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基于GIS的广东地名景观分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
王彬  司徒尚纪 《地理研究》2007,26(2):238-248
为对广东地名景观进行定量分析,文章首先依据最新广东省地图集利用数理统计方法进行地名数量统计,在此基础上,利用GIS技术,建立广东地名元数据库(GEODATABASE),通过ARCGIS中的GEOPROCESSING、SPATCIAL STATISTICS TOOLBOX和ANALYSIS TOOLBOX等对数据属性要素进行分析、分区、分异和颜色色差处理,输出所需的直方专题地图和其他所需专题地图。其后得出,广东地名景观表现出岭南特有的地理环境特征和历史发展特征,在空间分布上具有不均衡性,通名和专名具有多样性,齐头地名分布的集中性和具有多族群性及方言性。文章还在统计的基础上,利用GIS技术进行分类和地理区划,将全省地名景观按类型分为四大区,即客家、福佬、壮语和粤语地名区,且各自在空间上表现出核心-边缘分布景观。  相似文献   

Surnames (family names) have been overlooked as a valuable source of spatially referenced population data. Presented here is a methodology, based on kernel density estimation, which is used to identify the areas of Great Britain where any surname is most concentrated. This not only indicates a surname's geographic origin in the country but also its current spatial extent and spatial relationship with other surnames and place names. We argue that such analysis can provide baseline and change measures, and an empirical basis to change forecasting. Such analysis offers valuable insights into national, regional and local changes in population structure, and testimony to the relevance of GIScience to population genetics, historical geography and genealogy.  相似文献   

通过利用地理信息手段对新疆天山北坡的地名文化景观进行可视化分析,将不同类型的地名进行分类,共分划分出了兵团类、自然类、工(宫)运类、民族类、数字类、姓氏类、直属类、移民类与其他类地名共9种类型。在此基础上,利用GIS技术将点状化的地名进行分类分层和核密度分析,将不同类型的地名集聚和分布状况进行可视化分析,着眼于新疆天山北坡的历史、经济、自然、民族文化等情况,对不同类型的地名集聚和分布状况进行分析,研究发现该区域地名整体较集中地分布在南部天山与北部沙漠盆地之间的几个绿洲城镇集群附近,其余9种类型地名除直属类分布较离散外,其他类型基本都分布在中部绿洲条带线上,呈现出各自历史情况、经济条件、自然特征和包括屯垦、民族、移民以及新疆地域文化特色规律的分布特征。  相似文献   

A feature of the pre-European landscape of the sub-tropical Richmond River district of north-eastern New South Wales was a large expanse of rainforest known as the Big Scrub. In and around the Big Scrub were small patches of grassland and grassy open-forest, known locally as 'grasses'. These were often given individual names, which indicated their importance in the early timber-based economy of this generally grassless district for camping and depasturing working stock. Historical records enable a reconstruction of the distribution of 56 named 'grasses', and also allow some inferences to be made about their botany and ecology. The 'grasses' appear to be natural features of the landscape, mainly relict areas following invasion of the late Pleistocene open-forest vegetation by rainforest, following sea level rise, during the Holocene. A toponymic study of the use of the term 'grass' in the Richmond River district is also included.  相似文献   

This article examines the former location-based social medium Brightkite, over its three-year life span, based on the concept of natural cities. The term natural cities refers to spatially clustered geographic events, such as the agglomerated patches aggregated from individual social media users’ locations. We applied the head/tail division rule to derive natural cities, based on the fact that there are far more low-density areas than high-density areas on the Earth's surface. More specifically, we generated a triangulated irregular network, made up of individual unique user locations, and then categorized small triangles (smaller than an average) as natural cities for the United States (mainland) on a monthly basis. The concept of natural cities provides a powerful means to develop new insights into the evolution of real cities, because there are virtually no data available to track the history of cities across their entire life spans and at very fine spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, natural cities can act as a good proxy of real cities, in the sense of understanding underlying interactions, at a global level, rather than of predicting cities, at an individual level. Apart from the data produced and the contributed methods, we established new insights into the structure and dynamics of natural cities; for example, the idea that natural cities evolve in nonlinear manners at both spatial and temporal dimensions.  相似文献   

茂名市地名与地形关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战赤嘉 《热带地理》2015,35(3):437-442
地形是自然环境中影响地名的一个重要地理要素,通过对茂名市88个镇和其下辖1 513个村地名的统计,结合地名志等文献资料中的地名来源,发现茂名市地名与地形的关系密切,且山地地区地名与地形关联性最强,丘陵地区次之,平原台地地区最小。地形影响地名的产生,地名也反映着居住地选择的趋向,显示了茂名的地名文化。通过对茂名市地名与地形各个要素之间关系的分析,得出了山区的聚落多选择建立在山谷中比较低平的区域;丘陵地区的居住地常选择在山坡和山谷、山间的低地;平原台地地区有较多地名与单座山有关。  相似文献   

扎鲁特旗地处兴安岭余脉到辽河平原北部,跨中国地形二三阶梯,因各种自然条件所限形 成了南农北牧、中间交叉的农牧交错带。通过以内蒙古扎鲁特旗 3 349 处地名作为考察对象,运用 核密度估计、地理集中指数及冷热点分析等方法对地名景观的空间分布规律和特征进行分析。研 究发现:(1)研究区自然景观地名主要集中在西部及北部丘陵和中、小山地区,地形地貌类地名集 中分布于地形过渡区,即地形起伏较大的地区。水文地名主要分布在相对低海拔地区,与河流大 小关系不明显,呈南北均匀分布,呈现出水资源缺乏的干旱半干旱地区地名分布特征;(2)人文景 观类地名多分布于中部与南部地区,其分布特征看,人文聚落地名与自然水文地名的关系最为密 切,在中部地区随河流带状分布,并且因农业依赖水资源的特征而地表水、地下水富集的相对低海 拔区和滨河地区集中的规律。这也是半农半牧地区聚落分布的特点。(3)人文地名经历从清初的 随机分布到现在的集中分布的过程,大多人文地名在近百年内形成,其中聚落地名从清初的小型 聚落到清末蒙地放垦后初具规模,再发展到现在较有规模的集中聚落。经济、交通、建筑类地名是 上世纪 80 年代以来随工业化、城镇化而逐渐集结。(4)研究区地名整体分布看,影响自然地名的主 要因子是地貌、水文条件、气象气候、地名认知等,而人文地名的分布受自然因素外,还有政策、人 口活动、城镇化与经济发展程度有关。  相似文献   

陈冰 《地理研究》2019,38(5):1222-1235
改革开放以来,我国75例县改市更改专名的历史经验是,应尽量维持地名稳定,能不改的尽量不要改,必须更改专名时,要严格执行相关法律法规的规定,新市名的命名要参考更名经验中得出的禁止性、建议性原则,原有政区专名存在问题的,应借区划调整之机加以改正。禁止性原则包括,全国范围内县市及以上政区不能同名、同音;不能以跨政区的地物、驻地以外的乡镇、捏造的历史政区和不稳定时期或破坏领土主权完整、民族团结的地名命名新市名。建议性原则包括,不以驻地为名;不要改掉重要的历史地名;不应出现单名市;不要叠加政区通名;以历史政区命名,应尽量与当时所代表的地域范围相吻合。新时期有序推动县改市应谨慎更名、科学命名。  相似文献   

Huge volcanic landslides are one of the most hazardous geomorphological processes that can occur during the evolution of volcanic ocean islands. The causes of these phenomena, however, are very complex and combine non-volcanic and volcanic factors. In the Canary Islands, more than 20 events have been detected during the last decades. A detailed analysis was carried out for La Orotava amphitheatre on Tenerife in order to understand the relationship between geomorphological and geological aspects and huge volcanic landslides. The results indicated four major features that play a significant role in such mass movements: deep erosive canyons, high coastal cliffs, widespread residual soils and structural axes. High coastal cliffs and deep erosive canyons locally reduce the stability conditions and control both the seaward and the lateral boundary of the landslide. Weak residual soils formed above phonolitic pyroclastic deposits occur repeatedly in the stratigraphic column of La Orotava and are characterised by their large extent. Thus, one of these soils may have evolved into the slip surface of the failure. Part of the head scarp of the amphitheatre is defined by a volcanic rift zone, as indicated by the measurement of dike orientation and a density map of eruptive vents. The four features are not able to trigger a failure, but to destabilise the volcano flank and determine the boundary of the slide. Therefore, information on depth and orientation of canyons; location and height of coastal cliffs; stratigraphic repetition, extension and thickness of residual soils and orientation and density of dikes and eruptive vents along structural axes should be incorporated into a hazard assessment on large landslides on volcanic islands.  相似文献   

Investigations into processes of valley formation on the Colorado Plateau have confirmed the important role of sapping in the Navajo Sandstone. The sapping process produces drainage systems that differ uniquely from fluvially eroded networks in their valley morphology, network pattern, spatial evolution, and degree of structural, lithologic, and stratigraphic control. The Navajo Sandstone is a highly transmissive aquifer. Sapping results from groundwater emergence above a permeability boundary formed by the underlying Kayenta Formation. This discharge undercuts cliff faces, and causes massive slab failures and vertical cliff recession. The principal agent for the physical weakening of the Navajo Sandstone at a site of seepage appears to be the mechanical separation of sand grains by the deposition of calcite from saturated waters.

The control of porosity and permeability by textural and mineralogical features in the Navajo Sandstone and Kayenta Formation was studied using reflected light and cathodoluminescence examination of epoxy-impregnated, polished sections, and a scanning electron microscope study of unimpregnated, unpolished rock chips. The most significant diagenetic factor in porosity reduction in the Kayenta Formation is the abundance of clay filling the pores. Other factors incude the development of quartz overgrowths and extensive carbonate deposition.  相似文献   

Headless submarine canyons with steep headwalls and shallowly sloping floors occur on both the second and third landward vergent anticlines on the toe of the Cascadia accretionary complex off central Oregon (45 °N, 125° 30′W). In September 1993, we carried out a series of nine deep tow camera sled runs and nine ALVIN dives to examine the relationship between fluid venting, structure and canyon formation. We studied four canyons on the second and third landward vergent anticlines, as well as the apparently unfailed intercanyon regions along strike. All evidence of fluid expulsion is associated with the canyons; we found no evidence of fluid flow between canyons. Even though all fluid seeps are related to canyons, we did not find seeps in all canyons, and the location of the seeps within the canyons differed. On the landward facing limb of the second landward vergent anticline a robust cold seep community occurs at the canyon’s inflection point. This seep is characterized by chemosynthetic vent clams, tube worms and extensive authigenic carbonate. Fluids for this seep may utilize high-permeability flow paths either parallel to bedding within the second thrust ridge or along the underlying thrust fault before leaking into the overriding section. Two seaward facing canyons on the third anticlinal ridge have vent clam communities near the canyon mouths at approximately the intersection between the anticlinal ridge and the adjacent forearc basin. No seeps were found along strike at the intersection of the slope basin and anticlinal ridge. We infer that the lack of seepage along strike and the presence of seeps in canyons may be related to fluid flow below the forearc basin/slope unconformity (overpressured by the impinging thrust fault to the west?) directed toward canyons at the surface.  相似文献   

The state of Kerala in India is known for its active civil society and the massive decentralization campaign launched in 1996. However marginalization of tribal communities hampers the state's decentralized environmental management strategies. The proposed construction of a dam along the Chalakkudy River will displace two colonies of the Kadar tribe in Chalakkudy and Athirapilly towns, destroy habitats of local wildlife and devastate unique riverine vegetation endemic to the region. This brings to light issues of social and environmental justice as well as a wider responsibility to protect and preserve unique flora and fauna. The state's decentralization strategies, as they relate to tribal communities, lack consideration of local power distribution and cultural conditioning. This raises questions about the state's role in social justice as well as biodiversity conservation. In 2010 and 2011, the author's interviews in Chalakkudy and Athirapilly towns reveal that tribal communities perceive that their place in society restricts their contribution regarding natural resource management and use. The paper suggests that unless the culture of planning and decision making in the state are changed, decentralized strategies will be ineffective, resulting in a predominately top‐down approach towards natural resource management, and will negate Kerala's goal of democratic decentralization.  相似文献   

This article describes Professor David Mark’s considerable contributions over the last 11 years to research in Ethnophysiography, the study of terms used for landscape features in different languages, and toponyms (place-names). His preceding research is briefly discussed to provide a summary of the foundation from which ethnophysiography emerged. This article describes the key stages of development of this new field, including David Mark’s collaborations with Andrew Turk, David Stea, and others. It briefly summarizes the key theories used and the two ethnophysiography case studies undertaken thus far. This article provides an overview of how this collaborative transdisciplinary area of research has developed. It highlights the importance of David Mark’s scholarship in this process and indicates some of the impacts of the research.  相似文献   

Based on the author’s practice in river harnessing, this paper defines that a healthy river is a river whose social and natural functions can be balanced or compromised in terms of the socio-economic, ecological and environmental values associated with the river. The environmental values of river systems should be judged according to the following criteria: the signal of a healthy river should be associated with favorable riverbed, acceptable water quality, sustainable river ecosystem and compatible runoff. The river health criterion should reflect the river’s natural function status which includes the riverbed, water quality, river ecosystem and runoff. But, the variety and quantity would be different for different rivers depending on different natural features and social background. The standards to be adopted for a healthy river should be determined according to the requirements for maintaining river’s normal natural functions and the extent whether the social and natural functions could perform in a balanced way, and also the standards adopted should be adjusted according to the change of the given conditions. The key factor of river health is the enough and clean flow. The authors stressed that human activities would hurt the river health which include excessive water diversion and excessive power generation from the river, improper regulation of flood and sediment, and over discharge of sewage into the river and over change in fish habitat. Taking the Yellow River as a case, this paper also discussed the method to identify what are the standards of a healthy river as well as environmental flows.  相似文献   

地名承载了丰富的地域文化内涵,是历史文化的“活化石”,极具旅游价值。本文以成都主城区为例,通过查阅有关文献资料,实地调研等方法,发现老成都全城有三十六条大街,七十二条小巷,这些大街小巷可以划分为以下几种类型:祠庙堂所类、衙署兵营类、姓氏家族类、市场作坊类、桥梁水系类、地貌风物类、经传辞语类、祈祥祝愿类、名人遗址类、方位字序类以及新旧民主革命词汇类等。成都地名文化具有极大的旅游价值:可以激发游客旅游兴趣、能够标识旅游特色、增强旅游体验、服务旅游经济。同时发现在地名文化遗产方面存在以下问题:部分老地名正在消失;部分地名虽还在,但其实体形制已消失;美好的老地名被随意更改;新地名剧增但缺乏品味;很多地方有重名的现象等。针对以上这些问题,本文提出了对成都地名文化进行旅游开发应采取的对策:建立成都旅游地名系统;将地名用于古景的复原与开发;将地名与美食旅游资源结合;将地名与优质的旅游商品相结合;开发与成都地名有关的文创产品;加强成都地名文化的理论研讨;开展成都地名文化传播活动。  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(5):1015-1041
Canyons and other sediment conduits are important components of the deep‐water environment and are the main pathways for sediment transport from the shelf to the basin floor. Using 3‐D and 2‐D seismic reflection data, seismic facies and statistical morphometric analyses, this study showed the architectural evolution of five canyons, two slide scars and four gullies on the southern part of the Loppa High, Barents Sea. Morphometric parameters such as thalweg depth (lowest point on a conduit's base), wall depth (middle point), height, width and base width, sinuosity, thalweg gradient, aspect ratio (width/height) and cross‐sectional area of the conduits were measured at intervals of 250‐m perpendicular to the conduits’ pathways. Our results show that the canyons and slide scars in the study area widen down slope, whereas the gullies are narrow and short with uniform widths. The sediment conduits in the study area evolved in three stages. The first stage is correlated with a time when erosion and bypass were dominant in the conduits, and sediment transferred to the basin in the south. The second stage occurred when basin subsidence was prevalent, and a widespread fine‐grained sequence was deposited as a drape blanketing the canyons and other conduits. A final stage occurred when uplift and glacial erosion configured the entire southern Loppa High into an area of denudation. Our work demonstrates that the morphometric parameters of the canyons, slide scars and gullies generally have increasing linear trends with down‐slope distance, irrespective of their geometries. The morphometric analysis of the sediment conduits in the study area has wider applications for understanding depositional processes, reservoir distribution and petroleum prospectivity in frontier basins.  相似文献   

现行南海诸岛地名中的渔民习用地名   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘南威 《热带地理》2005,25(2):189-194
分析了现行南海诸岛海地名的4个主要特点,其中最主要的特点,是渔民习用地名的采用;阐述了南海诸岛渔民习用地名的来历,指出记载南海诸岛渔民习用地名最多的,是海南岛渔民手抄的航海针经书《更路簿》以及有关单位的《调查报告》;探明了海南岛渔民对南海诸岛珊瑚礁的分类及其名称的现代含义;考释了南海诸岛各具体岛礁的渔民习用地名所反映的地理特征;论证了现行南海诸岛地名中,大量采用渔民习用地名,在地名学上和维护领土主权上的意义。  相似文献   

基于场强模型的南沙岛礁战略地位评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南沙岛礁及附近海域蕴含丰富的资源,是中国海洋权益的重要组成部分。在南海主权争端日益激烈的形式下,根据岛礁自然特征和所处空间的资源条件,对南沙诸岛进行战略地位评价,有利于量化各岛礁价值,有重点地维护中国海洋权益。研究选取131 座符合评价条件的南沙岛礁,结合其自然属性以及南海空间的资源、航道等因素,使用场强模型,量化其在空间中的主权法律意义、军事价值和资源条件,获得了各岛礁的战略地位得分,可为研判南海局势提供参考。评价结果表明:部分具有显著战略地位和区域重要意义的南沙岛礁至今无人驻守,需重点关注;人工建设可明显提升岛礁的战略地位;在现有格局下,加大岛礁建设力度有助于维护中国南海的海洋权益。  相似文献   

目前,我国已经构建大量不同级别、面向不同应用的地名词典,网络大众化地名服务成为地名词典的必然发展趋势。该文提出一种基于XML Schema的多源异构地名词典集成方法,以XML Schema对地名词典进行数据描述,采用XSLT数据转换方法,运用MapForce软件,快速进行地名词典的数据结构映射,能够有效解决地名词典的跨平台及数据类型不统一问题。  相似文献   

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