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We reported recently some rapid changes of sunspot structure in white-light(WL) associated with major flares.We extend the study to smaller events and present here results of a statistical study of this phenomenon.In total,we investigate 403 events from 1998 May 9 to 2004 July 17,including 40 X-class,174 M-class,and 189 C-class flares.By monitoring the structure of the flaring active regions using the WL observations from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer(TRACE),we find that segments in the outer sunspot structure decayed rapidly right after many flares;and that,on the other hand,the central part of sunspots near the flare-associated magnetic neutral line became darkened.These rapid and permanent changes are evidenced in the time profiles of WL mean intensity and are not likely resulted from the flare emissions.Our study further shows that the outer sunspot structure decay as well as the central structure darkening are more likely to be detected in larger solar flares.For X-class flares,over 40% events show distinct sunspot structure change.For M-and C-class flares,this percentage drops to 17% and 10%,respectively.The results of this statistical study support our previously proposed reconnection picture,i.e.,the flare-related magnetic fields evolve from a highly inclined to a more vertical configuration.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of RHESSI X-ray flares in the 12–25 keV band during the period from February 2002 to June 2005 is presented. We found that a power-law with an index of 1.80± 0.02 can fit well the frequency distribution of the peak count rates. This power-law does not change significantly with time. However, the frequency distribution of the flare durations cannot be fitted well by a single power-law. There is a weak correlation between the peak count rates and the characteristic times like rise times, decay times, or durations. But the correlation between the rise times and decay times seems to be strong. We discuss the results obtained and compare them with previous works. The frequency distribution of rise times for the sub-group events with a similar magnitude of peak count rates is also shown. In particular, we propose a new parameter R a , the growth factor of the count rate, defined as the peak count rate divided by the rise time, to reflect the characteristics of the rising phases of flares. The distribution of R a is shown and discussed.  相似文献   

Shanmugaraju  A.  Moon  Y.-J.  Dryer  M.  Umapathy  S. 《Solar physics》2003,217(2):301-317
We present results from a study of sunspots and faculae on continuum and Caii K images taken at the San Fernando Observatory (SFO) during 1989–1992; a total of approximately 800 images in each bandpass were used. About 18000 red sunspots, 147000 red faculae, and 800000 Caii K faculae were identified based on their contrasts. In addition, we computed the contrasts of pixels on the red images cospatial with Caii K faculae. Sunspot contrasts show a strong dependence on size but no dependence on heliocentric angle. There are continuous but systematic differences among facular regions. We find that the contrast of Caii K faculae is relatively insensitive to heliocentric angle, but is a strong function of facular size, in the sense that larger Caii K faculae are always brighter. The contrast of red faculae is a function of both heliocentric angle and size: the contrast functions show that larger regions contain larger flux tubes, contain deeper flux tubes, and have larger filling factors than small facular regions. Comparisons of cospatial pixels on red and Caii K images show a tight correlation between the average contrast of a region in the continuum and its size and heliocentric angle in the Caii K images. The average contrast of all facular regions is positive everywhere on the disk, even though the largest regions contain flux tubes which appear dark at disk center.  相似文献   

Sundara Raman  K.  Selvendran  R.  Thiagarajan  R. 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):331-341
The evolution of five bipolar sunspot groups during their disk passage leading to flares are analysed and studied using Kodaikanal Observatory photoheliogram and spectroheliogram data. The changes in the orientation angle observed in the spot groups show that sunspot proper motion plays an important role in introducing non-potential character to the field lines. This in turn develops shear and once the shear reaches a critical value, the flare eruption is triggered. The rotational motions in the sunspots are measured from the change in their orientation angle and are given as a measure of shear. The sunspots considered for analyses in the present study are not associated with any filament activity.  相似文献   

We present new temporal-evolution diagnostics of solar flares. The high-order statistical moments (skewness and kurtosis) of the Hα images of active regions during solar flares were computed from their initial phases up to their maxima. The same method was used for quiet active regions for tests and comparison. We found that temporal profiles of the Hα statistical moments during flares roughly correspond to those observed in soft X-rays by the GOES satellite. Maxima of the cross-correlation coefficients between the skewness and the GOES X-rays were found to be 0.82?–?0.98, and the GOES X-rays are delayed 0?–?144 seconds against the skewness. We recognized that these moments are very sensitive to pre-flare activities. Therefore we used them to determine the flare starting-time and to study the pre-flare quasi-periodic processes. We determined the periods of these pre-flare processes in an interval of 20?–?400 seconds by using special convolution filters and Fourier analysis. We propose to use this method to analyze active regions during the very early phases of solar flares, and even in real time.  相似文献   

Andrews  M.D. 《Solar physics》2003,218(1-2):261-279
Solar Physics - The relationship between flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) remains a topic of active research. This paper considers a complete set of 311 M- and X-class GOES soft X-ray...  相似文献   

Using one-minute cadence vector magnetograms from Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO), we analyze the temporal behavior of derived longitudinal electric currents associated with two flares on July 26, 2002. One of the events is an M1.0 flare which occurred in active region NOAA 10044, while the other is an M8.7 flare in the adjacent region 10039. Rapid changes of magnetic fields in the form of flux emergence are found to be associated with both of these events. However, the temporal behavior of electric currents are very different. For the M1.0 flare, the longitudinal electric current density drops rapidly near the flaring neutral line; while for the M8.7 flare, the current density rapidly increases, confirming the picture of the current-carrying flux emergence. We offer a possible explanation for such a difference: magnetic reconnection at different heights for the two events, near the photosphere for the M1.0 flare, and higher up for the M8.7 flare.  相似文献   

We study the influence of the large-scale interplanetary magnetic field configuration on the solar energetic particles (SEPs) as detected at different satellites near Earth and on the correlation of their peak intensities with the parent solar activity. We selected SEP events associated with X- and M-class flares at western longitudes, in order to ensure good magnetic connection to Earth. These events were classified into two categories according to the global interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) configuration present during the SEP propagation to 1 AU: standard solar wind or interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). Our analysis shows that around 20 % of all particle events are detected when the spacecraft is immersed in an ICME. The correlation of the peak particle intensity with the projected speed of the SEP-associated coronal mass ejection is similar in the two IMF categories of proton and electron events, ≈?0.6. The SEP events within ICMEs show stronger correlation between the peak proton intensity and the soft X-ray flux of the associated solar flare, with correlation coefficient r=0.67±0.13, compared to the SEP events propagating in the standard solar wind, r=0.36±0.13. The difference is more pronounced for near-relativistic electrons. The main reason for the different correlation behavior seems to be the larger spread of the flare longitude in the SEP sample detected in the solar wind as compared to SEP events within ICMEs. We discuss to what extent observational bias, different physical processes (particle injection, transport, etc.), and the IMF configuration can influence the relationship between SEPs and coronal activity.  相似文献   

本文总结了北京天文台1991年的2840MHz波段微波爆发中精细结构(FS)事件的观测.从FS的时间标度、强度、共生的微波爆发的峰值流量、FS发生在微波爆发的相位和FS与Hα耀斑的关系等方面作了统计分析.发现约67%以上的FS其持续时间为几十毫秒到几百毫秒,85%以上的FS幅度小于200sfu.讨论了FS的时标、强度及22周太阳峰年期与21周FS出现率的差别.  相似文献   

It is well known that there is a temporal relationship between coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and associated flares. The duration of the acceleration phase is related to the duration of the rise phase of a flare. We investigate CMEs associated with slow long duration events (LDEs), i.e. flares with the long rising phase. We determined the relationships between flares and CMEs and analyzed the CME kinematics in detail. The parameters of the flares (GOES flux, duration of the rising phase) show strong correlations with the CME parameters (velocity, acceleration during main acceleration phase, and duration of the CME acceleration phase). These correlations confirm the strong relation between slow LDEs and CMEs. We also analyzed the relation between the parameters of the CMEs, i.e. a velocity, an acceleration during the main acceleration phase, a duration of the acceleration phase, and a height of a CME at the end of the acceleration phase. The CMEs associated with the slow LDEs are characterized by high velocity during the propagation phase, with the median equal to 1423 km?s?1. In half of the analyzed cases, the main acceleration was low (a<300 m?s?2), which suggests that the high velocity is caused by the prolonged acceleration phase (the median for the duration of the acceleration phase is equal 90 minutes). The CMEs were accelerated up to several solar radii (with the median ≈?7 R ), which is much higher than in typical impulsive CMEs. Therefore, slow LDEs may potentially precede extremely strong geomagnetic storms. The analysis of slow LDEs and associated CMEs may give important information for developing more accurate space-weather forecasts, especially for extreme events.  相似文献   

The statistical distribution of short quiescent times 30 min) between solar flares has been investigated with a 1D MHD model. A power-law behaviour is found which indicates the existence of sympathetic flaring. This prediction is supported by recent observations.  相似文献   

Kim  Yeon-Han  Kim  Kap-Sung  Jang  Minhwan 《Solar physics》2001,203(2):371-379
Peculiar high-speed X-ray jets associated with the 18 June 1999 limb flares have directly been observed with the soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) aboard Yohkoh. The jets have a much shorter lifetime (within 200 s) and a much larger velocity (∼ 1700 km s−1) than the previously reported jets. Judged from their large velocity, the kinetic energy of the jets is approximately one order of magnitude larger than the thermal energy content, which is far different from the jets previously reported by other researchers. Here we present the preliminary results and discuss the particular features of the jets. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1013324126229  相似文献   

Using the data on magnetic field maps and continuum intensity for Solar Cycles 23 and 24,we explored 100 active regions (ARs) that produced M5.0 or stronger flares.We focus on the presence/absence of the emergence of magnetic flux in these ARs 2–3 days before the strong flare onset.We found that 29 ARs in the sample emerged monotonically amidst quiet-Sun.A major emergence of a new magnetic flux within a pre-existing AR yielding the formation of a complex flare-productive configuration was observ...  相似文献   

A database combining information about solar proton enhancements (SPEs) near the Earth and soft X-ray flares (GOES measurements) has been used for the study of different correlations through the period from 1975 to May 2006. The emphasis of this work is on the treatment of peak-size distributions of SXR flares and SPEs. The frequency of SXR flares and solar proton events (>10 and >100 MeV, respectively) for the past three solar cycles has been found to follow mainly a power-law distribution over three to five orders of magnitude of fluxes, which is physically correct beyond the “sensitivity” problem with the smallest peak values. The absence of significant spectral steepening in the domain of the highest peak values demonstrates that during the period considered, lasting 30 years, the limit of the highest flare’s energy release has not yet been achieved. The power-law exponents were found to be −2.19±0.04, −1.34±0.02, and −1.46±0.04, for the total SXR flare distribution and the total SPE distributions (for both E P>10 MeV and E P>100 MeV), respectively. For SPEs associated with flares located to the West of 20° W, the exponents are −1.22±0.05 (E P>10 MeV) and −1.26±0.03 (E P>100 MeV). The size distribution for corresponding flares follows a power law with a slope of −1.29±0.12. Thus, X-ray and proton fluxes produced in the same solar events have very similar distribution shapes. Moreover, the derived slopes are not incompatible with a linear dependence between X-ray flare power and proton fluxes near the Earth. A similar statistical relation is obtained independently from the direct comparison of the X-ray and proton fluxes. These all argue for a statistically significant relationship between X-ray and proton emissions.  相似文献   

We present a statistical study of the characteristics of type-II radio bursts observed in the metric (m) and deca-hectometer (DH) wavelength range during 1997–2008. The collected events are divided into two groups: Group I contains the events of m-type-II bursts with starting frequency ≥ 100 MHz, and group II contains the events with starting frequency of m-type-II radio bursts < 100 MHz. We have analyzed both samples considering three different aspects: i) statistical properties of type-II bursts, ii) statistical properties of flares and CMEs associated with type-II bursts, and iii) time delays between type-II bursts, flares, and CMEs. We find significant differences in the properties of m-type-II bursts in duration, bandwidth, drift rate, shock speed and delay between m- and DH-type-II bursts. From the timing analysis we found that the majority of m-type-II bursts in both groups occur during the flare impulsive phase. On the other hand, the DH-type-II bursts in both groups occur during the decaying phase of the associated flares. Almost all m-DH-type-II bursts are found to be associated with CMEs. Our results indicate that there are two kinds of shock in which group I (high frequency) m-type-II bursts seem to be ignited by flares whereas group II (low frequency) m-type-II bursts are CME-driven.  相似文献   

Kosovichev  A.G.  Zharkova  V.V. 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):459-466
Using high-cadence magnetograms from the SOHO/MDI we have investigated variations of the photospheric magnetic field during solar flares and CMEs. In the case of a strong X-class flare of May 2, 1998, we have detected variations of magnetic field in a form of a rapidly propagating magnetic wave. During the impulsive phase of the flare we have observed a sudden decrease of the magnetic energy in the flare region. This provides direct evidence of magnetic energy release in solar flares. We discuss the physics of the magnetic field variations, and their relations to the Moreton Hα waves and the coronal waves observed by the EIT.  相似文献   

We investigate the total helicity change rate of active regions during the time period of three X-class and five M-class flares using MDI full-disk magnetograms which are sufficient to calculate the advection and the shuffling terms. Two out of three regions with X-class flares show a significant change in the helicity change rate, while none of the five active regions with an associated M-class flare shows this behavior. A closer investigation of the active regions associated with a helicity change reveals certain peculiarities that point to an artificial signal due to the magnetic reversal effect. This is supported by the fact that a simulation of the reversal effect reproduces the same shape of the helicity signal, although with an amplitude one magnitude lower. We investigate active regions with no flaring activity and determine the fluctuations of the helicity change rate due to instrumental effects to be 12 × 1040 Mx2 h-1.  相似文献   

The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) X-ray data base (February 2002 – May 2006) has been searched to find solar flares with weak thermal components and flat photon spectra. Using a regularized inversion technique, we determine the mean electron flux distribution from count spectra for a selection of events with flat photon spectra in the 15 – 20 keV energy range. Such spectral behavior is expected for photon spectra either affected by photospheric albedo or produced by electron spectra with an absence of electrons in a given energy range (e.g., a low-energy cutoff in the mean electron spectra of nonthemal particles). We have found 18 cases that exhibit a statistically significant local minimum (a dip) in the range of 13 – 19 keV. The positions and spectral indices of events with low-energy cutoff indicate that such features are likely to be the result of photospheric albedo. It is shown that if the isotropic albedo correction is applied, all low-energy cutoffs in the mean electron spectrum are removed, and hence the low-energy cutoffs in the mean electron spectrum of solar flares above ∼ 12 keV cannot be viewed as real features. If low-energy cutoffs exist in the mean electron spectra, their energies should be less than ∼ 12 keV.  相似文献   

Predicting Flares and Solar Energetic Particle Events: The FORSPEF Tool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel integrated prediction system for solar flares (SFs) and solar energetic particle (SEP) events is presented here. The tool called forecasting solar particle events and flares (FORSPEF) provides forecasts of solar eruptive events, such as SFs with a projection to occurrence and velocity of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and the likelihood of occurrence of an SEP event. In addition, the tool provides nowcasting of SEP events based on actual SF and CME near real-time data, as well as the SEP characteristics (e.g. peak flux, fluence, rise time, and duration) per parent solar event. The prediction of SFs relies on the effective connected magnetic field strength (\(B_{\mathrm{eff}}\)) metric, which is based on an assessment of potentially flaring active-region (AR) magnetic configurations, and it uses a sophisticated statistical analysis of a large number of AR magnetograms. For the prediction of SEP events, new statistical methods have been developed for the likelihood of the SEP occurrence and the expected SEP characteristics. The prediction window in the forecasting scheme is 24 hours with a refresh rate of 3 hours, while the respective prediction time for the nowcasting scheme depends on the availability of the near real-time data and ranges between 15?–?20 minutes for solar flares and 6 hours for CMEs. We present the modules of the FORSPEF system, their interconnection, and the operational setup. Finally, we demonstrate the validation of the modules of the FORSPEF tool using categorical scores constructed on archived data, and we also discuss independent case studies.  相似文献   

The radio emission during 201 selected X-ray solar flares was surveyed from 100 MHz to 4 GHz with the Phoenix-2 spectrometer of ETH Zürich. The selection includes all RHESSI flares larger than C5.0 jointly observed from launch until June 30, 2003. Detailed association rates of radio emission during X-ray flares are reported. In the decimeter wavelength range, type III bursts and the genuinely decimetric emissions (pulsations, continua, and narrowband spikes) were found equally frequently. Both occur predominantly in the peak phase of hard X-ray (HXR) emission, but are less in tune with HXRs than the high-frequency continuum exceeding 4 GHz, attributed to gyrosynchrotron radiation. In 10% of the HXR flares, an intense radiation of the above genuine decimetric types followed in the decay phase or later. Classic meter-wave type III bursts are associated in 33% of all HXR flares, but only in 4% are they the exclusive radio emission. Noise storms were the only radio emission in 5% of the HXR flares, some of them with extended duration. Despite the spatial association (same active region), the noise storm variations are found to be only loosely correlated in time with the X-ray flux. In a surprising 17% of the HXR flares, no coherent radio emission was found in the extremely broad band surveyed. The association but loose correlation between HXR and coherent radio emission is interpreted by multiple reconnection sites connected by common field lines.  相似文献   

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