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中国东部地幔岩包体中的金含量及其成矿学意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
笔者等分析了中国东部 91件地幔岩包体及其寄主玄武岩中的金含量并有重要发现。除河北万全和海南定安的一些高于 10× 10 - 9的异常样品外 ,包体及寄主岩中的金含量分别在 0 .5× 10 - 9~ 10 .0× 10 - 9和 0 .2×10 - 9~ 5 .3× 10 - 9之间。其中包体平均含金 4 .6× 10 - 9,玄武岩平均含金 2 .7× 10 - 9。地幔岩中包体一般比寄主玄武岩含金高 ,二者间相关性不明显。中国东部 91件地幔岩包体及其寄主玄武岩中的金含量在空间分布上有非均一性 ,它们以华北地台为中心 ,向北和向南 (向南更明显一些 )分别降低 ,这一趋势与中国金矿大多数集中于华北地台的两缘而向南北有减少和减小的趋势是基本一致的。高于地幔金丰度 5× 10 - 9的样品 ,除海南岛外主要集中在华北地台两缘(辽宁、河北、山西、山东 ) ,与冀北西部和山东的金矿集中区有对应关系。研究表明这种对应关系是岩石圈地幔和地壳间在形成时代、性质和成分上耦合性的反映 ,而富二氧化碳含金地幔流体对金活化、富集和转移直至成矿的作用是在先期岩石圈地幔的物质基础上发生的。地幔岩包体中金含量的高低 ,对地壳中金矿床和金矿集中区的分布有指示意义。海南岛 15个包体样品平均含金 11.4× 10 - 9,最高达 36 .0× 10 - 9。鉴于有不少研究反映海南岛  相似文献   

青藏高原及邻区三阶段构造演化与成矿演化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李德威 《地球科学》2008,33(6):723-742
青藏高原具有典型的三分时空结构和3种尺度动力学体系.青藏高原由3个构造结调整的3个盆山体系组成, 北部、东部和南部3个盆山体系分别受控于古亚洲洋及西伯利亚、西太平洋和特提斯三大构造域, 经历了前寒武纪超大洋一超大陆耦合、加里东期-印支期-燕山期和喜马拉雅早期自北而南的洋陆耦合和板内盆山耦合三大构造发展过程, 形成于地核流层驱动的地核(或全球) 动力学过程、地幔流层驱动的地幔(或岩石圈) 动力学过程和地壳流层驱动的地壳(或大陆) 动力学过程, 构成历史地球系统动力学系统.青藏高原不是印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的结果, 而是形成于下地壳流动驱动的板内盆山作用, 可分为以中、新生代有序向南迁移式构造隆升、水平运动、地质作用和成矿作用为特征的板内造山阶段和以脉动式快速隆升、垂直运动、地理作用和环境变化为特征的均衡成山阶段.构造谱系决定了成矿谱系, 区域构造叠加演化造成地壳成熟度的不断增加和矿床密集度的不断提高.青藏高原3个构造成矿演化阶段包括1.8~1.4Ga、500~420Ma、300~260Ma、180~120Ma、65~30Ma、23~7Ma等6个主金属成矿期, 1.8~1.4Ga超大陆裂解事件形成与深地幔火山岩浆作用有关的大红山式海相火山喷流沉积改造型铁铜矿、金川式与镁铁-超镁铁质岩有关的铜镍硫化物浆矿床, 500~420Ma、300~260Ma和180~120Ma特提斯裂解环境下形成罗布莎式地幔剪切-改造脉型(豆荚状) 铬铁矿床、呷村式海相火山成因块状硫化物矿床等, 180~120Ma、65~30Ma和23~7Ma是青藏高原自北而南板内伸展环境下大规模成矿期, 形成驱龙式斑岩铜矿床、哀牢山式剪切带型金矿床、金顶式陆相盆地沉积型铅锌矿床, 构成一个完整的地球系统成矿动力学演化体系.   相似文献   

贵州东南部深部构造与区域矿产的关系   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
王亮 《贵州地质》2003,20(2):75-79
该文主要根据贵州东南部1:20万区域重力资料并利用其他地球物理资料初步推断了该地区的深部构造;结合区域矿产资料,用区域成矿学的新观点,探讨了该区深部构造与成矿区带的关系及其对矿床成矿系列和分布的控制,从中总结出一些规律性的认识。  相似文献   

中国及邻域的深部构造及其成矿意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
陈胜早 《地质学报》1995,69(1):1-15
通过重力场及其反演研究,结合新近的地球物理研究成果,给出了中国及邻域包括琉球T-A-B体系的新的深部构造格局。4条NE向深部构造过渡带,把中国大陆划分为东部和西部,将东部大陆及邻域的地壳构造又分为滨太平洋内陆型,滨太平尖陆缘型、西太平洋边缘海过渡型和西太平洋大洋型。秦岭-杭州湾NW向深部构造带及其向邻海的可能延伸分隔出中国大陆和海域的南、北两大亚板块群。按板块观点,分析了本区4种构造环境的成矿特点  相似文献   

武夷山成矿带内矿区的最大特征就是分布有老地层和岩浆岩.老地层集中分布区——桃溪隆起区是武夷山隆起的一部分, 表现为变质核杂岩的特征, 其中分布着大中型铜多金属矿床和大量的多金属矿点, 如紫金山铜金矿、岩背锡矿和红山铜矿, 它们是武夷山成矿带乃至中国东部的典型特征.主要矿床的成矿年龄集中于130~90 Ma, 属燕山晚期; 成矿特征表现为斑岩型-岩浆热液型铜多金属矿.成矿斑岩体成岩时代90~140 Ma, 多为燕山期复式杂岩体的中晚期, 桃溪隆起区这种时空一致性是由于中生代晚期岩石圈拆沉的产物.桃溪隆起区在中生代晚期经历了岩石圈加厚期后的拆沉、软流圈物质侵入、岩浆作用及其伴随的成矿作用.这些认识对该区找矿部署具有重要的意义.   相似文献   

The Nanling region is an important nonferrous and rare metal metallogenic province in South China, in which most of the deposits are related to granitoids in genesis. It covers southern Hunan, southern Jiangxi, Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian provinces, with a total area of about 550,000 km2. This metallogenic province is well known in the world for its rich tungsten and tin resources. In the past 40-odd years, a vast amount of mineral exploration activities and studies of the geology of mineral deposits have been carried out and great achievements obtained in the province. This paper is focused on a discussion about the deep tectonic processes in the orogenic belt during the Mesozoic and their contribution to the superaccumulation of metals. Tectonically, this metallogenic province is composed of three units: (1) the marginal continental orogenic belt in the Southeastern Coast fold system in the Yanshanian; (2) the intercontinental orogenic belt in the collision suture belt between the Yangtze and Cathaysian plates mainly in the Caledonian; and (3) the intracontinental orogenic belt induced by subduction of the ocean crust and delimination of the mantle lithosphere in the Yanshanian. It is suggested that superaccumulation of metals in this metallogenic province was caused by the existence of mantle rooted tectonics at the depth based on comprehensive studies of geophysical information of seismic, geothermal and magnetotelluric surveys in Nanling and its adjacent areas. The Xihuashan wolframite quartz vein deposit, the Shizhuyuan W, Sn, Mo, Bi greisen-skarn deposit and the Dachang tin-polymetallic deposit are three typical examples of the deep tectonic processes. However, this kind of deep tectonic processes only act as the "engine" of the superaccumulation of metals, which means that they should have to correspond with the super-crust ore-controlling pattern of "lines-rows-clusters" (L-R-C). This recognization is expected to play an important role in assessment of mineral resources in this province.  相似文献   

湘黔汞矿带旋扭构造动力作用与成矿规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湘西黔东地区,在古生代沉积盖层中,北北东向保靖-铜仁断裂带的东侧,发育一系列北东向平移逆冲压扭性断裂构造带,它们均具有相似的变形特征和动力学机制,构成一个大型压扭性旋扭构造系统。旋扭构造控制了湘黔汞矿带的分布,其中北东向断裂带控制了汞矿带内各矿田的展布,而由北东向断裂带所派生的次级张扭性断裂裂隙带,则控制了单个矿体或矿床的产出和定位,特大型和大型汞矿床均产于旋扭构造的应力强区内。  相似文献   

Continental- Margin Structure of Northeast China and Its Adjacent Areas   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The continental margin of Northeast China and its adjacent areas is composed of two tectonic belts. The inner belt is a collage made up of fragments resulting from breakup of an old land with the north part related to the evolution of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean and the south part to the evolution of the Palaeo - Pacific Ocean. The outer belt is a Mesozoic terrane, which is a melange made up of fragments of the Late Palaeozoic to Early Mesozoic oceanic crust and the Late M esozoic trench accumulations.There existed another ocean-the Palaeo - Pacific Ocean during the period from the closing of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean to the opening of the modern Pacific Ocean or from the Devonian to Jurassic, and the ocean-floor spreading of the Palaeo - Pacific Ocean led to the formation of the above-mentioned tectonic belts. The development of the strike-slip fault system after the Late Jurassic and the formation of an epicontinental volcano -plutonic rock belt in the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary are attributed to the i  相似文献   

丁孝忠  吴绍祖 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):495-500
在新疆塔里木板块西北缘下二叠统比尤勒提群中部首次发现了大量深水遗迹化石,主要包括Glockeria Ksiazkiewicz1968,Helminthoida sp.,Megagrapton sp.,Paleodictyon sp.,Paleodictyon(Glenodictyum)Croaticum Ulchman1995,Planolites sp.,Protopaleodictyon sp.,Scalaritubamissouriensis Weller1899,Spirophycus sp.等,代表典型深海环境的Nereites遗迹相。根据对温古尔剖面的研究,比尤勒提群下部为浅海陆棚相砂泥质灰岩、粉砂质泥岩、粉砂岩、泥晶灰岩等;而含丰富遗迹化石的比尤勒提群中部为一套深海海底扇沉积的浊积岩系夹少量硅质岩,并且在浊积扇的不同位置所产遗迹组合类型也明显不同,扇根以觅食迹为主,含大量穿相分子,扇中开始出现牧食迹,扇梢则出现特征的耕作迹;比尤勒提群上部为浅海陆棚-滨海相沉积的硅质灰岩、泥晶灰岩和砂质灰岩及粉砂质泥岩、钙质砂岩等。该套遗迹化石组合与深海浊积事件密切相关,同时表明塔里木板块西北缘早二叠世时期存在一个陆棚浅海-深海盆地沉积环境,晚二叠世时期海水向西退去形成陆相沉积。  相似文献   

Control of Deep Tectonics on the Superlarge Deposits in China   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
Seventy-three large-superlarge deposits in China were formed in 4 metallogenic epochs, and located in 6 metallogenic domains. By combing their time-space distribution and the relevant data of crustal thickness, we discuss the control conditions of deep tectonics on superlarge deposits. The various spatial variation of the crustal thickness where deposits locate is closely related to their different tectonic setting. The crustal thickness of the region where deposits are in the Precatnbrian metallogenic epoch is 37.1 km and shows double-peak distribution, which is related to the different tectonic-mineralization processes in the Tarim-North China and Yangtze metallogenic domains. The crustal thickness of the region where deposits are in the Paleoproterozoic metallogenic epoch is 43.4 km and shows normal distribution, which is the result of "pure" mineralization setting. The crustal thickness of the region where deposits are in the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic metallogenic epoch is about 41.2 km and show  相似文献   

青海东昆仑埃达克岩的构造环境及成矿意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东昆仑地区沿昆中深大断裂分布的一些晚三叠世火山岩和花岗岩,具有高Al2O3、Sr、Sr/Y、(La/Yb)N和低Y、Yb含量,弱负至正Eu异常,表现出与埃达克岩(Adakite)相似的地球化学特征,与岩浆混合作用形成的花岗岩(简称浆混杂岩体)时空伴生,其稀土、微量元素特征和同位素组成与底侵作用形成的基性岩有亲缘性。研究表明:东昆仑地区的埃达克质花岗岩和火山岩不是由俯冲的洋壳熔融形成,而是由晚三叠世幔源岩浆的底侵作用形成,该埃达克质火成岩的物质来源与底侵作用形成的基性岩相似,都为富集地幔Ⅱ。埃达克质岩的发现标志着昆中深大断裂向东延入鄂拉山构造带的南端,揭示了昆中深大断裂独特的动力学背景及成矿意义。在埃达克(质)岩的发育地段,多形成了东昆仑最具魅力的矿产集中区,进一步分析初步认为其中的赛什塘铜矿与埃达克质岩及其共生岩石成矿关系密切,有明显斑岩矿床特点,具进一步找矿潜力。  相似文献   

Abstract: By analyzing the deep seismic sounding profiles across the Longmen Shan, this paper focuses on the study of the relationship between the upper crust structure of the Longmen Shan area and the Wenchuan earthquake. The Longmen Shan thrust belt marks not only the topographical change, but also the lateral velocity variation between the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin. A low-velocity layer has consistently been found in the crust beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and ends beneath the western Sichuan Basin. The low-velocity layer at a depth of ~20 km beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau has been considered as the deep condition for favoring energy accumulation that formed the great Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

By analyzing the deep seismic sounding profiles across the Longmen Shan,this paper focuses on the study of the relationship between the upper crust structure of the Longmen Shan area and the Wenchuan earthquake.The Longmen Shan thrust belt marks not only the topographical change,but also the lateral velocity variation between the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin.A lowvelocity layer has consistently been found in the crust beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and ends beneath the ...  相似文献   

胶西北地区是我国最大的金矿集区,近年来深部资源勘探在胶西北地区取得重大成果。深部勘探显示,胶西北深部金矿体的产出规律与浅部一致,严格受区域走滑断裂控制,因此深部资源的增储极大程度上依赖于对深部成矿构造形态、分布与结构等的认识程度。本文提出深部成矿构造三维建模方法,综合利用地质、地球物理、地球化学勘查等数据,建立浅部建模与深部推断相结合的初始模型,进而,采用多源数据耦合处理的方法,构建胶西北金矿集区三山岛断裂、焦家断裂和招平断裂三条断裂带地下3000 m以浅的深部成矿构造三维模型。基于深部成矿构造三维模型,圈定了研究区深部金矿的12个找矿靶区,对深部找矿具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Molybdenum is one of the dominant minerals in China because of its rich reserves.In recent years,outstanding breakthroughs have been made in molybdenum prospecting in China,and the distribution of molybdenum deposits in China is found to have a "planar pattern".In general,the molybdenum deposits are concentrated in eastern China,including the largest molybdenum reserves of Henan Province.In terms of the scale of molybdenum deposits,the identified resources of the superlarge deposits are the most important,which account for about 53% of the whole country,and those of the large deposits account for about 30%,those of the medium-sized deposits account for about 14%,those of the small-sized deposits,mine spots and mineralization account for about 3%.The molybdenum deposits are mainly classified as porphyry type,skarn type,hydrothermal(vein) type and sedimentary(metamorphic) type in genesis,and the identified resources of these types account for 85.75%,8.83%,2.79%and 2.63% of the total resources respectively.Based on the statistics of precise chronology data of molybdenites Re-Os,Mo-mineralization can be divided into 6 periods in Chinese geological history,which are Precambrian(800 Ma),Cambrian-Silurian(540-415 Ma,Caledonian),Devonian-Permian(400-290 Ma,Hecynian),Triassic(260-200 Ma,Indosinian),Jurassic-Cretaceous(195-70 Ma,Yanshanian) and Paleogene-Neogene(65-10 Ma,Himalayan).Mo mineralization during the Yanshanian period is the strongest one,in which about 76.69% of the Chinese total identified resources was formed.The second is the Himalayan period.According to spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of molybdenum deposits,the metallogenic regularity of molybdenum deposits was preliminarily summarized,and 41 level-Ⅲ molybdenum-forming belts,13 level-Ⅱ molybdenum-forming provinces and 4 level-Ⅰ molybdenum-forming domains were ascertained in the mainland of China.There are 39 metallogenic series of and 60 sub-series of molybdenum deposits with molybdenum as the dominant metal and corresponding representative molybdenum deposits proposed.Metallogenic lineages of molybdenum deposits were also established.Spatial-temporal evolution of different types of molybdenum deposits,and the relationship between Mo-mineralization and tectonic evolution have been discussed in this paper.On this basis,the authors think that element Mo is an effective tracer for recording the crustal evolution history of China.At present,there are some problems in the exploration of Mo deposits in China,such as uneven exploration degrees in eastern and western China,shallow exploration depth,low and uneven grade,complex associated components,difficulty of mineral development and utilization,increasing costs of prospecting,and so on.According to successful experience of superficial and deep prospecting and considering also the discussion above,some suggestions are proposed for the prospecting of molybdenum deposits in the future.  相似文献   

西藏冈底斯成矿带驱龙铜矿Re—Os年龄及成矿学意义   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
驱龙铜矿位于冈底斯成矿带东部冈底斯花岗岩基内,为典型的斑岩型铜矿床。选择辉钼矿Re-Os同位素法对该矿床进行成矿年龄精确测定,6个辉钼矿Re-Os模式年龄范围为15.99~16.74 Ma,变化较小,不超过1 Ma。6个样品拟和的~(187)Re-~(187)Os等时线年龄为16.41±0.48 Ma(2σ误差,MSWD=1.5),与模式年龄一致。驱龙铜矿的成矿年龄与冈底斯带区域上已有的斑岩铜矿成矿年龄(14 Ma±)相吻合。目前的年龄数据结果显示冈底斯带斑岩铜矿的成矿时间主要集中在16~14 Ma之间,成矿时限不到2 Ma,具有爆发成矿特征。斑岩成矿发生在区域上钾质熔岩喷发和东西向伸展活动时期。含矿斑岩特点及其与钾质熔岩和南北向张性构造系统的时空依附关系,说明冈底斯带斑岩成矿受西藏碰撞造山带演化过程中深部构造岩浆活动的制约。冈底斯斑岩型矿床的爆发成矿具有深层次的动力学背景。  相似文献   

川黔湘构造带可划分为4个不同的构造带,其中雪峰山构造带地理位置特殊,恰位于华南块体南北向重力梯度带上,两侧岩石圈厚度差异显著,其成因机制历来是争论的焦点。雪峰山构造带基底是一个花状结构,与川黔隔槽式褶皱带构成一个整体,为一个厚皮结构。雪峰山基底在沅麻盆地隆升最高,表现为压扭性构造特点。参考深反射剖面,绘制了研究区浅层与深部结构地质剖面。板块受挤压,中、上地壳与下地壳存在不同的耦合方式,对此分析了研究区下地壳的变形过程。雪峰山下地壳向下存在对冲,形成山根,但并没有俯冲至地幔。随地壳加厚,岩石圈发生弯曲,下地壳与上地幔存在瑞利泰勒不稳定性,并下沉至软流圈地幔。晚中生代,伸展背景下的软流圈上涌使雪峰山以东岩石圈发生拆沉,致使两侧岩石圈厚度出现差异。  相似文献   

长江中下游成矿带及邻区Moho深度与成矿背景探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈安国  周涛发  刘东甲  葛粲 《地质学报》2017,91(6):1299-1311
长江中下游成矿带是我国最主要的铜铁金多金属成矿带之一。本文利用卫星重力数据计算布格重力异常,采用波数域迭代的Parker-Oldenburg位场迭代反演方法,通过重力数据反演获得长江中下游成矿带及邻区的三维Moho面结构,结合研究区已有的研究成果,探讨了研究区的深部构造格局。研究结果表明:研究区范围内Moho面总体从南西往北东有逐渐变浅趋势,最浅处位于长江口海域和杭州湾海域约28~29km,最深处位于大别山区约38~39km;长江中下游及邻区下方Moho面的隆起形态呈"V"字型,与地表的"V"字型构造特征相呼应,Moho面隆起的最深处位于"V"字型转折端附近,向两侧Moho面呈抬升状,北东走向的"V"字型东支隆起幅度和规模都要明显大于北西走向的"V"字型西支;卫星化极磁异常显示长江中下游成矿带的正磁异常高值集中分布在"V"字型东支的宁芜、庐枞、繁昌、怀宁等火山岩盆地;钦杭成矿带东段Moho面也明显上隆,隆起的中心沿钦杭成矿带的南侧边界断裂的东南侧线性分布。长江中下游成矿带和钦杭成矿带东段的Moho面条带状隆起带可能指示了地幔上隆、岩浆上涌并在壳幔边界处与下地壳发生底侵作用的深部边界,来自于壳、幔的深部含矿岩浆通过深大断裂等地壳薄弱点向上运移,并在适当的位置形成金属矿集区。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheNortheastChinaanditsadjacentregionpresentauniquetectonicpatern,whichisdistinguishedbylargescaleNEtrendinggrani...  相似文献   

能源矿产是国家安全和经济发展的战略资源,加强我国及周边地区油气和煤等能源资源的研究和开发利用意义重大。依据板块构造和大陆动力学以及油气与煤成藏地质学理论,以深部构造控制盆—山发育、盆—山耦合和热动力系统控制成矿的研究工作思路,应用70个油气田、471个煤田的基础地质资料,从沉积盆地发育的区域地质特征、成矿地质条件和成矿单元诸多方面,在地理信息系统(GIS)平台上提示了该区板块构造格局与能源资源的时空分布规律。中国南部及邻区能源资源可划分为3个成矿域,每个成矿域又可进一步划分为成矿省、含矿区(盆地)、矿田聚集区带、矿田(油气田)五个级别的成矿区域。数据集由构造带(断裂带和造山带)类型和时代、盆地类型和时代、能源矿产资源类型和丰度、成矿区带等元数据组成。该数据集是在区域大地构造研究的基础上,结合沉积盆地能源矿产(石油、天然气、煤)资源评价资料,综合分析成矿区带特征,利用地理信息系统(GIS)建立的一套完整的数据库,不仅是对中国南部及邻区区域地质认识和沉积盆地能源资源勘查工作成果的集成,而且为国家科学地引导地质找矿工作部署提供理论基础。  相似文献   

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