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龚伟伟  师春香  张涛  孟现勇 《冰川冻土》2015,37(6):1497-1507
利用中国气象局国家级自动站(2 421个)的观测资料, 分别对2012年的ECMWF(欧洲中期数值预报中心)和JMA(日本气象厅)数值模式资料的平均海平面气压和地面风速在中国地区的适用性进行了对比研究.结果表明:两种数值模式资料均能在一定程度上反映观测资料所具有的时空分布特征, 东部地区的适用性均要高于西部地区. 对于平均海平面气压, 在西南地区JMA比ECMWF资料更接近实际观测; 而在其他地区, 两种数值模式资料都较接近实际观测, 冬季的结果比夏季好. 对于地面风速, 这两种数值模式资料各具优势.在中国东南部地区, JMA相对于ECMWF的地面风速资料更接近实际观测值, 而在中国西部地区, 则相反.就8个时次的年变化而言, ECMWF资料的年变化趋势与观测资料更为一致, 而JMA资料的地面风速大小与观测资料更为接近.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of the radar scattering coefficient to the oceanic wind vector in the midangular range for frequencies from L- to Ku- band is studied. This is based on computations of scattering coefficient via the two-scale scattering theory employing a semi-empirical model for the ocean spectrum suggested by Fung and Lee and the slope distribution by Cox and Munk. Higher frequency and incident angles of over 45 degrees seem to yield better wind sensitivity.  相似文献   

Auto-correlation analysis of ocean surface wind vectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nature of the inherent temporal variability of surface winds is analyzed by comparison of winds obtained through different measurement methods. In this work, an auto-correlation analysis of a time series data of surface winds measuredin situ by a deep water buoy in the Indian Ocean has been carried out. Hourly time series data available for 240 hours in the month of May, 1999 were subjected to an auto-correlation analysis. The analysis indicates an exponential fall of the autocorrelation in the first few hours with a decorrelation time scale of about 6 hours. For a meaningful comparison between satellite derived products andin situ data, satellite data acquired at different time intervals should be used with appropriate ‘weights’, rather than treating the data as concurrent in time. This paper presents a scheme for temporal weighting using the auto-correlation analysis. These temporal ‘weights’ can potentially improve the root mean square (rms) deviation between satellite andin situ measurements. A case study using the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) and Indian Ocean buoy wind speed data resulted in an improvement of about 10%.  相似文献   

风流场对于局地条件下地-气能量交换过程与强度影响显著,同时也是多年冻土区对流调控类冷却路基的关键环境边界。结合现场监测与数值模拟,对高海拔冻土路基周边风流场进行特征区划研究并考察路基高度的影响。结果表明:坡前扰动区为低风速区,3 m路基高度条件下迎风坡坡脚0.5~2.0 m高度范围内风速约为环境风速的30%。路基上部为高风速区,迎风坡路肩风速明显大于环境、路面中部及背风坡风速。背风坡坡后扰动区为低风速区,靠近坡脚区域受气流辐散效应作用形成涡旋区,整体风速仅为环境风速的30%。涡旋区水平范围随路基高度增加呈线性增加,3 m路基高度条件下涡旋区水平范围约为12 m。分离式路基即两幅路基并行条件下,受前幅路基影响后幅路基坡前风速下降明显,以两幅路基坡前风速差值不超过环境风速的10%(0.35 m·s-1)为标准,3 m路基高度条件下两幅路基最小间距为60 m。因此,在路基工程的修建过程中为减少路基间的遮挡所造成的两幅路基间的对流换热强度差异,分离式对流换热类冷却路基的现场修建间距应不低于60 m。  相似文献   

风对极端干旱区胡杨蒸腾速率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2014年4-11月的胡杨蒸腾速率和风速的实测数据, 分析了风对极端干旱区胡杨蒸腾速率的影响. 结果表明: 不同风速对胡杨蒸腾速率的影响存在差异, 风速的瞬时变动并不一定都会促进蒸腾速率的升高. 0~2 m·s-1风速作用对胡杨蒸腾速率的影响不大; 2~8 m·s-1风速作用下, 胡杨蒸腾速率显著升高, 且随着风速的增大, 蒸腾速率上升幅度增加. 其中, 2~4 m·s-1风速作用下, 其变化幅度较0~2 m·s-1时增加了4.51%; 4~6 m·s-1风速作用下, 其变化幅度较2~4 m·s-1时增加了7.03%; 6~8 m·s-1风速作用下, 其变化幅度较4~6 m·s-1时增加了16.19%. 当风速大于8 m·s-1时, 胡杨蒸腾速率不再上升而呈下降趋势, 且随着风速的增加, 蒸腾速率降低的幅度也越大, 其中, 8~10 m·s-1风速作用下, 蒸腾速率下降了8.08%; 大于10 m·s-1的风速作用下, 胡杨蒸腾速率的下降幅度高达32.91%. 胡杨蒸腾速率和风速的错位相关分析表明, 风速对胡杨蒸腾速率的影响多为实时性的, 在极少数的大风天气影响下, 蒸腾速率恢复的时间较慢, 形成了个别日期的滞后效应. 风速和胡杨蒸腾速率的指数拟合关系最显著, 且2~8 m·s-1风速下, 蒸腾速率随着风速呈指数增加趋势; 8 m·s-1以上风速作用下, 蒸腾速率随着风速的增加呈指数减少趋势. 在0~2 m·s-1风速作用下, 蒸腾速率变化不大.  相似文献   

赵厚舜  田颖 《江苏地质》2019,43(4):627-631
根据我国近海海域地貌及地层组合,将海上风电场的建设场地划分为3个工程地质区,即基岩覆盖厚(松散层厚度≥100 m)、基岩覆盖中等(松散层厚度为50~100 m)及基岩覆盖薄(松散层厚度≤50 m)的工程地质区。从区域稳定性、场地稳定性及地基稳定性3个方面进行了工程地质条件评价,指出我国海上风电场建设的大部分区段20 m以浅均有可液化砂性土,已构成风电场基础设计中需要防范的主要工程地质问题;在风电场基础设计时,对于基岩覆盖厚及覆盖中等的工程地质区,应选择更新统硬塑状黏性土或中密实的砂砾层为桩基持力层,而基岩覆盖薄的工程地质区可利用中风化岩作为桩基持力层。  相似文献   

在渤海,中尺度模式预报的风速通常比实际风速低得多.利用1990-2001年渤海不同观测站的风场、温度场资料,按季节、风向对海、陆风速统计分析,得到海陆风速的对比值,同时对造成海陆风速差异的原因进行动力、热力等分析.结果表明:海、陆风速在不同的天气系统以及动力和热力方面都存在明显差异.据此渤海风速场推算模式进行了改进,既考虑动力摩擦的作用,也考虑热力差异引起的海陆风增幅作用,改进的渤海风场推算模式有了很大的提高.因此,应用改进后的渤海风速场推算模式,对中尺度数值预报的风速场进行订正,使预报的风速明显提高,更加接近实际情况.  相似文献   

在多年冻土地区,路基工程的修筑将对下伏多年冻土的热力稳定性产生显著的影响.为保护多年冻土,保证路基的长期稳定性,通风管作为一种对流换热类主动冷却降温措施被广泛应用.通风管内的对流换热强度与管内风速密切相关,针对这一问题,采用现场监测与数值模拟相结合的方式开展了通风管内风速特征及影响因素的研究.结果表明:随通风管管径的增...  相似文献   

Abstract Reliable predictions of wind erosion depend on the accuracy of determining whether erosion occurs or not. Among the several factors that govern the initiation of soil movement by wind, surface moisture is one of the most significant. Some widely used models that predict the threshold shear velocity for particle detachment of wet soils by wind were critically reviewed and evaluated. Wind‐tunnel experiments were conducted on pre‐wetted dune sand with moisture contents ranging from 0·00 to 0·04 kg kg?1. Sand samples were exposed to different wind speeds for 2 min. Moisture content was determined gravimetrically before and after each experiment, and the saltation of sand particles was recorded electronically with a saltiphone. Shear velocities were deduced from the wind speed profiles. For each moisture content, the experiments were repeated at different shear velocities, with the threshold shear velocity being determined by least‐squares analysis of the relationships between particle number rates and shear velocity. Within the 2‐min test runs, temporal changes in particle number rates and moisture contents were detected. A steep increase in the threshold shear velocity with moisture content was observed. When comparing the models, large differences between the predicted results became apparent. At a moisture content of 0·007 kg kg?1, which is half the moisture content retained to the soil matrix at a water tension (or matric potential) of ?1·5 MPa, the increase in ‘wet’ threshold shear velocity predicted with the different models relative to the dry threshold shear velocity ranged from 117% to 171%. The highest care should therefore be taken when using current models to predict the threshold shear velocity of wet sediment. Nevertheless, the models of Chepil (1956; Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., 20, 288–292) and Saleh & Fryrear (1995; Soil Sci., 160, 304–309) are the best alternatives available.  相似文献   

慕士塔格地区位于青藏高原西北部,常年受西风影响。为了更清楚地认识西风水汽来源和局地蒸发过程对区域水循环过程的影响,利用2017年7月26日—2017年11月6日和2018年7月30日—2018年12月10日在慕士塔格西风带环境综合观测研究站的监测数据,分析了地表大气水汽氢氧稳定同位素组成和相关局地气象要素的变化特征及其相关关系。研究发现:慕士塔格地区水汽中δ18O、d-excess与局地温度和比湿呈现明显的小时变化、日变化和季节变化;水汽δ18O值与温度的显著正相关关系在不同时间尺度稳定存在;在小时和日尺度上,水汽δ18O值与比湿呈现对数关系;后向轨迹追踪表明,西风将西伯利亚和北大西洋及慕士塔格周围地区的水汽传输至观测站点;当水汽自地中海和北大西洋长距离传输至慕士塔格时,水汽δ18O显著降低可达约7‰,d-excess会显著增大;该地区水汽稳定同位素组成的季节变化特征与降水稳定同位素组成的季节变化特征一致。研究内容初步揭示了青藏高原西风传输水汽稳定同位素变化的主要影响因素,可为区域水循环研究提供必要...  相似文献   

利用天山南坡科其喀尔冰川3号观测站2009年全年的气象观测资料,分析研究了科其喀尔冰川表碛区的小气候特征. 结果表明:总辐射和净辐射夏秋季较高、冬春季较低;反射辐射和地表反照率反之. 与其他地区不同,该区主要受积雪物理性质和下垫面状况的影响,冬春季地表反照率日变化表现为由大到小的变化过程,夏秋季表现为倒U型. 温度年变化表现为夏秋季高、冬春季低,最高月均值出现在8月,为9.4℃,最低月均值出现在1月,为-9.6℃. 受山谷风和冰川风的影响,全年的风向以西北风和西北偏西风为主,风向的日变化以11:00为界发生转向. 受降水和冰川消融等的影响,比湿夏秋季月均值较大,冬春季月均值较小.  相似文献   

A theoretical model for wind‐sand flow is developed by considering the coupling between wind flow and sand particle motion, the latter subject to the Magnus effect, under different atmospheric stability conditions. Using this model, the characteristics of the wind‐sand flow are discussed in detail. The results show that the atmospheric stability and the Magnus effect both have a strong influence on wind profiles and on the trajectories of sand particles. This approach produces results with characteristics that differ from those previously reported; the latter only applying to atmospheric conditions of neutral stability. The saltating sand reaches a greater height under non‐neutral stability than under neutral stability, while the maximum horizontal distance is greater under unstable conditions and is smaller under stable conditions than under conditions of neutral stability.  相似文献   

肖勇杰  陈福全  董译之 《岩土力学》2018,39(8):3011-3019
随着全套管护壁振动取土灌注桩施工工艺的发展,灌注桩在工程中的应用越来越广泛,但是关于灌注桩护壁套管高频振动贯入速率的研究较少。通过假定套管为刚体,将套管周围土体划分为同心轴的圆环柱体,利用Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性本构模型计算套管外侧各土体单元接触面间的剪应力和套管端部土体竖向应力,并考虑套管振动贯入过程中土塞效应,建立灌注桩套管高频振动贯入砂土中贯入速率的计算模型。将所提出的贯入速率计算结果和物理模型试验结果与有限元结果进行对比分析,验证了计算模型的合理性。通过参数分析,得到地基土体孔隙比、振动频率和套管直径对贯入速率的影响规律,为实际工程中快速、准确地预测套管振动贯入速率提供了可靠方法。  相似文献   

晏鄂川  王明华  余子华 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):643-647
三峡库区某岩质滑坡的变形失稳涉及到地质、环境、人类工程活动等多种因素。针对该滑坡的变形破坏规律和诱发机制,拟采用削坡、抗滑桩、排水系统等加固措施,以确保滑坡整体和局部稳定,其中加固方案的长期有效性将是整个治理工程的关键。通过对大变形数值方法以及滑坡治理工程措施特点的分析,认为在研究滑坡治理工程大变形问题时采用非线性大变形数值方法更加合理,加固方案的优化设计采用了三维快速拉格朗日分析(FLAC3D)法,通过对滑坡区位移场以及破坏区的变化规律进行分析,将各项加固措施及其组合工况的治理效果进行对比优选,最后确定出以抗滑桩和削坡为主、排水为辅的最优加固方案。该方案的治理效果已被实践资料所证实,其中的部分方法和结论对三峡库区滑坡地质灾害的防治具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Wind loads are random variables, which induce significantly greater responses in structures than do static loads. We develop a finite-infinite element model of a 2 MW wind turbine using ABAQUS and then verify it with in situ data. The adopted dynamic constitutive model of the soil is based on the Davidenkov skeleton curve. The results demonstrate that the dynamic amplification factors (DAFs) strongly depend on wind speed and spatial position. Considerable values of the DAFs, ground acceleration, and ground velocity are observed, suggesting that the responses of the shallow foundation of a wind turbine are affected by dynamic wind loads.  相似文献   

丁玲  王典  鹿琪 《世界地质》2014,33(4):867-874
时频分析是地震数据处理与解释中的一种重要的技术手段。笔者把该技术应用于吉林某油田中,得知研究区内储层主要由两个朵叶构成,分别位于该油田的西北部和西南部。地震反射波的85%能量位置对应的频率、65%能量位置对应的的频率和45 Hz位置的能量百分比,三个时频属性可确定砂岩的分布范围,有利储层发育程度和分布范围,并给出了有力井位,和钻井情况一致。  相似文献   

Variability in the standard deviation of surface wind direction (σθ), under different Pasquill stability regimes on diurnal, seasonal and interannual scales has been investigated making use of a 10-year data set collected at Visakhapatnam (17°42′ N., 82° 18′ E) during January, April, August and October for winter, pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons respectively. The diurnal scale variability in σθ is more pronounced during day time than in night. The seasonal variability in σθ is only moderate around noon while relatively large fluctuations are noticed on inter-annual scale only during day time in January and August. The seasonal dispersion in σθ decreased from most unstable regime to most stable regime.  相似文献   

低频探地雷达系统多配置无屏蔽天线,抗干扰能力差.针对中心频率15 MHz的低频探地雷达天线,以铁丝网作为屏蔽材料,设计制作了3种尺寸(长×宽×高分别为:12 m×12 m×5 m、11 m×11 m×5m、9.6 m×9.6 m×5 m)的屏蔽装置,对接收天线和发射天线分别进行了屏蔽干扰实验研究.结果表明:网孔为1 cm×1 cm,丝径t为0.15 cm铁丝网是制作屏蔽装置的有效材料;对接收天线单独进行电磁屏蔽时,三种尺寸的屏蔽装置均显示出较好的屏蔽效果,其中最佳尺寸为11 m×11 m×5 m;对发射天线单独进行电磁屏蔽时,只有11m×11m×5m尺寸的屏蔽装置最有效,另外两种尺寸的装置屏蔽效果相对较差;相对而言,给接收天线单独增加屏蔽装置要比单独给发射天线增加屏蔽装置好.实验结果为下一步研发实用化的低频探地雷达屏蔽装置打下了良好基础.  相似文献   

在实地探测的基础上,主要是从理论模型的角度研究天然电场选频法异常的形成原因.首先在已知的充水岩溶上开展实地探测工作,获取实测异常曲线;从麦克斯韦方程组和边界条件出发,求取均匀垂直谐变一次磁场中良导球体和圆柱体内、外磁场矢量位,推导出球外和圆柱体外感应二次电场的解析计算式;对理论模型的各个参数进行假定,计算获得地表主剖面上良导球体和圆柱体的感应二次电场异常曲线.通过实测曲线与理论模型上的模拟计算结果对比分析可知,二者曲线形态相似、特征相同,由此推知天然电场选频法在含水低阻体上方测得异常的起因之一可能是由天然感应二次电场所致.  相似文献   

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