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The Tallberg deposit is situated in the Skellefte District in northern Sweden. It is a Palaeoproterozoic equivalent of Phanerozoic poryphyry-type deposits. The mineralization is situated within the Jörn granitoid complex and is associated with intrusive quartz-feldspar porphyries. The granitoids are coeval with mainly felsic volcanic rocks hosting several massive sulphide deposits. The alteration is generally of a mixed phyllic-propylitic type, but areas or zones associated with high gold grades exhibit phyllic alteration. Ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, magnetite, and trace amounts of molybdenite. In this stable isotope study, quartz, sericite, and chlorite from the alteration zones were sampled. The magmatic quartz has a 18O composition of + 6.2 to +6.7 whereas the quartz in the hydrothermal alteration zones have values ranging from +7.5 to +10.6. The calculated temperatures for this fractionation range from 430° to 520°C. The sericites have 18O ranging from +4.6 to +8.2 (average +6.6) and D -31 to -54 (average -41). Chlorites range from 18O +4.2 to +7.7 and D from –34 to –44. The range of 34S of 11 pyrite samples is +3.8 to +5.5 with an average of +4.6 ± 0.5, suggesting a relatively homogeneous sulphur source, probably of magmatic origin. Modelling waters in equilibrium with the minerals indicates early magmatic fluids with 18O of 6.5. This fluid mixed with a low 18O and high D fluid, which is tentatively identified as seawater. The 18O signature of sericite and chlorite also indicates significant water-rock exchange, explaining the positive 18O values for the waters in equilibrium with the hydrated minerals.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon was studied in accessory carbonates and quartz separated from salts in Upper Devonian halogenous formations of the Pripyat Trough (Belorus). It is established that isotopic characteristics vary in a wide range. Values of 18O vary in the following range (SMOW): from 18.2 to 29.2 in calcites, from 15.7 to 32.5 in dolomites, and from 17.4 to 27.2 in quartz. Values of 13C range from –13.4 to 1.4 in calcites and from –11.1 to 1.7 in dolomites (PDB). Results obtained indicate highly variable isotope-geochemical conditions of sedimentation and early diagenesis during the formation of evaporitic sediments. Accessory minerals were repeatedly formed in a wide temperature range and probably at various stages of the lithogenesis.  相似文献   

This paper deals with barite from stratiform, karst, and vein deposits hosted within Lower Paleozoic rocks of the Iglesiente-Sulcis mining district in southwestern Sardinia. For comparison sulfates from mine waters are studied. Stratiform barite displays 34S=28.8–32.1, 18O=12.7–15.6, and 87Sr/86Sr=0.7087, in keeping with an essentially Cambrian marine origin of both sulfate and strontium. Epigenetic barite from post-Hercynian karst and vein deposits is indistinguishable for both sulfur and oxygen isotopes with 34S=15.3–26.4 and 18O=6.6–12.5; 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary 0.7094–0.7140. These results and the microthermometric and salinity data from fluid inclusions concur in suggesting that barite formed at the site of mineralization by oxidation of reduced sulfur from Cambrian-Ordovician sulfide ores in warm, sometimes hot solutions consisting of dilute water and saline brine with different 18O values. The relative proportion of the two types of water may have largely varied within a given deposit during the mineralization. In the karst barite Sr was essentially provided by carbonate host rocks, whereas both carbonate and Lower Paleozoic shale host rocks should have been important sources for Sr of the vein barite. Finally, 34S data of dissolved sulfate provide further support for the mixed seawater-meteoric water composition of mine waters from the Iglesiente area.  相似文献   

Impure limestones with interstratified metachert layers were contact metamorphosed and metasomatized by the Bufa del Diente alkali syenite. Massive marbles exhibit mineralogical and stable isotope evidence for limited fluid infiltration, confined to a 17 m wide zone at the contact. Influx of magmatic brines along most metacherts produced up to 4 cm thick wollastonite rims, according to calcite (Cc)+quartz (Qz)= wollastonite (Wo)+CO2, and were observed at distances of up to 400 m from the contact. The produced CO2 exsolved as an immiscible low density CO2-rich fluid. Chert protolith isotope compositions were 18O (Qz)=27–30%. and 18O (Cc)=24–27%.. Many wollastonites in infiltrated metacherts have low 18O ranging from 11–17 and confirm that decarbonation occurred in presence of a magmatic-signatured fluid. Large gradients in 18O (Wo) across the rims may reach 6 The 18O of remaining quartz is often lowered to 15–20 whereas caleites largely retained their original compositions. The isotopic reversals of up to 10 between quartz and calcite along with reaction textures demonstrate non-equilibrium between infiltrating fluid in the aquifer and the assemblage calcite+quartz+wollastonite. This is compatible with the assumption of a down-temperature flow of magmatic fluids that occurred exclusively in the remaining quarzite layer. The 13C (Cc) and 18O (Cc) of marble calcites measured perpendicular to two metachert bands reveal significant isotopic alterations along distances of 4.5 cm and 7.5 cm from the wollastonite-marble boundary only into the hanging wall marble, suggesting an advection process caused by a fluid phase which movel upwards. Covariation trends of 13C (Cc) and 18O (Cc) across the alteration front indicate that this fluid was CO2-rich. Mass balance calculations show that all CO2-rich fluid produced by the decarbonation reaction was lost into overlying marble. The metachert aquifers did not leak with respect to water-rich fluids.  相似文献   

Résumé L'auteur, évoquant les caractères chimico-minéralogiques des magmas basiques, fait la distinction entre la branche ferromagnésienne, dont le type le plus représentatif est le magma tholéiitique, et la branche plagioclasique dont l'existence est à démontrer. Il qualifie de plagioclasique le magma dont la composition chimique entraîne la cristallisation première d'un plagioclase. L'existence d'un tel magma est démontrée par le massif éruptif du Rogaland méridional (SW de la Norvège) et avant tout par une de ses intrusions majeures, le massif de Bjerkrem-Sogndal. Celui-ci montre de façon évidente une lignée de différenciats par gravité, comprenant à la base une anorthosite, ensuite des leuconorites, des norites et des monzonorites passant finalement à des termes plus acides, des mangérites et mangérites quartziques. — Cette succession permet d'établir le caractère plagioclasique du magma qui a fourni les intrusions constituant le massif éruptif du Rogaland, en particulier la plus ancienne, le massif anorthositique d'Egersund-Ogna, qui est une accumulite plagioclasique. — Le magma plagioclasique serait le résultat d'une fusion syntectique entre un magma basaltique normal et des matériaux de composition pélitique ou pélitoarkosique; cette assimilation serait réalisée dans la catazone profonde à l'intervention d'un orogène catazonal. Les produits formés par différenciation gravitative donnent entr'autres de grands massifs anorthositiques homogènes, ou tréfonds anorthositiques, ancrés dans la partie inférieure de l'orogène. Le géosynclinal d'où celuici provient serait établi directement sur la croûte basaltique océanique. Le segment orogénique qui en dérive marquerait donc l'accroissement latéral du domaine continental aux dépens du domaine océanique et serait donc un orogène fondamental.
Starting from the physico-chemical character of the basic magmas the author distinguishes between a ferromagnesian branch, the most representative type of which is the tholeiitic magma, and the plagioclasic branch whose existence he will now establish. — He defines as plagioclasic a magma whose chemical composition has as a direct consequence the first crystallisation of a plagioclase. The existence of that magmatic type is displayed by the eruptive massive of South Rogaland (SW Norway), and above all by one of its major intrusions, the Bjerkrem-Sokndal massive. The latter shows evidence of a differentiated rock succession resulting from a gravitative action: the lowest layer is an anorthosite overlaid successively by leuconorites, norites, monzonorites and finally by more alcalic and acidic types, mangerites and quartzmangerites. This succession establishes the plagioclasic character of the whole magma which produced the different major intrusions of the eruptive massive of South Rogaland, and in particular the oldest one, i. e. the Egersund-Ogna anorthosite massive interpreted as a plagioclasic accumulite. The plagioclasic magma would be the result of a syntectic fusion between a normal basaltic magma and pelitic and/or arkosic sediments. Such an important assimilation would then appear to have taken place in the deep catazone during the constitution of a catazonal orogenetic segment. The great anorthosite massive, whose main characteristic is its great homogeneity, is an essential and early differentiated product, which has intruted into the lowest part of the tectonic system, which is the reason why we call it anorthositic undermost basement body (tréfonds anorthositique). — The site of the geosyncline from which such an orogenetic segment issued would then have been directly superposed on the basaltic oceanic crust. This type of orogenetic segment would therefore indicate a lateral growth of the continent at the cost of the oceanic area: it is a foundation orogen (orogène fondamental).

Zusammenfassung Die chemisch-mineralogischen Eigenschaften der basischen Magmen werden erläutert. Es wird zwischen einer femischen Sippe, deren typischer Vertreter das tholeiitische Magma ist, und dem Plagioklasmagma unterschieden, wobei die Existenz des letzteren in dieser Arbeit bewiesen werden soll. Als plagioklasisch wird vom Verfasser ein Magma bezeichnet, dessen chemische Zusammensetzung die Erstkristallisation von Plagioklas hervorruft. Die Existenz eines solchen Magmas wird durch die Verhältnisse im Eruptivgebiet des südlichen Rogaland (Südwestnorwegen) und vor allem durch eine seiner Intrusionen erster Ordnung, das Bjerkrem-Sokndal-Massiv, bewiesen. Dieses letztere zeigt einwandfrei eine Reihe von durch die Schwere erzeugter Differentiate, die von unten nach oben aus einem Anorthosit, darüber aus Leukonoriten, Noriten und Monzonoriten besteht und zu saureren Gesteinen wie Mangeriten und Quarzmangeriten übergeht. Diese geometrische Reihe erlaubt es, den plagioklasischen Charakter des Magmas festzustellen, das die Intrusionen des Rogalandschen Eruptivmassives abgegeben hat. Das betrifft vor allem auch seine älteste Einheit, das anorthositische Massiv von Egersund-Ogna, das ein plagioklasisches Akkumulat darstellt.Vom Verfasser wird das Plagioklasmagma als eine syntektische Verschmelzung eines normalen basaltischen Magmas mit pelitischen bis pelitoarkosischen Gesteinen betrachtet. Diese Assimilation soll in der tiefen Katazone in Zusammenhang mit der Bildung eines katazonalen Orogens erfolgt sein. Die durch gravitative Differentiation erzeugten Produkte bilden die großen einheitlichen anorthositischen Massive, die sogenannten tréfonds anorthositiques. Diese dringen in den untersten Teil des Orogens ein. Die ursprüngliche Geosynklinale muß sich unmittelbar auf der basaltischen Kruste aufbauen. Das daraus entstandene orogenetische Segment stellt damit das laterale Zuwachsen des Kontinents auf Kosten der ozeanischen Gebiete dar und muß daher als ein Grundorogen (orogène fondamental) bezeichnet werden.

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Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Erich Bederke zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Schwefelisotopenzusammensetzung von sulfidischen Erzmineralen und Baryten der unterdevonischen schichtgebundenen Bleiglanz-Zinkblende-Baryt-Erzvorkommen des Grazer Paläozoikums (Ostalpen, Österreich) wurde untersucht. Zur Analyse gelangten 64 Proben von etwa 15 Lokalitäten. Die Schwefelisotopenverteilung zeigt Ähnlichkeiten mit anderen an das Devon gebundenen schwerspatführenden Lagerstätten. Die Baryte ergaben 34S-Werte von +23, 1 bis +27, 8, die dem Meerwassersulfat devonischen Alters entsprechen. Die untersuchten Galenite variieren von +2, 4 bis +6, 9 und die Sphalerite von +3, 3 bis +9, 1. Die Werte der Pyrite zeigen einen großen Streubereich (–27, 4 bis +37, 6). Eine massive buntmetallarme Pyritvererzung fällt durch sehr schweren Schwefel auf. Späte Mineralisationsphasen der Sulfide tendieren gleichfalls zur Anreicherung des schweren Schwefels.
The sulphur isotope compositions of 64 samples of sulphide minerals and barites from the strata-bound Lower Devonian ore deposits of the Paleozoic Complex of Graz in the Eastern Alps (Austria) have been investigated. The 34S-values of galenites and sphalerites show only small variations in the range of +2, 4 up to +6, 9 for PbS and +3, 3 up to +9, 1 for ZnS indicating abiogenic origin. Later remobilized sulphide minerals show a tendency to heavier sulphur. The deposition of pyrites is influenced partly by bacteriogenic processes (–27, 4 up to +37, 6). The enrichment of heavier sulphur characterizes massive pyrite mineralisations being poor on base metals. The sulphur isotope compositions of barites (+23, 1 up to 27, 8) correspond to Devonian sea water sulphate. An ore free barite characterized by increased strontium concentration shows heavier sulphur (+29, 6) than barites from ore beds.

Derzeit Oberste Bergbehörde, Bundesministerium für Handel, Gewerbe und Industrie (Wien)  相似文献   

The world-class Idrija mercury deposit (western Slovenia) is hosted by highly deformed Permocarboniferous to Middle Triassic sedimentary rocks within a complex tectonic structure at the transition between the External Dinarides and the Southern Alps. Concordant and discordant mineralization formed concomitant with Middle Triassic bimodal volcanism in an aborted rift. A multiple isotopic (C, O, S) investigation of host rocks and ore minerals was performed to put constraints on the source and composition of the fluid, and the hydrothermal alteration. The distributions of the 13C and 18O values of host and gangue carbonates are indicative of a fracture-controlled hydrothermal system, with locally high fluid-rock ratios. Quantitative modeling of the 13C and 18O covariation for host carbonates during temperature dependent fluid-rock interaction, and concomitant precipitation of void-filling dolomites points to a slightly acidic hydrothermal fluid (13C–4 and 18O+10), which most likely evolved during isotopic exchange with carbonates under low fluid/rock ratios. The 34S values of hydrothermal and sedimentary sulfur minerals were used to re-evaluate the previously proposed magmatic and evaporitic sulfur sources for the mineralization, and to assess the importance of other possible sulfur sources such as the contemporaneous seawater sulfate, sedimentary pyrite, and organic sulfur compounds. The 34S values of the sulfides show a large variation at deposit down to hand-specimen scale. They range for cinnabar and pyrite from –19.1 to +22.8, and from –22.4 to +59.6, respectively, suggesting mixing of sulfur from different sources. The peak of 34S values of cinnabar and pyrite close to 0 is compatible with ore sulfur derived dominantly from a magmatic fluid and/or from hydrothermal leaching of basement rocks. The similar stratigraphic trends of the 34S values of both cinnabar and pyrite suggest a minor contribution of sedimentary sulfur (pyrite and organic sulfur) to the ore formation. Some of the positive 34S values are probably derived from thermochemical reduction of evaporitic and contemporaneous seawater sulfates.Editorial handling: P. Lattanzi  相似文献   

A systematic study of the auriferous quartz veins of the Val-dOr vein field, Abitibi, Quebec, Canada, demonstrates that the C, O, S isotope composition of silicate, carbonate, borate, oxide, tungstate and sulphide minerals have a range in composition comparable to that previously determined for the whole Superior Province. The oxygen isotope composition of quartz from early quartz–carbonate auriferous veins ranges from 9.4 to 14.4 whereas later quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have 18Oquartz values ranging from 9.2 to 13.8 . Quartz-carbonate veins have carbonate (18O: 6.9–12.5 ; 13C: –6.2– –1.9 ) and pyrite (34S: 1.2 and 1.9 ) isotope compositions comparable to those of quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins (18O: 7.9–11.7 ; 13C: –8.0 – –2.4 ; 34S: 0.6–6.0 ). 18Oquartz values in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have a variance comparable to analytical uncertainty at the scale of one locality, irrespective of the type of structure, the texture of the quartz or its position along strike, across strike or down-dip a vein. In contrast, the oxygen isotope composition of quartz in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins displays a regional distribution with higher 18O values in the south-central part of the vein field near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone, and which 18O values decrease regularly towards the north. Another zone of high 18O values in the northeast corner of the region and along the trace of the Senneville Fault is separated by a valley of lower 18O values from the higher values near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone. Oxygen isotope isopleths cut across lithological contacts and tectonic structures. This regional pattern in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins is interpreted to be a product of reaction with country rocks and mixing between (1) a deep-seated hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin with minimum 18O=8.5 , 13C=0.6 and 34S=–0.4 , and (2) a supracrustal fluid, most likely Archean seawater with a long history of water-rock exchange and with maximum 18O=3.9 , 13 C=–5.6 and 34S=5.0 .  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the Mesozoic the structural development of the Middle Atlas and the central High Atlas was controlled by a pre-existent fault pattern, which was reactivated repeatedly in various manners.The fault pattern is characterized by two main directions. The first runs 35–45° and dominates in the Middle Atlas, the second runs 70° and is common in the southern part of the central High Atlas; between these regions both directions overlap. In the Atlas of Demnat, Beni Mellal and El Ksiba at the northern border of the central High Atlas a further direction, the one of 120°, locally gains in significance. Into the gores of the pattern commonly magmatites intruded during the Mesozoic, in the course of the following compressive deformation often a cleavage was formed there.The compressive deformation started in the Oligocene; the directon of the main compressional stress 1 lay at 160°. Dependant on their orientation to 1 the pre-existent faults reacted differently on this stress: The 70° faults were reactivated as upthrusts, the 35° ones as sinistral oblique slip reverse faults and those of 120° as dextral oblique slip reverse faults. At the northwestern border of the hinge area between the Middle and the High Atlas this scheme of movements was complicated by an interference with movements along the Transalboran fault system.Because of changes in the style of deformation the so-called B-B fault zone, running ENE from El Ksiba to Aghbala, can be defined as the structural border between the High and the Middle Atlas.
Zusammenfassung Die strukturelle Entwicklung des Mittleren Atlas und des zentralen Hohen Atlas seit dem Beginn des Mesozoikums wurde durch ein Bruchmuster präexistenter Störungen gesteuert, die sich im Verlauf dieser Zeit wiederholt in verschiedener Weise durchgepaust haben.Das erwähnte Bruchmuster wird durch zwei Hauptrichtungen charakterisiert, deren eine von 35–45° im Mittleren Atlas vorherrscht, während die andere von 70° für den südlichen Teil des zentralen Hohen Atlas bestimmend ist, in einem Zwischenbereich überlappen sich beide Richtungen. Im Atlas von Demnat, Beni Mellal und El Ksiba am Nordrand des Hohen Atlas tritt lokal begrenzt eine weitere Richtung von 120° hinzu. In die Zwikkel des Bruchmusters drangen im Verlauf des Mesozoikums verbreitet Intrusiva ein, während der anschließenden kompressiven Deformation wurde dort häufig eine Schieferung angelegt.Die kompressive Deformation setzte im Oligozän ein, wobei die Richtung der kompressiven Hauptnormalspannung 1 ca. 160° betrug. Die präexistenten Störungen reagierten auf dieses Stressfeld je nach ihrer Lage zu 1 unterschiedlich: Die 70°-Störungen wurden als Aufschiebungen reaktiviert, die 35°-Störungen als sinistrale Schrägaufschiebungen und die 120°-Störungen als dextrale Schrägaufschiebungen. Kompliziert wurde dieses Bewegungsschema am Nordwestrand des Scharnierbereiches zwischen Hohem und Mittlerem Atlas durch eine Überlagerung mit Bewegungen entlang des Transalboran-Störungssystems.Als strukturelle Grenze zwischen Hohem und Mittlerem Atlas kann aufgrund von Änderungen im Baustil die sog. B-B-Störungszone, die von El Ksiba Richtung nach ESE bis Aghbala verläuft, angesehen werden.

Résumé Depuis le début du Mésozoïque, l'histoire structurale du Moyen-Atlas et du Haut Atlas central aété déterminée par un réseau de failles préexistantes qui ont été réactivées à diverses reprises et de diverses manières.Ce réseau de failles est caractérisé par deux directions principales: l'une (35° à 45°) domine dans le Moyen Atlas, l'autre (70°) dans la partie sud du Haut Atlas central. Entre ces deux régions, les deux directions coexistent. Dans l'Atlas de Demnat, de Beni Mellal et d'El Ksiba, à la bordure nord du Haut Atlas central, une troisième direction (120°) présente une importance locale. Pendant le Mésozoïque, des magmas se sont intrudés dans les ouvertures du réseau, tandis qu'une schistosité apparaissait souvent dans les régions en compression.La déformation compressive a débuté à l'Oligocène, avec une contrainte principale 1 orientée à 160°. Les failles préexistantes ont réagi de manières différentes, selon leur orientation par rapport à 1: les failles de direction 70° ont été réactivées en chevauchement, les failles à 35° ont donné des failles inverses à jeu oblique sénestre, et les failles à 120° des failles inverses à jeu oblique dextre. Le long de la bordure nord-ouest de la zone charnière entre le Moyen et le Haut Atlas, ce schéma s'est compliqué par interférence avec des mouvements le long de l'accident transalborien.Eu égard aux changements dans le style de la déformation, la zone failleuse dite B-B, qui s'étend en direction ENE de El Ksiba à Aghbala, peut se définir comme la frontière structurale entre le Haut et le Moyen Atlas.

, . : 35–45° , 70° ; . Demnat, Beni Mellal El Ksiba 120°. , . , , , I1 160°. , I1: 70° , 30° , 120° - . - Transalboran. .. -, E-S Aghbala.

Dalradian metamorphic rocks, Lower Ordovician meta-igneous rocks (MGS) and Caledonian granites of the Connemara complex in SW Connemara all show intense retrograde alteration. Alteration primarily involves sericitization and saussuritization of plagioclase, the alteration of biotite and hornblende to chlorite and the formation of secondary epidote. The alteration is associated with sealed microcracks in all rocks and planes of secondary fluid inclusions in quartz where it occurs, and was the result of a phase of fluid influx into these rocks. In hand specimen K-feldspar becomes progressively reddened with increasing alteration. Mineralogical alteration in the MGS and Caledonian granites took place at temperatures 275±15°C and in the MGS Pfluid is estimated to be 1.5 kbar during alteration. The °D values of alteration phases are:-18 to-29 (fluid inclusions),-47 to-61 (chlorites) and-11 to-31 (epidotes). Chlorite 18O values are +0.2 to +4.3, while 18O values for quartz-K-feldspar pairs show both positively sloped (MGS) and highly unusual negatively sloped (Caledonian granites) arrays, diverging from the normal magmatic field on a - plot. The stable isotope data show that the fluid that caused retrogression continued to be present in most rocks until temperatures fell to 200–140°C. The retrograde fluid had D -20 to-30 in all lithologies, but the fluid 18O varied both spatially and temporally within the range-4 to +7. The fO2 of the fluid that deposited the epidotes in the MGS varied with its 18O value, with the most 18O-depleted fluid being the most oxidizing. The D values, together with low (<0) 18O values for the retrograde fluid in some lithologies indicate that this fluid was of meteoric origin. This meteoric fluid was probably responsible for the alteration in all lithologies during a single phase of fluid infiltration. The variation in retrograde fluid 18O values is attributed to the effects of variable oxygen isotope shifting of this meteoric fluid by fluid-rock interaction. Infiltration of meteoric fluid into this area was most likely accomplished by convection of pore fluids around the heat anomaly of the Galway granite soon after intrusion at 400 Ma. However convective circulation of meteoric water and mineralogical alteration could possible have occurred considerably later.  相似文献   

18O/16O and D/H ratios have been measured for matrix glasses and phenocrysts from the zoned phonolitic Laacher See tephra sequence (11000 y.b.p., East Eifel volcanic field, FRG) to study open-system behaviour of the associated magma system. Mineral and glass 18O values appear to be largely undisturbed by low-temperature, secondary alteration, record isotopic equilibrium and confirm previous conclusions, based on radiogenic isotope evidence, of early, small-scale crustal assimilation during differentiation of parental magmas in a crustal magma chamber. One sanidine-glass pair possibly documents the late stage influx of meteoric fluids into the topmost magma layer prior to eruption. A sealing carapace of chilled magma, which itself was strongly contaminated, prevented large-scale fluid exchange up to the point prior to eruption when this carapace was fractured and meteoric water gained access to parts of the magma system. D/H measurements of various glass types (glass inclusions, dense and pumiceous glass) and amphiboles gave conflicting results suggesting a combination of degassing, volatile exchange with country rocks and hydration. Stable isotope ratios for primitive parental magmas ( 18O=+5.5 to 7.0) and mantle megacrysts ( 18O=+ 5.5 to +6.0, D=–21 to –38, for amphiboles and phlogopite, resp.) suggest a rather variable fluid composition for the sub-Eifel mantle.  相似文献   

Résumé Les faunes de Mollusques découvertes pendant les dix dernières années, auxquelles s'ajoutent des arguments d'ordre paléoclimatique, tectonique et paléogéographique, prouvent que les dépÔts de ce bassin, que l'on attribuait à l'Oligocène et à tout le Miocène presque, appartiennent en réalité au Tortonien supérieur. La sédimentation a commencé pendant les derniers mouvements de la phase styrienne pour s'achever au début des mouvements de la phase moldave. à l'époque relativement calme qui sépare ces deux phases se sont formées les quelques 27 couches de charbon à épaisseurs, par endroit, remarquables.
So far the Petroeni Basin has been investigated only on a local scale without taking into account either the numerous and important advances related to the knowledge of some large areas belonging to Carpathian regions, or the evolution of the adjacent Neogene basins. The Oligocene and Aquitanian ages were assigned to these deposits by the first geologists without sufficient consideration of the palaeontological basis. These ages have been accepted for many years. The field work of the last years yielded the discovery of a rich Tortonian fauna. Palaeontological, palaeoclimatic and tectonical data suggest, for the time being, that the entire series of sediments in the basin represents a sole stage — the Tortonian. This stage cannot be considered complete but is represented only by its upper part. The assumption that all the deposits of the basin are Tortonian in age can be supported only with difficulty, but it is the only age which accounts for all geological observations. The large thickness of the deposits is considered the result of intense subsidence, during the Upper Styrian movements of ruptural character, which led to formation of a relatively small-sized graben. The exclusive presence of the Upper Tortonian tallies with the importance of the transgression which took place at the end of the Middle Miocene over large areas of the Carpathian regions.

Zusammenfassung Das Petroenier-Becken wurde bis heute nur in einem ganz engen Rahmen untersucht, ohne die zahlreichen und wichtigen Fortschritte über den Weidegang der Karpaten und der benachbarten neogenen Becken zu berücksichtigen. Das oligozäne und aquitanische Alter der Ablagerungen, das von den ersten Forschern postuliert wurde, ist von den meisten Geologen bis ins letzte Jahrzehnt angenommen worden. Es mangelte jedoch an einer vertieften paläontologischen Grundlage. Die reichhaltige Flora hat sich für die eindeutige Bestimmung des Alters als unzureichend erwiesen. Die fünf festgestellten lithologischen und biologischen Fazies wurden irrtümlicherweise als verschiedene Altersstufen des Oligozäns und des Miozäns betrachtet. Die Feldarbeiten im letzten Jahrzehnt haben jedoch eine reiche Molluskenfauna tortonischen Alters erbracht. Paläontologische, paläoklimatische und tektonische Ergebnisse bezeugen heute, daß die meisten Ablagerungen nur einer einzigen Stufe, nämlich dem Torton, angehören. Eine nähere Untersuchung lehrt weiter, daß auch das Torton unvollständig abgelagert wurde, da es nur durch sein letztes Drittel vertreten ist. Die letzten Ablagerungen gehören möglicherweise dem ältesten Sarmatikum an. Der Schluß über das spätmittelmiozäne Alter des ganzen Schichtkomplexes ist der einzige, welcher uns heute erlaubt, sämtliche geologischen Tatsachen zu verstehen. Die etwa 2000 m Mächtigkeit der Schichten ist die Folge einer intensiven Ablagerung in einem tiefen Einbruchsbecken während der mittelmiozänen Bewegungsphasen. Die Ablagerung der Kohlenflöze entspricht der Ruhezeit zwischen den steyerischen und den moldavischen Krustenbewegungen. Das mittelmiozäne Alter der Schichten des Beckens von Petroeni steht mit der weiten mittelmiozänen Meerestransgression in Mittelund Südosteuropa im Einklang.

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Zusammenfassung Es wird ein kurzer Überblick über den komplexen Gesteinsbestand eines Gebietes im arabischen Grundgebirge des südlichen Hedjaz gegeben. Es zeigte sich, daß die tektonischen, stark überprägten und metamorphen Serien heute noch nicht in das Schema der in der Literatur genannten Serien eingebaut werden können. Diese scheinen sowohl hinsichtlich ihres stofflichen Bestandes wie auch des Zusammenhanges ihrer strukturellen und metamorphen Prägung noch zu wenig gekennzeichnet zu sein.Die im Grundgebirge weit verbreiteten Seitenverschiebungen werden kurz beschrieben und ihr Alter als wahrscheinlich spät-präkambrisch aufgefaßt.
The paper gives a general view of the different rock series occurring in a mapped area of the basement complex in the southern Hedjaz. The predominant masses of strongly tectonized and epimetamorphic series cannot be correlated with some series, which are named already in the literature of Arabia. These latter series seem defined not sufficiently in their composition and in the relation to their structural and metamorphic development.The wrench movements, wide spread in the Arabian basement, are briefly described and defined as being probably late-precambrian.

Résumé L'auteur donne un bref aperçu de la composition géologique complexe d'une région du soubassement arabe de l'Hedjaz du Sud. Il s'est avéré qu'à l'heure actuelle les séries fortement tectonisées et métamorphiques ne peuvent encore être intégrées au schéma des séries mentionnées par la littérature. Ces séries semblent être encore trop peu caractérisées en ce qui concerne leur composition ainsi que le rapport entre leurs caractéristiques structurelles et métamorphiques.Les failles horizontales de décrochement, qui sont très répandues dans le soubassement, sont décrites brièvement et définies comme datant probablement de la fin de l'antécambrien.

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Hydrothermally-altered mesozonal synmetamorphic granitic rocks from Maine have whole-rock 18O (SMOW) values 10.7 to 13.8. Constituent quartz, feldspar, and muscovite have 18O in the range 12.4 to 15.2, 10.0 to 13.2, and 11.1 to 12.0, respectively. Mean values of Q–F ( 18Oquartz 18Ofeldspar)=2.4 and Q–M ( 18Oquartz 18Omuscovite)=3.3 are remarkably uniform (standard deviations of both are 0.2). Measured Q–F and Q–M values demonstrate that the isotopic compositions of the minerals are altered from primary magmatic 18O values but that the minerals closely approached oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium at subsolidus temperatures. Analyzed muscovites have D (SMOW) values in the range –65 to –82.Feldspars in the granitic rocks are mineralogically altered to either (a) muscovite+calcite, (b) muscovite+calcite+epidote, (c) muscovite+epidote, or (d) muscovite only. A consistent relation exists between the assemblage of secondary minerals and the oxygen isotope composition of whole rocks, quartz, and feldspar. Rocks with assemblage (a) have whole-rock 18O>12.1 and contain quartz and feldspar with 18O>13.8 and >11.4, respectively. Rocks with assemblages (b), (c), and (d) have whole-rock 18O<11.4 and contain quartz and feldspar with 18O< 13.1 and <11.0, respectively. The correlation suggests that the mineralogical alteration of the rocks was closely coupled to their isotopic alteration.Three mineral thermometers in altered granite suggest that the hydrothermal event occurred in the temperature range 400°–150° C, 100°–150° C below the peak metamorphic temperature inferred for country rocks immediately adjacent to the plutons. Calculations of mineral-fluid equilibria indicate that samples with assemblage (a) coexisted during the event with CO2-H2O fluids of and 18O=10.8 to 12.2 while samples with assemblages (b), (c), or (d) coexisted with fluids of and 18O=9.4 to 10.1. Compositional variations of the hydrothermal fluids were highly correlated: fluids enriched in CO2 were also enriched in 18O. Because CO2 was added to the granites during hydrothermal alteration and because fluids enriched in CO2 were enriched in 18O, some or all of the variation in 18O of altered granites may have been caused by addition of 18O to the rocks during the hydrothermal event. The source of both the CO2 and 18O could have been high-18O metasedimentary country rocks. The inferred change in isotopic composition of the granites is consistent with depletion of the metacarbonate rocks in 18O close to the plutons and with large volumes of fluid that were inferred from petrologic data to have infiltrated the metacarbonate rocks during metamorphism.A close approach of minerals to oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium in altered mesozonal rocks from Maine is in marked contrast to hydrothermally-altered epizonal granites whose mineral commonly show large departures from oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium. The difference in oxygen isotope systematics between altered epizonal granites and altered mesozonal granites closely parallels a differences between their mineralogical systematics. Both differences demonstrate the important control that depth exerts on the products of hydrothermal alteration. Deeper hydrothermal events occur at higher temperature and are longer-lived. Minerals and fluid have sufficient time to closely approach both isotope exchange and heterogeneous chemical equilibrium. Shallower hydrothermal events occur at lower temperatures and are shorter-lived. Generally there is insufficient time for fluid to closely approach equilibrium with all minerals.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die C12/C13-Verhältnisse des Karbonatanteils metamorpher Gesteine liegen mit ihren C13-Werten zwischen –8,2 und –22,9 recht niedrig. Die Graphitanteile haben ein C-Isotopenverhältnis –15,7. Prä- bis postkambrischer Marmor aus verschiedenen europäischen Vorkommen ist auf Grund der Isotopenrelationen des Karbonatkohlenstoffs vermutlich marin entstanden. Seine Graphite lassen sich in 2 Gruppen einteilen: Gruppe I mit –19,4 bis –28%.; Gruppe II mit –5,2 bis –16,8. Die S32/S34-Verhältnisse von sulfidischem Eisenerz aus eklogitischen Gesteinen der Münchberger Gneismasse haben einen relativ kleinen Schwankungsbereich, von 12,0.
The C12/C13-ratio of carbonate-carbon in metamorphic rocks is relatively low: C13: –8,2 to –22,9; graphitic carbon shows its normal isotopic composition: –15,7. Pre- and postcambrian marbles can be presumed of marine origin on the ground of the isotopic composition of carbonate-carbon whereas their graphites can be divided in two groups: Group I has a C12/C13-ratio supposed to be typical of organic origin; Group II is surprisingly high in C13. The S32/S34-ratios of ironsulfides from eclogitic rocks (Münchberger Gneismasse) show a relatively narrow spread of 12,0 per mil.

Résumé Le rapport C12/C13 du carbone des carbonates dans les roches métamorphiques est relativement petit (C13 =–8,2 à –22,9). Le carbone graphitique a sa composition isotopique normale, – 15,7. Les marbres pré- à postcambriens sont probablement marins selon la composition isotopique des carbonates. Leurs graphites forment deux groupes: le premier groupe a des rapports C12/C13 typiques d'une origine organique, le deuxième groupe contient plus de C13 que la normale. Les relations S32/S34 des sulfures de fer des roches éclogitiques (Münchberger Gneismasse) ne montrent pas de grandes variations isotopiques (12,0).

12/13 , . . 13 8,2 22,9 . 15,7 . , , , . : 19,4 28, — 5,2 16,8. S32/S34 , , 12,0.

Zusammenfassung Der Gebirgszug Raura im zentralen Peru (ungefähr 10° 25 südl. Breite und 76° 45 westl. Länge) ist ein wichtiger Gletscherkernpunkt an der Kontinentalwasserscheide. An seiner NO-Seite, wo der Marañon bzw. Amazonas entspringt, lassen sich im Gebiet von Lauricocha eine Reihe alter Gletschervorstöße nachweisen, die der letzten pleistozänen Vereisung der Anden zugeordnet werden (A.Cardich, 1958, 1963, 1964). Eine Radiokohlenstoffdatierung an eingelagertem organischen Material bestätigt das angenommene Alter und legt gleichzeitig ein Interstadial fest (Interstadial Aguamiro, 12 500 Jahre B.P.). Die Gletschervorstöße vor diesem Zeitpunkt waren bedeutender, sowohl in ihrer Ausdehnung und der Eismächtigkeit (bis 300 m) als auch in ihrer Dauer. Die späteren Vorstöße waren kleinräumiger und kurzlebiger, wie aus dem geringeren Volumen der glazialen Ablagerungen hervorgeht. Ein Vergleich mit anderen untersuchten Gebieten unterstützt bei Berücksichtigung der14C-Datierung größtenteils die früher aufgestellte Systematik.
The mountain chain Raura in the central region of Peru (about 10° 25 southern latitude and 76° 45 western longitude) is an important center of glaciers at the continental drainage divide. At its NE-side, from where the river Marañon and Amazonas, respectively, originates, in the region of Lauricocha it is possible to identify a series of old advances of glaciers, which are attributed to the last great glaciation of the Pleistocene (A.Cardich, 1958, 1963, 1964). Radiocarbon dating of deposited organic material confirms the assumed age and defines simultaneously an Interstade (Interstade Aguamiro, 12,500 B.P.). The glacial advance prior to this date were more important, not only in their extension and in the thickness of ice (up to 300 m) but also in their duration. The later advances were less extensive and of shorter duration, as may be concluded from the smaller volume of the glacial deposits. A comparison with other regions studied confirms mostly the earlier given classification with regard to the14C-dating.

Resumen En la región central del Perú, la Cordillera Raura (alrededor de 10° 25 de latitud sur y 76° 45 de longitud) es un centro de origen de rios y un núcleo de glaciación importantes. En la vertiente que corresponde a las nacientes del río Marañón o Amazonas se encuentra Lauricocha, una zona donde se hallan una serie de rasgos y depósitos originados por antiguos avances del glaciar procedente de Raura. Estas huellas glaciares fueron señaladas por nosotros como correspondientes a la última glaciación del Pleistoceno de los Andes y que luego de otras observaciones y estudios nombramos como Glaciación Lauricocha (A.Cardich, 1958, 1963, 1964). Esta edad estimada se confirma con el fechado por radiocarbono que presentamos en este trabajo y ademas fija un interstadial (interstadial Aguamiro) que tiene la caracteristica de determinar dos momentos diferentes en el proceso de esta Glaciación: los avances del hielo anteriores a esa fecha fueron de mayor importancia tanto por la mayor extensión como por un mayor espesor de los glaciares que habrían alcanzado alrededor de los 300 m, como por la mayor duración de estos estadios. Los avances glaciarios posteriores a la aludida fecha radiocarbónica alcanzaron extensiones algo menores y ante todo han sido de corta duración como se advierte por el mucho menor volumen de los depósitos de origen glaciar. Haciendo un ordenamiento de otros acontecimientos a partir del fechado radiocarbónico y mediante correlaciones con otras zonas estudiadas se confirma en gran parte las sistematizaciones adelantadas anteriormente.

Résumé La chaîne de montagnes Raura située au centre du Pérou (environ 10° 25 de latitude sud et 76° 45 longitude ouest) est un important centre de glaciers à la ligne de partage des eaux continentales. Du coté Nord-Est, là où le Maranon ou l'Amazonas a sa source, on peut prouver dans la région de Lauricocha, l'existence de vieilles avancées de glaciers, que l'ou peut attribuer à la dernière glaciation pléistocène des Andes (A.Cardich, 1958, 1963, 1964). La méthode radiocarbone14C appliqué à des matières organiques enclavées, confirme l'âge supposé et définit en même temps un Interstadial (Interstadial Aguamiro). Les avancées des glaciers avant cette époque étaient plus importantes, aussi bien par leur extension que par leur épaisseur (jusqu'à 300 m) et leur durée. Les avancées glaciaires ultérieures furent moins étendues et de plus courte durée, comme le montre le volume moindre des dépôts glaciaires. La comparaison avec d'autres régions déjà étudiées, corrobore, par la méthode14C, en grande partie la systematique établie antérieurement.

, ( 10°25 . 76°45 . ), . - , , , . (A. CARDICH, 1958, 1963, 1964). 14 . (Interastadlei Aguamiro, 12 500 ). , (300 ), . - , , , , , . 14 .

Zusammenfassung Die S-Isotopenverteilung wurde an 67 Sulfid- und 17 Barytproben aus der Blei-Zink-Erzlagerstätte Grund untersucht. Die 34S-Werte der Zinkblende der Mineralisationsphase II liegen im Westfeld-Erzmittel I und in den östlich anschließenden Erzmitteln zwischen +4 und +6, in dem am weitesten westlich liegenden Westfeld-Erzmittel II zwischen +6 und +10. Die Werte für Bleiglanz der Mineralisationsphase II sind +2 bis +4 bzw. +4 bis +7. Die Sulfide der Mineralisationsphase III haben allgemein niedrigere -Werte. Koexistierende Sulfide zeigen eine deutliche Fraktionierung, wobei stets ZnS > PbS ist; die Differenz beträgt in der Mineralisationsphase II im Mittel 1,8, in der Phase III 3. Dies deutet auf niedrigere Bildungstemperatur der Minerale der Phase III hin. Zur genetischen Deutung der beobachteten -Abnahme beim Übergang zur Mineralisationsphase II werden vier Modelle diskutiert. Baryte zeigen innerhalb der Lagerstätte recht einheitliche 34S-Werte zwischen +11 und +14,5%. Diese Einheitlichkeit wird durch den Einfluß deszendenter Zechstein-Lösungen erklärt.
34S-values are given for 67 sulfide and 16 barite specimens from the Pb-Zn-deposit Grund (Harz mountains, W-Germany). In the central part of the deposit the sulfide 's of the first major mineralization (phase II) range from: ZnS +4 to +6 and PbS +2 to +4. The sulfides of the second major mineralization (phase III) are depleted in 34S and range from: ZnS +2 to +4, PbS –1,4 to 3. The sulfides at the western end of the vein system are heavier; the phase II minerals ranging from: ZnS +6 to 10 and PbS +4 to 7. The mean -difference between co-existing ZnS and PbS in phase II is 1,8, in phase III 3. This indicates lowering of temperature of formation for the phase III ore. Four models have been set up in order to explain the observed -variation. Barites with rather uniform 's from +11 to +14,5 are probably affected by descendent solutions from overlying sulfate sediments of Permian age.

The stable isotope composition of veins, pressure shadows, mylonites and fault breccias in allochthonous Mesozoic carbonate cover units of the Helvetic zone show evidence for concurrent closed and open system of fluid advection at different scales in the tectonic development of the Swiss Alps. Marine carbonates are isotopically uniform, independent of metamorphic grade, where 13C=1.5±1.5 (1 ) and 18O=25.4±2.2 (1 ). Total variations of up to 2 in 13C and 1.5 in 18O occur over a cm scale. Calcite in pre- (Type I) and syntectonic (Type II) vein arrays and pressure shadows are mostly in close isotopic compliance with the matrix calcite, to within ±0.5, signifying isotopic buffering of pore fluids by host rocks during deformation, and closed system redistribution of carbonate over a cm to m scale. This is consistent with microstructural evidence for pressure solution — precipitation deformation.Type III post-tectonic veins occur throughout 5 km of structural section, extend several km to the basement, and accommodate up to 15% extension. Whereas the main population of Type III veins is isotopically undistinguishable from matrix carbonates, calcite in the largest of these veins is depleted in 18O by up to 23 but acquired comparable 13C values. This generation of veins involved geopressurized hydrothermal fluids at 200 to 350° C where 18O H2O=–8 to +20, representing variable mixtures of 18O enriched pore and metamorphic fluids, with 18O depleted meteoric water. Calc-mylonites ( 18O=25 to 11) at the base of the Helvetic units, and syntectonic veins from the frontal Pennine thrust are characterized by a trend of 18O depletion relative to carbonate protoliths, due to exchange with an isotopically variable reservoir ( 18O H2O=20 to 4). The upper limiting value corresponds to carbonate-buffered pore fluid, whereas the lower value is interpreted as 18O-depleted formation brines tectonically expelled at lithostatic pressure from the crystalline basement. Carbonate breccias in one of the large scale late normal faults exchanged with infiltrating 18O-depleted meteoric surface waters ( 18O=–8 to –10).During the main ductile Alpine deformation, individual lithological units and associated tectonic vein arrays behaved as closed systems, whereas mylonites along thrust faults acted as conduits for tectonically expelled lithostatically pressured reservoirs driven over tens of km. At the latest stages, marked by 5 to 15 km uplift and brittle deformation, low 18O meteoric surface waters penetrated to depths of several km under hydrostatic gradients.  相似文献   

We have studied the oxygen isotopic composition of rocks from a 100 km transect through the central Superior province of Ontario, representing progressively the shallower terrains of the Kapuskasing structural zone (KSZ), the Wawa gneiss terrane (WGT), and the Michipicoten greenstone belt (MGB). These rocks range in age from 2.76 to 2.60 Ga, and correspond to a section through approximately 20 km of crustal thickness. Equivalent lithologic types have similar range of 18O values at each crustal level: tonalitic to granodioritic rocks: 6.4 to 9.5; dioritic and anorthositic rocks: 5.5 to 7.6; mafic gneisses: group 1 (majority): 5.7 to 7.1; group 2: 8.1 to 9.5. 18O values exhibit a remarkable correlation with SiO2 values, similar to that observed in unaltered plutonic rocks of equivalent composition. Paragneisses have significantly higher 18O values: 9.3 to 12.2. Low-grade metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the MGB are 18O-enriched compared to their high-grade equivalents in the KSZ and WGT: 7.4 to 13.3 for mafic to felsic metavolcanic rocks; 11.4 to 14.7 for clastic metasediments. Coexisting minerals exhibit 18O-fractionation consistent with equilibrium, but corresponding to uniform isotopic temperatures about 553 to 584°C across the entire transect, lower than the inferred metamorphic temperatures in the highest-grade (KSZ) terrane. The lack of distinctive isotopic differences between equivalent rock types in the KSZ, WGT and MGB suggests that there is no significant gradient in 18O with depth in the crust. The majority of mafic gneisses (group 1) appear to have been emplaced either as subaerial extrusives, intrusive sills, or, less likely, as submarine extrusives that were hydrothermally altered at high temperatures. The less abundant group 2 mafic rocks have the 18O values typical of greenstones that were altered at low temperature by seawater, and isotopically resemble low-grade rocks in the Michipicoten and Abitibi belts. In general, no major changes in whole-rock isotopic composition appear to have occurred during granulite facies metamorphism, implying limited flux of water or CO2. The continuous linear gradient in 18O versus SiO2 in the high-grade rocks cannot be due to differentiation of a mafic source magma. A model involving an association between mantle-derived mafic magma and 18O-enriched crustal materials is more consistent with the oxygen isotopic and the REE data.McMaster Isotopic, Nuclear and Geochemical Studies Group Publication 163; LITHOPROBE Publication 168.  相似文献   

Based upon a compilation and analysis of O-isotope data for Neogene volcanic rocks worldwide, the 18O variation for 743 basalts (historic lavas, submarine glasses, and lavas with <0.75 wt% H2O) is +2.9 to +11.4. Mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) has a uniform O-isotope composition with 180=+5.7±0.2. Basalts erupted in different tectonic settings have mean 18O/16O ratios that are both lower and higher than MORB, with continental basalts enriched in 18O by ca. 1 over oceanic basalts. The 18O range for the subset of 88 basalts with Mg# [100·Mg(Mg+Fe2+)] 75–68, considered to be unmodified primary mantle partial melts, is +3.6 to +8.7. These features are a clear indication that: (1) the Earth's upper mantle is heterogeneous with respect to its O-isotope composition; (2) that both low-18O and high-18O reservoirs have contributed to basalt petrogenesis. Large-ion lithophile element-enriched basalts associated with subduction at convergent plate margins are slightly enriched in 18O, a characteristic that is considered to be an intrinsic feature of the subduction process. Intraplate oceanic and continental basalts have highly variable 18O/16O ratios, with individual localities displaying 18O ranges in excess of 1.5 to 2. Systematic co-variations between O-, Sr-, Nd-, and Pb-isotope ratios reflect the same principal intramantle end-member isotopic components (DMM, HIMU, EM-I, EM-II) deduced from radiogenic isotope considerations and, therefore, imply that a common process is responsible for the origin of upper mantle stable and radiogenic isotope heterogeneity, namely the recycling of lithospheric material into the mantle.  相似文献   

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