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The groundwater recharge potentiality in Barind Tract in Rajshahi district, Northwest Bangladesh was studied based on Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing technique. In this connection satellite images (Landsat 7 ETM and SPOT) and aerial photos were subjected to several treatment processes using softwares like ERDAS Imagine and ESRI’s Arc View. Thus various thematic maps have been prepared for drainage density, lineaments, lithology and land cover/use that allowed deciding their interactive effect. In the present study, the degree of effect was determined for each factor to assess the total groundwater recharge potentiality for two categories (moderate to low). The resultant map shows that 85% of the area has low, and rest has moderate groundwater recharge potentiality. Finally only 8.6% of the total average annual precipitated water (1685mm) percolates into subsurface and ultimately contributes to recharge the groundwater.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Drought is a natural calamity frequently occurs at Barind Tract in northwest Bangladesh and affects both the human and natural life. An initiative has been taken...  相似文献   

Pleistocene red soil horizons were exposed in different areas of the Barind Tract in north-west Bangladesh. X-ray diffractions of twenty seven samples from different depths of these soil horizons revealed that the soil horizons consisted of kaolinite, illite and chrysotile with significant amount of opal-CT. Samples from Maddhapara, Bogra, and Nachole contain kaolinite, illite, quartz and opal-CT, and the samples from Kantabari contain chrysotile instead of kaolinite. Clay mineral compositions of different soil horizons indicated two different types of clay assemblages, viz. (a) illitekaolinite and (b) illite-chrysotile. In the village of Kantabari, illite-chrysotile clay mineral assemblage indicate that soil horizons were formed under low temperatures with alkaline and reducing conditions. However, other soil horizons of illite-kaolinite clay mineral assemblage indicate that soils were possibly formed under humid, temperate and welldrained conditions. These two soil horizons were formed under different geochemical, geomorphological and climatic conditions from different parent materials. Scanning Electron Microscopy photographs showing the presence of glass shards and no opal-A were found using XRD, suggesting that the opal-A might not be a precursor to opal-CT in the red soil horizon of the study area. This opal-CT along with the general lack of fossils and presence of glass shards was indicative of a volcanogenic rather than biogenic origin for the Opal-CT in the study area, and X-ray fluorescence data reveals higher percentages of silica which is comparable to the Toba Ash of Toba Caldera, Indonesia of about 75,000 B.P.  相似文献   


The present study deals with the geochemistry of Late Quaternary ironstones in the subsurface in Rajshahi and Bogra districts, Bangladesh with the lithological study of the boreholes sediments. Major lithofacies of the studied boreholes are clay, silty clay, sandy clay, fine to coarse grained sand, gravels and sands with (fragmentary) ironstones. The ironstones contain major oxides, Fe2O3* (* total Fe) (avg. 66.6 wt%), SiO2 (avg. 15.3 wt%), Al2O3 (avg. 4.0 wt%), MnO (avg. 7.7 wt%), and CaO (avg. 3.4 wt%). These geochemical data imply that the higher percentage of Fe2O3* along with Al2O3 and MnO indicate the ironstone as goethite and siderite, which is also validated by XRD data. A comparatively higher percentage of SiO2 indicates the presence of relative amounts of clastic quartz and manganese-rich silicate or clay in these rocks. These ironstones also have significant amounts of MnO (avg. 7.7 wt%) suggesting their depositional environments under oxygenated condition. Chemical data of these ironstones suggest that the source rock suffered deep chemical weathering and iron was mostly carried in association with the clay fraction and organic matter. Iron concretion was mostly formed by bacterial build up in swamps and marshes, and was subsequently embedded in clayey mud. Within the coastal environments, the water table fluctuates and goethite and siderite with mud and quartz became dry and compacted to form ironstone.


In order to evaluate groundwater regional resources, a mathematical model of the Gdansk hydrogeological system (Poland) was developed. The research area covers about 2,800 km2. Groundwater occurs in Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene formations. The recharge zone is situated in the glacial upland of the Kashubian Lake District. The discharge zone spreads over the lowlands of Gdansk and beneath the Bay of Gdansk (Baltic Sea). The MODFLOW program was used to develop a three-dimensional steady-state model on the basis of data from over 1,700 boreholes. The research area was digitalized as a square network of sides 200 m in length. Simplification of groundwater occurrence allowed four aquifers to be distinguished: upper Pleistocene, Pleistocene-Miocene, Oligocene-Eocene, and Cretaceous and also four intervening aquitards. The mathematical model calculations showed that the system is recharged mainly by precipitation (infiltration recharge is 136 mm/year). The precipitation recharge amounts to 1,045,440 m3/day. The other part of the inflow constitutes lateral flows from beyond the area of research and also to some extent from losing rivers and lakes. The runoff from the system takes place mainly through gaining streams and through lateral outflow including under-sea and lake discharge.  相似文献   

Barind Tract, located north western part of Bangladesh, is one of the most diversified physiographic units of the country. The surface water supply in this part is particularly limited, so the irrigation is almost entirely depends on groundwater. However, over exploitation indicates falling groundwater heads in this area. The objective of present study is to examine the nature of the aquifer system Barind Tract of Bangladesh in order to assess the sustainability of groundwater yield. Borehole lithology data were collected, processed and analyzed for this purpose. Representative panel diagram, 3-D stratigraphic and cross-sectional views were also prepared for necessary assessment of the variation of individual subsurface stratum in different locations. The study identified three subsurface geologic formations namely, a top clay layer, sand layer of different grain size and at the bottom an impermeable clay zone. Maps of formation thickness and index revealed that aquifer thickness is low in the north-western corner and in some places of middle of south-western corner. The thickness of sand formation in other places is recorded above 20 m. It is expect that the finding of the study will help groundwater resources development, planning and management in the area.  相似文献   

The test results for some representative cases of the structure of a stream were received for a model of radial flow at a hydrodynamically imperfect well with a flooded filter transformed with reference to MODFLOW software for a flat stream. Using the example of the results of the decision of these problems, these methods of calculation for such conditions were approved. Practical recommendations on carrying out calculations and modeling for various variants of an arrangement of water-supply wells are presented.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of non-DRR NGOs’ programs focusing on their contribution to the uplift livelihood of the disaster-affected coastal communities....  相似文献   

Geographically, Bangladesh is considered to be one of the most cyclone-prone areas in the world. The super cyclone Sidr in 2007 was one of the most devastating disasters to have ever occurred in Bangladesh, having wind speeds of 223?km/h with a tidal surge of 6.1?C7.6?m high. In order to draw a pre- and post-Sidr damage and management scenario, a survey was conducted at Dumki upazila, Patuakhali district in Bangladesh with a pretested questionnaire. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire, while secondary data were collected from pertinent offices as well as academic journals. The major focus of this study was to assess the state of pre-Sidr tree plantations (woody and fruit trees), the devastation caused by Sidr on these tree plantations, and post-Sidr recovery and further sustainable management initiatives to counteract a possible future neo-Sidr. The post-Sidr study showed that about 16.84 million woody and fruit trees were uprooted by Sidr. A total of 3,120 rain tree (Samanea saman L.), 7,548 mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni L.), 1,444 royal siris (Albizzia richardiana L.), 702 white siris (Albizzia procera L.), 1,214 mango (Mangifera indica L.), 1,092 coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), 1,380 jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.), and 7,640 betel nut (Areca catechu L.) trees were sampled among which 922, 1,662, 382, 210, 106, 38, 362, and 1,652 trees, respectively, were markedly damaged by Sidr. Sexually propagated woody trees with a damaged taproot were vulnerable to heavy wind during the cyclone. Fruit trees were more resistant to the cyclone than other types of trees, and the lack of proper tree training and pruning was one of the principal causes of the severe damage to woody trees. Hence, plantations of woody tree saplings with damaged taproots are strongly discouraged. However, proper training and pruning of homestead trees together with plantation of fruit trees rather than woody trees is suggested as a possible effective management strategy to protect the homestead ecosystem from devastation by future cyclones in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Nithila  Arna Nishita  Shome  Paromita  Islam  Ishrat 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(3):1565-1597
Natural Hazards - Every monsoon period, the households in Dhaka face extensive waterlogging in their localities. This recrudescing event leads to tangible and intangible losses in the lives of...  相似文献   

The main factors and mechanisms controlling the groundwater chemistry and mineralization are recognized through hydrochemical data. However, water quality prediction remains a key parameter for groundwater resources management and planning. The geochemical study of groundwater of a multilayered aquifer system in Tunisia is recognized by measurements of the pH, EC, total dissolved solids (TDS), major ion concentration and nitrates of 36 samples from pumping wells covering the aquifer extension and analyzed using standard laboratory and field methods. The calcite precipitation, gypsum, anhydrite and halite dissolution, and direct and reverse ion exchange are the principal process of chemical evolution in the Nadhour-Saouaf aquifer system. Using stepwise regression, the concentration groups of (Ca, Cl, and NO3), (Cl, SO4, and Mg), and (Ca and Na) exhibit significant prediction of TDS in Plio-Quaternary, Miocene, and Oligocene aquifer levels, respectively. The highest values of R 2 and adjusted R 2 close to 1 revealed the accuracy of the developed models which is confirmed by the weak difference between the measured and estimated values varying between ?12 and 8%. The important uncertainty parameters that affected the estimated TDS are assessed by the sensitivity analysis method. The concentration of (Cl), (Ca and Cl), and (Na) are the major parameters affecting the TDS sensitivity of the Plio-Quaternary, Miocene, and Oligocene aquifer levels, respectively. Hence, the developed TDS models provide a more simple and easy alternative to other methods used for groundwater quality estimation and prediction as proven from external validation on groundwater samples unconsidered in the model construction.  相似文献   

Implication of subsurface flow on rainfall-induced landslide: a case study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Post-failure field investigation, instrumentation, monitoring, and numerical simulation were performed to give insights into the failure mechanism of a 13-h-delayed rainfall-induced landslide. A conceptual hydrological model was postulated based on the findings obtained from the investigation works. The results showed that subsurface flow was recharged by intense and prolonged rainfall through outcrops of fissured bedrock. The recharged water was mounded in the moderately weathered granite layer and caused an increase in hydraulic head. The groundwater seeped gradually upward into the overlying fill layer even after the rain has ceased, and eventually triggered the landslide when the water table was raised to a critical state. As most of the existing hydrologic-slope stability models were developed on the basis of soil-impermeable bedrock model, this could result in great discrepancies between the simulated results and the real hydrological responses of the slope. The findings from the present study highlighted the importance of considering subsurface flow and hydro-geological features in assessing the mechanism of rainfall-induced landslide.  相似文献   

Different methods of lithology predictions from geophysical data have been developed in the last 15 years, among which the conventional logs are as follows: sonic, neutron–neutron, natural gamma, and density (backscattered gamma–gamma). This article concentrates on the nuclear geophysical suite, in particular, gamma and gamma–gamma logging, which, to date, provide the most accurate geophysical means of identifying coal seams and estimating their thickness. From the gamma and gamma–gamma logs of boreholes AEN 002, 007, 044, 045, 063, 085, and 105, which were carried out at the Phulbari Coal Basin of Bangladesh, two coal seams—upper and main with two lower seams of limited occurrence and of varying thickness—were identified, together with their regional occurrence.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - This study targets two challenges in groundwater model development: grid generation and model calibration for aquifer systems that are fluvial in origin. Realistic...  相似文献   

Water samples were collected from the Yellow River and from wells for chemical and isotopic measurement in the counties of Yucheng and Qihe, to which 6–9×108 m3 of water is diverted annually from the Yellow River. A zone of high electrical conductivity (EC) in groundwater corresponds well on the regional scale with a ridge in groundwater level, which is the main flow path through the region, but has a low gradient. The zone of highest EC along this ridge occurs at a position with the lowest ground altitude in the study area. The unique characteristic of the groundwater is the linear relationship among the principal anions as the result of mixing. The mixing effect is confirmed by its isotopic signature, which was then used to calculate the contributions from three sources: rainfall, old water, and diverted water with an average mixing rate of 18, 17, and 65%, respectively. As an indicator of water movement, Cl content varies across a wide range in the profile from 30–10 m with a maximum concentration at about 1.2 m depth. Concentrations are relatively stable at about 2 m, which is the average boundary of the saturated and unsaturated zone. The water from the Yellow River has proved to be dominant in mixing in the aquifer in terms of groundwater flow and geochemistry. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Fluid flow characteristics of cleat systems in coalbed methane reservoirs are crucial in reservoir management and field development plans. This paper aims to evaluate the cleat system properties including cleat porosity, permeability, and aperture as well as the impact of permeability growth on production performance in the Bandanna Coal Formation of the Fairview Field, eastern Queensland. Owing to the presence of bad hole conditions and poor core recovery of the coal intervals, the petrophysical well logs and laboratory measurements cannot be used as a source of information for this purpose. Hence, a new approach is employed that utilises early water production data to measure water in place and absolute permeability of the coal. In addition, micro-computed tomography (CT) scan method is used to investigate the cleat system that is preserved in a core sample and results are compared with the ones obtained by analysis of production data. Cleat system evaluation by analysis of production data and micro-CT scan technique provides a comprehensive approach that brings confidence in measurements and helps to obtain cleat properties at the sufficient scale for reservoir engineering purposes. The necessary information including production data and core samples are collected from a dewatering well and the nearby observation well in the study area. Analysis of early water production data (single-phase flow) indicates that coal permeability is 189 mD and the average cleat porosity is approximately 5%. High cleat porosity describes the large volume of water produced over the life of the study well. The 3D model of the fossilised cleat system constructed by the micro-CT scan method reveals that coal is well-cleated and cleat spacing and mean cleat aperture are 4 and 0.136 mm, respectively. The average cleat porosity that is measured by the micro-CT scan method is 5.7%, which is fairly close to the cleat porosity measured by analysis of production data. Production data analysis indicates that effective permeability to gas starts to grow at the midlife of the well and it strongly controls the shape of the production profile. The results of this study help in future field development and infill drilling programs in the Fairview Field and provide important insights into cleat system of Bandanna Coal Formation.  相似文献   

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