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In the eustigmatophycean Nannochloropsis limnetica the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) is extremely high in comparison to different planktonic green algal taxa in freshwater ecosystems. The sums of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids in N. limnetica were ten-fold higher than in the other picoplankton Choricystis minor and Pseudodictyosphaerium jurisii, and higher than in the nanoplanktonic green algae Chlorella vulgaris, Monoraphidium neglectum and Scenedesmus obtusiusculus. The content of fatty acids in N. limnetica was highly variable under different culture conditions. The highest concentrations of PUFA in N. limnetica were found in non-aerated suspension cultures, with a high content of phosphate (40 mg l−1 K2HPO4) in the culture medium: linoleic acid 22.19 mg g−1 DW, arachidonic acid 10.52 mg g−1 DW, and eicosapentaenoic acid 55.56 mg g−1 DW. N. limnetica represent a high-quality food resource in freshwater food chains. Furthermore, cultures of this eustigmatophycean alga have a high potential for use in biotechnology and aquaculture.  相似文献   

We have investigated the impact of a large mussel farm on the benthic environment using a battery of benthic indicators of environmental quality (including biochemical, microbial and meiofaunal parameters). These were analysed through a multi-control sampling strategy over one year. The differences across the seasons are typically higher than those between the impacted and the control stations. No effects are seen in terms of the sediment oxygen penetration and the downward fluxes (as the total mass, organic and phytopigment fluxes). The indicators based on the biochemical compositions of the sediment organic matter and the microbial parameters also show no evidence of the eutrophication process, except as a slight increase in the bacterial density in the sediments beneath the long-lines of the farm during the period of highest mussel stocks. Finally, no effects are observed in terms of the benthic faunal indicators, as the meiofaunal abundance, the community structure and the taxa richness are all indistinguishable between the farm sediments and the controls. These results show that mussel farming in the investigated system is eco-sustainable and does not significantly alter the coastal marine ecosystem, both in terms of the functioning and the trophic state. The battery of indicators selected in this study represents a useful tool for the monitoring of the potential ecological impact of mussel farms, towards guaranteeing the sustainable development of aquacultures in shallow coastal environments.  相似文献   

青虾生长规律与群体组成的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
报道了上海川沙县孙桥河道青虾的生长呈明显的阶段性,如雄虾的第一阶段(1990年6—11月)的生长方程为L_t=3.38[1-e~(-0.4943(t+0.1674)];第二阶段(1991年2—6月)的生长方程为L_t=6.57/(1+e~(2.1805-0.2787t);它们的拐点分别为2.07月龄和11.97月龄。渔获群体分析结果表明,月龄为0-15月,体长范围为1.30—6.58cm,体重范围为0.060—13.39g;一年出现两个群体,其中夏季群体生活期从当年7月至翌年10月,数量大,占群体数量80%以上;秋季群体生活期从当年9月至翌年12月,约占群体数量20%左右。群体中一般雄虾数量多于雌虾数量,月性比(?)在0.61—1.35之间变动。  相似文献   

In the present study, some biological traits of Caridina fossarum reproduction are studied in the Ghomp-Atashkedeh spring (Fasa, Shiraz, Iran), for the first time. This Iranian endemic freshwater species was studied from April 2007 to March 2008. Minimum sexable size (MSS) and absolute or relative size at the onset of maturity (SOM and RSOM) in terms of carapace length (CL) was found to be 2.4 mm, 4.3 mm and 55%, respectively. Sex ratio showed variations on a monthly basis. Sex reversal is a possible scenario for C. fossarum because the size-specific sex ratio revealed a reverse pattern. Based on the proportions of ovigerous females, the main breeding season was determined to be from April to August, demonstrating a peak during early spring. There is a period of extended recruitment at water temperatures above 20 °C. The size at which 50% of females are mature was estimated at CL = 5.03 mm from the proportion of ovigerous females during the breeding season. The pleopodal egg number varied from 3 to 75 eggs per female with a mean value 34.39 ± 14.27. The results showed that although there is a significant relationship between carapace length CL and pleopodal egg number, it is not the most important factor affecting potential fecundity in C. fossarum due to the low values of slope (= 1.51) and determination coefficient (= 0.052).  相似文献   

The pelagic ciliate communities from 58 north German lakes differing in their origin (natural lakes and artificial ponds), morphology (from shallow ponds with a maximum depth of below 0.5 m to relatively deep lakes with a maximum depth of more than 10 m, surface areas from below 10 ha to more than 100 ha), trophic state (from mesotrophic to hypertrophic) and salinity (freshwater lakes and brackish water lakes) are described and compared at species level. Each lake was comprehensively sampled quarterly in the years 1996 and 1997, respectively. Applying a quantitative protargol stain, about 140 ciliate species could be identified and quantified in all investigated lakes. 35 species, mainly members of the Prostomatida and Oligotrichida, were found commonly in all types of lakes at all seasons and dominated the pelagic ciliate communities. 3 species were common in freshwaters, but never occurred in brackish lakes. In the brackish waters a mixture of common freshwater species and marine species was found with 13 species exclusively occurring in brackish waters. Lowest ciliate cell numbers were observed for deep freshwater lakes, highest cell numbers were determined for brackish waters. Highest species richness was found in artificial peat ponds with an average of 24 pelagic ciliate species in spring samples. The range of occurrence for the identified species was wide for most common species. However, the influence of some environmental factors could be enlightened.  相似文献   

Rotifera density, biomass, and secondary production on two marginal lakes of Paranapanema River were compared after the recovery of hydrologic connectivity with the river (São Paulo State, Brazil). Daily samplings were performed in limnetic zone of both lakes during the rainy season immediately after lateral inflow of water and, in the dry period, six months after hydrologic connectivity recovery. In order to identify the factors that affect rotifer population dynamics, lake water level, volume, depth, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, suspended solids, nutrients, and chlorophyll-a were determined. Variations of water physical and chemical factors that affect rotifer population were related to the lake-river degree of connection and to water level rising after drought. The water lateral inflow from the river resulted in an increase in lake water volume, depth, and transparency and a decrease in water pH, alkalinity, and suspended solids. The lake with the wider river connection, more frequent biota exchange, and larger amount of particulate and dissolved materials was richer and more diverse, while rotifer density, biomass, and productivity were lower in both periods studied. Density, biomass, and secondary production were higher in the lake with the smaller river connection and the higher physical and chemical stability. Our results show that the connectivity affects the limnological stability, associated to seasonality. Stable conditions, caused by low connectivity in dry periods, were related with high density, biomass and secondary production. Conversely, instability conditions in rainy periods were associated to elevated richness and diversity values, caused by exchange biota due to higher connectivity.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the relationships of water and sediment quality with meiobenthos (Ostracoda) over the past 100 years, using a sediment core obtained from Suo-Nada in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. We compared high-resolution ostracode results with geochemical and sedimentological data obtained from the study core as well as with rich environmental monitoring data that are available. R-mode cluster analysis revealed two bioassociations (BC, KA). Until the1960s, assemblages continued to show high diversity. They changed in approximately 1970, when excessive nutrients and organic matter began to be supplied, and most species decreased in number. All species of bioassociation BC were dominant again by the mid-1990s; however, those of bioassociation KA containing infaunal species did not increase and have been absent or rare since the 1970s because organic pollution of sediments has continued to date. This study provided robust baseline for ostracode-based long-term environmental monitoring in East Asia.  相似文献   

Primary treated sewage effluent from the city of Vancouver, Canada was deposited directly onto the intertidal ecosystem of Sturgeon bank, Fraser river estuary between 1962 and 1988. In response to the degraded sediment conditions an azoic zone developed near the discharge outfall. Effluent discharges into the intertidal zone were almost completely stopped in 1988 with the construction of a submerged outfall. Our studies, conducted between 1994 and 1996, showed considerable improvement in the environment of the mudflat ecosystem, including increased dissolved oxygen, decreased sediment chlorophyll, decreased organic material in the sediment, reduced heavy metals in surficial sediment and increased grain size. The amphipod Corophium salmonis, important in the food web for juvenile salmon and other fish species, recolonized the previously azoic location. At reference stations, C. salmonis density was similar to that observed in previous surveys two decades earlier. Our data strongly suggest that improvement or sediment conditions near the former sewage outfall was a major factor enabling colonization by C. salmonis.  相似文献   

The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is a highly specialized and sensitive freshwater bivalve, whose survival in the juvenile phase is indicative of high quality habitats. This contribution investigates the use of juvenile freshwater pearl mussels as bioindicators, considering the influence of mussel stock and study stream conditions on juvenile performance, as described by survival and growth rates. A standardized cross experiment was carried out investigating juvenile performance in four different pearl mussel stocks originating from the Rhine, Danube and Elbe drainages, representing distinct genetic conservation units. The juveniles were exposed in five study streams which were selected to integrate pearl mussel streams with different water qualities and recruitment status of the mussel population. Per study stream, five standard mesh cages containing an equal number of 20 (10 × 2) juvenile pearl mussels per stock in separate chambers were installed. Survival and growth rates of juveniles were checked after three months (i.e. before their first winter) and after nine months (i.e. after their first winter). Mussel stock and study stream conditions significantly influenced juvenile performance. Growth rates were determined by study stream conditions and increased with stream water temperature, organic carbon and C/N ratios. Survival rates varied stock-specifically, indicating different levels of local adaptation to their native streams. Due to the detection of stream-specific differences in juvenile performance, freshwater pearl mussels appear suitable as bioindicators. However, a careful consideration of stock-specificity is necessary to avoid false interpretation of bioindication results. The comparison of stock-specific survival in native versus non-native streams implicates that exposure of juveniles outside their native habitats is able to increase breeding success or else serve for risk spreading in breeding programs.  相似文献   

The distribution, abundance and chemical characteristics of plastic production pellets on beaches of the island of Malta have been determined. Pellets were observed at all locations visited and were generally most abundant (>1000 m−2 at the surface) on the backshores of beaches with a westerly aspect. Most pellets were disc-shaped or flattened cylinders and could be categorised as white, yellow, amber or brown. The polymeric matrix of all pellets analysed by infrared spectroscopy was polyethylene and the degree of yellowing or darkening was associated with an increase in the carbonyl index, hence extent of photo-oxidation or aging. Qualitatively, pellets are similar to those reported for other regions of the Mediterranean in surveys spanning three decades, suggesting that they are a general and persistent characteristic of the region.  相似文献   


This research examined the influences of outflow characteristics affecting riverbank stability. The 130-km stretch of the Lower Osage River downstream from Bagnell Dam (Missouri, USA) provided an excellent case study for this purpose. The integrated BSTEM model with the HEC-RAS model was accurately calibrated and validated with data from the US Geological Survey. Then, the outflow characteristics (peak flow duration, flow drawdown rate, and low flow duration) were investigated individually. The results of this study showed that: (1) riverbank stability is little affected by the duration time of the peak flow, especially on the reaches far from the dam; (2) sudden flow drawdown significantly reduces riverbank stability; however, the impact of the drawdown rate decreases with distance from the dam; and (3) the duration of the low flow after peak flow influences the riverbank stability value proportional to the distance from the dam. The time of low flow before failure increases as the distance from the dam increases.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the processes involved in unconsolidated cliff recession using LiDAR surveys (2005, 2010 and 2013) and aerial photographs (1964–2012) at Pointe‐au‐Bouleau, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence estuary, in eastern Canada. The high lithostratigraphic variability of the sediments allowed for the identification of stratigraphic and lithological variables that explain the evolution of coastal cliffs. Space‐for‐time substitution was also used to assess how lithostratigraphy controls the evolution of emerged glaciomarine coastal cliffs over decadal to centennial timescales. This case study presents new quantitative data that contributes to a better understanding of the role of sediment architecture, stratigraphy and geomorphology on coastal evolution. The methodological approach includes the development of a new conceptual model suitable for identifying erosion on cliff coastlines. The high spatial resolution methodology (<5 cm) used herein demonstrates the need for further research using LiDAR data in order to quantify the processes involved in the evolution of coastal cliffs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To investigate the interaction between cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria under gradients of glucose and nitrate, a cyanobacterial strain of Microcystis aeruginosa was grown in microcosms with and without a freshwater bacterial mixture, which was collected from Lake Taihu. Concentrations of glucose (1350, 975, 600, 300, 150, and 37.5 μmol C L−1) and nitrate (150, 300, and 9000 μmol N L−1) were used in a range of combinations giving 9 different treatments of glucose:nitrate. In the microcosm without the bacterial mixture, M. aeruginosa abundance gradually increased with days in all treatments. However, M. aeruginosa had much lower density in some treatments with the bacterial mixture. The difference in M. aeruginosa growth could be explained by competition with bacteria in the cultures in which these were added. The abundance of M. aeruginosa and bacteria when grown together was nearly equal and the number of the bacterial species was highest in the treatment with 300 μmol C L−1 and 150 μmol N L−1. Our results suggest that at this glucose:nitrate ratio M. aeruginosa and the bacterial mixture maintain a balance, and bacteria maintain diversity. In conclusion, we propose that dissolved organic carbon and nitrate availability fundamentally affects the structure as well as stoichiometry of pelagic associations.  相似文献   

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