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A ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) survey of 101 mounds at the Sny Magill Unit of Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa, demonstrates that GPR can be an effective tool to evaluate the structure and condition of mounds without damaging them. Ideal survey conditions and improved processing technology allow for the identification of strata within the mounds, as well as areas of post‐construction disturbance and possible archaeological features within the mounds. Provisional interpretations indicate that 60 are intact conical mounds with minimal post‐construction disturbance, and two show very strong evidence of containing interior burial platforms; 29 are badly damaged by non‐cultural or cultural activity; two are probable non‐cultural mounds; nine are reasonably intact linear and effigy mounds; one is an excavated effigy mound. GPR and other remote‐sensing techniques are highly recommended for mound investigation, but wherever possible such techniques need to be coordinated with mound excavation so as to test the remote‐sensing results. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Magellan mound province in the Porcupine Basin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Magellan mound province is one of the three known provinces of carbonate mounds or cold-water coral banks in the Porcupine Seabight, west of Ireland. It has been studied in detail using a large and varied data set: 2D and 3D seismic data, sidescan sonar imagery and video data collected during ROV deployment have been used to describe the mounds in terms of origin, growth processes and burial. The aim of this paper is to present the Magellan mounds and their setting in an integrated, holistic way. More than 1,000 densely spaced and mainly buried mounds have been identified in the area. They all seem to be rooted on one seismic reflection, suggesting a sudden mound start-up. Their size and spatial distribution characteristics are presented, together with the present-day appearance of the few mounds that reach the seabed. The underlying geology has been studied by means of fault analysis and numerical basin modelling in an attempt to identify possible hydrocarbon migration pathways below or in the surroundings of the Magellan mounds. Although conclusive evidence concerning the processes of mound initiation proves to be elusive, the results of both fault analysis and 2D numerical modelling failed to identify, with confidence, any direct pathways for focused hydrocarbon flow to the Magellan province. Diffuse seepage however may have taken place, as drainage area modelling suggests a possible link between mound position and structural features in the Hovland-Magellan area. During mound development and growth, the interplay of currents and sedimentation seems to have been the most important control. Mounds which could not keep pace with the sedimentation rates were buried, and on the few mounds which maintained growth, only a few corals survive at present.  相似文献   

The origin of Washington State's Mima Mounds has been debated for over a century, with numerous mechanisms being postulated. Subfossil Coleopteran (beetle) remains recovered from the base of a mound at Mima Prairie consist of species that would be expected in rodent burrows and nests; all but one species are obligate burrow inhabitants. These results suggest the past presence of fossorial rodents (probably pocket gophers,Thomomys mazama) in the mounds, although none live there at present. Whether or not the gophers created the mounds, they may well have been instrumental in maintaining mound geometry until very recently.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral carbonate mounds, owing their presence mainly to the framework building coral Lophelia pertusa and the activity of associated organisms, are common along the European margin with their spatial distribution allowing them to be divided into a number of mound provinces. Variation in mound attributes are explored via a series of case studies on mound provinces that have been the most intensely investigated: Belgica, Hovland, Pelagia, Logachev and Norwegian Mounds. Morphological variation between mound provinces is discussed under the premise that mound morphology is an expression of the environmental conditions under which mounds are initiated and grow. Cold-water coral carbonate mounds can be divided into those exhibiting “inherited” morphologies (where mound morphology reflects the morphology of the colonised features) and “developed” morphology (where the mounds assume their own gross morphology mainly reflecting dominant hydrodynamic controls). Finer-scale, surface morphological features mainly reflecting biological growth forms are also discussed.  相似文献   

Archaeologists dealing with earthen forms must distinguish those constructed by humans from those with a natural origin. Geophysical techniques can help identify culturally loaded soils and sediments. We suggest that intrinsic changes in geophysical properties, due to cultural loading, can serve as fingerprints in determining whether a mound or other earthen form is natural or culturally constructed. Culturally emplaced soils might be identified through anomalous values in geophysical properties or through unusual spatial or stratigraphic complexity. The identification of this “lumpiness” in geophysical properties may involve geophysical techniques quite different from those employed in traditional archaeogeophysical surveys. Experiments at three prehistoric mound sites (the Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Effigy Mounds National Monument, and the Hopeton Earthwork) illustrate a number of these techniques including studies of the anisotropy (directionality) of geophysical properties, seismic Rayleigh (surface) waves, and magnetic susceptibility. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Darwin Mounds are small (up to 70 m in diameter), discrete cold‐water coral banks found at c. 950 m water depth in the northern Rockall Trough, north‐east Atlantic. Formerly described in terms of their genesis, the Darwin Mounds are re‐evaluated here in terms of mound growth processes based on 100 and 410 kHz side‐scan sonar data. The side‐scan sonar coverage is divided into a series of acoustic facies representing increasing current speed and sediment transport/erosion from south to north: pockmark facies, ‘mounds within depressions’ facies, Darwin Mound facies, stippled seabed facies and sand wave facies. Mound morphometric changes are quantified and show a south‐to‐north divergence from an inherited morphology, reflecting the outline of coral‐colonized fluid escape structures, to developed, downstream elongated, elevated mound forms. It is postulated that increasing current speeds and bedload sand transport favour mound growth and development by a process of enhanced sand sedimentation within mounds due to current deceleration by frictional drag around coral colonies. Comparisons are made with similar growth processes attributed to comparably sized cold‐water coral mounds in the Porcupine Seabight, offshore Ireland.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the integration of electrical resistivity tomography and geochemical methods for studying four different fire-prone landfills. Landfill gas composition (CH4, H2S, O2, CO, CO2) and subsurface temperature were measured with the constant net 50 × 50 m from the depth 10–60 cm. 28 electrical resistivity tomography lines were surveyed, while Wenner and Sclumberger electrode arrays were employed for all measurements. At the studied sites the landfill gas and temperature measurements mapped gas and temperature anomalies over underground fire sources. 2D electrical resistivity tomography lines, performed over these anomalies, showed these fire sources as high-resistivity zones. The joint employment of the electrical imaging and geochemical survey seems to be a useful tool in carrying out diagnostic investigations at fire-prone landfills.  相似文献   

Lower Silurian mud mounds of the Shinuilan Formation, located in the southern Sichuan Basin, China, have developed in open shelf settings in deeper water than shallow-water reef-bearing limestones that occur in the region. An integration of the outcrop, drill data and seismic profiles show that contemporaneous faults have controlled the boundary and distribution of the sedimentary facies of Lower Silurian rocks in the southern Sichuan Basin. Mounds appear to have developed in the topographic lows formed by synsedimentary faulting, on the sheff of the Yangtze Platform. Average mound thickness is 20 m, maximum 35 m. Mounds are composed mainly of micrite, possibly microbially bound, and are overlain by shales. Mound tops are preferentially dolomitized, with the Mg^2+ source probably from the clay content of the mound-top carbonate. Microfacies analysis and reconstruction of the diagenetic history reveal that the mound tops have higher porosity, and are gas targets; in contrast, mound cores and limbs show pores filled by three generations of calcite cement, and therefore have a low gas potential.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been employed successfully to determine the ages of palaeosols from earthen mounds in the southeastern USA, providing archaeologists with a means of dating monument construction in the absence of carbonaceous materials and geologists with a setting for understanding factors that can affect the luminescence intensity (i.e., burial dose) of soils. However, OSL dating has not been adequately tested on mounds whose principal component is sand, shell, or a combination of these two, despite the fact that monuments composed of such materials are common to the coasts and interior coastal plains of the region. Radiocarbon dating of bone collagen and soil‐carbon and OSL dating of quartz grains extracted from the fill of mounds at the Crystal River and Roberts Island sites on the west‐central coast of Florida, USA are used to determine the timing and history of mound construction at the sites. Comparison of OSL and radiocarbon ages on materials from the same or closely related contexts provides insight into factors influencing age determinations in mound fill deposits, particularly the type of construction material (sand or shell) and the manner in which these were deposited. The results contribute to the understanding of the temporal context of platform mound construction in southeastern USA.  相似文献   

Sedimentology and budget of a Recent carbonate mound, Florida Keys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sedimentology of a Recent carbonate mound is investigated to further our understanding of mound building communities, surface and subsurface mound sediments, and the overall sediment budget of mounds. Nine sedimentary facies of the surface of Tavernier mound, Florida Keys are described. These sediments are composed of Neogoniolithon, Halimeda, Porites, mollusc and foraminiferal grains, and lime mud. Muds rich in aragonite and high magnesian calcite show little mineralogical variation over the mound surface. Geochemical evidence suggests that the mud is mainly formed from breakdown of codiacean algae and Thalassia blade epibionts. Production rates of the facies are established from in situ growth rate experiments and standing-crop surveys. Annual calcium carbonate production is c. 500gm-2, intermediate between reef and other bay and lagoonal environment production rates in the Caribbean. The internal structure of the mound, studied from piston cores and sediment probes, indicates that seven facies can be identified. Five of these can be related to the present-day facies, and occur in the upper part of the mound (gravel-mound stage). The remaining two facies, characterized by molluscs and aragonite-rich muds, occur in the lower part of the mound (mud-mound stage), and are most similar to facies from typical Florida Bay mud mounds. Mangrove peats within the mound indicate former intertidal areas and C14 dates from these peats provide a time framework for mound sedimentation. The mound appears to have formed because of an initial valley in the Pleistocene surface which accumulated mud in a shallow embayment during the Holocene transgression. A sediment budget for the mound is presented which compares production rates from present-day facies with subsurface sediment masses. During the mud mound stage production rates were similar to accumulation rates and the mound was similar to the present-day mounds of Florida Bay. During the gravel mound stage (3400 yr BP-present day), conditions were more normal marine and the establishment of Porites and Neogoniolithon on the mound increased production rates 10% over accumulation rates. This excess sediment is thought to be transported off the mound to the surrounding seabed. Models are proposed which divide carbonate mounds on the basis of internal versus external sediment supply. Comparisons are made with other Recent and ancient mounds. Similarities exist between the roles of the biotic components of late Palaeozoic mounds but major differences are found when structures and early diagenesis are compared.  相似文献   

Our study at this natural analog site contributes to the evaluation of methods within a hierarchical monitoring concept suited for the control of CO2 degassing. It supports the development of an effective monitoring concept for geological CO2 storage sites—carbon capture and storage as one of the pillars of the European climate change efforts. This study presents results of comprehensive investigations along a 500-m long profile within the Hartou?ov (Czech Republic) natural CO2 degassing site and gives structural information about the subsurface and interaction processes in relation to parameters measured. Measurements of CO2 concentrations and investigation of the subsurface using electrical resistivity tomography and self-potential methods provide information about subsurface properties. For their successful application it is necessary to take seasonal variations (e.g., soil moisture, temperature, meteorological conditions) into consideration due to their influence on these parameters. Locations of high CO2 concentration in shallow depths are related to positive self-potential anomalies, low soil moistures and high resistivity distributions, as well as high δ13C values and increased radon concentrations. CO2 ascends from deep geological sources via preferential pathways and accumulates in coarser sediments. Repetition of measurements (which includes the effects of seasonal variations) revealed similar trends and allows us to identify a clear, prominent zone of anomalous values. Coarser unconsolidated sedimentary layers are beneficial for the accumulation of CO2 gas. The distribution of such shallow geological structures needs to be considered as a significant environmental risk potential whenever sudden degassing of large gas volumes occurs.  相似文献   

Cold‐water coral mound morphology and development are thought to be controlled primarily by current regime. This study, however, reveals a general lack of correlation between prevailing bottom current direction and mound morphology (i.e. footprint shape and orientation), as well as current strength and mound size (i.e. footprint area and height). These findings are based on quantitative analyses of a high‐resolution geophysical dataset collected with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle from three cold‐water coral mound sites at the toe of slope of Great Bahama Bank. The three sites (80 km2 total) have an average of 14 mounds km?2, indicating that the Great Bahama Bank slope is a major coral mound region. At all three sites living coral colonies are observed on the surface of the mounds, documenting active mound growth. Morphometric analysis shows that mounds at these sites vary significantly in height (1 to 83 m), area (81 to 6 00 000 m2), shape (mound aspect ratio 0·1 to 1) and orientation (mound longest axis 0 to 180°). The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle measured bottom current data depict a north–south flowing current that reverses approximately every six hours. The tidal nature of this current and its intermittent deviations during reversals are interpreted to contribute to the observed mound complexity. An additional factor contributing to the variability in mound morphometrics is the sediment deposition rate that varies among and within sites. At most locations sedimentation rate lags slightly behind mound growth rate, causing mounds to develop into large structures. Where sedimentation rates are higher than mound growth rates, sediment partially or completely buries mounds. The spatial distribution and alignment of mounds can also be related to gravity mass deposits, as indicated by geomorphological features (for example, slope failure and linear topographic highs) in the three‐dimensional bathymetry. In summary, variability in sedimentation rates, current regime and underlying topography produce extraordinarily high variability in the distribution, development and morphology of coral mounds on the Great Bahama Bank slope.  相似文献   

Cotiga Mound, a 2100-year-old Woodland burial mound, was constructed on a mid-Holocene terrace along the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River. The terrace is the only stable, level landscape in the area. The intact nature of the terrace soil horizons indicated that little if any of the mound materials were taken from the terrace surface in the immediate vicinity of the mound. The mound was constructed of silty material and contained basket-loading macrofabric and a rock ring of sandstone fragments. Seismic fan refraction indirectly indicated the center of the rock ring, while ground-penetrating radar (GPR) did not detect the rock ring. A stratigraphic cross section, based on particle-size analysis, indicates that the mound consisted of 10 lithologic layers. The uppermost layer resulted from faunal disturbance. The remaining nine layers represented construction episodes; the upper four extending across large expanses of the mound in caplike fashion, and the lower five representing more specific inner-mound localized construction. Particle-size analysis quantitatively substantiates field observations of mound stratigraphy and highlights subtle changes in materials used for construction. This approach provides a basis for quantitative comparisons with other mounds and earthworks by delineating stratigraphic details associated with episodes of construction and the ceremonial implications of the episodes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Carbon, oxygen and clumped isotope (Δ47) values were measured from lacustrine and tufa (spring)‐mound carbonate deposits in the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of southern Utah and northern Arizona in order to understand the palaeohydrology. These carbonate deposits are enriched in both 18O and 13C across the basin from east to west; neither isotope is strongly sensitive to the carbonate facies. However, 18O is enriched in lake carbonate deposits compared to the associated spring mounds. This is consistent with evaporation of the spring waters as they exited the mounds and were retained in interdune lakes. Clumped isotopes (Δ47) exhibit minor systematic differences between lake and tufa‐mound temperatures, suggesting that the rate of carbonate formation under ambient conditions was moderate. These clumped isotope values imply palaeotemperature elevated beyond reasonable surface temperatures (54 to 86°C), which indicates limited bond reordering at estimated burial depths of ca 4 to 5 km, consistent with independent estimates of sediment thickness and burial depth gradients across the basin. Although clumped isotopes do not provide surface temperature information in this case, they still provide useful burial information and support interpretations of the evolution of groundwater locally. The findings of this study significantly extend the utility of combining stable isotope and clumped isotope methods into aeolian environments.  相似文献   

Geophysical reconnaissance in 1995 provided information useful in developing a successful strategy for the 1996 field season in resistivity mapping of subsurface cultural features at Talgua Village, an archaeological site in eastern Honduras. Ground truth excavations confirmed that high-resistivity anomalies detected by modified dipole–dipole apparent resistivity pseudosections correlate with a layer of small cobbles imported to fill low spots of this prehistoric settlement. Resistivity measurements reveal that mounds on this site were erected on normal subsoil, while at least one plaza was originally a topographic low that has been filled. The volume of imported stones is at least 500 m3, which represents a significant public improvement effort. Similar imported fill under the rest of Talgua Village could be mapped by similar means, and other prehistoric sites of the region could be geophysically tested for similar features. Resistivity profiles provide archaeologists with a quick, inexpensive, accurate, and noninvasive method of determining the extent of landscape modification at Talgua Village. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The tube-building polychaete Lanice conchilega forms intertidal mounds in association with macroalgae. This assemblage produces structures that can record tidal and seasonal cycles in the stratigraphic record. They mark low-tide levels because the assemblage occurs below neap low tide and many of the structures form when water drains off the assemblage. Mounds are created by disturbance of the sediment surface around aggregations of the assemblage and accumulation of sediments within the aggregations. The initial aggregations may be relict patches of adult worms, new clumps of juveniles or both. Juvenile worms and drift algae easily settle and survive in high-density patches, whereas predators and waves more readily disturb low-density patches. Algae and tubes extend through accumulated sediment and create a new, higher surface. Through this interactive process the high-density patches increase height rapidly while the low-density patches erode. Regardless of density, when the initial distribution is regular the surface remains flat, rising evenly or eroding evenly. Accumulation and erosion increases during spring tides and decreases during neap tides. Mound development also follows a seasonal pattern. The recruitment of juvenile worms in spring facilitates algal settlement and initiates mound buildup. The rate of tube-building and algal growth increases in early summer as the erosive forces of storms decline. This leads to the greatest development of mounds in late summer just before the macroalgae begin to die. The loss of algae coincides with autumnal storms, and causes catastrophic erosion of the mounds into relict patches of dormant tube-worms. Patches of tubes that survive the winter enhance spring recruitment and renewal of mound development. The shape of the mounds is often obscured during burial and preservation. Because of this, it may be difficult to distinguish the original form of ancient mounds without contemporaneous cementing organisms. But cycles of deposition and erosion are recorded in Lanice tubes and other biogenic structures. These structures can be used in conjunction with physical structures to define tidal height, seasonality or current regime. In general however, the presence of tube aggregations per se is not diagnostic of a specific hydraulic environment.  相似文献   

The importance of pre-excavation permafrost detection within ancient burial mounds in the Altai by geophysical methods is hard to overestimate. There was no way of detecting small quantities of frozen ground or ice under stone mounds, and this is a topical issue in Russian archeology. Frozen mounds, which retain organic matter owing to natural processes, are an exceptional source of information about historical and cultural processes in the Early Iron Age. Pre-excavation geophysical prospecting is especially important in the context of global warming, which might destroy a whole layer of cultural and historical information.The integrated geophysical studies conducted in recent years focused on a group of archeological sites of the Pazyryk culture whose burial constructions are very likely to contain frozen artifacts. As a rule, such burial mounds are located at a considerable altitude and contain permafrost, which creates unique conditions for the preservation of artifacts. Such localities include the Ukok high plateau (southern Altai) and the northwestern part of Mongolian Altay. Systematic field studies were conducted on the Ukok Plateau in 2003 and 2007 and in the adjacent territory of Mongolian Altay in 2005 and 2006. The following geophysical methods were used: vertical electrical sounding (VES), electrical tomography (ET), shallow frequency scanning, georadiolocation, magnetic susceptibility measurements, gamma-ray spectrometry, and chromatography. The field works were planned with a heavy reliance on the 3D mathematical simulation of electric and EM fields, which is meant for a realistic estimate of the possibilities of geoelectrics and the best ways of its application to burial-mound studies and data interpretation.The excavations conducted in 2006 in northwestern Mongolia within the Altai Mts. confirmed the geophysical prediction of permafrost at all the sites identified by the geophysical studies in 2005. In one of the mounds, they yielded a unique intact tomb of a Scythian warrior.  相似文献   

Comparison of five deep-water coral (DWC)/mound ecosystems along the European Continental Margin shows that suspended particulate organic matter (sPOM), a potential food source, is lipid rich and of high quality. However, there are differences between the sites. The Darwin and Pelagia Mounds (N. Rockall Trough and N. Porcupine Bank, respectively) have higher proportions of labile particulate lipids (including high proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids) in the benthic boundary layer than Logachev, Hovland and Belgica Mounds (Rockall Bank, S. Porcupine Bank and Porcupine Seabight, respectively). The high quality sPOM could be transported downslope from the euphotic zone. There is some evidence for inter-annual variability at some sites (e.g. Hovland and Logachev Mounds) as large differences in suspended lipid and particulate organic carbon concentrations were observed over the sampling period. Elevated total organic carbon contents of sediments at mound sites, relative to control sites in some cases (particularly Darwin Mounds), probably reflect local hydrodynamic control and the trapping of sPOM by the DWC. Fresh POM can be relatively rapidly transferred to significant depth (up to 8 cm) through bioturbation that is evident at all sites. There is no clear evidence of present day hydrocarbon seepage at any of the sites.  相似文献   

Measurements of electrical resistivity anomalies using a Wenner electrode array in a profiling mode were conducted over a 105-acre area near Crystal River, Florida Analyzed results of collected data were used to determine the likelihood of subsurface solution cavities beneath a proposed ash disposal area “Sounding” measurements with electrode spacing values extending up to 100 feet and Lee electrode measurements were used to identify and locate specific anomaly maxima identified anomalies on the order of 200 chms-feet contrasted with expected values of 300 to 400 ohms-feet and were attributed to lower resistivities inherent in water-filled solution cavities below a shallow water table Prominent cavity complexes at 5 to 15 feet depth were predicted in areas of low resistivity anomalies in the otherwise geoelectrically uniform, Eocene Ocala limestone Shallow test borings confirmed the presence of a significant concentration of shallow cavities in the predicted areas This study demonstrated the feasibility of electrical resistivity measurements as a reconnaissance tool to economically determine subsurface cavities and to aid in developmental and environmental planning  相似文献   

A brief review is given of some dynamical processes that influence the benthic dynamics within the carbonate mound provinces located at the Porcupine Bank/Sea Bight margin, NE Atlantic. The depth range of the mounds in this region (600–1,000 m) marks the upper boundary of the Mediterranean outflow water above which Eastern North Atlantic Water dominates. Both water masses are carried northwards by the eastern boundary slope current. In the benthic boundary layer both the action of internal waves, and other tidal period baroclinic waves, may enhance the bottom currents and add to both the residual and maximum flow strength. Both residual and maximum bottom currents vary at different mound locations, with stronger currents found at Belgica (SE Porcupine Sea Bight) mound and Pelagia (NW Porcupine Bank) mound regions, whilst weakest currents are found at the Hovland and Magellan Mounds at the northern Sea Bight margin. The differences may be attributed to the presence of internal waves (Pelagia) or bottom intensified diurnal waves (Belgica). These different dynamical regimes are likely to have implications for the distribution patterns of live coral at the different locations.  相似文献   

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