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Andrews  M.D. 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):179-196
The period of 10–14 July 2000 saw a large number of energetic solar events ending with a very energetic flare that was associated with a large solar energetic particle event and a fast halo coronal mass ejection (CME) that produced the largest geomagnetic disturbance since 1989. This paper tries to summarize the complex coronal activity observed during this period, in order to establish a background for a number of papers in this topical issue. The GOES X-ray data are presented. Data animations of observations from EIT and LASCO C2 and C3 are presented on the accompanying CD-ROM. The observations around the time of the three X-class flares are considered. EIT observations of the Bastille Day flare show coronal brightening followed by dimming. LASCO had good data coverage for all three events. For one of the flares, no coronal response was seen. The other two flares are associated with halo CMEs. The timing suggests that the start of the flares and CMEs are simultaneous to approximately 30 min. Analysis of the LASCO and EIT images following the Bastille Day flare show the arrival of energetic particles at SOHO at approximately 10:41 UT on 14 July. Individual features of these CMEs have been tracked and the height–time plots used to estimate the dynamics of the CMEs. The initial speed and deceleration of the halo CMEs estimated from the fitting of height–time plots are compared with the in-situ observations at L1. The three flares are identified as the solar sources of three shocks observed at 1 AU. Finally, it is stressed that global heliospheric effects during periods of exceptional activity should consider a cumulative scenario rather than events in isolation.  相似文献   

We have re-evaluated the association of type II solar radio bursts with flares and/or coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using the year 2000 solar maximum data. For this, we consider 52 type II events whose associations with flares or CMEs were absent or not clearly identified and reported. These events are classified as follows; group I: 11 type IIs for which there are no reports of GOES X-ray flares and CMEs; group II: 12 type IIs for which there are no reports of GOES X-ray flares; and group III: 29 type IIs for which the flare locations are not reported. By carefully re-examining their association from GOES X-ray and H, Yohkoh SXT and EIT-EUV data, we attempt to answer the following questions: (i) if there really were no X-ray flares associated with the above 23 type IIs of groups I and II; (ii) whether they can be regarded as backside events whose X-ray emission might have been occulted. From this analysis, we have found that two factors, flare background intensity and flare location, play important roles in the complete reports about flare–type II–CME associations. In the above 23 cases, for more than 50% of the cases in total, the X-ray flares were not noticed and reported, because the background intensity of X-ray flux was high. In the remaining cases, the X-ray intensity might be greatly reduced due to occultation. From the H flare data, Yohkoh SXT data and EIT-EUV data, we found that ten cases out of 23 might be frontside events, and the remaining are backside events. While the flare–type II association is found to be nearly 90%, the type II–CME association is roughly around 75%. This analysis might be useful to reduce some ambiguities regarding the association among type IIs, flares and CMEs.  相似文献   

It is well known that there is a temporal relationship between coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and associated flares. The duration of the acceleration phase is related to the duration of the rise phase of a flare. We investigate CMEs associated with slow long duration events (LDEs), i.e. flares with the long rising phase. We determined the relationships between flares and CMEs and analyzed the CME kinematics in detail. The parameters of the flares (GOES flux, duration of the rising phase) show strong correlations with the CME parameters (velocity, acceleration during main acceleration phase, and duration of the CME acceleration phase). These correlations confirm the strong relation between slow LDEs and CMEs. We also analyzed the relation between the parameters of the CMEs, i.e. a velocity, an acceleration during the main acceleration phase, a duration of the acceleration phase, and a height of a CME at the end of the acceleration phase. The CMEs associated with the slow LDEs are characterized by high velocity during the propagation phase, with the median equal to 1423 km?s?1. In half of the analyzed cases, the main acceleration was low (a<300 m?s?2), which suggests that the high velocity is caused by the prolonged acceleration phase (the median for the duration of the acceleration phase is equal 90 minutes). The CMEs were accelerated up to several solar radii (with the median ≈?7 R ), which is much higher than in typical impulsive CMEs. Therefore, slow LDEs may potentially precede extremely strong geomagnetic storms. The analysis of slow LDEs and associated CMEs may give important information for developing more accurate space-weather forecasts, especially for extreme events.  相似文献   

We probe the spectral hardening of solar flares emission in view of associated solar proton events (SEPs) at earth and coronal mass ejection (CME) acceleration as a consequence. In this investigation we undertake 60 SEPs of the Solar Cycle 23 along with associated Solar Flares and CMEs. We employ the X-ray emission in Solar flares observed by Reuven Ramaty Higly Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) in order to estimate flare plasma parameters. Further, we employ the observations from Geo-stationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) and Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO), for SEPs and CMEs parameter estimation respectively. We report a good association of soft-hard-harder (SHH) spectral behavior of Flares with occurrence of Solar Proton Events for 16 Events (observed by RHESSI associated with protons). In addition, we have found a good correlation (R=0.71) in SEPs spectral hardening and CME velocity. We conclude that the Protons as well as CMEs gets accelerated at the Flare site and travel all the way in interplanetary space and then by re-acceleration in interplanetary space CMEs produce Geomagnetic Storms in geospace. This seems to be a statistically significant mechanism of the SEPs and initial CME acceleration in addition to the standard scenario of SEP acceleration at the shock front of CMEs.  相似文献   

CMEs and flares are the two energetic phenomena on the Sun responsible for generating shocks. Our main aim is to study the relation between the physical properties of CMEs and flares associated with and without type II radio bursts. We considered a set of 290 SOHO/LASCO CMEs associated with GOES X-ray flares observed during the period from January 1997 to December 2000. The relationship between the flares and CMEs is examined for the two sets i) with metric-type IIs and ii) without metric-type IIs. Physical properties such as rise time, duration, and strength of the flares and width, speed, and acceleration of CMEs are considered. We examined the energy relationship and temporal relationship between the CMEs and flares. First, all the events in each group were considered, and then the limb events in each group were considered separately. While there is a relationship between the temporal characteristics of flares and CME properties in the case of with-type IIs, it is absent in the case of all without-type IIs. Among all the relations studied, the correlation between flare duration and CME properties is found to be highly significant compared to the other relations. Also, the relationship between flare strength and CME speed found in the with-type II events is absent in the case of all without-type II events. However, when the limb without-type II events (with reduced time window between flare and CME) are studied separately, we found the energy relationship and the temporal relationship.  相似文献   

We present the study of 20 solar flares observed by “Solar X-ray Spectrometer (SOXS)” mission during November 2003 to December 2006 and found associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) seen by LASCO/SOHO mission. In this investigation, X-ray emission characteristics of solar flares and their relationship with the dynamics of CMEs have been presented. We found that the fast moving CMEs, i.e., positive acceleration are better associated with short rise time (< 150 s) flares. However, the velocity of CMEs increases as a function of duration of the flares in both 4.1–10 and 10–20 keV bands. This indicates that the possibility of association of CMEs with larger speeds exists with long duration flare events. We observed that CMEs decelerate with increasing rise time, decay time and duration of the associated X-ray flares. A total 10 out of 20 CMEs under current investigation showed positive acceleration, and 5 of them whose speed did not exceed 589 km/s were associated with short rise time (< 150 s) and short duration (< 1300 s) flares. The other 5 CMEs were associated with long duration or large rise time flare events. The unusual feature of all these positive accelerating CMEs was their low linear speed ranging between 176 and 775 km/s. We do not find any significant correlation between X-ray peak intensity of the flares with linear speed as well as acceleration of the associated CMEs. Based on the onset time of flares and associated CMEs within the observing cadence of CMEs by LASCO, we found that in 16 cases CME preceded the flare by 23 to 1786 s, while in 4 cases flare occurred before the CME by 47 to 685 s. We argue that both events are closely associated with each other and are integral parts of one energy release system.  相似文献   

By performing certain spatial and temporal criteria, we obtained 492 CME events simultaneously associated with GBM solar flare events (hereafter, GBM-flare–CME) from the total number 5123 Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) solar flares and 15228 Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) detected during the solar cycle 24 (2008–2019). Among these 492 events, which represent about 9.6% of the total number of the detected GBM flares, there are just 381 events (77.4%) representing the CMEs associated with the flares that are detected instantly by both GBM and RHESSI detectors. We found no significant distinction in the results after applying the spatial criteria compared with those arising from applying the temporal criteria only.Actually, all CMEs are ejected within the flare's preflare and the impulsive phases only. From our results, we conclude that the GBM flares whose long duration are most frequently associated with faster and wider CMEs and vice versa. In addition, the longer the flare's duration, the more interval time between the start time of GBM solar flare and CME's ejection time through a linear correlation [Mean Interval = 0.464 × Duration (min)] with a correlation coefficient equals 0.93. We conclude also that, the highly probable, γ-ray emitting flares (detected by GBM only) have a shorter duration and time interval than X-ray flares (detected also by RHESSI). As well as the GBM - CMEs events, without RHESSI associated CMEs are faster and wider than those associated with RHESSI events.  相似文献   

We study the association of solar flares with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) during the deep, extended solar minimum of 2007?–?2009, using extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) and white-light (coronagraph) images from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). Although all of the fast (v>900 km?s?1), wide (θ>100°) CMEs are associated with a flare that is at least identified in GOES soft X-ray light curves, a majority of flares with relatively high X-ray intensity for the deep solar minimum (e.g. ?1×10?6 W?m?2 or C1) are not associated with CMEs. Intense flares tend to occur in active regions with a strong and complex photospheric magnetic field, but the active regions that produce CME-associated flares tend to be small, including those that have no sunspots and therefore no NOAA active-region numbers. Other factors on scales similar to and larger than active regions seem to exist that contribute to the association of flares with CMEs. We find the possible low coronal signatures of CMEs, namely eruptions, dimmings, EUV waves, and Type III bursts, in 91 %, 74 %, 57 %, and 74 %, respectively, of the 35 flares that we associate with CMEs. None of these observables can fully replace direct observations of CMEs by coronagraphs.  相似文献   

In an effort to examine the relationship between flare flux and corresponding CME mass, we temporally and spatially correlate all X-ray flares and CMEs in the LASCO and GOES archives from 1996 to 2006. We cross-reference 6733 CMEs having well-measured masses against 12 050 X-ray flares having position information as determined from their optical counterparts. For a given flare, we search in time for CMEs which occur 10 – 80 minutes afterward, and we further require the flare and CME to occur within ± 45° in position angle on the solar disk. There are 826 CME/flare pairs which fit these criteria. Comparing the flare fluxes with CME masses of these paired events, we find CME mass increases with flare flux, following an approximately log-linear, broken relationship: in the limit of lower flare fluxes, log (CME mass)∝0.68×log (flare flux), and in the limit of higher flare fluxes, log (CME mass)∝0.33×log (flare flux). We show that this broken power-law, and in particular the flatter slope at higher flare fluxes, may be due to an observational bias against CMEs associated with the most energetic flares: halo CMEs. Correcting for this bias yields a single power-law relationship of the form log (CME mass)∝0.70×log (flare flux). This function describes the relationship between CME mass and flare flux over at least 3 dex in flare flux, from ≈ 10−7 – 10−4 W m−2.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the association of solar energetic particle (SEP) events with halo coronal mass ejections (CME) and with their associated solar flares during the period 1997–2014 (solar cycle 23 and 24). We have found that halo CMEs are more effective in producing SEP events. The occurrence probability and peak fluxes of SEPs strongly depend on the halo CMEs speed (V) as follows. The highest associations, 56% for occurrence probability and 90% for average peak fluxes, are found for the halo CMEs with V> 1400 km s−1 but the lowest associations, 20% for occurrence probability and 5% for average peak fluxes, are found for halo CMEs with speed range 600 ≤ V ≤ 1000 km s−1. We have also examined the relationship between SEP events and halo CME associated solar flares and found that 73% of events are associated with western solar flares while only 27% are with eastern solar flares. For longitudinal study, 0–20° belt is found to be more dominant for the SEP events. The association of SEP events with latitudinal solar flares is also examined in the study. 51% of events are associated with those halo CMEs associated solar flares which occur in the southern hemisphere of the Sun while 49% are with those solar flares that occur in the northern hemisphere of the Sun. Also, 10–20° latitudinal belt is found to be likely associated with the SEP events. Further, 45% of SEP events are associated with M-class solar flares while 44% and 11% are with X and C-class respectively. Maximum number of SEP events are found for the fast halo CME associated X- class solar flares (68%) than M and C- class solar flares.  相似文献   

Developments in our knowledge of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have shown that many of these transients occur in association with solar flares. On the occasions when there is a common occurrence of the eruption and the flare, it is most likely that the flare is of high intensity and/or long-duration (Burkepile, Hundhausen, and Webb, 1994; Munro et al., 1979; Webb and Hundhausen, 1987). A model for the relationship between the long-duration event and eruption has been developed (Carmichael, 1964; Sturrock, 1966; Hirayama, 1974; Kopp and Pneuman, 1976), but not so for the high-intensity flares and eruptions. This work investigates the magnetic topology changes that occur for a X1.2 GOES classification flare which has no associated CME. It is found that the flare is likely to result from the interaction between two pre-existing loops low in the corona, producing a confined flare. Slightly higher in the corona, a loop is observed which exhibits an outward motion as a result of the reconfiguration during reconnection. The objective of this work is to gain insight on the magnetic topology of the event which is critical in order to determine whether a high-intensity flare is likely to be related to a CME or not.  相似文献   

In this study, investigated 14,786 coronal mass ejection (CME) events and 5092 Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) solar flare events (called γ-ray burst solar flare) recorded during 2008–2017, by using temporal and spatial conditions criteria, we found 845 (about 16%) CME events associated with γ-ray burst solar flare events only (hereafter, CME–γ-preflare). All the 845 events are associated with solar flares that are detected in both GBM and RHESSI simultaneously. Investigating the characteristics of these events, we found that the best time interval is 0–2 h before the flare's start time. The mean time interval for these CME–γ-preflare associated events is 61 min, with the flare's duration mean value of 12 min, which is greater than non-associated γ-ray solar flare's duration. CME width of CME-γ-preflare associated events 64° is slightly wider and slightly faster (remain lower than solar wind's speed) than non-associated CME 53°.  相似文献   

Solar energetic particles (SEPs) detected in space are statistically associated with flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). But it is not clear how these processes actually contribute to the acceleration and transport of the particles. The present work addresses the question why flares accompanied by intense soft X-ray bursts may not produce SEPs detected by observations with the GOES spacecraft. We consider all X-class X-ray bursts between 1996 and 2006 from the western solar hemisphere. 21 out of 69 have no signature in GOES proton intensities above 10 MeV, despite being significant accelerators of electrons, as shown by their radio emission at cm wavelengths. The majority (11/20) has no type III radio bursts from electron beams escaping towards interplanetary space during the impulsive flare phase. Together with other radio properties, this indicates that the electrons accelerated during the impulsive flare phase remain confined in the low corona. This occurs in flares with and without a CME. Although GOES saw no protons above 10 MeV at geosynchronous orbit, energetic particles were detected in some (4/11) confined events at Lagrangian point L1 aboard ACE or SoHO. These events have, besides the confined microwave emission, dm-m wave type II and type IV bursts indicating an independent accelerator in the corona. Three of them are accompanied by CMEs. We conclude that the principal reason why major solar flares in the western hemisphere are not associated with SEPs is the confinement of particles accelerated in the impulsive phase. A coronal shock wave or the restructuring of the magnetically stressed corona, indicated by the type II and IV bursts, can explain the detection of SEPs when flare-accelerated particles do not reach open magnetic field lines. But the mere presence of these radio signatures, especially of a metric type II burst, is not a sufficient condition for a major SEP event.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a set of 147 metric Type II radio bursts observed by Culgoora radio spectrograph from November 1997 to December 2006. These events were divided into two sets: The first subset contains Type II events that started during the impulsive phase of the associated solar flares and the second subset contains those starting during the decaying phase of flares. Our main aim is to differentiate the metric Type IIs, flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) of these two subsets. It is found that while Type II burst characteristics of both subsets are very similar, there are significant differences between flare and CME properties for these two subsets. Considering all analyzed relationships between the characteristics of Type IIs, flares and CMEs in these two Type II subsets, we conclude that most of the coronal shocks causing metric Type II bursts are driven by CMEs, but that a fraction of events are probably ignited by solar flares.  相似文献   

We compare the temporal and spatial properties of posteruption arcades (PEAs) associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at the Sun that end up as magnetic cloud (MC) and non-MC events in the solar wind. We investigate the length, width, area, tilt angle, and formation time of the PEAs associated with 22 MC and 29 non-MC events and we find no difference between the two populations. According to current ideas on the relation between flares and CMEs, the PEA is formed together with the CME flux-rope structure by magnetic reconnection. Our results indicate that at the Sun flux ropes form during CMEs in association with both MC and non-MC events; however, for non-MC events the flux-rope structure is not observed in the interplanetary space because of the geometry of the observation, i.e. the location of the spacecraft when the structure passes through it.  相似文献   

Rieger  E. 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):473-478
In March 1989 a large and complex spot group, active region 5395, rotated across the visible disk of the Sun, thereby creating a number of big solar flares and bright coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Feynman and Hundhausen (1994) investigated the association of both proxies of solar activity. For a classification of the flares they used the H importance and the GOES soft X-ray data. To get a more consistent picture of the importance of the flares selected, we contribute the 2.2 MeV neutron-capture line fluence, recorded by the gamma-ray spectrometer on SMM, as a measure of nucleonic interactions. By considering these data, we confirm the Feyman and Hundhausen conclusion that neither the flare directly causes the CME, nor is directly caused by it.  相似文献   

Sequences of line-of-sight (LOS) magnetograms recorded by the Michelson Doppler Imager are used to quantitatively characterize photospheric magnetic structure and evolution in three active regions that rotated across the Sun??s disk during the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI), in an attempt to relate the photospheric magnetic properties of these active regions to flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Several approaches are used in our analysis, on scales ranging from whole active regions, to magnetic features, to supergranular scales, and, finally, to individual pixels. We calculated several parameterizations of magnetic structure and evolution that have previously been associated with flare and CME activity, including total unsigned magnetic flux, magnetic flux near polarity-inversion lines, amount of canceled flux, the ??proxy Poynting flux,?? and helicity flux. To catalog flare events, we used flare lists derived from both GOES and RHESSI observations. By most such measures, AR 10988 should have been the most flare- and CME-productive active region, and AR 10989 the least. Observations, however, were not consistent with this expectation: ARs 10988 and 10989 produced similar numbers of flares, and AR 10989 also produced a few CMEs. These results highlight present limitations of statistics-based flare and CME forecasting tools that rely upon line-of-sight photospheric magnetic data alone.  相似文献   

STEREO/EUVI observed 185 flare events (detected above the GOES class C1 level or at >?25 keV with RHESSI) during the first two years of the mission (December 2006?–?November 2008), while coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were reported in about a third of these events. We compile a comprehensive catalog of these EUVI-observed events, containing the peak fluxes in soft X rays, hard X rays, and EUV, as well as a classification and statistics of prominent EUV features: 79% show impulsive EUV emission (coincident with hard X rays), 73% show delayed EUV emission from postflare loops and arcades, 24% represent occulted flares, 17% exhibit EUV dimming, 5% show loop oscillations or propagating waves, and at least 3% show erupting filaments. We analyze an example of each EUV feature by stereoscopic modeling of its 3D geometry. We find that EUV emission can be dominated by impulsive emission from a heated, highly sheared, noneruptive filament, in addition to the more common impulsive EUV emission from flare ribbons or the delayed postflare EUV emission that results from cooling of the soft-X-ray-emitting flare loops. Occulted flares allow us to determine CME-related coronal dimming uncontaminated from flare-related EUV emission. From modeling the time evolution of EUV dimming we can accurately quantify the initial expansion of CMEs and determine their masses. Further, we find evidence that coronal loop oscillations are excited by the rapid initial expansion of CMEs. These examples demonstrate that stereoscopic EUV data provide powerful new methods to model the 3D aspects in the hydrodynamics of flares and kinematics of CMEs.  相似文献   

We report on the detailed analysis of i) differences between the properties of type IIs with various starting frequencies (high: ≥100 MHz; low: ≤50 MHz; mid: 50 MHz ≤f≤ 100 MHz) and ii) the properties of CMEs and flares associated with them. For this study, we considered a sample of type II radio bursts observed by Culgoora radio spectrograph from January 1998 to December 2000. The X-ray flares and CMEs associated with these events are identified using GOES and SOHO/LASCO data. The secondary aim is to study the frequency dependence on other properties of type IIs, flares, and CMEs. We found that the type IIs with high starting frequencies have larger drift rate, relative drift rate, and shock speed than the type IIs with low starting frequencies. The flares associated with high frequency type IIs are of impulsive in nature with shorter rise time, duration and delay between the flare start and type II start times than the low frequency type IIs. There is a distinct power – law relationship between the flare parameters and the starting frequencies of type II bursts, whereas the trend in the CME parameters shows low correlation. While the mean speed of CMEs is larger for the mid-frequency group, it is nearly the same for the high and low frequency groups. On the other hand, the percentage of CME association (90%) is larger for low frequency type IIs than for the high frequency type IIs (75%).  相似文献   

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