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中国布格重力异常水平梯度图的判读和构造解释 总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26
分析和对比中国大陆布格重力异常水平梯度的彩色图像,得到一些新的构造特征信息. 大致以105°E为界,图像的东部以蓝色低梯度为背景,出现中、高梯度带状构造和大梯度差值边界的线状构造;西部以高、中梯度的带状构造为格架,镶嵌着低梯度区,区内有阴影线状构造. 总体上,重力异常水平梯度构造可概括为三大组. 第一组是NNE向的大兴安岭、太行山、武陵山高梯度带与斜切东部全区的郯庐大断裂带和NNW向的斜切西部全区的三条大断裂带;第二组为西部的NWW向与NEE向高、中梯度带的交叉构造格局,以及东部近于等间距的三条NWW向断续的阴影构造带和一条单一的构造线,而华南则仅有NE向的低梯度构造线;第三组是横贯全区的的几条近EW向和中部SN向宽而复杂的构造带,在后者的东、西两侧散臣着大间距、小长度、断续的SN向阴影构造线. 这三组重力梯度构造不仅反映了地貌起伏的信息,而且显示了大区域构造,特别是深部构造的密度差. 各组线状构造带的内部结构和各组的形成时间及演变历史可能不同,但它们相互复合构成现今总体的构造格局,对大尺度现代构造应力场作用都会有不同的响应,因此导致主应力方向的区域性变化. 相似文献
Introduction Sichuan-Yunnan region, located in the east margin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetean) Plateau, is a transitional zone between the rapidly upheaving Tibetean Plateau and relatively steady Yangtze Platform. Under the pressure exerted by the northward movement of Indian Plate, Sichuan-Yunnan region has been undergone strong deformation and regmagenesis, becoming one of the regions with the most intensive seismicity in the world. The research on the tectonics and seismicity there is alw… 相似文献
M. K. Paul 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1962,51(1):28-46
Summary It is well known that the problem of determination of subsurface masses from gravity observations does not offer any unique solution. Yet, as has been shown in this paper, under some simplified but realistic assumptions some parameters of the subterrainean body are uniquely determinable in terms of some weighted double summations of gravity values (residuals). Physical significances of these parameters are also discussed. They themselves suggest about the possible mass distribution, more over they can be utilised in «cut and try method» of the determining masses.Published with the kind permission of the Director, Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. 相似文献
Gyozo Jordan 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2003,28(8):807-822
Tectonic movement along faults is often re?ected by characteristic geomorphological features such as linear valleys, ridgelines and slope‐breaks, steep slopes of uniform aspect, regional anisotropy and tilt of terrain. Analysis of digital elevation models, by means of numerical geomorphology, provides a means of recognizing fractures and characterizing the tectonics of an area in a quantitative way. The objective of this study is to investigate the use of numerical geomorphometric methods for tectonic geomorphology through a case study. The methodology is based on general geomorphometry. In this study, the basic geometric attributes (elevation, slope, aspect and curvatures) are complemented with the automatic extraction of ridge and valley lines and surface speci?c points. Evans' univariate and bivariate methodology of general geomorphometry is extended with texture (spatial) analysis methods, such as trend, autocorrelation, spectral, and network analysis. Terrain modelling is implemented with the integrated use of: (1) numerical differential geometry; (2) digital drainage network analysis; (3) digital image processing; and (4) statistical and geostatistical analysis. Application of digital drainage network analysis is emphasized. A simple shear model with principal displacement zone with an NE–SW orientation can account for most of the the morphotectonic features found in the basin by geological and digital tectonic geomorphology analyses. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
利用重磁异常解释断裂是地质构造研究的主要手段之一.重磁异常解释断裂通常是在等值线图或剖面平面图上进行的,而重磁异常在进行等值线网格化成图时会造成微弱信息丢失,这些原因造成重磁异常解释断裂的多解性.本文对重磁异常数据在化极、曲面延拓处理的基础上,采用水平梯度法提取延拓曲面上的重磁异常梯度带,之后对断裂带进行窄化处理,通过图示技术将重磁异常数据转换成灰度值,图像的灰度值以变密度显示,形成彩色的变密度图像,这样就提高了数据图像识别断裂的视觉效果.该方法应用在鄂尔多斯盆地不同层次(时间序列)的断裂研究中,提取和识别重磁异常特征所反映的断裂信息,效果较好. 相似文献
Summary The various data processing techniques (downward continuation, first and second derivatives and their downward continuation) used in gravity interpretation, are analogous to different types of linear filtering operations whose theoretical filter (amplitude) responses can be derived from
by suitably choosingN andd, whereu andv are angular frequencies in two perpendicular directions,d the height or depth of continuation in unit of grid interval; andN denotes the order of the vertical derivative. By incorporating a mathematical smoothing function,
( being the smoothing parameter) in the theoretical filter response function, it has been possible, by selecting a suitable value of smoothing parameter, to establish an approximate equivalence of the effect of the mathematical smoothing with the inherent smoothing introduced, because of the numerical approximation (approximation error) for practically all data-processing techniques. This approximate equivalence leads to a generalized method of computing sets of weight coefficients for various data-processing techniques from filter response matching method. Several sets of weight coefficients thus have been computed with different smoothing parameter. The amplitude response curves of the various existing sets of weight coefficients have also been calculated for assessing the quality of the approximation in achieving the desired filtering operation. 相似文献
以河北省流动重力测点覆盖区域内邢台地区4条断裂为例,将卫星布格重力异常与实测布格重力异常进行对比,发现流动重力资料可更为详细地反映测点周围构造的空间分布特征,为精细刻画华北平原地区深部构造背景提供可靠资料。采用向上延拓方法,对实测布格重力异常进行处理,获得不同上延高度的布格重力异常图像,结合当地地震地质与构造资料进行分析,并对流动重力资料在构造解释上的应用前景进行展望,认为该方法可提高现有资料的利用价值,适合在流动重力测量地区推广。 相似文献
利用重磁资料研究莺-琼盆地构造分界及其两侧断裂特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
莺-琼盆地(即莺歌海盆地和琼东南盆地)位于印支地块与华南大陆交汇处,该区域地质构造复杂,为南海西北走滑型和伸展型陆缘的交汇区,也是印澳-欧亚板块碰撞“挤出-逃逸构造区”和“古南海俯冲-拖曳构造区”.莺-琼盆地的北部以红河断裂带中1号断裂为界,前人对其认识比较统一,但莺-琼盆地南部由于地质和地球物理资料较少、研究程度低,以致其构造格局及分界位置不明确.通过对重、磁资料的处理,认为在莺-琼盆地分界的北段存在明显的重力异常和磁力异常梯级带,该梯级带与1号断裂位置相对应;在其南段存在明显的重力异常和磁力异常高值带,推断该高值带为一“中建凸起”,结合重、磁对应分析技术确定了该“中建凸起”的分布范围.采用重、磁异常归一化总水平导数垂向导数技术识别出控制莺-琼盆地分界两侧的断裂构造,在分界以西断裂走向主要为北北西向,分界以东主要为北东向.通过地质和地球物理综合研究认为莺-琼盆地的北段以1号断裂为界,南段以“中建凸起”为界. 相似文献
I. A. Kerimov 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2009,45(5):444-460
The basic theoretical foundations of the spectral analysis of gravity and magnetic data based on the approximation approach have been considered and corresponding expressions implementing various statements of the F-approximation method have been derived [Strakhov and Kerimov, 1999; 2000; 2001]. The author considered the algorithms and computer implementation of the F-approximation of anomalous gravity and magnetic fields presented in the results of testing with the use of a number of model examples and data on the accuracy of the model field approximation earlier on in [Kerimov, 2003]. In this paper, I consider methodological features of constructing the F-approximation from the detailed gravity and magnetic surveys, anomalous gravity and magnetic fields reconstructed with the use of the F -approximation, and examples of the field transforms obtained with the use of this approach. 相似文献
The advabtages of remote sensing are widely used in geologic research. In Hungary, however, in the deep sedimentary basin and densely covered mountain areas, the methods which have been developed and which have led to significant result in arid and semiarid regions cannot be used effectively.In this case, our interest should be focused on detecting structural features instead of on lithologic discrimination. Consequently, this approach can be applied for only morphologically performed areas. A better understanding of the tectonics can be achieved by the evaluation of its morphological expressions.A block-shift method is described for the structural evaluation of linear features, and it is applied for one of the most controversial and least known tectonic units: the Mecsek Mts. (S-Hungary). This method is based on the calculation of several conditional frequencies of length, azimuth and shape for overlapping blocks.Our experience leads to the conclusion that the widely accepted East-West segmentation of the Mecsek Mts. should be changed. We have found an Eastern-Central-Western Mecsek structure which correlates well with some up-to-date geologic mapping results. The lithologic differences are enhanced by morphological and structural features.Besides its scientific achievements, the economic importance of this research is supported by the perspective of the utilization of non-renewable natural resources in the Mecsek Mts. 相似文献
G.R.J. Cooper 《Geophysical Prospecting》2012,60(5):995-1000
The application of semi‐automatic interpretation techniques to potential field data can be of significant assistance to a geophysicist. This paper generalizes the magnetic vertical contact model tilt‐depth method to gravity data using a vertical cylinder and buried sphere models. The method computes the ratio of the vertical to the total horizontal derivative of data and then identifies circular contours within it. Given the radius of the contour and the contour value itself, the depth to the source can be determined. The method is applied both to synthetic and gravity data from South Africa. The Matlab source code can be obtained from the author upon request. 相似文献
对于羌塘盆地是否存在横贯东西的中央隆起带,目前学术界仍有分歧.本文提供的最新高精度航空重、磁资料证实存在呈东西向贯通羌塘盆地的中央隆起带,并对该带的构造特征进行了精细刻画.隆起带受南北两侧深大断裂控制,其空间跨度(宽度)由西向东逐渐收敛,并被一组近南北向的隐伏断裂系切割、左滑错动.重、磁场资料还显示中央隆起带在双湖东、西两侧存在明显差异:西段基底大规模隆起,基岩深度一般在3~5 km以内,明显浅于南北羌塘坳陷7~15 km的基底埋深;东段基底隆起幅度明显降低,主要表现为潜伏的低隆起,其中双湖—雅曲段基底埋深5~7 km,雅曲—岗尼段基底埋深7~9 km;即中央隆起带基底自西向东"台阶状"降低,隆起的幅度和分布范围受到近南北向断裂控制.构造分层表明,与南羌塘地块相比,北羌塘地块的基底隆起幅度小、稳定性更好.南北羌塘基底地球物理属性的显著差异说明羌塘盆地并不存在统一的前寒武系变质基底,中央隆起带的形成应该与古特提斯洋关闭时形成的混杂岩带有关. 相似文献
Miloš Pick 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》1994,38(4):352-358
R. Rüster 《Annales Geophysicae》1994,12(8):725-732
Doppler measurements have been carried out during a variety of observational campaigns using the stationary and the mobile SOUSY-VHF-Radars. The general data reduction procedure is presented in some detail. Particular emphasis is placed upon possible problems arising from contaminated data and solutions are proposed. Some results from measurements at tropospheric and mesospheric heights are presented. 相似文献
Jos Fernndez Kristy F. Tiampo John B. Rundle Gerhard Jentzsch 《Journal of Geodynamics》2005,39(5):475-492
A method for the computation and interpretation of gravity and height changes and vertical gravity gradients produced by magmatic intrusions in a layered elastic–gravitational medium is presented. The methodology assumes a planar medium geometry, which consists of welded layers overlying a half-space. The medium is elastic and gravitating. The intrusion is treated as a point source and can be located at any depth inside the medium. The theoretical elastic–gravitational model allows the computation of the so-called geometric and orthometric vertical displacements as well as gravity changes of different types. The corresponding vertical gravity gradients can also be computed. We present several examples of theoretical computations and study different types of these geometric and orthometric gravity gradients and the information we can get from the application of the methodology described. The results presented show that the use of these gradients is a useful tool to obtain information on the dynamics of the injection processes, including the detection of new magma recharge. We show that using the elastic–gravitational deformation model we can explain non-linear gravity–height relationships that appear in volcanic areas. We also present the application of the methodology to Mayon volcano, Philippines, delineating the intrusion of new magma, consistent with the produced eruptions after the observation period. 相似文献
Dr. Raoul Vajk 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1951,19(3-4):129-143
Summary Methods for the elimination of the regional effect from gravity data are discussed in this paper. A historical review of the average gradient method used in torsion balance data is given. The connection between the averaging, or grid method, used on the gravity meter data and the average gradient method is pointed out and a criticism of these methods is given. Due to the ambiguity of the interpretation of gravity data no unique determination of the regional effect is possible and no mechanical method for its removal can be found. The determination of a regional gravity effect is an interpretation problem and for this reason it is unavoidably the subject of geological consideration and of the personal judgement of the interpreter. The method of smoothing the isogams and gravity curves is also discussed. A few suggestions are made for breaking the gravity data into two components (regional and residual) by the analysis of the gravity data. Finally the application of the second derivative methods for the elimination of the regional effect is discussed. 相似文献