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An algebraic approach originally intended for the heuristic modelling of the maculation effects of chromospherically active stars has been used to model the rotational modulation of Pluto's light. Two dark spots (30.0 ± 0.8 and 16.4 ± 1.4 in radius, at longitudes 3.4 ± 3.2 and 138.0 ± 5.2 degrees, and respective latitudes –35 and –16 ) were found to model the 1982.2 data of Binzel and Mulholland (1983) best. These parameters are in reasonable agreement with the other published models of Pluto's surface for the data, however this model can not be well reconciled with older data sets. A possible solution is dynamic behaviour of the dark features themselves, increasing in radius as perihelion is approached. We stress a minimum in the introduction of ad hoc surface feature hypothesis in this treatment.  相似文献   

Rocketsonde — derived temperature trends within the Northern hemisphere are examined for the stratosphere and lower mesosphere for the period 1969–1978. The rocketsonde records presented here are homogeneous because of are mostly based on the Datasonde system. It appears that stratospheric and lower mesospheric temperature fluctuations in some cases, are about one order of magnitude larger than observed by previous workers. The main features for the temperature trends throughout the decade 1969–1978 are notably: (a) 15 C cooling at 60 km, (b) 5.5 C at 50 km, (c) 5 C at 40 km, (d) 4 C at 30 km, and (e) 3.5 C at 20 km.  相似文献   

It was verified that the total number of sunspot groups at certain region on the solar surface for a certain activity cycle can be estimated quite accurately by using the Markov chain approximation method on the total number of spot groups observed on the same region at an earlier activity cycle. Application has been carried out on the observed sunspots on three northern longitude intervals (40–50, 80–90, and 130–140) during the activity cycle 1950–1960 and 1960–1970. The total number of spot groups in these regions for the activity cycle 1960–1970 has been estimated from the observational data of the cycle 1950–1960. A good correlation between the observed and estimated number of spot groups for the activity cycle 1960–1970 has been noted.  相似文献   

The boundary and internal structure of the north polar deposits and polar hood vernal remnant on Mars have been mapped at L s 61–66 on the hemisphere centered on longitude = 0, using images obtained in Feb–Mar 1995 with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope on La Palma. On red light images, several internal rifts, including the historically well documented Rima Tenuis and Rima Hyperborea, as well as an internal, long absent, annular rift were mapped. The ground cap was asymmetric with a mean boundary at 72 N for = 270, increasing to 77 N at = 90. Images in green light showed the locations of high opacity hood clouds, including an extensive outflow to 67 N at 100. The state of the cap and hood is compared with the findings of previous studies and the historical significance of the annular rift structure is discussed. It is concluded, based on the structure of the deposited laminae, that the north polar climate was nearly, or possibly slightly milder than, normal at the northern hemisphere spring season studied.  相似文献   

The crucial assumption of this paper is, that the observed clustering of aphelion distances of intermediate-period comets in the 70–90 AU range is due to the influence of a tenth planet, called Planet X. We contribute to the search for Planet X a new and extended evaluation of a family of comets assumed to be Planet X's family of comets.By averaging the aphelion distances of comets that belong to a transplutonic family of comets, we get Planet X's semi-major axis a x = (83.0 ± 5.3) AU. The comets' orbits also yield the upper limit of the planet's orbital eccentricity e x - 0.019. If this planet played an important part in sending quasi-periodic comet showers to the inner solar system, we can calculate its orbital inclination i x = 46 .1 ± 3 .6. By distributing all planets' masses into the heliocentric, torus-like zones, in which they were formed, we get the density distribution of the primordial solar nebula. Extrapolating this distribution we find the mass of the planet M x = (5.1–2.4 +3.6 M Earth. A few plausible assumptions (e.g. Uranus and Neptune perturbations being caused by Planet X) lead to Planet X's actual location with declination and eccliptic longitude being = 57 ± 17 and = 54 ± 34 , respectively (1989.5 position). In addition, we give Planet X's apparent brightness dependent on its unknown albedo. All those properties and predictions are more or less in agreement with earlier work on Planet X.  相似文献   

The method of estimation of the limits, containing the equator inclination of a celestial body, had been developed. In this method it is necessary to know the orbital elements and the mass of a celestial body. Another condition is that the axial rotation of a body should be in the resonance with its orbital motion. It has been found that the equator inclinations should have the values between 1 .7 and 2 .6 for Mercury and between 1 .0 and 1 .8 for the Moon. It also has been found that largest harmonics in Mercury's physical libration are the harmonics sin( – 3g), cos( – 3g), sin g and sin 2.  相似文献   

The observation of [OI] 6300 » emission in the coma of Halley's comet 1982i, using the imaging Fabry-Pérot spectrometer, was carried out from Gurushikhar (2439N, 7243E, 1700m altitude), Mt. Abu, India on March 15, 1986 (R = 0.90 AU, = 0.96 AU). The analysis of the interferogram show the absence of the differential velocity of neutral oxygen above 5 km s–1.  相似文献   

We give the fifth list of red stars of the First Byurakan Spectral Sky Survey. The objects are located in the zone 5h 18h 30m and +65 +69. The list contains the data on 18 new objects, one of which is a star of class R. We also give the first determination of the spectral class of 11 variable objects, for four of which we give the spectrograms in the range of wavelengths 4700–6700å.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 4, 1994.  相似文献   

A culture of E.coli was initially subjected to brief exposures to heat for durations of 30–60 s, starting with a temperature of 270 C. A stepwise increase of this temperature from 270 C–750 C and a sequential culturing led to the emergence of a strain of this bacterium with a much higher resistance to flash heating than the original culture possessed. This behaviour would have an important relevance to the survival of micro-organisms upon entering a planetary atmosphere.  相似文献   

The auroral frequency of occurrences (A) for the 20th solar cycle and for the geomagnetic latitudes 54–63 N has been investigated in relation to sunspot numbers (R z), number of flares (F), the solar wind streams derived from the coronal holes (H) and the geomagnetic index (A p). The relationship between A and the other indices were found to be strongly latitude dependent. At around 57–58 N, a drastic change in this relationship occurs, and an attempt is made qualitatively to evaluate this latitudinal variation.  相似文献   

Attention is given to the radiation of microwaves by charged dust in space. Presently-used particle distributions do not restrict the presence in space of large numbers of small (r<10–6 cm) silicate grains, but it is shown that such densities (10–25–10–26 g cm–3) of small grains would produce a microwave background with an energy density of the same order of magnitude as the energy density of the (presumed) cosmological 3 K background. Limits set by the isotropy of the latter are: (HI clouds)10–26, (Galactic plane)10–30, (Halo)10–32, (Local Group)10–34 g cm–3. These limits imply that either there is a cutoff in particle distributions atr10–6 cm, or that the density of silicate grains in space has been generally overestimated, or that cosmic rays have broken up a lot of grains so that they now form a population of grains of very small size (10–7 cm) which are difficult to detect by conventional methods. One way to look for the latter population is by studying expected distortions of the 3 K spectrum to the short wavelength side of the portion hitherto observed (grains may have a size distribution able to give an approximate black-body curve for radiation from larger grains of 10–6 cm size), and by testing the effective energy density of the 3 K field in other galaxies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare changes in the insolation at Pluto, corresponding to three epochs during the dynamical history of the planet: t = – 1, 0 and 0.5, where t is the time in millions of years A.D. The two extreme values of t coincide respectively with a maximum (126 ) and a minimum (102 ) value of the obliquity (). The other orbital elements i.e. the eccentricity (e) and the longitude of the perihelion ( p ) which affect solar radiation and which are apt to significant periodic changes are also calculated for the times under consideration. In a series of figures, the combined influence of the evolving dynamic parameters on the daily insolation and on the mean (summer, winter, annual) daily insolation is illustrated.  相似文献   

A maximal spectrum of gravitational radiation from sources outside our galaxy is calculated. The sources are galaxies, quasars and events that occur in the early history of the universe. The major contribution is from galaxies whose effect extends over the frequency region 10–810+4Hz, peaking at 10–110 Hz, with a spectral flux of 10 erg cm–2, s–1. The main processes of gravitational radiation in the galaxies are stellar collapse into a black hole and dying binary systems. In the region 10–4104 Hz the background spectrum is well above the detection levels of currently proposed detectors. FromMinimal considerations of this spectrum it is determined that the density of gravitational radiation is 10–39g cm–3. This background spectrum is sensitive to galactic evolution and especially sensitive to the upper mass limits and mass distribution of stars in galactic models. Therefore, the spectrum could provide information about galactic evolution complementary to that obtained by electromagnetic investigations.  相似文献   

Conclusions In the Newtonian case we have obtained an isotropic self-consistent distribution of gravitationally interacting point masses which satisfies the transport equation without collisions, and the gravitational equation for an arbitrary powerfunction density distribution =r–s, s<3.For =r–2 the analogous self-consistent solution was obtained for the anisotropic distribution function both in Newtonian and GTR cases.The GTR solutions with =r–2 have central redshifts which increase without limit in accordance with the law 1+zr–1/ as we approach the center. In the isotropic case, they appear to be stable when the mean velocities are much less than the velocity of light u<0.2c, >21.The hydrodynamic GTR solution was found for a perfect gas at constant temperature (but variable T=T(g00)1/2) which also has z for r0.We should like to thank K. Thorne, L. Hazin, and M. Podurets for valuable discussions. K. Thorne was particularly helpful in supplying unpublished results on circular orbits obtained by American authors.Astrofizika, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 223–234, 1969  相似文献   

Perturbation of the perihelion distance q of long-period comets by the galactic tidal force is calculated using Cowell's method. It is shown that the maximum perturbation is suffered by those with i (inclination) close to 50 ~ 60 and not by those with i close to 90 , contrary to the prediction of the first order perturbation theory. The dependence of the perturbation of q upon i is compared with the distribution of the inclinations of observed long-period comets and it is shown that the later is not consistent with an isotropic cloud of comets perturbed by the galactic tid alone. A close stellar encounter is unlikely to be an external disturbance. It is argued that giant molecular cloud is the most likely mechanism of the external disturbances.  相似文献   

We present the ninth list of blue stellar objects of the second part of the First Byurakan Spectral Sky Survey (FBS). We publish 61 objects in the zone +69+73, 3 h 50m18 h 10 m and 23 additional objects from the previous 5 zones of the survey. Of the 84 objects, 64 are discovered for the first time. We give the equatorial coordinates, stellar V magnitudes, color indices, and preliminary classes of the objects with respect to slitless low-dispersion spectra. For the 23 objects we give approximate types, among which there are 5 candidates for quasars, one for a Seyfert galaxy, 3 UV-excess galaxies, 9 white dwarfs, 4 cataclysmic variables and one probable planetary nebula.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1994.The authors are grateful to the American Astronomical Society for support of the present paper.  相似文献   

Assuming that the surface topography of the Ovda and Thetis plateaus, and that of the saddle region between Thetis and Atla plateaus, is due to surface subsidence of oceanic-type thermal boundary layers, we calculated the temperature at 200 km beneath the plateaus to be about 1600 C, and that beneath the saddle region to be about 1400–1500 C. The total subsidence of Ovda plateau in the last 3/4 of its existence, i.e. between 200 km and 800 km off the postulated ridge axis, suggests that the plateau is probably a young feature, less than 40 m.y. old. The spreading plate models imply a half-spreading rate of 2.3–5.3 cm/yr for the plateaus and 2–2.8 cm/yr for the saddle region.  相似文献   

Type III radio bursts observed at kilometric wavelengths ( 0.35 MHz) by the OGO-5 spacecraft are compared with > 45 keV solar electron events observed near 1 AU by the IMP-5 and Explorer 35 spacecraft for the period March 1968–November 1969.Fifty-six distinct type III bursts extending to 0.35 MHz ( 50 R equivalent height above the photosphere) were observed above the threshold of the OGO-5 detector; all but two were associated with solar flares. Twenty-six of the bursts were followed 40 min later by > 45 keV solar electron events observed at 1 AU. All of these 26 bursts were identified with flares located west of W 09 solar longitude. Of the bursts not associated with electron events only three were identified with flares west of W 09, 18 were located east of W 09 and 7 occurred during times when electron events would be obscured by high background particle fluxes.Thus almost all type III bursts from the western half of the solar disk observed by OGO-5 above a detection flux density threshold of the order of 10–13 Wm–2 Hz–1 at 0.35 MHz are followed by > 45 keV electrons at 1 AU with a maximum flux of 10 cm–2 s–1 ster–1. If particle propagation effects are taken into account it is possible to account for lack of electron events with the type III bursts from flares east of the central meridian. We conclude that streams of 10–100 keV electrons are the exciting agent for type III bursts and that these same electrons escape into the interplanetary medium where they are observed at 1 AU. The total number of > 45 keV electrons emitted in association with a strong kilometer wavelength type III burst is estimated to be 5 × 1032.  相似文献   

Macrospicules have been observed in H and He i D3, on the disk and above the limb. In 1975, a rate of 1400 (A day)–1 is inferred, and the ratio of equatorial to polar rates 2. D3 intensities are a few × 10–3 of the disk center, and do not decrease in coronal holes. The ratio of H to D3 intensities is 10. The integral number of macrospicules with D3 intensity I 0 is proportional to I 0 –1.  相似文献   

An exact analysis of the effects of mass transfer on the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid past an uniformly accelerated vertical porous and non-porous plate has been presented on taking into account the free convection currents. The results are discussed with the effects of the Grashof number Gr, the modified Grashof number Sc, the Schmidt number Sc, and the suction parametera for Pr (the Prandtl number)=0.71 representating air at 20°C.Nomenclature a suction parameter - C species concentration - C species concentration at the free stream - g acceleration due gravity - Gc modified Grashof number (vg*(C C )/U 0 3 ) - Pr Prandtl number (C p/K) - T temperature of the fluid near the plate - T dimensionless temperature near the plate ((T-T )/(T -T )) - U(t) dimensionless velocity of the plate (U/U 0) - v normal velocity component - v 0 suction/injection velocity - x, y coordinate along and normal to the plate - v kinematic viscosity (/gr) - C p specific heat at constant pressure - C w species concentration at the plate - C non-dimensional species concentration ((C-C )/(C w -C )) - Gr Grashof number (g(T w -T )/U 0 3 ) - D chemical molecular diffusivity - K thermal conductivity - Sc Schmidt number (/D) - T w temperature of the plate - T free stream temperature - t time variable - t dimensionless time (tU 0 2 /) - U 0 reference velocity - u velocity of the fluid near the plate - u non-dimensional velocity (u/U 0) - v dimensionless velocity (v/U 0) - v 0 non-dimensionalv 0 (v 0 /U0)=–at–1/2 - y dimensionless ordinate (yU 0/) - density of the fluid - coefficient of viscosity  相似文献   

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