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Market environmentalism, and, arguably its exemplar carbon forestry, has been engaged within human and economic geography by drawing from the Marxist tradition, and to a lesser extent, utilising post-structuralist lines of enquiry. A direct focus on how practices and transformations related to carbon forestry could be construed as ‘sacrifical’, however, is lacking. This article seeks to remedy this by attending to the biopolitics of climate security discourse and interventions as they localise in an ‘assemblage of market environmentalism’ in Uganda. It charts a choreography of sacrifice that emerges under a neoliberal environmentality within this entity, namely, where the activities and ‘moves’ of both state and non-state actors constitute the grounds for forms of both direct and circuitous bio-cultural sacrifice. Here both surplus populations of people, the non-commercial component of Ugandan forestry, and those forest areas which are not amenable to having ‘nature pay for itself’ through carbon sequestration, are written off through direct violence and degradation, on the one hand, and through the naturalisation of broader processes of deforestation, on the other.  相似文献   

Michael Flitner 《Geoforum》2003,34(2):175-185
The article deals with the role of genetics in the state-led agricultural modernization efforts that took place in different industrialized countries during the course of the 1920s and 1930s. A comparison between Germany, the Soviet Union and the United States shows substantial similarities in their attempts to increase the productivity of agriculture on different geographical scales. Following advances in scientific knowledge about the geography of cultivated plants, these countries sent out numerous expeditions to collect plant breeding material from all over the world. At the same time, states tightened their grip on farmers’ and breeders’ activities inside the country by establishing legal rules for the use of plant varieties and seed. But this was only one side of a larger “genetic modernization” project. In all three countries, concepts of agricultural modernization were substantially linked to social-darwinist thought which embraced programs of eugenics and “racial hygiene”. These links are outlined for each of the cases, highlighting the widely differing intermingling of scientific concepts and terminologies with political ideologies. It is then discussed what role geography and in particular geopolitical thinking of the time were to play in the development of “genetic modernization”, and more specifically, with regard to the nexus between agriculture and eugenics. While the discipline’s involvement in both fields remained comparably marginal in practical terms, clearly there were conceptual contributions toward the development of the broader field. Going back to Ratzel’s and Kjellén’s work, it is argued that geography had an important role in the establishment of a political field in which ideas of managing human reproduction were fused with concepts of economic development and environmental determinism.  相似文献   

Simon Reid-Henry 《Geoforum》2007,38(3):445-455
The experience of the (post)socialist South has been marginal to the study of transition, despite the many similarities between processes of transition and development. This paper tries to better understand this overlap by exploring some empirical and conceptual connections between processes of development and processes of transition in Cuba. In doing so it makes two sets of arguments. The first set of arguments concerns the nature of ‘transition’ itself. I use the ‘contested spaces’ of the Cuban (socialist) biotech sector, and specifically its attempts to attract foreign (capitalist) investment as a case study. As a high profile industry, biotechnology functioned in Cuba as a political space within which questions of transition and development could be reconfigured by blurring the boundaries between them. In turn, this has enabled the Cuban State to legitimise responses to transition that would otherwise have appeared contradictory. The second set of arguments try to explain how this was possible. I argue that the slippage between nationalist and socialist visions of development allowed biotechnology (as a specifically developmentalist project) to be variously understood as, for example, a post-colonial socialist, or anti-colonial nationalist project in ways that suited the needs of transition at any one time. Such recombinations in many ways account for the non-linear and reversible nature of transition in Cuba. I speculate as to whether Bruno Latour’s work on the way capitalist societies understand themselves to be ‘modern’, helps explain how, in (post)socialist countries, processees of transition can be shaped through different historical constructions of modernisation and development.  相似文献   

With its longstanding history and interest in issues of landscape and representation, geographers are ideally positioned to analyze the relationship between media, identity and place in media. What is missing, however, is a grounded understanding of the dynamics of the locally produced politics of representation and, in particular, how these representations are perceived by different members of the audience. This paper briefly explores the nexus of race, news production and news consumption through an analysis of interviews with racialized journalists (journalists who identified as members of minority racial groups) and a focus group conducted with self-identified Iranian Canadians. The paper looks specifically at two themes that emerged in the empirical material: the contamination of memory and the creation of colonized memory media-spaces for some participants in the focus group, and the nature of racialized silences in the newsroom. I suggest that geographies of news might well be understood as a complex, interactive process of the production of meaning between both producer and consumer, where news content, ethics, roles and values are negotiated through multiple social contexts.  相似文献   

In this article, the evolving forms of biodiversity politics are examined in the light of regulation theory and in the tradition of materialistic state theory (Gramsci, Poulantzas, etc.). Biodiversity politics is not so much oriented toward the conservation of biodiversity as towards the creation of a stable political-institutional framework for its commercialization. In this contested and contradictory process, the nation state plays a crucial role. After a few remarks on the theoretical assumptions, some basic elements of the international regulation system of genetic resources are presented. The main topics of international biodiversity politics beside conservation are: access to biodiversity and its genetic resources, benefit sharing from its use and intellectual property rights. A major problem of this system is the relationship between varying negotiation processes in different fora. Another closely connected problem is the contradictory relationship between different regulatory levels at different spatial scales (international, regional, local). These contradictions are analyzed for the case of Mexico. Central issues of Mexican biodiversity politics, and the different actors, forces and interests are outlined and discussed against our initial theoretical reflections. Bioprospecting projects in the south of Mexico have raised questions of legal and legitimate forms of access, which have generated growing concern and significant disputes within Mexico. Finally, some conclusions are drawn, binding together the theoretical with the empirical results of our study.  相似文献   

Many continental flood basalts (CFB) have isotope and trace-element signatures that differ from those of oceanic basalts and much interest concerns the extent to which these reflect differences in their upper mantle source regions. A review of selected data sets from the Mesozoic and Tertiary CFB confirms significant differences in their major- and trace-element compositions compared with those of basalts erupted through oceanic lithosphere. In general, those CFB suites characterised by low Nb/La, high (87Sr/86Sr)i and low εNdi tend to exhibit relatively low TiO2, CaO/Al2O3, Na2O and/or Fe2O3, and relatively high SiO2. In contrast, those which have high Nb/La, low (87Sr/86Sr)i and high εNdi ratios, like the upper units in the Deccan Traps, have major- and trace-element compositions similar to oceanic basalts. It would appear that those CFB that have distinctive isotope and trace-element ratios also exhibit distinctive major-element contents, suggesting that major and trace elements have not been decoupled significantly during magma generation and differentiation.

When compared (at 8% MgO) with oceanic basalt trends, the displacement of many CFB to lower Na2O, Fe2O3*, TiO2 and CaO/Al2O3, but higher SiO2, at similar Mg#, is not readily explicable by crustal contamination. Rather, it reflects source composition and/or the effects of the melting processes. The model compositions of melts produced by decompression of mantle plumes beneath continental lithosphere have relatively low SiO2 and high Fe2O3*. In contrast, the available experimental data indicate that partial melts of peridotite have low TiO2, Na2O and Fe2O3*CaO/Al2O3, if the peridotite has been previously depleted by melt extraction. Moreover, melting of hydrated, depleted peridotite yields SiO2-rich, Fe2O3- and CaO-poor melts. Since anhydrous, depleted peridotite has a high-temperature solidus, it is argued that the source of these CFB was variably melt depleted and hydrated mantle, inferred to be within the lithosphere. Isotope data suggest these source regions were often old and relatively enriched in incompatible trace elements, and it is envisaged that H2O±CO2 were added at the same time as the incompatible elements. An implication is that a significant proportion of the new continental crust generated since the Permian reflected multistage processes involving mobilization of continental mantle lithosphere that was enriched in minor and trace elements during the Proterozoic.  相似文献   

陈立辉  曾罡  刘建强  王小均  张超 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3703-3711

洋岛玄武岩(OIB)在同位素组成上的显著变化表明深部地幔在化学上是高度不均一的,存在EM1、EM2和HIMU等地幔端元。现有OIB的地球化学证据支持EM1、EM2和HIMU源区多存在再循环地壳物质,因此对地幔端元属性的精准约束是探讨壳幔物质循环和地球深部过程的关键。基于近年来来自OIB的Mg、Fe、Zn等金属稳定同位素和橄榄石斑晶元素地球化学方面的观察,本文在重新梳理不同地幔端元在成因上的联系和区别的基础上,把EM1和EM2归类为残余型富集储库(residual-type enriched reservoir)、HIMU归为交代型富集储库(metasomatic-type enriched reservoir)。相对于OIB,大陆幔源火山岩的熔融程度普遍要低得多,更有利于保存富集组分的地球化学信息。另外,洋岛玄武岩主要分布在南半球,大陆火山岩主要分布于北半球,后者可以弥补前者在空间上代表性不足的缺陷。因此,大陆火山岩有潜力成为观察深部地幔储库的新视角。


This paper analyses the potential for social integration in post-apartheid urban South Africa by examining the lives of those already living in desegregated spaces. The case study is a low-cost state-assisted housing project situated in the wealthy southern suburbs of Cape Town. In this social housing project, named Westlake village, coloured and Black African (alongside a handful of white and Indian) residents were awarded state housing in 1999 as replacement for their previous homes (informal and formal), which were demolished to make way for a mixed land-use development, of which their new homes form a small component. Westlake’s desegregation is found to extend beyond mere residential abode, affecting resident’s everyday lives to the extent that apartheid’s history and geography are superseded by other factors (such as proximity and affordability) in decision-making. Furthermore, integration at the everyday level of informal neighbourly mixing is prevalent. Although more formal cross-race friendships are rare, discussion reveals this as a consequence of Westlake’s specific socio-historic identity rather than racial divisions per se. Empirical evidence is used to propose a continuum of social integration experience. This continuum addresses the form of integration, for example greeting in the street, visiting homes, inter-marriage; and also the spaces of integration, for example physical space (shared neighbourhood), economic space (common employment-type), social space (cross-race friendship), political space (common involvement in civic organisations) and cultural space (shared sense of belonging).  相似文献   

This article examines recent higher education projects in two resource-rich, developmental states: Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia. These projects are indicative of broader trend across Asia to move beyond previous national universities, toward a state-initiated model of the globally competitive university, which is designed to become an regional hub for elite education. Drawing on a range of qualitative methods, I consider the geopolitical context in which these projects have been conditioned and materialized, with a focus on how they are legitimated by policy-makers in the two case countries. By reframing discussions about the globalization of higher education in terms of a geopolitics of higher education, I argue that the cases of Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia are not exceptions set outside of the hegemonic liberal system, but that they are ‘mirrors’ of recent internationalization agendas undertaken by elite Western universities. Through considering localized discourses of promoting knowledge-based economies, I consider how elites simultaneously work with and reconfigure globally-hegemonic discourses, and specifically how these elite university projects are part of broader authoritarian political configurations in Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ideology and materiality of ‘bio-socialism’, through which the Ecuadorian government is attempting to catalyse a ‘post-neoliberal’ transition from the ‘finite resources’ of Amazonian oil reserves to the ‘infinite resources’ of biodiversity and scientific knowledge. This experiment is embodied in Ikiam, a public university under construction in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Drawing on extensive field research, we argue that, despite its radical intentions, bio-socialism is functioning as a strategy for the real subsumption of nature to capital, which is being operationalized in Ikiam in ways that reproduce the neoliberal knowledge economy. However, the contradictions of this process imply that, in practice, Ikiam is only intensifying established patterns of the formal subsumption of nature, by commodifying the genetic wealth and indigenous knowledge of the Amazon, and legitimating the expansion of the oil and mineral frontiers. The case of bio-socialism demonstrates the paradoxical nature of actually-existing post-neoliberalism, and illustrates the tendency for utopian ideologies to reproduce the material conditions they are seeking to escape.  相似文献   

Seventy-two basalts from 58 dredge stations located along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 29°N to 59°N have been analyzed for 87Sr86Sr and for K, Rb, Cc, Sr and Ba. The Sr-isotope profile along the ridge has three distinct maxima, one coinciding with the Azores platform (0.70345), one at 45°N (0.70340) and the third at 35°N, in the vicinity of the Oceanographer Fracture Zone. Basalts from ridge segments between 29°N and 33°N, and 49°N and 59°N have 87Sr86Sr ratios typical of ‘normal’ mid-ocean ridge basalts (0.70230–0.70280). Profiles of K, Rb, Cs, Sr, Bz, Rb/Sr and Ba/Sr are similar to the 87Sr86Sr profile, but Rb/K, Cs/K and Ba/K show broad maxima between 35°N and 45°N.These variations result from chemical and isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle, and are interpreted as caused by a mantle plume beneath the Azores which mixes with the LIL-element-depleted asthenosphere. Additional plumes may exist beneath 45°N and 35°N.Compared to the LIL-element-depleted asthenosphere, the Azores mantle plume is 10 to 30 times enriched in LIL elements with very small (? 0.1) bulk crystal/melt partition coefficients (Rb, Cs, Ba, La). Mildly incompatible elements (0.1 < D < 1) (Sr, Sm, Yb) are only 0.8–3 times enriched. These, observations suggest that LIL element differences between these two mantle reservoirs resulted from processes involving solid-liquid equilibria and not vapor-solid or vapor-liquid equilibria. Isotope systematics indicate that neither mantle reservoir remained a closed system since the formation of the Earth, but it is not possible to determine the time at which heterogeneity first developed.  相似文献   

The petrogenesis of bronzite-picrite, olivine-gabbro, norite and quartz-tholeiite dykes, which make up the 2.39 b.y. Scourie dyke swarm cutting the Archaean Lewisian gneisses of N.W. Scotland, is interpreted on the basis of their major and trace element geochemistry. Most of the dykes bear primary amphibole and/or phlogopite and, with one exception, are all hypersthene- or quartz-normative. Apart from one tholeiite dyke which shows relative light rare-earth element depletion, all the dykes show enrichment in light rare-earths and large-ion lithophile elements. They do not however show an equivalent enrichment in other incompatible high field strength ions such as Nb and Ta, and in this respect resemble island arc and calc-alkaline basalts. The different dyke types have distinctive rare-earth patterns and other trace element ratios which are maintained over a range of major element compositions.Petrogenetic modelling of the major and trace element compositions of the various dykes demonstrates that very few can be related by fractional crystallisation. Indeed, even with partial melting mechanisms at least two different mantle sources, with different major and trace element compositons, are required to explain the compositional differences between the major dyke types. The high degrees of mantle melting implied for the generation of the magnesium-rich bronzite-picrites suggests that their rare earth and other trace element patterns closely reflect those of their mantle source. Similar arguments, though less well constrained, can be advanced for the other dyke types. The results suggest that the sub-continental mantle source feeding the dykes was heterogeneous with respect to both major and trace elements, and that their mantle sources must have been enriched in lithophile elements. Enrichment at the time the Lewisian gneisses were generated (i.e. 2.92 b.y. ago) would be compatible with the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the dykes and the inferred Rb/Sr ratios of their mantle sources. The sub-continental mantle sources have thus retained the geochemical signature of the crustgenerating processes some 500 m.y. earlier.  相似文献   

Burning issues: Whiteness, rurality and the politics of difference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past decade geographers have critiqued the exclusivity of idyllic representations of rurality and sought to explore the diverse experiences of Other social groups in the countryside. This paper builds upon that small but significant strand of research which has highlighted the whiteness of representations of rurality and the consequences of this for racialised minorities. These debates have been crucially important in forwarding our understanding of racially-exclusive constructions of idyllic country living; however, it is important that academics neither assume that such ideas are forever fixed, nor that they affect all minority ethnic groups in the same ways. This paper takes both the potential power and frailty of these ideas seriously, as it examines how the concepts of race, racism and rurality are deployed by different commentators as they debate the place of one specific minority ethnic group in the English countryside. The route taken into this is a consideration of print-media reporting of events in Firle, Sussex, where, in 2003, some white rural residents symbolically purged their village of Gypsy-Travellers by burning a mock caravan complete with effigies at their annual bonfire celebrations. In conclusion, the paper challenges the relative lack of attention to these issues within the white-dominated discipline of geography, and argues that it is imperative to trace the dynamic ways in which the whiteness of idyllic understandings of the rural are reinforced and challenged through contemporary social practice.  相似文献   

Studied assemblages of diverse organic-walled microfossils separated from the Arymas and Debengda formations of the Olenek Uplift include several paleobiological groups of microorganisms. Sufficiently large morphotypes of the first group are identified with remains of cyanobacteria. Morphotypes of variable spiral structure, which dwelt in association or in symbiosis with cyanobionts, are attributed to the same bacterial community. The other group includes a series of different acritarch genera whose characters suggest their affinity with green algae of the order Desmidiales. It is very likely that this group coexisted on siliciclastic shoals with large ancestral forms of the present-day brown algae. Several microfossil taxa have been known before from the Neoproterozoic deposits only. With due regard for the relatively gradual accumulation of sedimentary succession lacking large hiatuses and for the regular series of K-Ar dates characterizing three Riphean formations of the Olenek Uplift, it is possible to suggest that there was the Arymas-Debengda-Khaipakh cycle of long-lasted, almost uninterrupted sedimentation within the time span of 1250–900 Ma. It is also admissible that age ranges of some Late Precambrian microfossils are much larger than their distribution intervals postulated formerly.  相似文献   

Aidan Davison   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1284-1295
The number and range of contests over the social production of nature is growing. Much environmentalist discourse, however, continues to appeal for unequivocal scientific support on clearly demarcated issues of pure, a-social nature. This paper explores the question of how participants in environmental movements view this demarcation in the context of their own lives. After introducing scholarly critique of dualistic ideas of nature and the ambivalence characteristic of environmentalist conceptions of nature, the paper draws upon a qualitative study with environmentalists in the Australian cities of Melbourne, Perth and Hobart. Inquiring into the interplay of discourse of nature and everyday worlds, interviews revealed a complex interdependence of dualistic and non-dualistic understandings of nature. This ecology of ideas was especially evident in spatial imaginaries of nature. Scientific terminology, social disaffection and pessimism were associated with abstract and mutually exclusive conceptions of society and nature. Reflections on personal experience, however, indicated more flexible and hopeful negotiations in everyday liminal spaces offering ‘the best of both worlds’. It is concluded that environmentalist resistance to dismantling of conceptual boundaries between society and nature may often stem not from failure to appreciate socionatural complexity, but from a strongly felt sense that the self can only truly be found in nature.  相似文献   

Ramon Carbonell   《Tectonophysics》2004,388(1-4):103
A seismic survey with a receiver spacing of 50 m provided one of the most densely sampled wide-angle seismic reflection images of the lithosphere. This unique data set, recorded by an 18-km-long spread, reveals that at wide-angles the shallow subcrustal mantle features high amplitude reflectivity which contrasts with a lack of reflectivity at latter travel times. This change in the seismic signature is located at approximately 120–150 km depth, which correlates with the depth estimates of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) of previous DSS studies. This seismic signature can be simulated by two-layer mantle model. Both layers with similar average velocities differ in their degree of heterogeneity. The shallow heterogeneous layer and the deeper and more homogeneous one correlate with the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, respectively. Studies involving surface outcrops of ultramafic massifs and mantle xenoliths infer that the upper mantle is a heterogeneous mixture of ultramafic rocks (lherzolites, harzburgites, pyroxenites, peridotites, dunites, and small amounts of eclogites). Laboratory measurements of physical properties of these mantle rocks indicate that compositional variations alone can account for the wide-angle reflectivity. A temperature increase would homogenize the mixture, decreasing the seismic reflection properties due to melting processes. It is proposed that this would take place below 120–150 km (1200 °C, the LAB).  相似文献   

楚雄盆地性质与沉积层序演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
前陆盆地三角洲复合沉积体发生在海平面的主体下降阶段,与被动大陆边缘层序迥然有别,对比标志也各异。复合沉积体系的特征由于海退下超面掩盖了海侵面,因而凝缩层不发育,其时空展布则呈进积型迁移,沉积体系域多为楔形体和朵状体。层序对比的标志:一是据3个关键界面的特征,包括暴露不整合面、海泛上超面和洪泛下超面;二是水下舌形体和洪泛体的性质和类型,依此划分了3个准二级层序。  相似文献   

夏元  陈家驹  徐先兵 《地质论评》2022,68(2):2022030025-2022030025
北北东向鹰扬关构造带位于华南板块西南部,其大地构造属性尚存在蛇绿混杂岩、裂谷带与陆内构造变形带之争。笔者等在物质组成与年代学综述的基础之上开展了详细的构造解析,厘定了鹰扬关构造带的大地构造属性和构造演化过程。鹰扬关构造带主体由新元古代中—晚期岛弧型安山岩和玄武岩、裂谷型双峰式火山岩、盖帽碳酸盐岩与泥砂岩等物质组成。不同时代和不同岩性的混杂是新元古代晚期裂谷和伸展构造背景下重力作用的产物。新元古代沉积混杂岩在显生宙经历了广西期、印支晚期与燕山期造山作用的叠加,导致了不同岩块之间往往呈断层接触。广西期(450~415 Ma)造山作用使新元古代沉积混杂岩发育近E—W向紧闭褶皱和逆断层并被花岗岩侵位。印支晚期(227~220 Ma)造山作用导致NNE向鹰扬关构造带的形成,表现为NNE—SSW向褶皱、逆断层与左旋韧性剪切带。燕山期造山作用使鹰扬关构造带中NNE—SSW向断裂发生构造活化,强烈的正断作用和右行走滑控制了白垩纪上叠盆地的发育。综合物质组成、年代学和构造解析证据,鹰扬关构造带不是新元古代或早古生代蛇绿混杂岩,而是印支晚期陆内构造变形带,不具有板块缝合带的大地构造属性。  相似文献   

夏元  陈家驹  徐先兵 《地质论评》2022,68(6):2006-2020
北北东向鹰扬关构造带位于华南板块西南部,其大地构造属性尚存在蛇绿混杂岩、裂谷带与陆内构造变形带之争。笔者等在物质组成与年代学综述的基础之上开展了详细的构造解析,厘定了鹰扬关构造带的大地构造属性和构造演化过程。鹰扬关构造带主体由新元古代中—晚期岛弧型安山岩和玄武岩、裂谷型双峰式火山岩、盖帽碳酸盐岩与泥砂岩等物质组成。不同时代和不同岩性的混杂是新元古代晚期裂谷和伸展构造背景下重力作用的产物。新元古代沉积混杂岩在显生宙经历了广西期、印支晚期与燕山期造山作用的叠加,导致了不同岩块之间往往呈断层接触。广西期(450~415 Ma)造山作用使新元古代沉积混杂岩发育近E—W向紧闭褶皱和逆断层并被花岗岩侵位。印支晚期(227~220 Ma)造山作用导致NNE向鹰扬关构造带的形成,表现为NNE—SSW向褶皱、逆断层与左旋韧性剪切带。燕山期造山作用使鹰扬关构造带中NNE—SSW向断裂发生构造活化,强烈的正断作用和右行走滑控制了白垩纪上叠盆地的发育。综合物质组成、年代学和构造解析证据,鹰扬关构造带不是新元古代或早古生代蛇绿混杂岩,而是印支晚期陆内构造变形带,不具有板块缝合带的大地构造属性。  相似文献   

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