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海洋能电站属于新兴的能源产业,具有技术复杂、系统性强等特点,为了防止盲目投资或投资不当的现象发生,文章介绍了技术经济评价方法。以潮汐电站为例,对潮汐电站的技术水平、经济效益、社会和环境效益几个方面,运用综合模糊数学方法进行评价并得出结论,为项目可行与否做出准确的判断。文章旨在为其他海洋能电站项目的综合评价提供理论和方法参考。  相似文献   

海洋能产业作为一项战略性新兴产业,其发展仍受到很多因素的制约,目前我国海洋能产业总体上仍处于发展初期,需要政府的积极引导和大力扶持。文章结合我国海洋能产业发展的现状,针对海洋能产业发展中存在的问题,明确了政府在我国海洋能产业发展中的角色地位,即战略规划的设计者、产业发展的激励者、市场环境的营造者、技术创新的推进者和生态环境的监管者。政府要扮演好自己在海洋能发展中的角色,真正促进我国海洋能产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

海洋能是应对全球化石能源短缺及气候变化的重要选项之一,发展前景广阔。目前我国海洋能技术取得了一定进展,但海洋能产业总体尚处于初始发展阶段。基于我国海洋能产业发展现状及存在问题,以沿海11个省(市、区)为评价单元,以海洋能资源禀赋、研发和装备制造能力、开发利用基础、规划导向、基础设施条件为主要评价指标,运用多指标综合评价法研究提出我国海洋能产业空间布局,以期为我国海洋能产业发展及政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

海洋能开发与利用综合评价方法研究旨在为海洋能项目的规划、建设和海洋生态保护提供决策依据。海洋能开发与利用综合评价在遵循相关原则的基础上,从技术评价、资源评价、环境影响评价、经济评价、社会影响评价和政策评价等方面分别阐述了评价的内容和方法。运用文中提供的方法可提高海洋能开发与利用综合评价的效率和质量,其评价结果可为我国海洋能产业发展提供技术保障,对大规模开发与利用海洋能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以英国为代表的发达海洋国家非常重视海洋能在应对全球气候变化、调整能源结构、培育新兴产业中的战略地位。在积极的海洋能政策和先进的海洋能基础设施支持下,英国海洋能技术和产业发展均处于国际领先地位,文章全方位分析了英国海洋能开发利用进展,并分析了其对我国海洋能技术产业化发展的借鉴意义,建议明确海洋能中长期发展目标,制定阶段性海洋激励政策,并提升海洋能基础设施能力。  相似文献   

近年来,我国海洋能开发蓬勃发展,海洋能发电装置用海需求稳步增加,给我国海域管理工作带来了新的内容。如何有效规范海洋能开发用海的管理程序、解决当前海洋能项目用海审批程序复杂、海域使用金不统一等问题,建立完善海洋能开发用海政策体系,统一海洋能开发用海审批的技术方法和规范,是推动我国海洋能开发利用发展的重要环节。  相似文献   

能源转型伴随着产业结构调整,更需要能源技术创新的支撑,能源技术进步与能源转型相互促进,正在深刻改变能源发展前景和世界能源格局。为把握海洋能技术创新方向和发展趋势,文章分析国际海洋能技术发展布局,在此基础上分析我国海洋能技术创新体系政策框架,重点研究技术创新的难点。研究结果表明:我国仍须进一步完善资源勘查、基础研究和监督管理,从而形成较成熟的海洋能产业,使海洋能技术在利基市场充分发挥优势。  相似文献   

我国海洋可再生能源正处于快速发展时期,自2010年国家设立海洋可再生能源专项资金以来,一大批的示范工程、研究与试验项目得到大力的支持与推广,形成了一批拥有自主知识产权的技术与装备。但是作为一个全新的能源领域,在项目实施过程中难免遇到一些问题,文章对2010—2011年立项的海洋能专项项目情况进行调研分析,对研究与试验项目和示范工程进行分类总结与概括,阐述当前海洋能专项项目在实施过程中的问题和不足,并对将来海洋可再生能源专项项目的发展提出一些建议。  相似文献   

文章对海洋能源产业管理现状及必要性进行了阐述,分析了海洋能发电装置产品研发流程,提出了管理框架及管理方法,旨在规范海洋能发电装置设计、制造、采购、验证、评价过程,推进我国海洋能源产品的应用和转化。  相似文献   

近年来,海洋能利用的研究与探索仍是可再生能源领域备受关注的课题之一,研究热点更多集中在对海洋能发电装置的研究上,然而研究成本过高是制约海洋能技术发展的因素之一。在新能源发电领域,国际上通常采用能源均化(发电)成本(levelized cost of energy,LCOE)方法来对不同发电技术和规模的能源项目进行比较。借鉴能源均化成本(LCOE)的计算模式,对引导和推进海洋可再生能源技术和产业发展具有重要意义。文章首先阐述海洋能LCOE的影响因素,并以波浪能和潮流能为例介绍英、美两国如何推算其开发成本,进而探讨降低能源成本的可能性,为我国海洋能发电装置提供参考。  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of deep-sea mining on the in situ benthic life, we measured the microbial standing stock and concentration of organic nutrients in the deep-sea sediments of the Central Indian Ocean Basin in the Indian pioneer area. Sediments were collected using box core and grab samples during September 1996. The total bacterial numbers ranged from 10 10 -10 11 cells per g -1 dry weight sediment. There was a marginal decrease in the number of bacteria from surface to 30 cm depth, though the subsurface section registered a higher number than did the surface. The highest numbers were encountered at depths of 4-8 cm. The retrievable number of bacteria were two orders less in comparison with the direct total counts of bacteria. An almost homogeneous distribution of bacteria, total organic carbon, living biomass, and lipids throughout the depth of cores indicates active microbial and benthic processes in the deep sea sediments. On the other hand, a uniform distribution of total counts of bacteria, carbohydrates, and total organic carbon in all the cores indicates their stable nature and suggests that they can serve as useful parameters for long-term monitoring of the area after the benthic disturbance. Further studies on temporal variability in this region would not only verify the observed norms of distribution of these variables but would also help to understand restabilization processes after the simulated benthic disturbance.  相似文献   

海上大直径钢管桩打桩过程中,桩周土体受到强烈扰动而发生强度弱化,掌握桩周土体强度弱化规律对于准确预测打桩过程、保证工程安全具有重要意义。为研究土体强度弱化规律,开展了环剪试验模拟打桩对桩周土体的扰动,测试土体强度随剪切速率的变化规律,建立了描述土体强度弱化规律的拟合公式,引入到打桩分析软件中。研究结果表明:土体的强度折减程度不仅与土体本身的性质有关还受到土体的埋深和剪切速率的影响,埋深越深土体强度折减程度越低,剪切速率越高土体强度折减越高,在打桩分析中可采用这里推荐的线性折减方法来模拟不同深度处土体强度的折减规律。  相似文献   

An acoustic inversion method using a wide-band signal and two near field receivers is proposed and applied to multiple layered seabed models including a manganese sediment. The inversion problem can be formulated into a probabilistic model comprised of signals, a forward model, and additive noise. The forward model simulates wide-band signals, such as chirp signals, and is chosen to be the source-waveletconvolution plane wave modeling method. The wavelet matching technique, using weighted least-squares fitting, estimates the sediment sound-speed and thickness on which determination of the possible numerical ranges for a priori uniform distribution is based. The genetic algorithm is applied to a global optimization problem to find a maximum a posteriori solution for determined a priori search space. Here the object function is defined by an L 2 norm of the difference between measured and modeled signals. Not only the marginal pdf but also its statistics are calculated by numerical evaluation of integrals using the samples selected during importance sampling process of the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

A set of 27 marine planktonic bacteria isolated from the polar regions was characterized by 16S rDNA sequencing and physiological and biochemical testing. More than half of these bacteria were positive for caseinase, gelatinase and 13-glucosidase, and could utilize glucose, maltose or malic acid as carbon source for cell growth. Twelve isolates expressed nitrate reduction activities. Except for one antarctic isolate BSwlO175 belonging to Actinobacteria phylum, these isolates were classified as γ-Proteobacteria, suggesting that γ-Proteobacteria dominated in cultivable marine bacterioplankton at both poles. Genus Pseudoalteromonas was the predominant group in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea, and genus ShewaneUa dominated in cultivable bacterioplankton in the Prydz Bay. With sequence similarities above 97%, genus Psychrobacter was found at both poles. These 27 isolates were psychrotolerant, and significant 16S rDNA sequence similarities were found not only between arctic and antarctic marine bacteria ( 〉 99% ), but also between polar marine bacteria and bacteria from other aquatic environments ( ≥ 98.8% ), including temperate ocean, deep sea, pond and lake, suggesting that in the polar oceans less temperature-sensitive bacteria may be cosmopolitan and have a bipolar, even global, distribution at the species level.  相似文献   

Oedometer tests have been carried out on 70 undisturbed surficial clays (at approximately 250 mm below the mudline), mostly collected by free-fall corers from sites widely scattered throughout the deep-sea North Atlantic. Acoustic measurements were also made, initially on contiguous samples and ultimately on the same sample using a geophysically instrumented oedometer which also collected electrical resistivity data. Apart from those quiescent areas below the carbonate compensation depth, such as north of the West Indies where very fine clays exist, most of the samples are silty clays whose geotechnical-geophysical properties are dependent on the type of clay minerals present (and their ability to take in moisture), the sand-size fraction, and the quantity of carbonate present. Thus the pure clays have high compressibilities which decrease on the addition of coarse particles, while the converse is true for the acoustic parameters, these increasing with the sand fraction. Using the notion of the intrinsic compression line for all samples, and comparison to it of the measured compression curves, it is clear that, contrary to some previously held ideas, most deep-sea clays are normally consolidated; the addition of carbonate has the effect of creating an open, stronger sediment skeleton. Interestingly, where information is available, the variation with depth of a sample's acoustic velocity follows the void ratio pressure relationship of the compression curve. This allows the construction of an in-situ sediment compression curve using the in-situ geophysical observations.  相似文献   

<正>Acta Oceanologica Sinica(AOS)is a comprehensive academic journal edited by the Editorial Committee of Acta Oceanologica Sinica and is designed to provide a forum for important research papers of the marine scientific community which reflect the information on a worldwide basis.The journal publishes scholarly papers on marine science and technology,including physics,chemistry,biology,  相似文献   

This article presents a methodology developed to evaluate the instability of submarine slopes that extend over a large area. Special attention was paid to (1) the complex geometry (bathymetry) and the expanse of the slope, (2) the heterogeneity of the sediment, and (3) the distribution of the pore pressure. The safety factor was considered as a spatially varying quantity. The General Formulation (GLE, Fredlund and Krahn 1977), which fully satisfies equilibrium conditions, was used for evaluating the stability of the marine slope. The submarine slope failure, which occurred on 16 October 1979 during the construction of the new Nice airport, was studied in order to test the developed model. Geotechnical parameters were taken from experimental tests carried out by IFREMER on 19 cores extracted at different depths (from 27 m to 1300 m) (Cochonat, Bourillet, and Savoye, 1993; Mulder et al., 1994). Many scenarios were proposed in order to explain the cause of the Nice slope failure (Habib, 1994). In this article, two of those scenarios were tested. Simulation results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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