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XiaoNing Zhang XueLu Liu Ghanney Philip XiaoDan Li QuanXi Wang YaNan Xu TingTing Hui 《寒旱区科学》2020,(1):22-33
Yanchi County is located in the agro-pastoral ecotone and belongs to the ecologically fragile area of Northwest China.It is important to study the evolution of landscape pattern to curb its environmental degradation.In order to intuitively show how the landscape pattern of the study area changes over time,Landsat Thematic Mappers(TM)and Landsat Operational Land Imager(OLI)data of 1991,2000,2010 and 2017 were used.This paper attempts to apply niche theories and methods into landscape ecology,and constructs a niche model of landscape components by usingn-dimentional hypervolume niche theoryand landscape pattern indices.By evaluating the spatial and temporal evolution of niche from the perspective of two-dimensional space to reflect the changes of landscape pattern in the study area over the past 26 years,new theories and methods were introduced for the characterization of landscape pattern.The results indicate that:1)The larger the attribute and dominance value of landscape components,the higher the ecological niche and the stronger the control effect on the overall landscape.2)The ecological niche of each landscape component was significantly different,just as its control effect on the overall landscape.3)The dynamic change of the ecological niche of each landscape component was different,with grassland,unused land and arable land always in a high dominant position,although the ecological niche of construction land and water area was always low.In general,the introduction of niche theory into the landscape ecology provided a new method to study the changes in regional landscape pattern. 相似文献
沟谷生态经济区的创意与景观规划设计——以北京市西部山区的规划实践为基础 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
本文在系统考虑大城市周围山区传统产业的局限性、传统农业的低效性和大城市新兴产业的蓬勃发展、可持续发展战略的深入实施以及大城市周围地区发展的客观需求等因素的基础上,在北京西部山区沟谷景观规划实践的基础上,提出了沟谷生态经济区的发展模式,从景观设计的角度对生态经济沟的创意和设计进行了深入探讨。主要内容有沟谷生态经济区的概念、功能、市场定位(区位选择、和产品选择与组合)、总体景观规划(景观意像、行为特征)和沟谷立地景观设计(景观构成、品牌设计、功能区设计、时序性设计、立地配置、环境净化与生态保护方案以及开发经营管理方案)。 相似文献
Leandro Ismael de Azevedo LACERDA José Augusto Ribeiro da SILVEIRA Celso Augusto Guimar 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(10):1529-1552
Urban forests play an important role in the thermal comfort and overall life of local populations in large-and medium-sized cities.This study analyzes urban forest loss and maps land use and land cover (LULC) changes between 1991 and 2018 by evaluating the use of urban planning instruments for the mitigation of urban forest loss in Jo~o Pessoa,Brazil.For this purpose,satellite-derived LULC images from 1991,2006,2010 and 2018 and data on urban forest loss areas obtained using the Google Earth Engine were used.In addi-tion,this paper also discusses the instruments used for integrated urban planning,which are(a) the legal sector,responsibility and nature;(b) the urban expansion process;and (c) the elements of urban infrastructure.The results show a clear shift in land use in the study area.The major changes in LULC classes occurred in urban areas and herbaceous vegetation,while the greatest loss was in arboreal/shrub vegetation.Thus,an increase in the pressure to occupy zones intended for environmental preservation could be estimated.Our results showed similar accuracies with other studies and more spatial details.The characteristics of the patterns,traces,and hotspots of urban expansion and forest cover loss were explored.We highlighted the potential use of this proposed framework to be applied and validated in other parts of the world to help better understand and quantify various aspects of ur-ban-related problems such as urban forest loss mapping using instruments for integrated urban planning and low-cost approaches. 相似文献
喀斯特地区土地整理景观生态规划与设计--以贵州荔波土地整理项目为例 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
土地整理是对土地资源及其利用方式的再组织和再优化过程,改变了土地利用类型和空间结构,必然引起景观格局和生态过程的变化,土地整理的景观生态保护研究尤其是在生态脆弱的喀斯特地区显得尤为重要与迫切。景观生态规划设计能有效促进生态系统的保护与恢复,土地整理融入景观生态规划设计思想是未来土地整理的重要发展趋势之一。本文基于景观生态规划与设计的思想,探讨了土地整理景观生态规划设计要点,以贵州省荔波县板寨河头土地整理项目为例,进行了农田斑块、农田水利工程、道路工程和生物多样性保护工程的景观规划设计,促进自然景观和生物多样性的保护,为土地整理的规划设计和生态环境影响评价的实践工作提供科学依据。 相似文献
国土空间规划中城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在2016年国务院印发的《省级空间规划试点方案》所提出的“开展基础评价”和“绘制规划底图”两项主要任务中,城镇适宜性的评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界的划定属于核心内容,同时也是一项具有较强探索性的工作。以国家对国土空间规划的基本设想为依据,对城镇空间和城镇开发边界的概念和内涵、空间关系、相关规则进行深入探讨,确定了城镇适宜性评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界划定的主要思路和技术路线。结合福建省空间规划的案例,分析了城镇适宜性评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界划定的过程、方法和结果。不同于以往各部门开展的空间性规划,城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定建立在资源环境承载能力和国土空间开发适宜性的基础评价之上,这使得城镇开发建设活动的空间布局在资源环境本底方面得到合理保障,城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定也有了较为科学、客观的依据。此外,把基础底图的研制与城镇发展潜能、城镇开发指向的评估,以及开发建设的规模管控、空间管控、开发强度管控系统地整合起来,使得规划底图的随意性得到了较好的控制。实践表明,本文的思路和技术方法是合理可行的,这一尝试可为空间规划理论和方法体系的完善提供参考。 相似文献
Garth Andrew Myers 《Area》2002,34(2):149-159
Sub–Saharan Africa is experiencing a new round of conservation initiatives, based around democratized local institutions and local knowledge of the environment. This essay uses political ecology research from a case study settlement in the Zanzibar islands of Tanzania to interrogate how to create the enabling conditions for these new conservation programmes. The case study highlights the importance of understanding social and political issues at the local scale for appreciating the problematic trajectories of progressive environmental planning strategies in Africa in the context of democratization. 相似文献
景观尺度、过程及格局(LSPP)研究的内涵及特点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
景观尺度、过程与格局(LSPP)及其相互作用是景观生态学研究的核心内容。在分析景观尺度及效应、景观生态过程、景观格局及变化的基础上,凝练出了LSPP一体化理念的主要特征,并探索了LSPP中各要素之间的耦合关系。研究表明:LSPP一体化具有一定的理论价值,景观时空尺度是LSPP的重要基础,LSPP体现了景观过程及其生态效应。景观生态研究所涉及的结构、功能、动态与LSPP一体化等的理论与应用问题,随着新时代生态环境的复杂化,在情景模拟技术、大数据挖掘技术,以及生态物联网等技术支撑下,促进了景观生态学机理研究与应用范式的拓展与深化,对于当前区域发展与生态文明建设具有重要指导意义。 相似文献
Jade Georis-Creuseveau Christophe Claramunt Françoise Gourmelon 《International journal of geographical information science》2017,31(1):122-138
The continuous development of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) provides a favourable context for environmental management and planning. However, it appears that the actual contribution of SDIs should also depend on the correlation between users’ expectations and the services delivered to them. Several studies have addressed some organizational, methodological and technological aspects of the development of SDIs. However, only a few studies have, to the best of our knowledge, studied SDI use at large. This article introduces a methodological approach oriented towards the study of the relationship between SDIs and the users interacting with them as part of their professional practices. Our study is applied to coastal zone management and planning in France. This approach combines structural and data flow modelling. The former is based on Social Network Analysis (SNA) and the latter on Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). This modelling approach has been applied to an online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The results identify the SDIs, geographical data flows and institutional levels implied in French coastal zone management and planning. 相似文献
大城市地区农村改革的政治生态学分析--以北京市农村地区为例 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
运用政治生态学(politicalecology)的基本观点,以北京市农村地区为对象,在对平原、丘陵、山区4个不同类型村庄多年实地调查基础上,分析了在政治体制改革、市场经济影响下北京郊区农村的组织形态、产业结构、土地利用、耕地质量、生态环境的变化过程。研究揭示,1979以来北京农村政治改革与生态环境的关系与其他的农村地区不同,国家与地方政府的政策变化使北京农村生态环境在不同时期呈现出恶化-改善的波动性过程;根据长期研究,政体改革、政策变化在总体上起到了抑制生态恶化、改善农村环境的作用。 相似文献
The Yarlung Zangbo River Basin(YZRB) is a key ecological protection area on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(QTP). Determination of the ecosystem service values(ESVs) can help recognize the benefits of sustainable management. It is gradually becoming the main path that constructs plateau spatial planning of integrating ecological protection, and achieves global sustainable development goals(SDGs) in China. In this paper, the spatio-temporal dynamic evolutions of the ESVs were estimated on the multiple scales of "basin, subbasin and watershed" from 1980 to 2015. The main factors influencing ESVs were explored in terms of physical geography, human activities, and climate change. It had been proposed that sustainable spatial planning including ecological protection, basin management, and regional development was urgent to set up. Our results show that the increase in wetland and forest and results in an increase of 9.4% in the ESVs. Attention should be paid to the reduction of water and grassland. Water conservation(WC), waste treatment(WT), and soil formation and conservation(SFC) are the most important ecosystem services in the YZRB. At present, the primary problem is to solve the ESVs decreasing caused by glacier melting, grassland degradation, and desertification in the upper reaches region. The middle reaches should raise the level of supply services. Regulation services should be increased in the lower reaches region on the premise of protecting vegetation. The ESVs in adjacent watersheds are interrelated and the phenomenon of "high agglomeration and low agglomeration" is obvious, existing hot-spots and cold-spots of ESVs. Additionally, when the altitude is 4500-5500 m, the temperature is 3-8°C, and the annual precipitation is 350-650 mm, ESVs could reach its maximum. A framework of sustainable plateau spatial planning could provide references to delimit the ecological protection red line, key ecological function zone, and natural resource asset accounting on the QTP. 相似文献
农业多功能性与都市区土地利用管理——框架和案例分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用理论和案例分析相结合的方法探讨了农业多功能性对都市区土地利用管理的意义和实现途径。论文从农业多功能性的多尺度嵌套层级结构出发,构建了基于农业多功能性评价的都市区土地利用管理框架,然后基于高清卫星遥感影像解译、文献资料整理等分析了北京市海淀区1968—2014年间土地利用、农业多功能性和土地利用管理措施的变化及相互作用。研究指出:都市区土地利用管理者应该在区域尺度和农户/农园尺度农业多功能性评价的基础上,围绕农户/农园与区域、国家等各级社会经济系统的相互作用,从改进土地用途管制分区和发展多功能农业两个方面进行区域的农业用地管理。最后,展望了未来的研究方向,希望优化都市区土地利用管理,推动都市型现代农业建设,并促进区域可持续发展。 相似文献
稻作梯田是中国南方山区重要的土地利用方式,分析其时空变化规律,对区域土地资源利用、生态环境保护以及农村农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文基于多源数据获取苗岭山区西江镇(1977—2020年)和加榜乡(1962—2020年)的土地利用分类图,运用景观指数、空间分析和样带分析等方法,研究稻作梯田时空格局与功能的演化特征,以揭示稻田利用与人地关系演变过程及其特殊性变化。结果表明:① 研究区稻田规模长期稳定发展,但近年整体规模有所缩小,斑块破碎化趋势逐渐凸显。在2000年前稻田分布表现出同时向高、低海拔及微坡至急陡坡扩展,2000年后呈反向收缩趋势,种植强度呈相同的变化规律。② 研究区稻田核密度的空间分布,表现出小规模高密度集聚与大规模中低密度分布并存的格局。自2000年以来,两地稻田核密度以小幅变化为主,有明显的“东北-西南”向分布特性。③ 在生产用地导向阶段,大面积林地转为稻田;在生态-经济复合用地导向阶段,稻田规模保持稳定。④ 聚田比指数显示研究区“人多田少型”占比不断上升,这表明部分地区人地矛盾日渐凸显,以西江镇的变化最为强烈。⑤ 依据“林-田-村-河”四素同构的样带分析,稻田功能经历了“生产-生态、经济”的演变过程,与旅游业发展关系密切。研究结果较全面反映了研究区稻作梯田的时空演化特征,有助于促进山区传统稻田资源优化利用和保护传承,在一定程度上为乡村振兴发展提供借鉴。 相似文献
The cartography of land covers was used to study fertility and soil evolution in a mountainous Mediterranean area during the anthropocene period ( Crutzen P J 2002 Geology of mankind Nature 415 23). The aim was to determine changes in fertility as agricultural lands were abandoned in the 14 000 hectare area that constitutes Sant Llorenç del Munt Natural Park in a pre-coastal Catalan mountain range (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula). The analysis of land covers using vegetation maps, orthorectified images and aerial photography has allowed us to differentiate six vegetation groups: holm-oak wood, pine grove, oak wood, scrub, active agricultural fields and abandoned agricultural fields. The anthropic covers over the past 100 years were subdivided into five categories: active fields and those abandoned over four time periods. Study variables include field shape (concave, convex, flat), orientation (north, south) and slope (ranging from 12º to 24º). The parameters used for the physical-chemical soil analysis included organic material, phosphorous and potassium; fertility was classified based on groups, types and classes. The results indicate that even when the visual appearance of certain landscapes is similar, the edaphic characteristics may be very different. Changes induced by human disturbance share this phenomenon. Therefore, land management should be considered globally, taking into account vegetation, soils and water as interdependent factors, since it is their interaction that produces landscape and most affects its evolution over time. 相似文献
以产业转移和劳动力回流为主要特征的“双转移”是当前中国经济进入中速增长背景下一个新的发展趋势,是市场机制下产业和劳动力的理性选择。在此背景下,以河南周口市为案例地,通过实地调研和问卷访谈,分析了传统农区外出劳动力空间流向和回流意愿,重点对外出劳动力的回流动力、行为选择进行了调查分析,并从政府和制度层面提出回流地的规划响应。结果表明:①周口市外出劳动力回流意愿强烈,且有近期返乡的打算;②外出劳动力的回流动力呈现多元化,县城是除本村外回流劳动力居住和生活的重要空间选择;③就业机会、教育和医疗水平是外出劳动力回流最为关注的城镇吸引要素。最后,从地方政府和制度层面提出放权强县、促进“双转移”良性循环互动、公共服务设施均等化配置和推进土地户籍制度改革的规划响应措施。 相似文献
基于可持续生计的精准扶贫分析方法及应用研究——以四川凉山彝族自治州为例 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
可持续生计框架是辩证思考贫困的影响因素及其形成过程的理论总结,有助于对精准扶贫进行规范化和系统化的研究。本文以可持续生计框架为蓝本,构建基于可持续生计的精准扶贫分析框架,并从影响农户生计的内因和外因视角,讨论精准扶贫的多维贫困识别指数(MPII)的基本构成。以四川省凉山州作为案例区域,建立具有本土特色的MPII指标体系;识别出420户贫困户,其中80.48%(338户)的建档立卡户与识别结果重叠;与建档立卡农户相比,所识别贫困农户在各单个维度和综合维度都几乎处于更劣势的水平,识别效果更加精准。根据贫困原因的相似性,可将贫困农户划分为人力资本贫困型、基础型资本贫困型、社会资本贫困型、多维资本贫困型、生计环境恶劣型等五种类型,并针对不同的贫困类型提出相应的帮扶措施。 相似文献
土地利用规划环境影响评价指标与案例 总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15
土地利用规划环境影响评价,是针对土地利用的宏观结构调整与布局对环境与生态的可能影响作出的预测性评估。本文从生态保护、土地退化防治、耕地资源保障、建设用地增长的适度性与后效、耕地占补平衡的生态风险等5个方面,设计了11个指标用于预测和评估土地利用规划对环境、生态和土地资源的可能影响程度,并以《1997~2010年全国土地利用总体规划纲要》为案例进行了实际应用。结果表明,所提出的指标能较好的预估土地利用规划方案的实施对环境、生态和土地资源的潜在影响,为规避土地利用调整可能出现的不良环境与生态影响,提供有益的决策支持。 相似文献