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The short article makes a small selection of early German literature containing the term ‘cultural landscape’ accessible for an English-language readership with the aim of enabling a broader discussion of the term. After a brief overview of the usage of ‘cultural landscape’ in geographical research, four German authors and their publications are presented. Carl Ritter appears to have been the first to use Culturlandschaft, in 1832. He was followed by Carl Vogel in 1851, Joseph Wimmer in 1882 and 1885, and Friedrich Ratzel in 1893. Analysis of their use of ‘cultural landscape’ reveals different dimensions of the term: a developmental perspective on cultural landscapes, i.e. cultural landscapes developed from natural landscapes; an opposition of nature and culture; and an understanding of cultural landscape as agricultural or park landscape. The process of cultivation is described with words with a positive connotation. The comparison of these dimensions with recent geographical literature shows that long-standing ideas continue to influence present-day usage.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 109(2):161–179, 2009

A key feature of globalization is the way that local landscapes are progressively opened up to the influence of global markets, consumers and capital. The transformations that result are frequently politically contested, and can profoundly and quickly affect cultural landscapes that have evolved slowly over long periods. The contests over policy direction may draw upon long established ideals of occupancy and ownership, and such ‘policy myths’ may paradoxically serve to undermine the very landscapes from which they are drawn. The New Zealand South Island High Country is a distinctive continuing cultural landscape that is currently undergoing radical change as a result of land tenure reform. The unarticle demonstrates the way that cultural and political narratives and ideals are critical factors in mediating the relationship between globalization and local landscape change in this iconic landscape.  相似文献   


Efficiency in agricultural food production has long been in focus and this has affected the spatial structure of agricultural land use. One outcome has been extensive criticism based on a wide range of negative consequences, such as for biodiversity, accessibility, cultural heritage, and aesthetics. In line with the European Landscape Convention (ELC), management of people’s everyday landscapes is important. In Norway, agricultural landscapes are the ‘everyday landscape’ for a large proportion of the population. The aim of the article is to contribute to the understanding of landscape changes perceived as positive or negative by the inhabitants. The authors focused on grain-crop dominated landscapes and the impact of smaller non-crop elements on people’s landscape preferences. They administered a photo-based questionnaire using manipulated photos to assess preferences for different agricultural landscapes. Additionally, people’s perceived objectives for the agricultural sector and agriculture’s primary functions were assessed. The results documented positive perceptions of added landscape elements and that people were both aware of and agreed on the multifunctional role of agriculture. The authors conclude that if the public’s preferences are to be taken into consideration, such as during policymaking, it is important to maintain various landscape elements in the large-scale grain field landscapes of Norway.  相似文献   

While a number of studies have applied public participation GIS (PPGIS) approaches to the spatial assessment of ecosystem services, few have considered the associations between the spatial distribution of ecosystem services and the context-specific nature of self-reported well-being. In this study, we engage the general public to identify and map a range of ecosystem services that originate in place-based, local knowledge and explore the context-dependent nature of subjective well-being. We conducted a PPGIS survey with 219 local residents in a Spanish agroforestry (dehesa) landscapes and analysed the spatial patterns of mapped ecosystem services, their relation to land cover, protected area and common land patterns. In addition, we explored the landscape values contributing to people’s well-being; and the relationships between ecosystem services in different land covers, landscape values and socio-demographic characteristics. A mosaic of landscape types (i.e., the landscape) provided more ecosystem services (especially cultural and provisioning) to people compared with the individual land system of agroforestry. However, land tenure and public access significantly guided the spatial practices and values of the people beyond the preferred landscape types. The contribution of the landscape to well-being is largely related to values based on interactions among people and the landscape, as tranquillity/relaxation and people-people interactions such as being with family and friends. We discuss the specific contribution of agroforestry landscapes to the provision of ecosystem services and human well-being. We conclude that the integration of the applied methods of social-cultural assessment on the one hand links to ecosystem services frameworks but on the other hand represents a more holistic conceptualisation of people’s benefits from landscapes.  相似文献   

陶慧  刘家明 《地理研究》2014,33(9):1758-1767
地质公园已经成为重要的旅游资源,其景观设计已经成为理论研究和实践应用的重要课题。为区别于地质公园中的地质和植物等自然景观,将地质公园中的所有人工景观统称为硬质景观。硬质景观作为连接旅游者与所在地域环境的重要纽带,是地质公园景观体系的重要组成部分,是地域特色、地域形象的载体和地域文化的传播媒介。针对目前我国地质公园硬质景观建设中忽视地域特色差异性,呈现出千篇一律、生搬硬套的问题,借鉴《园冶》景观设计的“境域联想、融题于形、物为人用”等理念,从地域性影响要素、地域性设计理念和硬质景观载体解构三个方面,构建了地质公园硬质景观设计的地域性理念框架。地质公园所在地域的地脉、文脉和技术环境通过科普内容、景观符号以及以人为本等方式融入到硬质景观的设计中,并以硬质景观载体展现出来。地脉确立硬质景观的科学性,决定着硬质景观的科普内涵;文脉则通过符号化的要素传递历史文化内涵;技术环境从技术手段上凸显不同地理环境下的人性关怀。地质公园硬质景观的地域性美学表达载体是抽象与具象的统一,更是多维度的表现形式。通过对地质公园硬质景观的解构提炼出“尺度、色彩、质感”三种载体,以彰显地域性差异,杜绝在区域差异很大的公园之内,出现外形、色彩、质地基本一样的景观形态,强化了公园建设的独特性与价值体验。以新疆温宿地质公园的界碑牌示系统设计为实证,展示了地质公园硬质景观设计的地域性理念的应用价值,为地质公园硬质景观特色化设计打开了一扇窗口。  相似文献   

丘陵地区土地可持续利用的景观生态评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
卢远  华璀  邓兴礼 《山地学报》2004,22(5):533-538
景观生态学以人与景观的相互关系为着眼点,既注重景观系统的功能特征,又注重景观系统的稳定性和持续性,与土地可持续利用概念具有高度的一致性。以位于桂东南丘陵地区的广西横县为例,以土地可持续利用为目标,将土地利用持续性评价与景观生态学原理相结合,从景观生产力、景观受胁度与景观稳定性3方面构建土地利用可持续性的景观生态评价指标体系,包括水土流失面积比、地均工农业产值、景观破碎度和生产力多样性等14项指标,对丘陵地区土地持续利用的景观生态学评价方法和程序进行探讨和分析。  相似文献   

In-migration to popular ‘sea change’ and ‘tree change’ regions has produced conflicts between rural land users. In the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, new residential developments have been built on much of what was previously prime agricultural land, while farmers (in particular, those negatively affected by the deregulation of the dairy industry) have sought to secure retirement incomes by subdividing land for sale. Although developers, local councils and individual farmers sometimes see eye to eye on the mutual benefits of in-migration and population growth, land use has none the less become the subject of a hotly contested local political battle. Conflicts occur at the interface of growing urban developments and surrounding farmland, with new residents finding the sights, sounds and smells of rural production intrusive. More generally, there is considerable concern that the best farmland in the region may be lost to urbanisation and rural residential subdivision. This paper discusses the results of a survey that collected opinions from local residents about the pressures on the region's land uses by in-migration, the future role of farmland as both an economic and cultural landscape, and views on proposed measures to protect prime farmland in the region. Results highlighted a strong and consistent ‘pro-farmland’ and ‘pro-protection’ attitude throughout the region, and across social groups. Yet, variations emerged when respondents were asked about why they attribute value to agricultural landscapes. For some, ‘economic’ values dominated, while for others, value was attributed in ways that reflected an emerging ethos of ‘localism’ and village lifestyle. Although values differed, a clear message from this study is that the population of Australia's pre-eminent ‘sea change’ region strongly support measures to curb urban development and the more destructive consequences of a dynamic property market.  相似文献   

研究了在不同形式人类经济活动下的森林景观变化与西双版纳地区鸟类多样性的关系.同时对发展生产时的用地布局和维护森林景观的动态发展与提高人们生活质量和持续发展的关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   

孔翔  卓方勇 《地理科学》2017,37(1):110-117
以对黄山市徽州区呈坎古村居民和游客的问卷调查和半结构式访谈为基础,综合运用独立样本t检验和ArcGIS空间分析等方法,分析了文化景观在地方集体记忆建构中的作用。结果显示,无论居民或游客,都对呈坎古村的宗族文化和风水文化形成了集体记忆,而罗东舒祠和水口园林等文化景观则在建构地方集体记忆中发挥了重要作用。但由于与景观接触的方式不同,居民比游客更重视景观的真实性,相对排斥重建和新建的景观,也较少受到导游词的影响;而游客则对景观的真实性不敏感,文化景观和导游解说都可能影响游客的地方记忆。因此,为更好引导对古村落的集体记忆的建构,不仅要重视保护传统文化景观,更要在景观重建或新建过程中尊重居民的建议,争取在居民的传统意识和游客的旅游想象中实现平衡。  相似文献   

There are opportunities for more effectively integrating resource‐based recreation and tourism with goals for primary production and nature conservation across a range of landscapes and land tenure types. ‘Naturalness’ sought for recreation and tourism, like biodiversity, is not confined to the conservation estate, and the ‘recreation estate’ extends into private land. Although it may be argued that ongoing privatisation of land ownership reduces public opportunities for recreation, diversity in ownership, at least at the regional level, enhances the overall spectrum of recreational opportunities. Diversification into recreation and tourism on private land may also help protect biodiversity through such processes as ‘sympathetic management’, as well as by making production land‐use systems more economically robust.  相似文献   

余慧容  杜鹏飞 《地理研究》2021,40(1):152-171
农业景观保护是实现农业景观可持续发展的重要举措,关系到中国粮食安全保障、农耕文明传承、乡村风貌维系、生态安全格局构建乃至社会经济稳定发展.本文借助对发达国家农业景观保护路径的长时间尺度历史回顾,总结归纳出农业景观保护路径发展的一般规律,即其在社会经济发展进程中一般经历传统保护、应对保护、管制保护、治理保护和管护保护五个...  相似文献   

The traditional use of land for food, fuel and wood created cultural landscapes, which are threatened across Europe. The factors which contributed to their endangerment need to be identified to achieve effective preservation of such landscapes. The aim of our study was to identify landscapes with historical persistence in a GIS-based comparative analysis of historical and contemporary maps and the most prominent causes of the past landscape changes, based on stakeholders' perspective. We considered a case study in Romania's Carpathians. Three major land cover types were extracted from maps dating from 1912, 1980 and 2009: built-up, pastures and forests. The historical persistence of all land cover types was poor (<20%) and profound changes were quantitatively confirmed. Large, compact patches of unchanged forests were located in the neighbourhood of a national park. The persistent pastures were situated close to human settlements, and their preservation can be related to local traditional agro-silvo-pastoral management. Although the built-up area has increased over time, the corresponding surfaces are small and consist of scattered patches located around historical monuments. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate stakeholders' perspective. Using cluster analysis five prominent causes of past landscape changes are identified: 'increasing tourism', 'land tenure and social changes', 'land-use intensification', 'post-communist transition', and 'foreign investments'. We join the results of the GIS analysis with those from stakeholders' perspective to gain more insights into the landscape changes. This research offers important information that could be used for the further planning of these valuable cultural landscapes in order to avoid potential conflicts and degradation.  相似文献   

Two fundamental pillars of what it is to be a contemporary NGO and ‘do’ development work are being a part of and promoting civil society, and extending ‘good governance’. This article will provide insights into how supposedly universally applicable concepts and models for NGOs to ‘improve’ post-conflict ‘developing countries’ are incorporated into different social and cultural landscapes. Ethnographic fieldwork highlights some of the particularities of governance, as well as everyday challenges of doing NGO work in a remote province of north-eastern Cambodia. In the context of an authoritarian government, where kinship relations cross-cut all aspects of society, NGOs can be understood as embedded in neo-patrimonial networks rather than as a separate and autonomous realm of society as classic liberal theory understands ‘civil society’. Fear also plays a significant role in configuring peoples’ attitude towards authority and is rarely acknowledged in the project of ‘good governance’ which simplistically tends to see post-colonial governments situated on a linear trajectory which will eventually, with significant NGO interventions, reach advanced liberal democracy status.  相似文献   

王云才  韩丽莹 《地理研究》2014,33(1):143-156
在城镇化、现代化和商业化快速发展的今天,传统文化景观的破碎化已成为传统地域文化景观的重要空间特征和现象,破碎化直接催生了传统文化景观空间的孤岛化现象,直接影响着传统地域文化景观的整体性,成为传统文化景观整体性保护的重要障碍。本文以苏州市甪直镇为例,在分析区域特征及对当地居民进行问卷调查的基础上,通过构造孤岛化评价指数,评价甪直古镇传统文化景观的格局的综合特征和景观孤岛化现象、特征及形成过程。在传统文化景观孤岛化评价的基础上,通过确定保护圈层、构建文化景观遗产廊道和景观生态网络格局,实现传统文化景观空间的拓展、连接和传统文化景观与缓冲空间的有机复合,成为传统地域文化景观区域性整体保护的空间模式。  相似文献   

商业化背景下古村落旅游景观生产 ——以安徽宏村为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以安徽省古村落宏村为例,采用参与式观察和半结构访谈的方法对其旅游景观的生产方式与机制进行研究。结果发现,随着商业化发展,宏村旅游景观生产由原来单一的文物古建保护向更趋复杂化转变,针对3种不同类型的旅游景观采取相应的生产方式。宏村旅游景观生产背后是多种力量参与的生产机制:政府与开发商强强联合,是旅游景观生产的主导力量;当地居民依然扎根宏村,是旅游景观生产的核心灵魂;景区商家热衷于打造“店铺景观”,是旅游景观生产的积极分子;外来游客提出的改进建议则是宏村旅游景观生产的重要参考。4种力量集团本着对各自利益的谋求,彼此间相互合作,影响宏村旅游景观生产的最终结果。最后提出,古村落旅游景观生产需要还原原住居民生活化场景,借旅游商业化发展之势,建立均衡、可持续的景观生产机制与合理的利益分配体系或许是古村落旅游景观生产的正解。  相似文献   

Environmental or land quality indicators are being developed internationally as a means whereby the ‘State of the Environment’ (SoE) can be assessed and trends monitored. In Australia, the use of indicators in SoE reporting is in its early stages of development. Indicators have been developed, in relation to agriculture, for flora and fauna, soil, chemical contamination, surface waters and groundwater. Internationally, the World Bank has listed ‘indicators of pressure’ on the land, ‘indicators of state and impact’, and ‘indicators of response’ for each of seven major issues of land degradation. Late in 1996, an ‘indicators of catchment health’ workshop in Australia identified a relatively small number of key indicators relating to farm productivity, soil health, water quality and ‘landscape integrity’, later adding social indicators, and also distinguishing between indicators at farm and catchment scales. A broad range of other indicators was also considered by various participants in the workshop, which concluded by supporting a nationally co‐ordinated effort and the establishment of a national steering committee. Although most indicators are static measures, those from which predictions can be made require a greater emphasis on the functioning of the system. This implies that indicators are only one aspect of system modelling, and that environmental or land assessment needs to progress further than the search for quality indicators. Since this involves both biophysical and human processes, geographers should be playing a central role.  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲景观尺度稳定性初步分析   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
在景观尺度上,从绿洲景观多样性、景观廊道的复杂性以及土地利用及其生态环境效应等方面探讨了绿洲景观稳定性的内涵,并对新疆三工河流域绿洲进行实例分析和应用。结果表明:(1)人工绿洲景观的稳定需要绿洲景观的多样性逐渐降低和景观廊道的复杂性增加;但天然绿洲的稳定需要增加景观的多样性和景观廊道的复杂性。(2)人工绿洲景观稳定性还可从绿洲土地利用变化方面分析,绿洲土地利用变化是人类投入大量负熵的结果,投入的负熵越多,绿洲土地利用程度越高,越有利于绿洲从低级的亚稳定状态不断向高级稳定态发展,从而实现绿洲可持续发展。但人类的投入并不总是有利于绿洲的稳定,可用土地废弃比例的变化,说明人类投入对绿洲生态环境和稳定性造成的影响,土地废弃的比例越高,绿洲生态环境的质量也就越低,绿洲的稳定性也就越低。(3)通过绿洲景观多样性、景观廊道的复杂性和土地利用状况综合评判,1978~1998期间三工河流域绿洲景观及其各部分的稳定性逐步提高。  相似文献   


Landscape stewardship is considered an important place-based approach to addressing sustainability challenges. Working at landscape-level requires collaboration between diverse landscape stakeholders. In this study, we partnered with local stewardship practitioners across six cases in South Africa to investigate how they facilitate collaboration towards social-ecological sustainability outcomes. We found that practitioners facilitate collaboration among stakeholders by operating as relational hubs in the landscape. Through these hubs, they build new inter-personal relationships among stakeholders, creating social networks which enable stewardship practice. The hubs deepen human-nature relationships by creating enabling conditions for stewards to put stewardship ethics into action. Drawing on insights from these cases, we call for a relational approach to landscape stewardship which focuses on human-to-human and human-to-nature relationships. Moreover, we argue that landscape stewardship initiatives need to re-focus stewardship on stewards, recognizing them as key agents of change in addressing the conflict between agriculture and conservation inherent in many landscapes.  相似文献   

The recent ‘cultural turn’ in human geography has neglected music and its impact in the construction and understanding of landscape and the politics of place. Using the songs of the rockgroup U2 to show how geographic imagery is used for political purposes, this paper attempts to ‘breakthe silence’ of contemporary cultural geography.  相似文献   

整合景观生态学的理论基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁圣彦 《地理科学》2005,25(1):36-42
整合景观生态学的核心概念是"整体人类生态系统",是全球生态各个阶层协同进化的最高水平,由生物圈景观和石油燃料驱动的技术圈景观组成,整合景观生态学致力于将两者从结构和功能上整合为一个和谐、可持续的生态圈。文章在讨论整合景观生态学产生的历史背景和发展意义的基础上,初步论述了整合景观生态学的理论基础,包括整合景观生态学的系统论基础、控制论和可持续发展理论基础、自组织理论基础、协同进化理论基础、等级理论基础、相互作用系统理论基础和隐含次序理论基础,目的是使整合景观生态(经济和自然景观)和其他跨学科一起,共同促进当今自然与人类社会的"共生"过程。  相似文献   

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