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Phase relations in the ternary systems Ag2S-Cu2S-PbS and Ag2S-Cu2S-Bi2S3 were studied using the silica vacuum technique. In the system Ag2S-Cu2S-Bi2S3 the phase relations are dominated by join-lines from galena to f.c.c. (Agx Cu2−xS) and b.c.c. (Cux Ag2−xS) at 500°C. With decreasing temperature, galena can coexist with all the phases on the Ag2S-Cu2S join. There are six solid solutions, and one new phase, i.e., “C” whose composition is Ag1.1 Cu4.8Bi5.8S12 in the system Ag2S-Cu2S-Bi2S3 at 500°C. The pavonite (AgBi3S5) contains 14 mole% Cu2S in solid solution, but only 3.0 mole% Ag2S in CuBi3S5 solid solution. The Cu3Bi5S9 ss and wittichenite (Cu3BiS3) ss can form join-lines with pavonite as and have the maximum contents of 9.0 and 18 mole% Ag2S. The most striking feature is the presence of bejaminite as a stable phase with a chemical formula of Ag2Bi4S7 on the Ag2S-Bi2S3 join. AgBiS2 of the PbS type occupies a fairly large field with a maximum of 23 mole% Cu2S.  相似文献   

Phase relations and mineral assemblages in the Ag-Bi-Pb-S system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phase relations within the Ag-Bi-S, Bi-Pb-S, and Ag-Pb-S systems have been determined in evacuated silica tube experiments. Integration of experimental data from these systems has permitted examination and extrapolation of phase relations within the Ag-Bi-Pb-S quaternary system. — In the Ag-Bi-S system liquid immiscibility fields exist in the metal-rich portion above 597±3°C and in the sulfur-rich portion above 563±3°C. Ternary phases present correspond to matildite (AgBiS2) and pavonite (AgBi3S5). Throughout the temperature range 802±2°C to 343±2°C the assemblage argentite (Ag2S) + bismuth-rich liquid is stable; below 343°C this assemblage is replaced by the assemblage silver + matildite. — Five ternary phases are stable on the PbS-Bi2S3 join above 400°C — phase II (18 mol-% Bi2S3), phase III (27 mol-% Bi2S3), cosalite (33.3 mol-% Bi2S3), phase IV (51 mol-% Bi2S3), and phase V (65 mol-% Bi2S3). Phase IV corresponds to the mineral galenobismutite and is stable below 750±3°C. Phases II, III, and V do not occur as minerals, but typical lamellar and myrmekitic textures commonly observed among the Pb-Bi sulfosalts and galena evidence their previous existence in ores. Phase II and III are stable from 829±6°C and 816±6°C, respectively, to below 200°C; Phase V, stable only between 730±5°C and 680±5°C in the pure Bi-Pb-S system is stabilized to 625±5°C by the presence of 2% Ag2S. Experiments conducted with natural cosalites suggest that this phase is stable only below 425±25°C in the presence of vapor. — In the Ag-Pb-S system the silver-galena assemblage is stable below 784±2°C, whereas the argentite + galena mineral pair is stable below 605±5°C. — Solid solution between matildite and galena is complete above 215±15°C; below this temperature characteristic Widmanstätten structure-like textures are formed through exsolution. Schematic phase relations within the quaternary system are presented at 1050°C, at 400°C, and at low temperature.
Zusammenfassung Die Phasenbeziehungen in den Systemen Ag-Bi-S, Bi-Pb-S und Ag-Pb-S wurden durch Versuche in evakuierten Quarzglasröhrchen bestimmt. Die Auswertung aller experimentellen Daten gestattete eine Extrapolation der Phasenbeziehungen im quaternären System Ag-Bi-Pb-S. — Im System Ag-Bi-S besteht ein Zwei-Schemlzenfeld im metallreichen Teil über 597±3°C und im schwefelreichen Teil über 563±3°C. Die ternären Phasen entsprechen den Mineralien Schapbachit (AgBiS2) und Pavonit (AgBi3S5). Zwischen 802±2°C und 343±2°C ist die Paragenese Silberglanz (Ag2S) + Bi-reiche Schmelze stabil; unterhalb 343°C wird sie jedoch ersetzt durch die Paragenese Silber + Schapbachit. — Fünf ternäre Phasen sind stabil im Schnitt PbS-Bi2S3 oberhalb von 400°C: Phase II (18 Mol-% Bi2S3), Phase III (27 Mol-% Bi2S3), Cosalite (33.3 Mol-% Bi2S3), Phase IV (51 Mol-% Bi2S3) und Phase V (65 Mol-% Bi2S3). Phase IV entspricht dem Mineral Galenobismutit und ist stabil unterhalb 750±3°C. Die Phasen II, III und V kommen zwar nicht in der Natur vor, jedoch weisen typische myrmekitische und lamellare Gefüge, die man häufig in Pb-Bi-Sulfosalzen und deren Verwachsungen mit Bleiglanz beobachtet, auf die ehemalige Existenz solcher Phasen in diesen Erzen hin. Die Phasen II und III sind stabil von 829±6°C bzw. 816±6°C bis unter 200°C. Die Phase V, die im reinen System Bi-Pb-S zwischen 730±5°C und 680±5°C auftritt, wird in Gegenwart von 2% Ag2S stabilisiert bis herab zu 625±5°C. Versuche mit natürlichen Cosaliten lassen darauf schließen, daß diese Phase nur unterhalb 425±25°C in Gegenwart einer Gasphase stabil ist. — Im System Ag-Pb-S ist die Paragenese Silber-Bleiglanz unterhalb von 784±2°C stabil, die Paragenese Silberglanz-Bleiglanz dagegen unterhalb 605±5°C. — Die Mischkristallreihe von Schapbachit und Bleiglanz ist vollständig oberhalb 215±15°C; unterhalb dieser Temperatur entstehen charakteristische Entmischungsgefüge ähnlich den Widmannstättenschen Figuren. Für das quaternäre System werden schematische Phasenbeziehungen für 1050°C, 400°C und eine noch tiefere Temperatur gegeben.

Phase relations in the Ag-Fe-S system were determined from 700 to 150 °C by quench experiments with the use of evacuated, sealed, silica tubes as reaction vessels; these data were then used to interpret various aspects of natural occurrences of Ag-Fe-S minerals (e.g. argentiferous pyrite). The assemblages Ag2S+Fe1–x S and Ag2S+FeS2 become stable, with decreasing temperature, at 622±2 ° and 607±2 °C, respectively; their establishments involve ternary invariant conditions. The three condensed phases Ag2S+Fe1–x S+FeS2 become stable together at 532±2 °C through a ternary eutectic reaction near Ag2S in composition. An invariant reaction at 248±8 °C results in the formation of the Ag+FeS2 pair from the Ag2S+Fe7S8 assemblage, which is stable at higher temperatures. The associations of native silver and pyrite are found in certain massive sulfide deposits, whereas natural coexistence of argentite and pyrrhotite has not been documented. Experiments demonstrate the feasibility of retrograde reequilibration in ores to produce the silver+pyrite pair from argentite+pyrrhotite. Less than 0.05 and 0.1 at. % Ag are soluble in FeS2 and Fe1–x S, respectively, at 600 °C and less than 0.8 at. % Fe in Ag2S at 500 °C. Silver does not measurably affect the d 10.2 values of Fe1–x S or the cell dimension of FeS2 (a 25 °C=5.4175±0.0001 Å). This study also demonstrates that at low temperatures the binary fugacity data are applicable to ternary assemblages of the Ag-Fe-S system because of these very limited solubilities. The presence of Fe lowers the fcc bcc inversion temperature of Ag2S more than 50 °C; the exact amount of lowering is dependent on the associated Ag-Fe-S phases. The bcc mono. inversion temperature, however, is not measurably affected. No ternary solid phases were encountered above 150 °C. Heating of sternbergite and argentopyrite (both AgFe2S3) mineral samples shows instability at 152 °C (e.g. partial breakdown of sternbergite in 405 days); rate studies show that a 10 °C temperature increase results in approximately a 5-fold increase in breakdown rate.
Zusammenfassung Für die Interpretation von natürlichen Ag-Fe-S-Mineralen (z. B. silberhaltiger Pyrit) werden die Phasenbeziehungen im System Ag-Fe-S durch quenching Experimente bei Temperaturen von 700 ° bis 150 °C untersucht. Evakuierte und zugeschmolzene Quarzglasröhren dienen dabei als Reaktionsgefäße. Die Phasenassoziationen Ag2S+Fe1–x S (Argentit+Magnetkies) und Ag2S+FeS2 (Argentit+Pyrit) werden mit fallender Temperatur bei 622±2 °C und 607±2 °C stabil. Ihre Bildung ist nur unter ternären, invarianten Bedingungen möglich. Bei 532±2 °C bilden sich durch eutektische Reaktion (nahe der Ag2S-Zusammensetzung) als stabile Phasen Ag2S+Fe1–x S+FeS2. Bei 248±8 °C reagieren Ag2S+Fe7S8, die zwischen Temperaturen von 292 °C bis 248 °C stabil sind, zu Ag+FeS2. Paragenesen von gediegen Silber+Pyrit kommen in einigen massiven Sulfidlagerstätten vor; die Paragenese Argentit+Magnetkies ist dagegen noch nicht beobachtet worden. Die bisherigen experimentellen Ergebnisse machen eine retrograde Wiedereinstellung des Gleichgewichtes von gediegen Silber+Pyrit aus Argentit+Magnetkies wahrscheinlich. Bei 600 °C sind <0,05% bzw. 0,1% Ag in FeS2 und Fe1–x S löslich. Bei 500 °C lösen sich <0,8% Fe in Ag2S. Die Zellkonstanten von Magnetkies (gemessen als d 10,2) und von Pyrit (a 25 °C=5,4175±0,0001 Å) werden durch die Aufnahme von Ag nicht meßbar beeinflußt. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Fugazitäten bei niederen Temperaturen entlang den binären Schnitten Fe-S und Ag-S auch auf das ternäre System Ag-Fe-S angewendet werden können, weil nur sehr beschränkte Mischbarkeiten existieren. Die Gegenwart von Fe erniedrigt die Inversions-temperatur fcc bcc für Ag2S um mehr als 50 °C. Die genaue Inversions-temperatur wird durch die assozierten Ag-Fe-S Phasen festgelegt. Die bcc mono. Inversionstemperatur wird dagegen nicht meßbar beeinflußt. Oberhalb 150 °C werden keine ternären Phasen beobachtet. Sternbergit und Argentopyrit (beides AgFe2S3-Minerale) werden oberhalb 152 °C instabil (z. B. bricht Sternbergit teilweise nach 405 Tagen zusammen). Eine Temperaturerhöhung um ca. 10 °C erhöht die Zerfallsrate um ein Fünffaches.

Evacuated silica tube experiments (+halide flux) were conducted in portions of the system Cu2S-PbS-Sb2S3 at 440°C, using two-pyrrhotite indicator method to measure the sulfur fugacity. Product phases were identified by optical and X-ray powder diffraction methods supplemented with microprobe analyses. In addition to the previously reported mineral phases, famatinite (Cu3SbS4) appears to be a stable phase in the Sb2S3-rich portion of the system. Microprobe data indicate that almost all the sulfosalts depart from stoichiometry. Copper in Pb-Sb sulfosalts and Pb in chalcostibite and skinnerite are indicative of the coupled substitution 2Pb2+=Cu++Sb3+. Pb-solubility in skinnerite and Cu-solubility in zinkenite are dependent on the initial bulk composition of the charges. The compositions of meneghinite and boulangerite compare well with their natural analogues. The maximum isothermal variation of logf s 2 falls in the range of-6.36 (1.06)logf s 211.12 (0.30). The experimentally derived logf s 2 values for some two phase assemblages, compare reasonably well with the respective minimum logf s 2 values calculated by the method of Craig and Barton (1973). The stable coexistence of famatinite with zinkenite plus stibnite instead of chalcostibite may be described by the sulfidation reaction: 3CuSbS2+1/2 S2=Cu3SbS4+Sb2S3.  相似文献   

Amphiboles approached edenite (NaCa2Mg5Si7AlO22(OH)2), richterite (Na2CaMg5Si8O22(OH)2), tremolite (□Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2) solid solutions were studied by conventional hydrothermal techniques employing the bulk compositions edenite, and edenite + additional quartz, all with excess H2O. For the stoichiometric edenite bulk composition + excess H2O, the equilibrium phase assemblage is diopside + Na-phlogopite + forsterite + fluid at, and just above the amphibole high-temperature limit at 850 ± 5°C, 500 bar, and 880 ± 5°C, 1000 bar. The breakdown temperature of sodic phlogopite is 855 ± 3°C at 500 bar, and 890 ± 5°C at 700 bar, producing nepheline + plagioclase (or melt), additional forsterite and fluid. Diopside and Na-phlogopite solid solution coexist over a broad Pfluid-T region, even within the amphibole field, where they are associated with an edenite-richterite (-tremolite) solid solution of approximate composition Ed35Rc50Tr15.In the system edenite + 4 quartz + excess H2O, nearly pure tremolite and albite coexist stably between 670° and 830°C at 1000 bar and give way to the possibly metastable assemblage diopside + talc + albite below 670°C. In the presence of albite, tremolite reacts to produce diopside + quartz + enstatite + fluid above 830°C at 1000 bar. For the investigated silica-rich bulk composition, amphibole Pfluid-T stability is divided by the albite melting curve into a tremolite + albite field, and a tremolite + aqueous melt field. Substantial equilibrium solid solution of tremolite towards edenite or richterite was not observed for silica-excess bulk compositions. Metastable edenite-rich amphiboles initially synthesized change to tremolite with increasing run length in the presence of free SiO2.Edenitic amphibole is stable only over a very limited temperature range in silica-undersaturated environments, thus accounting for its rarity in nature. Na-phlogopite solid solutions are also disfavored by high aSiO2; even for nepheline-normative lithologies, a hypothesized rapid low-temperature conversion to vermiculite or smectite could partly explain the scarcity of sodic phlogopite in rocks.  相似文献   

An important control on magma rheology is the extent to which the magma crystallizes during ascent as a result of the effective undercooling created by volatile exsolution. To assess this undercooling, we need to know the final (anhydrous) one-atmosphere phase relations of silicic magmas. For this reason, we have performed one-atmosphere controlled-fO2 crystallization experiments on dacitic to rhyolitic melt compositions (67–78 wt% SiO2) and determined equilibrium phase assemblages, melt fractions, and some phase compositions over a range of temperatures. Experiments were run at oxygen fugacities between NNO+1 and NNO+2 and temperatures of 1,000 to 1,250°C. Constant phase compositions and sample crystallinities in runs longer than 3.5 days suggest that these runs closely approached compositional equilibrium. Additionally, melting experiments with similar compositions yielded results closely resembling those obtained in crystallization experiments. All samples have liquidus temperatures between 1,250 and 1,200 °C, with plagioclase the liquidus phase for the two most mafic samples and quartz for the most silicic sample. When associated glass compositions are projected into the Qz-Ab-Or system they define a revised one-atmosphere quartz-feldspar cotectic 5–10% less quartz normative than previously estimated. Glass compositions from each sample plot along this cotectic between 1,100 and 1,000 °C, consistent with the plagioclase-quartz co-crystallization textures found in runs at these temperatures. This cotectic constrains glass compositions to a maximum silica content of 76±1 wt% SiO2. Reported glass compositions in excess of 77 wt% SiO2 in volcanic samples suggest non-equilibrium crystallization, perhaps a consequence of large melt undercoolings.Editorial responsibility: I. Carmichael  相似文献   

吴鹏  杨航  曲凯  王艳娟  谷湘平 《地质学报》2022,96(2):418-425
作为黝铜矿族矿物的新成员,汞银黝铜矿(Argentotetrahedrite-(Hg),IMA 2020-079),Ag6(Cu4 Hg2) Sb4S13,发现于湘黔汞矿带北段之保靖东坪Hg-Ag矿床中,是该矿床的主要矿石矿物和回收对象.汞银黝铜矿单晶晶体尺寸约为5~20 μm,呈粒径20~300 μm的粒状、片状集合...  相似文献   

Heyrovskýite has a composition range from 6(Pb0.83Bi0.10(Ag, Cu)0.07) S . Bi2S3 to 6(Pb0.92Bi0.05(Ag, Cu)0.03) S . Bi2S3. It is orthorhombic. Crystal forms {100}, {010}, {120}, {140}, {250}, and {321} (?) were observed; {010} and {140} are dominant. Elongated c, flattened (010). a:b:c morph=0.432:1:0.128. Cell parameters a=13.705±0.013 Å, b=31.194±0.033, c=4.121±0.003, a:b:c X-ray=0.439:1:0.132. The diffraction symbol is Bb, compatible with Bbmm, Bb21 m, Bbm2. Morphology corresponds to point groups mmm or mm2, reducing the possible space groups to Bbmm and Bbm2. Density at 20 °C is 7.17 g/cm3, calculated, 7.18; Z=4. Micro-indentation hardness (VHN) (50 g load) is 166 to 234 kp/mm2. Strongly anisotropic; reflectance strongly variable, roughly the same as of galena. Etch tests: HNO3 (1:1) and HCl (1:1) positive, FeCl3 20%, HgCl2 5%, KCN 20%, and KOH 40% all negative. Powder data are identical with those for phase II of Otto and Strunz (1968). Heyrovskýite is associated with galena and cosalite at H?rky, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative information about metamorphic reaction history and PT paths may be obtained from mineral inclusions in garnet by comparing the mineralogy, distribution, and compositions of paragenetically-related inclusions with minerals in the groundmass assemblage. Using the algebraic technique of singular value decomposition (SVD), we document mass balance relations between inclusion and groundmass assemblages in metapelitic rocks from two metamorphic terranes that experienced different peak metamorphic conditions, and whose transition from inclusion to groundmass assemblage records different PT path segments relative to peak conditions. We calculate mass balances relating an inclusion assemblage consisting in part of armored relics of chloritoid to groundmass mineral assemblages in a kyanite-staurolite mica schist from the Solitude Range, British Columbia, and an inclusion assemblage of kyanite, staurolite, and rutile to groundmass minerals in a sillimanite-cordierite gneiss from the Skagit Gneiss, North Cascade Range, Washington. Mass balances for each rock are consistent with reaction histories inferred from petrographic observations. In the Solitude Range schist, the results of mass balance calculations are consistent with the growth of staurolite and garnet at the expense of chloritoid during prograde metamorphism and suggest that chlorite, although not preserved as an inclusion, was involved in initial staurolite growth. In the Skagit sillimanite gneiss, mass balance relations exist between the inclusion suite, which formed during high pressure metamorphism, and the associated groundmass assemblage, which equilibrated at high temperature but much lower pressure. Mass balance does not exist between the groundmass of the Skagit sillimanite gneiss and the groundmass of a nearby kyanite-staurolite schist that has been proposed as a possible lower-grade equivalent of the sillimanite-bearing rocks. These results indicate that, although compositional modification and selective preservation of minerals must be taken into account, mineral inclusion suites may nevertheless preserve enough compositional information to allow reconstruction of complete or nearly complete pre-existing assemblages. This information may not be retrievable from any other source if no lower-grade equivalents of the rocks of interest are exposed.  相似文献   

New activity–composition (ax) relations for minerals commonly occurring in metapelites are presented for use with the internally consistent thermodynamic dataset of Holland & Powell ( 2011 , Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29 , 333–383). The ax relations include a broader consideration of Fe2O3 in minerals, changes to the formalism of several phases and order–disorder in all ferromagnesian minerals where Fe–Mg mixing occurs on multiple sites. The ax relations for chlorite, biotite, garnet, chloritoid, staurolite, cordierite, orthopyroxene, muscovite, paragonite and margarite have been substantially reparameterized using the approach outlined in the companion paper in this issue. For the first time, the entire set of ax relations for the common ferromagnesian minerals in metapelitic rocks is parameterized simultaneously, with attention paid to ensuring that they can be used together to calculate phase diagrams of geologically appropriate topology. The ax relations developed are for use in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (NCKFMASHTO) system for both subsolidus and suprasolidus conditions. Petrogenetic grids in KFMASH and KFMASHTO are similar in topology to those produced with earlier end‐member datasets and ax relations, but with some notable differences. In particular, in subsolidus equilibria, the FeO/(FeO + MgO) of garnet is now greater than in coexisting staurolite, bringing a number of key staurolite‐bearing equilibria into better agreement with inferences from field and petrographic observations. Furthermore, the addition of Fe3+ and Ti to a number of silicate phases allows more plausible equilibria to be calculated in relevant systems. Pseudosections calculated with the new ax relations are also topologically similar to equivalent diagrams using earlier ax relations, although with many low variance fields shifting in PT space to somewhat lower pressure conditions.  相似文献   

The phase relations of divariant and trivariant assemblages involving combinations of phengite, chlorite, biotite, K-feldspar, quartz and H2O in the KFASH, KMASH and KFMASH systems were calculated using a single thermodynamic data set (Holland and Powell 1998). The stability fields of the various equilibria are represented in P-T projections by contouring sets of compositional isopleths for the Tschermak (Al2(Fe,Mg)−1Si−1) and FeMg−1 exchanges controlled by the coexisting phases. Five multivariant continuous equilibria, which occur in different regions of P-T-X space, are calibrated as thermobarometers in metamorphic rocks of pelitic to quartzofeldspathic composition. More subtle P-T information, relating to the trajectories (dT/dz) along which reacting rocks have been buried or exhumed, can be extracted from the continuous reactions by investigating the recorded compositional trends in the Al2(Fe,Mg)−1Si−1 and FeMg−1 solutions. Singularities in P-T space are associated with some of these reactions and may result in unusual mineral textures and compositional trends. A fluid-absent singularity has particular petrological significance because it marks the transition between hydration and dehydration along a single reaction with increasing pressure and temperature. This behaviour causes the sequence of reactions among these minerals observed during metamorphism to be critically dependent on the P-T trajectory. Thermobarometric calculations show good agreement with respect to experimental and field-based data for phengite compositions less than about 50 mol% celadonite (<∼3.5 Si p.f.u. phengite). Received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 3 April 2000  相似文献   

Phase relations in the system Pb-Sn-Fe-Sb-S were investigated through the diagrams of projecting plane 8x(PbS-SnS-SnS2)from the vertrex point Fe0.96Sb2.04S4.12by vacuum silica tube technique.Experimental results have shown that franckeite has a wide solid solution with substitution of Pb^2 by Sn^2 ,In franckeite s.s.the content of Sn^2 varies from 0 to 4.8 atoms (total metal atoms are 11 atoms per formula) at 500℃ and 0-4.0 atoms at 400℃,respectively,Meanwhile,the content of Sn^4 ranges from 1.3to 2.0 atoms at 500℃ and 1.5-2.1 atoms at 400℃ in franckeite s.s.These results are consistent well with analytic data on natural franckeite.The cylindrite solid solutiopn has a relatively small range with Sn^2 -1.8atoms and Sm^4 =3.2-4.2 atoms per formula at 500℃ and ,Sn^2 =0.5-1.7 atoms and Sm^4 =3.3-4.2 atoms at 400℃ which are comparable with natural cylindrite.The phases coexisting in equilibrium with franckeite s.s. are galena,boulangerite,robinsonite.teallite,SnS,cylindrite.s.s.and synthetic phase Ⅲ ss or I ss.The cylindrite s.s.coexists with SnS2 and the above mentioned phases,but not with galena.teallite and SnS,and probably not with boulangerite in this projecting plane.  相似文献   

The join tremolite (Tr)-pargasite (Pa) has been studied in the temperature range 750 °–1,150 ° C under a water vapor pressure of 1 and 5 kbar. There is a continuous solid solution series between the compositions Tr85Pa15 and TroPa100 at 850 ° C and 5 kbar. Tremolite and pargasite are separated by a solvus at 1 kbar and the field of tremolitic amphibole +pargasitic amphibole+vapor is present in the region between Tr90Pa10 and Tr10Pa90 at 800 ° C. The phase assemblages at 850 ° C and 1 kbar change as follows with increasing pargasite component; clinopyroxene +orthopyroxene+quartz+vapor, tremolitic amphibole+vapor, tremolitic amphibole+clinopyroxene +forsterite+plagioclase+vapor, tremolitic amphibole+pargasitic amphibole+vapor, and pargasitic amphibole+vapor. The petrological significance of amphibole pairs in metamorphic rocks is discussed on the basis of the experimental results.  相似文献   

中新世晚期—上新世早期是塔里木盆地西南缘盆山作用机制发生重大转折的时期,奠定了现今的盆山构造格局.本文通过对棋北3井中新统—上新统沉积物岩性和重矿物组合的分析,建立了重矿物特征在地层剖面垂直方向上的变化规律.根据棋北3井重矿物含量及其组合随剖面向上变化的特征,自下而上可划分为稳定重矿物段、较不稳定重矿物段和不稳定重矿物...  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地上库力组重矿物组合特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海拉尔盆地兴安岭群上库力组自下而上可分出5个重矿物组合:磁黄铁矿-锆石-白钛石-锐钛矿组合,黄铁矿高含量组合,黑云母-白钛石-锆石-钛铁矿组合,菱铁矿-白钛石-黑云母-电气石组合,白钛石-黑云母-菱铁矿-石榴子石组合.不稳定矿物含量高,不同层段呈现高低韵律性变化则与火山-沉积作用强弱交替变化的环境有关.较高的ATi指数反映母岩应为中-酸性火山岩.ZTR指数不高说明重矿物的成熟度较低.由下至上陆源重矿物变少,尤其是上库力组D段(凝灰岩段),自生黄铁矿占很高的百分比.  相似文献   

Melt loss and the preservation of granulite facies mineral assemblages   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
The loss of a metamorphic fluid via the partitioning of H2O into silicate melt at higher metamorphic grade implies that, in the absence of open system behaviour of melt, the amount of H2O contained within rocks remains constant at temperatures above the solidus. Thus, granulite facies rocks, composed of predominantly anhydrous minerals and a hydrous silicate melt should undergo considerable retrogression to hydrous upper amphibolite facies assemblages on cooling as the melt crystallizes and releases its H2O. The common occurrence of weakly retrogressed granulite facies assemblages is consistent with substantial melt loss from the majority of granulite facies rocks. Phase diagram modelling of the effects of melt loss in hypothetical aluminous and subaluminous metapelitic compositions shows that the amount of melt that has to be removed from a rock to preserve a granulite facies assemblage varies markedly with rock composition, the number of partial melt loss events and the P–T conditions at which melt loss occurs. In an aluminous metapelite, the removal of nearly all of the melt at temperatures above the breakdown of biotite is required for the preservation of the peak mineral assemblage. In contrast, the proportion of melt loss required to preserve peak assemblages in a subaluminous metapelite is close to half that required for the aluminous metapelite. Thus, if a given proportion of melt is removed from a sequence of metapelitic granulites of varying composition, the degree of preservation of the peak metamorphic assemblage may vary widely.  相似文献   

Experiments have been conducted in a peralkaline Ti-KNCMASH system representative of MARID-type bulk compositions to delimit the stability field of K-richterite in a Ti-rich hydrous mantle assemblage, to assess the compositional variation of amphibole and coexisting phases as a function of P and T, and to characterise the composition of partial melts derived from the hydrous assemblage. K-richterite is stable in experiments from 0.5 to 8.0 GPa coexisting with phlogopite, clinopyroxene and a Ti-phase (titanite, rutile or rutile + perovskite). At 8.0 GPa, garnet appears as an additional phase. The upper T stability limit of K-richterite is 1200–1250 °C at 4.0 GPa and 1300–1400 °C at 8.0 GPa. In the presence of phlogopite, K-richterite shows a systematic increase in K with increasing P to 1.03 pfu (per formula unit) at 8.0 GPa/1100 °C. In the absence of phlogopite, K-richterite attains a maximum of 1.14 K pfu at 8.0 GPa/1200 °C. Titanium in both amphibole and mica decreases continuously towards high P with a nearly constant partitioning while Ti in clinopyroxene remains more or less constant. In all experiments below 6.0 GPa ΣSi + Al in K-richterite is less than 8.0 when normalised to 23 oxygens+stoichiometric OH. Rutiles in the Ti-KNCMASH system are characterised by minor Al and Mg contents that show a systematic variation in concentration with P(T) and the coexisting assemblage. Partial melts produced in the Ti-KNCMASH system are extremely peralkaline [(K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3 = 1.7–3.7], Si-poor (40–45 wt% SiO2), and Ti-rich (5.6–9.2 wt% TiO2) and are very similar to certain Ti-rich lamproite glasses. At 4.0 GPa, the solidus is thought to coincide with the K-richterite-out reaction, the first melt is saturated in a phlogopite-rutile-lherzolite assemblage. Both phlogopite and rutile disappear ca. 150 °C above the solidus. At 8.0 GPa, the solidus must be located at T≤1400 °C. At this temperature, a melt is in equilibrium with a garnet- rutile-lherzolite assemblage. As opposed to 4.0 GPa, phlogopite does not buffer the melt composition at 8.0 GPa. The experimental results suggest that partial melting of MARID-type assemblages at pressures ≥4.0 GPa can generate Si-poor and partly ultrapotassic melts similar in composition to that of olivine lamproites. Received: 23 December 1996 / Accepted: 20 March 1997  相似文献   

A cervelleite-like mineral, two unnamed silver sulfotellurides in the system Ag-Cu-Te-S [Ag2CuTeS, (Ag,Cu)2TeS], Te-rich polybasite and cadmian tetrahedrite occur in gold-bearing quartz veins in metapelites and faults within brecciated marbles of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit in the Kallianou area (southern Evia Island, Greece). The quartz veins and faults are discordant to syn-metamorphic structures and formed during ductile to brittle deformation in the final stages of exhumation of the Styra Nappe extrusion wedge (~21?Ma). Te-rich polybasite (up to 7.4 wt. % Te), cadmian tetrahedrite (up to 12.4 wt. % Cd), together with electrum (23?C54 wt. % Ag) and the sulfotellurides, are the main silver carriers in the mineralization. The two unnamed sulfotellurides, Ag2CuTeS and (Ag,Cu)2TeS are believed to be new quaternary minerals in the system Ag-Cu-Te-S. These minerals and the cervelleite-like phase could have exsolved from galena during cooling (below 200°C). Initial temperatures for the formation of the sulfotellurides, in the form of hessite-intermediate solid solution, at Kallianou may be up to 300°C under logfS2 values between?~ ?11.5 to ?8.3, and logfTe2 from?~ ?14.8 to ?7.8. The values of logfTe2 and logfS2 during re-equilibration (at ~200°C) were constrained to ?19.5 to ?15.2 and to ?15.8 to ?11.5 respectively.  相似文献   

在Mg/Ca比值为6的Lagoa Vermelha改良培养基中,对分离自青海湖湖底沉积物的梭菌(Clostridiumsp.)进行了为期100 d的碳酸盐矿物培养实验,同时还完成了一组无菌对照实验。利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分别对矿物成分和形态进行了测定和观察。实验结果表明:细菌培养实验的沉淀物数量始终多于无菌对照实验;在梭菌SN-1菌株作用下形成的碳酸盐矿物组合的变化趋势是方解石→方解石+单水碳钙石→单水碳钙石+方解石→单水碳钙石,而无菌对照实验产物中矿物的演化方向是单水碳钙石+方解石→方解石+单水碳钙石;在综合分析SEM和XRD观测结果的基础上,推测哑铃状矿物可能是高镁方解石,而球状矿物可能是单水碳钙石。  相似文献   

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