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地震逆散射波场和算子的谱分解   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文对地震逆散射的研究,旨在于为抑制层间多次波和地震波场多重散射对一次反射干扰效应提供理论依据.这对薄互层地层滤波的高频恢复、保幅弹性反演、衍射地震勘探及海洋地震勘探中的干扰消除皆具重要意义.本文基于上下行波分解及弹性波互易定理,导出横向变速介质条件下线性预测算子的表达式和反射数据的广义谱分解方程. 文中先由上覆地层广义反射透射矩阵的元素定义线性预测算子,并将其表示成一系列单程波算子的线性组合,之后将横向变速介质条件下线性预测方程表达为反射数据与线性预测算子及其逆的乘积. 对该方程的求解可获得上覆地层的线性预测算子,从而可借以求出相应的反射透射算子. 本文先将水平层状介质条件下垂直入射的一维线性预测方程推广到斜入射的情况,以此为参照,导出横向非均匀介质条件下反射数据的地震逆散射广义谱分解方程.文中也揭示了单程波地震逆散射算子、反射透射算子的性态.本文还针对水平层状介质条件,给出斜入射的数值结果.  相似文献   

震源到接收台站之间的地层响应函数能够反映地下介质信息。对地震波传播过程中的卷积模型进行推导:记录信号是众多震源子波经过时移加权叠加的结果;通过反卷积方法可去除震源子波信息,提取震源到接收台站之间的地层响应函数;地层响应函数中第一个突跳值对应的时间即为P波走时。在河北赤城—张北地区进行人工震源实验,通过反卷积计算得到该地区地层响应函数剖面图,得出P波波速约6 km/s。利用人工震源系统还可以对地下介质波速变化进行长期动态监测,对地震预测具有一定意义。  相似文献   

柯西约束盲反褶积技术在井间地震的应用   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
利用地面三维地震资料将二维井间地震资料推广到井间范围以外。对于提高井间地震的效益,加快其应用十分重要.为了将井间地震二维资料推广到井外三维,需要从地面地震低频信息提取层位、断面的几何信息,反褶积方法是重要的部分.本文给出了盲源反褶积方法的一种具体实现。并结合优化的预条件共轭梯度法以改善算法的稳定性,同时减少计算量.然后对经过高频恢复的地面地震数据与井间地震数据进行联合约束反演,有效地提高了地面地震的频带.并用实际资料的处理给予证实.  相似文献   




Seismic migration can be formulated in terms of two consecutive downward extrapolation steps: refocusing the receivers and refocusing the sources. Applying only the first focusing step with an estimate of the focusing operators results in a common focal point (CFP) gather for each depth point at a reflecting boundary. The CFP gathers, in combination with the estimates of the focusing operators, can be used in an iterative procedure to obtain the correct operators. However, current 3D seismic data acquisition geometries do not contain the dense spatial sampling required for calculation of full 3D CFP gathers. We report on the construction of full 3D CFP gathers using a non‐full 3D acquisition geometry. The proposed method uses a reflector‐orientated data infill procedure based on the azimuthal redundancy of the reflection data. The results on 3D numerical data in this paper show that full 3D CFP gathers, which are kinematically and dynamically correct for the target event, can be obtained. These gathers can be used for iterative updating of the 3D focusing operators.  相似文献   

基于正则化条件的地震数据局部信噪比估计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘洋  李炳秀  王典  刘财  武尚 《地球物理学报》2017,60(5):1979-1987



地震密度反演及地层孔隙度估计   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地层密度直接与孔隙度、孔隙流体类型、饱和度和骨架矿物成分有关.本文通过理论分析和计算,讨论了油气藏储层物性参数变化引起的密度变化及密度变化对地震波速度、阻抗和振幅的影响,提出了基于完全纵波方程的全波形地震密度反演和孔隙度估计方法,克服了常规地震密度反演对地震数据更多处理引起的信号畸变,提高了地震密度反演和地层孔隙度估计的精度.该方法采用波场导数的时间积分和多炮求和,对地震数据中的噪声具有比较强的压制作用.理论模型研究表明该方法是可行的.通过对我国西部某气田实际数据处理、分析和反演,获得了地层密度和孔隙度,结果与测井基本吻合,证明了预测结果的准确性和方法的有效性,从而为后续的有效储层预测和储量计算提供了可靠的数据.  相似文献   

Autogressive moving-average (ARMA) models and their uniformly modulated forms are considered appropriate for seismic records of earthquakes by a large number of investigators. This article presents a reason for this and offers some explanation. It uses a model for wave propagation in a layered media and compares the derived transfer function for transmitted and reflected waves with those for ARMA processes. It demonstrates that the ARMA behavior of records is due to the transmission path with source acting as a modulating function (envelope function).  相似文献   

海上多次波的联合衰减法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地震勘探尤其是海上地震勘探中存在着各类多次波,由于多次波的存在严重影响了速度分析、叠加、偏移成像等地震资料处理,海上多次波主要有全程多次波和层间多次两大类,为了压制海上不同类型的多次波,本文首先分析波场外推、预测反褶积和拉东变换衰减不同多次波的理论基础,然后联合采用这些方法,分别衰减全程多次波和层间多次波;即:首先对炮记录或者接收点记录进行波场外推,建立海底多次波模型,预测并减去全程多次波,然后利用预测反褶积衰减掉周期性明显的多次波,最后将数据转换到τ-p域,用拉冬变换根据同一时间多次波和有效波在速度等方面的差异,进一步分离层间多次波和剩余的全程多次波,并在该域中切除分离出的多次波,从而实现联合多次波衰减处理.通过对悉尼海区和里海等实际地震资料的处理证明,文提出的联合多次波衰减方法在海洋地震资料的处理中有着广泛的应用,联合衰减多次波处理流程具有快速、简洁、易于实现的特点,经处理后的地震资料有效信号损失小、保福性好的特点,有利于速度分析、叠加、叠前偏移等的后续处理工作.  相似文献   

模板匹配滤波技术在地震数据处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模板匹配滤波技术(Matched Filter Technique,MFT)是一种近几年发展迅速的可用于检测遗漏信号的算法,在图像识别、行星探测等众多领域均有广泛应用。在地震学中,该技术通过扫描连续波形找出模板事件附近发生的、与模板事件相关性较好的遗漏地震事件,可用于完善地震目录,实现对地震活动性以及区域应力状态的更好刻画。本文综述了模板匹配滤波技术在地震数据处理中的应用,首先概述基本原理,其次介绍该方法用于探测各类地震事件的实例,包括前震和余震、远程动态触发地震、诱发地震和非火山震颤等,最后展望了用于提高算法效率及探测精度的一些改进方法。  相似文献   

针对测震台网波形数据传输中断导致丢数现象,开发测震台网自动补数系统SDARS,自动检测数据丢失现象,并从地震台数据采集器下载缺失数据;设计手动辅助补数工具软件SeisDataUtil,提供不同格式的地震数据文件的手动补数功能。通过此套补数系统,有效提高测震台网波形数据完整率,最小化减少波形数据丢失。  相似文献   

多分量地震资料处理解释技术研究   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
随着油田勘探开发的不断深入,多波多分量地震资料的应用也越来越广泛.本文结合实际资料,对多波多分量地震资料的处理和解释方法进行了探讨和研究,主要针对多波资料的静校正、叠加成像、转换波资料的共转换点的求取方法等技术进行了分析研究,开发了综合利用多波资料进行地震属性和各向异性研究的方法,形成了一套较完善的多分量地震资料的处理、解释技术系列.经过在胜利油田罗家地区的初步应用,表明了预测结果与钻井资料相吻合.  相似文献   

在地震子波因果、混合相位的假设下,本文突破突破滑动平均(MA)型假设的地震子波提取技术,提出一种阶数吝啬的自回归滑动平均(ARMA)模型对地震子波进行参数化准确建模的方法.针对地震子波ARMA模型定阶困难,超定阶容易造成计算量大、运算速度慢,欠定阶不能满足精确子波的要求,本文采用基于自相关函数的奇异值分解(SVD)法确定AR模型阶数,同时将信息量准则法与高阶累积量法相结合,提出了一种新的MA模型定阶法.数值仿真和实际地震数据处理结果表明,本文所用方法可以有效地压制加性高斯色噪声,信息量准则法可有效提高MA定阶的准确率,在保证子波精度的同时尽可能降低模型阶数,实现运算高效率.  相似文献   

“九五”期间各个数字测震台网利用北京港震机电技术有限公司提供的EDSPRTP实时数据处理系统接收各个数字地震台站数据并将数据保存为EDAS格式的连续波形文件.本文介绍EDAS格式波形文件的结构以及利用C语言编写程序,从而实现通过读取地震目录文件得到地震事件的发震时刻和震级,然后自动截取地震波形并且保存该地震事件.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new explicit method for the estimation of layered vertical transverse isotropic (VTI) anisotropic parameters from walkaway VSP data. This method is based on Dix‐type normal moveout (NMO) inversion. To estimate interval anisotropic parameters above a receiver array, the method uses time arrivals of surface‐related double‐reflected downgoing waves. A three‐term NMO approximation function is used to estimate NMO velocity and a non‐hyperbolic parameter. Assuming the vertical velocity is known from zero‐offset VSP data, Dix‐type inversion is applied to estimate the layered Thomsen anisotropic parameters ?, δ above the receivers array. Model results show reasonable accuracy for estimates through Dix‐type inversion. Results also show that in many cases we can neglect the influence of the velocity gradient on anisotropy estimates. First breaks are used to estimate anisotropic parameters within the walkaway receiver interval. Analytical uncertainty analysis is performed to NMO parameter estimates. Its conclusions are confirmed by modelling.  相似文献   

由于地壳深部物质呈现出多尺度的非均质性,导致了地震剖面上反射能量弱、同相轴连续性差、多成带状分布.传统的反射地震解释方法难以有效应用到深反射地震资料解释中.统计分析的方法为深反射地震资解释提供了新的工具,地下介质这种随机分布的非均质性可以借助随机介质模型来进行描述.深反射地震剖面继承了地下介质的非均质性,因此可以通过从反射地震剖面估算随机介质参数来研究地下介质非均质性的空间分布.由于地震剖面长度有限,随机介质参数估算中自相关函数计算误差较大,导致了估算的不准确.现代功率谱估算克服了短数据自相关函数难以准确求取的问题,提高了参数估算准确性.模型计算和实际数据测算都证明了该方法能有效提高自相关函数计算精度和随机介质参数剖面的分辨率.  相似文献   

Gas-hydrate related processes in deep-water marine settings exist on spatial scales that challenge conventional seismic reflection profiling to successfully image them. The conventional approach to acoustic identification of buried hydrates is to use advanced, cost-prohibitive survey techniques and highly customized software to define subsurface structure wherein compositional changes may be modeled and/or interpreted. This study adopts a different approach derived from recent theoretical advancements in signal processing. The method consists in optimal filtering high resolution, single-channel seismic reflection data using the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). The time series is decomposed in sub-components and the noisy portions are suppressed adopting the technique that we referred as Weighted Mode(s) EMD. The optimal filtering greatly improves the resolution and fidelity of the seismic data set.High Resolution single channel seismic profiles, acquired over a carbonate\hydrates site in the northern Gulf of Mexico, manipulated in such way, show a complex, shallow subsurface, and suggest potential evidence for buried gas hydrates.  相似文献   

文章在介绍了三维地震资料可视化原理的基础上,利用SGI的OpenInventor实现了:(1)三维地震数据体的切片(主测线、联络测线、水平方向)显示;(2)数据体切片的移动、缩放、旋转;(3)视觉效果可以选择,可以调节数据体的透明度、颜色;(4)地震“电影”的功能.结合ActiveX技术,将以上功能实现封装为ActiveX控件,嵌入到PowerPoint中,实现了地质汇报中三维地震资料的动态显示与控制.  相似文献   

Yu  Higuchi  Yutaka  Yanagimoto  Kazuyoshi  Hoshi  Sadao  Unou  Fumio  Akiba  Kunishige  Tonoike  Keita  Koda 《Island Arc》2007,16(3):374-393
Abstract To clarify the regional distribution and characteristics of the sedimentary deposits in the northern part of the Philippine Sea, multichannel seismic reflection surveys of 26 864 km in total length were performed. The seismic reflection data were interpreted and correlated with available Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP) data and a general stratigraphic framework of the area was established. The sedimentary deposits in this area were divided into five layers; Units I, II, III, IV and V in ascending order. Their approximate geological ages are the Early Eocene, Middle to Late Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene‐Pleistocene, respectively. Seismic records were classified into three seismic facies, Facies A, B and C, on the basis of their characteristics. They were judged to represent pelagic and hemipelagic sediments of non‐volcanic origin, fine pyroclastic sediments and coarse pyroclastic or volcanic sediments, respectively, by comparing them with lithological data in the DSDP/ODP holes. From the thickness and facies distributions of these sediments, a sedimentary history in the area was reconstructed as follows. The oldest sediments in the study area, Unit I, interfinger with some parts of the Daito Ridge (acoustic basement) in the Minami Daito Basin. The geological age of the unit is estimated by microfossils in the sediment and supports the idea that this part of the Daito Ridge is composed of the Early Eocene oceanic basalt. Later, a fair amount of sediments were deposited in the Minami Daito Basin in the Middle to Late Eocene age. A large volume of volcanic materials was supplied from the Paleo‐Kyushu‐Palau Ridge in the Kita Daito Basin in the Eocene and Oligocene ages. The eastern part of the Shikoku and Parece Vela basins is characterized by volcanic sediments supplied from the Nishi Shichito and West Mariana Ridges in the Miocene age. However, pelagic and hemipelagic sediments prevail in the northern part of the Shikoku Basin in the Miocene or later. In short, the area of principal sedimentation has generally shifted from west to east through geological time, reflecting the evolution of the island arc systems with the same trend in the northern Philippine Sea.  相似文献   

A novel blind deconvolution methodology for identification of the local site characteristics based on two seismograms recorded on the free surface of a sediment site is presented. The approach does not require recordings at depth nor at a nearby rock outcrop, and eliminates the need for any prior parameterization of source and site characteristics. It considers that the surface recordings are the result of the convolution of the ‘input motion at depth' with transfer functions (channels) representing the characteristics of the transmission path of the waves from the input location to each recording station. The input motion at depth is considered to be the common component in the seismograms (same input in a statistical sense). The channel characteristics are considered to be the part in the seismograms that is non-common, since the travel path of the waves from the input motion location at depth to each recording station is different, due to spatially variable site effects. By means of blind deconvolution, the algorithm eliminates what is common in the seismograms, namely the input motion at depth, and retains what is different, namely the transfer functions of the site from the input location to each recording station. It estimates the site response in both frequency and time domains, and identifies the duration of the site's transfer functions. The methodology is applied herein to synthetic data at realistic sites for performance validation. The blindly estimated results are in almost perfect agreement with the actual site characteristics, indicating that the approach is a promising new tool for seismic site-response identification from recorded data.  相似文献   

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