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Oxygenated streambeds are considered a key requirement for the successful recruitment of stream fauna, including highly endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Excessive amounts of fines impede exchange between open water and interstitial, leading to colmation and low oxygen levels in the juvenile habitat. Understanding the dynamic relationship between sediment delivery, transport, deposition and remobilization in relation to anthropogenic drivers is still poorly understood, yet is essential for conservation and restoration.This study analysed spatiotemporal sediment dynamics and interstitial habitat quality in five pearl mussel streams at the border region between Bavaria, Saxony and the Czech Republic during 2018 and 2019, comparing extremely dry periods with higher discharge events caused by snow melt and rainfall. Physicochemical habitat conditions within the streambed and sediment deposition were recorded in high spatial resolution along the stream courses, with a particular focus on the effects of tributaries and outflows of man-made fishponds.Habitat conditions were unsuitable for juvenile pearl mussels at the majority of sites, indicated by pronounced differences in physicochemical parameters between open water and the substrate, independent of discharge conditions. Sediment deposition varied markedly between discharge events, in terms of both the quality and quantity of deposits. Snow melt resulted in the highest sedimentation rates, but the smallest proportion of fine particles. During low flow conditions, fine sediment deposition was highly variable, ranging from 0.048 to 4.170 kg/week/m², mostly independent of flow velocity. High spatiotemporal variation was observed within and amongst stream systems, revealing different longitudinal patterns of fine sediment deposition, with catchment land use as the main driver. Temporal variability in sediment deposition was mainly associated with the discharge condition while abiotic parameters varied mainly with season.The high site-specificity of sedimentation rates and substrate conditions in response to different discharge events highlights the importance of an adapted conservation management which considers anthropogenic effects at the local scale.  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊围隔中重建水生植被及其生态效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡旭  何亮  曹特  倪乐意  谢平 《湖泊科学》2014,26(3):349-357
水体富营养化导致水生植被衰退、蓝藻水华暴发、水质恶化和水生生态系统崩溃.恢复水生植被被认为是改善受损水体水质和提高其生态系统稳定性的重要手段.本研究通过构建大型围隔,根据水生植物的耐污程度及其对水质和底质等条件的需求,选取几种适宜的水生植物在围隔内进行移栽与群落构建,并以不移栽水生植物的围隔和围隔外水体作为对照.实验期间(2011年4月至2012年6月),围隔内移栽的几种水生植物全部存活,并建立了相对稳定的群落.同时还跟踪监测了3个处理组的水质情况,结果显示,移栽水生植物的围隔内水质明显优于围隔外,与未移栽水生植物围隔相比,也有很大程度的改善,其中移栽水生植物围隔内水体的总氮、铵态氮、总磷、水下消光系数相比于围隔外水体分别低30.55%、44.09%、36.04%和42.13%,相比于未移栽水生植物围隔内水体分别低5.96%、13.40%、6.70%和7.60%,透明度分别比围隔外水体和未移栽水生植物围隔水体高74.59%和8.70%,浮游植物生物量也大大低于围隔外,而浮游动物生物量却明显高于后者.此外,实验后移栽水生植物围隔内沉积物氮、磷含量及其间隙水总氮、总磷、铵态氮浓度明显低于围隔外和未移栽水生植物围隔.研究表明,在富营养化浅水湖泊中通过建立围隔进行合理的群落配置,进而逐步恢复水生植物是完全可行的,而水生植物恢复后加强对其管理和维护至关重要.  相似文献   

This is the third paper of the series about “Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp”. In this paper, phosphorus dynamics were inves-tigated under the condition of culturing bighead carp and common carp with added fish food (nitrogen dynamics is discussed in the second paper because their behaviors are so different from each other). Nearly fifty days’ observation results indicated that the reservoir water was typical of “phosphorus limited” water, and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was the main constituent of measured total phosphorus (TP). The presence of fish food resulted in significantly higher SRP, dissolved total phos-phorus (DTP) and TP concentrations in contrast with the reservoir water. Moreover, continuous supply of fish food led to the decline of total nitrogen to total phosphorus (TN:TP) from more than 100 to less than 5. Variations in the ratio of TN to TP favored the growth of blue-green algae. Fish species affected phosphorus concentrations, and culturing bait-eating common carp contributed more to reducing the SRP, DTP and TP concentrations than culturing planktivorous bighead carp. 0.5%, 4.1%and 3.1%TP can be removed in enclosures with culturing bighead carp, common carp and mixed bighead carp and common carp, respectively. Abundant phosphorus in the fish culturing activities may be present as the uneaten food, algae cells, and within the water column and sediment, which should be taken into serious con-sideration for the target of future water eutrophication prevention and safety of the drinking water supply.  相似文献   

水生植被对于维持水生态系统结构和功能稳定性具有举足轻重的作用,而重建水生植物被认为是污染湖泊生态修复的重要手段.氮素是水生态系统重要的限制性元素之一,根着挺水植物生长发育无疑将深刻地影响着沉积物氮的迁移转化过程,但水生植物不同生长阶段对沉积物氮的需求和植物代谢强度均不同,目前对挺水植物完整生长过程中沉积物氮组分及含量变...  相似文献   

Environmental determinants of littoral paludification in boreal lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerical studies of the relationships between littoral processes and environmental variables are important because they provide understanding of the impacts of natural and human factors on lake systems. In this study, littoral paludification, its occurrence, types and main environmental determinants were studied in boreal lakes with varying size (41–560 km2) and total phosphorus content (4.5–35.5 μg L−1) in Finland. The relative importance of catchment characteristics, water quality and water level regulation on paludification was analysed at the lake level (n=20), whereas the importance of site morphology, soil quality and aquatic vegetation was analysed at the site level (n=289). This study utilised two novel statistical methods in numerical analyses: generalised linear mixed models and variation partitioning (VP). Bottom ward overgrowth was the main paludification type in the studied lakes. At the lake level, the magnitude of spring flooding and the altitude of the lake had a negative response to paludification, whereas the existence of water level regulation, cover of clay soil and total phosphorus content correlated positively to paludification. At the site level, the paludification was negatively related to slope angle, and positively to the occurrence of clay soil, Glyceria maxima (reed sweet-grass) and the abundance of eutrophy indicator species. However, a considerable amount of variation in littoral paludification both at lake and site levels was accounted for by the joint effects of predictors and may thus be causally related to two or all three groups of predictors.  相似文献   

Measuring ecological change of aquatic macrophytes in Mediterranean rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A metric was developed for assessing anthropogenic impacts on aquatic macrophyte ecology by scoring macrophyte species along the main gradient of community change. A measure of ecological quality was then calculated by Weighted Averaging (WA) of these species scores at a monitoring site, and comparison to a reference condition score. This metric was used to illustrate the difficulties of developing aquatic macrophyte indices based on indicator species in Mediterranean rivers. The response of the metric to a nutrient gradient was examined within two different river typologies: the national typology designed for the Water Framework Directive and a typology that segregates the environmental variables to produce maximum species similarity within a river type. Both typologies showed the strong north-south climatic divide in Portugal, with southern rivers having long periods without rainfall and often without flowing water in the summer. Overall, the metric responded well to nutrient impacts however it performed poorly in some southern lowland river types. This was thought to be due to low numbers of aquatic macrophytes in temporary rivers. Non-aquatic species that establish in the river channel of temporary rivers may have to be included in indices to improve performance. Also, simple Weighted Averaging (WA) metrics may be insensitive to abundance changes and loss of rarer indicators in lowland Mediterranean rivers. More sophisticated methods of using WA are suggested, as well as further research into developing assessment methods specific to the character of Mediterranean rivers.  相似文献   

洪泽湖3种沉水植物附着细菌群落结构及多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马杰  范婤  王国祥  韩睿明  董彬  冀峰  彭云 《湖泊科学》2016,28(4):852-858
沉水植物茎叶表面附着的藻、菌及其他物质,不仅影响沉水植物自身生长,而且影响水体物质循环过程,附着藻类的研究已经有不少报道,但附着细菌的报道相对较少.采用末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)技术,研究洪泽湖典型沉水植物——菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、篦齿眼子菜(Potamogeton pectinatus)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)在生长旺盛期叶表面附着细菌的群落结构及多样性特征,并采用冗余分析法探讨环境因子对附着细菌丰度的影响.结果表明,(1)3种沉水植物附着细菌群落结构有明显的差异性.143 bp T-RF在菹草和篦齿眼子菜中的相对丰度平均达到了20%和11%,而在金鱼藻中的相对丰度小于1%;89 bp T-RF在金鱼藻中的相对丰度平均约为13%,而在菹草和篦齿眼子菜中相对丰度小于5%.94 bp T-RF在菹草样品中相对丰度超过15%,而在其他样品中未被检测出.(2)从多样性角度分析,3种沉水植物附着细菌多样性大小依次为篦齿眼子菜菹草金鱼藻.(3)部分限制性片段的丰度受环境因子的影响较大,如89、94、143和227 bp T-RFs.而如167 bp T-RFs在3种沉水植物中的相对丰度分布较为稳定,受上述环境因子的限制较小.根据细菌比对结果,洪泽湖附着细菌的优势菌群可能属于拟杆菌门(Bacteroides)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)3个门类.  相似文献   

Uptake and biological effects of synthetic glucocorticoids (GCs) were analyzed using common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Fish were exposed to clobetasol propionate (CP) or clobetasone butyrate (CB) individually or in mixture at 1 μg L−1 for 21 days. Bioconcentration factor (BCF) of CB was calculated as 100, and BCF of CP was less than 16. No effects were found in fish erythrocyte and leukocyte numbers and serum glucose levels after exposure to the selected GCs. On the other hand, serum concentrations of free amino acids significantly increased in GC-exposed groups. Thus, exposures to synthetic GCs at relatively low concentrations seemed to cause enhancement of protein degradation and subsequent increase of serum free amino acids without a corresponding increase in serum glucose levels, an effect which might be related to partial induction of gluconeogenesis by GC.  相似文献   

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