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An analytical model has been developed for the flow along a street canyon (of height H and width W), generated by an external wind blowing at any angle relative to the axis of the street. Initially, we consider the special case of a wind blowing parallel to the street. The interior of the street is decomposed into three regions, and the flow within each region is assumed to depend only on the external wind and the distance to the closest solid boundary. This decomposition leads to two different flow regimes: one for narrow streets (H/W > 1/2) and one for wide streets (H/W < 1/2). The theoretical model agrees well with results obtained from numerical simulations using a Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes model. We then generalize the model to the case of arbitrary wind direction. Numerical solutions show that the streamlines of the mean flow in the street have a spiral form, and for most angles of incidence, the mass flux along the street scales on the component of the external wind resolved parallel to the street. We use this result to generalize the model derived for wind blowing parallel to the street, and the results from this model agree well with the numerical simulations. The model that has been developed can be evaluated rapidly using only very modest computing power, so it is suitable for use as an operational tool.  相似文献   

吕萍  袁九毅  张文煜 《高原气象》2004,23(4):534-539
利用数值模拟方法研究了微尺度街道峡谷范围内街谷几何结构及街道两侧建筑物高度对称性对街谷内流场及机动车排放污染物扩散规律的影响。结果表明:当街道峡谷高宽比>2.1时,街谷内的流场结构由一个完整的垂直涡旋变为上下两个反向运动的强弱不同的垂直涡旋。各类型街谷内污染物扩散水平从强到弱依次为迎风面建筑物高度大于背风面建筑物高度的街道峡谷,迎风面建筑物高度小于背风面建筑物高度的街道峡谷;平行型街道峡谷。  相似文献   

Dispersion of particles, as evidenced by changes in their number distributions (PNDs) and concentrations (PNCs), in urban street canyons, is still not well understood. This study compares measurements by a fast-response particle spectrometer (DMS500) of the PNDs and the PNCs (5–1000 nm, sampled at 1 Hz) at street and rooftop levels in a Cambridge UK street canyon, and examines mixing, physical and chemical conversion processes, and the competing influences of traffic volume and rooftop wind speed on the PNDs and the PNCs in various size ranges. PNCs at street level were ≈6.5 times higher than at rooftop. Street-level PNCs followed the traffic volume and decreased with increasing wind speed, showing a larger influence of wind speed on 30–300 nm particles than on 5–30 nm particles. Conversely, rooftop PNCs in the 5–30 nm size range increased with wind speed, whereas those for particles between 30 and 300 nm did not vary with wind speed.  相似文献   

Radiative Exchange in an Urban Street Canyon   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
The influence of building geometry on the radiation terms ofthe surface energy balance is a principal reason for surfacetemperature differences between rural and urban areas.Methods exist to calculate the radiation balance in an urban area,but their validity across the range of urban geometries andmaterials has not been carefully considered.Here the exchange of diffuse radiation in an urban street canyon isinvestigated using a method incorporating all reflections of radiation.This exact solution is compared to two commonly used approximationsthat retain either no reflections, or just one reflection of radiation.The area-averaged net radiative flux density from the facets of the canyondecreases in magnitude monotonically as the canyon aspect ratio increases.The two approximate solutions possess unphysical differences from thismonotonic decrease for high canyon aspect ratios or low materialemissivities/high material albedos.The errors of the two approximate solutions are small for near blackbodymaterials and small canyon aspect ratios but can be an order ofmagnitude for intermediate material properties and deep street canyons.Urban street canyon models need to consider at least one reflectionof radiation and multiple reflections are desirable for full applicability.  相似文献   

An observational campaign was conducted in the street canyon of Zhujiang Road in Nanjing city in 2007.Hourly mean concentrations of PM10 were measured at street and roof levels.The Operational Street Pollution Model(OSPM)street canyon dispersion model was used to calculate the street concentrations and the results were compared with the measurements.The results show that there is good agreement between measured and predicted concentrations.The correlation coecient R2 values(R2 is a measure of the correlation of the predicted and measured time series of concentrations)are 0.5319,0.8044,and 0.6630 for the scatter plots of PM10 corresponding to light wind speed conditions,higher wind speed conditions,and all wind speed conditions,respectively.PM10 concentrations tend to be smaller for the higher wind speed cases and decrease rapidly with increasing wind speed.The presentations of measured and modelled concentration dependence on wind direction show fairly good agreement.PM10 concentrations measured on the windward side are relatively smaller,compared with the corresponding results for the leeward side.This study demonstrates that it is possible to use the OSPM to model PM10 dispersion rules for an urban street canyon.  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel studies of dispersion processes of traffic exhaust in urban street canyons with tree planting were performed and tracer gas concentrations using electron capture detection (ECD) and flow fields using laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) were measured. It was found that tree planting reduces the air exchange between street canyons and the ambience. In comparison to treeless street canyons, higher overall pollutant concentrations and lower flow velocities were measured. In particular, for perpendicular approaching wind, markedly higher concentrations at the leeward canyon wall and slightly lower concentrations at the windward canyon wall were observed. Furthermore, a new approach is suggested to model porous vegetative structures such as tree crowns for small-scale wind-tunnel applications. The approach is based on creating different model tree crown porosities by incorporating a certain amount of wadding material into a specified volume. A significant influence of the crown porosity on pollutant concentrations was found for high degrees of porosity, however, when it falls below a certain threshold, no further changes in pollutant concentrations were observed.  相似文献   

利用内蒙古科尔沁沙地和沈阳地区同步气象要素梯度观测和地面大气颗粒物(PM2.5和PM10)质量浓度观测资料,分析了中国北方地区2020年5月10日一次大范围扬沙天气过程微气象学和沙尘输送特征。结果表明:受大尺度天气系统影响,此次沙尘天气过程中科尔沁沙地不同高度(<20 m)风速均明显增加,各层相对湿度和浅层地表含水量有所降低,较强湍流动力作用配合干燥的土壤和大气环境有利于沙源地区地表大量的沙尘粒子释放到大气中。此后这些沙尘粒子随较强的西北气流集中在2—3 km以下高度向下游地区输送。受沙尘输送的影响,沈阳地区10日小时平均PM10浓度最高达817μg·m-3,能见度减小至3.7 km。此外,科尔沁沙地起沙过程中能见度与摩擦速度存在明显的反相关关系(相关系数R2=0.93),与湍流动力学热通量相关性相对较小,表明湍流动力作用在此次起沙过程占主导作用。  相似文献   

广东野外雷电综合观测试验十年进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
雷电野外科学试验是认识雷电发生、发展物理过程及其致灾机理的重要途径,也是开展真实雷电电磁环境下雷电防护技术测试的重要方式。自2006年开始,中国气象科学研究院和广东省气象局在广州野外雷电试验基地,持续合作开展了雷电野外综合观测试验,在人工触发闪电和自然闪电物理过程及其雷电防护技术测试试验等方面取得了若干研究结果。十年期间共成功触发闪电94次,回击电流峰值最大值为42 kA,平均值为16 kA;分析给出了自然闪电预击穿过程电场变化脉冲特征类型和差异;观测发现高建筑物上行连接先导可达几百米甚至超过1 km,其发展速度可达106 m/s量级,下行先导与上行连接先导的连接呈多样性;雷电防护技术测试试验表明人工触发闪电近距离电磁场耦合在架空线路上的感应电压达到千伏量级,多回击、长连续电流和地电位抬升是造成浪涌保护器(SPD)损害的主要因素;闪电定位系统探测性能的评估结果显示粤港澳闪电定位系统的闪电和回击的探测效率分别为96%和89%,定位误差算术平均值为532 m,回击电流强度的估算值约为真实值的0.63倍。  相似文献   

梁钊明  高守亭  王东海  王彦 《大气科学》2013,37(5):1013-1024
海风锋与沿海强对流天气密切相关,而城市化发展对沿海地区下垫面的改变会对海风锋特征产生影响。鉴于此,本文利用耦合了新一代城市物理方案UCP-BEM(Urban Canopy Parameterization-Building Energy Model)的WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式开展数值试验分析了城市下垫面对渤海湾海风锋特征的影响。结果显示:城市下垫面高粗糙度对低层海风风速的明显削弱造成海风锋往内陆推进距离稍减,低层辐合和上升运动减弱;城市下垫面较大的向上感热通量和较小的向上水汽通量以及高粗糙度对海风的削弱的共同作用造成冷湿海风对低层大气的降温和增湿幅度减弱;高粗糙度的城市下垫面对海风环流的摩擦力效应使得海风得到抬升,这导致了冷湿海风对低层大气的降温和增湿的垂直范围得到提升;受这些结果影响,海风锋背后低层有效位能减小,但垂直分布范围扩大,从而造成对流抑制高值区抬升,同时海风锋背后的静力不稳定区变厚,其上面的动力不稳定区则变薄,但不稳定区总厚度基本不变。  相似文献   

为了研究一种新的环保型消暖雾催化剂RC/XW的消雾性能,同时选取无水氯化钙(CaCl2)和氯化钠(NaCl)2种吸湿性物质作为对比物,对它们进行室内试验研究。其中RC/XW粒子直径主要集中在12um;将无水氯化钙和氯化钠分别粉碎成10um、15um、20um和30um4个不同的直径。结果表明:不同种类的催化剂、同种类不同尺度的催化剂之间消雾效果都存在很大差异。消雾效果与播撒剂量直接相关。RC/XW适用于消除含水量在0.3g·m^-3以上的严重影响视程的暖雾,且播撒剂量要〉1g·m^-3。  相似文献   

A marine fog event that occurred near the Pearl River Estuary region on 26 March 2002 was investigated with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5). The results of numerical experiment are very consistent with the surface observations, especially in the processes of marine fog formation and evolution. Besides, a series of sensitivity numerical experiments were performed by varying the distribution of landuse type and the turbulence exchange process. It is shown that the marine fog forms along the coastal line. Tests have indicated that when the distribution of landuse type is modified, the regions where the marine fog can intrude into are obviously different. The turbulence process in the model is important for fog formation and evolution. If the influence of turbulence process is ignored in numerical simulation experiment, the simulated maximum of the cloud liquid water content and the height of fog top will be decreased greatly.  相似文献   

利用2007年祁连山地形云的观测试验资料,分析了祁连山夏季西南气流背景下地形云的演化过程,得到了祁连山地形云发展和演变的概念模型。(1)祁连山地形云的水汽主要分布在3500~6500m的范围内,对流层中层的西南气流将水汽由南向北输送到祁连山区。(2)祁连山区水汽比较丰沛,凝结高度和自由对流高度均较低,当湿气团抬升到凝结高度以上时对流有效位能很容易释放,形成有利于产生降水的云系。(3)祁连山每个山峰南北侧昼间的谷风会在山峰辐合抬升,众多山峰形成的祁连山群谷风的抬升作用下容易形成沿山脊排列的中β对流云带,在高空西南气流的推动下移到北侧,是造成北侧降水比南侧大的原因之一。  相似文献   

Surface solar radiation(SSR) is a key component of the energy budget of the Earth’s surface, and it varies at different spatial and temporal scales. Considerable knowledge of how and why SSR varies is crucial to a better understanding of climate change, which surely requires long-term measurements of high quality. The objective of this study is to introduce a value-added SSR dataset from Oct 2004 to Oct 2019 based on measurements taken at Xianghe, a suburban site in the North China Plain; two va...  相似文献   

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