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中国中小河流气候和下垫面与产汇流过程关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建340个中小河流域80个气候和下垫面因子,探讨了水文模型模拟效率对环境因子的敏感性,分析了产汇流因子与环境因子的相互关系.结果如下:①同类型气候和下垫面因子存在显著相关,不同类型环境因子相关系数相对较低;中国中小河流域大致可分为南方地区,北方地区和西北地区;②将环境因子分类进行主成分分析的方差解释率显著增加,气候、...  相似文献   

云南红河流域径流的时空分布变化规律   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用红河流域32个气象站1960-2000年逐月降水、气温、蒸发等实测资料,元江、李仙江和盘龙河1956-2000年径流量资料,使用GIS技术支持以及Kendall检验法、方差分析法、累积距平法,分析云南红河流域径流的时空变化规律,重点探讨径流时空分布变化与红河流域河谷与山脉的"通道-阻隔"作用的关联,得出如下结论:(1)在红河流域河谷与山脉的"通道-阻隔"作用的影响下,降水量和径流深等值线在空间上呈西北-东南向分布,分布模式与河谷/山脉的走向基本一致,并在哀牢山北段和李仙江下游地区形成两个高值区.(2)在多年平均尺度上,红河流域河谷与山脉的"通道-阻隔"作用对径流变化的地域差异影响最大,其次是降雨,对气温则不明显:李仙江的降水量明显大于哀牢山东部的元江和盘龙河区,其降水量变化的相对偏差则小于它们,反映出哀牢山的阻隔效应;三个区的平均气温差别不大,反映出在较大的时间尺度上受该区特殊环境格局的"通道-阻隔"作用不明显;多数降雨、径流和气温特征值及其出现时间的变化,在盘龙河与元江及李仙江都明显不同,反映出红河流域山脉的阻隔作用明显.(3)在区域气候变化及红河流域河谷与山脉"通道-阻隔"作用的叠加影响下,红河流域的径流变化在东西方向上差异明显:沿红河断裂发育的元江流域的径流量表现出上升的趋势,而西部的李仙江和东部的盘龙河径流量呈现出减少的趋势;元江和李仙江的年径流有一个准5年的变化周期,而盘龙河则有一个准8年的变化周期;三个区域的径流量变化表现出不一致的阶段性.  相似文献   

基于集中度与集中期的径流年内分配研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
借鉴年降水量年内分配的向量法,描述径流年内分配的径流集中度和集中期,尝试提出一种计算河川径流年内分配不均匀性的定量新方法。实例研究表明,用月径流量计算的集中度比径流年内不均匀系数有更高的分辨能力和敏感性,用月径流量计算的集中期对应的月份与月径流最大值出现的实际月份完全一致,径流集中度、集中期能够充分定量地表征径流在年内分配的非均匀性。  相似文献   

贡嘎山东坡海螺沟的河川径流特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对贡嘎山高山水文观测试验系统进行了简要介绍,并对海螺沟冰川河以及黄崩溜沟的径流特征进行了初步探讨。由于大气降水同是冰川河及黄崩溜沟径流的重要补给来源,故其径流量的季节变化明显带有大气降水过程的烙印,显得丰、枯分明。在冰川河,冰雪融水和地下水在枯水季节的稳定补给改变了大气降水对冰川河径流的年内分配过程;在黄崩溜沟,由于冰雪融水和地下水对其径流的补给非常有限,大气降水过程对其径流过程的影响便明显大过冰川河。  相似文献   

三江源区径流演变及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用水循环模型、统计检测、对比分析等手段对三江源区水循环过程进行了分析,模拟和检测了1958-2005 年黄河源区出口唐乃亥站、长江源区直门达站、澜沧江源区昌都站汛期、非汛期和年径流过程的变化趋势。在此基础上,检测CSIRO和NCAR两种气候模式A1B和B1 排放情景下未来2010-2039 年源区出口断面的径流演变趋势,对比分析了气候变化的影响。研究表明过去48 年三江源区出口唐乃亥站年径流和非汛期径流过程呈显著减少趋势,而直门达和昌都站径流过程变化趋势并不显著。这将导致对黄河中下游地区的水资源补给显著减少,加剧黄河流域水资源短缺。气候变化背景下,未来30 年黄河源区径流量与现状相比有所减少,尤其是在非汛期,将持续加剧黄河中下游流域水资源短缺的现象。长江源区径流量将呈增加趋势,而且远远高于现状流量,尤其是在汛期,长江中下游地区防洪形势严峻。而澜沧江源区未来30 年径流量均高于现状流量,但汛期和年径流变化并不显著,而非汛期径流变化存在不确定性,CSIRO模式B1 情景显著减小,而NCAR模式B1 情景显著增加。气候变化对长江源区径流影响最显著,黄河源区其次,而澜沧江源区最小。  相似文献   

甘肃省气温与降水变化趋势及其对主要流域径流量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于气温和降水格点资料及水文站年径流量数据,对甘肃省不同区域气候变化趋势及其与径流量的关系进行了分析。结果显示:1961-2011年,甘肃省大部地区气温呈显著升高趋势(p<0.05),而降水量则在乌鞘岭东西两侧地区存在明显的反向变化趋势。气温和降水的变化趋势对不同区域径流量起不同作用。过去51年来,在乌鞘岭以西地区,受河源区降水量增加的影响,黑河与疏勒河流域径流量有增加趋势;在乌鞘岭以东地区,由于降水量减少及气温升高,区域河流径流量以减少趋势为主。虽然气温和降水对径流量均有影响,但降水与径流量的关系更为密切。然而从长时间尺度来看,虽然甘肃省区域平均降水量无明显减少趋势,但径流量仍呈现减少趋势,可能与气温持续上升趋势带来的蒸发增强、水分损耗增加等因素有关。  相似文献   

李丽娟  郑红星 《地理学报》2000,55(3):309-317
经华北典型河流--潮白河为主要研究对象,结合多种分析方法,对潮白河近百年来的径流演变规律及其驱动因子作了较为全面的分析。结果表明,河川径流总体呈指数减少趋势,演化过程中表现出明显的阶段性和相依性。相关分析和回归分析表明,人类活动已成为河川径流演化的主要驱动因子。掠夺式的水资源开发,已使潮白河下游河段断流,情势日趋严重,严重损害了河道的系统功能,是河流季节化以及河道萎缩的主要原因。  相似文献   

基于有关水文、气象台站的降水、气温和径流观测资料,对天山南、北坡的代表性河流——开都河与乌鲁木齐河上游山区径流变化及其对气候变化的响应进行了分析。在此基础上建立山区径流对气候变化的响应模型,假定不同的气候情景组合,就两条河流出山径流对气候变化的敏感性进行分析对比。结果表明,近40余年,两条河流山区年降水量、平均气温及径流总体上均呈波动状上升态势。一方面径流与降水、气温的变化呈明显的正相关关系;另一方面山区径流对降水、气温变化的响应的程度存在着明显的区域性差异,即乌鲁木齐河出山径流对降水变化的响应程度明显强于开都河,而开都河出山径流对气温变化的敏感性要高于乌鲁木齐河。  相似文献   

Runoff at the three time scales(non-flooding season,flooding season and annual period) was simulated and tested from 1958 to 2005 at Tangnaihai(Yellow River Source Region:YeSR),Zhimenda(Yangtze River Source Region:YaSR) and Changdu(Lancang River Source Region:LcSR) by hydrological modeling,trend detection and comparative analysis.Also,future runoff variations from 2010 to 2039 at the three outlets were analyzed in A1B and B1 scenarios of CSIRO and NCAR climate model and the impact of climate change was tested.The results showed that the annual and non-flooding season runoff decreased significantly in YeSR,which decreased the water discharge to the midstream and downstream of the Yellow River,and intensified the water shortage in the Yellow River Basin,but the other two regions were not statistically significant in the last 48 years.Compared with the runoff in baseline(1990s),the runoff in YeSR would decrease in the following 30 years(2010-2039),especially in the non-flooding season.Thus the water shortage in the midstream and downstream of the Yellow River Basin would be serious continuously.The runoff in YaSR would increase,especially in the flooding season,thus the flood control situation would be severe.The runoff in LcSR would also be greater than the current runoff,and the annual and flooding season runoff would not change significantly,while the runoff variation in the non-flooding season is uncertain.It would increase significantly in the B1 scenario of CSIRO model but decrease significantly in B1 scenario of NCAR model.Furthermore,the most sensitive region to climate change is YaSR,followed by YeSR and LcSR.  相似文献   

LI Jianzhu  FENG Ping 《地理学报》2007,17(3):339-350
The decrease of runoff in the Luanhe river basin, which caused water crisis in Tian-jin for several times, was investigated using discharge data covering the period 1956–2002. The data from the differential integral curves of the annual runoff indicate that the decreasing point began in 1979 in the six sub-basins. The decrease of runoff in the Luanhe river basin resulted from the combination of climate effects and human activities, in which the latter plays an important role. This can be illustrated by noting that after 1979 the runoff generated by similar precipitation decreased under the condition that the total precipitation did not decrease in the entire basin. As a result, the annual runoff of the Luanhe river basin after 1979 de-creased by about 6.46×108 m3 each year. To analyze the runoff characteristics, it is inade-quate to seek the runoff trends only and the identification of cyclical component of the runoff as accurate as possible is necessary. From the natural annual runoff discharge time series, we can see the annual runoff fluctuates around the long-term average. Analyzed by VRL (Variable Record Length) method, the main periods of 3, 5–6, 7, 9, 16–20 and 37–39 years were found. The last decade causing water crisis was the driest period in the history, and this condition will last several years from trend analysis and power spectrum analysis. So finding new water sources is urgent to  相似文献   

Inclusion of direct runoff in water balance analysis makes the analysis more accurate and allows it to reflect important hydrologic effects of land use change such as urbanization. Water balance analysis is conveniently performed on a monthly basis. This paper reports the development of a model of monthly direct runoff consistent with the monthly bookkeeping format. The model was evaluated by comparison with direct runoff estimated by daily calculation using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method. The comparison employed six stations representing different climatic regions of the contiguous United States and eight values of SCS curve number. The results are statistically significant and produce little error.  相似文献   

全球变化下秦岭南北河流径流泥沙比较分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
查小春  延军平 《地理科学》2002,22(4):403-407
分析比较秦岭南侧汉江和秦岭北侧渭河河流径流,泥沙含量变化表明,1935-1999年65年间,渭河河流年均流量为248.26m^3/s,汉江河流年均流量为592.94m^3/s,汉江年均流量是渭河的2.4倍,江汉河流年均含沙量为0.88kg/m^3,渭河河流年均含沙量为52.03kg/m^3,接近汉江河流的60倍,渭河是一条多泥沙河流,分析20世纪80年代以后汉江,渭河河流径流泥沙含量表明,渭河河流年均流量为195.89m^3/s,汉江河流年均流量为585.05m^3/s,均比1935-1980年减少了27.4%和1.9%,但汉江河流年均泥沙含量为0.41kg/m^3,渭河河流年均泥沙含量却为54.58kg/m^3,为汉江河流133倍,比1935-1980年增加了90多倍,说明全球变化对秦岭山脉南北地质水文气候环境影响很大,秦岭南北两区在全球气候变化中表现出明显的区域响应性。  相似文献   

2006年黑河水系典型流域冰川融水径流与出山径流的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
贺建桥  宋高举  蒋熹  李全莲  武晓波   《中国沙漠》2008,28(6):1186-1189
利用2006年夏季祁连山七一冰川野外观测资料,计算了2006年七一冰川的冰川融水径流模数,为119.85 L·s-1·km-2,是20世纪70年代七一冰川径流模数的2.23倍;依据径流模数估算出2006年冰川融水径流在黑河4条支流出山径流量中的比重为9.6%,大于1991年8.2%的统计值。黑河流域东部河流出山口径流量中冰川融水所占比重变化不大,西部河流冰川融水补给比重显著增大,强烈反映了在全球气候变暖背景下,祁连山冰川对气候变化过程的响应。  相似文献   

阿姆河是中亚最大的一条河流,其径流主要来源于西天山和帕米尔高原的积雪、冰川融水,由于地处高山区,数据获取困难,对其产流的具体组成与季节分布特征认识不足。本文利用分布式水文模型模拟阿姆河1951-2005年的产流过程,分析雪、冰融水年内分布和年际变化特征以及气候变化的影响。结果表明:1阿姆河产流区融雪集中在3-7月,冰川产流在6-9月,雨、雪、冰产流比例分别为18%、67%和15%,雪、冰融水产流超过80%;2阿姆河总产流集中在4-9月,占年产流量的83%,地表流、基流和侧向流分别占径流量的38%、46%和16%;3 MannKendall非参数检验(α=0.05)显示,1951-2005年间,阿姆河产流区降水呈显著减少趋势,气温呈显著升高趋势,雨、雪、冰产流量与总产流量均呈减小趋势,特别是在1995年之后,由于气温的持续上升和降水急剧下降,产流量减少幅度加大,1996-2005年与1951-1995年相比,雨、雪、冰产流分别减少35%、20%和4%,总产流减少了21%。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):91-102

This paper reports on the design and implementation of a project-based course—World Water Problems—that was introduced within the framework of introductory undergraduate geography education. The aims of the course were twofold: (1) to cultivate in students a world geographic perspective on water problems; and (2) to conduct an original research project on the search for detailed appraisals, or ex-post evaluations, of completed water projects and programs. The project involved problem-based inquiry and learning through several interrelated tasks including: hypothesis testing, systematic electronic library and database searching, corresponding with water resources experts; and synthesizing of results. Evaluation of the project, and the course more generally, was achieved through a questionnaire administered to the students and a focused in-class discussion. Overall, the students' comments about the course project demonstrate learning in the form of greater knowledge of world geographic regions and water sectors as well as enhancement of database search skills and critical thinking.  相似文献   

Massive flooding in East Germany in the summer of 2002 was first alleviated, and then exacerbated, by diversion of the river flood waters into residual open pits, the legacy of lignite mining. The pits at first contained the flood waters but, once filled to capacity, leaked precipitously, causing massive flooding in the flat lands around the pits. This article examines the problem of constructing quantitative models for assessments of fill, bypass, and leakage from such floodwater containing pits. Emergency management teams can then generate quickly not only many different scenarios to help with immediate flood control options and fall-back positions, but can also investigate long-term planning that can then be undertaken to estimate better the consequences of permitting such diversion. While the models developed are simple, and are numerically implemented in easy to use spreadsheet format, they have the advantage of guiding directions of flood assessment control and consequent results. The illustrative numerical examples show how one can quickly use such quantitative models to obtain patterns of flooding relevant to situations of sustained, torrential rainfall, and subsequent river overflow.  相似文献   

潮白河径流分布规律及人类活动对径流的影响分析   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:31  
利用潮白河五个水文站1956年以来的径流资料,应用多种数值分析方法,详细分析了潮白河径流的年际、年内分配规律,计算了人类活动对径流的影响。结果表明,潮白河径流的年际变化剧烈,丰水时段历时很短,而枯水时段历时很长。应用累积滤波器和肯德尔秩次相关法,对年径流变化趋势所作的定性和定量的结果表明,潮白河年径流总体呈减少趋势,且减少趋势显著。根据年径流累积曲线和回归分析,人类活动是引起潮白河径流减少的主要因素。  相似文献   

长江黄河源区生态环境范围的探讨   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
在江河源区地理学与水文学界定的基础上,在明确界定源区范围四大原则与依据的前提下,文章综合分析了长江黄河源区的地貌特征、气候条件、植被分布以及水文水系特征,并在此基础上综合确定了长江黄河源区生态环境研究的范围。以达日水文站为界,以上区域为黄河流域生态环境研究的源区范围,流域控制面积约4.49×104 km2, 源区为高原湖泊沼泽地貌,地形平缓, 高寒半干旱气候, 受水热条件控制植被主要为草原化草甸;长江流域生态环境研究的源区以聂恰曲汇口为界,流域控制面积约12.24×104 km2。长江源区为高平原丘陵地貌,地形变化和缓,气候为高寒干旱半干旱气候,因范围广阔,分布高寒草原和高寒草甸植被。  相似文献   

三工河径流系列重建及未来趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
新疆三工河流域位于天山北麓中段东部 ,发源于博格达峰西北侧 ,著名的高山湖泊、国家级风景区—天池位于该河中游 ,下游是阜康市。对三工河径流量的研究 ,对于保持天池足够的蓄水量及当地环境和资源的开发利用都是非常重要的。但该河仅有短期不连续的径流实测资料 ,且测站断面迁移频繁 ,因而有多种径流估算值。应用Linest函数 ,对影响径流的因子进行筛选 ,重建了三工河 196 1年至 1999年径流系列 ,据此计算三工河多年平均径流量为 0 .6 16× 10 8m3 ,Cv值 0 .10 3。用方差分析法对径流的未来变化趋势作了初步预测 ,为正确评估当地水资源承载能力 ,保持水资源的可持续利用 ,尤其是目前有争议的地下水资源的评估和合理开发提供了定量依据。  相似文献   

Successful scaling of agricultural development strategies is fundamental to increased production and yields, yet targeting efforts frequently fail to fully consider the underlying biophysical drivers of agricultural marginality, particularly at fine spatial resolutions. We present a heuristic for intelligent targeting, utilizing remotely sensed information to identify the intersection between marginal conditions for performance of a staple crop and the optimal niche for technologies that improve crop performance. Here, we explore the geographic potential of maize diversification with pigeonpea, a crop with soil productivity enhancing properties. Overall, 79 percent of agricultural land in Malawi exhibits climate conditions optimal for pigeonpea cultivation and, in total, approximately 51 percent of Malawian maize-based farming is expected to receive some benefit from pigeonpea integration, with 9 percent receiving predictable and substantial benefits. These findings illustrate the geographic scaling potential of pigeonpea in Malawi and provide direction for informed pigeonpea deployment and market development across the country.  相似文献   

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