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A method for direct conversion of observed variations in the magnetotelluric (MT) apparent resistivity ρa into relative variations in the resistivity of elements of a well-studied geoelectric structure is proposed. The method is tested on a 1-D model structure consisting of seven horizontal layers in three of which the conductivity can vary within certain limits. It is inferred that the frequency range and the accuracy of methods of magnetotelluric sounding presently applied to the construction of transfer operators are sufficient for determining relative changes in the resistivity of rocks; the latter, as distinct from ρa, can serve as an effective prognostic parameter. The method can be extended to more complex geoelectric structures.  相似文献   

Following up our recent study of an indirect procedure for the practical determination of the maximum frequency-effect, defined as fe = 1 ? pρdc with ρ the resistivity at infinite frequency, we show at first how, through the Laplace transform theory, ρ can be related to stationary field vectors in the simple form of Ohm's law. Then applying the equation of continuity for stationary currents with a suitable set of boundary conditions, we derive the integral expression of the apparent resistivity at infinite frequency ρ,a in the case of a horizontally layered earth. Finally, from the definition of the maximum apparent frequency-effect, analytical expressions of feα are obtained for both Schlumberger and dipole arrays placed on the surface of the multi-layered earth section in the most general situation of vertical changes in induced polarization together with dc resistivity variations not at the same interfaces. Direct interpretation procedures are suggested for obtaining the layering parameters directly from the analysis of the sounding curves.  相似文献   

For a thin highly-conducting layer with given longitudinal conductance the recurrence formulae for an n-fold horizontally stratified subsoil are established for d.c. resistivity and magnetotelluric soundings. Similarly, a thin low conductivity layer with given transverse resistance is treated in the d.c. case and a non-conducting intermediate bed in magnetotellurics. Model curves for a thin high- or low-conductivity intermediate layer in the three-layer case have been carried out, which may serve as an extension of the well-known three-layer diagrams for a Schlumberger configuration. The corresponding model curves in magnetotellurics are given. By numerical comparison of these curves with real three-layer curves some diagrams have been developed to show the allowed thicknesses of the intermediate layer in the Schlumberger case and in the case of magnetotelluric sounding.  相似文献   

The difficulty to use master curves as well as classical techniques for the determination of layer distribution (ei, ρi) from a resistivity sounding arises when the presumed number of layers exceeds five or six. The principle of the method proposed here is based on the identification of the resistivity transform. This principle was recently underlined by many authors. The resistivity transform can be easily derived from the experimental data by the application of Ghosh's linear filter, and another method for deriving the filter coefficientes is suggested. For a given theoretical resistivity transform corresponding to a given distribution of layers (thicknesses and resistivities) various criteria that measure the difference between this theoretical resistivity transform and an experimental one derived by the application of Ghosh's filter are given. A discussion of these criteria from a physical as well as a mathematical point of view follows. The proposed method is then exposed; it is based on a gradient method. The type of gradient method used is defined and justified physically as well as with numerical examples of identified master curves. The practical use for the method and experimental confrontation of identified field curves with drill holes are given. The cost as well as memory occupation and time of execution of the program on CDC 7600 computer is estimated.  相似文献   

Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic and broadband magnetotelluric data were used to determine three‐dimensional electrical resistivity models of the Morrison porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit in British Columbia. Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic data are collected with a helicopter, thus allowing rapid surveys with uniform spatial sampling. Ground‐based magnetotelluric surveys can achieve a greater exploration depth than Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic surveys, but data collection is slower and can be limited by difficult terrain. The airborne Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic tipper data and the ground magnetotelluric tipper data show good agreement at the Morrison deposit despite differences in the data collection method, spatial sampling, and collection date. Resistivity models derived from individual inversions of the Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic tipper data and magnetotelluric impedance data contain some similar features, but the Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic model appears to lack resolution below a depth of 1 km, and the magnetotelluric model suffers from non‐uniform and relatively sparse spatial sampling. The joint Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic inversion solves these issues by combining the dense spatial sampling of the airborne Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic technique and the deeper penetration of the lower frequency magnetotelluric data. The resulting joint resistivity model correlates well with the known geology and distribution of alteration at the Morrison deposit. Higher resistivity is associated with the potassic alteration zone and volcanic country rocks, whereas areas of lower resistivity agree with known faults and sedimentary units. The pyrite halo and ≥0.3% Cu zone have the moderate resistivity that is expected of disseminated sulphides. The joint Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic inversion provides an improved resistivity model by enhancing the lateral and depth resolution of resistivity features compared with the individual Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic and magnetotelluric inversions. This case study shows that a joint Z‐axis tipper electromagnetic–magnetotelluric approach effectively images the interpreted mineralised zone at the Morrison deposit and could be beneficial in exploration for disseminated sulphides at other porphyry deposits.  相似文献   

A part of the Békés Basin (an extensional sub‐basin of the Pannonian Basin, where the basement under thick Pannonian sediments is well known from deep boreholes and from seismic measurements, and where many magnetotelluric (MT) soundings have been carried out for frequencies ranging from 1 to 10?3 Hz) was selected as a test area to assess the imaging performances of various apparent‐resistivity definitions computed with rotational invariants of either the real part of the complex impedance tensor, or its imaginary part, or both. A comparison (based on earlier 3D numerical studies) has been made between the magnetotelluric images obtained in this way and the depths to the high‐resistivity basement, as known from boreholes and seismic investigations. The correlation coefficient between the series of basement depth values at 39 MT sites and the apparent‐resistivity values was found to be stronger and high correlation appeared at a shorter period when it was computed with apparent resistivities based on the real tensor rather than with apparent resistivities based on the imaginary tensor. In the light of our studies, ρRe Z and the impedance phase seem to be more informative than any other combination of magnetotelluric interpretation parameters.  相似文献   

In a previous paper it has been shown that we can relate the transient IP electric field Ep , existing in a rock after a step wave of polarizing current, with the steady-state current density Jss during the current step wave as follows: Ep =ρ' Jss . This relation may be interpreted as a generalized Ohm's law, valid in linear cases, in which ρ’(fictitious resistivity) is defined as the product of the true resistivity ρ with the chargeability m. Supposing E p=— grad Up and applying the divergence condition div Jss = o, one can, for a layered earth, obtain a general expression for the depolarization potential Up as a solution of Laplace's equation ?2Up= o. Since the mathematical procedure for the solution of this last equation is identical to that used in resistivity problems, we propose now the introduction of an apparent fictitious resistivity ρ'a (defined as the product of the apparent resistivity ρa with the apparent chargeability ma) as a new parameter for the interpretations of IP soundings carried out over layered structures with a common electrode array. The most general expression of ρ'a as a function of the electrode distance turns out to be mathematically identical to the general expression of ρ'a. Therefore it is possible to interpret a ρ'a field curve using the same standard graphs for resistivity prospecting with the usual method of complete curve matching. In this manner a great deal of work is saved since there is no need to construct proper ma graphs for the interpretation of IP soundings, as it has been done up to now. Finally some field examples are reported.  相似文献   

An earth model with a transition layer (anisotropic inhomogeneous) is considered. The inhomogeneity in σv (vertical conductivity) of the transition layer is represented by a power law variation. Expressions for potential distribution in the upper layer, transition layer and bottom layer are obtained by solving appropriate differential equation for each layer. By utilizing the boundary conditions, expressions of apparent resistivity for Wenner and Schlumberger configurations are derived. Numerical analysis is performed for linear and quadratic variation of σv. The results are presented in the form of theoretical apparent resistivity curves for both configurations. Negative apparent resistivities are the interesting feature of this analysis.  相似文献   

We have correlated the longitudinal unit conductance CL obtained from interpreted vertical electrical sounding data with the formation resistivity Rt and the formation resistivity factor F, obtained by carrying out electrical borehole logging. Interpreted geophysical data of eleven soundings and two electrical borehole log records are used for the analysis. The geophysical data used were acquired in a sedimentary basin. The study area is called Lower Maner Basin located in the province of Andhra Pradesh, India. Vertical electrical soundings were carried out using a Schlumberger configuration with half current electrode separation varying from 600–1000 m. For logging the two boreholes, a Widco logger‐model 3200 PLS was used. True formation resistivity Rt was calculated from a resistivity log. Formation resistivity factor F was also calculated at various depths using Rt values. An appreciable inverse relation exists between the correlated parameters. The borehole resistivity Rt and the formation resistivity factor F decrease with the increase in the longitudinal unit conductance CL. We have shown the use of such a relation in computing borehole resistivity Rt and formation resistivity factor F at sites that posses only vertical electrical sounding data, with a fair degree of accuracy. Validation of the correlation is satisfactory. Scope for updating the correlation is discussed. Significance and applications of the relation for exploration of groundwater, namely to update the vertical electrical sounding data interpretation by translating the vertical electrical sounding data into electrical borehole log parameters, to facilitate correlations studies and to estimate the porosity (φ), permeability (K) and water saturation Sw of water bearing zones are discussed.  相似文献   


We discuss the steady states of the αω-dynamo in a thin disc which arise due to α-quenching. Two asymptotic regimes are considered, one for the dynamo numberD near the generation thresholdD 0, and the other for |D| ? 1. Asymptotic solutions for |D—D 0| ? |D 0| have a rather universal character provided only that the bifurcation is supercritical. For |D| ? 1 the asymptotic solution crucially depends on whether or not the mean helicity α, as a function ofB, has a positive root (hereB is the mean magnetic field). When such a root exists, the field value in the major portion of the disc is O(l), while near the disc surface thin boundary layers appear where the field rapidly decreases to zero (if the disc is surrounded by vacuum). Otherwise, when α = O(|B|?s) for |B| → ∞, we demonstrate that |B| = O(|D|1/s ) and the solution is free of boundary layers. The results obtained here admit direct comparison with observations of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies, so that an appropriate model of nonlinear galactic dynamos hopefully could be specified.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric response is studied for an inhomogeneous medium having conductivity varying linearly with depth as σ(z) =σ1z. For a medium having conductivity increasing linearly with depth, the phase of the impedance approaches 60° at long periods and the apparent resistivity becomes log (ρa) = 2 log (1.36/α1/3) — 1/3 log (T'). The asymptote of log (ρa, T'→∞) when plotted against log (T') has a constant gradient —1/3 and has an intercept on the log (T') axis, which equals 6 log (1.36/α1/3). When a homogeneous layer with a moderate thickness overlies an inhomogeneous half-space, this layer does not affect the asymptote, but it affects the cut-off period and pushes this toward the long period direction. For a medium having conductivity decreasing linearly with depth, the impedance is equivalent to that of a Cagniard two-layer model; the intercept period related to the thickness is T'01(h2/2)2. Homogeneous multilayer approximations to an inhomogeneous layer are also investigated, and it is shown that the fit to the model variation depends on the number of layers and the layer parameters chosen.  相似文献   

Results from a laboratory investigation into the electrical properties of fully and partially saturated Wildmoor Triassic Sandstone have been modelled using the Archie, Waxman–Smits and Hanai–Bruggeman equations. The results demonstrate the limitation of using simple relationships to describe samples when the matrix resistivity ρr is not significantly greater than the saturating electrolyte resistivity ρw. In these situations Archie's parameters m and n are not accurately determined. Conversely, the more sophisticated Waxman–Smits and Hanai–Bruggeman models provide parameters that better describe the electrical properties of the rock and are able to identify heterogeneity between samples that would otherwise be missed. The ranges of values for matrix resistivity (49 < ρr < 161 Ωm) and cementation factor (1.6 < m < 2.1) obtained from the Hanai–Bruggeman model indicate significant variation between samples. Comparison of laboratory‐determined values for cation exchange capacity (0.06 < Qv < 0.51 meq/mL) and those obtained from the Waxman–Smits model (0.09 < Qv < 0.55 meq/mL) indicates a very strong correlation, suggesting this model is appropriate for describing the rock. There is good agreement between parameters modelled using fully and partially saturated versions of both the Hanai–Bruggeman and Waxman–Smits equations, indicating that the data are consistent with these models and that the assumptions made are appropriate.  相似文献   


The linear spin-up of a stably stratified, electrically conducting fluid within an electrically insulating cylindrical container in the presence of an applied axial magnetic field is analyzed for those cases in which electric currents generated within the steady Hartmann boundary layer control the fluid interior. It is shown how to obtain the known spin-up times for a homogeneous, nonconducting fluid (τ = E ), a stably stratified, nonconducting fluid (τ = (σS/E, E ?1) and a homogeneous conducting fluid (τ = α?1 E ) from the present formulation where τ = v/ωt, E = v/ωL 2, σS = vN2/κω2 and 2α2 = σB2/pω. The problem is solved in the parameter range E?α2?1, α2/E?σS using the Laplace transform and two new spin-up times are obtained. Combined into one expression, they are τ = (1 + δ)α?1E where δ = σμv. The spin-up mechanism is investigated and it is found that, in contrast to the homogeneous, conducting case, torsional Alfvén waves may be instrumental in the spin-up of a stratified conducting fluid. The effects of viscous and ohmic diffusion on the torsional Alfvén wave fronts are studied and the following regimes are identified: 0 < δ ?E/α2, spin-up by meridional circulation of electric current with no Alfvén waves; E/α ? δ ? 1, spin-up by meridional circulation of electric current with transient Alfvén waves; α/E½ ? δ ? α2/E, spin-up by meridional circulation of current with weak Alfvén waves; 1 ? δ ? α/E½, spin-up by strong Alfvén waves; α½/E ? δ ? α2/E, spin-up by viscous diffusion with transient Alfvén waves; α/E ? δ < ∞, spin-up by viscous diffusion with no Alfvén waves.  相似文献   


Geoelectric resistivity measurements by means of direct current for solving hydrogeological problems have become increasingly significant in recent years. Measurements on the surface according to the four-point-method (SCHLUMBERGER or WENNER arrangement) result in so-called “apparent” resistivities ? α as a function of the electrode distance L. The evaluation of these measuring data, here in form of sounding graphs ? α(L/2), consists of the determination of true resistivities as a function of the depth z. Since a direct computation of ? (z) from α (L/2) is not possible in practice, theoretically computed master curves constitute the essential auxiliary means for the evaluation.

New simplified calculation techniques allow to establish accurately computed master curves for an underground consisting of more than three layers. By means of such standard graphs special problems of hydrogeology can quantitatively be solved by applying geoelectrical methods. The procedure is demonstrated on hand of complicated cases of aquifers devided into several storeys.  相似文献   

In this paper an idealized valley of a semi-elliptic cross-section is considered. For a Schlumberger configuration on the axis, sets of master curves are calculated for the ratio of semi-axis a/b= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in corresponding to various resistivity ratios of surrounding rocks and valley sediments. For small resistivity ratios, these model curves have the shape of three-layer curves for horizontal bedding and are often equivalent to them within the accuracy of measurements. The axial ratio a/b considerably affects the depth determination of valley sediments. In the special case of a circular cross-section (a/b= 1) the influence of the position of the electrodes on the sounding curve is studied in more detail. The application of the master curves in practice shows that the influence of the specific shape of the valley on soundings should not be neglected. In general, the valleys have a greater “true” depth than can be seen from the interpretation of a sounding by master curves corresponding to the horizontal bedding.  相似文献   

On the basis of numerical modelling and statistical investigations of the horizontal electrical inhomogeneities (narrow fractures, change of conductance of the surface sediments) ρmin magnetotelluric (MT)-sounding curves were found to be less distorted and, therefore, they can be used for the determination of deep conducting formations in the crust and upper mantle.Carefully selected MT curves indicate the crustal conductive layer at depths of 7–13 km and the conductive asthenosphere between 50 and 80 km.The relatively shallow position of the asthenosphere corresponds to the high heat flow (q > 80 mWm?1) in the Pannonian basin according to the empirical relation derived by Ádám (1978).  相似文献   

A predictive model is presented for estimating the peak inelastic oscillator displacements (Sd,ie) from peak ground velocity (PGV). The proposed model accounts for the variation of Sd,ie for bilinear hysteretic behavior under constant ductility (µ) and normalized lateral strength ratio (R) associated with postyield stiffness ratios of α=0 and 5%. The regression coefficients are based on a ground‐motion database that contains dense‐to‐stiff soil site recordings at distances of up to 30 km from the causative fault. The moment magnitude ( M ) range of the database is 5.2? M ?7.6 and the ground motions do not exhibit pulse‐dominant signals. Confined to the limitations imposed by the ground‐motion database, the model can estimate Sd,ie by employing the PGV predictions obtained from the attenuation relationships (ground‐motion prediction equations). In this way, the influence of important seismological parameters can be incorporated to the variation of Sd,ie in a fairly rationale manner. This feature of the predictive model advocates its implementation in the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis that employs scalar ground‐motion intensity indices. Various case studies are presented to show the consistent estimations of Sd,ie by the proposed model. The error propagation in the Sd,ie estimations is also discussed when the proposed model is associated with attenuation relationships. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental data show that in East Siberia resistivity curves, irrespective of their trends, are affected by galvanic (local) distortions. The preliminary step of the magnetotelluric data processing is to obtain a steady shape of resistivity curves reflecting a true deep section. For this purpose statistical averaging and different criteria of impedance rejecting were used. The available MTS curves were normalized by level to the global magnetovariation curves. Two-dimensional modelling was performed from several sublatitudinal profiles crossing the Baikal rift zone. Three-dimensional models based on two-dimensional modelling and on induction vector distribution have been computed via programs of M. N. Yudin. Following other researchers, two conductive layers are distinguished: i) the mid- and low crustal and ii) the mantle one, with the layer surface uplifted from 100–110 km depth in the southern Baikal rift zone to 60–70 km northeastwards along the eastern Baikal coast. The top of this layer seems to correspond to the asthenospheric roof. The asthenosphere deepening in southern BRZ is likely to be related to a decrease in the asthenospheric bulge width and an increase in the rate of lithospheric thickening with mantle degasing. The origin and evolution of the Baikal rift is considered, proceeding from the model of passive rifting with regard to a long-existing lithospheric inhomogeneity between the Siberian platform and the Sayan-Baikal folded area.  相似文献   

When electric soundings are made over an irregular terrain, topographic effects can influence the values of apparent resistivity and lead to erroneous 1D interpretation. A 3D finite-element method has been applied to study the topographical effect of a slope on Schlumberger soundings parallel to the strike. When the resistivity survey is performed at the top of the slope, the apparent resistivity values can be two times higher than in the flat-earth case, depending on the angle (α) and height (H) of the slope, and on the distance (X) between the sounding and the slope top. The results are presented as nondimensional curves which can be used for evaluating topographic anomalies for any value of the parameters α, H and X. It is numerically shown that the topographic effects can be removed from measurements on horizontally layered structures with an irregular earth surface. Real measurements were performed in different geological conditions over an irregular terrain. The correction method based on the nondimensional curves has been applied to the data and has enabled the determination of the correct layered ground configuration using 1D interpretation.  相似文献   

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