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At the Lower Rhine, three congeneric, invasive Gobiidae constitute the major part of local fish assemblages. Reproduction strategies play an important role in biological invasion processes and help to predict future population development. Up to now, studies on the reproductive traits of the three species have led to contradictory findings in invaded areas, and studies on native populations are scarce, especially when regarding a co-occurrence of the three species. This study provides an overview over already existing knowledge of reproductive traits in native as well as invaded regions and describes the reproduction modes of all three species at the Lower Rhine. Based on intensive beach seine sampling in nursery habitats for three consecutive years, detailed information about the spawning habits of the bighead goby Ponticola kessleri, the round goby Neogobius melanostomus, and the monkey goby N. fluviatilis is provided. Spawning onset as well as length and intensity of the spawning season were determined by estimating growth rates and subsequent back-calculations of hatching and spawning events. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) analyses of adult gobies were used to cross-validate results and to assess validity of the used method. Growth rates for the first three months of all three species were highly variable and ranged between 0.3 mm and 0.95 mm total length per day. All three Gobiidae displayed different reproductive modes with bighead gobies spawning first in March/April, but probably only once a season. In contrast, round and monkey gobies started reproducing slightly later, but then continued spawning throughout the season until September, exhibiting temporal separation with varying intensities. High variation in spawning onset, length and reproductive output for all three species was observed over the years and no relationship between spawning onset and temperature could be detected. For the first time, highly resolvent information on spawning onset and spawning season length is obtained and the fine-tuned differences between the three species are highlighted.  相似文献   

The native fish fauna commonly found in the drainage basins of rivers and reservoirs of Latin America, including those of the semi-arid Northeastern Brazil, are representatives of the Neotropical region. This work reports on the reproductive ecology of five commercially important and consumable native fish species, in relation to rainfall and hydrological variables of the semi-arid reservoirs in Brazil. Pluviometric precipitation, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity of the water were registered, and maturation of fish gonads was assessed on a monthly basis. This region is characterized with short spells of rain interspersed with long dry season and rainfall seems to be the main environmental factor which modulates the timing of the spawning period of fish. Construction of reservoirs without adequate facilities for fish migration has an adverse impact on the migratory fish species which are of commercial and ecological importance to semi-arid Northeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

本文针对LaCoste-Romberg G型重力仪(下文简称为LCR-G型重力仪)长期、中期、短期及静态漂移问题进行了探讨。从大量观测数据及曲线中发现,LCR-G147、LCR-G570及LCR-G596三台重力仪的漂移均存在着年变化。对8年来观测数据分析后,得出结论:如果同一测段两个往返时间差不超过1小时,一般就不必进行漂移改正,并不影响观测结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

分析研究了兰州观象台CZB-1型竖直摆倾斜仪资料的漂移现象,并依据日均值曲线的漂移趋势,对日均值进行了漂移的剔除。  相似文献   

利用南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪在1995年的观测数据和IMP8卫星观测的行星际磁场数据进行分析,揭示了南极极隙区纬度的电离层漂移的主要特征:电离层漂移主要是水平方向的运动,并且具有大体一致的日变化模式,在当地时间正午附近存在着指向极点的漂移运动,在晚上时间存在着离开极点的漂移运动,显示出在极区存在着逆阳对流;行星际磁场的平径向分量By在影响极隙区纬度电离层漂移运动方面起着主寻作用。当By<0时,指向极点的漂移运动入口处大约在CGLT的7:00一8:00之间,并且在CGLT的0点左右的漂移运动方向偏西;当By>0时,指向极点的漂移运动人口处大约在CGLT的9:00-10:00之间,并且在CGLT的0点左右的漂移运动方向偏东;南半球的等离子体对流图形大体上与北半球成镜面对称关系.  相似文献   

利用三站卫星闪烁数据测量电离层 不均匀结构漂移速度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文介绍一种利用相邻多站卫星闪烁信号之间相关性测量电离层不均匀结构漂移速度的方法.实验分析结果表明秋分前后我国低纬(海口)地区电离层不均匀结构的漂移速度在50~110 m/s之间,方向为东向.地方时22:00之前漂移速度的值变化较大,之后相对比较稳定.对同一次电离层闪烁事件,取不同采样长度的数据进行处理,得到的漂移速度整体上的变化趋势基本一致.结果表明,该方法是一种有效可行的方法,时间分辨率可以达到1 min.  相似文献   

本文用回旋动力学研究了磁层顶等离子体低频漂移动力学不稳定性.在β≥1附近发现两支不稳定的漂移动力学Alfvèn模(DKA).它们可在▽T(∥-▽n)≠0时激发,速度剪切提供主要的自由能源.两支DKA均具有非零的(δEy,δE∥)和(δBx,δB∥).在湍动的非线性饱和状态下,δBx的起伏可导致很强的反常输运,当|δBx|=1nT时,D⊥可达到109m2/s的数量级.因此,DKA可能在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪的初步观测结果   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍数字式电离层测高仪DPS-4的原理和特点,在中山站的安装和调试,从扫频电离图所得到的初步结果表明,中山站冬季电离层F层存在明显的磁中午现象,而电离层Es层与极光粒子沉降有很大关系;漂移测量的结果表明,电离层漂移主要是水平方向的运动,并且具有大体一致的日变化模式,显示出在极区存在逆阳对流。  相似文献   

Two types of wind ripples are distinguished in an active drift sand area near Hulshorst in The Veluwe (Central Netherlands). The common type has amplitudes of about 0·5 cm and wavelengths of some 11 cm, the atypical ripple has amplitudes of about 1 cm and wavelengths of some 16 cm. In both cases, the sand grains in the crests are coarser than those in the troughs. However, the coarseness of the grains in the crests of the higher ripples is much more pronounced than that of the lower. It is tentatively suggested that wind ripples are initiated by a regular downwind alternation in the impact energy of the descending grains in saltation, possibly due to fixed gravity waves in the sheared flows of air with grains which have strong density gradients with height.  相似文献   

本文用回旋动力学研究了磁层顶等离子体低频漂移动力学不稳定性.在β≥1附近发现两支不稳定的漂移动力学Alfvèn模(DKA).它们可在▽T(∥-▽n)≠0时激发,速度剪切提供主要的自由能源.两支DKA均具有非零的(δEy,δE)和(δBx,δB).在湍动的非线性饱和状态下,δBx的起伏可导致很强的反常输运,当|δBx|=1nT时,D可达到109m2/s的数量级.因此,DKA可能在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

本文用回旋动力学研究了磁层顶等离子体低频漂移动力学不稳定性.在β≥1附近发现两支不稳定的漂移动力学Alfvèn模(DKA).它们可在▽T(∥-▽n)(?)0时激发,速度剪切提供主要的自由能源.两支DKA均具有非零的(δE_y,δE_∥)和(δB_x,δB_∥).在湍动的非线性饱和状态下,δB_x的起伏可导致很强的反常输运,当|δB_x|=1nT时,D_⊥可达到10~9m~2/s的数量级.因此,DKA可能在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

通过分析2001年10月~2015年5月兰州钻孔倾斜观测资料的变化趋势,发现由于仪器安装时未安装底座托盘而造成观测资料存在长期的趋势性漂移。利用抛物线函数对兰州钻孔倾斜观测资料进行趋势拟合后发现,临潭-宕昌断裂3次中强地震发生前兰州钻孔倾斜观测资料的拟合残差存在着一定的异常变化,因此认为兰州钻孔倾斜观测有可能较好地反映临潭-宕昌断裂的中强地震活动。  相似文献   

电离层不规则结构漂移的GPS测量及其初步结果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文阐述了利用GPS接收机台阵测量到的闪烁和TEC变化率ROT快速起伏图样估计F层不规则结构漂移的原理和方法,并利用实测数据估计了静日和暴时电离层不规则结构的水平漂移速度.短间距台网和超短间距台链观测实例的计算结果表明,暴时武汉地区引起TEC快速起伏的电离层不规则结构沿纬圈向西漂移,21∶30至03∶00 LT,西向漂移速度在约40 m/s至130 m/s的范围内变化;在桂林地区,磁静日午夜前后引起L波段电波闪烁的电离层不规则结构沿纬圈向东漂移,漂移速度从约70 m/s下降到约55 m/s,磁扰日午夜前不规则结构向西漂移,速度从约150 m/s下降到约50 m/s,午夜后转为向东漂移,速度从约25 m/s上升到约65 m/s.文中还提出了由单站多卫星观测估计F层不规则结构漂移的设想.实例分析与计算结果表明,利用单站多卫星观测估计电离层不规则结构漂移是一种合理可行的方法.  相似文献   

Axel Kley  Gerhard Maier   《Limnologica》2006,36(2):79-90
The gammarid composition at 25 sites in the rivers Danube, Main and the southern reaches of the Rhine were studied during the years 2002–2004. Dikerogammarus villosus and Echinogammarus ischnus were the most frequent species prevailing at 17 sites. Sympatric occurrence of D. villosus and E. ischnus was observed at 12 sites. Dikerogammarus haemobaphes was recorded at 7 sites; this species prevailed in the Danube, west of the Weltenburger Enge and in the Isar mouth where it co-existed with native species (Gammarus pulex and/or G. roeseli) at 6 sites. Dikerogammarus bispinosus and E. berilloni were found at only 1 site, where they co-existed with D. villosus and E. ischnus, and with D. villosus and native species, respectively. Investigation of reproductive characteristics at 3 sites showed that females of D. villosus and D. haemobaphes produced the biggest clutches with more than 100 eggs. Females of E. ischnus produced much smaller clutches (10–35 eggs on an average), but very big eggs. Clutch sizes and egg volumes of D. bispinosus and E. berilloni resembled those of native species. Our results suggest that the most successful invaders (D. villosus, D. haemobaphes and E. ischnus) display reproductive traits that facilitate their success. Both Dikerogammarus sp. allocate energy into production of many but small eggs, thus maximizing offspring number, while E. ischnus allocates its energy into production of fewer but large eggs which could be beneficial at sites where food is scarce.  相似文献   

黄朝松  李钧 《地球物理学报》1993,36(03):277-286
本文研究了中纬电离层Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性和漂移不稳定性的基本性质.如果不存在中性风和背景电场,中纬Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性的增长率比赤道相应条件下的小.中性风和电场对中纬Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性有重要影响.当中性风速度达到10m/s时,其作用就超过了重力.漂移不稳定性也受到重力、中性风和电场的影响,离子-中性粒子碰撞能降低漂移不稳定性的增长率.本文的分析表明,在赤道电离层容易产生大尺度的Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性,在中纬电离层易产生小尺度的漂移不稳定性.  相似文献   

利用一维全粒子模拟得到的垂直无碰撞激波的位形,通过试验粒子方法研究了不同初始能量粒子的激波加速机制.将与激波相互作用的离子分成反射和直接穿过两类,发现只有被激波反射的离子可被激波明显加速,其中初始能量较小的反射离子通过激波冲浪机制加速,而初始能量较大的离子通过激波漂移加速机制加速.同时激波厚度还对离子被加速过程有重要影响.  相似文献   

南极中山站电离层漂移特性及其对行星际磁场的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪在1995年的观测数据和IMP8卫星观测的行星际磁场数据进行分析,揭示了南极极隙区纬度的电离层漂移的主要特征:电离层漂移主要是水平方向的运动,并且具有大体一致的日变化模式,在当地时间正午附近存在着指向极点的漂移运动,在晚上时间存在着离开极点的漂移运动,显示出在极区存在着逆阳对流;行星际磁场的平径向分量By在影响极隙区纬度电离层漂移运动方面起着主寻作用。当By<0时,指向极点的漂移运动入口处大约在CGLT的7:00一8:00之间,并且在CGLT的0点左右的漂移运动方向偏西;当By>0时,指向极点的漂移运动人口处大约在CGLT的9:00-10:00之间,并且在CGLT的0点左右的漂移运动方向偏东;南半球的等离子体对流图形大体上与北半球成镜面对称关系.  相似文献   

Climate change accentuates the need for knowing how temperature impacts the life history and productivity of economically and ecologically important species of fish. We examine the influence of temperature on the timing of the spawning and migrations of North Sea Mackerel using data from larvae CPR surveys, egg surveys and commercial landings from Danish coastal fisheries in the North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat and inner Danish waters. The three independent sources of data all show that there is a significant relationship between the timing of spawning and sea surface temperature. Large mackerel are shown to arrive at the feeding areas before and leave later than small mackerel and the sequential appearance of mackerel in each of the feeding areas studied supports the anecdotal evidence for an eastward post-spawning migration. Occasional commercial catches taken in winter in the Sound N, Kattegat and Skagerrak together with catches in the first quarter IBTS survey furthermore indicate some overwintering here. Significant relationships between temperature and North Sea mackerel spawning and migration have not been documented before. The results have implications for mackerel resource management and monitoring. An increase in temperature is likely to affect the timing and magnitude of the growth, recruitment and migration of North Sea mackerel with subsequent impacts on its sustainable exploitation.  相似文献   

本文研究了中纬电离层Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性和漂移不稳定性的基本性质.如果不存在中性风和背景电场,中纬Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性的增长率比赤道相应条件下的小.中性风和电场对中纬Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性有重要影响.当中性风速度达到10m/s时,其作用就超过了重力.漂移不稳定性也受到重力、中性风和电场的影响,离子-中性粒子碰撞能降低漂移不稳定性的增长率.本文的分析表明,在赤道电离层容易产生大尺度的Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性,在中纬电离层易产生小尺度的漂移不稳定性.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical procedure for determining ductility damage indices using static collapse mechanism analysis for ductile reinforced concrete (RC) frames subjected to prescribed drift limits corresponding to different seismic performance levels. This assessment benefits from performance-based seismic design (PBSD) concept that employs rotation ductility factors, pre-defined target damage indices and beam sidesway mechanism as key performance objectives to estimate curvature ductility demands at pre-designated plastic hinges of beam sidesway mechanism. The proposed ductility-based damage indices (DBDI) assessment procedure considers regular frames with secondary effects such as P-Delta and soil–structure interaction (SSI) within a simple non-iterative process suitable for practical applications. A 12-story RC moment frame was chosen to implement the proposed procedure considering P-Delta effect. Pushover analysis using SAP 2000 was carried out for the frame to verify the results of the DBDI method. The results show that the DBDI seismic assessment procedure can be used to quantify the damage potential at different performance levels and relate that to local flexural ductility of critical frame members. The research presented in this paper provides a simple yet conservative damage assessment tool for use by practicing engineers.  相似文献   

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