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Variations in floodplain channel water levels and valley floor groundwater levels (measured in piezometers and boreholes) are examined at selected points along the course of the River Lambourn, a chalk river in southern England. A local alluvial gravel aquifer in the valley bottom is associated with numerous small wetlands that extend over much of the river's perennial profile. Variations in hydraulic gradient between local borehole levels and/or floodplain channel water levels are described for three sites in the seasonal section of the channel at Bockhampton, East Garston and West Shefford. The results indicate that observed groundwater levels are closely associated with flows from discrete springs at the margins of the channel and floodplain. However, as the floodplain widens and the alluvial gravel aquifer increases in size, the gravel aquifer accounts for a substantial down-valley component of groundwater flow with a diffuse vertical water flux. In the lower catchment, the exchange of flows between the gravel aquifer and the river enables some attenuation of floodplain water-table variability, providing a stable hydrological regime for valley-bottom wetlands. Catchment controls upon the local, valley-bottom, wetland regime are demonstrated with the application of a simple groundwater model developed using MODFLOW. The model is used to simulate groundwater discharge to the river in the upper and lower catchment, in addition to the water level regime at selected points in the valley bottom in the lower catchment. The results demonstrate the importance of taking catchment-scale water flow into account when managing isolated wetlands in a permeable catchment.  相似文献   

Discharge of groundwater from a limestone aquifer through floodplain sediments is associated with a large decrease in the nitrate concentration of the water. Results are presented to show that only a small amount of this reduction is caused by dilution of groundwater by water already present within the floodplain sediments; most of the effect is an active reduction process, most probably biological denitrification. The nitrate reduction process appears to operate independently of surface vegetation type and tends to be focused in specific regions of the floodplain where sediments are anaerobic and carbon-rich. The results suggest that active denitrification can operate throughout the winter, when nitrate concentrations in groundwater are at their highest and that the process remains effective even during periods of maximum run-off. The results show that undrained floodplains can be used as buffer zones to protect surface waters from groundwater polluted with agriculturally derived nitrate.  相似文献   

Vegetation characteristics have not been sufficiently utilized in catchment runoff models. An analysis of storm hydrograph data from nested subareas of the Highland Water catchment, New Forest, U.K., indicates that depth of runoff and peak discharge from areas under heathland cover is substantially greater than from areas under woodland cover at several spatial scales. The significance of heath vegetation composition in the identification of runoff contributing areas is illustrated by an analysis of vegetation composition, water table depth, baseflow discharge and storm runoff from areas predominantly covered by heathland. Methods are proposed to employ the hydrological characteristics of heathland to refine and develop the Flood Studies Approach to discharge estimation in ungauged heathland catchments. Such an approach is greatly facilitated by the use of remotely-sensed data.  相似文献   

In recent years, dredged material has become regarded as a potential resource and used to create and/or improve intertidal habitats (i.e., beneficial use). This paper presents the results of a sampling programme to investigate the long-term (42 months post-recharge) macro- and meiofaunal recolonisation processes of a beneficial use scheme in south-east England. While univariate indices of community structure indicated that the scheme’s meiofaunal community was never significantly different from that of a nearby reference area, such attributes for macrofauna were continually significantly below those of the reference area, although this was not the case for all reference stations. Multivariate analyses revealed that macro- and meiofaunal community structures were always significantly different from those of the reference communities. We discuss the factors responsible for these observations and propose that assessing recovery of a beneficial use scheme should be undertaken using pre-defined criteria in addition to comparisons with a reference site.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of the largest flood since dam regulation on geomorphic and large wood (LW) trends using LW distributions at three time periods on the 150 km long Garrison Reach of the Missouri River. In 2011, a flood exceeded 4390 m3/s for a two‐week period (705% above mean flow; 500 year flood). LW was measured using high resolution satellite imagery in summer 2010 and 2012. Ancillary data including forest character, vegetation cover, lateral bank retreat, and channel capacity. Lateral bank erosion removed approximately 7400 standing trees during the flood. Other mechanisms, that could account for the other two‐thirds of the measured in‐channel LW, include overland flow through floodplains and islands. LW transport was commonly near or over 100 km as indicated by longitudinal forest and bank loss and post‐flood LW distribution. LW concentrations shift at several locations along the river, both pre‐ and post‐flood, and correspond to geomorphic river regions created by the interaction of the Garrison Dam upstream and the Oahe Dam downstream. Areas near the upstream dam experienced proportionally higher rates of bank erosion and forest loss but in‐channel LW decreased, likely due to scouring. A large amount of LW moved during this flood, the chief anchoring mechanism was not bridges or narrow channel reaches but the channel complexity of the river delta created by the downstream reservoir. Areas near the downstream dam experienced bank accretion and large amounts of LW deposition. This study confirms the results of similar work in the Reach: despite a historic flood longitudinal LW and channel trends remain the same. Dam regulation has created a geomorphic and LW pattern that is largely uninterrupted by an unprecedented dam regulation era flood. River managers may require other tools than infrequent high intensity floods to restore geomorphic and LW patterns. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment infiltration can clog salmon nests and reduce egg survival. As a countermeasure, environmental managers often deploy infiltration traps to monitor sediment infiltration. Traps provide a repeatable means of measuring infiltration and enable comparisons to be made between sites. Results from infiltration rates measured with traps have also been used to estimate infilling rates into salmon nests. Application of these data is questionable, as the composition of the bed and the amount of fine sediment within the bed is known to affect infiltration rates. Thus, infiltration rates measured with infiltration traps may differ from the infiltration rates occurring in redd and riffle gravels. To examine how relationships between sediment infiltration rates varied between four watersheds, we continuously monitored suspended sediment transport, shear stress and infiltration rates at four sites over 5 months. We also compared infiltration rates measured with infiltration traps with changes in the hydraulic conductivity and subsurface grain size distribution of adjacent artificially constructed salmon nests and natural riffle gravels. Among the four watersheds, clear differences in sediment infiltration rates were observed. The differences correlated with the subsurface silt content but no strong relationship existed between land‐use or basin physiography/geology. Despite observing an average of 30 kg m−2 of sediment finer than 2 mm being deposited in the infiltration traps during the study, no change in redd or riffle substrate was observed. If the deposition rates measured with the traps reflect the processes in redds, enough sediment would have been deposited to inhibit egg emergence. However, no reduction in egg survival to the eyed stage was observed. In summary, our results show that infiltration traps with clean gravels can be used to detect intersite differences in sediment transport regimes. Extrapolations of sediment infiltration rates measured with such collectors to estimate infiltration rates in redds or riffles is, however, flawed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Metals such as Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu from historical mining activity have been used as stratigraphic markers for dating and provenancing vertically accreted, fine-grained floodplain overbank deposits. This study presents evidence for chemical remobilization of these metals within overbank sediments in the Tyne basin, UK. The evidence includes: breakdown of metal-bearing minerals (sulphides, carbonates, iron and manganese oxyhydroxides); shifts of chemical fractions within zones of relatively low pH towards more soluble and reactive phases; and accumulation of secondary iron and manganese oxyhydroxides at levels related to fluctuating water-table levels or to the breakdown of organic matter. All of this suggests that fine, centimetre-scale, chemostratigraphy using metal concentrations and ratios is unlikely to provide reliable data in river systems that have experienced, or are experiencing, major changes in water-table levels, or pedogenesis. Coarse tens of centimetre- to metre-scale, chemostratigraphy, when applied with caution, may still provide a means of delineating contaminated units. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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