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Recent advances in studies of the middle and upper atmosphere and their coupling with the lower atmosphere in China are briefly reviewed. This review emphasizes four aspects: (1) Development of instrumentation for middle and upper atmosphere observation; (2) Analyses and observation of middle and upper atmosphere; (3) Theoretical and modeling studies of planetary wave and gravity wave activities in the middle atmosphere and their relation to lower atmospheric processes; (4) Study on the coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere.  相似文献   

Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanced Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment 3.0 (COARE3.0) bulk algorithm method. Then, the average annual and interannual characteristics of these fluxes were analyzed. The rela- tionship between the fluxes and the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset is highlighted. The results indicate that these fluxes have clear temporal and spatial characteristics. The sensible heat flux is at its maximum in the Kuroshio area, while the latent heat flux is at its maximum in the North Equatorial Current and Kuroshio area. The distribution of average annual air-sea heat fluxes shows that both sensible and latent heat fluxes are maximized in winter and minimized in summer. The air-sea heat fluxes have obvious interannual variations. Correlation analysis indicates a close lag-correlation between air-sea heat fluxes in the western Pacific warm pool area and at the SCS summer monsoon onset. The lagcorrelation can therefore predict the SCS summer monsoon onset, providing a reference for the study of precipitation related to the monsoon.  相似文献   

This study investigates the spatial and temporal variability of global stratospheric gravity waves (GWs) and the characteristics of GW activity during sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) using the GPS radio occultation measurements from the COSMIC mission during September 2006 to May 2013. Corresponding to the COSMIC RO observational window and analysis method, GW potential energy (Ep) with vertical scales no shorter than ~2 km is resolved. It is found that the distributions of GW Ep over 20-30 km and 30-38 km show similar spatial and seasonal variations. The variations of GW Ep with altitude and latitude along the westerly wind are identified in different seasons over 60°-80°W. In the middle and high latitudes, seasonal cycles are distinct in the time-latitude and time-altitude distributions of GW activities, which show larger Ep in winters when westerly wind dominates and smaller Ep in summers when easterly wind dominates. The influence of quasi-biennial oscillation on GW activity is recognized in the tropics. GW Ep enhances closely following the occurrence of minor SSW events; while during major events, GW Ep may not enhance, and sometimes may even weaken, in the regions where reversals of zonal wind occur, probably caused by the filtering impact of the 0 m s-1 wind level on the GWs.  相似文献   

在过去5年中,在国家自然科学基金委员会和中国科学院的项目支持下,针对以大气上下层相互作用中的多时空尺度过程特征及其与天气气候的关系为主要关注内容,开展了几个方面的研究。本文介绍其中的一些主要进展与结果,包括:(1)平流层臭氧的探测与分析研究;(2)平流层-对流层质量交换(STME)与对流层顶特征研究;(3)中层大气多尺度波动特征研究;(4)大气辐射传输和中层大气卫星临边遥感新方法研究。  相似文献   

The gravity solitary waves are a kind of waves which are caused by the disturbance of static equilibrium. The nonlinearity concentration of the gravity solitary waves makes the energy assemble together and forms disastrous weather phenomena, such as squall lines. By the calculation condition and theoretical method limit, previous studies tried hard to reduce the variable numbers and discussed the gravity solitary waves in barotropic atmosphere, but the baroclinic problem of atmosphere is inevitable topic. In this paper, from the basic kinetic equations in baroclinic non-static equilibrium atmosphere, by using multi-scale analysis and perturbation method, a new model is derived to describe the algebraic gravity solitary waves, we call it Boussinesq-BO equation. Comparing with the former models, the Boussinesq-BO model can describe the propagation process of waves in two directions and is more suitable for the real atmosphere condition. With the help of the trial function method, an exact solution of Boussinesq-BO equation is obtained and the fission property of algebraic gravity solitary waves is discussed. Finally, we can find that the fission of algebraic gravity solitary waves is also a possible formation mechanism of squall lines.  相似文献   

利用东江中上游江流域8个气象站1965—2017年逐日气温资料,采用线性趋势分析、小波分析和Mann-Kendall突变检验等方法分析了东江中上游流域气温的变化特征。结果表明:1965—2017年东江中上游流域年平均气温以0.17 ℃/(10 a)速率显著上升;秋季平均气温上升最显著,冬季、夏季次之,春季不显著;年高温日数以3 526 d/(10 a)的速率显著增多。年与季平均气温和年高温日数均存在突变,各气象站年与季平均气温均大致呈自南向北依次递减分布。上游的高温日数略多于中游。各气象站年平均气温上升趋势均显著,春、夏季均以连平为中心上升幅度最大,秋季为上升趋势最明显的季节,冬季以连平为中心上升趋势最显著。各气象站年高温日数增多趋势均显著,增幅最大为连平,最小为龙川。年平均气温存在4、8—9、13—14、18—19 a的周期变化,高温日数存在2、6、10—11、25—26 a的周期变化。  相似文献   

利用2010年12月在湖北宣恩观测山地雾获得的边界层廓线、雾滴谱、能见度资料,分析了该地雾过程的边界层特征及其生消过程。结果表明:1)宣恩山地雾主要由夜间辐射冷却引起,且能见度多在200 m以上;垂直发展深厚,成熟时厚度达到400~600 m。2)夜间风场主要由山风环流控制,风向多为东南风;入夜及雾生前期,地面风速不超过0.5 m/s,雾消前增大至2.0 m/s左右。3)雾生前观测到"C"字型温度层结,中下层气温降温率在0.3~1.0℃/(100 m)之间;结合该时段近地层露点温度逆温,离地200 m左右率先饱和成云;雾消时低空相对湿度依然保持较大值,重新变为空中雾层。4)雾前1~2 h地面及植被表明温度显著上升,个别升温率达1℃/h,对应时段地面相对湿度达到饱和,与其他地区有明显区别,对预报宣恩山地雾有积极意义。  相似文献   

The results presented are the first complete analysis of inorganic soluble ions in a tropical savannah region. Atmospheric particles were collected in six rural Venezuelan savannah sites. Concentrations and size distribution of NO3 , SO4 2-, CI, PO4 3-, NH4 +, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were determined in samples collected with Hi Vol samplers equipped with five-stage cascade impactors. Concentrations were higher in the dry season, with a maximum during the burning periods. Using Na+ as a reference, the results show a deficit of Cl and, with the exception of Mg2+, an enrichment of all other ions with respect to marine aerosols. Significant variations were observed in particle-size distribution between different periods. Various pairs of ions present similar size distributions: SO4 2- and NH4 +; Cl and Na+; PO4 3- and K+; Ca2+, Mg2+ and NO3 ; indicating that the ions were produced by the same source and/or were involved in similar atmospheric processes. Possible primary sources, the gas-to-particle atmospheric process, environmental implication of long-range transport of nutrients during dry seasons, etc., are discussed.  相似文献   

应用高分辨率的红外卫星云图资料,对台风8807从热带低压发展成热带风暴的过程进行了分析,给出了热带风暴形成过程伴随着复杂涡旋自组织现象的观测证据。结果发现,涡旋自组织可在从数十到十万km2的各种尺度扰动云团之间发生,发生合并的云团除了理想数值试验中的两类前景之外,还存在第三类前景,即较大尺度的云团会发生分裂,部分与其他云团合并。合并形成的新云团可能发展也有可能减弱,这应取决于新云团所处的环境以及是否有其他云团补充并入。用二维Fourier分析可以清楚地看到8807发展成热带风暴的过程可分为两个阶段,一是多涡共存,不同方向、不同尺度系统能量转换频繁阶段,另一是单涡发展阶段,谱密度等值线形态稳定少变。分维计算结果表明,热带风暴形成过程中的相关云团较已有研究分析的云团略显规则,分维略小于已有结果。此外,临界温度取值不同,分维是有差异的,边界温度越低,分维越小。  相似文献   

利用1951—2010年NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料和中国160站月降水总量资料,研究了菲律宾海地区大气环流异常与长江中下游6月旱涝的关系。结果表明,菲律宾海附近是影响长江中下游地区6月降水的关键区。菲律宾异常反气旋(气旋)在对流层低层明显,强度随高度衰减。且这种大气环流异常与长江中下游地区6月降水的相关关系在低层850hPa最显著,到高层相关性减弱。当出现菲律宾异常反气旋环流时,垂直速度和水汽输送等异常分布特征有利于降水发生,使得长江中下游地区偏涝,反之则偏旱。  相似文献   

Emissions of N2O, CH4, and CO2 from soils at two sites in the tropical savanna of central Venezuela were determined during the dry season in February 1987. Measured arithmetic mean fluxes of N2O, CH4, and CO2 from undisturbed soil plots to the atmosphere were 2.5×109, 4.3×1010, and 3.0×1013 molecules cm-2 s-1, respectively. These fluxes were not significantly affected by burning the grass layer. Emissions of N2O increased fourfold after simulated rainfall, suggesting that production of N2O in savanna soils during the rainy season may be an important source for atmospheric N2O. The CH4 flux measurements indicate that these savanna soils were not a sink, but a small source, for atmospheric methane. Fluxes of CO2 from savanna soils increased ninefold two hours after simulated rainfall, and remained three times higher than normal after 16 hours. More research is needed to clarify the significance of savannas in the global cycles of N2O, CH4, CO2, and other trace gases, especially during the rainy season.  相似文献   

The atmospheric concentration of 210Pb was determined for two years at six stations in the western North Pacific region. The following results were obtained and discussed by comparing them with those of Al. The atmospheric concentration of 210Pb varied widely from week to week, but the degree of variation was about a half that of Al. Contrary to Al, the year-to-year variation of 210Pb was not pronounced and its seasonal variation was well expressed by a sine curve. The 210Pb concentration did not show a marked latitudinal variation and its base-line concentration was high in the surface air over the North Pacific. These suggest that atmospheric 210Pb has a longer residence time, due to its transportation through higher altitudes and deposits much more evenly onto the Earth's surface and the ocean, as compared with Al in mineral dust which is larger in size in the source region.  相似文献   

钟倩媚  马静  王璐 《气象学报》2023,45(2):235-257
利用海温和多种大气环流再分析资料以及中国逐日降水站点观测数据,通过滤波、合成等方法对2016和2020年江淮流域梅雨期降水的准双周振荡特征进行了对比分析。结果表明,这两年江淮流域准双周振荡降水均异常偏多,但2016年的降水准双周振荡强度及低频异常降水较2020年更为显著。中国南海和西太平洋对流层低层向西北方向移动的低频反气旋以及中高纬度对流层中高层随西风急流向东南方向传播的低频气旋是引起2016年江淮流域降水准双周振荡的主要原因。2020年江淮流域降水的准双周振荡受到日本南部向西南方向移动的低频气旋、菲律宾海向西北方向移动的低频反气旋以及中高纬度地区随极涡西向旋转而西移的低频气旋的共同影响。中国南海和热带西太平洋以及热带印度洋的持续海温正异常通过海-气相互作用激发并维持了2016年中国南海与西太平洋上空异常对流活动以及大气环流系统的准双周振荡。2020年黑潮及其延伸区和西北太平洋海温正异常通过海-气相互作用激发了该区域异常低频气旋反气旋交替生成和移出,调控西北太平洋副热带高压的进退,进而影响江淮流域降水的准双周振荡。在2016和2020年,对流层低层异常反气旋有利于海温的升高,海温正异常进一步激发大气低层异常气旋性环流,而异常气旋性环流会导致洋面变冷出现海温负异常,海温负异常又会促进异常反气旋环流的发展,通过这种准双周尺度上的海-气相互作用,对流层低层的大气准双周振荡信号可持续地向江淮地区传播,从而影响江淮流域梅雨期降水的准双周振荡。  相似文献   

基于574台站的逐日降水资料及NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,在比较2010年梅雨期前后(6月7—11日和18—22日)我国东部两次强降水过程的大尺度环流型差异的基础上,从Rossby波活动通量及热带对流活动探讨了这两次强降水过程的异同。结果表明,相同之处在于:两次强降水过程期间中高纬度地区都存在Rossby波向下游传播,中纬度地区呈现双阻型式,低纬度地区西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称西太副高)强度偏强、西伸脊点位置偏西。不同之处在于:1)第一次降水过程中Rossby波的波源位于北欧地区附近,贝加尔湖地区为低槽,使得冷空气南下到36°N左右;同时孟加拉湾活跃的对流系统使西太副高加强西伸到95°E左右,冷暖空气交汇,导致强降水发生;2)第二次降水过程中Rossby波的波源位于北欧地区和中西伯利亚地区附近,东亚地区的低槽较第一次过程明显加深,有利于冷空气到达长江中下游地区(30°N左右),西太平洋暖池地区活跃的对流系统使得西太副高加强西伸到90°E左右,冷暖空气在长江中下游及其以南地区交汇,导致强降水发生。  相似文献   

对1961—2010年南海和西北太平洋不同时段生成热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)频数的时空分布及水汽条件对其产生的影响进行了分类研究。结果表明,可以将TC活动划分为活跃期(6—11月)和平静期(上年12—当年5月)两个时段。在TC活跃期和平静期,南海和西北太平洋上TC频数的EOF第一特征向量都表现为一致的增加或减少。活跃期EOF的第二特征向量表现为南海与西北太平洋中西部的TC频数存在相反的变化趋势,平静期EOF的第二特征向量则表现为130°E以西海域的TC频数与130~150°E范围内生成热带气旋存在相反的变化趋势。活跃期和平静期西北太平洋TC的生成频数与水汽通量散度均存在显著的负相关;而在活跃期南海TC频数与水汽通量散度仅在南海中北部有弱的负相关,在平静期南海东部到菲律宾附近海域有显著的负相关。因此,水汽条件的影响使得在活跃期南海和西北太平洋TC高频年中,南海北部和西北太平洋中东部TC频数明显偏多,而平静期高频年中,南海东部以及西北太平洋中西部TC频数明显偏多。  相似文献   

Series of high-resolution infrared solar spectra recorded at the International Scientific Station of the Jungfraujoch, Switzerland, between 06/1986 and 11/1992, and at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona (U.S.A.), from 12/1980 to 04/1992, have been analyzed to provide a comprehensive ensemble of vertical column abundances of CHCIF2 (HCFC-22; Freon-22) above the European and the North American continents. The columns were derived from nonlinear least-squares curve fittings between synthetic spectra and the observations containing the unresolved 2v 6 Q-branch absorption of CHCIF2 at 829.05 cm–1. The changes versus time observed in these columns were modeled assuming both an exponential and a linear increase with time. The exponential rates of increase at one-sigma uncertainties were found equal to (7.0±0.35)%/yr for the Junfraujoch data and (7.0±0.23)%/yr for the Kitt Peak data. The exponential trend of 7.0%/yr found at both stations widely separated in location can be considered as representative of the global increase of the CHCIF2 burden in the Earth's atmosphere during the period 1980 to 1992. When assuming two realistic vertical volume mixing ratio profiles for CHCIF2 in the troposphere, one quasi constant and the other decreasing by about 13% from the ground to the tropopause, the concentrations for mid-1990 were found to lie between 97 and 111 pptv (parts per trillion by volume) at the 3.58 km altitude of the Jungfraujoch and between 97 and 103 pptv at Kitt Peak, 2.09 km above sea level. Corresponding values derived from calculations using a high vertical resolution-2D model and recently compiled HCFC-22 releases to the atmosphere, were equal to 107 and 105 pptv, respectively, in excellent agreement with the measurements. The model calculated lifetime of CHCIF2 was found equal to 15.6 years. The present results are compared critically with similar data found in the literature. On average, the concentrations found here are lower by 15–20% than those derived from in situ investigations; this difference cannot be explained by the absolute uncertainty of ±11% assigned presently to the infrared remote measurements.  相似文献   

2016年6—7月,长江中下游地区发生了自1998年以来最严重的强降水事件,造成了重大的经济损失。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中国2479站逐月及逐日降水资料,研究了2016年梅雨期间长江中下游地区降水与欧亚大陆对流层上层斜压波包活动的关系,并诊断了两者之间的信息流向。结果表明,梅雨期间的高频斜压波动具有明显的下游频散效应。波动起源于黑海,沿西北—东南方向于3—4 d后传至长江中下游地区。斜压波包为长江中下游地区强降水的发生提供了必要的能量。波作用通量矢量的分布表明,梅雨期间逐日均有来自西风带上游的扰动能量向长江中下游流域传播。而梅雨期间降水与斜压波包的信息流关系表明,二者之间存在信息传递。因此,3—4 d并源于黑海附近的斜压波包活动是2016年长江中下游梅雨期间异常降水的成因。这些结果为深刻认识长江中下游地区强降水事件发生的成因和有效预测提供了线索。   相似文献   

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