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利用GPS网观测反射海啸波引发的电离层扰动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
唐龙  郭博峰  郑凯 《地球物理学报》2017,60(5):1643-1649



利用日本GPS网探测2011年Tohoku海啸引发的电离层扰动   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

海平面的海啸波会产生大气重力波进而引发电离层扰动.本文利用日本GPS总电子含量数据来探测2011年3月11日Tohoku海啸引发的电离层扰动.观测结果表明,在日本上空的电离层中存在两种重力波信号,分别由海平面的海啸波以及地震破裂过程产生.地震产生的电离层重力波分布在震中周围(包括海洋上空以及远离海洋的区域),而海啸引发的电离层重力波主要分布在海洋上空.地震产生的电离层重力波具有不同的水平速度,包括约210 m·s-1以及170 m·s-1,其频率为1.5 mHz;而海啸引发的电离层重力波水平速度快于前者,约为280 m·s-1,其频率为1.0 mHz.此外,海啸引发电离层重力波与海平面上的海啸波有相似的水平速度、方向、运行时间、波形以及频率等传播特征.本文的研究将电离层中的海啸信号与地震信号区分开来,进一步确认电离层对海啸波的敏感性.


We present the results derived from measuring fundamental parameters of the ionospheric response to the August 11, 1999 total solar eclipse. Our study is based on using the data from about 100 GPS stations located in the neighborhood of the eclipse totality phase in Europe. The eclipse period was characterized by a low level of geomagnetic disturbance (Dst-variation from −10 to −20 nT), which alleviated significantly the problem of detecting the ionospheric response to the eclipse. Our analysis revealed a well-defined effect of a decrease (depression) of the total electron content (TEC) for all GPS stations. The delay between minimum TEC values with respect to the totality phase near the eclipse path increased gradually from 4 min in Greenwich longitude (10:40 UT, LT) to 8 min at the longitude 16° (12:09 LT). The depth and duration of the TEC depression were found to be 0.2–0.3 TECU and 60 min, respectively. The results obtained in this study are in good agreement with earlier measurements and theoretical estimates.  相似文献   

2009年7月22日上午发生的日全食是21世纪持续时间最长的日全食,其全食带覆盖了中国中部的长江流域,为研究日全食对电离层的影响提供了一次难得的机会.为此本文通过卡尔曼滤波算法实现了实时求解TEC和GPS系统硬件延迟,为实时监测日全食期间电离层变化提供了绝对的电离层TEC.采用上海和浙江区域内GPS网的观测数据,建立了实时区域电离层延迟模型,进而计算出了实时的VTEC和TEC变化率.同时考虑太阳和地磁活动参数,综合上述方法详细分析和讨论了长三角区域在此次日全食期间的TEC变化的电离层异常现象.  相似文献   

张东和  萧佐 《地球物理学报》2000,43(04):451-458
在总结用GPS研究电离层电子总量TEC的数据处理方法基础上,分析了利用伪距观测量和载波相位观测量计算电离层TEC的特点及误差来源.在处理过程中考虑了卫星的硬件延迟偏差,分析了应用IRI模型进行接收机硬件延迟偏差修正的可能性,发现利用少量GPS数据和IRI模型修正接收机硬件延迟偏差有一定的困难.最后,利用一些GPS观测数据有针对性地研究了电离层对若干次扰动事件的响应.包括一次大的太阳耀斑期间的电离层TEC变化、一次较典型的电离层行扰以及日食期间的电离层TEC的相对变化等电离层物理问题.结果表明,利用该方法计算TEC的精度可满足电离层扰动现象的研究.  相似文献   

利用GPS计算TEC的方法及其对电离层扰动的观测   总被引:36,自引:8,他引:28  
在总结用GPS研究电离层电子总量TEC的数据处理方法基础上,分析了利用伪距观测量和载波相位观测量计算电离层TEC的特点及误差来源.在处理过程中考虑了卫星的硬件延迟偏差,分析了应用IRI模型进行接收机硬件延迟偏差修正的可能性,发现利用少量GPS数据和IRI模型修正接收机硬件延迟偏差有一定的困难.最后,利用一些GPS观测数据有针对性地研究了电离层对若干次扰动事件的响应.包括一次大的太阳耀斑期间的电离层TEC变化、一次较典型的电离层行扰以及日食期间的电离层TEC的相对变化等电离层物理问题.结果表明,利用该方法计算TEC的精度可满足电离层扰动现象的研究.  相似文献   

The existence of a worldwide international GPS service (IGS) permanent network of dual-frequency receivers makes the computation of global ionospheric maps (GIMs) of total electron content (TEC) feasible. The GIMs computed by the IGS Associate Analysis Centers on a daily basis and by other kinds of forecast GIMs, which can be computed from, for instance, the international reference ionosphere (IRI) model, and the GPS broadcast models in the navigation message, can be applied to a broad diversity of fields, for instance as, navigation and time transfer.In this context, the performance of different kinds of models are presented in order to determine the accuracy of the different GIM. This is carried out by comparison with the TOPEX data that provides an independent and precise (at the level of few TECU) vertical TEC determination over the oceans and seas. Thus, the obtained accuracies, in terms of global relative error, ranging from 54% corresponding to the GPS broadcast model, to about 41% corresponding to IRI climatological model, and to less than 30% corresponding to GPS data driven models.  相似文献   

The earlier experiments of ionospheric tomography were conducted by receiving satellite signals from ground-based stations and then reconstructing electron density distribution from measures of the total electron content (TEC). In June 1994, National Central University built up the low-latitude ionospheric tomography network (LITN) including six ground stations spanning a range of 16.7° (from 14.6°N to 31.3°N) in latitude within 1° of 121°E longitude to receive the naval navigation satellite system (NNSS) signals (150 and 400 MHz). In the study of tomographic imaging of the ionosphere, TEC data from a network of ground-based stations can provide detailed information on the horizontal structure, but are of restricted utility in sensing vertical structure. However, an occultation observation mission termed the global positioning system/meteorology (GPS/MET) program used a low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellite (the MicroLab-1) to receive multi-channel GPS carrier phase signals (1.5 and 1.2 GHz) and demonstrate active limb sounding of the Earth's atmosphere and ionosphere. In this paper, we have implemented the multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (MART) to reconstruct and compare two-dimensional ionospheric structures from measured TECs through the receptions of the GPS signals, the NNSS signals, and/or both of the systems. We have also concluded the profiles retrieved from tomographic reconstruction showing much reasonable electron density results than the original vertical profiles retrieved by the Abel transformation and being in more agreement in peak electron density to nearby ionosonde measurements.  相似文献   

Wave-like disturbances, caused by the launches of the Soyuz and Proton rockets from the Baikonur site, have been studied using the algorithm of the space-time accumulation of variations in the total electron content (TEC). Ionospheric TEC responses, observed on four GPS arrays at a distance of up to 4000 km from the launch site, represent a quasi-periodic oscillation with a period of 15–20 min, duration of 30–40 min, and amplitude of 0.1 TECU. The propagation velocity of wave-like disturbances is 300–1400 m/s, which corresponds to the range of sonic and supersonic velocities at an altitude of the ionospheric ionization maximum. Wave-like disturbances of TEC are caused by acoustic gravity waves (AGWs) propagating in the Earth’s atmosphere over large distances from a source. It has been established that the rocket launch region and rocket trajectory active legs, when a rocket moves under the action of the second and third operating stages of a propulsion device, are responsible for AGW generation.  相似文献   

COSMIC低轨卫星GPS接收机差分码偏差估计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
GPS接收机差分码偏差(Differential Code Bias,DCB)是利用COSMIC低轨卫星观测值反演电离层总电子含量TEC的一项重要误差源.本文将COSMIC卫星轨道高度以上的电离层作为一个单层,采用球谐函数来参数化电离层TEC值,并利用最小二乘法同时估算电离层球谐系数和DCB参数.运用这种方法对2012年12月份的所有COSMIC卫星GPS接收机DCB进行了解算,并与COSMIC数据分析与档案中心CDAAC提供的产品进行了比较.实验结果表明:在2012年12月期间,估计的接收机DCB与CDAAC结果符合的较好,二者DCB变化趋势相近,DCB差值的RMS值在2 TECU以内,且最大绝对差值小于3 TECU;此外,本文计算的接收机DCB估计误差主要分布在0.2~0.4 TECU之间,具有较高的内符合精度.  相似文献   

Atmospheric waves influence the dynamics and energetic budget of the upper atmosphere. Using the continuous HF Doppler sounder, we study the wave activity in the ionosphere during tropospheric convective storms in western and central part of the Czech Republic. The study is focused on acoustic-gravity waves in the period range 2–30 minutes. We discuss possible methods of distinguishing the waves emitted by meteorological sources from waves of different origin, particularly waves of geomagnetic origin. In two cases out of twenty-five analysed, we found waves in the infrasonic period range which might be generated by exceptionally intense meteorological activity in the troposphere. The results differ considerably from those previously obtained in North America. In the central part of the United States, infrasonic waves were frequently observed during convective storms. As a possible reason, we discuss different intensity and dynamics of weather systems in both regions.  相似文献   


This paper presents the first attempt to examine the stability of a poloidal magnetic field in a rapidly rotating spherical shell of electrically conducting fluid. We find that a steady axisymmetric poloidal magnetic field loses its stability to a non-axisymmetric perturbation when the Elsasser number A based on the maximum strength of the field exceeds a value about 20. Comparing this with observed fields, we find that, for any reasonable estimates of the appropriate parameters in planetary interiors, our theory predicts that all planetary poloidal fields are stable, with the possible exception of Jupiter. The present study therefore provides strong support for the physical relevance of magnetic stability analysis to planetary dynamos. We find that the fluid motions driven by magnetic instabilities are characterized by a nearly two-dimensional columnar structure attempting to satisfy the Proudman-Taylor theorm. This suggests that the most rapidly growing perturbation arranges itself in such a way that the geostrophic condition is satisfied to leading order. A particularly interesting feature is that, for the most unstable mode, contours of the non-axisymmetric azimuthal flow are closely aligned with the basic axisymmetric poloidal magnetic field lines. As a result, the amplitude of the azimuthal component of the instability is smaller than or comparable with that of the poloidal component, in contrast with the instabilities generated by toroidal decay modes (Zhang and Fearn, 1994). It is shown, by examining the same system with and without fluid inertia, that fluid inertia plays a secondary role when the magnetic Taylor number Tm ? 105. We find that the direction of propagation of hydromagnetic waves driven by the instability is influenced strongly by the size of the inner core.  相似文献   

本文尝试利用COSMIC低轨卫星对GPS信号的顶部TEC观测资料研究等离子体层电子含量(简称PEC)的变化规律.首先介绍从低轨卫星对GPS的顶部TEC观测资料提取等离子体层垂直电子含量的方法,然后利用该方法提取2008年全年的PEC数据,进而研究了2008年这一太阳活动低年PEC随地磁纬度(MLAT)、磁地方时(MLT)以及不同季节的变化规律.此外,还利用提取的120°E和300°E经度链上的数据对比研究了PEC的经度变化情形.研究结果表明:(1)PEC主要集中分布在磁赤道±45°之间的一个绕地球的环带状区域中;(2)PEC表现出以下的昼夜变化规律特征:白天时段之值高于夜间,约在12-16MLT之间达到最高峰值,而最小PEC值出现在日出前大约4-5MLT左右的时段;(3)相比其他季节月份而言,PEC在北半球夏季月份(5-8月)具有最小值;(4)PEC存在明显的经度变化,不同经度链上的PEC存在不同的季节变化特征.  相似文献   

Five years of global temperatures retrieved from radio occultations measured by Champ (Challenging Minisatellite Payload) and SAC-C (Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas-C) are analyzed for gravity waves (GWs). In order to separate GWs from other atmospheric variations, a high-pass filter was applied on the vertical profile. Resulting temperature fluctuations correspond to vertical wavelengths between 400 m (instrumental resolution) and 10 km (limit of the high-pass filter). The temperature fluctuations can be converted into GW potential energy, but for comparison with parameterization schemes GW momentum flux is required. We therefore used representative values for the vertical and horizontal wavelength to infer GW momentum flux from the GPS measurements. The vertical wavelength value is determined by high-pass filtering, the horizontal wavelength is adopted from a latitude-dependent climatology. The obtained momentum flux distributions agree well, both in global distribution and in absolute values, with simulations using the Warner and McIntyre parameterization (WM) scheme. However, discrepancies are found in the annual cycle. Online simulations, implementing the WM scheme in the mechanistic COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere—Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) general circulation model (GCM), do not converge, demonstrating that a good representation of GWs in a GCM requires both a realistic launch distribution and an adequate representation of GW breaking and momentum transfer.  相似文献   

Basic properties of the mid-latitude traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) during the maximum phase of a major magnetic storm of 6–8 April 2000 are shown. Total electron content (TEC) variations were studied by using data from GPS receivers located in Russia and Central Asia. The nightglow response to this storm at mesopause and termospheric altitudes was also measured by optical instruments FENIX located at the observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (51.9°N,103.0°E), and MORTI located at the observatory of the Institute of Ionosphere (43.2°N, 77.0°E). Observations of the O (557.7 and 630.0 nm) emissions originating from atmospheric layers centered at altitudes of 90 and 250 km were carried out at Irkutsk and of the O2(b1g+X3g) (0-1) emission originating from an atmospheric layer centered at altitude of 94 km was carried out at Almaty. Our radio and optical measurement network observed a storm-induced solitary large-scale wave with duration of 1 h and a wave front width of no less than 5000 km, while it traveled equatorward with a velocity of 200 m/s from 62°N to 38°N geographic latitude. The TEC disturbance, basically displaying an electron content depression in the maximum of the F2 region, reveals a good correlation with growing nightglow emission, the temporal shift between the TEC and emission variation maxima being different for different altitudes. A comparison of the auroral oval parameters with dynamic spectra of TEC variations and optical 630 nm emissions in the frequency range 0.4–4 mHz (250–2500 s periods) showed that as the auroral oval expands into mid-latitudes, also does the region with a developed medium-sale and small-scale TEC structure.  相似文献   


地震瑞利波在沿地表传输时衰减很慢,其能量在远离震中的区域仍然能够激发大气和电离层扰动.本文利用中国境内的GPS接收机网络观测电离层总电子含量(total electron content,TEC),分析了2011年日本地震后在中国区域上空产生的电离层扰动.研究发现,瑞利波的能量从地面经大气耦合传输到电离层高度,导致在中国区域上空电离层出现与瑞利波传播同步的TEC扰动.利用中东部的稠密接收机网络,还揭示了扰动的大尺度二维空间结构:瑞利波经过后产生的TEC扰动呈条带状,在中纬度地区沿西北-东南方向排列,而在低纬度大致为东西方向.条带的转向可能与地磁场作用下的中性-离子耦合过程有关,大气波动导致的等离子扰动倾向于沿磁力线方向(向南)传播,从而形成垂直磁力线方向(东西)的波前结构.这是首次在远离震中的区域使用GPS站网研究地震波耦合电离层扰动的大尺度二维空间结构.


The generation of stratospheric gravity waves(GWs) due to typhoon is simulated by using a meso-scale model(WRF) with a typhoon case,the Matsa in 2005.An 8-day model run that covers the major stages of the Matsa’s development reproduces the key features of the typhoon.For example,good agreements in the typhoon’s track,the intensity,and the spiral clouds,as well as mean state of stratosphere,are seen between the simulation results and the observation.Simulation results clearly show that with typhoon propagates northwestward,pronounced stratospheric GWs are generated continuously in the vicinity of Matsa.The GWs exhibit the typical curve-like wave fronts away from the Typhoon Matsa,and propagate preferentially in the upstream of the background winds.These characteristics reflect that the stratospheric GWs are closely associated with the typhoon,and thus the GWs are referred to as Tropical Cyclone related Gravity Waves(TC-GWs).The results also show that these waves should have a rather large horizontal scale so that the outmost wave fronts can be seen at the distance of ~1000 km to the typhoon center in the horizontal plane of 20 km.This is consistent with the phenomenon of stratospheric TC-GWs with ~1000 km horizontal scale disclosed by the previous observational analysis results.  相似文献   

Summary The nature and the role of gravity waves in the troposphere is briefly discussed and reviewed. After describing some basic properties of gravity waves and their generation mechanisms, we analyze their ability to influence phase changes, trigger and organize convective cells, to produce and interact with turbulence, and to affect diffusive processes in the atmosphere. Throughout, the emphasis is placed on the physical processes involved in the interaction of gravity waves with mesoscale and planetary boundary layer phenomena. Also discussed and reviewed are those remote sensing devices which are particularly useful in revealing and measuring such waves. Finally, an attempt is made to outline possible lines of future work for the purpose of fully understanding the role of gravity waves in mesoscale and microscale dynamics.  相似文献   

In this paper, the total electron content (TEC) data from eight global positioning system (GPS) stations of the EUREF network, provided by IONOLAB (Turkey), were analyzed using discrete Fourier analysis to investigate the TEC variations over the Mediterranean before and during the strong earthquake of 12th October 2013, which occurred west of Crete, Greece. In accordance with the results of similar analyses in the area, the main conclusions of this study are the following: (a) TEC oscillations in a broad range of frequencies occur randomly over an area of several hundred km from the earthquake and (b) high frequency oscillations (f  0.0003 Hz, periods T  60 m) may point to the location of the earthquake with questionable accuracy. The fractal characteristics of the frequency distribution may point to the locus of the earthquake with higher accuracy. We conclude that the lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling (LAIC) mechanism through acoustic or gravity waves could explain this phenomenology.  相似文献   

GPS大气掩星技术在全球气候变化研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
人类活动引起全球变暖,衡量全球气候变化的指标有陆地、大气和海洋温度,水汽含量等等.研究对流层底层大气温度和水汽含量变化的传统方法是用数值天气预报模型和微波声纳,尚未实现用全球均匀覆盖的数据来做精确的定量研究.和GNSS系列卫星计划比较,最近发射的COSMIC卫星气象探测数据的空间、时间以及垂直分辨率都大大提高.采用COSMIC数据可以改进和量化南极洲的大气压力模型,并综合GNSS系列卫星测量的水汽和温度剖面研究全球气候变化.用一维协方差算法估计南极洲及附近海洋的大气压、温度和湿度剖面.把COSMIC卫星密集测量期间演算得到的大气折射率和GNSS系列卫星的结果进行比较.再和独立测量数据进行比较,包括南极洲自动气象观测站资料,数值天气预报模型资料,多种测高卫星水汽资料和海洋表面温度资料以及区域GPS水汽图.上述工作将改进发展中的气象遥感技术并应用于天气预报和空间天气预报及全球气候变化研究.  相似文献   

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