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基于增量动力分析(IDA)的倒塌易损性分析方法是评估建筑结构抗地震倒塌能力的精细方法,但分析过程比较繁杂且非常费时。为了较快地评估建筑结构的抗地震倒塌能力,首先利用静力非线性(pushover)分析,获得结构倒塌能力的初步估计值aS*,然后将每个地面运动记录调整到aS*,对结构进行动力时程分析,记录结构的动力时程反应,利用IDA的思想得到结构的中值数倒塌谱强度?CTS。该方法与传统的增量动力分析方法相比较,可提高计算效率,计算精度也满足要求。  相似文献   

通信铁塔的地震易损性研究是通信系统震后灾害评估和预测的基础工作之一,但在以往的通信系统地震灾害评估研究中,这一工作被忽略了。在对北方某城市大量通信铁塔进行调研的基础上,选取了3个典型通信铁塔(50 m高四方塔、30 m高四方塔和50 m高单管塔)作为研究对象,采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了数值模型;通过对3个铁塔的静力推覆分析,得到了处于不同损伤状态下的损伤指标数值;通过增量动力分析,得到了3个通信铁塔的抗震性能和地震易损性曲线,为通信系统地震灾害评估和预测提供参考。  相似文献   

选择合适的地震动记录和地震动强度指标是结构地震易损性分析的基础。首先,分别以加速度反应谱Sa(T1)值和Sa(Teq)值为强度指标选取两组地震动记录各20条,并运用谱匹配方法对其进行基于目标设计谱的匹配;其次,输入匹配前后4组地震动记录分别对一个5层和一个11层钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构模型进行增量动力分析,进而分析谱匹配方法以及不同强度指标对最大层间位移角、结构地震易损性、最大残余层间位移角和抗倒塌储备系数的影响。分析结果表明:输入谱匹配后的两组地震动记录,结构地震易损性结果的离散性明显降低且各损伤状态下50%超越概率对应的谱加速度Sa(T1,5%)和Sa(Teq,5%)未发生明显偏差;随着结构损伤程度的增大,以Sa(Teq)为强度指标可以更有效地减小易损性分析结果的离散性;以抗倒塌储备系数为参考指标,Sa(T1,5%)作为...  相似文献   

钢材锈蚀会引起结构的抗震性能与刚度的退化。通过已有钢材锈蚀规律并考虑结构的随机性,将IDA、Pushover与蒙特卡洛抽样结合得到结构概率地震需求及概率抗震能力的统计参数并代入本文提出的地震易损性模型,得到结构在不同极限状态的易损性曲面。以15层3跨钢框架为例,利用建立的方法研究了结构易损性随服役年限的变化规律。研究成果可为结构的全寿命设计、既有结构的运营以及地震风险评估等提供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着对近场地震动研究上的深入,将地震近场效应影响纳入到结构的抗震设计的考虑范畴,已成为工程中的必须。为此,文中对近场脉冲地震作用下的多层RC框架结构的抗震问题进行了研究。首先参考我国抗震规范设计出设防烈度为8度、水平地震影响系数最大值αmax增大系数分别取1、1.25、1.5、1.75的四榀多层RC框架结构办公楼,并在OpenSees软件中,对4榀框架在近场水平脉冲地震下的抗震性能,进行了基于增量动力分析(IDA)的地震易损性分析与评价。分析结果表明:按照我国现规范、不考虑地震动近场效应设计出来的多层RC框架结构,在近场地震下的抗倒塌性能存在明显的不足;随着地震影响系数最大值增大系数的加大,框架结构的抗震性能有明显的提高,在设防烈度8度区,规范中规定的地震动影响系数最大值的增大系数偏小,将增大系数调整至1.75时所设计框架,能更好地抵御地震动近场脉冲效应;另外,在震中距分别为5~10 km和0~5 km的近场地震作用下,多层RC框架结构的抗震性能无明显的区别,因而,地震影响系数最大值的取值,不必按震中距5~10 km和0~5 km进行区分。  相似文献   

考虑到结构抵抗地震作用的机制为结构和地震动的不确定性与非线性相互耦合的过程,采用增量动力分析(IDA)考虑地震动的不确定性,选取16条地震动记录,基于OpenSEES的有限元建模理论对13榀平面RC框架结构进行基于IDA方法的地震易损性分析,分别讨论轴压比、高宽比、混凝土强度以及纵筋强度等结构参数对RC框架结构抗震性能的影响。结果表明:柱轴压比对结构抗震性能的影响显著,而高宽比对结构抗震性能的影响不明显;在保证柱轴压比相近的前提下,提高柱混凝土强度能够提升结构的抗震性能;相同地震作用下梁柱配置纵筋强度较高的框架结构达到立即使用(IO)状态和生命安全(LS)状态的概率较配置纵筋强度较低的大,配置纵筋强度较高的框架结构较配置纵筋强度较低的表现出更好的抗倒塌能力。  相似文献   

通过有限元方法进行非线性动力时程分析获取解析的易损性曲线,计算量大且耗时。本文采用一种简化的计算方法,即基于单自由度的等效线性化模型,对钢筋混凝土框架结构进行地震易损性分析,并研究了该方法在结构高度上的适用性。通过选用5种典型的等效线性化模型对3栋不同高度的钢筋混凝土框架结构进行增量动力分析(IDA),得到了不同高度的结构在不同强度地震作用下结构的反应和易损性,并与OpenSees程序的计算结果进行对比,研究了等效线性化模型应用于RC框架结构易损性分析在高度上的适用性。分析结果表明:对于10层及以下的框架结构,基于单自由度的等效线性化模型在结构地震易损性分析中具有较好的适用性;对于更高层数的结构,由于高阶振型反应对整体结构反应的影响增大,基于单自由度等效线性化模型的易损性分析结果会出现明显的偏差。  相似文献   

针对目前RC框架结构地震易损性分析中整体损伤模型研究的薄弱性以及广泛采用的层间位移角方法不能准确反应结构在地震作用下损伤机理的现状,本文基于现有损伤模型的对比分析,提出了一种较准确反映地震破坏机理同时便于应用的最大变形和滞回耗能非线性组合的双参数损伤模型。以8层RC框架结构为例,进行50条地震波作用下的结构增量动力分析,分别绘制了变形和能量2种单参数模型以及牛荻涛模型和本文模型两种双参数模型的结构损伤曲线与易损性曲线,并进行了模型的对比分析和检验评估。分析结果表明:仅以层间位移角作为结构整体损伤指标会高估结构的抗倒塌性能,仅以能量作为结构整体损伤指标会低估结构损伤的超越概率。本文模型能较好地平衡最大变形和累积损伤对结构损伤的影响程度。  相似文献   

机房是移动通信基站的重要组成部分,其地震易损性将决定基站在震后的功能状态,即基站所辖范围内的移动通信服务在震后是否可以正常使用。在对我国北方某市典型落地通信基站机房进行实地考察的基础上,确定了影响机房地震后使用功能的重要设施(即基站板房、内部走线架、通信机柜和蓄电池组);随后采用有限元软件ABAQUS分别建立了这些设施的数值模型,通过Pushover分析确定了每种设施的损伤模式、损伤水平评价指标及其数值;通过IDA分析得到了每种设施的抗震性能,并通过对IDA分析结果的统计得到了这些重要设施的地震易损性曲线;最后,给出了基于故障树模型的典型通信基站机房震后功能评估的方法。该工作将作为基本环节用于城市及地区移动通信系统的地震后功能状态评估与预测。  相似文献   

Simplified seismic sidesway collapse analysis of frame buildings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper presents the development and assessment of a simplified procedure for estimating the seismic sidesway collapse margin ratio of building structures. The proposed procedure is based on the development of a robust database of seismic peak displacement responses of nonlinear single‐degree‐of‐freedom systems for various seismic intensities and uses nonlinear static (pushover) analysis without the need for nonlinear time history dynamic analysis. The proposed simplified procedure is assessed by comparing its collapse capacity predictions on 72 different building structures with those obtained by nonlinear incremental dynamic analyses. The proposed simplified procedure offers a simple, yet efficient, computational/analytical tool that is capable of predicting collapse capacities with acceptable accuracy for a wide variety of frame building structures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土框架结构全过程pushover分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以往采用杆系模型对钢筋混凝土结构进行pushover分析时,杆端塑性铰所采用的力一变形关系模型中特征参数的计算是基于杆件的原始尺寸,且对变形的极限值(如极限曲率)没有加以限制,这种本构模型并不能完整地体现构件的受力全过程。本文首先采用数值计算方法分析了钢筋混凝土压弯构件保护层混凝土剥落后强度的变化以及箍筋约束作用对其强度和延性的影响。在此基础上,以一个预应力混凝土框架结构为例进行了全过程pushover分析。算例分析结果表明,这种分析方法能够更合理地反映结构从加载到破坏的整个受力过程。  相似文献   

Variation in the seismic collapse fragility of reinforced concrete frame buildings predicted using different ground motion (GM) selection methods is investigated in this paper. To simulate the structural collapse, a fiber‐element modelling approach with path‐dependent cyclic nonlinear material models that account for concrete confinement and crushing, reinforcement buckling as well as low cycle fatigue is used. The adopted fiber analysis approach has been found to reliably predict the loss in vertical load carrying capacity of structural components in addition to the sidesway mode of collapse due to destabilizing P–Δ moments at large inelastic deflections. Multiple stripe analysis is performed by conducting response history analyses at various hazard levels to generate the collapse fragility curves. To select GMs at various hazard levels, two alternatives of uniform hazard spectrum (UHS), conditional mean spectrum (CMS) and generalized conditional intensity measure (GCIM) are used. Collapse analyses are repeated based on structural periods corresponding to initial un‐cracked stiffness and cracked stiffness of the frame members. A return period‐based intensity measure is then introduced and applied in estimating collapse fragility of frame buildings. In line with the results of previous research, it is shown that the choice of structural period significantly affects the collapse fragility predictions. Among the GM selection methods used in this study, GCIM and CMS methods predict similar collapse fragilities for the case study building investigated herein, and UHS provides the most conservative prediction of the collapse capacity, with approximately 40% smaller median collapse capacity compared to the CMS method. The results confirm that collapse probability prediction of buildings using UHS offers a higher level of conservatism in comparison to the other selection methods. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

结构地震倒塌判别准则是工程结构强震分析的关键问题。在层损伤模型的基础上,建立了基于推覆分析的建筑结构整体损伤模型,并以国内某2层2跨平面钢框架结构拟静力试验为背景,应用有限元程序ABAQUS对平面钢框架进行了强震倒塌数值模拟。分析了钢框架结构的倒塌破坏过程,基于建议地震倒塌判别准则研究了钢框架结构的损伤演化规律。结果表明:钢框架结构在强震作用下的损伤发展顺序与塑性发展顺序一致;基于推覆分析的结构整体损伤模型能较好的体现强震作用下钢框架结构的损伤演化规律,且在上下界处收敛;强震作用下,钢框架结构的初始损伤主要由结构的残余侧移引起,而后期损伤主要由结构的承载力和刚度退化引起。  相似文献   

以墩顶漂移率为指标运用ABAQUS有限元软件对钢筋混凝土桥墩进行地震易损性分析。对钢筋混凝土桥墩模型进行精细网格划分,运用循环往复Pushover方法模拟钢筋混凝土桥墩破坏界限值,以此界限值为标准对轴压比为0.20、0.22、0.24、0.26和0.30钢筋混凝土桥墩进行增量动力分析(IDA)。研究结果表明:结构的破坏超越概率,随着轴压比的增大而增大;考虑钢筋混凝土桥墩延性抗震性能,设计轴压比不宜超过0.30;轴压比为0.24~0.26时,钢筋混凝土桥墩破坏概率增加不大,宜为合理的轴压比。  相似文献   

Unreinforced Masonry(URM) is the most common partitioning material in framed buildings in India and many other countries.Although it is well-known that under lateral loading the behavior and modes of failure of the frame buildings change significantly due to infill-frame interaction,the general design practice is to treat infills as nonstructural elements and their stiffness,strength and interaction with the frame is often ignored,primarily because of difficulties in simulation and lack of modeling guidelines in design codes.The Indian Standard,like many other national codes,does not provide explicit insight into the anticipated performance and associated vulnerability of infilled frames.This paper presents an analytical study on the seismic performance and fragility analysis of Indian code-designed RC frame buildings with and without URM infills.Infills are modeled as diagonal struts as per ASCE 41 guidelines and various modes of failure are considered.HAZUS methodology along with nonlinear static analysis is used to compare the seismic vulnerability of bare and infilled frames.The comparative study suggests that URM infills result in a significant increase in the seismic vulnerability of RC frames and their effect needs to be properly incorporated in design codes.  相似文献   

Decision models for the verification of seismic collapse safety of buildings are introduced. The derivations are based on the concept of the acceptable (target) annual probability of collapse, whereas the decision making involves comparisons between seismic demand and capacity, which is familiar to engineering practitioners. Seismic demand, which corresponds to the design seismic action associated with a selected return period, can be expressed either in terms of an intensity measure (IM) or an engineering demand parameter (EDP). Seismic capacity, on the other hand, is defined by dividing the near‐collapse limit‐state IM or EDP by an appropriate risk‐targeted safety factor (γ im or γ edp ), which is the only safety factor used in the proposed decision model. Consequently, the seismic performance assessment of a building should be based on the best possible estimate. For a case study, it is shown that if the target collapse risk is set to 10?4 (0.5% over a period of 50 years), and if the seismic demand corresponds to a return period of 475 years (10% over a period of 50 years), then it can be demonstrated that γ im is approximately equal to 2.5 for very stiff buildings, whereas for buildings with long periods the value of γ im can increase up to a value of approximately 5. The model using γ edp is equal to that using γ im only if it can be assumed that displacements, with consideration of nonlinear behavior, are equal to displacements from linear elastic analysis.  相似文献   

Risk‐based seismic design, as introduced in this paper, involves the use of different types of analysis in order to satisfy a risk‐based performance objective with a reasonable utilization rate and sufficient reliability. Differentiation of the reliability of design can be achieved by defining different design algorithms depending on the importance of a structure. In general, the proposed design is iterative, where the adjustment of a structure during iterations is the most challenging task. Rather than using automated design algorithms, an attempt has been made to introduce three simple guidelines for adjusting reinforced concrete frames in order to increase their strength and deformation capacity. It is shown that an engineer can design a reinforced concrete frame in a few iterations, for example, by adjusting the structure on the basis of pushover analysis and checking the final design by means of nonlinear dynamic analysis. A possible variant of the risk‐based design algorithm for the collapse safety of reinforced concrete frame buildings is proposed, and its application is demonstrated by means of an example of an eight‐storey reinforced concrete building. Four iterations were required in order to achieve the risk‐based performance objective with a reasonable utilization rate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于单地震动记录IDA方法的结构倒塌分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
增量动力分析(Incremental Dynamic Analysis, IDA)作为静力Pushover分析的动力拓展,可以全面、准确地分析结构的性能变化,尤其可以很好地分析结构倒塌这一动力失稳问题.本文基于单地震动记录的IDA方法,提出了"折半取中"原则,以确定结构倒塌极限状态点.以一榀五层三跨钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,分别考虑钢筋强化模型、理想弹塑性模型和软化模型,对其进行倒塌分析.结果表明:钢筋的屈服后强化特性对结构抗倒塌能力具有显著的影响.  相似文献   

Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis has become a popular tool during the last decade for the seismic assessment of buildings. Nevertheless, its main advantage of lower computational cost compared to nonlinear dynamic time‐history analysis (THA) is counter‐balanced by its inherent restriction to structures wherein the fundamental mode dominates the response. Extension of the pushover approach to consider higher modes effects has attracted attention, but such work has hitherto focused mainly on buildings, while corresponding work on bridges has been very limited. Hence, the aim of this study is to adapt the modal pushover analysis procedure for the assessment of bridges, and investigate its applicability in the case of an existing, long and curved, bridge, designed according to current seismic codes; this bridge is assessed using three nonlinear static analysis methods, as well as THA. Comparative evaluation of the calculated response of the bridge illustrates the applicability and potential of the modal pushover method for bridges, and quantifies its relative accuracy compared to that obtained through other inelastic methods. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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