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对非GIS专业的GIS教育的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国GIS应用早已突破专业领域,在社会需求的拉动下,非GIS专业的GIS教育快速发展。本文根据自己的教学实践,将非GIS专业的GIS教育分成四类,地理、测绘学科下的非GIS专业、计算机相关专业、工程相关专业和GIS公共选修课程,分别从各类非GIS专业开展GIS教育的必要性、特点、教材选择、课程设置、教学教法等方面进行总结,提出对非GIS专业的GIS教育的认识。  相似文献   

非GIS专业地理信息系统课程教学思考   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
我国GIS教育正处于蓬勃发展时期,在社会需求的拉动下,GIS应用早已突破其专业领域,因之而推动了非GIS专业GIS教育的快速发展。作者在分析比较GIS专业与非GIS专业地理信息系统课程教学目标、学生学科背景差别等问题的基础上,对非GIS专业地理信息系统教学中教师要求、教材选择、教学内容、教学模式和考核方式等诸方面进行了分析总结,并提出了对非GIS专业地理信息系统课程教学的一些建议。  相似文献   

A number of approaches for integrating GIS and qualitative research have emerged in recent years, as part of a resurgence of interest in mixed methods research in geography. These efforts to integrate qualitative data and qualitative analysis techniques complement a longstanding focus in GIScience upon ways of handling qualitative forms of spatial data and reasoning in digital environments, and extend engagements with 'the qualitative' in GIScience to include discussions of research methodologies. This article contributes to these emerging qualitative GIS methodologies by describing the structures and functions of 'computer-aided qualitative GIS' (CAQ-GIS), an approach for storing and analyzing qualitative, quantitative, and geovisual data in both GIS and computer aided data analysis software. CAQ-GIS uses modified structures from conventional desktop GIS to support storage of qualitative data and analytical codes, together with a parallel coding and analysis process carried out with GIS and a computer-aided data analysis software package. The inductive mixed methods analysis potential of CAQ-GIS is demonstrated with examples from research on children's urban geographies.  相似文献   

为了了解住宅小区尺度上的人居环境状况,以"天地图·宜兴"地理信息服务平台为数据源,利用GIS空间分析技术提取了10项评价指标,构建了住宅小区人居环境评价指标体系;并结合层次分析法对宜兴市11个典型住宅小区人居环境进行了综合评价。根据评价结果对11个住宅小区的人居环境质量进行了总体与样点相结合地分析,从广度和深度上为各样点人居环境问题提出了切实可行的整治建议。  相似文献   

This paper looks at GIS education in the context of changes in society and technology. It argues that socio-economic pressures and technological change are both working to change the traditional dichotomous structure of tertiary education in respect of campus and distance learning models. In general, the changed lifestyles of a larger, less affluent student base are seen as combining with economic pressures on universities to create a mainstream demand for more flexible learning environments, a demand which new advances in applied information technology can assist in meeting. The paper considers these forces and how developments in educational technology in general are likely to impact on traditional methods of delivering GIS education.  相似文献   

矿产信息GIS纵向上包括全球层次、国家层次、大洲层次、成矿带层次四个层次的地理信息、地质信息、矿产资源信息、矿业信息内容。建立矿产信息GIS的目的是通过现有的GIS手段,以数字、图像、文本等各种形式,把我们收集到的海量全球矿产资源信息呈现给用户,为国内外从事地质工作的国家机构、事业单位和矿业公司了解全球矿产资源分布、开发和利用现状提供信息平台。  相似文献   

移动GIS定位技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
GIS由桌面化向着移动终端发展,移动定位具有了广阔的市场。探讨了普通手机、智能手机、PDA、车载导航仪的移动定位原理和各自的特点,分析了目前移动定位面临的问题。  相似文献   

关于全球通地理信息系统的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
龚强 《测绘科学》2003,28(3):74-76
由多数据格式组成的多源数据非常复杂,主要表现在没有标准的基础数据,旧有的数据又难以利用,数据的多语义性,获取数据方法的多源性,数据存储格式的多样性以及数据的多时空性和多尺度等,但多源数据集成共享又是客观需要。目前的多源数据集成有数据格式转换模式、数据互操作模式和直接数据访问模式,以上几种模式虽各具千秋,却各有不足,解决的办法只有建立全球通地理信息系统,以实现各系统技术原则统一,交流沟通顺畅,实现真正意义的共享。因此,建立全球通地理信息系统势在必行。  相似文献   

Qualitative GIS is a relatively new methodological approach for analyzing and visualizing qualitative data within a geographic context. Qualitative data can take many forms, including interviews, documents, photographs, and audio and video clips. Content analysis for example, is an effective qualitative method for analyzing text‐based data. We argue that basic concepts, (i.e. how to store data, data requirements, visualization techniques, and modes of analysis) within qualitative GIS have not been adequately defined, rendering difficult the replication of work performed and hindering the development of incremental knowledge in the field. Database management systems provide a means for storing, managing, and analyzing qualitative GIS data. A standardized and well‐designed open source database system provides a mechanism for qualitative GIS projects, ensuring consistency and project replication. Qualitative GIS data stored in a database allows for additional visualization options, such as geographic word clouds. To demonstrate the concepts we performed content analysis on Master Transportation Plans from Calgary and Montreal using SpatiaLite, an open source database system. We developed Structured Query Language (SQL) queries to generate and populate groups and theme tables within the SpatiaLite database. We present our database design and queries in the hopes that they will help others conducting qualitative GIS research.  相似文献   

研究利用ArcGIS的空间分析功能,对渭河流域的海拔、坡度、坡向、道路、水系及其与居民点空间分布规律的关系进行了定量分析,揭示了自然因素对本区居民的影响程度,对乡村规划和农村居民点建设具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

如何实现GIS网络数据在Oracle中的存储、管理、应用与开发是GIS的一个重要研究内容。基于Oracle10g SDO网络实现GIS网络数据的存储与管理,不需要人为设计存储方案,并利用MapViewer完全支持SDO网络的特点,快速实现GIS网络的Web GIS开发,为建立与开发更为复杂的GIS网络系统提供基础支持和保障。  相似文献   

University faculty partners from the Departments of Geography and Instruction and Teacher Education at a large, public university collaborated with K-12 teachers and the leadership of a rural school district in order to investigate the crosscutting content of science, mathematics, and geography through the integration of web-based GIS technologies. The project explored the critical connections among technology, pedagogy, and content with a particular emphasis on developing technology-enhanced, inquiry-based lessons in which the teachers and their students used GIS technologies to analyze, visualize, and present data in real-world contexts. The findings highlight the importance of well-structured professional development that builds community, integrates diverse content and pedagogical expertise, provides feedback and coaching, and is of sufficient duration to effect change.  相似文献   

城市地理信息系统数据更新方式研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
阐述了城市基础地理数据更新的原则和内容,对各种数据更新方式的作业流程、适用范围以及工作要点,对基于无线通讯方式的PDA数据更新方式的应用前景进行了展望,提出了采取行政立法,利用各种工程竣工测量资料对基础地理数据进行更新的建议。  相似文献   

GIS的发展方向-WebGIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了WebGIS和传统GIS的优缺点 ,论述了WebGIS是地理信息系统的发展方向 ,并介绍WebGIS的设计基础 ,包括技术难点、开发方法、实现方式和基本结构  相似文献   

Off-the-shelf GIS toolboxes are inadequate for pedagogic purposes. Urban World , an Arc View application, attempts to address this shortcoming by including special features designed to foster student progress towards a better understanding of urban environments. This paper provides context for the Urban World system in an active, authentic learning environment for students of urban geography and planning at junior and senior levels in undergraduate curricula at universities in the United States. The paper describes the rationale for, and implementation of, several components of Urban World : a special graphid user interface; productivity tools for facilitating the acquisition of practical skills of mapping and spatial analysis; tools for accessing, undertaking, and submitting homework assignments in a paper-less class; and various devices for assisting students to undertake spatial reasoning. GIS are Seen as an enabling technology for improving understanding by means of engaging students in empirical analysis. Spatial problem solvers and decision makers reach sound conclusions by employing reasoning skills applied to well-formed databases; scientific research makcs progress with sound reasoning of many types. The effective teaching and learning about the geography of our world requires a strong foundation of spatid reasoning.  相似文献   

重庆电网GIS平台运用国产软件搭建网省信息化平台,完成了数据准备、软硬件环境、平台实施部署、应用系统集成等内容,该文介绍了其主要功能和关键技术。  相似文献   

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