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Althausite occurs as cleavable masses in serpentine-magnesite deposits at Modum, Norway. The proposed formula in Mg2PO4 (OH0.37F0.25O0.10)0.81 with partly vacant halide sites. It is orthorhombic, space group Pna21, a = 8.258, b = 14.383, c = 6.054 A?, Z = 8. D(meas)=2.97, ?(calc) = 2.91 g/cm3 (X-ray), ?(calc) = 3.06 g/cm3 (Gladstone-Dale), H = 3 12 ?4. The strongest X-ray powder lines (41 given, Fe radiation) with intensities and indices are 3.593 (100)(040), 3.316 (90)(211), 3.024 (80)(002), 2.786 (60)(112), 2641 (60)(122).The mineral is light grey with vitreous lustre, running brown on alteration to apatite. Non-fluorescent. Perfect cleavage {001}, distinct cleavage {101}. It is biaxial positive, α=1.588, β=1.592, γ=1.598, 2Vγ(calc)=78.5°, negative elongation, X=b, Y=c, Z=a. IR, DTA and TGA data are given.  相似文献   

Holtedahlite occurs in a serpentine-magnesite deposit at Modum in association with althausite and (OH,F) apatite. It is colourless, transparent, has a vitreous lustre, occurs in massive form and shows no cleavage. The Mohs' hardness is 412?5; specific gravity 2.94(2) (Berman balance), calculated density 2.936 g/cm3. It is uniaxial negative, ω = 1.599(1), ? = 1.597(1).Chemical analysis with the electron microprobe and separate determinations of CO2 and H2O give a formula close to Mg2PO4OH or more specifically (Mg,Na)2(PO4, CO3OH)(OH,F). Holtedahlite is hexagonal, α = 11.188(2), c = 4.975(1) A?, V = 539.3(3) A?3 Z = 6, space group P321, P3mlor P3ml. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern are (in Å, with intensities and indices): 3.722(90) (1121), 3.475(50) (2021), 3.234(30) (3030), 2.796(30), 2.438(100) (2241), 2.177(30) (2.177(30) (4041), 1.859(30) (2242). The infrared spectrum shows the presence of OH?, CO32?, and PO43? and indicates an O-H… O distance of ca. 3.02 Å.  相似文献   

A new borate mineral has been found in a sample from Larderello, mixed with larderellite and lesser amounts of sassolite. The mineral is never well crystallized, but it constantly appears as very small, clear and colourless grains; its refractive indices are: =1.422, =1.435, =1.480. Single-crystal X-ray photographs show that the mineral is orthorombic with cell dimensions: =11.10 Å, b=11.18 Å, c=9.08 Å. X-ray powder diffraction and partial chemical analyses carried out on the whole sample (it being impossible to separate a sufficient quantity of pure material) confirm the foregoing data, according to which the mineral may be considered as the natural equivalent of the synthetic compound KB5O8 · 4H2O. It is likely that it originated from the reaction between potassium-bearing hot solutions and primary deposits of larderellite. It is named for the Tuscan naturalist Giorgio Santi.This new mineral has been approved by the Commission on New Minerals and New Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Association.This research was supported by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma.  相似文献   

The high-grade metamorphic basement of the Modum Complex, South Norway,exhibits retrogradation and alteration due to late stage fluid infiltration.Extensive alteration zones of albite-and calcite-rich veining occur especiallywithin and around numerous metagabbros. The gabbros, intruded at 1224±15Ma, are now partly altered to amphibolites due to the subsequent high-grade metamorphism.Two generations of albite-rich rocks have been recognized: (1) a fine-grained, foliated type;(2) a coarse-grained, crosscutting type. Both types show a typical greenschist facies mineralassemblage; albite ± actinolite ± chlorite ± talc. The calcite veins/dykesrepresent a younger generation of veins than both albite-rich types. U–Pb data for spheneof type (1) yielded an age of 1080±3 Ma, determining a point on the retrogradeP-T-t path of the Modum Complex. Increasing albitisation of themetagabbros leads to a decrease in(143ND/144Nd)oand an increase in (87Sr/86)o.Albite- and calcite-rich samples show negative Nd and positive Sr, suggesting that fluids which interacted with the metagabbros originated from a crustal reservoir. The Nd and Sr isotopic data show disequilibrium at the microscale as well as at the macroscale. Negative Sm–Nd model ages of the albite-rich rocks demonstrate that rare-earth elements (REEs) were mobile and fractionated during albitisation.  相似文献   

Karibibite (ideally, Fe2As4O9) occurs in vugs in massive loellingite of the Karibib pegmatite area, South West Africa. It is brownish yellow and finely fibrous. The thickness of the soft, single fibers is less than 1 micron, unsuitable for single-crystal X-ray study. Electron diffraction and X-ray powder pattern indicate that the mineral is orthorhombic, with a0 = 27.91 A?, b0 = 6.53 A? and c0 (fiber axis) = 7.20 A?. The space group cannot be given. The mineral is paramagnetic with yellow fluorescence and is pleochroic with γ > 2.10, α = 1.96, 2Vα large, d = 4.07. It is soluble in acids and alkali hydroxide. Decomposition starts around 320 °C. The infra-red absorption spectrum indicates absence of AsO4 groups. The mineral is classified tentatively as an oxide or arsenite.  相似文献   

Using geophysical data, we studied the mechanism of deep-seated magmatic and volcanic activity in the region of the island arcs and associated structures. Data on magmatic activity below the volcanic belt of East Kamchatka, obtained during geophysical investigations, mainly during detailed seismological investigations and deep seismic sounding, provide evidence for an association between the volcanoes and the processes in the Pacific Ocean focal layer of earthquakes, and for the accumulation of magmas below the volcanic belt at depths less than 60 km. We found anomalous columnar bodies more than 5 to 7 km across, linking the volcanoes with the focal layer, and a very large concentration of convective heat flow and volatiles in the magma columns feeding the volcanoes. As to the role of different forces in the uprise of magmas into the volcanoes, hydrostatic forces probably predominate in the asthenosphere, supplemented by tectonic pressure in the lithosphere and forces associated with boiling of magmas during release of volatiles in the crust, especially in its upper layers.—Author.  相似文献   

牦牛坪矿-(Ce)属硅钛铈矿亚族的新成员,发现于四川牦牛坪稀土矿床的碳酸岩、伟晶碳酸岩和碱性岩等矿脉中。与已知的同亚族矿物相比,新矿物要么是chevkinite-(Ce)B位上的Fe3+类似物,要么同时是po lyakovite-(Ce)B位和C位上的Fe3+类似物。牦牛坪矿-(Ce)直接从一类富F、水和REE的岩浆-热液过渡阶段的成矿流体中结晶所成。新矿物得名于产地和稀土元素中Ce居优。牦牛坪矿-(Ce)及其命名,已获国际矿物协会新矿物及矿物命名委员会投票批准。  相似文献   

牦牛坪矿- (Ce)属硅钛铈矿亚族的新成员,发现于四川牦牛坪稀土矿床的碳酸岩、伟晶碳酸岩和碱性岩等矿脉中。与已知的同亚族矿物相比,新矿物要么是chevkinite - (Ce)B位上的Fe3 + 类似物,要么同时是polyakovite- (Ce)B位和C位上的Fe3 + 类似物。牦牛坪矿- (Ce)直接从一类富F、水和REE的岩浆 热液过渡阶段的成矿流体中结晶所成。新矿物得名于产地和稀土元素中Ce居优。牦牛坪矿- (Ce)及其命名,已获国际矿物协会新矿物及矿物命名委员会投票批准。  相似文献   

牦牛坪矿-(Ce):一种新发现的稀土元素矿物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牦牛坪矿-(Ce)属硅钛铈矿亚族的新成员,发现于四川牦牛坪稀土矿床的碳酸岩、伟晶碳酸岩和碱性岩等矿脉中。与已知的同亚族矿物相比,新矿物要么是chevkinite-(Ce)B位上的Fe^3 类似物,要么同时是polyakovite-(Ce)B位和C位上的Fe^3 类似物。牦牛坪矿-(Ce)直接从一类富F、水和REE的岩浆-热液过渡阶段的成矿流体中结晶所成。新矿物得名于产地和稀土元素中Ce居优。牦牛坪矿-(Ce)及其命名,已获国际矿物协会新矿物及矿物命名委员会投票批准。  相似文献   

Ertixiite (Na2Si4O9), a new mineral found in a miarolitic cavity of the Altay Pegmatite Mine, Xinjiang, China, is associated with topaz, apatite, quartz, cleavelandite, etc. The mineral is white, granular, and transparent. HNV=570.08?850.96 kg/mm2 (Moh’s 5.8?6.5), D=2.35, N=1.502. Cubic system,a=5.975 Å, V=213.311 Å, Z=1,D x =2.34g/cm3. The chemical composition of ertixiite (the average of six samples) is: Na2O 17.97, CaO 2.82, SiO2 77.86, Al2O3 1.45, FeO 0.05, total 100.15. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern are 3.443(2, 111), 2.647(2. 210), 2.674(2,210), 1.996(8,221), 1.798(10,311), and 1.492(2,400).  相似文献   

Twenty-two bottled mineral and spring waters from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland have been analysed for 71 inorganic chemical parameters with low detection limits as a subset of a large European survey of bottled groundwater chemistry (N = 884). The Nordic bottled groundwaters comprise mainly Ca–Na–HCO3–Cl water types, but more distinct Ca–HCO3, Na HCO3 and Na–Cl water types are also offered. The distributions for most elements fall between groundwater from Fennoscandian Quaternary unconsolidated aquifers and groundwater from Norwegian crystalline bedrock boreholes. Treated tap waters have slightly lower median values for many parameters, but elements associated with plumbing have significantly higher concentrations in tap waters than in bottled waters. The small dataset is able to show that excessive fluoride and uranium contents are potential drinking water problems in Fennoscandia. Nitrate and arsenic displayed low to moderate concentrations, but the number of samples from Finland and Northern Sweden was too low to detect that elevated concentrations of arsenic occur in bedrock boreholes in some regions. The data shows clearly that water sold in plastic bottles is contaminated with antimony. Antimony is toxic and suspected to be carcinogenic, but the levels are well below the EU drinking water limit. The study does not provide any health-based arguments for buying bottled mineral and spring waters for those who are served with drinking water from public waterworks. Drinking water from crystalline bedrock aquifers should be analysed. In case of elevated concentrations of fluoride, uranium or arsenic, most bottled waters, but not all, will be better alternatives when treatment of the well water is not practicable.  相似文献   

Summary Meta-eclogites within the Bjørkedalen peridotite situated in the Western Gneiss Region of Norway exhibit anomalous Sr concentrations with a maximum of 2.4% SrO in the whole rock analyses. Maximum Sr concentrations in the minerals present in the metaeclogites are — plagioclase 9.6% SrO, epidote 8.5%, zoisite 7.4%, clinozoisite 4.7%, thomsonite 6.65%, apatite 1.5%, prehnite 0.5%, sphene 0.3%, hornblende 0.2% and Sr-feldspar 22.6%. The Sr-anomaly is formed by introduction of Sr during amphibolitization of the eclogites. The source of the introduced Sr is probably a neighbouring amphibolite and the time for introduction late Caledonian. Crystal-chemical considerations show that the Sr distribution between the mineral phases largely could have been predicted on the basis of existing knowledge of crystal chemistry and trace element distribution.
Sr-Metasomatose und die Strontiumverteilung innerhalb der Mineralphasen eines Metaeklogits von Bjørkedalen, West-Norwegen
Zusammenfassung Metaeklogite innerhalb des Bjørkedalen Peridotits der westlichen Gneis-Region Südnorwegens zeigen anomale Sr-Konzentrationen mit einem Maximum von 2,4% SrO in chemischen Gesamtsteinanalysen. Die höchsten Sr-Konzentrationen der Minerale sind — Plagioklas: 9,6% SrO, Epidot: 8,5%, Zoisit 7,4%, Klinozoisit: 4,7%, Thomsonit: 6,65%, Apatit: 1,5% Prehnit: 0,5%, Titanit: 0,3%, Hornblende: 0,2% und Strontiumfeldspat: 22,6%. Die Strontiumanomalie wurde durch die Zufuhr von Sr während der retrograden Metamorphose der Eklogite verursacht. Das zugeführte Sr stammt wahrscheinlich von einem benachbarten Amphibolit. Die Zufuhr fand spät in der kaledonischen Ära statt. Kristallchemische Erwägungen zeigen, daß die Sr-Verteilung innerhalb der Mineralphasen weitgehend den Erwartungen aufgrund des bisherigen Kenntnisstandes entspricht.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The mineral was discovered in an alkalic massif on the western shore of Lake Baykal, in paragenesis with spinel, forsterite, clinohumite, magnesioferrite, baddelyite, geikielite, perovskite, tazheranite. It was found to be common in peripheral zones of magnesial skarns, in brucitic apopericlase marbles, and in calcitic intercalations and veins, as black dolichoprismatic idiomorphic crystals. Titanium was found to be remarkably high in this mineral, where Ti4+ and Mg2+ replace Fe3+ isomorphously. Optically and roentgenostructurally, azoproite is very much like ludwigite. There is a slight deficiency of cations and a slight excess of boron in both, but they are not found together, as a rule. -- V.P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

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