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Late glacial changes in the vegetation were studied in and around a former lake on the southeastern side of a coversand ridge near Milheeze (southern Netherlands). Analyses of microfossils and macroremains and AMS 14C dating were performed on four sediment cores along a transect from sand ridge to the lake centre. Small-scale vegetation patterns and lake-level fluctuations were reconstructed in detail based on the information provided by the transect. For the first time in The Netherlands, cores along a transect within one lake were used to reconstruct the amplitude of late glacial lake-level fluctuations. Near Milheeze, a small and shallow lake was formed during the Bølling. The large increase in the water level during the Bølling and early Allerød, and the transition to more eutrophic conditions at the start of the Allerød, were probably related to the disappearance of permafrost. During the Allerød, open birch and pine woodlands developed in the area. In the lake, organic deposits accumulated, and the lake size and depth fluctuated. At the start of the Younger Dryas, higher lake water levels were recorded and woodlands became more open as a result of both a drop in the temperature and an increase in the effective precipitation. During the late Younger Dryas the lake water level dropped as the climate became drier and temperatures slightly increased. Accumulation of organic deposits in the lake ceased at the end of the Younger Dryas, which was caused by a drop in the water level in combination with the hydroseral succession process within the lake itself. The climatic signal reflected in the late glacial flora and lake-level fluctuations agree well with other published data from The Netherlands.  相似文献   

水资源管理模式评述与展望   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
李锋瑞  刘七军  李光棣 《中国沙漠》2008,28(6):1174-1179
导致我国水资源利用效率低下和水危机产生的根本原因,并不完全在于水资源的短缺及缺少节水技术和污水处理循环利用技术,而在很大程度上归因于缺乏一种能够有效地促进水资源高效配置和节约用水的水资源管理模式。因此,建立一种科学合理和高效的水资源管理模式是我国水资源管理制度改革与创新的关键所在,也是我国建设水资源节约型社会的一项重要任务和战略目标。本文重点对国内外常见的几种主要的水资源管理模式的内涵及其管理手段和功能特征等进行了比较分析和研究,在此基础上,探讨了我国水资源管理模式的创新与发展思路,初步提出:建立以流域为单元的水资源生态系统综合管理模式是我国未来水资源管理制度改革的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relevance of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and its related National Action Programmes (NAPs) to people affected by land degradation and change in Swaziland. Household data collected from three chiefdoms are examined, together with policy analyses and information from interviews with policymakers and NGO representatives, as the barriers that inhibit successful implementation of the UNCCD at the national level are explored. We demonstrate how the issues addressed by Swaziland's NAP do not always match the environmental challenges that most threaten the sustainability of rural livelihoods, despite the 'participatory' and 'consultative' approach taken in developing the policy. This is because the more powerful members of society restricted the public's access to policy space. We argue that local involvement in environmental policy and decision-making as prescribed from the international political arena is insufficient to ensure empowerment and democracy in dealing with land degradation in national and local contexts, particularly within highly centralized political systems. Although the UNCCD represents a useful global framework in which to situate local anti-degradation initiatives, in centralized political systems, its success depends upon changes being made to the ethos of national facilitating organizations. Only when the power balance is challenged and greater moves are made towards decentralization will local land users be able to assume a meaningful role in combating desertification.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a doctoral study which investigated why women are absent in positions of leadership within the Australian sugar industry's agri-political group CANE-GROWERS. Its purpose is to confront and unsettle the explanation that this is a result of 'the Italians' in the industry. The paper begins by highlighting the pervasiveness of this claim and the way in which it was so often presented during the research as a known and unproblematic truth. Following this, I draw on feminist post-structural theory to offer three challenges to the claim that it is because of 'the Italians' that men dominate decision-making positions in the sugar industry. These are: a singular Italian culture does not exist; constructions of being Italian are not fixed or absolute; and a range of possibilities exist for negotiating, resisting and transcending notions of what it means to be an Italian wife/woman/daughter. This discussion reveals the usefulness of feminist post-structural theory for avoiding monolithic and homogeneous constructions of identity.  相似文献   

很多地方政府在"十二五规划"中提出了"延长产业链"的发展战略。一个地区的产业链能否在现有产业的基础上得以延长,不仅受到产业关联的影响,而且受生产要素禀赋结构、地理区位等静态比较优势的制约。在数理模型证明的基础上,以绍兴纺织产业的发展为例,对上述理论判断加以验证,并分析了地方政府盲目打造产业链的根源。研究结论认为,延长产业链是有条件的,忽视自身静态比较优势,盲目延长产业链,不仅难以占领价值链高端,而且对区域经济的发展可能产生误导性的后果。  相似文献   

Patterns in the sand: From forcing templates to self-organization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nearshore region exhibits many striking morphological patterns with a variety of spatial and temporal scales. The formation of these rhythmic features has been initially ascribed, depending on the pattern in question, to spatial structures in the flow or geological constrains. These forcing templates have been hypothesized to provide the spatial structure that becomes imprinted on the shoreline or seabed morphology. More recently, new explanations for rhythmic patterns have involved interactions between fluid flow and sediment transport that create morphological feedbacks and lead to pattern self-organization. While forcing-template models do not explicitly treat transport of the sediment that makes up the pattern, self-organization models focus on the strong couplings within flow/sediment systems, and on interactions between emergent structures. We illustrate the sweeping shift from template explanations to self-organization by discussing four nearshore patterns: beach cusps, surfzone crescentic sandbars, inner-shelf sorted bedforms, and large-scale cuspate shorelines. Models involving self-organization show that local interactions between flow and sediment transport can collectively give rise to patterns with large-scale coherence and that the driving feedbacks can be associated with either topographical or grain-size composition instabilities. An approach based on self-organization also allows researchers to establish limitations in the predictability of the occurrence of rhythmic patterns and characteristics as well as to study mechanisms leading to the observed variability of pattern or lack of regularity.  相似文献   

Field experiences continue to be a hallmark of a geographer's education and, for that matter, reeducation, as we all strive to remain current in the real world. Academic geographers beginning their ascent towards tenure and promotion might consider augmenting their portfolios with materials emerging from field teaching and learning activities.  相似文献   

Carbon markets as a policy tool to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases continue to be controversial, especially in developing countries. It is thus refreshing that Carton and Andersson (2017 Carton, W., and E. Andersson. 2017. Where forest carbon meets its maker: Forestry-based offsetting as the subsumption of nature. Society &; Natural Resources 30 (7):82943.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) undertook a field investigation of a transnational forest carbon offset project in Uganda. However, I am concerned that assumptions of structural Marxism that underwrite subsumption theory may have led the authors to see the project as inherently conflict ridden and exploitative and to neglect actual benefits. Their presentation of the project’s local impact jarred with my own empirical research into this project, undertaken in 2009, as well as more recent news accounts. While my field effort preceded the authors’ by 6 years, I attribute our different interpretations largely to theoretical and methodological differences. Evidence I present below suggests considerable alignment between the interests of transnational carbon markets and Ugandan smallholder farmers. Additional fieldwork might be able to resolve these differences in interpretation.  相似文献   

铁路作为长江经济带综合立体交通走廊的基础组成部分,是构建运输大通道、实现要素快速无障碍流动、推动带域经济发展的重要支撑。以经济带内129个城市为研究对象,分析2000~2015年铁路快速化和高速化过程中客运通达能力演化特征,并利用市域面板数据模型分析其对城市第三产业发展的影响,结果表明:铁路客运通达能力随既有线提速增能和高等级新线开通大幅提升,但城市间旅行时间因铁路网建设空间密度和时间梯度差异产生“时空收敛”非均衡性;低旅行时间网络在主要都市区不断强化,向外持续扩张中沿区际联系主通道出现地带间高可达网络融合,铁路走廊以区域中心城市为节点重构经济带交通区位格局,实现城市群整合、地带间网络化交流;铁路客运发展促进第三产业能力提升和要素集聚,空间上表现为东中部高、西部低,铁路枢纽节点城市、传统干线通道沿线城市和新建铁路沿线城市受到较强的正向作用。  相似文献   

In Sub-Saharan Africa, efforts to formalize the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector under legal frameworks and to improve its environmental and health practices have largely failed as a result of top-down policy measures that make change complicated and burdensome for low-resource miners. Using evidence from a case study of the ASGM sector within areas of Senegal, this article demonstrates that ASGM has become an important source of income for many traditionally agricultural rural populations. The findings point toward the embedded nature of ASGM within customary management structures in Senegal, and demonstrate that customary authority is an important component of ASGM operations and development, and should be recognized and integrated into innovative formalization policies and better practices initiatives.  相似文献   

基于POI数据的上海市餐饮业空间分布特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐锦玥  何益珺  塔娜 《热带地理》2020,40(6):1015-1025
以上海市为研究对象,基于兴趣点(POI)数据,运用核密度分析刻画餐饮业空间格局,并构建OLS模型、空间滞后模型、空间误差模型探究餐饮业空间分布的影响因素。结果发现,餐饮业空间分布呈块状聚集、多中心发展的格局。其中,西餐业高度集中于内环线以内,呈东西向延伸;快餐业在中心城区和高校集聚的城郊结合部大规模集聚。空间计量回归结果表明,餐饮业分布受到人口、经济、交通、空间4类要素的影响:区域经济发展水平高、人口规模大、交通优越、相关业态丰富会促进集聚,而周边业态的混合度过高则会抑制集聚,城市空间结构也会影响餐饮业分布,商圈、中心城区的餐饮业密度更高;中餐、西餐、正餐、快餐4类餐饮业分布的影响因素存在差异性,西餐企业倾向于分布在地价较高的地区,中餐企业对交通可达性有更高的需求,正餐企业的分布与当地区域经济发展水平显著相关,快餐企业的分布与各类文娱公共设施的分布有密切联系。  相似文献   

广州市银行业的空间布局特征与模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王洋  杨忍  李强  席文凯 《地理科学》2016,36(5):742-750
以广州都市区2013年全部类别银行的1 637个银行网点为基本数据,利用平均最邻近距离、核密度函数、缓冲区分析、空间模式提炼等方法探索广州市银行业的空间布局特征及其类别差异,总结其空间分异模式。结果表明:广州市银行业空间不均衡性布局显著,并呈现中心集聚特征;不同类型银行的分布特征差异显著。国有商业银行的服务便利性和数量等级高,网点密度大,构成了广州市银行业的主体;广州市银行业布局总体呈现由中心向外围逐渐递减的“圈层+扇形”空间模式。其中,核心商圈是银行业高度集聚区,中心城区密度递减最为显著,近郊区密度最低;不同类型银行的空间密度模式差异显著。国有商业银行、全国性股份制银行和城市商业银行分别呈现由中心到外围非均匀递减的倒“S”型、“L”型和“阶梯型”曲线模式。外资港资银行呈现为核心商圈集聚模式。农村商业银行为均质的“一”字型直线模式。  相似文献   

阐述中、美两国环境影响评价中公众参与的产生与发展,分析两国在环评中公众参与的不同特点.并通过分析美国公众参与的一个事例,提出了我国应借鉴的经验和完善我国公众参与的有效性途径.  相似文献   

美国环境影响评价中的公众参与及其借鉴   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄一绥  邱健斌 《福建地理》2006,21(2):113-115
阐述中、美两国环境影响评价中公众参与的产生与发展,分析两国在环评中公众参与的不同特点。并通过分析美国公众参与的一个事例,提出了我国应借鉴的经验和完善我国公众参与的有效性途径。  相似文献   

Research projects dealing with transition in the former centrally planned economies of Eastern and Central Europe face great difficulties of data availability. Much data are not available and much of what are available are poorly documented or unreliable. This paper describes some of the problems of data availability in the context of environmental research in Bulgaria. It describes current efforts to upgrade national level environmental monitoring capabilities, and argues for the need for the development of locally sensitive systems of data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

南京大学信息地理学的发展回顾与研究展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟士恩  甄峰  张捷  周其楼 《地理科学》2012,(10):1214-1219
信息地理学研究人类信息传播的地理学问题,包括信息传播的空间分布规律、空间结构及其空间影响,特别是对人类社会、经济空间组织的影响以及由于虚拟现实技术带来的地理学问题等。南京大学系统性的展开了信息地理学的研究,并深植于传统的优势地理学科,形成信息时代空间的形态、信息时代的空间效应、数字与信息城市、信息技术与旅游、信息时代的居民行为活动5个重点研究领域。面向全新的移动信息时代,以及信息地理学在社会文化及人文方面的研究不足,南京大学信息地理学面临五大发展趋势:信息技术深入影响下的城市空间研究、移动信息技术作用下的行为地理研究、信息技术与旅游结合的地理学研究、移动信息时代的智慧城市研究、物联网的地理学响应研究。  相似文献   

Small-scale livelihood projects are widely used in forest conservation and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)+ initiatives; however, there is limited information on how effective these projects are at delivering livelihood and conservation benefits. We explored local perceptions of the effectiveness of small-scale livelihood projects in delivering livelihood and conservation benefits in eastern Madagascar. Our results suggest that small-scale livelihood projects vary greatly in their ability to deliver livelihood benefits, and that the type of livelihood project (e.g., agriculture, beekeeping, fish farming, or livestock production) has a significant impact on which livelihood benefits are delivered. Many small-scale livelihood projects, regardless of project type, are perceived to contribute to forest conservation efforts. Our study highlights that small-scale livelihood projects have the potential to contribute to both improved livelihoods and enhanced forest conservation, but also illustrates the need for more information on the factors that lead to project success.  相似文献   

Conventional development theory and practice have often failed to recognise the centrality of women in sustainable resource management. A conceptual shift in environment and resource policies, planning and programmes is required to affirm that women are active participants rather than passive recipients of change. To address the need for enhanced women's participation in community-based forestry development, this paper focuses on the policy and programme elements important in the design and implementation of successful community forestry projects. Consequently, the intention of this paper is to increase the awareness of planners and decision-makers regarding methods of operationalising women's participation in community-based forestry. Building upon previous work from aid agencies and other researchers, a range of institutional, organisational, socio-cultural and project elements are identified. These elements provide a comprehensive framework of the policy and programme issues requiring consideration when promoting women's participation in successful community-based forestry activities.  相似文献   

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