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Mira变星拱星包层的温度结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们研究了Mira变星拱星包层的温度结构。假设Mira变星拱星包层由气体和尘埃颗粒两种成分组成,气体为理想气体,并有稳定的和球对称的径向向外流动;我们研究了拱星包层气体的加热机制和致冷原因,根据拱星包层气体的质量、动量和能量守恒方程及多方膨胀过程方程,通过计算得到了拱星包层气体温度所满足的温度方程。这个温度方程对于Mira变星拱星包层有普遍意义。对于典型的Mira变星我们进行了数值计算,得到了温度曲线。与观测得到的温度曲线比较表明,理论模型与观测事实相一致。  相似文献   

许多Mira变星具有轴对称转动的膨胀拱星包层。因此研究有轴对称转动的膨胀拱星包层的速度流场是十分必要的。我们研究了Mira变星的有轴对称转动的膨胀的拱星包层的速度流场,得到了它的严格形式解。所得到的结果与观测给出的事实是相一致的。最后,还讨论了恒星的质量损失率。  相似文献   

采用拱星包层物质轴对称分布的模型,计算了Mira星拱星包层的物质分布和速度场分布,并通过解统计平衡方程得到了OH18cm的四条谱线的反转区.模型假定辐射压来自中心星和尘埃本身的辐射.计算中考虑了中心星的辐射、OH分子与电子的碰撞、尘埃本身的辐射和微波背景辐射等抽运机制,计算结果基本上反映了观测到的OH脉泽的径向分布和角向分布等性质.  相似文献   

采用拱星包层物质轴对称分布的模型,计算了Mira星拱星包层的物质分布和速度场分布,并通过解统计平衡方程得到了OH18cm的四条谱线的反转区。模型假定辐射压来自中心星和尘埃本身的辐射。计算中考虑了中心星的辐射、OH分子与电子的碰撞、尘埃本身的辐射和射波背景辐射等抽运机制。计算结果基本上反映了观测到的OH脉泽的径向分布和角向分布等性质。  相似文献   

Mira变星的拱星包层的速度流场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
很多观测事实指出,在许多Mira变星的拱星包层中存在着气体和颗粒,存在着OH脉泽。关于Mira变星的拱星包层在膨胀过程中的速度流场问题,近来一直引起较大的注意。因为它直接关系到对Mira变星的质量损失率的估计,因此它对恒星演化过程以及星际物质的化学组成的研究有重要的价值。人们在估计晚型星质量损失率上存在的困难之一,是对拱星包层的膨胀过程的处理问题。以往的工作往往把晚型星的拱星包层的  相似文献   

通过对AGB星轴对称旋转膨胀拱星包层的分析,建立了包层内气体和尘埃的运动方程,得到了拱星包层的速度流场的解析解,解的结果表明,物质外流速度随其与赤道面的交角增加而增大,沿极轴方向达到最大,而沿赤道面向外最小,物质外流量的情形则相反。  相似文献   

通过对AGB星轴对称旋转膨胀拱星包层的分析,建立了包层内气体和尘埃的运动方程,得到了拱星包层的速度流场的解析解.解的结果表明:物质外流速率随其与赤道面的交角增加而增大,沿极轴方向达到最大,而沿赤道面向外最小.物质外流量的情形则相反.  相似文献   

本文利用能量守恒的方法,对光学厚Mira变星NV Aur在其相位0.206处的光学及红外波段的观测值进行模型拟合处理,得到其中心星有效温度值T_*=1750K,亮层有效温度T_d=250K。我们发现富氧AGB星的25μm处的光度和周期有很好的相关,通过此周光关系,算出了NV Aur的距离d≈590pc,中心星光度约为9.4×10~4L_⊙,中心星半径为3.4×10~3R_⊙,尘埃壳层光学厚度τ_v=2.7,显示其为一光学厚Mira星,中心星为一红超巨星。我们所得质量流失率(?)=3.1×10~(-6)M_⊙/yr,与Knapp等人从CO观测得到的5.7×10~(-6)M_⊙/yr在量级上相符。在本文中还给出了NV Aur的球对称壳层黑体谱模型。  相似文献   

The continuum energy distributions of the luminous blue variables R127 and R110 in the outburst phase are fitted with a circumstellar envelope model.Both stars show two peaks in their continuum, one near 1250A and the other in the optical band. We suggest that their UV and optical fluxes may have different origins: the UV flux comes from the central star while the optical flux comes from an expanding circumstellar envelope. We construct a model for LBVs consisting of two LTE atmosphere models with different temperatures, and find it to be in agreement with the observed spectral energy distributions of R127 and R110.According to our numerical experiments, R127‘s continuum is composed of fluxes from a circumstellar envelope of Teff = 8000K, R = 485R⊙, and log g = 1,and from a central star of Tef = 17000K, R = 135R⊙, and log g = 2.5 with a permeating factor f = 0.5; while R110‘s continuum can be fitted by a circumstellar envelope of Teff =7000K, R = 350R⊙, and logg = 0.5, and a central star of Teff =25 000 K, R = 27R⊙, and log g 3.0 with a permeating factor f = 0.65.Both models show that the non-spherically symmetric, optically thick regions are formed surrounding the central star in the outburst phase. The light of the central star is shielded by the circumstellar envelope so that the visual brightness increases with the decrease/increase of the temperature/radius of the optically thick regions.  相似文献   

We present first observations of Mira stars obtained at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) at 2 microns, equipped with the VINCI instrument, using different baselines with both the test siderostats and the 8.2 m unit telescopes. These observations, collected in the course of the VLTI commissining program, have targeted so far about sixty cool giant stars. In this talk, we list and describe the measurements obtained for 14 Mira stars, many of them representing first-time determinations of the visibility. In particular, we devote special attention to a study of Mira itself, for which very accurate determinations of the visibility at several baseline lenghts and orientations could be obtained. We find that a two-component model is more consistent with the data than a single stellar disc. Further observations are needed for a better understanding of this source. The VLTI will constitute an ideal instrument for such studies in the future. In particular it will permit detailed investigations of southern AGB stars, such as accurate measurements of surface structureparameters (diameters, diameter variations, asymmetries, center-to-limbvariations, special features like hot spots) and of circumstellar envelopes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have studied the long-term variations of Mira type variables observed with Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment telescope (ROTSE-IIId) between 2004 and 2009 located at TÜB?TAK National Observatory (TUG) in Antalya, Turkey. The actual pulsation periods, variability amplitudes, epochs of maximums and light curves of selected 70 Mira type variables already defined in the SIMBAD database were investigated. In these variables, 17 periods are identified for the first time.  相似文献   

V1159 Ori is an ER UMa sub-type cataclysmic variable belonging to the SU UMa type, and the controversial BZ UMa lies between the U Gem type and the WZ Sge type, but it possesses also the periodicity characteristics of SU UMa. We have made photometric observations of these two cataclysmic variables with the 1m RCC optical telescope in Yunnan Astronomical Observatory from Feb. 24th to 25th, 2008. The obtained light curves of V1159 Ori exhibit superhumps in the descending stage of a normal outburst, this provides an observational evidence for the universal existence of superhumps in ER UMa-type stars. During our observations BZ UMa was at the maximum of an outburst, but no evident superhump period was detected. The previous observations made by AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers) also have never found any definite superhump. This demonstrates that BZ UMa probably is not a SU UMa-type variable. According to the range of its magnitude variations, BZ UMa is closer to WZ Sge.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss a set of three consecutive VLBI observations of the binary system UX Arietis. The most interesting result is the variation with time of the source structure. The usual interpretation in terms of gyrosynchrotron emission from relativistic electrons trapped in a magnetic loop and undergoing collisional and radiative losses is not able, alone, to explain the observed variations. By using optical, radio and X-ray information we have produced a model of two giant loops anchored on a rotating star. As the star rotates, the loops change their relative position and orientation with respect to the line of sight, causing the observed variation of the source structure. The qualitative agreement found is consistent with our hypothesis and makes these observations a sort of a pilot experiment for a new way of using VLBI to observe radio-stars. In order to quantitatively test our model of evolving electrons confined in loops anchored on a rotating star, we plan in the near future a set of several phase-reference VLBI observations fully covering the 6.4 day rotational period.  相似文献   

We present a first analysis of a deep X-ray spectrum of the isolated neutron star RBS1223 obtained with XMM-Newton. Spectral data from four new monitoring observations in 2005/2006 were combined with archival observations obtained in 2003 and 2004 to form a spin-phase averaged spectrum containing 290 000 EPIC-pn photons. This spectrum shows higher complexity than its predecessors, and can be parameterised with two Gaussian absorption lines superimposed on a blackbody. The line centers, E 2≃2E 1, could be regarded as supporting the cyclotron interpretation of the absorption features in a field B∼4×1013 G. The flux ratio of those lines does not support this interpretation. Hence, either feature might be of truly atomic origin.   相似文献   

We present an atlas of the Zeeman spectral line polarisation throughout the visible spectrum of the cool F0p star β CrB based on MuSiCoS spectropolarimetry. Stokes I, V, Q and U spectra covering the full 4500–6600 Å MuSiCoS intermediate bandpass are shown at sufficient display resolution so as to be suitable for the identification of individual spectral features. This is foreseen as being useful, for example, in the planning of very high resolution spectropolarimetric studies of Ap star Zeeman signatures using high-dispersion instruments likely to have significantly smaller spectral bandwidth.  相似文献   

White dwarfs are the evolutionary endpoint of the low-and-medium mass stars. In the studies of white dwarfs, the mass of white dwarf is an important physical parameter. In this paper, we give an analysis about the velocity distribution of DA white dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and hope to find the relation between mass and velocity distribution of white dwarfs. We get the radial velocity and tangential velocity of every DA white dwarf according to their proper motion and spectral shift. Through analyzing the velocity distribution of DA white dwarfs, we find that the small-mass white dwarfs, which are produced from the single-star evolution channel, have a relatively large velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

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