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The response of an elastic circular wedge on a flexible foundation embedded into a half-space is investigated in the frequency domain for incident pane SH-waves. The problem is solved by expansion of the motion in all three media (wedge, foundation and half-space) in cylindrical wave functions (Fourier-Bessel series). The structural model is simple, but accounts for both differential motions of the base and for the effects of soil-structure interaction. Usually, structural models in earthquake engineering consider either differential ground motion, but ignore soil-structure interaction, or consider soil-structure interaction, but for a rigid foundation, thus ignoring differential ground motion. The purpose of the study is to find how stiff the foundation should be relative to the soil so that the rigid foundation assumption in soil-structure interaction models is valid. The shortest wavelength of the incident waves considered in this study is one equal to the width of the base of the wedge. It is concluded that, for this model, a foundation with same mass density as the soil but 50 times larger shear modulus behaves as ‘rigid’. For ratio of shear moduli less than 16, the rigid foundation assumption is not valid. Considering differential motions is important because of additional stresses in structures that are not predicted by fixed-base and rigid foundation models.  相似文献   

Antiplane response of two scalene triangular hills and a semi-cylindrical canyon by SH-waves is studied using wave function expansion and complex function method. Firstly, the analytical model is divided into three parts, and the displacement solutions of wave fields are constructed based on boundary conditions in the three regions. Three domains are then conjoined to satisfy the "conjunction" condition at shared boundary. In addition, combined with the zero-stress condition of semi-cylindrical canyon, a series of infinite algebraic equations for the problem are derived. Finally, numerical examples are provided and the influence of different parameters on ground motion is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the degenerate kernels and Fourier series expansions are adopted in the null-field integral equation to solve the exterior Helmholtz problems with alluvial valleys. The main gain of using degenerate kernels in integral equations is free of calculating the principal values for singular integrals by locating the null-field point exactly on the real boundary. An adaptive observer system is addressed to fully employ the property of degenerate kernels for circular boundaries in the polar coordinate. Image concept and technique of decomposition are utilized for half-plane problems. After moving the null-field point to the real boundary and matching the boundary conditions, a linear algebraic system is obtained without boundary discretization. The unknown coefficients in the algebraic system can be easily determined. The present method is treated as a “semi-analytical” solution since error only attributes to the truncation of Fourier series. Earthquake analysis for the site response of alluvial valley or canyon subject to the incident SH-wave is the main concern. Numerical examples including single and successive alluvial valleys are given to test our program. Limiting cases of a single canyon and two successive canyons are also addressed. Amplification of soft basin is also observed in this study. The validity of the semi-analytical method is verified. Our advantages, well-posed model, principal value free, elimination of boundary-layer effect and exponential convergence and mesh-free, by using the present method are achieved.  相似文献   

The dynamic soil-tunnel interaction is studied by indirect boundary element method (IBEM), using the model of a rigid tunnel in layered half-space, which is simplified to a single soil layer on elastic bedrock, subjected to incident plane SH waves. The accuracy of the results is verified through comparison with the analytical solution. It is shown that soil-tunnel interaction in layered half-space is larger than that in homogeneous half-space and this interaction mechanism is essentially different from that of soil-foundation-superstructure interaction.  相似文献   

The dynamic soil-structure interaction of a shear wall embedded in elastic isotropic and homogeneous soil layers underlain by bedrock, subjected to SH waves, is modeled in the present article. The soil layers consist of irregular interfaces and it has been shown that the scattering due to the roughness of the layers has significant effect on the displacement of both the foundation and the shear wall. To demonstrate the phenomena indirect boundary element method(IBEM) has been used on the basis of its validation in previous problems of similar type. The system response is compared with the analytical solution of the same type of model for vertically propagating incident SH waves. It is observed that for the low frequency of wave, displacement is abruptly high, and as a result the combination of shear wall and foundation perceives resonance. The thickness of the soil layer, mass of the shear wall, stiffness of the bedrock and the soil layers all affects the system frequency and displacement.  相似文献   

The steady-state solution for two parallel under ground tunnels of circular cross-section subjected to incident plane harmonic SH-waves is obtained in closed form, by using the method of wave function expansion. The image technique is employed to account for the reflection of waves at the ground surface. Numerical studies are carried out to determine the influence of spacing between the tunnels on the shear stresses in concrete and steel linings.  相似文献   

SH波入射时柔性基础上等腰三角形坝体结构的出平面反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用复变函数和坐标移动方法研究了SH波入射对柔性基础上等腰三角形坝体结构的影响。首先建立问题的数学模型并根据分区和辅助函数法将模型分割为2部分,其1为等腰三角形和半圆形组成的区域Ⅰ,其余为区域Ⅱ;其2在区域Ⅰ内构造1个满足等腰三角形两边应力自由的驻波解,在区域Ⅱ内构造满足水平边界应力自由的散射波;通过移动坐标在区域Ⅰ、Ⅱ的公共边界实现位移和应力的连续,建立起求解该问题的无穷代数方程组;最后,本文给出了例题和数值结果并对其进行了讨论,并通过算例强调了与文献[9]的本质区别。  相似文献   

In this paper, several approaches used in the boundary integration equation method have been discussed firstly. The comparison among solutions of equation in frequency domain established by the above approaches indicates the features and the validity respectively. Moreover, the application of boundary integration equation method using series solution to scattering of plane SH seismic waves in homogeneous, isotropic medium has been discussed chiefly. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 331–338, 1993.  相似文献   

In this paper, antiplane response of an isosceles triangular hill to incident SH waves is studied based on the method of complex function and by using moving coordinate system. The standing wave function, which can satisfy the governing equation and boundary condition, is provided. Furthermore, numerical examples are presented; the influences of wave number and angle of the incident waves and the angle of the hill's peak on ground motion are discussed.  相似文献   

Antiplane response of isosceles triangular hill to incident SH waves   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
In this paper, antiplane response of an isosceles triangular hill to incident SH waves is studied based on the method of complex function and by using moving coordinate system. The standing wave function, which can satisfy the governing equation and boundary condition, is provided. Furthermore, numerical examples are presented; the influences of wave number and angle of the incident waves and the angle of the hill‘s peak on ground motion are discussed.  相似文献   

A new method is presented to study the scattering and diffraction of plane SH-waves by periodically distributed canyons in a layered half-space. This method uses the indirect boundary element method combined with Green’s functions of uniformly distributed loads acting on periodically distributed inclined lines. The periodicity feature of the canyons is exploited to limit the discretization effort to a single canyon, which avoids errors induced by the truncation of the infinite boundary, and the computational complexity and the demand on memory can be significantly reduced. Furthermore, the total wave fields are decomposed into the free field and scattered field in the process of calculation, which means that the method has definite physical meaning. The implementation of the method is described in detail and its accuracy is verified. Parametric studies are performed in the frequency domain by taking periodically distributed canyons of semi-circular and semi-elliptic cross-sections as examples. Numerical results show that the dynamic responses of periodically distributed canyons can be quite different from those for a single canyon and significant dynamic interactions exist between the canyons.  相似文献   

层状半空间中周期分布凸起地形对平面SH波的散射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



Studies of the effects of differential ground motions on structural response generally do not consider the effects of the soil-structure interaction. On the other end, studies of soil-structure interaction commonly assume that the foundation of the structure (surface or embedded) is rigid. The former ignore the scattering of waves from the foundation and radiation of energy from the structure back to the soil, while the latter ignore quasi-static forces in the foundations and lower part of the structure deforming due to the wave passage. This paper studies a simple model of a dike but considers both the soil-structure interaction and the flexibility of the foundation. The structure is represented by a wedge resting on a half-space and excited by incident plane SH-waves. The structural ‘foundation’ is a flexible surface that can deform during the passage of seismic waves. The wave function expansion method is used to solve for the motions in the half-pace and in the structure. The displacements and stresses in the structure are compared with those for a fixed-base model shaken by the free-field motion. The results show large displacements near the base of the structure due to the differential motion of the base caused by the wave passage.  相似文献   

利用波函数展开法,研究了地下圆形衬砌洞室在入射平面P波作用下的动应力集中问题并给出了三维级数解。研究表明:(1)衬砌刚度对环向与轴向动应力集中系数都具有重要影响,刚性衬砌、无衬砌和柔性衬砌三种情况下的动应力集中系数在空间上的分布基本相同,但刚性衬砌情况的动应力集中系数最大,无衬砌情况次之,柔性衬砌情况最小,波阵面夹角入射时1δ=45°,环向与轴向动应力集中系数最大可分别达到16.62与8.53;(2)随着入射频率的增大,环向动应力集中系数在多数情况下逐渐减小;(3)波入射角度对动应力集中系数也有很大影响,随着入射波与y轴夹角2δ的增加,环向动应力集中系数总体上逐渐减小,而轴向动应力集中系数多数情况下逐渐增大。  相似文献   

SH波作用下浅埋裂纹附近半圆形凸起的地震动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Green函数、复变函数及多极坐标法研究了浅埋裂纹附近的半圆形凸起地形对SH波的散射问题。首先求解出适合本问题的Green函数,即含有半圆形凸起的弹性半空间内任意一点承受时间谐和的出平面线源荷载作用时位移场的解答。然后,从半圆形凸起地形对SH波的散射问题出发,利用本问题的Green函数在基体内构造裂纹。最后给出了浅埋裂纹附近的半圆形凸起地形对SH波散射的位移场。通过算例讨论了裂纹对地表位移幅值的影响,结果表明裂纹在一定情况下具有减震作用。  相似文献   

A closed-form analytical solution of surface motion of a semi-elliptical cylindrical hill for incident plane SH waves is presented. Although some previous analytical work had already dealt with hill topography of semi-circular and shallow circular, our work aims at calculating surface motion of very prolate hill for high incident frequency, and explaining the special vibrating properties of very prolate hill. Accuracy of the solution is checked by boundary conditions, numerical results for surface motion of oblate and prolate hills are calculated, and some conclusions are obtained.  相似文献   

This study investigates the reflection and transmission of plane SH-waves in two semi-infinite anisotropic magnetoelastic media. The lower half-space is considered as initially stressed and inhomogeneous. The density of lower half-space is taken exponentially varying with depth. The solutions for half-spaces are obtained analytically. The expressions for reflection and transmission coefficient are obtained in the closed form subject to continuity conditions at the interfaces of anisotropic magnetoelastic half-spaces and the Snell’s law. It is found that these coefficients depend on the initial stress, inhomogeneity parameter, the magnetoelastic coupling parameter, and the angle at which wave crosses the magnetic field of the half-spaces. Numerical computations are performed for these coefficients for a specific model of two different anisotropic magnetoelastic half-spaces. The numerical results are illustrated by the graph of reflection and transmission coefficient versus the angle of incidence. In general, as the initial stress increases the reflection and transmission coefficient increases, the affect is more prominent for more than 10 GPa. Inhomogeneity in the density of the material also increases the reflection and transmission coefficient. The anisotropic magnetoelastic parameter and the angle at which the wave crosses the magnetic field for both the half-spaces have a quite significant effect on the reflection and transmission coefficient.  相似文献   

The scattering of plane harmonic P and SV waves by a pair of vertically overlapping lined tunnels buried in an elastic half space is solved using a semi-analytic indirect boundary integration equation method. Then the effect of the distance between the two tunnels, the stiffness and density of the lining material, and the incident frequency on the seismic response of the tunnels is investigated. Numerical results demonstrate that the dynamic interaction between the twin tunnels cannot be ignored and the lower tunnel has a significant shielding effect on the upper tunnel for high-frequency incident waves, resulting in great decrease of the dynamic hoop stress in the upper tunnel; for the low-frequency incident waves, in contrast, the lower tunnel can lead to amplification effect on the upper tunnel. It also reveals that the frequency-spectrum characteristics of dynamic stress of the lower tunnel are significantly different from those of the upper tunnel. In addition, for incident P waves in low-frequency region, the soft lining tunnels have significant amplification effect on the surface displacement amplitude, which is slightly larger than that of the corresponding single tunnel.  相似文献   

SH波对浅埋圆柱形弹性夹杂附近多个半圆形凸起的散射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用复变函数及移动坐标法建立了多个半圆形凸起及附近浅埋弹性夹杂对SH波散射问题的解析方法.求解时将整个求解模型进行分区,区域I为包括多个半圆形凸起在内的多个圆形区域;区域II包括多个半圆形凹陷和1个圆柱形弹性夹杂.然后在两个区域内分别构造满足边界条件的位移解.最后,根据连接面的契合条件,利用移动坐标法将两个区域在公共边界上装配起来,同时考虑弹性夹杂的边界条件,建立起求解该问题的无穷代数方程组.通过算例,讨论了凸起间距,夹杂埋深等参数对地表位移幅值的影响.  相似文献   

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