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In spite of the considerable economic importance of high order (intermediate demand) services, research on the growth and location of these activities has remained at a fairly aggregate level. The behavior of the individual elements of this group has rarely been documented in detail. In this paper, we seek to determine if individual high order service activities are becoming spatially more concentrated or dispersed across the Canadian urban system, and to determine if differential rates of growth may be observed by region and by urban size category. These issues are of considerable importance in the ongoing debate concerning the impact of the tertiarization of the economy on uneven spatial development. We examine the performance and location of 17 individual high order service activities over a set of 152 Canadian urban areas with populations greater than 10,000 inhabitants. Most of these activities are highly concentrated in a small number of very large urban areas, and their level of concentration declined only very slightly over the period 1971–1991. We conclude with an examination of the factors underlying the geographic concentration of high order services at the upper end of the urban hierarchy.  相似文献   

中国生产性服务业发展与空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨帆  叶嘉安 《热带地理》2013,33(2):178-186
从分行业的角度探讨了中国生产性服务业的发展特征及其在城市体系中的空间分布。研究表明,中国生产性服务业的发展水平还处在初级阶段,虽然高级别生产性服务业增长较快,但是所占比重较小。空间分布上,生产性服务业倾向于集中在特大城市。由于其在经济发展中发挥重要的作用,这种分布特征重组了城市等级结构和城市之间的经济联系。随着中国经济的持续增长和政府的政策支持,对生产性服务业的需求将大大增加。全球化背景下,发展生产性服务业也成为重要的城市发展战略。但是,生产性服务业不均衡的分布格局决定了大城市和特大城市在新一轮的城市发展中具有更大的竞争力。因此,中小城市在发展生产性服务业时必须进行深入的分析,以免造成用地和资金的浪费。  相似文献   

广州信息密集服务业的空间发展及其对城市地域结构的影响   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
阎小培 《地理科学》1999,19(5):405-410
采用第三产业普查资料,深入分析了改革开放以来广州信息密集服务业的发展水平,空间发展特征和原因及其对城市地域结构的影响,揭示了信息密集服务业发展与城市地域运动的关系。  相似文献   

This article investigates the growth of business services (SIC73) in Michigan and models the relationship between the industry and local economic conditions in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties. The research makes four conclusions. First, SIC73 measures explain variance in manufacturing productivity. Second, SIC73 indicators explain variation in manufacturing and overall wages. Third, these relationships vary between metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties. Despite growth in rural regions, SIC73 indicators more effectively predict wages and productivity in metropolitan counties. Hence, the localized benefits associated with SIC73 industries are more strongly associated with metropolitan economies. Fourth, the interdependencies that have developed between SIC73 industries and the manufacturing sector decrease over time in both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan contexts. The article concludes with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

In New Zealand there are substantial variations across the urban system in the degree of residential segregation of those claiming Maori ethnicity. Analyses of those variations, using measures particularly relevant to comparative study, show that Maori segregation was greatest in both 1991 and 2001 in larger urban areas and, especially, in those with relatively large Maori populations. A major deviation from this general pattern was in Auckland; further analysis suggests that this was because of considerable sharing of residential space involving Maori and Pacific Islanders. If the total population claiming a Polynesian identity is studied, the relationships between segregation and both size and Polynesian population share are clarified.  相似文献   

城市现代化基本概念与指标体系   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
提出了城市现代化的六个标志,选择了八大要素30项城市现代化指标,制定了我国城市现代化工标准,城市现代化类型以及不同规模城市的现代化分类标准。同时提出具有可操作性,可比性,简洁性的我国城市现代化指标体纱。  相似文献   

The spatial mismatch hypothesis, which argues that job decentralization has had a major impact on the economic fortunes of inner-city minorities, has been a popular argument in academic and policy circles. It is possible, however, that employment decentralization was a temporary shock to inner-city labor markets and that labor supply has successfully adjusted by residential relocation and alterations in job search patterns. This paper examines this issue with an empirical analysis of the 1980 and 1990 employment probabilities of black and white male teenagers living in the largest metropolitan areas of the United States. Findings indicate that the impact of job accessibility on employment probabilities declined between 1980 and 1990, especially for black male teenagers not enrolled in school. Accessibility had a declining effect for this group because of losing the advantage of accessibility rather than overcoming the disadvantage of inaccessibility. By 1990, black male teens living in job-accessible areas no longer enjoyed as much of an employment advantage relative to teens living in job-inaccessible areas as they did in 1980. We should thus be cautious about ascribing too much theoretical or policy importance to job accessibility factors.  相似文献   

As the economic base of most American metropolitan areas relies increasingly on services, office industries have shifted to a more pivotal role in the new metropolitan service economy. Using primary office-space usage data of the time period 1985–1990, the changing spatial patterns of this new metropolitan service economy are investigated. It is found that the primary office activities are predominantly concentrated in a relatively small number of the largest metropolitan areas. However, an emerging spatial dispersion in primary office activities is also exhibited. Such dispersion is extremely strong at the upper end of the urban hierarchy. The Sunbelt-Snowbelt dichotomy fails to reveal any differences in the growth pattern of the new metropolitan service economy. A more diversified growth pattern of primary office activities is observed. Concentrated dispersion is the major spatial characteristic of this new metropolitan service economy.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中国城市发展空间差异变动分析   总被引:49,自引:8,他引:41  
闫小培  林彰平 《地理学报》2004,59(3):437-445
城市化速度加快,城市区域化和区域城市化以及城镇体系开放性增强等是20世纪90年代中国城市发展的总体特征。以省级行政区为基本空间单元,选取25项城市发展指标, 利用SPSS统计分析软件对1990年和2000年中国城市发展进行主成份分析和聚类分析,得出20世纪90年代中国城市发展空间差异的变动特征是:① 城市发展水平的东西空间差异增大,东部沿海地区城市发展重心南移;② 城市发展速度东部沿海地区快于中西部地区,东部地区的南部大于北部,基础较好的城市集群发展速度较快;③ 东部沿海地区的北京和上海集聚性、外向性和创新性特点都很显著,中西部地区城市发展特征结构仍处于低水平均衡状态。国家目标、战略和政策的作用及其效果累积,城市发展动力机制和地理区位条件的差异是这一时期中国城市发展空间差异变动的主要原因。  相似文献   

城市快速增长期生态与环境整合指标体系研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
我国城市化已进入快速增长时期 ,同时城市的环境恶化、生态破坏也成为制约城市发展的瓶颈之一。由于在概念的理解上 ,“生态”与“环境”既有一定的区别 ,同时也有重叠的部分 ,导致城市生态指标与环境指标选取易出现一定的混淆或过于偏重某一方面 ,影响对城市生态与环境总体特征的全面反映。  相似文献   

基于2001―2012年江西省各县市城市人口数据,结合ArcGIS和SPSS等分析工具,采用城市首位指数、分形等计量分析方法,对2000年以来江西省城市规模体系与空间体系的时空演变特征进行深入分析。结果表明:1)随着大城市和中等城市数目的增加,城市规模“金字塔”趋于合理;2)城市间人口规模的相对差距在扩大,绝对差距在缩小,城市等级规模趋于合理;3)城市首位度较高,属于典型的首位型城市分布;4)城市规模分维数较小且下降明显,大城市发展快于中小城市,城市发展总体处于集聚效益加速凸显阶段;5)城市规模空间体系演变表现出区域差异性、圈层集聚性以及轴线指向性等特征。最后指出江西省城市规模体系与空间体系存在特大城市数量过少、城市规模偏小、城市人口发育南北差距过大等问题并提出相应优化对策。  相似文献   

针对大城市的总部经济浪潮引发对我国大城市生产性服务业规模体系与空间布局的思考,以经济普查资料为分析基础,探讨广州市生产性服务业目前的规模体系及空间布局特征。然后,分析借鉴了西方生产性服务业发达地区的产业规模体系、空间布局经验与趋势。最后,针对产业规模及布局,提出广州生产性服务业发展的两点建议。  相似文献   

济南与青岛是山东省城市体系中的两个特大城市,在确定济-青为山东省双中心城市的基础上,以两地的相互作用、腹地范围的比较为主线,探讨了两地不同时期的空间关系及其未来的演变趋势,并通过经济联系、经济隶属度及两地间断裂点位置的变化,重点分析了当前济-青之间的空间关系。研究表明,从开埠至今,两地竞合强度整体呈不断增强的态势,并大致经历了青岛扶摇直上的转变。今后两地相互作用将有进一步增强趋势。  相似文献   

在GIS技术支持下,利用分形方法和断裂点模型对湖北省城市体系空间结构进行定量测度和空间的次级划分,并对其形成演变规律进行时空分析和优化提升.研究显示:(1)该省城市分布密度较大,且区域人口分布与城市分布基本一致.(2)城市体系空间结构的类型现状正处于集聚型,城市空间分布有着"沿路、沿江、沿线"的三沿特点,次级城市体系的空间结构变化类型有着向均匀型演变的趋势.(3)城市体系空间结构变化正处于初步网络化阶段,大中城市向心集聚和扩散2种力量基本均衡,城市总体空间分布有着"沿江"的一元性向"三沿"的多元性演化的趋势.最后,基于上述研究,对其城市体系空间结构发展提出了优化思路.  相似文献   

京津冀都市圈城镇体系演化时空特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于1985、1990、2000和2007年的非农业人口,应用位序规模法则、ROXY指数、城市影响力等多种定量方法,系统研究京津冀都市圈城镇体系的规模结构、空间结构的演化.结果表明:京津冀都市圈虽为"双核"结构,但一直处于分散发展趋势,京、津两个巨型城市的非农人口占京津冀都市圈的比重日趋下降;京津轴线为京津冀都市圈最重...  相似文献   

In this article, we use local indicators of spatial association (LISA) and other spatial analysis techniques to analyze the distribution of centers with high employment density within metropolitan areas. We examine the 359 metropolitan areas across the United States at three points in time (1990, 2000, and 2010) to provide a spatio-temporal panoramic of urban spatial structure. Our analysis highlights three key findings. (1) The monocentric structure persists in a majority of metropolitan areas: 56.5% in 1990, 64.1% in 2000, and 57.7% in 2010. (2) The pattern of employment centers remains stable for most metropolitan areas: the number of centers remained the same for 74.9% of metropolitan areas between 1990 and 2000 and for 85.2% between 2000 and 2010. (3) Compared with monocentric metropolitan areas, polycentric metros are larger and more dense, with higher per-capita incomes and lower poverty rates.  相似文献   

王聪  曹有挥 《地理科学》2019,39(2):285-293
从行业属性、企业内部因素和城市所处的环境3个层面的耦合关系视角,对生产性服务业视角下城市网络的形成演化模式和演化机制进行了理论探索。在基于地理空间的行政等级体系基础上,考虑到生产性服务业发展对于城市网络的综合影响,归纳了由初始集聚阶段-非均衡扩散阶段-等级网络形成阶段-网络成熟阶段的生产性服务业视角下城市网络的一般演化模式。实证研究表明,长三角城市网络正处于非均衡扩散向等级网络阶段演化的过渡时期,表现出网络的层级特征愈发明显、水平联系不断增强、联系方向更加多样化、服务功能联系差距缩小等特征。联系便捷程度、创新要素支撑、制造业发展基础,以及城市能级推动等要素对于长三角城市网络的影响较大。  相似文献   

运用分形模型,分析了江苏省城市体系的规模结构和空间结构。首位度指数表明,江苏城市体系规模分布已开始从首位型向序列型转变。Hausdorff分形维数表明,规模结构仍相对松散,首位城市仍具一定垄断性但已不是绝对垄断地位。空间关联维数表明,江苏城市体系具有明显的交通轴线分布特征。牛鸦维数比显示,江苏城市体系的交通网络通达性优良,各城市间联系较为紧密。集聚维数显示,江苏全省、南部区域、北部区域城市体系空间分布都呈集聚态;但南部区域已表现出一定程度的均匀分布格局,而北部区域的空间分布集聚程度却较高。在上述基础上,对江苏城市体系结构的优化提出了建议。  相似文献   

刘继生  陈彦光 《地理科学》2003,23(6):713-720
基于河南省城镇体系空间结构的多分形性质及其与水系的分维关系的实证探讨发现如下地理规律:①在较大标度范围内,河南省城市体系的空间结构为简单分形,但在较小标度范围内,系统已经具有明确的多重分形特征;②多分维谱在参数q≈-4处出现标度间断,从而城市体系的空间结构发生对称破缺。③城市体系空间结构的分维小于水系空间结构的分维。由此证明:第一,多分形是由单分形演化而来,城镇体系的多分形结构是基于地球表面的分形支体由测度集中区向测度疏散区渐近发育的。第二,城市体系的分形发育与水系的分维结构具有一定的数理关系,城市体系的分维理当小于水系维数。  相似文献   

甘肃城镇体系结构及其分形模型研究   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
文章通过计算甘肃省城镇体系的首位指数、不平衡指数及城市规模分形分布的分维数,讨论了甘肃省城市体系的等级规模结构的特点;用城镇密度、关联维数分析了甘肃省城镇体系的空间结构,指出了目前城镇体系的特征:首位度过大;城市体系规模结构出现断层,联系不畅;空间布局小集中、大分散;城市空间相互作用力较弱,大城市没有发挥应有的辐射作用;城镇体系结构受到自然条件的影响显著。进一步探讨了这种城镇体系结构特征形成的内在机制,最后作者在此基础上提出了未来甘肃城镇体系发展的相应对策:大分散,小集中,重点发展中小城市,完善城镇体系规模结构;坚持分散化的道路,完善城镇空间结构;大力促进农村小城镇的发育。  相似文献   

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