)和微刺哲水蚤(Canthocalanus pauper)等在100m以上水层丰度较高; 9月外海种如达氏筛哲水蚤(Cosmocalanus darwinii)和黄角光水蚤(Lucicutia flavicornis)等在100m以浅水层相对于3月丰度增加; 隆线似哲水蚤(Calanoides carinatus)在3月丰度和平均体长高于9月, 并且体长较大者主要分布在深层。浮游动物可分0~100m、100~400m和400~1000m三个群落, 因不同水层种类组成和丰度差异引起。浮游动物丰度和生物量的垂直变化与温度、叶绿素a质量浓度等因子呈显著正相关。南海东北部陆坡浮游动物季节和垂直变化受季风、沿岸流和中尺度涡的影响。  相似文献   

南海是西太地区最大的边缘海,汇集了周边陆地大量碎屑物质。这些陆源碎屑通过复杂的洋流系统经陆坡大量的输送到南海深海海盆中,使陆坡成为研究深海沉积物源汇体系不可缺少的重要环节。但陆坡区域水深变化大,洋流体系复杂,加之冰期间冰期海平面升降和季风的变化,使陆坡沉积环境一直成为研究的难点。为了研究陆坡沉积环境的演变过程,本文选用了南海北部陆坡中部和底部的两个重力柱开展元素地球化学方面的研究,探讨陆坡区域近三万年以来的沉积环境特征。研究发现海平面和季风是影响区域沉积环境的两个重要因素:(1)海平面变化是控制陆坡陆源物质/深海钙质碎屑变化的主要因素;(2)研究区域地层发育有“碳酸盐稀释事件”与东亚夏季风在全新世初期(11.5~8.5 kaBP)增强有关。  相似文献   

利用2015年6月南海北部现场观测的水文数据,结合卫星高度计资料,分析了2015年6月13日—28日南海北部陆坡在气旋涡-反气旋涡的双涡结构影响下的水文和环流特征。结果表明,2015年6月南海北部陆坡调查海区表层50 m以浅盐度存在NE—SW向低盐区,表层盐度最小值低于32,这表明南海北部陆坡存在跨陆架海水输送。在观测期间,南海北部陆坡调查海区受气旋涡和反气旋涡双涡结构影响,使得南海北部陆坡表层100 m以浅存在跨陆坡流,流速最大值出现在两涡交汇区域。此外,通过潜标连续海流资料,发现南海北部陆坡环流呈现了“深入浅出”(100 m以深层为向岸的入侵、以浅层为离岸的出流)的“两层结构”。  相似文献   

于2014年10月和2015年6月对珠江口、南海北部陆坡区域溶解态铝的分布进行观测,探讨影响其分布及季节差异的主要因素,并以其作为示踪因子探讨潜在的陆源物质跨陆架输送途径。研究结果显示,夏、秋季珠江口盐度为0时溶解态铝的浓度分别为690.0 nmol/L和360.0 nmol/L,在淡咸水混合初期溶解态铝迅速自水体清除,夏季的清除率(55.8%)大于秋季(29.7%)。在南海北部陆坡区域,夏季表层溶解态铝浓度表现为沿纬线方向西高东低的分布特点,秋季则相反;夏、秋季底层溶解态铝浓度均呈现出随着离岸距离增加逐渐降低的分布趋势。秋季溶解态铝浓度的分布与盐度呈现显著的负相关关系,表明其行为近乎保守,陆架混合水及黑潮次表层水等水团混合是影响南海北部陆坡区域溶解态铝分布的主要因素。并且以溶解态铝作为示踪因子发现,在21.6~22.2 kg/m3密度面区间存在自陆架向陆坡方向的跨陆架输送。而夏季陆坡中部受到珠江冲淡水的影响出现低盐水舌,但溶解态铝的浓度相对较低,表现出明显的不保守行为。浮游植物的清除作用是导致夏季陆坡区域溶解态铝分布异常的重要因素。  相似文献   

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