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This paper analyses the meeting between the international petroleum industry and two local communities. The building of an oil terminal in a local community is both a major event, and a generator of processes on the local level. Three different angles is used to enlighten these processes; categorised as as place, people and mind. The place analysis consentrates on the effects on population and workforce development, the people analysis look at the institutional and planning processes, and the mind analysis the effects on the feeling of local identification. The paper demonstrates that local factors are of crucial importance even for the international petroleum industry.  相似文献   

Summary The discipline of geography, both ancient and new, is periodically subject to centrifugal tendencies, threatening its integrity and cohesion as a subject. From very different traditions, this question of philosophical unity has lain at the heart of many controversies and re-examinations of the value and place of geography in the Soviet Union and the United States in recent years, both as an academic subject and with respect to its practical applicability. This article attempts a comparative and personal view of what has happened to geography, mainly over the last quarter of a century, in these two countries, focussed on this unity question.  相似文献   

The concept of space is one of the most fundamental of geographical concepts. There is no work in geography that does not certain it. Nevertheless, geography has not as yet formulated an explicit and unambiguous definition of geographical space. This fact has had negative consequences for geographical theory, methodology and application. In the effort of contributing to its elimination we will try to outline the basic connotations of the concept.The concept of geographical space is a relational one. It acquires meaning and sense only when related to other concepts. The concept of space may be conceived as a supplement to things, i.e. substantively conceived objects. Space conceived in this way is the synonym of emptiness. The concept of space may be also conceived in relation ti individual landscape elements as their environments. Space conceived in this way has the character of a field of force. And, finally, space may be conceived also with respect to the totality of landscape elements, i.e. the system expressed by the term synergic. It is only this third variant of space which should be understood as the geographical space in the full menaing of the term. It is only this conception of geographical space as the space filled with qualities in relations and proportions that is considered as one of the basic prerequisites for the formulation of the theory of geography as science capable of prediction and thus also of practical utilization.  相似文献   

Historically, the characterization of the internal energy of a simple gas is based on free expansion experiments and imprecise use of the word function, which is rigorously defined in mathematics. Univariable equations of state show that the internal energy of simple monatomic, diatomic, and polyatomic gases can be expressed as a function of temperature only. However, multivariable equations of state derived from composite functions confirm that the internal energy of these gases can in each situation also be expressed as a function of pressure and volume only. It is essential that the mathematical definition of the word function be adhered to in science because it is fundamental for the formulation of the calculus, a mathematical tool essential for solving a variety of thermodynamics problems.  相似文献   

The destination-choice and travel behaviour of urban Arab-Israelis from Haifa, and rural Arab-Israelis from the village of Ibillin, are compared. The study examines the role of tradition, socio-economic background and geographical location of residence, in designing the two communities' destination-choice and travel behaviour. The results show that while socio-economic characteristics and life in a city or in a village do not differentiate between the two communities, religious affiliation does play a major role in determining the destination-choice and tourist behaviour of the two sub-communities. It was also found that the predominant factors that shape Arab-Israelis' tourist behaviour are the familiarity factors and that social rather than personal constraints play a major role in deciding which tourist destination is chosen. Policy oriented conclusions are presented in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

After an outline of some developments leading to the present wave of globality, the two new programmes: IGBP (International Geosphere-Programme) and HDGC (Human Dimension of Global Change-Programme) are briefly introduced.The significance of both approaches to geographical science is commented upon, Special reference is made to the important concept of sustainable development.Paper presented to the IGU-Commission: History of Geographical Thought, Hamburg, August 1990.  相似文献   

Coal seams and culm banks associated with mine fires in the anthracite region of eastern Pennsylvania have been burning for decades. Many of the fires may have ignited by spontaneous combustion or by the burning of trash. Minerals associated with the combustion of anthracite form by the condensation of gas exhaled through surficial gas vents or anthracite smokers. A Pressure-Temperature (P-T) stability diagram is constructed for the condensation of orthorhombic sulfur from anthracite gas using Thermodynamic Loop Analysis (TL analysis). This method of analyzing chemical systems incorporates Kirchhoff's Law into a four step procedure structured around a closed thermodynamic cycle or thermodynamic loop. The four steps, referred to us The Four S S of Thermodynamic Loop Analysis, include: (1) Set Up—graphical characterization of the problem. (2) Sum—the application of thermodynamic principles. (3) Substitute—the use of materials data available from the literature, and (4) Solve—computation of one or more variables. The example presented demonstrates that thermodynamic loops can incorporate any number of polymorphic phase transformations. In addition, thermodynamic loop analysis is applicable to any geologic process involving the condensation of minerals from a gas. The stability diagram derived by TL analysis may have applicability in monitoring the release of sulfur gas into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

An understanding of the irregular coordination polyhedra exhibited by the M2 cations in clinopyroxenes is of prime importance in connection with the behaviour of solid solutions and polymorphism in pyroxenes.As shown by unfolding the silica chains in pigeonite, cations with octahedral stereochemistry like Mg++and Fe++ cause kinking of the silica chains, whereas larger cations like Ca++and Na+have an opposite namely straightening effect. This is a probable factor causing immiscibility in the Mg++-Ca++ solid solutions in pyroxenes. In pyroxene structures with kinked silica chains the arrangement of oxygen atoms approaches close packing; consequently different stacking sequences will be energetically possible leading to polymorphism in pyroxenes.When Pauling's electrostatic valence rule is applied to clinopyroxenes, the charge balance will be exceedingly improved if effective coordination number of M2 cation is assigned and if the distortions of M 2 coordination polyhedron is considered.  相似文献   

An objective replacement method for censored geochemical data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geochemical data are commonly censored, that is, concentrations for some samples are reported as less than or greater than some value. Censored data hampers statistical analysis because certain computational techniques used in statistical analysis require a complete set of uncensored data. We show that the simple substitution method for creating an uncensored dataset, e.g., replacement by3/4 times the detection limit, has serious flaws, and we present an objective method to determine the replacement value. Our basic premise is that the replacement value should equal the mean of the actual values represented by the qualified data. We adapt the maximum likelihood approach (Cohen, 1961) to estimate this mean. This method reproduces the mean and skewness as well or better than a simple substitution method using3/4 of the lower detection limit or3/4 of the upper detection limit. For a small proportion of less than substitutions, a simple-substitution replacement factor of 0.55 is preferable to3/4; for a small proportion of greater than substitutions, a simple-substitution replacement factor of 1.7 is preferable to4/3, provided the resulting replacement value does not exceed 100%. For more than 10% replacement, a mean empirical factor may be used. However, empirically determined simple-substitution replacement factors usually vary among different data sets and are less reliable with more replacements. Therefore, a maximum likelihood method is superior in general. Theoretical and empirical analyses show that true replacement factors for less thans decrease in magnitude with more replacements and larger standard deviation; those for greater thans increase in magnitude with more replacements and larger standard deviation. In contrast to any simple substitution method, the maximum likelihood method reproduces these variations. Using the maximum likelihood method for replacing less thans in our sample data set, correlation coefficients were reasonably accurately estimated in 90% of the cases for as much as 40% replacement and in 60% of the cases for 80% replacement. These results suggest that censored data can be utilized more than is commonly realized.  相似文献   

The history of geography needs to be more closely connected with recent revisionist accounts of the history of science. After a brief review of some of the newer historiographic insights that have lately been applied to writings on geography's history, this paper sets out some additional principles that historians of the subject might profitably engage. Chief among these are the consequences of taking seriously the situatedness and contingency of geographical knowledge and practice.  相似文献   

Conclusions Considering the admitted facts, nothing allows us to affirm that the glasses studied by N.P. are really genuine glasses arising from an incongruent melting of biotite, and there is no reason not to consider these glasses as being pinite.  相似文献   

Based on the maximum entropy concept with the number of bins (class intervals), N, maximized in terms of residual errors in sampling of the system, the residual entropy matrix (REM), which is intrinsically positive definite, is sampled uniformly at N equal intervals in entropy space. The mandatory constraint of positivity shows that the finitely sampled REM then provides estimates on the magnitudes of missing components of the autocorrelation sequence describing REM. If the mandatory constraint is relaxed to its limit, the resulting prediction for REM is identical to Burg's (1967) maximum entropy algorithm. The advantages are that assessments can be made: (i) whether the missing components are known accurately enough that no further measurements are needed; (ii) the N equal intervals of the entropy measure are sufficient to provide resolution on the REM for each and every sample; or (iii) whether finer interval resolution is needed to extract information for a particular sample.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine kritische Durchsicht der neueren Literatur über Leverrierit ergibt, daß es sich in allen Fällen um illitisches Material handelt. Röntgenographische Untersuchungen an fein- und grobblättrigem Material von Dobrilugk zeigten, daß dieser Leverrierit eine orientierte Verwachsung eines dioktaedrischen Illitesmit einem 14 -Mineral darstellt. Der Illit gehört zum Typ 2 M und zeigt eindimensionale Fehlordnung. Das 14 -Mineral scheint kaolinitischer Natur zu sein. Als ebenfalls diokaedrischer 2 M-Illit erwies sich ein Leverrierit aus dem Tiefsee-Schlamm des Tyrrhenischen Meeres. Die Bezeichnung Leverrierit als eigenständiger Mineralname sollte vermieden werden.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zwei von den Verfassern neu aufgefundene Vorkommen von Stilpnomelan in Gesteinen der Prasinit-Phyllit-Serie der Grünschieferzone der Münchberger Gneismasse (NO-Bayern) werden beschrieben und Angaben zur röntgenographischen Identifizierung sowie zum Gesteins- und Mineralchemismus mitgeteilt.Die Stilpnomelanbildung wird in das metamorphe Geschehen des Gesteinskomplexes zeitlich eingeordnet und mit den Mineralneubildungen im Grenzbereich Grünschiefer-Serpentinit verglichen; die dafür auftretenden wahrscheinlichen Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen werden kurz diskutiert.
On stilpnomelane in the Grünschieferzone of the Münchberger Gneismasse
Two new occurrences of stilpnomelane found by the authors in the Prasinite-Phyllite series of the Grünschieferzone of the Münchberger Gneismasse (Northern Bavaria) will be described and information on the x-ray identification as well as on rock- and mineralchemistry will be offered.The crystallization of stilpnomelane will be located chronologically in the metamorphic history of the rock complexes and compared with the recrystalization of other minerals in the border range of the Greenslate-Serpentin rocks; the possible pressure and temperature conditions will be discussed briefly.

Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft soll für die materielle und apparative Unterstützung der Dank ausgesprochen werden.  相似文献   

Thermal treatments of anorthite carried out at up to 1,547° C show that the unit cell parameter changes as a function of the treatment temperature. The best fit curve found by non-linear least squares analysis is: =91.419-(0.327·10-6)T 2+(0.199·10-12)T 4-(0.391·10)T 6. The results obtained support significant Al,Si disorder (Al0.10, where Al=t 1(0)-1/3 [t 1(m)+t 2(0)+t 2(m)], Ribbe 1975), in anorthite equilibrated near the melting point and confirm a high temperature series differentiated from the low temperature series for calcic plagioclases in the An85–An100 range also. In the plot vs. An-content the high and low temperature curves intersect at An85 composition and progressively diverge in the An85–An100 range. The trends of the high and low temperature curves in this range are interpretable on the basis of the degree of Al, Si order in the average structures of calcic plagioclases.  相似文献   

The ability to test for similarities and differences among families of shapes by closed-form Fourier expansion is greatly enhanced by the concept of homology. Underlying this concept is the assumption that each term of a Fourier series, when compared to the same term in another series, represents the same thing. A method that ensures homology is one which minimizes the centering error, as reflected in the first harmonic term of the Fourier expansion. The problem is to chose a set of edge points derived from a much larger, but variable, number of edge points such that a valid homologous Fourier series can be calculated. Methods are reviewed and criteria given to define a proper solution. An algorithm is presented which takes advantage of the fact that minimization of the error term can be accomplished by minimizing the distance between the origin of the polar coordinate system in the calculation of the Fourier series and the shape centroid. The use of this algorithm has produced higher quality solutions for quartz grain provenance studies.  相似文献   

The term environment has been used in various and inconsistent ways by scientists from many disciplines and can frequently be regarded as an empty formula. The author argues that this term has an ascertained meaning only within the concept of ecology. Therefore, any attempt to use the relative term environment in an absolute way and apart from this context must necessarily lead to its hypostatization, giving it the character of an entity of its own. The different aspects of the ecology concept — here called dimensions — should rather be defined according to the specific approaches of particular empirical studies. The paper briefly discusses the meaning of those dimensions which are interrelated and form a multidimensional space. Depending on the position of a particular approach within this multidimensional concept, a specific, ontologically neutral definition of environment may be developed, whose meaning (in accordance with the scale of reflections) can now be specified.This text is the enlarged and altered version of a lecture given on 1979-08-27 at the Third Vienna International Meeting on Human Ecology (Vienna, 1979-08-27–1979-08-31).  相似文献   

ZusammenfassungMöglichkeiten und Grenzen des Base Friction Konzepts Der vorliegende Beitrag befaßt sich mit einer von Goodman eingeführten neuen Technologie für zweidimensionale Modellversuche in der Felsmechanik. Bei diesen Modellen sollen die im Prototyp durch die Gravitation erzeugten Körperkräfte durch Reibungskräfte simuliert werden, die dieselbe Richtung wie die Erdbeschleunigung besitzen müssen und die entstehen, wenn das zweidimensionale Modell in einer horizontalen Ebene aufgebaut und zwischen dem Modell und der horizontalen Basis eine entsprechende Relativbewegung erzwungen wird.Nach einem kurzen Überblick über die einschlägige Literatur wird anhand eines Stabilitätsdiagramms für einen Einzelkörper an der Schiefen Ebene untersucht, ob die im geklüfteten Fels auftretenden Bruchmechanismen Gleiten, Kippen und Kippen bei gleichzeitigem Gleiten im Base Friction Modell exakt modellierbar sind.Aus dieser Untersuchung ergibt sich, daß in den Bereichen Kippen und Gleiten bezüglich der Kinetik mit Schwerkraftmodellen übereinstimmende Ergebnisse zu erzielen sind. Im Bereich Kippen bei gleichzeitigem Gleiten treten dagegen wesentliche Abweichungen auf, weil die Simulation der Schwerkraft durch Reibungskräfte nicht vollständig gelingt. Fälle, bei denen Aussagen über Geschwindigkeits-und Beschleunigungsverhältnisse im Prototyp gemacht werden sollen, können aus demselben Grund mit einem Base Friction Modell nicht untersucht werden.Nach einer ausführlichen Kritik wird dann der Schluß gezogen, daß das Base Friction Modell zwar als Entwurfshilfsmittel ungeeignet ist, daß es aber als Methode für die Grundlagenforschung in der Felsmechanik mit Aussicht auf Erfolg eingesetzt werden kann.
SummaryPossibilities and Limitations of the Base Friction Model The paper deals with a new technology for two-dimensional model tests in rock mechanics introduced by Goodman. In this model gravity is simulated by base friction forces. Their direction is to be that of gravity. The two-dimensional model is placed on a horizontal base. A movement of this base relative to the model produce frictional forces which model gravity.First a single model element placed on an inclined plane is analysed resulting in a stability diagram. The purpose of the subsequent analysis is to assess whether the mechanisms of failure being investigated, i. e. sliding, toppling, and toppling combined with sliding, are adequately reproduced by the base friction model.The specific mechanisms toppling and sliding produce kineticly valid results. Considerable errors are to be expected for toppling combined with sliding, because of the specific base friction feature. Mechanisms including velocity and acceleration cannot be modeled by base friction.Finally the limitations of the base friction model as a design tool and instrument for rock mechanics research are discussed.

RésuméPossibilités et limites du base friction model Le présent article traite d'une nouvelle technologie des essais à deux dimensions, introduite par Goodman, sur la mécanique des roches. Par cette technologie les forces en prototype, produites par la gravitation, doivent être remplacées par des forces de frottement. Leur direction doit être la même que celle de la gravitation. Le modèle à deux dimensions est posé sur un plan horizontal. Le mouvement relatif du modèle contre la base horizontale produit des forces de frottement, qui modèlent la gravitation.A l'aide d'un diagramme de stabilité pour un élément isolé sur un plan incliné, on fait des analyses pour savoir si les états de mouvement aparaissant à la rupture de la roche, c'est-à-dire le fait de glisser, basculer, et basculer en même temps que glisser, peuvent être modelés exactement avec le base friction model.Les mécanismes glisser et basculer produisent des résultats qui sont cinétiquement réels. Des fautes remarquables doivent être attendues pour le fait de basculer en même temps que glisser à cause de la mécanique spécifique du modèle. A modeler des vitesses et des accélérations le modèle n'est pas propre.En conclusion on expose une critique détaillée pour savoir jusqu'à quel point cette méthode peut servir comme moyen de dimensionnement dans la pratique et comme instrument pour la recherche en mécanique des roches.

Mit 9 Abbildungen  相似文献   

Summary Anhydrous partial melting experiments on four peridotite compositions have been conducted at 10 kbar providing a relatively internally consistent set of data on the character of primary melts expected from the oceanic upper mantle in the mid-ocean ridge setting. The four peridotite compositions are: MORB pyrolite (considered to be suitable for the production of primitive (Mg#0.68) MORB glasses at 10 kbar), Hawaiian pyrolite (representative of enriched upper mantle), Tinaquillo lherzolite (representative of more depleted upper mantle), and the spinel lherzolite KLB-1 which is a suitable composition for the production of primitive MORB glasses. The equilibrium liquids were determined by sandwich experiments. The primitive MORB glass DSDP 3-18-7-1 was used in experiments using MORB pyrolite and KLB-1, while a calculated 10 kbar liquid composition fromJaques andGreen (1980) was used in experiments with Hawaiian pyrolite and Tinaquillo lherzolite. The results of the experiments are used to test a 10 kbar melt model for the generation of primitive MORB glasses, which are parental magmas to typical MORB compositions. The melt compositions from the four peridotites studied are significantly different from primitive MORB glasses in major element chemistry and plot away from the field of primitive MORB glasses in the CIPW molecular normative Basalt tetrahedron. The results indicate that primitive MORB glasses are derivative compositions lying on olivine fractionation lines from picritic parents, which themselves are primary magmas at pressures greater than 10 kbar. The results of this study are integrated with previous 10 kbar experimental studies.
Wasserfreie partielle aufschmelzung von MORB pyrolit und andere peridotit-zusammensetzungen bei 10 kbar: bedeutung für die entstehung primitiver MORB gläser
Zusammenfassung Vier Peridotit-Zusammensetzungen wurden bei 10 kbar unter wasserfreien Bedingungen partiell aufgeschmolzen, und die Ergebnisse mit möglichen primitiven Schmelzen Mittel-Ozeanischer Rücken verglichen.Die folgenden perioditischen Zusammensetzungen wurden untersucht: MORB pyrolite [mögliche Ausgangszusammensetzung für primitive (Mg# > 0.68) MORB-Glaszusammensetzungen bei 10 kbar], Hawaiian pyrolite (representativ für angereicherten Oberen Mantel); Tinaquillo lherzolite (representativ für verarmten' Oberen Mantel) und spinel lherzolite, KLB-1 (im Gleichgewicht mit primitiver MORB-Glaszusammensetzung). Die Schmelzen im Gleichgewicht mit diesen Ausgangszusammensetzungen wurden mittels Sandwich-Experimenten ermittelt.Die primitive MORB-Glaszusammensetzung DSDP 3-18-7-1 wurde mit MORB pyrolite und KLB-1 equilibriert, während eine Modell-Zusammensetzung vonJaques and Green (1980) in Verbindung mit Hawaiian pyrolite und Tinaquillo lherzolite vermischt wurde. Die Resultate der Experimente werden mit einem 10 kbar Aufschmelzungsmodell zur Entstehung primitiver MORB-Gläser verglichen. Die Schmelzen im Gleichgewicht mit den vier Peridotit-Ausgangszusammensetzungen unterscheiden sich wesentlich von primitiven MORB-Gläsern, sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer Hauptelemente als auch ihrer Plot-Parameter im Basalttetraeder. Primitive MORB-Glaszusammensetzungen stellen keine primären Schmelzen dar, sondern sind durch Olivinfraktionierung von primitiven Magmen abzuleiten. Die Resultate dieser Untersuchungen werden mit früheren 10 kbar Experimenten verglichen.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Basalt recovered beneath Jurassic sediments in the western Atlantic at Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 100 and 105 of leg 11 has petrographic features characteristic of water-quenched basalt extruded along modern ocean ridges. Site 100 basalt appears to represent two or three massive cooling units, and an extrusive emplacement is probable. Site 105 basalt is less altered and appears to be a compositionally homogeneous pillow lava sequence related to a single eruptive episode.Although the leg 11 basalts are much more closely related in time to the Triassic lavas and intrusives of eastern continental North America, their geochemical features are closely comparable to those of modern Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts unrelated to postulated mantle plume activity. Projection of leg 11 sites back along accepted spreading flow lines to their presumed points of origin shows that these origins are also outside the influence of modern plume activity. Thus, these oldest Atlantic seafloor basalts provide no information on the time of initiation of these plumes. The Triassic continental diabases show north to south compositional variations in Rb, Ba, La, and Sr which lie within the range of plume-related basalt on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (20 °–40 °N). This suggests that these diabases had mantle sources similar in composition to those beneath the present Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Plumes related to deep mantle sources may have contributed to the LIL-element enrichment in the Triassic diabase and may alos have been instrumental in initiating the rifting of the North Atlantic. Systematically high values for K and Sr87/Sr86 in the Triassic diabases may reflect superimposed effects of crustal contamination in the Triassic magmas.Contribution Number 3953 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  相似文献   

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