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ICP-MS测定土壤中的As、Cr、Pb、Se、Cu和Zn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万飞  张之鑫 《吉林地质》2010,29(3):90-91,94
本文用电感耦合等离子质谱法(ICP-MS)测定了土壤的As、Cr、Pb、Se、Cu和Zn6种微量元素的质量分数,以In作为内标进行基体效应的补偿,方法快速灵敏,回收率为92.4%~106.8%,相对标准偏差小于5.0%,结果达到国家标准要求。  相似文献   

为了研究不同草本植物间作对空心菜生长状况及对Pb的吸收、转运效果,采用盆栽试验,研究了空心菜在Pb污染土壤中单作及与10种草本植物(高丹草、苏丹草、狼尾草、黑麦草、苦荬菜、菊苣、籽粒苋、三叶草、紫花苜蓿、紫云英)间作对Pb吸收、积累的影响。结果表明:空心菜与黑麦草、苦荬菜、菊苣、籽粒苋、三叶草、紫花苜蓿以及紫云英间作后的茎叶生物量较空心菜单作增加显著(P<0.05),增加了15.79%~84.75%。不同间作方式下的空心菜茎叶Pb含量为7.11~15.36 mg/kg,茎叶Pb富集系数(BCF)为0.024~0.051,根茎叶Pb转运系数(TF)为0.240~0.470。与高丹草、苏丹草、苦荬菜、菊苣以及籽粒苋间作后,空心菜茎叶Pb含量较单作(对照)降低了24.39%~41.46%,茎叶Pb积累量较单作降低了65.36%~75.06%;此外,与上述5种植物间作后空心菜的根际土壤有效态Pb含量降低了4.47%~9.09%,根际土壤pH值则增加了0.32%~2.74%。10种间作植物茎叶Pb含量大小为菊苣>黑麦草>苦荬菜>高丹草>苏丹草>紫云英>紫花苜蓿>狼尾草>三叶草>籽粒苋。不同间作方式下每盆植株Pb总积累量为0.560~2.108 mg/盆,10种间作处理是空心菜单作处理的1.73~3.76倍。研究结果表明,高丹草、苏丹草、苦荬菜、菊苣和籽粒苋与空心菜间作有效降低了空心菜对Pb的吸收积累,同时提高了整个体系对土壤中Pb的总积累量,在间作修复中是较为理想的组合模式。  相似文献   

The Emeishan flood basalts can be divided into high-Ti (HT) basalt (Ti/Y>500) and low-Ti (LT) basalt (Ti/Y<500). Sr, Nd isotopic characteristics of the lavas indicate that the LT- and the HT-type magmas originated from distinct mantle sources and parental magmas. The LT-type magma was derived from a shallower lithospheric mantle, whereas the HT-type magma was derived from a deeper mantle source that may be possibly a mantle plume. However, few studies on the Emeishan flood basalts involved their Pb isotopes, especially the Ertan basalts. In this paper, the authors investigated basalt samples from the Ertan area in terms of Pb isotopes, in order to constrain the source of the Emeishan flood basalts. The ratios of 206Pb/204Pb (18.31–18.41), 207Pb/204Pb (15.55–15.56) and 208Pb/204Pb (38.81–38.94) are significantly higher than those of the depleted mantle, just lying between EM I and EM II. This indicates that the Emeishan HT basalts (in the Ertan area) are the result of mixing of EMI end-member and EMII end-member.  相似文献   

Three marine sediment cores from Osaka Bay were analyzed for 210Pb geochronology, heavy metal concentrations (Zn, Cu, and Pb) and stable lead isotope ratios (206Pb/207Pb) in order to reconstruct high-resolution heavy metal pollution history from 1900–2006. Anthropogenic metal accumulation in sediments peaked in 1970 in agreement with the high economic growth period in Japan. The comparison of temporal patterns of 206Pb/207Pb ratio with other areas of Japan suggested that the heavy metals, imported from several different countries during the periods of economic growth (1955 to 1973), are the main pollution source for the country. For the period 1970–2006, the sediment data reflect the result of stricter environmental regulations applied after the late 1960s. However, heavy metal concentrations in the surface sediments are still elevated to levels several times higher than the levels at the bottoms of the cores. Additionally, the lead isotope ratio does not show significant change after the 1980s. Secondary heavy metal pollution through the mixing of deeper polluted sediment appears to be the likely reason for the deterioration of present time submarine sediment environments. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that it is difficult to recover over a period of several years the benthic quality of a bay, once it is heavily polluted.  相似文献   

Sand- and gravel-filled clastic dikes of seismic liquefaction origin occur throughout much of southern Indiana and Illinois. Nearly all of these dikes originated from prehistoric earthquakes centered in the study area. In this area at least seven and probably eight strong prehistoric earthquakes have been documented as occurring during the Holocene, and at least one during the latest Pleistocene. The recognition of different earthquakes has been based mainly on timing of liquefaction in combination with the regional pattern of liquefaction effects, but some have been recognized only by geotechnical testing at sites of liquefaction.

Most paleo-earthquakes presently recognized lie in Indiana, but equally as many may have occurred in Illinois. Studies in Illinois have not yet narrowly bracketed the age of clastic dikes at many sites, which sometimes causes uncertainty in defining the causative earthquake, but even in Illinois the largest paleo-earthquakes probably have been identified.

Prehistoric magnitudes were probably as high as about moment magnitude M 7.5. This greatly exceeds the largest historic earthquake of M 5.5 centered in Indiana or Illinois. The strongest paleo-earthquakes struck in the vicinity of the concentration of strongest historic seismicity. Elsewhere, paleo-earthquakes on the order of M 6–7 have occurred even where there has been little or no historic seismicity.

Both geologic and geotechnical methods of analysis have been essential for verification of seismic origin for the dikes and for back-calculating prehistoric magnitudes. Methods developed largely as part of this study should be of great value in unraveling the paleoseismic record elsewhere.  相似文献   

含高放射性成因铅是商代青铜器的重要特征,但对其矿料来源的讨论众说纷纭,莫衷一是。笔者等收集了河南郑州商城、山西垣曲商城、湖北盘龙城、四川三星堆、陕西汉中(地区)、江西新干大洋洲、河南安阳殷墟和陕北(地区)覆盖整个商代的8个遗址/地区700件出土青铜器样品的铅同位素组成数据,并与全国606个Pb—Zn、Cu、Sn多金属矿床4025件矿石样品的铅同位素组成数据进行比对分析,探讨商代青铜器的矿料来源和古蜀国在矿业贸易中的地位。研究表明:(1)河南郑州商城、湖北盘龙城、陕西汉中、山西垣曲商城、河南安阳殷墟和陕北6个遗址/地区的青铜器很可能采用了含异常铅和正常铅的两类铅料;而四川三星堆与江西新干大洋洲出土的青铜器则主要采用了含异常铅的铅料。四川三星堆、陕西汉中和陕北3个遗址/地区出土的青铜器很可能采用了含异常铅和正常铅的两类铜料;而河南郑州商城、湖北盘龙城、山西垣曲商城、河南安阳殷墟与江西新干大洋洲出土的青铜器采用的铜料很可能以含正常铅为主,但不排除采用含异常铅铜料的可能性。(2)对比全国Cu、Pb—Zn、Sn及多金属矿床铅同位素资料,商代遗址出土的青铜器中的高放射性成因铅的铅料,最有可能来自四...  相似文献   

程文斌  郎兴海  欧阳辉  彭义伟  谢富伟  王勇  彭强  杨超  陈翠华  向芳 《地质论评》2023,69(4):2023040012-2023040012
含高放射性成因铅是商代青铜器的重要特征,但对其矿料来源的讨论众说纷纭,莫衷一是。本文收集了河南郑州商城、山西垣曲商城、湖北盘龙城、四川三星堆、陕西汉中(地区)、江西新干大洋洲、河南安阳殷墟和陕北(地区)覆盖整个商代的8个遗址/地区700件出土青铜器样品的铅同位素组成数据,并与全国606个Pb—Zn、Cu、Sn多金属矿床4025件矿石样品的铅同位素组成数据进行比对分析,探讨商代青铜器的矿料来源和古蜀国在矿业贸易中的地位。研究表明:(1)河南郑州商城、湖北盘龙城、陕西汉中、山西垣曲商城、河南安阳殷墟和陕北6个遗址/地区的青铜器很可能采用了含异常铅和正常铅的两类铅料;而四川三星堆与江西新干大洋洲出土的青铜器则主要采用了含异常铅的铅料。四川三星堆、陕西汉中和陕北3个遗址/地区出土的青铜器很可能采用了含异常铅和正常铅的两类铜料;而河南郑州商城、湖北盘龙城、山西垣曲商城、河南安阳殷墟与江西新干大洋洲出土的青铜器采用的铜料很可能以含正常铅为主,但不排除采用含异常铅铜料的可能性。(2)对比全国Cu、Pb—Zn、Sn及多金属矿床铅同位素资料,商代遗址出土的青铜器中的高放射性成因铅的铅料,最有可能来自四川云南交界处的MVT型Pb—Zn矿床;而含高放射性成因铅的铜料,则最可能来自四川云南交界处的IOCG型Cu矿和山西中条山铜矿峪Cu矿床。(3)综合三星堆遗址得天独厚的地理位置,三星堆青铜文明的兴衰时间及其与其他文化交流与贸易往来的路径,推测古蜀三星堆很可能是商代含高放射性成因铅的铅料及部分铜料贸易的大型中转地,商代含高放射性成因铅的青铜器的兴盛与衰落则很可能与三星堆青铜文明的开启与消亡有关。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the accumulation of arsenic (As) in and on roots of Zea mays (maize) and Helianthus annuus (sunflower) by means of synchrotron-based micro-focused X-ray fluorescence imaging (μ-XRF). Plant and soil samples were collected from two field sites in the Hetao Plain (Inner Mongolia, China) which have been regularly irrigated with As-rich groundwater. Detailed μ-XRF element distribution maps were generated at the Fluo-beamline of the Anka synchrotron facility (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) to assess the spatial distribution of As in thin sections of plant roots and soil particles. The results showed that average As concentrations in the roots (14.5–27.4 mg kg−1) covered a similar range as in the surrounding soil, but local maximum root As concentrations reached up to 424 mg kg−1 (H. annuus) and 1280 mg kg−1 (Z. mays), respectively. Importantly, the results revealed that As had mainly accumulated at the outer rhizodermis along with iron (Fe). We therefore conclude that thin crusts of Fe-(hydr)oxides cover the roots and act as an effective barrier to As, similar to the formation of Fe plaque in rice roots. In contrast to permanently flooded rice paddy fields, regular flood irrigation results in variable redox conditions within the silty and loamy soils at our study site and fosters the formation of Fe-(hydr)oxide plaque on the root surfaces.  相似文献   

Settling and traction velocities were measured on optimally preserved tests of larger foraminifera using a settling tube and flume tank. Within larger foraminifera with porcelaneous tests, the peneroplids, Peneroplis antillarum, P. planatus, P. pertusus and Dendritina cf. D. zhengae, are distinguished by low test densities (ca 1·2) that do not change with growth. Buoyancy is high because of low Reynolds numbers and increases in large individuals because of the allometric change of test shape. The fusiform Alveolinella quoyi, with test densities ca 1·6, is characterized by high Reynolds numbers, inducing the weakest buoyancy within porcelaneous larger foraminifera. The highest buoyancy was recorded for the three soritids, Parasorites orbitolitoides, Sorites orbiculus and Amphisorus hemprichii, because of their low test densities (ca 1·25) and the extremely flat, biconcave, plate‐like shape. Flat tests, however, reduce traction and entrainment from smooth surfaces. Within hyaline larger foraminiferat, the amphisteginids show thick‐lenticular (Amphistegina lobifera, A. radiata) to thin‐lenticular tests (A. bicirculata, A. papillosa), influencing buoyancy. Here, high test densities (ca 1·8) decrease with growth in A. lobifera, A. lessonii and A. bicirculata, and remain constant in A. radiata and A. papillosa. Minimum velocities required for entrainment are lower for thick‐lenticular tests and higher for thin‐lenticular tests. Test densities remain constant with growth in the calcarinid Baculogypsina sphaerulata (ρ ∼ 1·78) and decrease slightly in Calcarina gaudichaudii and Neorotalia calcar (starting at ρ ∼ 1·85), all living under extreme hydrodynamic conditions. Density decreases the most in Baculogypsinoides spinosus (starting at ρ ∼ 1·8), resulting in higher buoyancy through low Reynolds numbers. Traction is promoted in spherical tests of Baculogypsina and Baculogypsinoides. Within nummulitids, the thick‐lenticular Palaeonummulites venosus (test density decreasing with size; starting at 1·78) is less buoyant, expressed in high Reynolds numbers, but easily entrained. Thick‐lenticular juveniles and extremely flat adults distinguish Operculinella cumingii, Heterostegina depressa and the giant Cycloclypeus carpenteri. Test densities increase during growth, starting from ca 1·6 and attaining a maximum of 1·8. Buoyancy is low in small tests and high in large tests, while entrainment velocities are reduced as the tests flatten. High buoyancy is also a characteristic of the entirely flat tests in Operculina ammonoides (from deeper regions) and Planostegina operculinoides, which is expressed in the lowest Reynolds numbers within larger foraminifera.  相似文献   

The Attic–Cycladic Crystalline Belt in the central Aegean region represents a major tectono‐stratigraphic unit of the Hellenides. The essential geological, magmatic and tectono‐metamorphic features are well documented. Unresolved questions concern the time of sediment accumulation and litho‐ and/or tectono‐stratigraphic relationships across the study area. In order to address this issue we have studied siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks from Andros Island, northern Cyclades. The sampling strategy aimed at covering the complete age range recorded by the Andros metamorphic succession. Detrital zircon U–Pb dating of nine samples indicates maximum depositional ages of c. 260 Ma for the topmost part of the metamorphic succession and of c. 160–140 Ma for rock sequences below a prominent serpentinite belt that is interpreted to outline a major tectonic contact. These age constraints are in accordance with interpretations suggesting that the metamorphic rocks of Andros represent different tectonic subunits (Makrotantalon Unit and Lower Unit) that are separated by a thrust fault. Modification of the internal structure of the Lower Unit by tectonic stacking can currently not be ascertained. The new data for the Lower Unit corroborate the importance of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous sediment accumulation for the larger study area. In contrast to some of the neighbouring islands, no evidence for transfer of Late Cretaceous (c. 80 Ma) material into the Andros sedimentary environment was found. The most striking feature of the zircon populations of the Lower Unit is a remarkable age cluster at 250–200 Ma that documents the importance of Triassic igneous sediment sources. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Antucoya porphyry copper deposit (300 Mt at 0.45% total Cu) is one of the largest deposits of a poorly known Early Cretaceous porphyry belt in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile. It is related to a succession of granodioritic and tonalitic porphyritic stocks and dikes that were emplaced within Jurassic andesitic rocks of the La Negra Formation immediately west of the N–S trending sinistral strike-slip Atacama Fault Zone. New zircon SHRIMP U–Pb data indicate that the porphyries of Antucoya crystallized within the time span from 142.7 ± 1.6 to 140.6 ± 1.5 Ma (±2 σ), and late, unmineralized, NW–SE trending dacite dikes with potassic alteration and internal deformation crystallized at 141.9 ± 1.4 Ma. The Antucoya porphyry copper system appears to be formed after a change of stress conditions along the magmatic arc from extensional in the Late Jurassic to transpressive during the Early Cretaceous and provides support for an Early Cretaceous metallogenic episode of porphyry-type mineralization along the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile.  相似文献   

青海玉树地区东莫扎抓铅锌矿床位于青藏高原金沙江缝合带和班公湖-怒江缝合带夹持的羌塘地体东北缘,是"三江"北段铜铅锌多金属成矿带铅锌矿床的典型代表。在野外地质观察基础上,本文对矿石矿物和重晶石进行了S同位素组成分析,对矿石矿物、脉石矿物和区域地层进行了Pb同位素组成分析,对脉石矿物进行了Sr-Nd同位素组成分析。结果表明,硫化物δ34S值为-29‰~6‰,峰值为-8‰~-6‰,反映了总体富轻硫的特征,而重晶石δ34S值为18.3‰~+22.8‰,来自于第三纪陆相盆地。宽的δ34S变化可以解释为流体在盆地内活动期间与不同地层单元发生相互作用,从而继承了不同物质单元的S同位素特点,还原硫应主要来自于硫酸盐的细菌还原或者含硫有机质的热还原,反映硫来自沉积盆地。矿石矿物的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb分别为18.387~18.703、15.391~15.768、38.372~38.809,而脉石矿物的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb分别为18.423~18.612、15.491~15.701、38.497~38.612。矿石矿物和脉石矿物的Pb同位素组成介于区域上地壳Pb组成范围内,总体类似于MVT矿床,显示Pb等金属元素来源于上地壳岩石。脉石矿物的(87Sr/86Sr)εSr(t)、(143Nd/144Nd)εNd(t)分别为0.70855~0.70928、58.0~68.4、0.512273~0.512353、-6.2~-4.7。Sr-Nd同位素特征亦显示脉石矿物的物质来源于上地壳岩石。  相似文献   

While recycling of subducted oceanic crust is widely proposed to be associated with oceanic island, island arc, and subduction-related adakite magmatism, it is less clear whether recycling of subducted continental crust takes place in continental collision belts. A combined study of zircon U–Pb dating, major and minor element geochemistry, and O isotopes in Early Cretaceous post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie orogen in China demonstrates that they may have been generated by partial melting of subducted continental crust. The post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie orogen comprise hornblende-bearing intermediate rocks and hornblende-free granitic rocks. These granitoids are characterized by fractionated REE patterns with low HREE contents and negative HFSE anomalies (Nb, Ta and Ti). Although zircon U–Pb dating gives consistent ages of 120 to 130 Ma for magma crystallization, occurrence of inherited cores is identified by CL imaging and SHRIMP U–Pb dating; some zircon grains yield ages of 739 to 749 Ma and 214 to 249 Ma, in agreement with Neoproterozoic protolith ages of UHP metaigneous rocks and a Triassic tectono-metamorphic event in the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt, respectively. The granitoids have relatively homogeneous zircon δ18O values from 4.14‰ to 6.11‰ with an average of 5.10‰ ± 0.42‰ (n = 28) similar to normal mantle zircon. Systematically low zircon δ18O values for most of the coeval mafic–ultramafic rocks and intruded country rocks preclude an AFC process of mafic magma or mixing between mafic and felsic magma as potential mechanisms for the petrogenesis of the granitoids. Along with zircon U–Pb ages and element results, it is inferred that the granitic rocks were probably derived from partial melting of intermediate lower crust and the intermediate rocks were generated by amphibole-dehydration melting of mafic rocks in the thickened lower crust, coupled with fractional crystallization during magma emplacement. The post-collisional granitoids in the Dabie orogen are interpreted to originate from recycling of the subducted Yangtze continental crust that was thickened by the Triassic continent–continent collision. Partial melting of orogenic lithospheric keel is suggested to have generated the bimodal igneous rocks with the similar crustal heritage. Crustal thinning by post-collisional detachment postdated the onset of bimodal magmatism that was initiated by a thermal pulse related to mantle superwelling in Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb dating and laser ablation ICP‐MS trace element analyses of zircon from four eclogite samples from the north‐western Dabie Mountains, central China, provide evidence for two eclogite facies metamorphic events. Three samples from the Huwan shear zone yield indistinguishable late Carboniferous metamorphic ages of 312 ± 5, 307 ± 4 and 311 ± 17 Ma, with a mean age of 309 ± 3 Ma. One sample from the Hong'an Group, 1 km south of the shear zone yields a late Triassic age of 232 ± 10 Ma, similar to the age of ultra‐high pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the east Qinling–Dabie orogenic belt. REE and other trace element compositions of the zircon from two of the Huwan samples indicate metamorphic zircon growth in the presence of garnet but not plagioclase, namely in the eclogite facies, an interpretation supported by the presence of garnet, omphacite and phengite inclusions. Zircon also grew during later retrogression. Zircon cores from the Huwan shear zone have Ordovician to Devonian (440–350 Ma) ages, flat to steep heavy‐REE patterns, negative Eu anomalies, and in some cases plagioclase inclusions, indicative of derivation from North China Block igneous and low pressure metamorphic source rocks. Cores from Hong'an Group zircon are Neoproterozoic (780–610 Ma), consistent with derivation from the South China Block. In the western Dabie Mountains, the first stage of the collision between the North and South China Blocks took place in the Carboniferous along a suture north of the Huwan shear zone. The major Triassic continent–continent collision occurred along a suture at the southern boundary of the shear zone. The first collision produced local eclogite facies metamorphism in the Huwan shear zone. The second produced widespread eclogite facies metamorphism throughout the Dabie Mountains–Sulu terrane and a lower grade overprint in the shear zone.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic sampling and measurement of a boulder accumulation on Little Beecroft Head on the Illawarra coastline of New South Wales was undertaken to evaluate potential emplacement mechanisms. This deposit is of central importance in the Australian Megatsunami Hypothesis (AMH) debate, but to date, there has been no unequivocal determination of its provenance. The most likely emplacement mechanisms are by slow collapse during denudation of overlying strata, storm wave overwash or a combination of these. Characteristic Remanent Magnetisation (ChRM) directions were obtained from 15 individual boulders and the in situ bedrock platform on which they currently rest. The in situ Permian bedrock has a normal polarity mean ChRM direction of D/I = 1.6°/–66.7° (α95 = 5.2°; k = 33.9) that is statistically indistinguishable from the Present Earth Field direction at the site. The magnetisation is most likely due to Cenozoic/recent weathering, which is common in surficial rocks throughout the Sydney Basin. ChRM directions for the boulders are stable but scattered, although not random, and the mean boulder direction is indistinguishable in geographic (i.e. current in situ) coordinates, at the 5% significance level, from the mean direction of the in situ bedrock. Further statistical tests confirm that the scatter in the mean directions of the boulders and the in situ bedrock is different, at the 5% significance level, with the boulder mean being more scattered. At an individual boulder level, some blocks have mean ChRM directions that are statistically indistinguishable from the mean in situ rock ChRM direction, whereas others are distinguishable at the 5% significance level.

These results indicate that the boulders were magnetised prior to emplacement but were not moved far from their original positions during emplacement. The emplacement age is constrained to the last ca 780 000 years. These observations strongly support the hypothesis that the Little Beecroft Head boulder deposit was emplaced by a non-catastrophic mechanism, namely slow collapse during denudation of pre-existing cliff material or overtopping from severe storms, which occur regularly on the east coast of New South Wales. Even if a catastrophic wave were responsible, the results constrain the age of that event to be older than 780 000 years. Therefore, the results presented here are not supportive of the AMH as it currently stands. Further paleomagnetic work, on similar deposits along the Illawarra coastline and from elsewhere in Australia, is needed to evaluate the interpretations presented here.  相似文献   

青海玉树地区莫海拉亨铅锌矿床和东莫扎抓铅锌矿床均位于青藏高原金沙江缝合带和班公湖-怒江缝合带夹持的羌塘地体东北缘,是"三江"北段铜铅锌多金属成矿带铅锌矿床的2个典型代表。笔者曾通过对东莫扎抓铅锌矿床的S-Pb-Sr-Nd同位素组成特征研究,认为其成矿物质来源于沉积地层。本文在野外地质观察基础上,亦对莫海拉亨铅锌矿床的矿石矿物和重晶石进行了S同位素组成分析,对矿石矿物、脉石矿物和区域地层进行了Pb同位素组成分析,对脉石矿物进行了Sr-Nd同位素组成分析。分析结果表明,硫化物δ34S值为-30.0‰~7.4‰,峰值为-18‰~-2‰,反映了总体富轻硫的特征,而重晶石δ34S值为20.2‰~+24.2‰,来自于第三纪陆相盆地。宽的δ34S变化可以解释为流体在盆地内活动期间与不同地层单元发生相互作用,从而继承了不同物质单元的S同位素特点,还原硫应主要来自于硫酸盐的细菌还原或者含硫有机质的热还原,反映硫来自沉积盆地。矿石矿物的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb分别为18.298~18.694、15.298~15.721、38.169~38.894,而脉石矿物的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb分别为18.418~18.672、15.418~15.719、38.403~38.845。矿石矿物和脉石矿物的Pb同位素组成介于区域上地壳Pb组成范围内,总体类似于MVT矿床,显示Pb等金属元素来源于上地壳岩石。脉石矿物的(87Sr/86Sr)iεSr(t)、(143Nd/144Nd)iεNd(t)分别为0.70851~0.70906、57.4~65.2、0.512265~0.512361、-6.5~-4.6。Sr-Nd同位素特征亦显示脉石矿物的物质来源于上地壳岩石。总体来说,莫海拉亨铅锌矿床的S-Pb-Sr-Nd同位素特征均与东莫扎抓铅锌矿床的一样,显示均来自沉积地层。并结合矿床地质特征和地球化学特征,讨论了莫海拉亨铅锌矿床和东莫扎抓铅锌矿床形成的动力学背景。  相似文献   

Both oceanic and continental HP rocks are juxtaposed in the Huwan shear zone in the western Dabie orogen, and thus provide a window for testing the buoyancy‐driven exhumation of dense oceanic HP rocks. The HP metamorphic age of the continental rocks in this zone has not been well constrained, and hence it is not known if they are of the same age as the exhumation of the HP oceanic rocks. In situ laser ablation (multiple collector) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐(MC‐)ICP‐MS), U–Pb, trace element and Hf isotope analyses were made on zircon in a granitic gneiss and two eclogites from the Huwan shear zone. U–Pb age and trace element analysis of residual magmatic zircon in an eclogite constrain its protolith formation at 411 ± 4 Ma. The zircon in this sample displays εHf (t) values of +6.1 to +14.4. The positive εHf (t) values up to +14.4 suggest that the protolith was derived from a relatively depleted mantle source, most likely Palaeotethyan oceanic crust. A granitic gneiss and the other eclogite yield protolith U–Pb ages of 738 ± 6 and 700 ± 14 Ma, respectively, which are both the Neoproterozoic basement rocks of the Yangtze Block. The zircon in the granitic gneiss has low εHf (t) values of ?14.2 to ?10.5 and old TDM2 ages of 2528–2298 Ma, suggesting reworking of Palaeoproterozoic crust during the Neoproterozoic. The zircon in the eclogite has εHf (t) values of ?1.0 to +7.4 and TDM1 ages of 1294–966 Ma, implying prompt reworking of juvenile crust during its protolith formation. Metamorphic zircon in both eclogite samples displays low Th/U ratios, trace element concentrations, relatively flat heavy rare earth element patterns, weak negative Eu anomalies and low 176Lu/177Hf ratios. All these features suggest that the metamorphic zircon formed in the presence of garnet but in the absence of feldspar, and thus under eclogite facies conditions. The metamorphic zircon yields U–Pb ages of 310 ± 3 and 306 ± 7 Ma. Therefore, both the oceanic‐ and continental‐type eclogites share the same episode of Carboniferous eclogite facies metamorphism. This suggests that high‐pressure continental‐type metamorphic rocks might have played a key role in the exhumation and preservation of oceanic‐type eclogites through buoyancy‐driven uplift.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP, petrographical and geochemical data lead to the first characterization of the Tonian plutonism (Salto da Divisa Granite Suite), ascribed to the continental rift stage of the precursor basin of the Araçuaí Orogen (Eastern Brazil). The suite includes batholitic plutons and comprises mainly fluorite-bearing, dominantly mesoperthitic hornblende–biotite leucogranites. The presence of mafic (tholeiitic) gabbroic enclaves and syn-plutonic dykes confers to the suite a bimodal character. The plutons were locally deformed and foliated under amphibolite facies conditions, in response to the Neoproterozoic collage of the Araçuaí Orogen against the São Francisco Cratonic margin. However, undeformed magmatic facies are well preserved at inner portions of the plutons. The granitoids are metaluminous, with high SiO2 and HFSE: Nb, Zr, Y, Ta and REE (except Eu); low CaO, Al2O3, Sc, Ba, Sr; high FeOt/MgO ratios, characterizing a chemical signature akin to the subalkaline, A-2 type granites. U–Pb SHRIMP data obtained on zircons from the main pluton yielded a magmatic crystallization age of 875 ± 9 Ma. Some inherited xenocrysts revealed ages of ca. 2080 Ma, corresponding to ages of the host rocks, a Paleoproterozoic basement. Nd isotopic evolution studies confirm the Paleoproterozoic influence on magma genesis with a TDM model age of ca. 1.6 Ga and εNd of − 5.58 at 880 Ma. The African counterpart, the West Congo Belt, encompasses thick rift-related alkaline volcanic-sedimentary basin (Zadinian and Mayumbian groups, and associated anorogenic granites), dated in the interval of ca. 1000–900 Ma. The age differences between the Salto da Divisa Suite intrusion and the anorogenic magmatic episode at the West Congo Belt suggests a westward migration (i.e. to the Brazilian side) of the thermal axis of the rift, ca. 30 Ma after the ending of the extensional process in Africa.  相似文献   

This paper reports SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating of Precambrian supracrustal and granitic rocks from the Lushan area, Henan Province, in the southern portion of the Central Zone (also referred to as the Trans-North China Orogen) of the North China Craton. A graphite–garnet–sillimanite gneiss (Sample TW0006/1) of the Shangtaihua ‘Group’ gives a range of inherited zircon ages from 2.73 to 2.26 Ga and a metamorphic zircon age of 1.84 ± 0.07 Ga. A garnet-bearing gneissic granitoid (Sample TWJ358/1), which is considered to intrude the Shangtaihua ‘Group’, gives a magmatic zircon age of 2.14 ± 0.02 Ga and a metamorphic zircon age of 1.87 Ga. The metamorphic zircon ages of 1.87–1.84 Ga obtained in this study indicate that an important tectonothermal event occurred at the end of the Paleoproterozoic in the Lushan area. This supports the southern continuation of a Central Zone in the North China Craton that workers have recently considered to result from continent–continent collision. It is also evident that the Shangtaihua ‘Group’ was formed during the Paleoproterozoic (between 2.26 and 2.14 Ga), and not during the Archean, as previously considered.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical study of mitigation for liquefaction during earthquake loading. Analyses are carried out using an effective stress based, fully coupled, hybrid, finite element-finite differences approach. The sandy soil behavior is described by means of a cyclic elastoplastic constitutive model, which was developed within the framework of a nonlinear kinematic hardening rule. In theory, the philosophies of mitigation for liquefaction can be summarized as two main concepts, i.e. prevention of excess pore water pressure generation and reduction of liquefaction-induced deformations. This paper is primarily concerned with the latter approach to liquefaction mitigation. Firstly, the numerical method and the analytical procedure are briefly outlined. Subsequently, a case-history study, which includes a liquefaction mitigation technique of cement grouting for ground improvement of a sluice gate, is conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of liquefaction countermeasures. Special emphasis is given to the computed results of excess pore water pressures, displacements, and accelerations during the seismic excitation. Generally, the distinctive patterns of seismic response are accurately reproduced by the numerical simulation. The proposed numerical method is thus considered to capture the fundamental aspects of the problems investigated, and yields results for design purposes. From the results in the case, excess pore water pressures eventually reach fully liquefied state under the input earthquake loading and this cannot be prevented. However, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading of the foundation soils can be effectively reduced by the liquefaction mitigation techniques. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

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