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The aim of this study was to determine the sources and contamination characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in various environmental media in a karst underground river system. For this purpose, air, underground river water, sediment, and soil samples were collected from a typical underground river in southern China in the dry and wet seasons of 2013–2014, and the compositional spectra, distribution, and ratio characteristics of 16 PAHs were determined for comparative analysis. The results show that three 2–3-ring PAHs (naphthalene, phenanthrene, and fluoranthene) mainly occur in air and underground river water. In sediments and soils, 4–6-ring PAHs are the main components. The PAH concentrations in the air in the wet season are clearly greater than those in the dry season, while it is the opposite in the underground water. Seasonal differences in the concentration of PAHs in the sediments and soils are minor. The concentrations of PAHs in the environmental media overall showed variation in the following order: upstream < midstream < downstream, and this is related to pollutant discharge, adsorption, etc. The main source of PAHs in the upstream area is the combustion of grass, wood, and coal, while it is petroleum in the midstream area, and combustion of grass, wood, coal, and petroleum near the outlet of the underground river. It is necessary to change the energy structure in the study area, improve the efficiency of environmental protection facilities, reduce the emission in vehicle exhaust, and control pollution by PAHs at their sources. 相似文献
V. A. Nivin V. V. Pukha A. V. Lovchikov R. G. Rakhimov 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2016,471(2):1261-1264
Long-term monitoring yielded significant variations in the hydrogen volume concentration in an underground mine at the developed Lovozero rare-metal deposit of the nepheline–syenite massif in the Kola Peninsula. The deposit is characterized by emission of natural combustible gases. Basic structural elements of the time series obtained include relatively stable and long ranges of low background concentrations, low- and medium-amplitude rises of various duration, and short-term, commonly high-amplitude peaks. The range structure is characterized by a general decreasing trend, a low intensity random noise component, and seasonal and off-seasonal periodic and other cyclical components. Periodic circadian and semidiurnal harmonics are the most pronounced. 相似文献
淮南矿业集团新庄孜煤矿58101回采工作面,既有顶板砂岩水、底板岩溶水又有上段老水、钻孔水等多种水充水因素的影响.本文介绍了该工作面在复杂充水条件下如何采取针对性防治水措施,保证回采工作面的安全回采. 相似文献
华北东部深部岩溶及煤矿岩溶水害特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对我国华北东部煤矿井开采深度迅速增加,矿井岩溶水害日益加重的客观问题,文章分析讨论了深矿井开采的基本概念,通过统计分析,得出中国东部主要煤矿井目前开采深度达到600 m左右且以12 m/a左右的速度向深部延伸的变化趋势。从华北东部地区沉积古地理环境与地壳运动演化史方面分析了该地区厚层奥陶纪灰岩的形成及其后期岩溶发育过程。通过对研究区几个重点矿区揭露的奥陶系灰岩岩溶发育特征在穿层和顺层方向上随深度变化规律的分析,揭示出华北东部主要煤矿区奥陶系灰岩岩溶发育特征在垂向上具有弱-强-弱和顺层方向上随埋深具有由强到弱的变化规律。提出了华北东部煤矿深部开采将面临的岩溶水害问题及其防治水技术思路。 相似文献
超前区域注浆是煤层底板灰岩水害防治的有效手段,而注浆工程中的劈裂注浆过程是决定注浆效果的关键环节,但由于对受注灰岩地层裂隙起裂机制认识不清,致使劈裂注浆过程中注浆压力、浆液水灰比等参数缺少有效控制,难以保证注浆效果。针对上述问题,利用颗粒元(Particle Flow Code,PFC)数值模拟软件,考虑浆液水灰比、地应力水平、弱面和裂隙的倾角和宽度等因素,开展奥陶系灰岩顶部劈裂注浆数值模拟计算。结果表明:在弱面和裂隙条件下起裂压力均随浆液水灰比(1∶1、2∶1、3∶1)的增大而减小,随最大主应力与最小主应力差值(9、12、15 MPa)的减小而增大,随弱面或裂隙宽度(3、8、15 mm)及其与最大主应力夹角(30°、60°、90°)的增大而减小;起裂裂隙沿平行于最大主应力方向延展;起裂压力值随弱面与基质强度比(0.30、0.03)的减小而减小,当弱面强度较高时,起裂压力大于裂隙条件下的起裂压力,而且沿着基质起裂;当注浆孔置于弱面两端或裂隙中间时,起裂裂隙沿弱面或裂隙的两端起裂,当注浆孔置于弱面中间位置时,起裂裂隙沿中间位置的基质起裂。研究结果有助于底板水害超前区域改造劈裂注浆的有效控制,指导注浆参数的选取,为解放深部煤炭资源提供技术支撑。
济南泉域岩溶地下水有机污染特征研究 总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5
对济南泉域岩溶地下水系统水质进行了系统的采样分析.结果表明,泉域岩溶水已普遍受有机物污染,有机污染物检出率高达93%.检出有机物多于5项的样品多分布于大中型企业附近.在所有检出的有机物中,有机氯农药类、卤代烃类检出率最高,分别达到60%、57.8%.尽管岩溶水有机污染较普遍,但有机物含量较低,仅局部地段存在有机物超标现象.泉域岩溶水有机污染特征受控于工业企业分布及地下水流场,在济南侵入岩体南缘附近形成了近长方形的岩溶水有机污染区,面积达156 km2.污染区南部地带是济南市工业集中区,灰岩浅埋,防污性能差,另外由于地下水径流方向与侵入岩体南缘线近垂直,进入灰岩含水层的有机污染物随地下水径流向北运移,造成埋藏于火成岩体之下的埋藏型岩溶水也受到污染. 相似文献
贵州绝大多数煤矿井是以岩溶水充水为主,矿井排水量与大气降水密切,地面塌陷与淹井事故也屡见不鲜,因此矿井涌水量预测是个非常复杂的问题,作者根据在本地工作的多年工作经验,介绍了一种适用的简易的矿井涌水量与突水量计算方法。 相似文献
重庆典型岩溶区地下河水体有机氯农药污染初步研究 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
利用GC-ECD对重庆典型岩溶区地下河水体中有机氯农药(OCPs)进行检测,结果表明,地下河水中OCPs浓度为3.41~51.34ng/L,均值为13.23ng/L;滴滴涕(DDTs)浓度为0.07~2.37ng/L,均值为0.72ng/L;六六六(HCHs)浓度为1.16~39.82ng/L,均值为7.89ng/L。南川湾滩地下河水体有机氯农药污染最为严重,其上游纸厂排放废水是影响该地下河有机氯农药污染的主要原因。与国内外其它河流相比较,研究区地下河水体有机氯农药含量处于中低水平。由于岩溶区特殊的二元结构,地表水体一旦受到污染,将直接影响到地下水体。因此,对岩溶地下河进行有机污染物的调查研究具有重要的现实意义 相似文献
为实现北洺河铁矿不明涌水异常区域导水通道的精确定位,保证该矿安全生产,采用矿井瞬变电磁法对该铁矿-110 m水平11#穿脉顶板岩层进行了探测。在对金属干扰下的矿井瞬变电磁响应特征进行理论分析的基础上,结合该铁矿实际地质情况分析其地球物理特征,采用系数校正法对实测数据进行金属干扰校正,再将其作为初始模型进行全空间瞬变电磁蜂群算法反演处理,最终得到了工作面顶板高分辨率电阻率成像结果,结合已有地质资料,实现了富水异常区以及导水通道的精细探测;探测结果得到了钻孔验证。研究表明,采用有效的数据处理手段,矿井瞬变电磁法可以提高铁矿工作面顶板岩层的富水异常位置的探测精度,为铁矿防治水工作提供有效的技术保障。 相似文献
贵阳市花溪区养牛村一带岩溶发育,地下水资源丰富。为了解该区域在枯水季地下河流量、水位变化情况以及地下水受污染状况,特开展了本研究。研究区域为构造变形复杂的岩溶槽谷地貌,通过野外调查、实测、室内实验等途径获取数据,利用CAD绘图和Excel数据统计,分析了暗河流量、水位、水质、水温、pH值动态特征。结果表明,养牛村地下河岩溶水枯水季流量季调节系数为6.83,平均流量0.102 m3·s-1,处于较稳定状态;水位变化幅度值为2.7,处于稳定状态,水温与pH均呈缓慢上升趋势。根据《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848-2017),该区地下水水质处于III-V类水,不宜作为饮用水资源开采。本次研究结果可为该区地下水资源的开发利用和水环境评价与保护提供参考。 相似文献
普阳煤矿位于一断陷盆地的浅部新近系地层中,矿区被3种类型的水文地质边界圈闭。煤层分布标高低于暗河出口100~230 m,煤田四周及盆地基底均为岩溶含水层,其承压水头高于煤层底板67~268 m,预计最低开采标高的平均承压水头约206 m。为解决矿区地下水突水威胁,监测普阳河水流入和流出的水量,根据水均衡原理及矿坑充水要素,制定中长期排水方案。研究结果表明,矿区岩溶发育垂向分带特征清楚,煤层底板以下岩溶含水层以弱岩溶带为主,单元内93%的地下水通过普阳暗河集中排泄,加之煤层以下有一定厚度的隔水层阻隔,故深层开采时可能发生局部突水危害,但水量不大,最大涌水量仅限于自然状态下补给普阳河的地下水径流量。结合矿坑充水控制因素及地下水动力学分析,采用水均衡法评价突水量,方便可行。 相似文献
A water reservoir constructed for production of hydraulic energy and drinking water in the Riaño valley (León, northern Spain) receives leachates from polluted soils and spoil heaps from a site where small-scale As mining and smelting operations have been developed in the first half of the twentieth century. Water of the upper catchments of the Esla, Yuso and Orza Rivers is stored in this reservoir. The location of these abandoned mine works within the reservoir drainage basin suggested that the stored water could contain high As concentrations. In order to evaluate possible environmental risks, a preliminary soil and surface water geochemical survey has been carried out downstream of the Santa Águeda Mine. Total As concentrations in soils reach 23,800 mg kg?1 in soils and increase with depth, at least up to a depth of 80 cm. Total As concentrations in surface waters reach 890 μg l?1. Despite the fact that there is an important As input to the water reservoir, the water flow from the mine catchment is a negligible contribution when compared with the total volume of water inside the dam (0.07%). This fact considerably decreases the environmental risk associated with the presence of untreated spoil heaps containing As-rich minerals at Santa Águeda mine site. 相似文献
城镇化进程下裸露岩溶区地下河水质变迁——以贵阳上寨地下河系统为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为查明城镇化进程中裸露型地下河系统水质变化特征,以贵阳上寨地下河为例,基于历史水质监测数据,对比研究区城镇化进程,分析总结水质变化情况与成因。结果显示:上寨地下河水质随城镇化进程呈明显阶段性变化,1987年前基本未受影响,1988-1995年仅轻微影响,1996-2014年即城乡结合部期间污染最严重;无机超标组分历年贡献率以锰、氨氮、氟化物和亚硝酸盐最高,来源以养殖、生活、食品加工为主,冶炼、制造次之;有机污染物主要为苯系物和苯并[a]芘,2003年后开始有机污染物检出,2015年首次出现苯并[a]芘超标。从1981年至今研究区经历了从农村-城郊-城镇的发展过程,尤其是城乡结合部期间,区内人口、企业激增,但基础设施建设滞后,社会管理未能跟上,导致废水废渣无序排放,地表水体污染严重,加上裸露岩溶区地下河系统脆弱的防污性能,是地下河污染的主要原因。建议尽快开展区内排污管网建设、加强对生猪养殖场、食品工业园等污染源控制、启动区域地表水体污染的综合修复治理,以遏制上寨地下河的污染现状。 相似文献
Thuro Arnold Nils Baumann Sina Brockmann Udo Zimmermann Stephan Weiß 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2011,75(8):2200-3065
The subsurface acid mine drainage (AMD) environment of an abandoned underground uranium mine in Königstein/Saxony/Germany, currently in the process of remediation, is characterized by low pH, high sulfate concentrations and elevated concentrations of heavy metals, in particular uranium. Acid streamers thrive in the mine drainage channels and are heavily coated with iron precipitates. These precipitates are biologically mediated iron precipitates and related to the presence of Fe-oxidizing microorganisms forming copious biofilms in and on the Fe-precipitates. Similar biomineralisations were also observed in stalactite-like dripstones, called snottites, growing on the gallery ceilings.The uranium speciation in these solutions of underground AMD waters flowing in mine galleries as well as dripping from the ceiling and forming stalactite-like dripstones were studied by time resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS). The fluorescence lifetime of uranium species in both AMD water environments were best described with a mono-exponential decay, indicating the presence of one major species. The detected positions of the emission bands and by comparing it in a fingerprinting procedure with spectra obtained for acid sulfate reference solutions, in particular Fe(III) - SO42− - UO22+ reference solutions, indicated that the uranium speciation in the AMD environment of Königstein is dominated in the pH range of 2.5-3.0 by the highly mobile aquatic uranium sulfate species UO2SO4(aq) and formation of uranium precipitates is rather unlikely as is retardation by sorption processes. The presence of iron in the AMD reduces the fluorescence lifetime of the UO2SO4(aq) species from 4.3 μs, found in iron-free uranium sulfate reference solutions, to 0.7 μs observed in both AMD waters of Königstein and also in the iron containing uranium sulfate reference solutions.Colloids were not observed in both drainage water and dripping snottite water as photon correlation spectroscopy analyses and centrifugation experiments at different centrifugal accelerations between 500g and 46000g revealed. Thus transport and uranium speciation at the investigated AMD sites is neither influenced by U(IV) or U(VI) eigencolloids nor by uranium adsorbed on colloidal particles.This study shows that TRLFS is a suitable spectroscopic technique to identify the uranium speciation in bulk solutions of AMD environments. 相似文献
Ion de Abreu Cunha Aroldo Misi Marly Babinski Sundaram Sankara S. Iyer 《Gondwana Research》2007,11(3):382-395
The Neoproterozoic Vazante Group at the western border of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil, hosts the largest Zn–Pb district in South America. Several authors have classified this mineral district as Mississippi Valley-type (MVT), based on the intimate association with carbonates and the epigenetic character of most ore bodies. In this paper, we present 47 new lead isotope data from four deposits located along the 300 km N–S Vazante–Paracatu–Unai linear trend. Pb isotope ratios indicate sources with relatively high U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios. Considering the 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios as indicative parameters for the source, we suggest an upper crustal source for the metals. The small variation on the Pb isotope ratios compared to those observed in the classical MVT deposits, and other geological, fluid inclusion and sulphur isotopic data indicates a metallogenic event of long duration. It was characterized by focused circulation of hydrothermal fluids carrying metals from the basement rocks and from the sedimentary pile. The data obtained are more compatible with an evolution model similar to that of IRISH-type deposits. The existence of three Pb isotopic populations could be the result of regional differences in composition of the source rocks and in the fluid–rock interaction since the mineralization is a long-term process. 相似文献