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Remote sensing     
Pictures in digital form taken from space or aircraft can be processed to reveal useful structural and compositional information on geology. Widespread, uniform coverage enhances our understanding of large areas of this and other planets. Continuing improvements in technology suggest that remote sensing will play an increasingly important role in geological research and exploration.  相似文献   

B. Meissner 《GeoJournal》1994,32(1):71-79
It is the aim of the author to show the general geo-scientific audience how they can profit from the specific view of cartographers when using remote sensing data. Leading from the explanation of cartography's tasks and the technically unique cartographic view on remote sensing data, it links up to the cartographic use of the data material. The author describes the direct and indirect applications with regard to topographic and thematic maps and reports from various practical projects in order to illustrate the main points. Finally the future dimension of remote sensing cartography within the field of developing geographical information systems (GIS) is pointed out.  相似文献   

基于神经网络的沉陷区水深遥感研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获取煤矿积水沉陷区遥感影像数据与沉陷区水深的定量关系,建立了BP神经网络水深反演模型,并对淮南潘一矿积水沉陷区水深进行了反演。首先对Landsat卫星影像数据(TM影像)进行几何校正、大气校正和沉陷区范围提取等,然后输出像元反射率值,并与水深实测控制点坐标匹配,使水深值与反射率值对应。实验结果表明:以水深值2 m为阈值,水深值小于2 m的区域,模型反演水深值与实测水深值的平均绝对误差为0.166 3 m,平均相对误差为13.29%;水深值为2~6 m的区域,模型反演水深值与实测水深值平均绝对误差为0.578 6 m,平均相对误差为15.20%。  相似文献   

In landscape diagnosis landscapes are evaluated on the basis of their natural and technological characteristics with regard to the possibilities and risks of intensive utilization. Land use is an essential criterion for the evaluation of the condition of landscapes. Remote sensing will allow for an analysis of large areas with regard to land use. Landscape diagnosis through satellite photographs will be illustrated in two examples. In the first one multitemporal evaluation of satellite photographs is discussed with particular reference to attempts made to characterize the utilization of landscape potentials. In the second example attempts have been made to classify medium-sized landscape units by satellite photographs, with additional characterization through thematic maps based on the Atlas GDR.  相似文献   

Remote sensing and GIS in hydrogeology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Applying the method of ‘statistical linear regression’, atomspheric water vapour over oceanic areas has been estimated from the 19GHz and 22 GHz data of the satellite microwave radiometer (SAMIR) system onboard the Bhaskara II satellite. In the absence of any simultaneousin situ measurements on water vapour over ocean, theSAMIR-derived water vapour data have been compared with like data from theNOAA-7 satellite. It is suggested that a positive bias seen in theSAMIR data could be due to calibration errors in the basic data. In view of the observed bias, the original regression equation is modified and then used to obtain water vapour distributions over ocean for winter and south-west monsoon seasons usingSAMIR data of several orbits.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》1999,14(3-4):157-183
Remote sensing is the science of acquiring, processing, and interpreting images and related data, acquired from aircraft and satellites, that record the interaction between matter and electromagnetic energy. Remote sensing images are used for mineral exploration in two applications: (1) map geology and the faults and fractures that localize ore deposits; (2) recognize hydrothermally altered rocks by their spectral signatures. Landsat thematic mapper (TM) satellite images are widely used to interpret both structure and hydrothermal alteration. Digitally processed TM ratio images can identify two assemblages of hydrothermal alteration minerals; iron minerals, and clays plus alunite. In northern Chile, TM ratio images defined the prospects that are now major copper deposits at Collahuasi and Ujina. Hyperspectral imaging systems can identify individual species of iron and clay minerals, which can provide details of hydrothermal zoning. Silicification, which is an important indicator of hydrothermal alteration, is not recognizable on TM and hyperspectral images. Quartz has no diagnostic spectral features in the visible and reflected IR wavelengths recorded by these systems. Variations in silica content are recognizable in multispectral thermal IR images, which is a promising topic for research.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of the natural resources of any nation is a pre-requisite for its economic development. In most developing countries, this knowledge is scarce or lacking. Acquiring the needed information by conventional means may require a large investment in time, personnel, and therefore, in cost. In the meantime, space-age technology provides the necessary tools to conduct surveys of natural resources in a timely manner. Such are the means to obtain the required data by digital sensors, radar imaging systems, and stereo cameras. These data can be utilized in mapping structures that may contain oil and gas deposits, recognizing high concentrations of economic minerals, discovering regions with fertile soils and good potential for groundwater, and monitoring cyclical climatic changes, particularly in arid lands. Such applications warrant greater use of remote sensing methods and techniques by the international scientific community, particularly for the development of natural resources in the Third World. This paper represents a general review of the available, and easily interpretable space-borne data that are useful in the mapping of such resources.  相似文献   

青海湖近20年水域变化及湖岸演变遥感监测研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,由于气候条件的变化,青海湖水位呈下降趋势,水域面积逐年缩小。选用1986年至2005 年的美国Landsat-5卫星图像数据对青海湖地区进行长达20年的跟踪监测研究结果表明,2004年青海湖水域面积比1986年缩小了约80 km2,与1989年相比,水域面积缩小了129 km2;水域面积最大和最小的年份分别是 1989年和2001年,面积相差135 km2。在过去20年间,青海湖水域面积的变化有2个明显的特征,第一,整体上呈现出十分明显的下降趋势;第二,年度变化呈现了在整体下降的同时又有短期小幅回升的现象,回升时间不超过2年。湖岸线年度变化遥感监测资料表明,青海湖湖岸线的年度推进量在40-200 m之间。在与青海省及湖区同期气象资料的分析对比后发现,湖区水域面积与地表蒸发量、气温以及地表温度的年度变化呈负相关, 且变化的趋势有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

With the launch of the German Aerospace Agency's (DLR) Modular Opto-electronic Scanner (MOS) sensor on board the Indian Remote Sensing satellite (IRS-P3) launched by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in March 1996, 13 channel multi-spectral data in the range of 408 to 1010 nm at high radiometric resolution, precision, and with narrow spectral bands have been available for a variety of land, atmospheric and oceanic studies. We found that these data are best for validation of radiative transfer model and the corresponding code developed by one of the authors at Space Applications Centre, and called ATMRAD (abbreviated for ATMospheric RADiation). Once this model/code is validated, it can be used for retrieving information on tropospheric aerosols over ocean or land. This paper deals with two clear objectives, viz.,
Validation of ATMRAD model/code using MOS data and synchronously measured atmospheric data, and if found performing well, then to
derive relationship between MOS radiances and Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT).
The data validation procedure essentially involves
–  •near-synchronous measurements of columnar aerosol optical thickness and altitude profiles of aerosol concentration using ground-based multi-filter solar radiometers and Argon-ion Lidar, respectively and
–  •computation of the top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) radiances from a low reflecting target (near clear water reservoir in the present study) using the ATMRAD model.
The results show that the model performance is satisfactory and a relationship between the spectral parameters of MOS radiances and aerosol optical thickness can be established. In this communication, we present the details of the experiments conducted, database, validation of the ATMRAD model and development of the relationship between AOT and MOS radiance.  相似文献   

结合ICA算法可以去除高阶冗余信息和IWT具有多分辨率、运算速度快的特性,在非负性条件的约束下,提出一种基于整数小波变换和非负有序独立成分分析(IWT-ONICA)的遥感影像融合方法。将该方法用于全色影像和多光谱影像的融合,数理统计(峰值信噪比、扭曲度、熵等)和目视判读结果表明,该方法融合效果优于其他方法,融合结果更加清晰,可视性更好。  相似文献   

通过对1∶25万TM卫星1、4、7波段假彩色合成影像图及其东西、南北、北东及北西方向上的线性增强图,1∶3.5万和1∶5万的航空照片的解译,结合野外实地考察,得到如下结果:a.陕甘宁盆地线性断裂构造发育,可划分出东西、南北、北西、北北西、北东、北北东等6组断裂。它们在空间上呈现出近等间距性、网络格局、断续成带的特点;在活动性上具有断距小、隐伏性、强度低的特点。它们明显地控制着现代地形、地貌及水系的发育,表明陕甘宁盆地内部新构造活动较为明显。b.盆地南北遥感影像有着明显的差异,反映两者地质构造的差异性,特别是盆地南部地区存在一个基本围限了盆地南部黄土高原地区的巨大的环形影像,其边缘影像十分清晰,中间区域穿插了略呈格状的北西-北北西,北东-北北东、东西及南北向的断裂。该环形影像是盆地中南部控边构造的多期活动、复合、叠加、联合而成的综合影像,并不反映盆地南部存在整体大规模的顺时针或逆时针的环型块体转动。  相似文献   

利用空间分辨率为30 m的TM数据提取蚀变遥感异常,这在大比例尺度图件中较常见,但在中小比例尺度的图面表达上经常出现图斑过小不易分辨、分布趋势反映不明显等问题.结合华东地区矿产资源潜力评价项目成果,通过绘制密度等值线将原本散点的矿化蚀变异常重新编图,用更直观的方法表达大区域的蚀变遥感异常分布,总结工作区蚀变遥感异常分布特征,为圈定成矿远景区提供依据.  相似文献   

以SPOT卫星数据为主要信息源,通过不同时相对比,对南京东部地区露天采矿活动进行了动态监测,详细查明了不同时间段露采矿山的空间展布特征,分析了矿山开采对景观、环境的影响,探讨其与社会经济发展、政府决策之间的内部联系。  相似文献   

介绍了天然气水合物的遥感探测方法,即:首先选择适当的ETM+、ASTER以及Quickbird等遥感图像,分析可见光、短波红外、热红外波段的影像特征,反演地表温度;然后结合野外调查和前人资料,寻找天然气水合物的直接和间接遥感解译标志,进行遥感解译。研究结果表明,青藏高原天然气远景区出现的几种遥感解译标志包括:地表上空高温异常(尤其是水体上空)、泥火山、沼泽地水体中大量气泡和棕黄色沉淀物,以及碳酸盐化、粘土化等指示信息。本研究为进一步开展大规模天然气水合物遥感调查和圈定靶区提供了基础方法。  相似文献   

在淮南矿区,常年大规模地下煤炭的开采造成地表塌陷,形成了大面积的沉陷水域。选取潘集和顾桥2个不同类型沉陷水域为研究对象,结合同步的地面实测数据和环境卫星数据,利用综合营养指数法对不同时段沉陷水域水质富营养化进行了综合评价。结果表明:沉陷水域水体都已呈现出富营养化状态,不同类型沉陷水域在时间上和空间上存在着明显的差异。从时间上看,沉陷水域5月份的富营养化程度要明显高于11月份。从空间上看,顾桥沉陷水域富营养化程度要明显高于潘集沉陷水域。  相似文献   

为满足国家、自然资源部矿政管理需要,2016年在新疆东北地区开展了矿产资源开发环境遥感监测工作。通过计算机自动提取与人机交互解译相结合、室内解译与野外查证相结合的方式,基本查明了该地区的矿山开发状况、矿山地质环境、矿山环境恢复治理(含“复绿工程”)和矿产资源规划执行等情况。基于本底数据调查结果,根据对地质环境的影响程度,进行了区域矿产资源综合评价,并对尾矿成分开展探索性研究。监测结果表明,新疆东北地区矿山开发秩序整体较好,矿山地质环境有一定程度改善。该监测结果为相关部门的矿政管理工作,以及下一轮新疆矿产资源规划制定提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

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