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This paper considers the present state of mathematical geology. Three directions are recognized: applied, theoretical, and mathematical. Applied mathematical geology includes formal use of mathematics to solve problems and computer processing of data. Success is achieved by a correspondence of mathematical methods used to the nature of geological data. This correspondence can be demonstrated by purely mathematical means. Theoretical mathematical geology uses mathematics as a language of geology; however, a number of methodological problems must be solved: formalization of initial geological concepts and creation of a strict conceptual basis, substantiation of initial principles of mathematical simulation, creation of theoretical geological models, problems of elementary and coincidence in geology, and methodological substantiations of possibilities of any mathematical model to approximate geological models. The essense and significance of these problems are considered. The main task of mathematical geology is to prove its correspondence to the nature of the geological objects studied, geological data obtained, and geological problems solvable. Finally, the main problems of mathematical geology are not so much mathematical as geological and methodological.  相似文献   

This paper describes Earth Science Education in Sudan, with particular emphasis on the University of Khartoum. The first geological department in Sudan was founded in 1958 in the University of Khartoum. In the 1980s, six more geological departments have been added in the newer universities. The types of courses offered include Diploma, B.Sc. (General), B.Sc. (Honours), M.Sc. and Ph.D. The Geology programmes are strongly supported by field work training and mapping. Final-year students follow specialised training in one of the following topics: hydrogeology, geophysics, economic geology, sedimentology and engineering geology. A graduation report, written in the final year, represents 30–40% of the total marks. The final assessment and grading are decided with the help of internal and external examiners.Entry into the Geology programmes is based on merit and performance. The number of students who graduate with Honours and become geologists is between 20% to 40% of the initial intake at the beginning of the second year. Employment opportunities are limited and are found mainly in the Government's geological offices, the universities and research centres, and private companies. The Department of Geology at the University of Khartoum has long-standing internal and external links with outside partners. This has been manifested in the training of staff members, the donation of teaching materials and laboratory facilities. The chief problems currently facing Earth Science Education in Sudan are underfunding, poor equipment, laboratory facilities and logistics. Other problems include a shortage of staff, absence of research, lack of supervision and emigration of staff members.Urgent measures are needed to assess and evaluate the status of Earth Science Education in terms of objectives, needs and difficulties encountered. Earth Science Education is expected to contribute significantly to the exploitation of mineral resources and socio-economic development in the Sudan.  相似文献   

本文对构造地质学中常用的几个力学概念在使用中出现的误解和问题进行了讨论,阐述了笔者的看法和建议,以期重新引起地学工作者应用力学的原理和方法解决地质构造问题的兴趣和热情,并期待更多的地质学家能正确地运用力学的相关知识探讨和解决地球动力学领域中的诸多疑难问题。  相似文献   

当前地质找矿工作的某些新动向与岩矿测试的新贡献   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
王登红  屈文俊 《岩矿测试》2013,32(4):532-537
近年来地质找矿取得了一系列的新进展,也出现了以人为本的新趋势,现代的矿产地质工作面临着不分地区、不分矿种、不分专业的新动向,开拓国内和国外两个市场,利用国内和国外两种资源的新格局,要求地质找矿工作与岩矿测试工作密切结合.地质人员要充分了解现代测试技术的特点,充分发挥实验室和仪器设备的作用;实验室也需要主动为地质找矿工作提供支撑,针对“现、散、快、廉、难、全”的新特点研发相应的分析测试技术与设备,而不是被动地“来样品、出数据”;主管部门也需要在制定政策、规划立项时就安排好地质与测试工作的结合.  相似文献   

李继亮 《地质科学》2010,45(1):1-11
我已年逾古稀,垂垂老矣。地质生涯中积累的经验和问题,理应贡献给年轻一代,以期经验能够相传,问题得到解决。年轻地质学家需要寻求名师指点,锤炼踏实的基本功;要踏遍世间群山,阅历地质现象,胸中累积千百地质实例;要熟读文献千卷,把文献中的实例与胸中实例融会贯通。如此,就可以把野外、室内识别、理解地质现象的能力和地质学最主要的工作方法—对比与联想融合在一起,能够解开任何地质难题。年轻地质学家还需要学习近年来科学哲学的内容和进展。为的是理解科学的本质,地质学的本质,以及地质学与其它学科的关系。这有利于青年学者选择最接近科学范式的、最重要的研究项目;也有利于提高逻辑推理能力。地质学和科学哲学功底最好的年轻学者,可以为地学哲学作出贡献。本文提出6个方面的问题,供年轻学者参考。  相似文献   

The formation of a geological society in Jamaica was dependent upon attaining a sufficient number of interested geologists on the island. Although the earliest study of Jamaican geology dated to the 1820s (De la Beche), few major geologists worked on the island in the 19th (Barrett, Sawkins, Hill) and early 20th centuries (Matley, Trechmann). A ‘critical mass’ of geologists was only attained in the 1950s after foundation of the third Geological Survey of the island, when, for the first time, the island had a resident geological intelligentsia. The director, V.A. Zans (1904–1961), was a Latvian geologist appointed from a camp for displaced persons. His staff included L.J. Chubb (1887–1971), who popularised geology in Jamaica. Chubb and his colleagues devised a three part plan for geological education in Jamaica: high schools were encouraged to introduce geology as an examination subject; introduction of geology as a part of the Natural Sciences curriculum at the University College of the West Indies was supported; and a local geological society for both amateurs and professionals was established. This society, the Jamaica Group of the Geologists’ Association, was established in 1955 and was the only such overseas group ever founded; Chubb was elected President. The first field trip was led by Zans and A.D. Foster in November 1955. The Group was reformed as the independent Geological Society of Jamaica (GSJ) in late 1959, again with Chubb as the first President. The GSJ remembers the name of its first President in the prestigious L.J. Chubb Award.  相似文献   

论中华科学思维在未来地质学中的重要意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代地质学源于西方,已发展成为西方科学中重要的一员,它为工业现代化、人类社会的进步做出了贡献.未来地质学面对当前全球性的生态失衡和资源危机两大难题.为了解决如此巨大,多变的复杂性难题,地质工作者必须改变传统思维和方法,引进强调整体、有机、动态的、相互联系、辩证的中华科学思维和方法,中国地质学家必将对未来的新地质学做出开拓性贡献.李四光教授在把中华文化与西方文化相结合方面,为我们做出了榜样,为未来地球科学的发展指明了正确的方向.  相似文献   

叶连俊 《第四纪研究》1989,9(3):227-230
际此李四光老师诞辰100周年之际,回忆当年受业情景,思绪万千。二院荷花池畔的憧憬、庐山野外实习及课堂受业的教诲犹历历在目。他一贯认真严谨的治学态度和科学的开创精神永远激励着我们。他是中国地质事业的奠基人之一,他对中国地质科学的贡献、他的治学精神和高风亮节都堪称后世师表。  相似文献   

对地质构造进行定量半定量研究是地质工作者近几十年来一直努力的方向,构造数值模拟是有效的定量研究方法之一。褶皱是一种典型的构造类型,对褶皱构造进行定量半定量研究也一直是构造地质学家们所致力解决的研究课题。本文结合近年来单层褶皱构造数值模拟研究进展,以及笔者近几年来对单层褶皱所进行的数值模拟实验研究,主要论述了单层褶皱变形的影响因素,单层褶皱变形过程中的最大主应力与水平应变的变化及其影响因素等。数值模拟技术为褶皱变形提供了一种新的研究方法,该方法在构造地质领域将有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

Tsunami hazard assessment begins with a compilation of past events that have affected a specific location. Given the inherent limitations of historical archives, the geological record has the potential to provide an independent dataset useful for establishing a richer, chronologically deeper time series of past events. Recent geological studies of tsunami are helping to improve our understanding of the nature and character of tsunami sediments. Wherever possible, geologists should be working to improve the research ‘tool kit’ available to identify past tsunami events. Marine foraminifera (single celled heterotrophic protists) have often been reported as present within tsunami-deposited sediments but in reality, little information about environmental conditions, and by analogy, the tsunami that deposited them, has been reported even though foraminifera have an enormous capacity to provide meaningful palaeo-environmental data. Here, we review what foraminifera are, describe their basic form and significance, summarise where they have been reported in tsunami sediments and identify what can be learnt from them. We review the gaps in our understanding and make recommendations to assist researchers who examine foraminiferal assemblages in order to enhance their use within tsunami geology.  相似文献   

田宜平  刘志锋  赵攀 《江苏地质》2012,36(3):320-325
决定水电工程地质分析成败的主要环节是地质实体的模拟。用三维数值地质实体模型来模拟实际工程施工过程,可以协助解决各种工程地质问题。介绍了水电工程中地质模型的各个要素(地形面、基岩面、岩层界面、构造界面、透镜体、地层单元、勘探工程以及地质实体)的创建方法、实现思路以及可视化显示,基本包含了水电工程地质分析所涉及到的所有方面。  相似文献   

我国城市地质研究的历史演化与发展前景的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市地质以调查研究和解决与城市建设及发展有关的各种资源、环境等地质问题为其基本任务。它随时代发展和国家需要侧重点有所不同。 2 1世纪是人类共同追求可持续发展的世纪 ,保护和合理利用资源环境已成为我国的一个重大战略问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a concise historic overview of the establishment and pathways of development of mathematical geology. Its very existence is largely due to the activity of Russian geologist Prof. Vistelius (1915–1995) who was the first president of the International Association of Mathematical Geology. Presented are important facts of biography of A. B. Vistelius, as well as the history of his scientific investigations. It is elucidated that in the USSR, mathematical geology, like genetics or cybernetics, was hardly accepted by the ideology that dominated at that time from its very appearance in the 40s. Both mathematical geology and its creator could not be squeezed into the tight limits of the Soviet ideology. But the difficulties only benefited his bright individuality and hardened his style of scientific reasoning, leadership, and fight for purity of science. Vistelius believed that mathematical geology would be the paradigm for geoscience in the 21st century. It is ascertained that the scientific ideology of conceptual modeling of geologic processes and objects suggested by Vistelius has totally proved itself. However, its further propagation is impeded by those geologists whose thinking is traditional and whose paradigm is old. This situation must be changed to enter the coming century equipped with economically reliable concepts ensuring sustainable development. It could be unprofitable and even dangerous to ignore the concepts developed by Prof. Vistelius. This paper focuses on the principal ideas of Prof. Vistelius and detailed large-scale program of development of mathematical geology in the foreseeable future. This program is fulfilled in the Institute of Mathematical Geology (IMAG) of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, founded by Prof. Vistelius.  相似文献   

中国地质科学50年的简要回顾   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在世界之效科学技术大发展的现阶段,中国地质科学必将发展,因为它具箅了社会需求、科学问题和社会基础技术三个科学发展的条件。由于中国地质学奠基者的远见卓识,中国地质学在本世纪20~30年代已建立了世界声誉。新中国建立后,50~70年代中国地质科学取得迅速工。自70年代珂至今的改革开放时期更取得了全面的发展。随着地球系统科学的新概念为广大地质学者所接受,地质学各分支学科必将走向互相交驻融合,形成综合的和  相似文献   

数学地质的主要进展和发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
刘承祚 《地质论评》1996,42(4):364-368
数学地质是地质学的一个重要的新分支。本文涉及数学地质在几个领域的主要进展,分形、耗散结构、灰色系统模型和模糊数学在地质学中的应用。分形已成功地应用于准晶体微粒结构、断层系统和地质构造分布、多孔介质、地质体表面粗糙度和其他问题研究。耗散结构已应用于矿物离解过程、热液成矿作用动力学、混合岩成因以及地壳地幔的结构和运动等的研究。灰色系统理论在水文地质、工程地质、环境地质和矿床预测的很多问题中得到应用。模糊数学是解决很多地质问题的有用的定量工具。最后,讨论了数学地质的进一步发展趋势。  相似文献   

传统地质学的“将今论古”方法使地质学取得了巨大的成就,而且还将是今后地质学发展的指导思想,但面对资源、环境、减灾等人类在二十一世纪的主要问题,地球科学所面对的问题时,地质学家首先应该改变或者更新自己的思维方式。如果以地球演化的同一性原理来认识地球,则“将古论今”的方法对解决地球科学面临的挑战人有重要的意义。以历史地质学的方法和视角,研究地质过程的发生、发展和演化过程,以及这种过程在今天和明天的演化趋势,及其对人类生存环境的影响,将是今后一十时期地质科学的主要任务。  相似文献   

离散元模拟是一种新的动力学模拟方法,它可以提供模型内部肉眼不能辨别的微小形变信息,生动的给出构造形变的几何特征与动力学过程,是我们深入了解地质构造形成演化历史、理解岩石变形机制、准确解译地震数据的良好方法.本文基于离散元理论构建模型,用C 和Java语言编写程序加以实现,模拟挤压条件下盐上褶皱和推覆带构造的形成、演化过程,通过四组对比实验的比较分析,详细研究了岩性强弱和推覆速度对盐相关挤压构造演化的控制作用.研究结果表明:1)沿积压方向,断层的年龄由老到新,约靠近推覆前端的断层越新.在挤压形变过程中,一旦有新的主要断层形成,之前的老断层即停止活动;2)脆性地层发育较多的断层,主断层贯穿整个地层,韧性地层中断层数量较少,断层位移小,只切断部分地层;3)脆性地层形变过程中地层厚度基本不变,显示地层内部应变较小,韧性地层的厚度有明显变化,显示地层内部应变较强;4)在岩性相似的务件下,挤压速率幔的系统断层发育较多,并且形变传播较远.  相似文献   

加强矿床地质研究,提高找矿工作成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国经济的持续快速增长,急需找矿工作的重大突破,以提供更多更好的矿产资源。矿床学正面临新的发展机遇。当前矿床研究工作的问题是理论联系实际不够,学科内部各部分发展不平衡。为此,笔者提出了矿床学研究中的几个重点:①由浅部向深部开拓——深浅结合;②矿床解剖与区域展开——点面结合;③矿床系列和异常系列组成的矿化网络;④研究与发现新型矿产资源。对如何加强矿床研究,提出:①理论与实践紧密结合;②宽厚基础与重点深入相结合;③国内矿床研究与国外矿床研究相结合;④继承与创新相结合。预计今后10~15年期间,中国的矿床研究将处在一个很有利的战略发展机遇期,我们要加倍努力,为实现从地质资源大国到地质资源强国的转变做出应有贡献。  相似文献   

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