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We present here the results of the first systematic study of electrons of energies greater than 10 MeV associated with solar flares. We have made direct measurements of the frequency with which these particles are found in solar flare related events, the spectra of the particles, and the evolution of the spectra during these events. In addition the nature of the propagation of these electrons is studied and the degree of anisotropy in their diffusion is measured for the first time.The observations were made aboard the spacecraft OGO-5 from 1968, March through 1969, August. It is found that electrons in the energy range 12–45 MeV are normally present in major solar particle events. The time-intensity profiles of the fluxes indicate diffusive propagation; and the time-to-maximum intensity is found to vary with solar longitude in a way which can only be the result of anisotropic propagation with the perpendicular diffusion coefficient comparable in magnitude to, but smaller than, the parallel diffusion coefficient. Spectra during the observed events fit the power law AE with 2.5 3.8. The time evolution of the spectrum throughout the course of the 4 most intense events shows that the spectrum steepens rapidly during the initial phase but retains a constant slope through the decay phase.Events which behave in a manner which is not described by the normal diffusion picture are also discussed. These examples show phenomena other than direct flare injection followed by anisotropic diffusion.This work was supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS 5-9096 and Grant NGL 14-001-005.Submitted to the Department of Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. degree.NASA Trainee 1967–1969.  相似文献   

The generation of lower-hybrid waves by cross-field currents is applied to reconnection processes proposed for solar flares. Recent observations on fragmentation of energy release and acceleration, and on hard X-ray (HXR) spectra are taken into account to develop a model for electron acceleration by resonant stochastic interactions with lower-hybrid turbulence. The continuity of the velocity distribution is solved including collisions and escape from the turbulence region. It describes acceleration as a diffusion process in velocity space. The result indicates two regimes that are determined by the energy of the accelerating electrons which may explain the double power-law often observed in HXR spectra. The model further predicts an anticorrelation between HXR flux and spectral index in agreement with observations.  相似文献   

The S 79 experiment on board of the HEOS-A1 European Satellite has been designed to electrons detection whose kinetic energies should be equal or greater than 7.5 MeV. From December 1968 to July 1970, 11 events were observed.Their main characteristics are described in this article. Two different categories of events may be sorted out from these observations. The propagation conditions in the interplanetary space are now discussed to find out a possible interpretation.  相似文献   

We find that gamma-ray line (GRL) emissions start later than the hard X-ray (HXR) emissions during impulsive and extended solar flares. Starting delay is more in the case of extended solar flares suggesting a slow acceleration of electrons and ions, in comparison to impulsive solar flares which indicate different acceleration mechanism for impulsive and extended solar flares. We further infer that during solar flares, electrons and ions are accelerated simultaneously and the delay between HXR and GRL emissions results mainly due to differences in acceleration times of electrons and ions to attain energies required for producing HXR emissions for electrons and GRL emissions for ions. Therefore, we are of view that a single step acceleration mechanism may work in solar flares.  相似文献   

S. R. Kane 《Solar physics》1982,113(1-2):145-164
The propagation, cofinement and total energy of energetic (>25 keV) electrons in solar flares are examined through a brief review of the following hard X-ray measurements: (1) spatially resolved observations obtained by imaging instruments; (2) stereoscopic observations of partially occulted sources providing radial (vertical) spatial resolution; and (3) directivity of the emission measured through stereoscopic observations and the center-to-limb variation of the occurrence frequency of hard X-ray flares. The characteristics of the energetic electrons are found to be quite distinct in impulsive and gradual hard X-ray flares. In impulsive flares the non-thermal electron spectrum seems to extend down to 2 keV indicating that the total energy of non-thermal electrons is much larger than that assumed in the past.  相似文献   

Kane  S. R. 《Solar physics》1987,113(1-2):145-164
Solar Physics - The propagation, cofinement and total energy of energetic (>25 keV) electrons in solar flares are examined through a brief review of the following hard X-ray measurements:...  相似文献   

We review the observations and theory relating to the role of energetic electrons in the solar flare, with particular emphasis on discriminating between thermal and nonthermal origins of these electrons. We discuss diagnostics in hard X-rays, especially those relating to the recent observations of the SMM and HINOTORI satellites. We also briefly address the response of the atmosphere to energy input in the form of high energy electrons, in particular through the diagnostics of both the Fe K feature and optically thin transition region lines such as 0V. Finally, we discuss the relative roles of electron and proton heating in -ray flare events.  相似文献   

Acceleration of protons in a reconnecting current sheet (RCS), which forms as a consequence of filament eruption in the corona, is considered as a possible mechanism of generation of the relativistic particles during the late phase of solar flares. In order to explain the acceleration of protons and heavier ions up to several GeV in a time of < 0.1 s, the transverse electric field outside the RCS must be taken into account. Physically, this field is always present as a consequence of electric charge separation owing to the difference in the electron and proton masses. The new effect demonstrated in this paper is that the transverse electric field efficiently locks nonthermal ions in the RCS, thus allowing their acceleration by the direct electric field in the RCS. The mechanism considered may be useful in construction of a model for generation of relativistic ions in large gamma-ray/proton flares.  相似文献   

The storage of flare energy, efficient acceleration of electrons and the trigger of the flares are suggested to be attributed to a quasi-static electric field caused by a gas motion near the photosphere without satisfying the frozen condition. The primary cause of the onset of flares would be the acceleration of electrons due to the electric field above a critical strength. The electrons excite plasma waves which make the conductivity lower by several orders in the lower corona, so that the electro-magnetic energy I 2 L stored before the onset of the flare would be rapidly converted into the heat due to the ohmic loss in about 10 s.  相似文献   

The broad-band EUV and microwave fluxes correlate strongly with hard X-ray fluxes in the impulsive phase of a solar flare. This note presents numerical aids for the estimation of the non-thermal electron fluxes from these correlations, using the SFD (sudden frequency deviation) ionospheric data to measure the EUV flux.  相似文献   

Solar X-ray Spectrometer (SOXS), the first space-borne solar astronomy experiment of India was designed to improve our current understanding of X-ray emission from the Sun in general and solar flares in particular. SOXS mission is composed of two solid state detectors, viz., Si and CZT semiconductors capable of observing the full disk Sun in X-ray energy range of 4–56 keV. The X-ray spectra of solar flares obtained by the Si detector in the 4–25 keV range show evidence of Fe and Fe/Ni line emission and multi-thermal plasma. The evolution of the break energy point that separates the thermal and non-thermal processes reveals increase with increasing flare plasma temperature. Small scale flare activities observed by both the detectors are found to be suitable to heat the active region corona; however their location appears to be in the transition region.  相似文献   

The energy and angular distribution of electrons as a function of column densities initially for monoenergetic and monodirectional electron beams and incidence angles of 0‡, 30‡ and 60‡ have been studied by combining small angle scattering using analytical treatment with large angle collisions using Monte Carlo calculations. Using these distributions, X-ray and EUV-line flux have been studied as a function of column density. It is observed that the line flux increases with the increase in column density, becoming significant at intermediate column densities where the electron energies and angular distributions have a non-Maxwellian nature.  相似文献   

Evolution of electron energy distributions have been studied by combining small-angle scattering with analytical treatment of large-angle collision using the Monte-Carlo technique. By use of these, the distributions and energy loss have been calculated as functions of column density, the heating functions have been calculated at different depths of the solar atmosphere. From the heating functions, an increase in temperature produced by the electrons at different column densities has been computed. It is found that rise in temperature increases with an increase in incident electron energy.  相似文献   

In the homogeneous model of solar radio burst model, the spectral index of the optically thick part of the spectrum is almost independent of the spectral index of the electron energy, while from the optically thin part, the derived electron index δR is far smaller than that derived from the X-ray emission, δX. An inhomogeneous model is proposed, in which, by adjusting two parameters within reasonable limits, we can make δR, derived from both the optically thick and thin parts, to equal δX. The model is exemplified by the 1981 April 27 0800 UT burst.  相似文献   

The properties of solar flare continuum emission at energies >300 keV are discussed. Emphasis is placed on observations made during the 21st Solar Maximum by -ray detectors aboard the Solar Maximum Mission and Hinotori satellites. The statistical properties of high-energy flares are presented, including their size-frequency distribution, spectral-index distribution, position distribution, and associated soft X-ray size. The temporal structure of the high-energy continuum is reviewed as well as attempts to model the structure by two-step acceleration and particle trapping. Evidence for the directivity of flare radiation is presented and statistical and stereoscopic analysis techniques are compared and contrasted. The first observations of flare -rays at energies > 10 MeV are examined. We show that the very high-energy emission must be a mixture of pion-decay radiation and primary electron bremsstrahlung. Finally, we present high-energy observations from the extended phase of the giant 3 June, 1982 flare which seem to require a new acceleration component.  相似文献   

Fine time variation of hard X-rays has been explained in terms of a spread in the angle of incidence of the source electrons in non-thermal thick-target model for bremsstrahlung generation. The electron energy and angular distributions have been calculated by combining small angle scatterings using analytical treatment with a large angle collision using Monte Carlo calculations as a function of column density. The incidence angles of electrons are taken as 0, 30, and 60°. Using the Bethe-Heitler cross section and the above calculated electron distributions, the bremsstrahlung flux for different photon energies as a function of column density has been studied. The computed X-ray pulse as a function of column density has been converted into time profile. It corresponds well with the observed fine time structure. The calculated spectra of X-rays at the peak and valley are also consistent with the observations. The variation of photon flux with time has also been computed for photon energies 20, 50, and 100 keV for 90 and 180° observation angles together with the changes in spectral shapes of photon energy spectrum at different times for 90 and 180° observation angles.  相似文献   

Ramaty  R.  Murphy  R. J.  Kozlovsky  B.  Lingenfelter  R. E. 《Solar physics》1983,84(1-2):395-418
An analysis, with a representative (canonical) example of solar-flare-generated equatorial disturbances, is presented for the temporal and spatial changes in the solar wind plasma and magnetic field environment between the Sun and one astronomical unit (AU). Our objective is to search for first order global consequences rather than to make a parametric study. The analysis - an extension of earlier planar studies - considers all three plasma velocity and magnetic field components (V r, Vφ, V0, and B r, B0, Bφ) in any convenient heliospheric plane of symmetry such as the ecliptic plane, the solar equatorial plane, or the heliospheric equatorial plane chosen for its ability (in a tilted coordinate system) to order northern and southern hemispheric magnetic topology and latitudinal solar wind flows. Latitudinal velocity and magnetic field gradients in and near the plane of symmetry are considered to provide higher-order corrections of a specialized nature and, accordingly, are neglected, as is dissipation, except at shock waves. The representative disturbance is examined for the canonical case in which one describes the temporal and spatial changes in a homogeneous solar wind caused by a solar-flare-generated shock wave. The ‘canonical’ solar flare is assumed to produce a shock wave that has a velocity of 1000 km s#X2212;1 at 0.08 AU. We have examined all plasma and field parameters at three radial locations: central meridian and 33° W and 90° W of the flare's central meridian. A higher shock velocity (3000 km s#X2212;1) was also used to demonstrate the model's ability to simulate a strongly-kinked interplanetary field. Among the global (first-order) results are the following: (i) incorporation of a small meridional magnetic field in the ambient magnetic spiral field has negligible effect on the results; (ii) the magnetic field demonstrates strong kinking within the interplanetary shocked flow, even reversed polarity that - coupled with low temperature and low density - suggests a viable explanation for observed ‘magnetic clouds’ with accompanying double-streaming of electrons at directions ~ 90° to the heliocentric radius.  相似文献   

The polarization of hard solar X-radiation (> 10 keV) is calculated on the assumption that electrons get a non-isotropic velocity distribution in the initial phase of a flare. The brems-strahlung generated by nonthermal electrons spiralling around magnetic field lines with discrete pitch angles is considerably polarized if observed at approximately right angles to the magnetic field. In the energy range from 10 to 50 keV the degree of polarization is not strongly dependent on the photon energy. For pitch-angle distributions of the form sin2 and cos2, the polarization has opposite signs; it decreases appreciably at high photon energies. The observation of X-ray polarization will be useful in deducing the physical conditions in flares.  相似文献   

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