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四川茂县“6·24”特大山体滑坡灾害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
正2017年6月24日5时39分许,在四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州茂县叠溪镇新磨村后山,发生一起山体滑坡(封面照片),造成特大灾害。该事件启示:在地质灾害排查中,山区工程场地、高位震裂山体、坡面松散岩土体、采空山体、老化地质工程体等,不容忽视;登山戏水的游客、依山旁水的居民和山区通行的车辆是避险警示重点承灾体。  相似文献   

滑坡是造成山区长输油气管道破坏的主要地质灾害之一。为了合理有效地评估山区油气管道的滑坡灾害风险,保障山区长输油气管道的安全,本文提出了基于改进层次分析法(IAHP)和逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)的山区油气管道滑坡灾害风险评估模型和方法,建立了考虑滑坡与油气管道相互作用等评估指标,选取了中缅油气管道典型滑坡灾害点进行应用分析,结果表明该段油气管道的滑坡灾害风险值为0.355,属于中风险,与现场调查情况一致。该方法可用于山区油气管道地质灾害风险排查和安全管理工作。  相似文献   

滑坡灾害防治的新技术路线及分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
论文指出了滑坡灾害防治中面临的工程问题和科学问题。提出了“监测为首、排水为主、结构为辅、预测预警、科学决策”新的滑坡防治技术路线,介绍了其涵盖的基本内容。监测的首要性在于山体地质结构的复杂性和具体滑坡的个体行为。通过监测有可能获得地质体当前的状态、提高排水工程的可靠性、确定工程治理适用范围、创造滑坡灾害预测预报的条件、为科学决策提供依据;排水不仅可以预防滑坡灾害的发生,还应作为工程治理的主要措施。它以较低的成本维持山体的整体强度;与排水技术相比,借助于工程结构治理大型滑坡,是以较高的代价换取山体局部区域的强度提高;滑坡灾害的预测预警和科学决策,依赖于科学监测数据和可靠的分析方法。新技术路线的可靠性、合理性和实用性还需更为全面深入的论证,对相关问题开展讨论,有助于提高我国滑坡灾害防治水平。  相似文献   

随着中国经济高速发展和加强对基本农田的保护,越来越多的大型火电厂建设于山区且多数为坑口电厂,一般会涉及到西南地区主要含煤地层二叠系上统龙潭组(P2l)。龙潭组是由海陆交替相含煤砂、页岩等软质、易滑地层构成的,在龙潭组岩层区建设坑口电厂大型山体滑坡等不良地质作用是不可回避的工程地质问题。本文以贵州省某电厂大型山体滑坡对工程场地适宜区域划定的影响研究为出发点,认为山区坑口电厂建设中对大型山体滑坡的分析评价只要遵守查明基本地质条件,评价滑坡稳定性,划定适宜建设区域,提出处理建议的基本工作流程,大型火力电厂在大型山体滑坡附近建设是可行的。  相似文献   

一、滑坡危害及研究历史滑坡是一种自然现象,它是山区常用的山体变形现象,但在平原地区的河、湖、海岸亦常有所见。滑坡常中断交通,堵塞河道,摧毁厂矿,掩埋村镇,给人民的生命和财产造成重大损失。近百年来,世界上很多国家(都有关于滑坡灾害的记载,对各国的经济建设均有不同程度的危害。美国每年因滑坡造成的经济损失达数亿美元。意大利受滑坡影响的地区,占全国  相似文献   

2014年8月27日20∶30左右,贵州福泉突发灾难性山体滑坡灾害,致使两个村庄受灾,23人死亡。滑坡失稳后,滑体沿140°方向高速剪出,冲击坡脚深水塘激起涌浪,产生的高压水波裹挟滑坡碎屑沿滑坡路径西侧越过小山包,淹没新湾村民小组3户居民房屋,部分滑坡碎屑运动40 m破坏了小坝村民小组。为了对贵州岩溶山区灾害易发地区潜在的类似滑坡灾害预测防治提供依据,本文运用DAN-W软件反演了滑坡入水前的运动参数和几何形态,并利用FLUENT软件对滑坡碎屑入水产生的涌浪及其传播过程进行了模拟分析,结果表明:滑坡前缘在9.2 s时开始入水,滑坡启动后21.7 s时涌浪水波裹挟滑坡碎屑冲向对岸,模拟结果与现场调查基本吻合。  相似文献   

<正>重庆武隆"6.5"特大滑坡崩塌的阴影尚未离去,贵州关岭"6.28"山体滑坡灾害又悄然降临。汶川地震引发的高速碎屑流还让人心有余悸,甘肃舟曲等极端天气诱发的泥石流灾害又敲响了警钟。  相似文献   

重庆武隆"6·5"特大滑坡崩塌的阴影尚未离去,贵州关岭"6·28"山体滑坡灾害又骤然降临。汶川地震引发的高速碎屑流还让人心有余悸,甘肃舟曲等地极端天气诱发的泥石流灾害又敲响了警钟。  相似文献   

滑坡(土体和岩体滑动、也包括泥石流和崩塌等)是丘陵和山区经常发生的地质灾害。在我国的大多数山区几乎每年都会发生大大小小的滑坡,在有些地方一年可以发生几次,甚至几十次。滑坡灾害的特点是:发生的频度高,分布的地域广,造成的灾害严重。2010年8月8日,甘肃省舟曲县突降强暴雨引发特大泥石流灾害,造成1481人死亡,284人失踪。如何把对降雨引发滑坡、泥石流灾害工作的重点放在灾害之前,  相似文献   

我国西南岩溶山区地质环境脆弱,人类工程活动强烈,群死群伤的灾难性滑坡频发,造成严重的人员与财产损失。文章概述了西南岩溶山区大型崩滑灾害基本特征和防灾减灾的难点,提出了目前研究中亟待解决的关键科学技术问题,包括岩溶地质结构与管道流的相互孕灾机理、地下采动下大型崩滑灾害形成机制、灾害高位远程动力成灾模式、灾害早期识别与空间预测。针对这些问题,文章提出如下研究思路:通过多学科联合,重点研究岩溶山区大型崩滑灾害链的孕育发生规律与成灾模式,揭示岩溶管道-裂隙-孔隙地下水动力作用及孕灾过程和地下采动、库水波动等工程扰动环境下山体劣化损伤效应,构建岩溶崩滑灾害高速远程动力致灾机制与风险预测方法,形成早期识别、监测预警与综合防控技术及示范,为我国岩溶山区城镇化建设、重大工程安全运营提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Three interrelated concepts about the “gatedness of life” are addressed in this essay: gated communities, gated lives, and gated minds. All are important components in understanding the places where gated communities are located within a city as well as those who live in them. Mapping these concepts is a further theme discussed.  相似文献   

回顾了地矿系统工程勘察工业的形成和发展过程,介绍了基础上管理的产生与发展以及地矿系统推行工程项目管理工作等方面的情况,并提出了对今后工作的几点思考 。  相似文献   

Cumulate and Cumulative Granites and Associated Rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Processes that move crystals relative to melt, that is crystal fractionation, are of major importance in producing variations that are observed within cogenetic suites of granites. In low‐temperature granite suites, crystal fractionation initially involves the progressive separation of crystals residual from partial melting from that partial melt. Once separation of those crystals, or restite, has been completed, further fractionation may occur through the separation of crystals that had precipitated from the melt, the process known as fractional crystallization. High‐temperature granite magmas are largely or completely molten and elements such as Ca, Mg and Fe, and their associated minor elements, are in that case dissolved in the melt. Such magmas, particularly those that are more potassic and hence contain a higher fraction of low temperature melt, may evolve compositionally through fractional crystallization. Cumulate rocks result, comprising a framework of cumulus minerals with interstitial melt. In this process some of the melt is also displaced to form more felsic rocks. Such cumulate rocks may have distinctive chemical compositions, but that is often not the case. Distinctive features include SiC>2 contents near or below 50 % in rocks that are transitional in the field to more felsic granites, very high Cr and Ni, very low K, P, Ba, Rb and Zr, and anomalous abundances of the anorthite components Ca and Al. These rocks may also have positive Eu anomalies. Cumulate rocks do not necessarily have distinctive textures, at least as such features are understood at this time. Fractional crystallization can also involve the movement of precipitated crystals relative to melt. We refer to rocks as cumulative when formed from the fractions in which the abundance of crystals has increased. The production of cumulative granites typically occurs at more felsic melt compositions than is the case for cumulate granites, and this process may have its greatest significance in the fractional crystallization of the felsic haplogranites. Relative to felsic granites of broadly similar compositions lying on a liquid line of descent, cumulative granites contain more Ca, reflecting the addition from elsewhere of plagioclase crystals with solidus compositions. The abundances of Sr and Ba may be high to very high, and sometimes there are positive Eu anomalies. Cumulative I‐type granites may have low abundances of Y and the heavy REE, while the S‐type granites can be very distinctive with anomalously high abundances of Th and the heavy REE resulting from the concentrating of monazite. Generally, but not always, those who propose fractional crystallization as a mechanism for producing compositional variation within a suite of granites do not state whether the rocks in that particular case are thought to lie on a liquid line of descent or are cumulates/cumulative, although it is generally presumed that they were melts. Our experiences in eastern Australia have shown that the mechanism of fractional crystallization was quantitatively not as important during granite evolution as many workers would expect. However, there are some excellent examples of that process, most notably the Boggy Plain Supersuite. Overall in eastern Australia, varying degrees of separation of restite is a much more common mode of crystal fractionation, and that may also be seen to be the case for some other granite provinces if they are examined with that possibility in mind.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):101-126
The olistostromes formed in Northern Carpathians during the different stages of the development of flysch basins, from rift trough post-rift, orogenic to postorogenic stage. They are known from the Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene and Early Miocene flysch deposits of main tectonic units. Those units are the Skole, Subsilesian, Silesian, Dukla and Magura nappes as well as the Pieniny Klippen Belt suture zone. The oldest olistoliths in the Northern Carpathians represent the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rifting and post-rifting stage of the Northern Carpathians and origin of the proto-Silesian basin. They are known from the Upper Jurassic as well as Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous formations. In the southern part of the Polish Northern Carpathians as well as in the adjacent part of Slovakia, the olistoliths are known in the Cretaceous- Paleocene flysch deposits of the Pieniny Klippen Belt Zlatne Unit and in Magura Nappe marking the second stage of the plate tectonic evolution - an early stage of the development of the accretionary prism. The most spectacular olistostromes have been found in the vicinity of Haligovce village in the Pieniny Klippen Belt and in Jaworki village in the border zone between the Magura Nappe and the Pieniny Klippen Belt. Olistoliths that originated during the second stage of the plate tectonic evolution occur also in the northern part of the Polish Carpathians, in the various Upper Cretaceous-Early Miocene flysch deposits within the Magura, Fore-Magura, Dukla, Silesian and Subsilesian nappes. The Fore-Magura and Silesian ridges were destroyed totally and are only interpreted from olistoliths and exotic pebbles in the Outer Carpathian flysch. Their destruction is related to the advance of the accretionary prism. This prism has obliquely overridden the ridges leading to the origin of the Menilite-Krosno basin.

In the final, postcollisional stage of the Northern Carpathian plate tectonic development, some olistoliths were deposited within the late Early Miocene molasse. These are known mainly from the subsurface sequences reached by numerous bore-holes in the western part of the Polish Carpathians as well as from outcrops in Poland and the Czech Republic.

The largest olistoliths (kilometers in size bodies of shallow-water rocks of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age) are known from the Moravia region. The largest olistoliths in Poland were found in the vicinity of Andrychów and are known as Andrychów Klippen. The olistostromes bear witness to the processes of the destruction of the Northern Carpathian ridges. The ridge basement rocks, their Mesozoic platform cover, Paleogene deposits of the slope as well as older Cretaceous flysch deposits partly folded and thrust within the prism slid northward toward the basin, forming the olistostromes.  相似文献   

黔中隆起及其周缘地区下古生界油气勘探前景与方向   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
黔中隆起位于上扬子板块东南缘,经历了前震旦纪基底形成、早震旦世裂谷、晚震旦世—志留纪被动大陆边缘、泥盆纪—中三叠世陆内裂谷与克拉通盆地和晚三叠世—第三纪陆内盆地5大演化阶段。该区具有较好的成油气地质条件;发育上震旦统陡山沱组泥页岩和下寒武统牛蹄塘组泥页岩两套区域烃源岩及下奥陶统湄潭组和下志留统龙马溪组局部泥页岩烃源岩,具有很强的生烃潜力;发育上震旦统灯影组白云岩、寒武系金顶山组碎屑岩、高台组—娄山关组碳酸盐岩和下奥陶统—下志留统储层;而牛蹄塘组泥岩和娄山关组膏盐白云岩与上二叠统龙潭组含煤泥岩是该区区域性盖层,湄潭组、龙马溪组为局部盖层;该区保存条件复杂,燕山、喜山构造运动对早期油气藏的改造和破坏较大,是该区油气成藏的主要控制因素,也是该区油气勘探的主要风险所在。研究认为该区油气勘探潜力较大,而安顺凹陷、三塘—百兴凹陷和黔西凹陷整体油气保存条件较好,为最有利天然气勘探区带。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危和特有物种是地区生物物种的重要组成,研究珍稀濒危和特有物种的多样性对生物保护和良好生态环境的维护有重要意义。本文在对桂林喀斯特世界自然遗产提名地生物物种调查的基础上,对提名地内的珍稀濒危和特有生物物种及其受威胁级别情况进行了统计,并从种群、群落和生境3个层面对珍稀濒危和特有物种的保护提出了建议。结果表明,在167.5 hm2范围内共有高等植物754种,脊椎动物525种;列入 IUCN红色名录443种、濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约67种、中国物种红色名录145种、中国国家重点保护野生动植物55种,并包括部分古老孑遗植物,珍稀濒危生物多样性较高;此外提名地还拥有87种特有种,是动植物特有种的重要资源地。在珍稀濒危和特有物种多样性的保护上,应根据提名地的珍稀濒危物受威胁级别,有计划地开展种群调查和生境分析,确定不同级别珍稀濒危物种的最小生存种群和最小动态区,并采取就地保护或迁地保护的措施,以促进小种群的发展;加强顶级群落的保护和监测研究,实施封山育林和群落恢复工程,促进群落的正向演替;划定珍稀濒危和特有种群和群落保护范围,建立自然保护区,维护其生存繁衍所必需生境量;此外着重加强对野生兰科植物的研究及生存空间保护,加强洞穴、峰林、峭壁等独特生境的保护。  相似文献   

综述了微观测试方法的发展历史和应用现状,针对当前主要土微观结构测试方法,对关键技术和理论进行了阐述,指出其各自优缺点和适用范围。提出其在土微观参数提取、动态测试观察、土结构性参数方面还存在不足并给出建议。  相似文献   

The principal features,geotectonic settings and association with near-surface hydrothermal mineral systems of ancient and present subaerial hot springs,fumaroles and geysers are herein reviewed.Fumaroles and geysers usually occur in volcanic craters and are in most cases,part and parcel of hot spring environments.Subaerial hot springs are characterised by siliceous-and carbonate-rich chemical sediments,such as sinters and travertines,respectively.Sinters are commonly enriched in various metalliferous elements.Hot springs surface discharges are also characterised by pools,which exhibit bright colours due to the presence of microorganisms.Present-day examples discussed in this paper,include the fumaroles and hot springs of the White Island volcano(New Zealand),the world-renowned Yellowstone caldera(USA) and the Afar region of the East African Rift System.The Afar triangle,in the northern part of East African Rift System,provides a good example of hot springs associated with evaporative deposits.The Tuli-Sabi-Lebombo triple junction rifts were formed during the ~180 Ma Karoo igneous event in southern Africa,of which the Tuli arm is the failed rift(aulacogen),as is the Afar region.The Tuli rift is effectively an unusual,if not unique,tectono-thermal setting,because it comprises Karoo-age hot springs systems and associated vein stockworks and breccias,which includes the Messina Cu deposit as well as currently active hot springs with sinter deposits probably due to post-Karoo uplift.Fumarolic pipes in ignimbrites of the Erongo Volcano-Plutonic Complex in Namibia are discussed.This is followed by an example of banded chert rocks in the Killara Formation of the Palaeoproterozoic Capricorn Orogen(Western Australia),interpreted as hot spring chemical sediments,which also show evidence of "fossil" microbial filaments.The paper ends with a brief overview of possible analogues of hot springs on planet Mars.  相似文献   

采用文献综述研究方法,梳理了红黏土研究成果并进行了评述,对红黏土的物理力学性质进行了归纳和总结,对红黏土的性能改良研究成果进行了汇总,指出红黏土的物理力学性能的差异性根源在于微观结构的个性差异存在,红黏土性能改良的困难在于红黏土的水敏性和热敏性,红黏土性能改良的关键在于控制其含水率。最后指出了研究不足在于普适性理论和知识体系没有构建,改良方法和技术探究应该加强,展望了红黏土性能改良的物理—化学—生物耦合作用的机理及复合技术开发和应用的研究。  相似文献   

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