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Naturally occurring stable water isotope tracers provide useful information for hydrologic model development and calibration. Existing models include varied approaches concerning unsaturated zone percolation mixing (preferential versus matrix flow) and evapotranspiration (ET) partitioning. We assess the impact of unsaturated zone simplifying assumptions when simulating the Shale Hills Watershed, a small (7.9 ha), temperate, forested watershed near Petersburg, Pennsylvania, USA, with a relatively simple model. We found that different model structures/assumptions and parameterizations of unsaturated zone percolation had substantial impacts on the agreement between simulated and observed unsaturated‐zone water isotopic signatures. We show that unsaturated zone percolation mixing primarily affects the unsaturated zone δ18O and δ2H during winter and spring and that percolation was best represented as a combination of both preferential and matrix flow. We evaluate the importance and implications related to the partitioning of ET into evaporation and transpiration and demonstrated that incorporation of a plant growth model for ET partitioning substantially improved reproduction of observed hydrologic isotopic patterns of the unsaturated zone during the spring season. We show that unsaturated zone percolation mixing and ET partitioning approaches do not substantially influence stream δ18O and δ2H and conclude that observed streamflow isotopic data is not always a strong predictor of model performance with respect to intrawatershed processes.  相似文献   

The study of below-cloud evaporation effects under clouds in the Yellow River source region is of great significance for regional water resource generation as well as for water resource security in the arid and semi-arid regions of northern China. In this study, we quantitatively assessed the evapotranspiration effect in the Yellow River source region from March to November based on the improved Stewart model. The study concluded that: (1) below-cloud evaporation was slightly higher in summer than in other seasons (residual fractions of raindrop evaporation were 80.57% in summer, 81.12% in spring, and 84.2% in autumn, respectively); and (2) sub-cloud evaporation diminishes with increasing altitude (residual fractions of raindrop evaporation were 83.09% in the western part of the area, 81.82% in the central part of the area, and 81.36% in the eastern part of the area, respectively). (3) The total linear index between study areas f and ∆d is 2.24, where f > 95%, it is 1.19; that is, the evaporation of raindrops increases by 1% and the reduction in the excess of mercury by about 2‰. (4) Local meteorological factors (temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity) and raindrop diameter have a cross-influence on below-cloud evaporation, with relative humidity having the most significant effect, with the highest correlation coefficient of 3.03 when relative humidity is less than 70%. The results of the study can provide a parameter basis for hydrological and climatic models in the Yellow River Basin.  相似文献   

Discharge in mountain streams may be a mixture of snowmelt, water from surface runoff, and deep return flow through valley bottom alluvia. We used δ18O and δ2H, solute concentrations, and 222Rn to determine water sources of a headwater stream located at the McDonald Creek watershed, Glacier National Park, USA, during summer recession flow period. We analysed minimal water isotope ranges of ?17.6‰ to ?16.5‰ and ?133‰ to ?121‰ for δ18O and δ2H, respectively, potentially due to dominance of snow‐derived water in the stream. Likewise, solute concentrations measured in the stream through the watershed showed minimal variation with little indication of subsurface water input into the stream. However, we observed 222Rn activities in the stream that ranged from 39 to 2646 Bq/m3 with the highest value measured in middle of the watershed associated with channel constriction corresponding to changes in local orientation of underlying rocks. Downstream from this point, 222Rn activity decreased from 581 to 117 Bq/m3 in a series of punctuated steps associated with small rapids and waterfalls that we hypothesized to cause radon degassing with a maximum predicted loss of 427 Bq/m3 along a 400 m distance. Based on mass balance calculations using 222Rn activity values, streamflow, and channel characteristics, we estimated that groundwater contributed between 0.3% and 29% of total flow. Overall, we estimated a 5.9% of groundwater contribution integrated for stream reach measured at McDonald Creek during recession flow period. Finally, a lower mean hyporheic flux of 14 m3/day was estimated compared to the groundwater flux of 70 710 m3/day. These assessments highlight the potential for radon as a conservative tracer that can be used to estimate subsurface water contribution in mountain streams within a complex geologic setting. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The water balance of a small lake using stable isotopes and tritium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A small maar lake, known as the Blue Lake, set in a karstic region of southeastern Australia, provides the municipal water supply for a population of 20,000. The lake has a volume of 3.6·107m3, of which 10–15% is pumped from it each year. The lake is recharged almost entirely from groundwater and the main objective of this study was to estimate the total groundwater inflow and outflow rates. Estimation of groundwater throughflow in a lake is difficult to assess using classical hydrological techniques and an alternative method involving measurement of the concentrations of the environmental isotopes 3H, 18O, 2H and 14C in the lake water and in the recharging groundwater was used to establish the lake-water balance. The water-balance calculations indicated a total groundwater inflow to Blue Lake of between 5.0·106 and 6.5·106m3yr.−1, corresponding to a residence time of water in the lake of 6 yr. It was not possible to derive the relative proportions of inflow to the lake from the two possible source aquifers, using these isotopes, because their concentrations did not show a sufficiently large contrast to distinguish the two water sources.  相似文献   

Floods in small mountainous watersheds cover a wide spectrum of flow. They can range from clear water flows and hyperconcentrated flows to debris floods and debris flows, and calculation of the peak discharge is crucial for predicting and mitigating such hazards. To determine the optimal approach for discharge estimation, this study compared water flow monitoring hydrographs to investigate the performance of five hydrological models that incorporate different runoff yields and influx calculation methods. Two of the models performed well in simulating the peak discharge, peak time, and total flow volume of the water flood. The ratio (γ) of the monitored debris flood discharge (Qd) to the simulated water flow discharge (Qw) was investigated. Qualitatively, γ initially increased with Qw but then decreased when Qw exceeded a certain threshold, which corresponded to rainfall of 95 and 120 mm in a 6- and 24-h event with a normal distribution of precipitation, respectively. The decrease might be attributable to a threshold of sediment availability being reached, beyond which increased flow rate is not matched by increased sediment input in the large watershed. Uncertainty of hydrological calculation was evaluated by dividing the catchment into sub-basins and adopting different rainfall time steps as input. The efficiency of using a distributed simulation exhibited marginal improvement potential compared with a lumped simulation. Conversely, the rainfall time step input significantly affected the simulation results by delaying the peak time and decreasing the peak discharge. This research demonstrates the applicability of a discharge estimation method that combines a hydrological water flow simulation and an estimation of γ. The results were verified on the basis of monitored flow densities and videos obtained in two watersheds with areas of 2.34 and 32.4 km2.  相似文献   

Stream water temperature plays a significant role in aquatic ecosystems where it controls many important biological and physical processes. Reliable estimates of water temperature at the daily time step are critical in managing water resources. We developed a parsimonious piecewise Bayesian model for estimating daily stream water temperatures that account for temporal autocorrelation and both linear and nonlinear relationships with air temperature and discharge. The model was tested at 8 climatically different basins of the USA and at 34 sites within the mountainous Boise River Basin (Idaho, USA). The results show that the proposed model is robust with an average root mean square error of 1.25 °C and Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of 0.92 over a 2‐year period. Our approach can be used to predict historic daily stream water temperatures in any location using observed daily stream temperature and regional air temperature data.  相似文献   

An understanding of surface and subsurface water contributions to streamflow is essential for accurate predictions of water supply from mountain watersheds that often serve as water towers for downstream communities. As such, this study used the end‐member mixing analysis technique to investigate source water contributions and hydrologic flow paths of the 264 km2 Boulder Creek Watershed, which drains the Colorado Front Range, USA. Four conservative hydrochemical tracers were used to describe this watershed as a 3 end‐member system, and tracer concentration reconstruction suggested that the application of end‐member mixing analysis was robust. On average from 2009 to 2011, snowmelt and rainwater from the subalpine zone and groundwater sampled from the upper montane zone contributed 54%, 22%, and 24% of the annual streamflow, respectively. These values demonstrate increased rainwater and decreased snow water contributions to streamflow relative to area‐weighted mean values derived from previous work at the headwater scale. Young water (2.3 ± 0.8 months) fractions of streamflow decreased from 18–22% in the alpine catchment to 8–10% in the lower elevation catchments and the watershed outlet with implications for subsurface storage and hydrological connectivity. These results contribute to a process‐based understanding of the seasonal source water composition of a mesoscale watershed that can be used to extrapolate headwater streamflow generation predictions to larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

In snowmelt-driven mountain watersheds, the hydrologic connectivity between meteoric waters and stream flow generation varies strongly with the season, reflecting variable connection to soil and groundwater storage within the watershed. This variable connectivity regulates how streamflow generation mechanisms transform the seasonal and elevational variation in oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition (δ18O and δD) of meteoric precipitation. Thus, water isotopes in stream flow can signal immediate connectivity or more prolonged mixing, especially in high-relief mountainous catchments. We characterized δ18O and δD values in stream water along an elevational gradient in a mountain headwater catchment in southwestern Montana. Stream water isotopic compositions related most strongly to elevation between February and March, exhibiting higher δ18O and δD values with decreasing elevation. These elevational isotopic lapse rates likely reflect increased connection between stream flow and proximal snow-derived water sources heavily subject to elevational isotopic effects. These patterns disappeared during summer sampling, when consistently lower δ18O and δD values of stream water reflected contributions from snowmelt or colder rainfall, despite much higher δ18O and δD values expected in warmer seasonal rainfall. The consistently low isotopic values and absence of a trend with elevation during summer suggest lower connectivity between summer precipitation and stream flow generation as a consequence of drier soils and greater transpiration. As further evidence of intermittent seasonal connectivity between the stream and adjacent groundwaters, we observed a late-winter flush of nitrate into the stream at higher elevations, consistent with increased connection to accumulating mineralized nitrogen in riparian wetlands. This pattern was distinct from mid-summer patterns of nitrate loading at lower elevations that suggested heightened human recreational activity along the stream corridor. These observations provide insights linking stream flow generation and seasonal water storage in high elevation mountainous watersheds. Greater understanding of the connections between surface water, soil water and groundwater in these environments will help predict how the quality and quantity of mountain runoff will respond to changing climate and allow better informed water management decisions.  相似文献   

Accumulations of stored sediments in a sub-alpine environment of a front range of New Zealand's Southern Alps closely resemble sieve deposits previously described from southeastern California. The locations of such deposits, within active river channels, has important implications for long term sediment yields from catchments where such deposits occur. The catastrophic failure of a sieve deposit in the Torlesse Stream catchment, the site of an earlier investigation of mountain stream sediments, resulted in a sediment yield equivalent to a third of the total yield recorded over an eight-year period. Derived bed-load transport rates represent, at a minimum, a four-fold increase over calculated average transport rates. Such deposits are only likely to fail during extreme low frequency events since their highly permeable gravels allow for the continuation of stream flow underneath the bulk of the deposit and restricts significant increases in moisture content within the deposit. The loss of water is responsible for the inhibition of flowage-type mass movement transport mechanisms wherein available water contributes to the maintenance of positive pore pressures. For the example studied here the percentage of silt and clay is less than 3 per cent of the total sample while sorting values (σ1) are generally less than 2.0?. These values are approximately one-third and one-half respectively, of typical values obtained for these parameters from debris flow deposits. The feature described here is believed to have originated through failure of a higher altitude perched scree-field. This mode of origin would account for the distinctive sediment size parameters.  相似文献   

Coalbed methane (CBM) development raises serious environmental concerns and concerted efforts have been made to collect chemistry, salinity, and sodicity data on CBM produced water. A model is sorely needed to make use of this data to quantify potential changes in stream water quality resulting from directly and/or indirectly receiving CBM produced water, on which little information is available in the literature. However, the application of existing hydrodynamic and water quality models such as CE‐QUAL‐W2 is not straightforward because the number of outfalls is usually large and the channels poorly defined for intermittent streams in semiarid areas such as the Powder River watershed, located in the states of Wyoming and Montana. Hence, the objectives of this study were to: (1) develop a CBM produced water routing (CBMPRO) model, and (2) apply the new CBMPRO model, along with a CE‐QUAL‐W2 model, to examine potential changes in stream water quality due to CBM development in the Powder River watershed. The CBMPRO model was developed and used to chart the CBM discharge and the transport of its associated constituents (e.g. total dissolved solids and alkalinity) from an outfall to its inclusive subwatershed outlet. In turn, the outputs from the CBMPRO model were applied as inputs into the CE‐QUAL‐W2 model to predict changes in the water quantity and quality along the Powder River mainstem. The results indicate that discharges from CBM developments adversely affect the stream water quality. Compared with the baseline conditions, the developments would increase the stream flows as well as make the stream water warmer and more saline. In addition, the impacts were predicted to undergo seasonal and spatial variations and to become smaller with time, as expected. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new method of snowmelt sampling for water stable isotopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We modified a passive capillary sampler (PCS) to collect snowmelt water for isotopic analysis. Past applications of PCSs have been to sample soil water, but the novel aspect of this study was the placement of the PCSs at the ground‐snowpack interface to collect snowmelt. We deployed arrays of PCSs at 11 sites in ten partner countries on five continents representing a range of climate and snow cover worldwide. The PCS reliably collected snowmelt at all sites and caused negligible evaporative fractionation effects in the samples. PCS is low‐cost, easy to install, and collects a representative integrated snowmelt sample throughout the melt season or at the melt event scale. Unlike snow cores, the PCS collects the water that would actually infiltrate the soil; thus, its isotopic composition is appropriate to use for tracing snowmelt water through the hydrologic cycle. The purpose of this Briefing is to show the potential advantages of PCSs and recommend guidelines for constructing and installing them based on our preliminary results from two snowmelt seasons. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sharma S  Frost CD 《Ground water》2008,46(2):329-334
Recovery of hydrocarbons commonly is associated with coproduction of water. This water may be put to beneficial use or may be reinjected into subsurface aquifers. In either case, it would be helpful to establish a fingerprint for that coproduced water so that it may be tracked following discharge on the surface or reintroduction to geologic reservoirs. This study explores the potential of using δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of coalbed natural gas (CBNG)–coproduced water as a fingerprint of its origin and to trace its fate once it is disposed on the surface. Our initial results for water samples coproduced with CBNG from the Powder River Basin show that this water has strongly positive δ13CDIC (12‰ to 22‰) that is readily distinguished from the negative δ13C of most surface and ground water (−8‰ to −11‰). Furthermore, the DIC concentrations in coproduced water samples are also high (more than 100 mg C/L) compared to the 20 to 50 mg C/L in ambient surface and ground water of the region. The distinctively high δ13C and DIC concentrations allow us to identify surface and ground water that have incorporated CBNG-coproduced water. Accordingly, we suggest that the δ13CDIC and DIC concentrations of water can be used for long-term monitoring of infiltration of CBNG-coproduced water into ground water and streams. Our results also show that the δ13CDIC of CBNG-coproduced water from two different coal zones are distinct leading to the possibility of using δ13CDIC to distinguish water produced from different coal zones.  相似文献   

Soil water content (SWC) is an important factor in transfer processes between soil and air, contributing to water and energy balances, and quantifying it remains a challenge. This study uses artificial neural networks (ANNs) to analyse spatial and temporal variation of SWC in a Brazilian watershed, based on climate information, soil physical properties and topographic variables. Thirty eight input variables were tested in 200 models. The outputs were compared with 650 gravimetric moisture measurements collected at 26 points (25 field studies). The results show that it is possible to estimate SWC efficiently (Nash-Sutcliffe statistic, NS = 0.77) using topographic data, soil physical properties and rainfall. If only climate information is considered, modelling is less efficient (NS = 0.28). Using many variables does not necessarily improve performance. Alternatively, SWC can be estimated by simplified models using rainfall and topographic maps information, although the performance is less good (NS = 0.65).  相似文献   

以呼伦湖流域为例研究该区域氢氧稳定同位素在不同水体中的分布特征,并探讨氢氧稳定同位素对在该区域水文过程的指示作用.流域湖水、入湖河水、周边地下水水样的氢氧稳定同位素分析结果表明,夏季8月份湖水中的重氢氧稳定同位素比7月份的更加富集.而河水中氢氧稳定同位素在同一时间内的河流沿程上存在明显的差异,下游水体中的氢氧稳定同位素要比上游更加富集.研究区的河水和湖水的δ~(18)O-δD关系特征显示,河水和湖水的δ~(18)O-δD的关系点全部位于当地降水线的右下方,说明流域河水和湖水水体受到明显的蒸发作用.而井水的δ~(18)O-δD的关系点大都靠近当地大气降水线,说明这一区域的地下水主要是大气降水渗入地下形成.利用氢氧稳定同位素分馏过程中的氢氧稳定同位素的比率与剩余水体的关系,并在考虑湿度因子的动力分馏模拟下,计算出河水的剩余水体比例在0.85~0.96之间,而湖水的剩余水体比例在0.71~0.77之间.最后,利用氢氧稳定同位素质量平衡法对呼伦湖多年平均蒸发量进行了估算,估算的湖泊蒸发量结果与实测值相近,相对误差为5.4%,说明方法可靠.氢氧稳定同位素对于研究区域水文过程有着重要的作用,在今后呼伦湖流域水文研究中有着更加广泛的应用空间.  相似文献   

The lower coastal plain of the Southeast USA is undergoing rapid urbanisation as a result of population growth. Land use change has been shown to affect watershed hydrology by altering stream flow and, ultimately, impairing water quality and ecologic health. However, because few long‐term studies have focused on groundwater–surface water interactions in lowland watersheds, it is difficult to establish what the effect of development might be in the coastal plain region. The objective of this study was to use an innovative improvement to end‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) to identify time sequences of hydrologic processes affecting storm flow. Hydrologic and major ion chemical data from groundwater, soil water, precipitation and stream sites were collected over a 2‐year period at a watershed located in USDA Forest Service's Santee Experimental Forest near Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Stream flow was ephemeral and highly dependent on evapotranspiration rates and rainfall amount and intensity. Hydrograph separation for a series of storm events using EMMA allowed us to identify precipitation, riparian groundwater and streambed groundwater as main sources to stream flow, although source contribution varied as a function of antecedent soil moisture condition. Precipitation, as runoff, dominated stream flow during all storm events while riparian and streambed groundwater contributions varied and were mainly dependent on antecedent soil moisture condition. Sensitivity analyses examined the influence of 10% and 50% increases in analyte concentration on EMMA calculations and found that contribution estimates were very sensitive to changes in chemistry. This study has implications on the type of methodology used in traditional forms of EMMA research, particularly in the recognition and use of median end‐member water chemistry in hydrograph separation techniques. Potential effects of urban development on important hydrologic processes (groundwater recharge, interflow, runoff, etc.) that influence stream flow in these lowland watersheds were qualitatively examined. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the stable isotopic compositions of hydrogen and oxygen (δ2H, δ18O) in montane meteoric waters including precipitation and stream water of central Taiwan to identify hydrological processes in montane catchments. Results of precipitation demonstrate that monsoon and altitude effects are two principal processes affecting δ and deuterium excess (dE) values of inland precipitation in central Taiwan. Furthermore, slope and intercept values of summer and winter local meteoric water line are modified by secondary evaporation effects such as moisture recycling and raindrop evaporation. Additionally, stream water's results indicate that differences in δ values among stream waters reflect isotopic altitude effect whereby lower values are more evident in stream water originating from high‐elevation catchments than low‐elevation catchments. Comparison of the isotopic results between precipitation and stream water indicates that summer precipitation containing recycled moisture is the most important water source for the studied stream waters and indicates that catchment effect and base flow contribution are the two major hydrological processes affecting mountain stream hydrology. The hydrological processes identified by the isotopic study re‐stress the important role of forests in mountain hydrology. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurately quantifying the evaporation loss of surface water is essential for regional water resources management, especially in arid and semi-arid areas where water resources are already scarce. The long-term monitoring of stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) in water can provide a sensitive indicator of water loss by evaporation. In this study, we obtained surface water samples of Shiyang River Basin from April to October between 2017 and 2019. The spatial and temporal characteristics of stable isotopes in surface water show the trend of enrichment in summer, depletion in spring, enrichment in deserts and depletion in mountains. The Local Evaporation Line (LEL) obtained by the regression of δ2H and δ18O in surface water has been defined by the lines: δ2H = 7.61δ18O + 14.58 for mountainous area, δ2H = 4.19δ18O − 17.85 for oasis area, δ2H = 4.08δ18O − 18.92 for desert area. The slope of LEL shows a gradual decrease from mountain to desert, indicating that the evaporation of surface water is gradually increasing. The evaporation loss of stable isotopes in surface water is 24.82% for mountainous area, 32.19% for oasis area, and 70.98% for desert area, respectively. Temperature and air humidity are the main meteorological factors affecting the evaporation loss, and the construction of reservoirs and farmland irrigation are the main man-made factors affecting the evaporation loss.  相似文献   

Soil evaporation in arid and semi-arid regions is generally moisture-limited. Evaporation in these regions is expected to increase monotonically with increase in precipitation. In contrast, model simulations in a snow-dominated, semi-arid Reynolds Mountain East (RME) watershed point to the existence of an anomalous trend in soil evaporation. Results indicate that soil evaporation in snow-dominated watersheds first increases and then subsequently decreases with increasing precipitation. The anomalous variation is because of two competing evaporation controls: (a) higher soil moisture in wetter years which leads to larger evaporation, and (b) prolonged snow cover period in wetter years which shields the soil from the atmosphere, thus reducing soil evaporation. To further evaluate how the competition is mediated by meteorological and hydrogeological characteristics of the watershed, changes in the trend due to different watershed hydraulic conductivity, vegetation cover, and snowfall area fraction are systematically studied. Results show considerable persistence in the anomalous trend over a wide range of controls. The controlling factors, however, have significant influence both on the magnitude of the WY evaporation and the location of the inflection point in the trend curve.  相似文献   

We use four stream segments along a wood-rich, pool–riffle mountain stream in the Southern Rockies of Colorado, USA to examine how spatial variations in wood load and variations in discharge during and after the snowmelt peak flow influence the magnitude of surface and subsurface transient storage. Segments range in complexity from a single channel with no large wood to an anabranching channel with closely spaced, channel-spanning logjams. Discharges at which transient storage was assessed range from base flow to snowmelt peak flow. To explore these relations, we used 10 geomorphic variables representing channel morphology and bed substrate, four wood-related variables representing wood load and associated backwater storage, and two measures of skewness from instream and bulk electrical conductivity breakthrough curves during tracer tests. Instream curves reflect surface and subsurface transient storage, whereas bulk curves primarily represent subsurface transient storage. Higher values of skewness indicate greater retention, and we used the values here as a metric of increased transient storage. Although limited sample size restricts the power of our results, our findings suggest that stream segments with greater instream large wood loads have more and larger pools, greater storage of fine sediment and particulate organic matter, and higher values of skew from instream conductivity. The results also suggest that the presence of instream wood, rather than changes in channel morphology associated with wood, is the most important driver of transient storage. This implies that river management designed to foster transient storage should focus on retaining instream large wood. We did not find significant correlations between geomorphic or wood-related variables and the skew estimated from bulk conductivity, which may reflect the relatively thin alluvium present in the field area and the prevalence of surface transient storage in this system.  相似文献   

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