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This paper presents an integrated, earthquake-damage assessment that standardizes and quantifies methods of analysis. The proposed methodology evaluates all damage-causing phenomena, both individually and in combination. This approach inherently relates to soil-structure interactions by quantifying site-specific geotechnical and structural properties. Specifically considered is ground shaking, the primary damage-causing phenomenon. Also evaluated are the collateral effects of liquefaction, degradation of seismic-bearing capacity and slope failure (landslides). The methodology incorporates a literature-derived probabilistic assessment of damage-causation, and is interpreted and presented as single numbers deemed “Damage Grades.” These damage grades integrate the initial probabilistic evaluation with professional experience and judgment in order to determine potential damage to a particular structure at a particular location. This methodology was applied, with success, to two different locations in Istanbul, Turkey. It should be tested by engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers, for it may be applicable to earthquake-prone areas elsewhere.  相似文献   

Excavation of slope is an unloading process, and also an energy releasing process when the stress in the rock mass is unloaded, leading to the rebounding deformation towards the free face. And then a zone, namely excavation damaged zone (EDZ), will be formed near the excavation boundary, where the rock is damaged or disturbed and its physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties are greatly changed. This paper is to put forward a new method to quantify the extent and damage degree of the EDZ according to the unloading strain energy which is released in the process of excavation. A simple relationship between unloading strain ε and accumulative opening displacement T of cracks, , is proposed to describe the damage degree of rock mass in the EDZ, where h is the depth variable in normal direction of the open cracks.This method is used to assess the EDZ of the dam foundation at Xiaowan hydropower station in southwestern China by the accumulative opening displacement curves of cracks along boreholes based on boreholes camera photos. We find that the EDZ can be naturally divided into two sub-zones, i.e. the excavation heavily disturbed sub-zone (EHDZ) and excavation slightly disturbed sub-zone (ESDZ), according to the variation of unloading strain ε. Two inflexions of the accumulative opening displacement curve indicate the lower limits of EHDZ and ESDZ respectively.  相似文献   

地球化学场精细结构解析方案与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为满足勘查地球化学对化探数据处理越来越精细的要求,把人工神经网络和统计分析结合起来形成地球化学场精细结构解析方案。该方案包括对地球化学样品的分类和对各类样品性质的详细研究,目的在于提供便捷的数学和计算机软件工具,以提取化探数据中的深层信息。可以用于:①研究各组样品中元素含量水平和组合特征以解释可能的矿种;②研究元素组合特征与指示元素的关联和区别以揭示可能的成矿作用过程;③研究异常样品的空间组合属性以揭示地球化学场的精细结构;④研究异常样品之间的差异性以缩小找矿靶区;⑤综合分析以确定剥蚀深度和找矿前景。该方案也适用于环境地球化学及矿产资源预测研究。  相似文献   

Water samples from 72 wells tapping the Jilh aquifer were collected and analyzed for 10 different water quality parameters. Using these data, a regional irrigation water quality was assessed using three techniques: (i) United States Department of Agriculture method (USDA), (ii) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) guidelines for water quality assessment, and (iii) Water-Types approach. The USDA method revealed that the aquifer water salinity, as represented by electrical conductivity, ECw, ranges from high salinity (C3: ECw > 0.75–2.25 dS/m) to a very high salinity (C4: ECw > 2.25 dS/m). The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) varied from low (S1) to very high (S4) sodicity. Therefore, the water of the Jilh aquifer is dominantly of the C4–S2 class representing 56% of the total wells followed by C4–S1, C4–S3, C3–S1 and C4–S4 classes at 19%, 14%, 8%, and 3% of the wells respectively. The FAO system indicated moderate to severe restriction on the use for irrigation and slight to moderate ion toxicities for Na+, Cl, B+, NO3 and HCO3. It is clear that, both USDA and FAO systems condemn the Jilh groundwater as hazardous for irrigation due to its high salt content, unless certain measures for salinity control are undertaken. The dominant salt constituents in the water are Mg–Cl2, Na–Cl and Ca–Cl2 as per the Water-Types method. However, due to the complexity in classifying the aquifer groundwater for irrigation, a simplified approach acknowledging three class groups (I-suitable water, II-conditionally suitable water and III-unsuitable water) adopted from the three methods, is suggested in this paper. The simplified approach combines C–S classes of the USDA method among these three groups according to the lowest ratings. The salinity of the FAO method has been split arbitrarily into slight and moderate subclasses with values of 0.7–2.25 and >2.25 dS/m, respectively; to match with the C3-class of the USDA system. The Water-Types were classified assuming that Ca–Cl2 is the least hazardous salt, followed by Mg–Cl2 and Na–Cl. Using this integrated hydrochemical method, the majority of the wells (92%) contain unsuitable water for irrigation (Group III) while the remaining wells (8%) are in Group II with water considered conditionally suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

The PEGASOS project was a major international seismic hazard study, one of the largest ever conducted anywhere in the world, to assess seismic hazard at four nuclear power plant sites in Switzerland. Before the report of this project has become publicly available, a paper attacking both methodology and results has appeared. Since the general scientific readership may have difficulty in assessing this attack in the absence of the report being attacked, we supply a response in the present paper. The bulk of the attack, besides some misconceived arguments about the role of uncertainties in seismic hazard analysis, is carried by some exercises that purport to be validation exercises. In practice, they are no such thing; they are merely independent sets of hazard calculations based on varying assumptions and procedures, often rather questionable, which come up with various different answers which have no particular significance.  相似文献   

金属矿产资源开发活动通常会导致矿区土壤重金属含量的累积,选用科学的评价标准及方法成为评判、区分矿业活动农田土壤重金属累积影响和风险的关键问题。在简述土壤背景值和土壤环境质量标准含义的基础上,提出采用与矿区其他环境条件基本相同或相近的邻区耕作层土壤重金属元素的平均含量作为评判矿业活动重金属对耕作层土壤的累积影响的对照值。以2011年小秦岭金矿区80件耕作层土壤重金属含量为例,金矿开发活动区耕作层土壤重金属的累积风险研究表明,土壤重金属低风险以上样品数占总样品数百分比的排序为Hg>Cd>Pb>Cu,矿业活动对土壤重金属累积的贡献率排序为Hg>Cu>Pb>Cd>Zn。土壤中的Cr、As、Zn元素有轻度累积但无风险。土壤中Hg元素的累积风险面积达到了187.77km2,占到研究区总面积的47.08%。其中,中、高风险的面积为99.55km2,土壤重金属累积风险极其严重。研究结果科学地评判了矿业活动对耕作层土壤重金属的累积影响及其贡献,为土壤污染防治指明了方向。  相似文献   

金属矿产资源开发活动通常会导致矿区土壤重金属含量的累积,选用科学的评价标准及方法成为评判、区分矿业活动农田土壤重金属累积影响和风险的关键问题。在简述土壤背景值和土壤环境质量标准含义的基础上,提出采用与矿区其他环境条件基本相同或相近的邻区耕作层土壤重金属元素的平均含量作为评判矿业活动重金属对耕作层土壤的累积影响的对照值。以2011年小秦岭金矿区80件耕作层土壤重金属含量为例,金矿开发活动区耕作层土壤重金属的累积风险研究表明,土壤重金属低风险以上样品数占总样品数百分比的排序为HgCdPbCu,矿业活动对土壤重金属累积的贡献率排序为HgCuPbCdZn。土壤中的Cr、As、Zn元素有轻度累积但无风险。土壤中Hg元素的累积风险面积达到了187.77km2,占到研究区总面积的47.08%。其中,中、高风险的面积为99.55km2,土壤重金属累积风险极其严重。研究结果科学地评判了矿业活动对耕作层土壤重金属的累积影响及其贡献,为土壤污染防治指明了方向。  相似文献   

王海平  张宗贵 《矿床地质》1997,16(3):214-224
根据矿田内岩矿地质波谱与TM图象亮度的线性相关关系,论述了多宝山铜矿田内矿床的地面波谱特征,地空相关模型及TM数据的地空相关分析方法,在此基础上讨论了其在铜矿预测中的应用效果。  相似文献   

宁夏月亮山西麓找矿远景预测中的重磁资料应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这里对月亮山西麓重磁资料进行了处理解释,研究了磁异常、重力异常和地球化学组合的异常特征。通过对成矿地质背景条件的分析,解释了研究区磁异常很可能是隐伏的中基性潜火山岩,或是与其相关的铁-铜多金属所为,同时还预测了车路湾南、赵家佬、泉儿湾、王民北磁异常为研究区重要的找矿远景靶区。  相似文献   

通过分析输人模型的参数对输出结果的影响,可以确定影响烃源岩成熟度史模拟的敏感性参数.本文应用Easy% Ro化学动力学模型,以普光5井为例,对川东北地区各期构造运动剥蚀厚度、古地表温度和古地温梯度进行了相关的敏感性分析.分析结果表明:研究区下寒武统、下志留统、下二叠统和上二叠统烃源岩现今成熟度状态完全受控于燕山运动晚幕...  相似文献   

甘肃岗岔金矿位于秦岭造山带之碌曲-成县逆冲推覆构造带的西段北侧,是典型的构造蚀变岩型金矿床,目前储量可达中型。在矿区地质填图的基础上,采用BJKF-1型近红外矿物分析仪对矿区7号勘探线ZK07-4钻孔、8号勘探线ZK08-6钻孔及27号勘探线的ZK27-1、ZK27-3、ZK27-4钻孔岩心进行蚀变特征研究,识别出的主要蚀变矿物为伊利石、云母类、地开石、高岭石等。蚀变矿物分布及含量变化特点表明,与矿化有关的蚀变主要是绢英岩化,其中已探明矿体多位于采用近红外分析技术圈出的绢英岩化带内。此外,伊利石反射光谱特征参数计算结果表明,伊利石结晶度和Al-OH特征吸收峰形态呈现有规律的变化,即含矿段和近矿段伊利石结晶度大(SWIR-IC值5.5~5.7),Al-OH吸收峰尖锐;远矿段和无矿段伊利石结晶度小(SWIR-IC值1.3~1.5),Al-OH吸收峰平缓,显示含矿段伊利石形成温度较高。上述结果表明,矿区内绢英岩化蚀变及伊利石结晶度、Al-OH峰形是有利找矿标志,对找矿具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

针对国内注水开发油田水淹层测井解释中地层混合液电阻率(Rz)难以确定的问题,提出了一套动静结合确定Rz的新技术。该技术以开发井投产初期含水率资料为基础,结合静态研究成果,反演投产层的地层混合液电阻率(Rz),进而标定井筒中泥浆滤液电阻率(Rmf),在此基础上,应用自然电位测井的基本原理,可以计算垂向上各层的地层混合液电阻率(Rz)。对于初期投产层为单层和多层两种情况,提出了一种迭代算法,均能实现Rz的反演和Rmf的准确标定。以该技术为基础,针对已经进入高含水阶段的扶余油田泉四段油层开展水淹层测井资料的二次解释。通过与密闭取心检查井岩心分析数据对比,剩余油饱和度误差平均为6%。  相似文献   

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