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An analytical model has been developed for the flow along a street canyon (of height H and width W), generated by an external wind blowing at any angle relative to the axis of the street. Initially, we consider the special case of a wind blowing parallel to the street. The interior of the street is decomposed into three regions, and the flow within each region is assumed to depend only on the external wind and the distance to the closest solid boundary. This decomposition leads to two different flow regimes: one for narrow streets (H/W > 1/2) and one for wide streets (H/W < 1/2). The theoretical model agrees well with results obtained from numerical simulations using a Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes model. We then generalize the model to the case of arbitrary wind direction. Numerical solutions show that the streamlines of the mean flow in the street have a spiral form, and for most angles of incidence, the mass flux along the street scales on the component of the external wind resolved parallel to the street. We use this result to generalize the model derived for wind blowing parallel to the street, and the results from this model agree well with the numerical simulations. The model that has been developed can be evaluated rapidly using only very modest computing power, so it is suitable for use as an operational tool.  相似文献   

街谷环流和热力结构的数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
文章介绍一种用于模拟街谷流场和温度场的动力学模式和热力学模式.应用动力模式模拟了方柱体塔楼和圆柱体塔楼形成的流场,应用动力和热力模式模拟了街谷中流场和温度场的日变化过程.计算实例表明,上述模式可用于城市街谷和建筑群风环境和热力环境研究以及街谷中空气污染物传输和扩散的计算.  相似文献   

An Urban Surface Exchange Parameterisation for Mesoscale Models   总被引:9,自引:11,他引:9  
A scheme to represent the impact of urban buildings on airflow in mesoscale atmospheric models is presented. In the scheme, the buildings are not explicitly resolved, but their effects on the grid-averaged variables are parameterised. An urban quarter is characterised by a horizontal building size, a street canyon width and a building density as a function of height. The module computes the impact of the horizontal (roof and canyon floor) and vertical (walls) surfaces on the wind speed, temperature and turbulent kinetic energy. The computation of the shortwave and longwave radiation, needed to compute the temperature of the urban surfaces, takes into account the shadowing and radiation trapping effects induced by the urban canyons. The computation of the turbulent length scales in the TKE equation is also modified to take into account the presence of the buildings.The parameterisation is introduced into a mesoscale model and tested in a bidimensional case of a city over flat terrain. The new parameterisation is shown to be able to reproduce the most important features observed in urban areas better than the traditional approach which is based only on the modification of the roughness length, thereby retaining the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory. The new surface exchange parameterisation is furthermore shown to have a strong impact on the dispersion characteristics of air pollutants in urban areas.  相似文献   

Flow over urban surfaces depends on surface morphology and interaction with the boundary layer above. However, the effect of the flow on scalar fluxes is hard to quantify. The naphthalene sublimation technique was used to quantify scalar vertical fluxes out of a street canyon under neutral conditions. For an array of eight canyons with aspect ratio H/W=0.75 (here, H is building height and W is the street width), increased flux was observed in the first two or three canyons for moderate and low roughness upstream. This is consistent with predictions of the length scale for initial adjustment of flow to an urban canopy. The flux was constant after the initial adjustment region and thus dependent only on local geometry. For a street canyon in the equilibrium part of the array, each facet of the street canyon was coated with naphthalene to simulate scalar release from street, walls and roof, to evaluate the effect of street canyon geometry on fluxes for H/W=0.25, 0.6, 1 and 2. Fluxes from the roof and downstream wall were considerably larger than fluxes from the street and upstream wall, and only the flux from the downstream wall exhibited a simple decrease with H/W. For each H/W there was a monotonic decrease between downstream wall, street and upstream wall transfer. This suggests that flow decelerates around the recirculation region in the lee of the upstream building, i.e. a recirculating jet rather than a symmetrical vortex. The addition of a second source within the street canyon resulted in reduced fluxes from each facet for H/W>0.25, due to increased concentration of naphthalene in the canyon air.  相似文献   

In this study, a detailed model of an urban landscape has been re-constructed inthe wind tunnel and the flow structure inside and above the urban canopy has beeninvestigated. Vertical profiles of all three velocity components have been measuredwith a Laser-Doppler velocimeter, and an extensive analysis of the measured meanflow and turbulence profiles carried out. With respect to the flow structure inside thecanopy, two types of velocity profiles can be distinguished. Within street canyons,the mean wind velocities are almost zero or negative below roof level, while closeto intersections or open squares, significantly higher mean velocities are observed.In the latter case, the turbulent velocities inside the canopy also tend to be higherthan at street-canyon locations. For both types, turbulence kinetic energy and shearstress profiles show pronounced maxima in the flow region immediately above rooflevel.Based on the experimental data, a shear-stress parameterization is proposed, inwhich the velocity scale, us, and length scale, zs, are based on the level and magnitude of the shear stress peak value. In order to account for a flow region inside the canopy with negligible momentum transport, a shear stress displacement height, ds, is introduced. The proposed scaling and parameterization perform well for the measured profiles and shear-stress data published in the literature.The length scales derived from the shear-stress parameterization also allowdetermination of appropriate scales for the mean wind profile. The roughnesslength, z0, and displacement height, d0, can both be described as fractions of the distance, zs - ds, between the level of the shear-stress peak and the shear-stress displacement height. This result can be interpreted in such a way that the flow only feels the zone of depth zs - ds as the roughness layer. With respect to the lower part of the canopy (z < ds) the flow behaves as a skimming flow. Correlations between the length scales zs and ds and morphometric parameters are discussed.The mean wind profiles above the urban structure follow a logarithmic windlaw. A combination of morphometric estimation methods for d0 and z0 with wind velocity measurements at a reference height, which allow calculation of the shear-stress velocity, u*, appears to be the most reliable and easiest procedure to determine mean wind profile parameters. Inside the roughnesssublayer, a local scaling approach results in good agreement between measuredand predicted mean wind profiles.  相似文献   

We developed a simple, single-layer urban canopy model, and comparedit to both multi-layer and slab models. Our single-layer model has thefollowing features: (a) It is a column model of energy and momentumexchange between an urban surface and the atmosphere, (b) it includesthe influence of street canyons, which are parameterized to representthe urban geometry, (c) it includes shadowing from buildings andreflection of radiation, and (d) it estimates both the surfacetemperatures of, and heat fluxes from, three surface types: roof, wall,and road. In the simulation of the single-layer model, the roof washottest during the daytime, but coolest from midnight to early morning.This is consistent with output from the multi-layer model and fieldobservations at a residential area on a clear, summer day. The diurnalvariation of the energy budget from the single-layer model agrees wellwith that from the multi-layer model. Our single-layer model'sperformance is nearly that of a multi-layer model for studyingmesoscale heat islands. Nevertheless, it is simply parameterized,and thus easily included in larger-scale atmospheric models. The slabmodel has the largest nighttime cooling rate of the three models. Toovercome this, it needs more adjustments than for the canopy models.  相似文献   

分析了太阳辐射、风向、气温等气象因素对郑州的影响,结合气候特点就改善郑州大气环境问题进行了探讨,并从气候的角度提出了郑州可持续发展的应对措施.  相似文献   

利用中尺度模式MM5,分别耦合传统的边界层参数化方案和城市冠层参数化方案,模拟了2001年冬季北京冠层大气的动力、热力特征,并和观测资料进行了对比分析.分析结果表明,城市冠层参数化方案更能细致描述建筑群对城市冠层大气的动力、热力作用.由于建筑群的动力、热力作用,使北京城区的温度升高,风速减小,湍流动能增强,形成了明显的增温区、阻风区和湍能增强区,中心均位于城区高大建筑群附近,并向郊区递减.  相似文献   

城市街道峡谷汽车尾气污染的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
李磊  张镭  胡非 《高原气象》2004,23(1):97-102
建立了一个简单的三维街道峡谷空气污染模式,并用实测资料进行了验证。利用建立的模式设计了7种试验方案,对街道峡谷内的污染状况进行了模拟。以CO为模拟对象的数值试验结果表明,街道峡谷上空的风速风向条件是决定街道峡谷内的污染状况的重要因素。峡谷上空风向与街道轴线的夹角越大、风速越小,则街道地面CO浓度越高。以现有的兰州典型车流量和排放因子,兰州街道地面CO浓度容易超标;若不控制车流量,到2008年,即使兰州上路汽车排放达标,但街道地面CO浓度仍然容易超标。  相似文献   

A model for the urban canyon is formulated for meteorologicalconditions of weak winds at night time. Thermal radiation, conductivity and convection are simulated by means of the Monte Carlo method. These are the main physical processesof energy transfer that give rise to the characteristic temperaturedistribution in these systems. The model has been satisfactory tested under ideal conditions for which analytical solutions exist.The predictions of the model under morerealistic conditions accurately reproduce the observationalresults. A strong temperature gradient across streets, with the canyon corners up to 4 °C warmer than the canyon centre, is found for the deepest canyons. This theoretical predictionhas been successfully verified with measurementstaken in a number of streets of the city of Granada in Spain.  相似文献   

城市街道峡谷对称性对内部气流场的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
应用雷诺应力湍流模型,模拟了不同高度比的城市街道峡谷的气流场。结果表明:峡谷的对称性对其内部气流场有显著影响。前高后低型峡谷下部为逆时针旋涡,上部为顺时针旋涡,峡谷越深,流场发展的越充分;峡谷内部墙面存在明显的驻点。前低后高型峡谷只存在一个大的顺时针旋涡,随着峡谷的加深,内部气流速率有减小的趋势;峡谷达到一定深度后出现驻点。对称型峡谷内部形成了顺时针旋涡,强度不大;随着峡谷的加深,内部流场转为一顺一反2个旋涡的二元结构;仅当峡谷很深时才出现明显驻点。前低后高型峡谷的气流场形式更有利于污染物的迁移、扩散,在城市规划中应尽量结合主导风向设计这类建筑布局。  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel studies of dispersion processes of traffic exhaust in urban street canyons with tree planting were performed and tracer gas concentrations using electron capture detection (ECD) and flow fields using laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) were measured. It was found that tree planting reduces the air exchange between street canyons and the ambience. In comparison to treeless street canyons, higher overall pollutant concentrations and lower flow velocities were measured. In particular, for perpendicular approaching wind, markedly higher concentrations at the leeward canyon wall and slightly lower concentrations at the windward canyon wall were observed. Furthermore, a new approach is suggested to model porous vegetative structures such as tree crowns for small-scale wind-tunnel applications. The approach is based on creating different model tree crown porosities by incorporating a certain amount of wadding material into a specified volume. A significant influence of the crown porosity on pollutant concentrations was found for high degrees of porosity, however, when it falls below a certain threshold, no further changes in pollutant concentrations were observed.  相似文献   

吕萍  袁九毅  张文煜 《高原气象》2004,23(4):534-539
利用数值模拟方法研究了微尺度街道峡谷范围内街谷几何结构及街道两侧建筑物高度对称性对街谷内流场及机动车排放污染物扩散规律的影响。结果表明:当街道峡谷高宽比>2.1时,街谷内的流场结构由一个完整的垂直涡旋变为上下两个反向运动的强弱不同的垂直涡旋。各类型街谷内污染物扩散水平从强到弱依次为迎风面建筑物高度大于背风面建筑物高度的街道峡谷,迎风面建筑物高度小于背风面建筑物高度的街道峡谷;平行型街道峡谷。  相似文献   

南宁市太阳能日辐射估算方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
字春霞 《广西气象》2006,27(1):31-33
根据南宁市1995~2003年9a的逐日太阳总辐射资料,建立了用其他气象要素估算不同季节太阳总辐射量的经验公式,并对其进行了验证。  相似文献   

根据南宁市1995~2003年9a的逐日太阳总辐射资料,建立了用其他气象要素估算不同季节太阳总辐射量的经验公式,并对其进行了验证。  相似文献   

Radiative Exchange in an Urban Street Canyon   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
The influence of building geometry on the radiation terms ofthe surface energy balance is a principal reason for surfacetemperature differences between rural and urban areas.Methods exist to calculate the radiation balance in an urban area,but their validity across the range of urban geometries andmaterials has not been carefully considered.Here the exchange of diffuse radiation in an urban street canyon isinvestigated using a method incorporating all reflections of radiation.This exact solution is compared to two commonly used approximationsthat retain either no reflections, or just one reflection of radiation.The area-averaged net radiative flux density from the facets of the canyondecreases in magnitude monotonically as the canyon aspect ratio increases.The two approximate solutions possess unphysical differences from thismonotonic decrease for high canyon aspect ratios or low materialemissivities/high material albedos.The errors of the two approximate solutions are small for near blackbodymaterials and small canyon aspect ratios but can be an order ofmagnitude for intermediate material properties and deep street canyons.Urban street canyon models need to consider at least one reflectionof radiation and multiple reflections are desirable for full applicability.  相似文献   

由卫星资料估算晴空大气太阳直接辐射和散射辐射   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈渭民  边多  郁凡 《气象学报》2000,58(4):457-469
根据光的多次散射理论 ,对水汽、气溶胶、臭氧、混合气体等实行辐射参数化处理 ;利用中国探空站资料和诺阿 ( NOAA)气象卫星垂直业务探测器 ( TOVS)资料反演的探空资料 ,由离散纵标法计算了大气各高度上的太阳直接辐射和散射辐射 ,并与此同时的和同站点位置的卫星可见光、红外测值进行统计回归拟合 ,建立卫星测值与大气中太阳直接辐射和散射辐射的计算模式 ,据此可以利用卫星资料估算太阳直接辐射和太阳散射辐射 ,这对于大气环境光学特性和大气环流、气候变化的研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

1961-2010年黑龙江省太阳能资源特征分析与评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1961-2010年黑龙江省5个辐射站和32个地面基准站资料,分析黑龙江省太阳能资源的时空分布特征,并从太阳能资源丰富度及资源稳定性等方面进行资源评估。结果表明:黑龙江省年均太阳总辐射显著减少,1月和12月减少最明显,20世纪70年代太阳辐射最强,80年代最弱;总辐射和日照时数的空间分布呈西丰(多)东贫(少)的趋势。全省太阳能资源的稳定性较高,其中松嫩平原西部的太阳能资源最丰富、稳定性最高,适合集中建设大型太阳能电站。  相似文献   

Dispersion of particles, as evidenced by changes in their number distributions (PNDs) and concentrations (PNCs), in urban street canyons, is still not well understood. This study compares measurements by a fast-response particle spectrometer (DMS500) of the PNDs and the PNCs (5–1000 nm, sampled at 1 Hz) at street and rooftop levels in a Cambridge UK street canyon, and examines mixing, physical and chemical conversion processes, and the competing influences of traffic volume and rooftop wind speed on the PNDs and the PNCs in various size ranges. PNCs at street level were ≈6.5 times higher than at rooftop. Street-level PNCs followed the traffic volume and decreased with increasing wind speed, showing a larger influence of wind speed on 30–300 nm particles than on 5–30 nm particles. Conversely, rooftop PNCs in the 5–30 nm size range increased with wind speed, whereas those for particles between 30 and 300 nm did not vary with wind speed.  相似文献   

太阳能光伏屋顶的安装在一定程度上能缓解城市化带来的能源危机和城市热环境的破坏。将太阳能板的传热模型引入WRF模式的多层城市冠层方案中,选取了2017年7月21—27日一次典型的高温热浪天气过程,在线模拟太阳能屋顶两种安装形式(贴覆式和支架式)对城市热环境及能量平衡的影响。结果表明:(1)贴覆式太阳能屋顶可使白天2 m气温最多降低0.29°C,降温效果优于支架式屋顶,但夜间温度下降较小。支架式屋顶白天最大降温0.23°C,夜间降温效果明显,与普通屋顶相比,温度最多降低了0.60°C。(2)太阳能屋顶白天确实可以起到降温效果,抑制白天边界层的发展高度,降低边界层的厚度。(3)太阳能屋顶除了对城市气象的影响外,最重要的是它对能源的贡献。从结果来看,太阳能电池板产生的电能可以满足商业区54.5%的空调消耗。  相似文献   

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